*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/base' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:06 2022

ambhelp 0.1d - FreeDOS help files in AMB format
append 5.0-0.6a - Access files as if in the current dir
assign 1.4a - Assign a new letter to a drive
attrib 2.1a - Display and set file attributes
chkdsk beta 0.9.2 (rev A) - Check the disk for errors
choice 4.4a - Present a choice and wait
comp 1.04a - Compare files and display differences
cpidos 3.0a - DISPLAY-type DOS codepages
ctmouse 2.1b4 - The FreeDOS mouse driver
debug 1.28pre1 - Program testing and editing tool
defrag 1.3.2a - Disk defragmentation utility
deltree 1.02g.mrlg (rev A) - Delete files and directories
devload 3.25a - Load device drivers from the command line
diskcomp 06jun2003 (rev A) - Disk comparing utility
diskcopy beta 0.95 (rev A) - Copy one disk or image file to another
display 0.13d - Driver for codepage management
edit 0.9b - The FreeDOS text editor
edlin 2.19 - The FreeDOS standard line editor
exe2bin 1.5a - Convert an exe file to bin format
fc 3.03a - File compare utility
fdapm 2009sep11 (rev A) - Advanced power management utility
fdhelper 1.3.5 - Batch files to perform various tasks
fdisk 1.3.4a - Fixed disk partition tool
fdxms 0.94.Bananas (rev A) - Replacement XMS driver for '386 systems or better
fdxms286 0.03.Temperaments (rev A) - Replacement XMS driver for '286 systems or better.
find 3.0b LFN (rev A) - Search for files that contain a string
format 0.91x - Disk formatting program
freecom 0.85a - The FreeDOS Command Shell
graphics 2008-07-14a - Allows PrtScr to print graphics screens
himemx 3.36-1 - HimemX is a XMS memory manager derived from FreeDOS Himem.
htmlhelp 1.0.8b - FreeDOS help files in HTML format
jemm 5.81 - Jemm386 is an Expanded Memory Manager
kernel 2043 - The FreeDOS Kernel
keyb 2.01a - A BIOS level international keyboard driver
label 1.5 - Set or change the disk volume label
lbacache 2009feb06 - Disk cache for drives and floppies
mem 1.12 - Display used and free memory in your system
mirror 0.2a - Records disk information for possible data recovery
mkeyb 0.46 - A very small keyboard driver
mode 2015-11-25a - Set the mode of your devices
more 4.3a - Display a text file or program output one page at a time
move 3.3b - Move files from one location to another
nansi 4.0d (2007may26) - An ANSI driver for DOS
nlsfunc 0.4a - Add NLS for some supported programs
print 1.02.ea (rev A) - Print files in the background
recover 0.1 (BETA) (rev A) - Recover disks or lost files
replace 1.2a - Replaces files in a destination directory
samcfg 20110719a - Sample configuration files
share 08/2006a - File sharing and locking capabilities
shsucdx 3.08a - CD-ROM and DVD-ROM extender
sort 1.5.1a - Sort the contents of a text file
swsubst 3.2a - SUBST and JOIN
tree 3.7.2a - Displays the folder structure of a drive or path
undelete 2008a - Undelete erased files on FAT16/32 file systems
unformat 0.8a - Unformat an accidentally formatted disk
xcopy 1.4a - Copies files and directory trees

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/apps' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:06 2022

dn2 2.14 beta (rev A) - File manager that supports a variety of features
doszip 2.63 - LFN-aware file manager with built-in (un)zipper.
fdimples 0.11.5 - Easily install and remove packages
fdshell 0.10beta (rev B) - DOSSHELL graphical user interface
fdtui 0.8 - Text User Interface Shell for FreeDOS
grafx2 2.2 - A graphics editor
imgedit 2022-02-10 alpha - Simple pixel editor mostly for creating graphics for the Danger Engine
pgme 2022-02-08 - A multi-menu application launcher
sqlite 3.5.6a - An Embeddable SQL Database Engine

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/archiver' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:06 2022

7zdec 17.00 beta (rev A) - Standalone decompressor for 7-Zip archives
arj 2.78a - The open-source ARJ archiver
bz2 1.0.8a - BZIP2 compression program
cabext 1.8a - Extract files from a variety of CAB formats
gzip 1.2.4a - GZip compression program
lpq1 2a - A file compressor and archiver
lzip 1.9a - A data compressor based on the LZMA
lzma 4.32.7a - Works with .lzma compressed files
lzop 0.96a - A compressor similar to gzip
p7zip 4.65a - P7ZIP is a quick port of 7za.exe
slicer 0.24 (BETA) - Archive utility to categorize/split
tar 1.12a - A tape archiver
unzip 6.00a - A file decompression tool, like PKUNZIP
zip 3.0 - A file archiver tool, like PKZIP
zoo 2.1a - Manipulate zoo archives

