Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/ctb as of Sun 14 Nov 2004

#### BINHEX     amt-applelink-ccl.hqx   ****

From: KATELEY@applelink.apple.com
Hello there,
Here is an AppleLink CCL for using the Apple Modem Tool (version 1.1 or
greater).  It works around some issues with the Comm Toolbox implementation in
AppleLink 6.1.  It should be more robust than an earlier CCL posted a couple of
months ago.  Many thanks go to the AOS group for identifying CTB scripting
workarounds in CCL.
It is is released Òas isÓ Ñ it has no known software limitations and is not a
supported product of Apple Computer.
(Note: Requires the Communications Toolbox and the Apple Modem Tool 1.1 or
greater (1.1.1 preferred), which are not included in this package.)

#### BINHEX     amt-modem-definitions.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 20:11:16 -0800
From: mspace@netcom.com (Brian Hall)
Subject: AMT Modem Definitions (Mark/Space Collection)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This archive contains modem definition files that import into version 1.5
or later of the Apple Modem Tool to fine tune the operation of the tool for
modems made by Prometheus (including LineLink), Global Village, and

The included "Modem Definition Guide" contains complete instructions.

The Apple Modem Tool (not included) is used by "works" packages, as well as
many popular communications packages, including Communicate and PageNOW!
from Mark/Space Softworks.

This collection will be updated on a periodic basis. The most recent
versions can always be found via ftp to ftp.netcom.com in pub/mspace, as
well as on the Mark/Space support BBS at +1-408-293-7290.


Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Modem_Definitions.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Modem_Definitions.sit"

#### BINHEX     amt-more-modems-94-07.hqx   ****

Date: 09 Jul 1994 16:02:17 GMT
From: jimh@laison.w8hd.org (Jim Hebert)
Organization: L'AISON - Beverly Hills, Michigan
Subject: AMT-More-Modems-Jul94.sit

Dear Archivists,

Attached you should find a bin-hex encoding of AMT-More-Modems-Jul94.sit.

This is an update to the previously submitted AMT-More-Modems file and should
replace it.

AMT-More-Modems-Jul94.sit contains resources for adding modems to the Apple
Modem Tool (v1.5). The following modems may be added using these resources:

Practical Peripherals PM-14400-FXSA
Practical Peripherals PM-14400-FXSA-Fast Hang Up (new)
AT&T Dataport 14.4
Zyxel-U-1496-E (new)
Telelink IMS-08 (new; European model; by Christian Buser)

In most cases, the resources add four settings variants, which allow the user
to quickly configure the modem for common situations.   

Best regards,

Jim Hebert, K8SS

#### BINHEX     apple-modem-tool-111.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 20 May 1992 22:23:29 PDT
From: The Moderators <Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.Edu>
Subject: [*] Apple Modem Tool 1.1.1

>From AppleLink, this update to the Apple Modem Tool fixes a few problems.
Quoting the readme:

The following changes were made from the Apple Modem Tool 1.1 to 1.1.1:
Various anomalies introduced in the Apple Modem Tool 1.1 were corrected.
The Telebit QBlazer configuration string was changed to allow the modem to
recognize the "busy" result code.
All PSI modem configuration strings were corrected to properly set factory

For Communications Toolbox (CTB) aware applications.

#### BINHEX     asc-3270-31-demo.hqx   ****

From: support@ascus.com (US Support)
Subject: asc3270 Demo 3.1

This asc3270 installer installs a demo version of asc3270 on your hard disk.
The installer puts the "asc3270 Demo" and "asc$FILE Demo" CTB tools in the
extensions folder; the "ascIBM Font" file in the fonts folder; and the "ASC
Read Me's" folder in a folder called "ASC Folder". After installation, reboot
your machine in order for the font to be correctly installed.

The asc3270 CTB Terminal Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications, like
ClarisWorks, do 3278/79 terminal emulation and IND$FILE & FTP file transfer
with IBM mainframes. The Tool supports different access methods using TCP/IP
and various 3rd party SNA gateways to allow the Macintosh to connect to the
IBM host. In order to test tn3270 telnet sessions, you need to download and
install the TCPack CTB Connection tool; similarly FTP file transfer requires
the FTPack tool. If you are interested in SNA gateway support, please contact
ASC for details. Tool features supported include CTB scripting API, full
keyboard and color mapping, multiple sessions and extended datastream.

