  __      |                                                        |
 /_/\  ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________  _ _/\_|______
 \_\/  \·    |     /_\______  /·   |    \_______   _ /    /_________    o/
  +:    \\   |    /    ______//          \     /   //    /    /    /   //
  :o     \_______/______|   /______|______\________/________ /________ /
  .·      |                        ¦                       \/      | \/
          |                                                        |
  .       | U   P   H   O   L   D        T   H   E       L   A   W |
          |                                                        |
 ______/\_|_______¦____    __________     _____     _____   _____ /\ _____
 \ _ o     _ /    |   ·\  /  ___    /    /    /____/o   /___\ _  /  \    /
  \//      \/          \\/    _____/    /    /    //   /\    \\ /    \  /
  /_________\_____|______\_______ /    /________ /____________\___/\___/
          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

    aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

                eNDzEiT wHQ (Amiga)  ·  dARkSidE wHQ (Amiga)

    aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

                sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

   aLieNDeSiGN wHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
         USR V.34+/x2 I-Modem       rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311          &&          +49-(0)30-44730312

           -----  nOw X2 aVAiLaBle  ------  nO RaTiOs !!!  -----

____(\·---- -------------------- ----  ---  -- - -     -        - 
      \)·          SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS <-> INSIDIOUS!

            y0000m - tHIS fILE pASSED oNE of tHE lAST! - yEZZZ!

                           NO TIME FOR CRITICISM            ·(\ ____
          -      -  - ---  --- -------- --- -------------------·\)

Official Apocalypse 2000 Party Results

              Official results from da Czech Amiga party

    _____________ ____ ______ __________ ____________________ ______
  _/     __/     \_   \_     \_     \_  \_  |  __/     \_    \_     \_ '2k
  \  _!_  |   :.  /.   /  |___/ _!_  /  _/ _|_  |   :.  / |___/  ____/
  |  ___  |   |   ||   |  |   | ___  |  |___    |   |   |__   |  ___)_
  |   |   |    .--'|   |  |   |  |   |  |   \   |    .--' |   |  |   |
  |   |   |    |       |      |  |   |      /   |    ||       |      |
  `---|   |----'-------'------'--^---'-----'|   |----'`-------'------'
      |  .: aP0C^LYPS@ `2k - hLA pR0DUCTi0N :.  !hLW

                      o R G A N i Z E D    b Y :

  .  . .   h  o  r  i  z  o  n  t  a  l     l  a  m  e  r  z   . .  .

       __/\                                           ___
   ___/   /_ .:. ____/\_____/\_____/\_.:.____________/  /___  ____
   \_   _  .:::::. _  _    _  \__   .:::::.__  _  \_   ___  \/   /
    / __/.:::::::::/ _/ __//  /_/ .::::::::/   /   / __/ _\  \_ /__/\
  _/  \   `:::::::/  \   \/  /   / `::::::/   /  _/  \   __   / \   \\
  \   /\__/ `:::' \_/ \  /\_/\_______`:::'\__/___\   /\__/ \_/_______/
   \_/        ~        \/              ~          \_/
                       h t t p : / / h o r i z o n t a l . z d e . c z

 .                                                                      .
 `                                                                      '

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\-    ASCII   -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

                             <no entries>

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- 4CH  MUSIC -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      46      3        audi12-r_traum             spektra/mwi+nah+vzy
 2      45      1        sonic galaxy               xball/bohema
 3      31      4        game title                 grogon/psl
 4      29      2        questions4amiga            tdm/hla
 5      21      6        plansza 1-gw               zayka/hybrid+plastic
 6      17      10       romantiq                   pep/marshals
 7      12      9        yesterday                  noro/atomic
 8      8       5        antichoke                  tzx/ptn+bohema
 9      5       7        nostradamovo huleni        jimi pow/hla
 9      5       8        chaoz triping              deli hc/hla

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- MCH  MUSIC -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      37      6        mixing up                  x-type/harvester
 2      25      11       flex motion doo            otton/bohema
 3      23      3        kenshi transe vers.        spektra/mwi+nah
 4      19      1        uni-formity                xball/bohema
 5      15      5        friends                    ars/tamm
 6      14      12       nuaa sau                   spektra/bohema
 7      11      9        symmetric                  substance/mwi
 8      10      17       valhalla                   claymore
 8      10      18       after rain                 pep/marshals
 9      9       2        in rain                    pofider
 9      9       8        gameaction1                grogon/psl
 10     8       4        mastiff-kanoo              otton/opti:evex+vzy
 10     8       7        czopiki i pepiki           slayer/apx+jazzcat/psl
 10     8       16       telefon                    franky
 11     6       13       feel strange               jimmi blunt/monar rec.
 12     4       14       progress nature            jimi pow/hla
 13     2       15       da ganjasmokers            deli hc/hla
 14     0       10       innerlogic                 teis/mwi

