.. .. . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . ..
...An Official CrimSon Jihad Release...
. Held In Budapest, June 3-4 '2000. ...
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  Typed By DeToX - Crimson Jihad
  Sorry :( Only first 3.. Not Too Much... :()


  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      Razorback 64K           Reason
   2.      FireWorks 2K            NewWave

  4ch Music

  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      Cylinderheadcasket      Mao/Tina
   2.      Disinter Of Crow        Thomas
   3.      At The Dance            Zolee

  MultiCh Music

           Title                     Author

   1.      Frie Udempede Svingninger Loaderror
   2.      Rezgések                  CJ Pazso
   3.      Ben Theme                 Benson

  Pixel GFX

  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      Terminator              Emeric
   2.      Kristina                Brutal
   3.      Inkvizitor              Redman

  Trace/24 bit GFX

  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      Beach                   Willy
   2.      Field                   Makkos
   3.      UFO                     Willy

  Wild Demo

  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      CamoFlarge              BNS

  Lamer Compo

  Place    Title                   Author

   1.      MM Mocsok               W.A.T.T.