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/boot' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:06 2022

romdsk 1.1a - Toolkit to allow DOS to boot off ROM
romos 1.00a - Boot from external ROM or system BIOS without disks
syslnx 4.05a - Syslinux bootloader collection

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/devel' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:06 2022

bcc 0.16.10a - Simple C compiler that produces 8086 assembler for tiny/small models.
bwbasic 3.20b - The Bywater BASIC interpreter
cpp2ccmt 0.5a - C++ to C comment converter
djgpp 2.03a - DJGPP environment
djgpp_bn 2.21.1a - DJGPP binutils: linker, assembler, etc.
djgpp_bs 2.4.1a - DJGPP Bison (a parser generator that is compatible with YACC)
djgpp_db 7.5a - DJGPP Debugger (GDB)
djgpp_fq 2.30a - DJGPP FAQ documentation
djgpp_fx 2.5.4a - DJGPP Flex (fast lexical analyzer generator)
djgpp_gc 4.71a - DJGPP GCC (C compiler)
djgpp_gp 4.71a - DJGPP GPP (C++ compiler)
djgpp_mk 3.79.1a - DJGPP make
djgpp_ob 4.71a - DJGPP Objective-C compiler
djgpp_rh 1.5a - DJGPP RHIDE editor
djgpp_tx 4.12a - DJGPP Texinfo (info file viewer)
dojs 1.8.0 - JavaScript canvas with sound support
euphoria 3.2.1 - The Euphoria interpreter/compiler
fasm 1.73.29 - Fast but powerful 80x86 assembler
fbc 1.07.1a - FreeBASIC, a 32-bit BASIC compiler
fbc_help 1.07.1a - Help system for the FreeBASIC compiler
fpc 3.2.2 - Pascal compiler supporting Turbo and Delphi dialects. (Portions require LFN Support)
i16budoc 2.32.0-20190928.13a - Documentation for GNU binary utilities for ia16-elf target
i16butil 2.32.0-20190928.13a - GNU binary utilities, for ia16-elf target (on DJGPP host)
i16elklc 0.3.0-20200320.15a - Native libc for ELKS OS, for cross-compiling with GCC IA-16
i16gcc 6.3.0-20200307.16a - GNU C compiler for ia16-elf target (on 32-bit DJGPP host)
i16gcdoc 6.3.0-20200307.16a - Documentation for GNU C compiler for ia16-elf target
i16lbi86 20200321.0a - Non-standard C library routines, for use with IA-16 GCC
i16newli 2.4.0-20200215a - C library and math library, for ia16-elf target
i16nlelk 2.4.0-20191005a - Libraries to build ELKS OS programs with GCC IA-16 and Newlib
i16src 2020-03-21a - IA-16 GCC toolchain sources
insight 1.24a - Real-mode DOS 16-bit debugger
jwasm 2.14a - JWasm is a free MASM-compatible assembler
kittenc 2021-08-01 - Catgets/kittengets compatible resource compiler
ldebug release 4 - A debugger based on FreeDOS Debug
lua 5.2.2a - Lua is an embeddable scripting language
msa 1.0.12a - An x86 assembler
nasm 2.15.05a - The Netwide Assembler (NASM)
perl 5.8.8a - A programming language combining some features of C, sed, awk and shell
regina 3.7a - Port of Regina Rexx interpreter
runtime 2.1c - Times the execution of a program
suppls pre-release v2.7 (rev A) - An entire library of useful functions
tinyasm 2020-11-27a - A small assembler for 8086/8088 programs
tppatch 1996-12-27a - Patching tool for RUNTIME 200 bug in programs compiled with Turbo Pascal.
upx 3.96a - High-performance executable packer
watcomc 1.9 - Open Watcom C/C++ compiler
watcomf 1.9 - Open Watcom Fortran compiler