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      | -/\- 2D  GRAPHICS -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      84      6        sorry, i`m the be(a)st     slayer/appendix
 2      41      8        witch thoughts             fusko/mwi
 3      20      16       boat in water              drd/marshals
 4      15      7        kill themselves 447        pewex/psb
 5      9       9        go - sixty four!           broz tito/susy
 5      9       12       locked out girl            klocek/odb
 6      8       17       pani dromader z bliska     dromader/indep.
 7      7       5        i rather be elite          malmis/apathy+reason+void
 7      7       10       spence                     excremento/odb
 8      6       1        darklight blind justice    darklight/veezya+weeds
 9      5       11       embrions                   kaucjush/odb
 9      5       4        lizboa fassion             ooopure/nah+mwi
 10     4       14       meeting besidka            bumper/marshals
 11     3       3        zelenoocko                 speedy/harvester
 11     3       2        beach tunel                mot/harvester
 12     0       13       dark eye                   noro/atomic

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\-  TRACE   -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      77      5        pure morning               zoltan/mwi
 2      29      3        mining station             voicer/apathy+oldbulls
 3      26      12       drunkensaurus              titt/vertical syndicate
 4      22      8        pharmacy                   jupiter/marshals
 5      15      10       ph base                    wertexx
 6      14      9        sea theme                  fractal
 7      7       6        on the place               max/ablaze
 8      6       14       auto jacker                jack/akf
 9      4       15       marodi                     jerry/akf
 9      4       2        amiga power                pixie/hla
 10     3       11       jesus christ superant      mlha/shotek dezen
 10     3       7        eden                       ubik/apx+wpz+hvl
 11     0       13       pani dromader              dromader/indep.
 11     0       1        free mind                  stilgar/veezya+apathy

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- ANIMATIONS -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      39      3        lamps                      tim/indep.
 2      21      2        leave me out               max/ablaze
 3      18      5        imagine anim               titt/vertical syndicate
 4      11      4        egypt                      jerry/akf
 4      11      1        rentgen                    rat/unnamed

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      | -/\- PRESENTATIONS -/\-  |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _


                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- 64k  INTRO -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      88      4        ten                        vectors
 2      26      5        motion blur                horizontal lamerz
 3      7       2        radialblur                 harvester
 4      3       3        tchawica                   apathy
 5      1       1        incident                   breathe+oxygen

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\-   DEMO   -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 x      x       1        rage against the female    reason

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\- PPC DEMO -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

                              <no entries>

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |  -/\- CRAZY COMPO -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      20      3        blair witch                bad
 2      14      2        creasy2                    noro/atomic
 3      11      1        perversum mobile 2         odbyt design

    _ __________________________________________________________:_:__
   _ ___________________________________________________________|_|_ _ _
                                                                ¦ :hLW
             Some compos and this results will be placed at :   : :
                                                                : :
                  h t t p : / / a m i g a s c n e . o r g       . :
               if you have any question about this party,         .
                     please write to these e-mails:               :
      .                                                           .
      .             lahve@brandysnlab.cz (Lahve^RSN+hLA)
      :             dizzy@brandysnlab.cz (Dizzy^hLA)
      . .
      : .    please spread this sheet as much as possible!
      : :
      : :          See ya on da next Apocalypse 3 (maybe)
   _ _:_¦___________________________________________________________ _ _
    __|_|_________________________________________________________ _ _
      : ¦

               _ _  _                                  _  _ _
              /                                              \
             ·/(_____      sIMPLY t0 g00D f0R y0U!     _____)\·
            /                                                  \
                  <- THE L0S END0S BULLETIN B0ARD SYSTEM ->
            \   _____                                  _____   /
             ·\(           sIMPLY t0 fAST for y0U!          )/·
              \_ _  _                                  _  _ _/

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
 |__ _ |    |    |_\__.   \|   _|___  \___.   \|    |    ._\__.   \_ _ _\\
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 |      |____|____|    |\_______/¯   ¯\_______/|____|    |\____/\____/¯  |
 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-44730311               +49-(0)30-44730312          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org