
!!! Not fake, not preliminary, just final resultsa !!!


 1. Reptile of Mortal Team  [megnyerte a Zsolt nev– partygiliszt t]
 2. Raiden of Mortal Team
 3. Goro of Mortal Team     [pedig n‚gy keze van!]

 64K Wild Demo:

 1. Shock!:        V‚res Darazsak      - 12 votes
 2. TRSI Records:  State Of The Art 2. - 4 votes  [5th party, where released!!]
 3. Firg:          Bzmot Ugat          - 1 vote

 Rombol skompo

 1. Firg:          V rosh za      - -100 votes, n‚pfelkel‚s [!]
 2. Firg:          Italbolt       - -40 votes
 3. Genesis/Shock!:Partyplace     - disqualkifiend, minekrombol ez partyplacet?


 1. Blala/Byteam   [No, just joke]
 1. Bzmot/Firg     [Persze... Minndenkit megharapott, igy konny–!]
 2. Raider/Tdsca   [Ennek meg k‚se volt, de a Bzmot akkoris megharapta]


 1. Kal/Astroidead     - Id“s n‚ni 2.     - 10 votes
 2. Ward/Enlighetnem   - Lev gott v‚resAlien  - 9 votes
 3. Rendall/Astroidead - Ey Eof Me Lan    - 1 vote (who could it be?)
 4. BaRack/Majic 3.14  - Nagy PhotoShop Trutyi - no votes [ki nem tud ilyet?]

 2 Channel Musiccompo:

 1. Tsc/KKKKK          - Mindraper 4 [szinvonal, az van]
 2. Dfj/Di-nasty       - Me, Adonis
 3. Tarr/Firg          - Ballad of Mr. Ballom               

 .BAT compo

 1. FaxWood/Majic 3.14 - 'autoexec.bat'       [brilliant koding!!]
 2. Ionic/AStronauta   - 'kicsomagol.bat'     [kool pipelining]
 3. Alma/Grif [mi??]   - 'start.bat'


 1. Bat/Trackor           - Vigyorg¢ Gyerek
 2. Thunderman/TDSCA      - TDSCA logo 38.
 3. St. Stofi/KOALA medve - Medvelogo.ans

 Multichannel 669, FAR, ULT compo

 1. Mega Antal / Ex Byteam - Composed by a Hour
 2. DeansDalaiLama/Shoque! - Near Beneath a Chrome-Dioxide Sky
 3. Illegal/Lemar          - Send me More Short Angels!


 1. Elektron: B£v rkod s           [ Techo zene, gyors, v¡zeffekten bugos fong]
 2. Kev‚sc!: Komplex Idegen llam [ object-csere, 3 hours running length on P6]
 3. Pormise: Dem¢ t”rt‚nettel, humor‚rz‚kkel meg ldottaknak
 4. MezeYsoft: QuickBasq 2.


 1. Kapa-na!: Tastes Like a State 808     [More sock! fuckery, woww!]
 2. Remegakezem: X-Fing
 3. Morgan+Tam s: 1111112011

 64K Compo Intro :

 1. Pupu & Hanksz & Pro Productions: Halcyon ut nzat intr¢  [ugr l is!! r ngat!]
 2. Lemar: We're Geniusok [5500K !!]    [majdnem diskvalified, de fizettek..]
 3. Hullarabl¢k: We know Woland!
 4. Firg: M‚g t”bb madarak...           [unofficial winer!]
 -. Byteam: Mi‚rt Ment‚l el Megant? 

 [De nem indult el, becoz of Incompatibility! ]

Drug-Selling COmpo:    [ Heroincompo ]

 1. Raider/TDSCA    - 4.8 kg            [ COOL! CHEAP! RULES!]
 2. Antforce/NIL    - 3.2 kg
 3. Bano/Relative   - 1.2 kg

 4k introcompo

 1. Mikrobi/Uniqyue Pc: R”vid Bump Sakkmeccs
 2. Balala/Byteam: Microscope
 3. Greg/rv¡z: 80 Mbyte of dancing women

 Alv scompo:

 There nobody indult? De who is so hlye, hogy egy FIGR-partyn sleepjen??!

- thats'was all, cya at firgering 98 or at hungaroring'97 -

- The Organizass -