demoj087 15/04/2000 subscribers: 360 this week question of the week: Will the mekka results be fair? Or atleast not tweaked with? last week question of the week and reactions: > What is the listing of your typical 10 demos/intros viewing marathon? There is no typical marathon, but I\'ll try to remember what we (hmm hmm) watched last time when spending a nice ordinary evening at my place. Orange: Deesbab Doomsday: Stigma Halcyon: From My Heart Sunflower: Zilog Hellcore: Bakkslide 7 Kooma: Ro Bott Halcyon: Hplus COMA: Punishment^X TPOLM: Intro MFX: Within Minutes -melwyn my trip : /* starting on msdos */ 1: te2rb 2: bakkslide 7 /* after 2 demos the monitor is hot enough, i can see colors */ 3: square 4: the fulcrum 5: 73 million seconds 6: megablast (crash at the end , reboot button pressed) /* starting windows */ 7: codename chinadoll 8: xtal2 9: kkowboy 10: moral hard candy -flod 1. Vivid Experiment / DSD (best ever) 2. Boost / DSD (going on with Doomsday :-) ) 3. Genocyd / GMF (boost the bass and get the room dark, feeling strongly demo-ish) 4. Second Reality / FC (classic, always nice to watch) 5. Toasted / Cubic Team & $een (nice surround fx) 6. Machines of Madness / Dubius (psychodelic quick fix) 7. Dope / Complex (brought Snowman to tears once, and I can understand that) 8. Control / Coma (Virne Groo Apatia at their best) 9. Nature / Vertigo (fall into ambient mood) 10. Pureness / Waterlogic (chill zone) 11. Vivid Experiment once again... :) -RdX i think that this forum think is a good idea. i only wonder how many people won't talk crap :) (like i do) -tryhuk Latest these have been seen: 1. Komplex - dozen 2. Replay - Inseks 3. SunFlower - Wonder 4. State of Mind - BOMB 5. Blocc - disco 6. Razor 1911 - Mindstammer 7. Blasphemy - Moral Hard Candy 8. TSL - Hardwired (Amiga) 9. SpaceBalls - Wayfarer (Amiga) -Cruxi(u)s 1.tac2 (easy to find on my hd, windows) 2.sydamen ajatuksia (same directory) 3.fukwit daddy (more finish haujobb stuff) 4.gcube (64k intros rule:) 5.planet subotnik (because it looks like a 64k intro) 6.zilog (still rules) 7.moral hard candy (no 3dacc yet) 7.kasparov (after hiding the 3dfx dlls!) 8.codename chinadoll (crashes. nice soundtrack though:) 9.getting tired. these demos and intros are neither my favourites, nor is this a typical demotrip. i used to have one long ago when the newest demo i had was venus by fudge (but my typical demos were toasted/cubic$een and the saturne96 demos). discussion forums suck if there is no restriction by a human editor, i.e. freedom of opinion is okay, but some opinions suck and should be kept off the public for reading. (just kidding. i mean that it would suck to publish EVERY shit that people say. there must be a restriction that seperates interesting points from pointless flames. this for example is serious, yet not interesting. the first paragraph is pointless, yet not a flame..) [editor: i will not publish any insults and/or stupid comments and try to remain neutral overall..] Interesting question. My demomarathon would consist, only of DOS or only of Windows demos, because it's must be boring to reboot to windows, to continue my demo marathon, so it's DOS demos, cause 99,9% the demos I have in my HD. This must be my most typical, it changes from time to time: 1)Boost/Doomsday 2)Elektroniks/Doomsday Continued maybe with Vivid experiment/Doomsday, and I wish I could check right now the tree of my demos directory on my main computer. Maybe some older demos like Second Reality, Verses then some other demos I don't remember now,. (Hmm,.. Sunflower, Groovy, Hyperventilation, anyway..) >From intros also Lasse Reinbong, some intros with good music, and my list ends with.. n)Despair/Iguana Demo marathon? Nice. I should check in my home my demofolder to write down my real one dm.. -Optimus Perhaps you know the German book "pc underground"... I wanted to watch every demo on the cd delivered with it. Demos like "second reality" which ran without problems, and demos like "optic nerve", which I wasn't able to run. I spent two days (of my holidays) on that cd... Anyway, since I only borrowed PC-U, I can't tell you exactly which demos I saw back then. -Malte [editor: the point of all this is not to just ramble and brag about yourself, the point is to show new or unnoticed things that are hidden on demoscene as a whole. News get old and no one will re-read old news, thus the importance of a question of the week, to see what sceners really kept on their mind, what is really good out of all the stuff released. Any question of the week suggestions would be great btw] news: Park (new music group) just released their first ep, entitled MELANCHOLIK EP with music by a-move, velvet, falcon and netpoet. Planet chartsmag #1 is out. Grab it and fill in voteform for #2. Gravity was announced officially as beeing held on early september (not october like it was posted in some places by mistake). so expect it on either 1-3 sept or 8-10 sept weekends. upcoming demoparties: Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2000 France Ukonx 2000 Apr 19 - Apr 23, 2000 Norway The Gathering 1900 Apr 21 - Apr 24, 2000 Germany Mekka Symposium 2k Apr 21 - Apr 23, 2000 Sweden Birdie 2k Apr 21 - Apr 23, 2000 France The meeting 2000 Apr 28 - Apr 30, 2000 France Far West 2 May 06 - May 07, 2000 Russia Parodox 2000 May 12 - May 14, 2000 Finland Escape 2k May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 May ?? - May ??, 2000 Germany Dialogos 2000 May ?? - May ??, 2000 Poland Astrosyn 2000 <canceled?> Jun 16 - Jun 18, 2000 Holland Takeover 2000 Jun 29 - Jul 02, 2000 Sweden Remedy 2000 Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 France VIP 2 Jul 14 - Jul 16, 2000 Belgium Inscene 2000 Jul ?? - Jul ??, 2000 Finland Proxy 1886 Jul 19 - Jul 22, 2000 Denmark Summer encounter 2k Jul 28 - Jul 30, 2000 Sweden Little comp. people Aug 04 - Aug 06, 2000 France Ze meeting 2000 Aug 03 - Aug 06, 2000 Finland Assembly 2000 Aug 11 - Aug 13, 2000 Swiss Buenzli #9 Aug 19 - Aug 20, 2000 Russia Chaos Const. 2000 Aug 25 - Aug 27, 2000 France LTP 4 Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Canada Coma 2 Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Poland Gravity 2000 Aug 31 - Sep 03, 2000 France aRTS Y2K Oct ?? - Oct ??, 2000 Finland lobotomia Nov 03 - Nov 05, 2000 France Millenium Party 2K Nov 03 - Nov 05, 2000 Belgium 2-THOUSAND Dec 15 - Dec 17, 2000 Holland ST News ICCC 2000 -------- to unsubscribe mail subject: unsubscribe visit for demoscene links and backissues mail for anything else