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/drivers' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:08 2022

cdrcache 2004-05-13a - Caches reads for a drive
doslfn 0.41e - Provides the long filename (LFN) API
gcdrom 2.4b - SATA native IDE CD/DVD-ROM driver
himemsx 3.54 - Fork of HimemX supporting over 4GB of memory
hiram 1.9a - Upper Memory (UMB) Extender
lfndos 1.06a - Provides  long filename support
lptdrv 0.7a - A tool to control LPT-attached devices manually or on a time basis
ntfs 30Mar2001 (rev A) - Enables access to NTFS partitions
rdisk 2015-03-05d - Driver to create a RAM-disk up to 2 GB
shareext 2.0a - Share Extender
shsufdrv 1.02a - Driver for floppy and hard disk images
spool 2.2a - Spools file printing in the background
srdisk 2.09d - Resizable RAM disk
udvd2 2015-03-05d - CD/DVD UltraDMA device driver
uhdd 2021-10-30 - Hard disk/SSD caching driver
uide 2020-07-07a - General-purpose caching driver for DOS
usbdos 2010-01-30a - Collection of drivers, for UHCI (USB)
xkeyb 1.15a - International Keyboard driver support
xmgr 2015-03-05b - XMGR is an XMS manager which handles up to 4-GB of RAM and supports V3.70+ UMBPCI

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/edit' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:08 2022

biew 6.10a - Biew is a binary/hexadecimal editor
blocek 1.62r2 - A graphical text editor with Unicode and picture formats support
doshexed 1.2g - Hex editor and viewer
e3 2.7.1a - A mini text editor with both 32 and 16bit version
elvis 2.2a - A version of vi/ex, the Unix editor
fed 2.24c - A folding text editor with color syntax highlighting and more
mbedit 8.64a - Full screen text editor with macro option
mined 2015.25a - Text editor with Unicode and CJK support
msedit 0.11a - Mateusz' Saucy Editor
ospedit 2.1.1a - A friendly text editor for DOS
pico 3.96a - Text editor in the style of the Pine Composer
setedit 0.5.4a - A programmer's editor for DJGPP, similar to BC++ IDE and RHIDE
tde 5.1w - A simple, binary and text file editor
uhex 1.0.4a - uHex is a simple and fast hex editor
vim 7.3a - Improved version of the "vi" editor

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/emulator' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:08 2022

frotz 2.43a - An interpreter for Infocom games and other Z-machine games.
magnetic 2.3a - An interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls adventures.
meka 0.70a - MEKA is a Multi machine emulator.
mines 0.96a - MiNES is an editor for iNES ROMS.
nosefart 1.92a - NSF player (NES music player)
simcoupe 1.0a - A SAM Coupe Emulator.
sneese 0.853c - SNEeSe is a Super NintEndo Entertainment System Emulator.
vice 2.2a - Versatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator, emulates C64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II.
z26 1.58a - An Atari 2600 Emulator
zboy 0.60a - GameBoy classic emulator
zsnes 1.51a - A Super Nintendo emulator

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/games' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:08 2022

blkdrop v0.1 - A falling block game
bolitare 0.62b - A Freecell card game
boom 2.02a - A GPL port of the Doom source code
dosdef 1.00a - DOS Defender is an x86 real mode 2D shooter
eliza 1.01a - One of the earliest AI chatterbots
empong 0.91a - A clone of the good old "Pong" game
ev4de 1.2a - Fly a ship through space and avoid asteroids
ewsnake 0.5a - A version of the classic snake game
flpybird 1.0a - Fly a bird through obstacles by tapping the spacebar on your keyboard.
fmines 1.00 - Minesweeper-like game with themes
freedoom 3.30b - Doom source port derived from MBF and Boom
gnuchess 4.0 patch 60 (rev A) - GNU Chess is a communal chess program
hangman 1.05b - Multilingual hangman
ivan 0.50a - A graphical rogue-like game
kraptor Apr_2004 (rev A) - Open-source Raptor-like game with several levels
liquiwar 5.6.3a - A unique multiplayer wargame
mirmagic 2.0.2a - An arcade style game like "Deflektor"
mistral 1.0 - Espionage-themed turn-based retro RPG
nethack 3.4.3a - Single player dungeon exploration game
nge_nibb 0.1.0a - Version of the classic snake game
noudar 1.2 - A first person 2.5D dungeon-crawler
psrinvad 1.1j - Space Invaders game clone
qtetris 1.4.1a - A clone of the TETRIS game, and tribute to the band Queen
sayswho v0.1 - A simple memory game.
senet 1.0a - A very old game, dating back to ancient Egypt
smiley 2021-11-10 alpha - A simple Pong-style game
sudoku86 1.0.3a - A 16-bit Sudoku game for 8086/8088 CPUs
vertigo 0.26a - Flight simulator that focuses on realism of the flight model
vitetris 0.55a - A terminal-based Tetris clone
wing 0.7a - A Galaga-like space shooter
zmiy 0.85.2a - A snake game for DOS and 8086

