This directory contains Solaris builds of the Thunderbird, which are contributed by SUN Desktop Beijing Team. If you have any problem with these builds, please send email to desktop dash discuss at opensolaris dot org Installation: ------------- * Tarball format Extract the tarball to a proper location[1] $ bzip2 -dc <tarball basename>.tar.bz2 | tar -xf - [1]: Make sure there is no thunderbird directory there before you extract the tarball, it's not recommended to just overwrite the old thunderbird directory. * Pkgadd format 1, First uncompress the zip file $ bzip2 -d <zip file basename>.bz2 You will get a package datastream file named <zip file basename> 2, Install the package as root # pkgadd -d ./<zip file basename> The default install location would be /opt/sfw/lib/thunderbird To Enable Java: --------------- cd /path/to/<install location>/plugins ln -s /path/to/<java plugin install location>/ On Solaris 10, Java plugin is probably located at /usr/java/jre/plugin/<sparc|i386>/ns7/ On Solaris 8/9, it's probably located at /usr/j2se/jre/plugin/<sparc|i386>/ns610/ To Enable Flash/Shockwave: -------------------------- 1, Download the Flash/Shockwave plugin from 2, Extract the tarball and place the files under /path/to/<install location>/plugins To Run The Application: ----------------------- a, Execute the application by specifying the absolute path $ /path/to/<install location>/thunderbird b, Add <install location> to your PATH and execute "thunderbird" c, Add the desktop file and start from menu(pkgadd format only) # cat >/usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop<<EOF [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Exec=/path/to/<install location>/thunderbird TryExec=/path/to/<install location>/thunderbird Icon=/path/to/<install location>/icons/mozicon50.xpm X-GNOME-DocPath= Terminal=false Name=Thunderbird GenericName=Thunderbird Comment=Thunderbird Categories=Application;Network; EOF Troubleshooting: ---------------- * For Solaris 8 builds, you need to install GTK 1.2 library. You can get the GTK 1.2 libraries from or * Also for Solaris 8 builds, you may need to install some required patches. For example, if you encounter the following error, ./thunderbird-bin: fatal: relocation error: file ./thunderbird-bin: symbol fmod: referenced symbol not found. You probably have to install Math Library(libm) patch, Solaris 5.8 sparc: 111721 Solaris 5.9 sparc: 111722 Solaris 5.8 i386 : 112757 Solaris 5.9 i386 : 111728 You might have more than one libm library installed on your system, please make sure that you are using the one under /usr/lib. * If you could not start up the application or encounter some unexpected crash, try to do this, 1, Rename the profile directory("$HOME/.mozilla" for Mozilla suite, "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" for Firefox and "$HOME/.thunderbird" for Thunderbird) 2, Start up the application without importing anything Build Configuration: -------------------- * Firefox and Mozilla suite Start up Mozilla/Firefox that you just installed and type "about:buildconfig" in the URL field, and then you would see all the build configurations used for this build. * Thunderbird Extract "buildconfig.html" from <install location>/chrome/toolkit.jar, which records all the build configure information of this build. $ jar xf /path/to/<install location>/chrome/toolkit.jar \ content/global/buildconfig.html