Results form compos at Pool Position'98 Pixel Yasmen / Nam Nam 47 Shadow in the Night / thy pyroo 10 concrete / Mind 5 ***************** Raytrace Velvet / Glazer 26 Stenborg / ?? 11 spacecraft / Svinsten 6 ***************** Music Life on Planet Earth / Gemini 11 Hyperflux / doze 6 <noname> / Echo 5 ***************** PCDemo Deehood / Extreme Command 22 GAZH / X-Zone 5 Big in Japan / BOAR 4 ***************** AmigaDemo methylparabentherebirthavfluroo / Fluroo ***************** PC 64k Hydrostation 3 / Hostile Bitches 11 Port 1o1 / Extreme Command 4 AntWar / Hoop TiC Tribal 3 ***************** Amiga 64k Too much haschish / Hostile Bitches 7 Flobb / Fluroo 3 Phonk town / Phonk boyz 2 ***************** PC 4k INGA BIDRAG! ***************** Amiga 4k Ghetto Nightmare / Hostile Bitches ***************** FastIntro Dover...öh / Basic Boys 29 to fast 4 u / K2 16 De tre stockarna Bruse / Stock United 4 ***************** Wild! Future MESK trance / eV0L vISKos 9 The dark aliens / T. Rider Spark Pilatus 8 Tribute to Thiessen / Män i cyckel byxor 7 Only the first three in every competition is show in this text. Later folks! Pool-Crew vote / web pet / deuterium