Results for The Gathering 2007

Reason Fast Music
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       374     Malevolent                                      Cathedral of Failure
2       237     Erase, Evolve, Complete                         Kaktusen
3       170     Det er ogsŚ deg                                 edzes
4       161     Radnom Generator                                Soba Violence
5       116     Det er deg                                      Hoel
6       82      Noise_of spring                                 Tobias malmgren (MEBBOT)
7       79      th0maz0r                                        Thomas Bruun

Game Development
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       972     Wack-a-Geek                                     MooG
2       914     Dragon                                          q_Werty
3       813     Ender                                           Audun Wilhelmsen
4       681     Starchaser                                      Outracks
5       656     Knżrf, the fat owl.                             Nugu(GFX) and ShaDeFaDe(Code)
6       420     Sudokumonster                                   Stopher^PixelWerk
7       236     cnuSnake                                        CNU & aGor

Themed Graphics
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       983     Trouble at the Martian Spring Factory           Mulm
2       926     Lord of Life                                    Johan
3       844     Leaf is NOT amused                              marilla
4       408     Spring break                                    Nicolai R Tellefsen
5       335     Cyberspring                                     Julie M. R.żsok
6       315     Strange fruit                                   offwhite
7       222     TG in a box                                     Bjżrn Henrik Nilsen og Kay Frode Kristiansen
8       213     The Rose                                        Żyvind Berget
9       170     Genie In Love                                   Magnus Drogseth Erichsen

Freestyle Graphics
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       865     Just Google It                                  Mulm
2       818     GamingChick                                     Julie M. Rżsok
3       590     Abduction                                       Bjżrnar Frżyse (Volant)
4       554     Nokken                                          Bjżrn Henrik Nilsen
5       457     con-verge/nce                                   sr27
6       457     The Queen                                       Żyvind Berget
7       353     Abandoned                                       Hans-Petter Broz
8       273     Black Frost                                     Zeila
9       205     Queen of Leet                                   McKack
10      196     Tg desk andreas                                 glľrum
11      194     Amazon                                          Redpearl of Boozing Kupoz
12      156     Amy                                             THJ
13      149     TGTV                                            Marius Lund

Fast Intro
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       491     really fast believe me!!!!                      playpsyco vs mulm
2       454     Doktor Danseband                                Kvasigen
3       371     Kill Phil                                       Stressa Folk
4       295     PŚskekrabbe redder dagen...                     #1kb
5       287     Mr. Skull drar til TG                           JediBT & Friends
6       286     Dr Phil's Headcrab                              The Bonehead Project
7       258     Phil This                                       Lightcore
8       242     Stop It Kuping                                  Boozoz
9       168     Meccha Phil                                     Melis

Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       730     Alvenka                                         Magnus og Eivind
2       642     TG Terror                                       Martin Lżland
3       380     Mushroom Pants                                  Raisuddin Khan og Robin T. Sverd
4       272     Boyband                                         Odd Henning Nilsen (Lundheim FHS)
5       213     Gjemsel                                         GalFisk&friends
6       198     Wild Future                                     Fornax
7       188     Pixel                                           AmiDelf
8       185     Dance Dance Technotrance In France              we made all the mucik
9       183     True love at TG!                                Tha TG dirty crew: Jonas, Nicolai, Thomasz, Thomas, Rudi og Magnus
10      161     TG-Break                                        Ploggy & ThreepWood
11      160     The Gathering                                   Nicht Reale Eiscreme

High Quality Music
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       672     Commando                                        Kaktusen feat. Ras Steven
2       341     Tainted Red                                     flipside ft. According to Phillip
3       335     Remember This Day                               Andreas Skaarung aka edzes
4       284     KŚlormen Knut PŚ Nye Eventyr                    Athr0x
5       260     Thunderbirds                                    DFM feat. Lene Kokai
6       226     Stranded                                        Dimensioncrasher
7       179     Dirtytalk                                       emphi
8       145     Bittersweet Sheen                               DJ Gunsmith & ferrara / phObos team
9       141     ClubZone - Geneva ( TG 2007 edit )              Clubzone
10      131     Thinking Of You                                 THJ

Capture the spirit of TG07
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       418     Please Gather By The Stage                      jrp
2       384     Mamma                                           Anders Kolstad
3       357     Etter en uke uten jenter kan noen bli litt desperate    Sesse
4       334     v. 2.0                                          Kakemoms and BirdyBird of 1kb
5       300     Fit for CS                                      TomTom og Christian Jordanger
6       294     Gathering Water 07                              Dan Remi "Superdan" Eliassen
7       260     The power of TG                                 Expl0ding PC Cr3w
8       207     Sceneshow og lokal TG tid                       Kristoffer Nes Langemyhr
9       183     Sleep Puzzled?                                  Dogagon
10      178     Puzzle Solved                                   Jostein Skaar
11      141     Behave or get Banned                            Defrag
12      130     Finally beating the C64 Hollywood Poker Pro!    ferrara / phObos team
13      127     The young nerd pownes Mrs CA                    HŚkon Tverdal
14      115     The real Trym!                                  Jżrgen Elton Nilsen
15      109     Zzzz?                                           Stephan, Mariann
16      97      Devils game                                     Sigurd Flatnes With

Combined Demo
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       1115    gamma                                           outracks
2       1044    Zenit                                           Nesnausk!
3       705     Interphaze                                      Nazareth Creations
4       448     Sensible Shoes                                  Yaphan
5       319     Ice                                             Boozing Kupoz
6       219     Rairai                                          Next Year Productions
7       191     Geeks Gone Wild                                 Lightcore
8       190     Dead Man Dancing                                Tedohiedokdem
9       122     infamies                                        tufs
10      102     Tryggvification V                               Zokum, Timo, PolyJ

64K Intro
Place   Points  Title                                           Credit
1       1150    MupŽ                                            PlayPsyCo
2       874     Cubiform                                        Nazareth Creations
3       733     Pocketrocket                                    Boozing Kupoz
4       164     The 64k SCSI                                    SCSI