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/gui' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:08 2022

opengem 7-RC3a (rev A) - Non-multitasking graphical user interface
ozonegui - oZone Desktop environment
seal 2.0.11a - A 32-bit graphical user interface (GUI) for DOS

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/net' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:09 2022

arachne 1.99 - Web browser for both 8086 and i386
crynwr 2006-09-02c - Collection of free packet drivers
curl 7.77.0 - Command line tool for transferring data
dillo 3.0p9a (rev B) - Web browser known for its speed and small footprint
dwol 1.0a - Compute and send "wake-on-lan" packets
e1000pkt February 1, 2007 (rev A) - Packet driver for Intel(R) PRO/1000
e100pkt 0.2a - Packet driver for DOS
etherdfs 0.8.2a - Ethernet DOS file system
ethtools 8feb2010 (rev A) - Diagnostic tools for ethernet networks
fdnet 2022-01-11 - Basic networking support package
gopherus 1.2.1 - Console-mode gopher client
htget 1.06a - Download files from HTTP servers
links 2.26 - A Lynx-like text and graphics WWW browser
lsppp 1.0 - A small DOS PPP packet driver
lynx 2.9.0-dev.10r2 - Lynx text and graphics WWW browser
m2wat 0.1a - Transfer the settings from MTCP to WATTCP
mskermit 3.16a - Communications suite to transfer files between computers
mtcp 2020-03-07 - A collection of TCP/IP tools
newsnuz 0.98a - Usenet (NNTP) reader based on WatTCP
ntool 1.5a - An incarnation of the famous program NETCAT
picosntp 0.9.1a - SNTP client for DOS, based on picoTCP
picotcp 20151119a - picoTCP networking stack and tools
ping 2.2a - The ping internet diagnostic tool.
rsync 2.2.5a - Synchronizes files and directories
ssh2dos 0.2.1a - SSH client for SSH protocol v. 2.0
sshdos 0.95a - SSH client for DOS
terminal 3.2a - A tiny VT100/ANSI terminal
vmsmount 0.5c - Redirector to mount VMware shared folders
vncview 3.3.7a - VNC viewer for 8086+, based on Xvncviewer
wattcp 2016-05-19a - WATTCP
wget 1.11.2a - The non-interactive network downloader

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/sound' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:09 2022

adplay 1.6b - Multiple format music player using OPL2/3 audio
bladeenc 0.94.1a - Generate MP3 files from WAV/AIFF/RAW
cdp A4 (rev A) - The command line driven audio CD player
dosmid 0.9.5a - MIDI and MUS player for many synthesizers
lame 3.98.4a - Manipulate and convert MP3 music files
mplayer 1.0rc2 (rev A) - A movie player ported from Linux
opencp 2.6.0pre6 (rev A) - A multi-format (mp3,wav,mid...) music player

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/unix' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:09 2022

cal 1.07a - Calendar program, similar to UNIX 'cal'
du 1.0a - Display disk usage, similar to UNIX 'du'
gnubc 1.02a - bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language
gnused 4.2.2a - GNU sed is the POSIX stream editor
grep 2.0a - grep searches files (or standard input) for lines that match a given pattern. The pattern may be a regular expr
head 1.0a - Displays a part of a file
less 291a - Page viewer with backward movement
md5sum 3.0a - Perform a checksum using the MD5 hash method
minibox 0.7a - Small Linux commands for resource limited systems
nro 1.2a - Text processor similar to nroff on UNIX
sleep 1.0a - Similar to the UNIX 'sleep' utility
tee 2.0.3a - Saves a copy of its input to a file
touch 1.4.4a - Set the date + time stamp on a file
trch 3.1g - Translates characters
uptimec 2.60a - Reports the system uptime
which 2.1a - Find executables located in the PATH directory list
xgrep 1.03a - UNIX-like `grep' clone with regular expressions

