Riverwash 2007 Results

msx jingle
1 Traymuss - Addict^Futuris - Dance mission 15s - 42 pts
2 V0yager - Another day we pass away - 34 pts
3 Szudi^Amnesty - Sliwka w kompocie - 29 pts
4 JazzCat - Hemorrhoids Cream Advertisment - 27 pts
5 Yans^Decree - GoodBye_Autumn - 21 pts
6 Barzagli - Paniko! - 21 pts
7 Shyz^Nab - Rings - 20 pts
8 Xtense^C.O.D.E - Funk Explosion - 17 pts

msx newschool
1 Traymuss Addict^Futuris - Evolution - 47 pts
2 V0yager - Every day I feel constant background noise - 31 pts
3 JazzCat - Who is Tesla - 27 pts
4 Dospector - Electric Fighter - 24 pts
5 Szudi^Amnesty - Falling Galaxy - 23 pts
6 Count^tbd - Riverjazzed dnb - 17 pts
7 Shyz^NAB - We don't have any other choice - 16 pts
8 Lamb^Futuris^Marsmellow - The inmost thought of you - 16 pts
9 DiSSeNT - Ania wychodzi za Traymussa 20go Pazdziernika - 15 pts
10 Yans^Decree - Discotheque - 14 pts
11 NoHands - 13 - 11 pts
12 Xtense^C.O.D.E. - Rafa - 9 pts
13 Jakim Stage Magician - River Rag - 8 pts

msx oldschool
1 JazzCat - Antonio, Where is Your Dildo - 40 pts
2 AceMan - Jumping on the river - 35 pts
3 Traymuss^addict^futuris - Tequilla - 30 pts
4 Xtense^C.O.D.E - Lavar En El Rio - 23 pts
5 Kami68k - Reika - 15 pts
6 V-12^Tropyx - C64 - Troubled Moonrise - 12 pts
7 fegolhuzz Adhoc^Kakmonsterklubben - a tentacles testicle - 8 pts

msx chip
1 AceMan - Turn the current back! - 48 pts
2 V0yager - Wash your AY in da river - 43 pts
3 Surgeon^Vulture Design - c64 - Extreme Part One - 27 pts
4 fegolhuzz adhoc^kakmonsterklubben - Piles od Excrement - 24 pts
5 Klax^Tropyx - c64 - Joke 3 - 21 pts
6 Xtense^C.O.D.E - Remember Citadel - 19 pts
7 V-12^Tropyx - c64 - Inside - 19 pts

msx soundtracker 20th anniversary
1 AceMan - Piranha hunts - 49 pts
2 V0yager - ST-07D7 - 49 pts
3 JazzCat - Just a simple story - 30 pts
4 Yerzmyey - Trackers Forever - 29 pts

gfx 2d
1 slizgi - willow - 72 pts
2 rork - ice - 65 pts
3 rork - corporate slaves - 54 pts
4 darklight - wash me - 44 pts
5 Slayer - Rain Communion - 44 pts
6 azzaro - one thousand lullabies - 14 pts
7 Ant - Golden Arcs - 9 pts

gfx 3d
1 ubik - nameless - 38 pts
2 Biter -Kuraki - 33 pts

gfx oldschool
1 Slayer - Stars Die - 73 pts
2 skurwy - junkyard samurai - 41 pts
3 lolita - mrau - 16 pts
4 jsl - ninja - 14 pts
5 DiamonDie - Dances with the wolves - 14 pts

gfx photo
1 Szudi Amnesty - Drift of death - 67 pts
2 rork - water - 53 pts
3 gorzyga - bugluv signed - 41 pts
4 biter - asian american jazz - 38 pts
5 Messiah - zez - 36 pts
6 Traymuss - addict ^ futuris - hhau hhau - 35 pts
7 tymbark - metro - 26 pts
8 DiamonDie - Industrial Madness - 18 pts
9 azzaro - we live as we dream - 12 pts
10 Nulka - traymussowa - hmm - 11 pts
11 benny - rosiczka - 9 pts

1 yeahlon - vlad - 39 pts
2 DiamonDie - Riverwash - 22 pts
3 kami68k - solaire - 12 pts

kwit compo
1 zuza - wyjocie z progu - 84 pts
2 PSB - rl-to-chui - 55 pts
3 PSB - Kwit na Klapoucha - 45 pts
4 BBD - Smaczne Cipki - 42 pts
5 PSB - Milosc Polsko - (s)Finska - 34 pts
6 Mycyr - polej panie, polej - 31 pts
7 Hakon kocha BH90210 - 25 pts
8 Zielona Kitka - Pavulon Roxx - Silentriot-Mawi cisnie kreta - 22 pts
9 PSB - Nejebany polski koder treesome w lozku - 21 pts
10 PSB - Willy bucha z ucha - 18 pts
11 Bonzaj - azor lezy2 - 12 pts
12 Dreamweb - Kwit medyczny - 11 pts
13 PSB - Adam nie poddal Flanki - 10 pts
14 PSB - Marynarz Na Paszy - 9 pts
15 Bonzaj - azor lezy - 9 pts
16 PSB - Taniec z Gwiazdami - Zig (IO5, Warszawa 1998) - 8 pts
17 PSB - Kwit na tanczacego dagona i kolacza (sym04, poznan) - 8 pts
18 Mycyr - podanie Qixa - 8 pts
19 PSB - Zajechany Manager Biedronki (IO5, Warszawa 1998) - 7 pts
20 PSB - Grogon zre nalesniki Pepsona (IO5, Warszawa 1998) - 7 pts
21 PSB - Niepelnoletni Hakon (IO5, Warszawa 1998) - 6 pts
22 PSB - Znamy TEDEgo!!!!!!!!! - 5 pts
23 PSB - Kwit na Krwawa Jatke w Szymocicach - 3 pts

wild / anim
1 sptww - amimasturbacja - 41 pts
2 CSS - Kroczne Widmo - 36 pts
3 Ubik - reborn - 24 pts
4 Biter - Futuris - Scene rulez - 23 pts
5 PSB - RRR - 18 pts
6 Xtense - C.O.D.E. - dmvhell - 17 pts
7 Surgeon - Vulture Design - the story about the great commodore - 11 pts
8 az0! -Symphony 2003 disco feelin - 5 pts

newschool intro
1 Allien Senses - Quantum Chaos (4k) - 78 pts
2 Mae^Plastic - Imperfect Perfection (4k) - 46 pts
3 Digimind - UFO transmission (256 b) - 19 pts
4 Biter, Slice, Traymuss - Funky Psylocybin (64k) - 16 pts

old school demo
1 Wix - Yellow River - 46 pts
2 Tropyx - Gdzie jest Ssijlont? - 37 pts

newschool demo
1 Kiero + Ubik - Nameless - 67 pts
2 Anadune - 911 - 59 pts
3 DMA - minus (01) - 31 pts
4 Doctrine - Empirion - 25 pts