Begin3 Title: mode Version: 2015-11-25a Entered-date: 2016-02-27 Description: Set the mode of your devices Summary: Set the mode of your devices:|- send ESC/P control codes for 80/132 cols and 6/8 lpi to printer|- redirect printer to NUL or serial port|- set serial port parameters|- do codepage operations and display status of DISPLAY|- select 40/80/132x25/28/43/50/60 screen mode or select x8/14/16 font, availability depending on your hardware. Shift CGA display sideways.|- control and check switchar and keyboard (num/...) lock states|- control keyboard repeat rate and delay Keywords: freedos, mode, display Author: K. Heidenstrom <>, Eric Auer <> Maintained-by: Eric Auer eric(#) defunct-Primary-site: Mirror-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: GNU General Public License, Version 2 Wiki-site: Defunct-Original-Site: Defunct-Primary-Site: Modified-date: 2025-01-01.0 Group: base CRC: e23755f4 MD5: f5c09fb205a74e80e382fa3466f4ebf4 SHA: 2505b84c663c1c311fdf974c6cb0a8d13fafe578182ad442c0e9f3da96b45d7f End