*** Repository '../freedos/files/repositories/latest/util' - build time: Mon May  2 03:03:09 2022

aefdisk 1.0a - Command line disk partition utility
ambread 20201223 - Reader for Ancient Machine Book files
ansimat 0.93a - Graphical viewer of ANSI files
b64 0.06R (rev A) - Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding
bmp2png 1.62a - Convert  BMP images to PNG
bootfix 1.4a - Bootfix is a boot sector repair tool
bsum 1.1a - Compute BSD checksums of files
callver 2007-08-19a - Sets DOS version  for a program
cdrom2ui 2003-11-16a - Basic CD-ROM drive utilities
clamav 0.95.3/9047/Wed Feb 25 21:59:41 2009 (rev A) - Scan files and directories for viruses
clamdb 51a - The Virus database for ClamAV
compute 1.2 - Computes a given mathematical expression
cpied 1.3d - GUI-driven CPI font editor
cwsdpmi 7a - 32-bit DPMI DOS extender designed
daa2iso 0.1.7f - Tool for converting DAA and GBI images
dialog 1.1-20080819a - Display dialog boxes in shell scripts
dog 0.8.3c - An alternative command.com shell
dos32a 9.1.2a - DOS/32A is a DOS extender
dosfsck 2.11d - Check the consistency of file system
dosutil 2012a - Collection of small utilities for batch files
dzemm 1.06a - Doszip Expanded Memory Manager (EMM)
edict 0.10 (BETA) (rev A) - Create images of problem diskettes
fdbanner 1.1 - Display a FreeDOS banner in text mode
fdisrc 1.3 - The FreeDOS Installer (FDI) source files.
fdnpkg 0.99.7a - Network-enabled package manager
fdshield 06aug2006 (rev A) - Malware action blocker and warner
finddisk 2005-03-23a - Utility to locate a disk by label
flashrom 0.9.4(-revision 1495) (rev A) - EEPROM firmware and BIOS save/update tool
foxcalc 0.92a - Calculator with a TUI and mouse support
foxtype 0.16a - Text file viewer supporting UTF-8
gifsicle 1.92a - Manipulates GIF images and animations
gnuchcp 1.0b - Changes the EGA/VGA bitmap font in text mode
gnufonts 1.0a - EGA/VGA bitmap fonts for text modes
hexcomp 1.0.4a - Graphically compares binary files
hip 2.1a - Steganography program that hides files inside pictures
listpci 1.02 - Displays data on PCI devices
listvesa 1.01 - Reports supported VESA video modes
localcfg 0.90a - Locales preferences configuration tool
localize 1.00a - Translates texts
memteste 2003a - Program for testing DRAM (main memory
ospimg 1.4a - Read and create floppy disk images
part 2.37a - Create, delete and resize partitions
password 0.50a - Password protect your computer from stranger's access
pbox 0.11a - A console-mode passwords manager
pcisleep 12 mar 2005 (rev A) - PCISLEEP lists and sleeps pci cards
pdtree 1.02-1a - Display the folder structure of a drive or path.
pg 1.16a - Displays the contents of a text file one page at a time
pkgtools 2021-12-31 - Display information on installed packages
pngcrush 1.7.66a - PNG compression/optimization tool
raread 1.1a - Creates an image of a floppy diskette
rawrite 1.3a - Write disk image to a floppy drive
rcal 1.0a - A big-numbers calculator with floating point that mimics the "paper rolling" calculators
search 1.0a - Locates files on your computer
setlock 1.0a - Set the caps, num, and scroll lock keys
slowdown 3.10a - Slow down a fast computer
stamp 2.0a - Set, view, and filter the timestamps of files
svarcom 2022.4 - The SvarDOS command line interpreter
switchar 1.0a - Display and set the DOS switch character
testdisk 7.1a - Checks partition/bootsector of disks
topspin 3a - A menu interpreter program
unrtf 0.21.5a - Convert RTF documents to other formats
utf8tocp 0.9.4 - converts UTF-8 text files to other codepages and back
v8power 22.02.07 - Batch file enhancement utilities
wcd 6.0.2a - Wherever Change Directory
wde 3.0c - Wde is a disk editor
whichfat 2003-11-24a - FAT32 kernel support detection and per-drive FAT (12-32) type detection
wptail 0.52.10a - Create TUI  forms to collect user input using libnewt
xdel 2.06a - Extended file delete, DR-DOS like
xfdisk 0.9.3 Beta (rev A) - Fdisk-like software that is used to partition disks
zdir 2.1b - ZDir is a tiny DOS directory lister
zerofill 1.05a - Fills empty space on a drive with zeros