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     asc-420-ansi-31-demo.hqx   ****

From: support@ascus.com (US Support)
Subject: asc420/ANSI Demo 3.1

This asc420/ANSI installer installs a demo version of asc420/ANSI on your hard
disk. The installer puts the "asc420/ANSI Demo" CTB tool in the extensions
folder; the "ascVT Font" file in the fonts folder; and the "ASC Read Me's"
folder in a folder called "ASC Folder". After installation, reboot your
machine in order for the font to be correctly installed.

asc420/ANSI lets applications which support the CTB terminal manager do
complete VT420, PC-ANSI  and SCO-ANSI terminal emulations. This allows users
to extend the functionality of their favorite CTB communications applications
with high-end VTxx  and ANSI terminal support. Features supported include CTB
scripting, full keyboard and color mapping, variable font sizes, multiple

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     asc-5250-31-demo.hqx   ****

From: support@ascus.com (US Support)
Subject: asc5250 Demo 3.1

This asc5250 installer installs a demo version of asc5250 on your hard disk.
The installer puts the "asc5250 Demo" CTB tool in the extensions folder; the
"ascIBM Font" file in the fonts folder; and the "ASC Read Me's" folder in a
folder called "ASC Folder". After installation, reboot your machine in order
for the font to be correctly installed.

The asc5250 CTB Terminal Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications, like
ClarisWorks, do 5250 terminal emulation and FTP file transfer with IBM
AS/400s. The Tool supports tn5250 telnet sessions over TCP/IP to connect to
the AS/400 host. In order to test tn5250 telnet sessions, you need to
download and install the TCPack CTB Connection tool; similarly FTP file
transfer requires the FTPack tool. Tool features supported include CTB
scripting API, full keyboard and color mapping and multiple sessions.

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     asc-multi-transfer-31-demo.hqx   ****

Subject: ascMultiTransfer Demo
From: support@ascus.com (US Support)

This ascMultiTransfer installer installs a demo version of ascMultiTransfer on
your hard disk. The installer puts the "ascMultiTransfer Demo" CTB File
Transfer tool in the extensions folder;  and the "ASC Read Me's" folder in a
folder called "ASC Folder". The tool can be used immediately without
rebooting your machine.

The ascMultiTransfer CTB File Transfer Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications,
like ClarisWorks, do file transfer to and from many different online bulletin
boards and host systems. The ascMultiTransfer tool supports X-, Y-, Z-MODEM,
Kermit and Text transfer modes. Features include a 'decide later' protocol
type; definable download and upload command triggers; MacBinary; variable
packet size and time-outs; control sequence escaping; and modifiable Kermit
excape sequences.

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     calypso-tool-101.hqx   ****

From: "Stattenfield, Keith" <stattenfield#m#_keith@msgate.corp.apple.com>
Subject: FW: Calypso 1.0.1
Date: 5 May 1994 15:04:36 -0800

This is the 1.0.1 release of Calypso, an unsupported Communications Toolbox
tool from Apple.

Apple permits the non-commercial distribution of this tool.  Contact me with
any questions.

-Keith Stattenfield
 Apple Computer, Inc.

#### BINHEX     ccl-modem-tool-20.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 12:22:31 -0800
From: butenko@stalker.com (Vladimir Butenko)

An update to the CCL modem tool with support for ARA 2.0 scripts, color
icons, and more configuration options.

#### BINHEX     cept-modem-tool-11.hqx   ****

Subject: [*] - CEPT Modem Tool 1.1
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1992 05:50:41 +0300
From: Vladimir Butenko <butenko@stalker.srcc.msu.su>
Organization: STALKER GmbH

CEPT Modem Tool 1.1
The CEPT Modem Tool is a Connection Tool for Communications Toolbox.
It lets you establish a connection with a remote computer through a
modem attached to your Macintosh (or through shared network modems).
It supports low-level CEPT-1 protocol used in European Videotex
systems. It uses CCL script files (the same files as ARA uses) for
controlling the modem, thus the user interface is as clear and
simple as it is in the Apple's Remote Access Setup control panel.
The tool can also trace CCL scripts. Balloon Help(tm) supported.

The CEPT Modem Tool can be freely distributed on non-commercial basis.

If you want to bundle the CEPT Modem Tool with your products, contact:

Stalker Software GmbH
Fax: 49(221) 442 138  (Cologne)
      7(095) 938 2136 (Moscow)
Internet: netprod@stalker.srcc.msu.su

#### BINHEX     cron-x10-10b4.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 00:11:46 -0600
From: jerry@hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu (Jerry Gatlin)
Subject: cronX10-1.0b4.sit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Version: 1.0b4
Date: August 29, 1994
Written by: Jerry Gatlin at Hill Country Softworks

This program is copyrighted by the author and is not in the public
domain. I am offering this as freeware though, so you are able to
freely distribute this as long as the documentation accompanies
the application. You may freely use this in any non-commercial
manner. If you wish to use it in any other way, please contact the
author at:


     Jerry Gatlin
     4702 Valley Oak Dr.
     Austin, Texas 78731
     512 458-1739

This program controls X10 modules to turn on and off appliances,
lights, thermostats, and anything else that can be controlled by
X10 devices. This program requires a model CP290 X10 computer
interface along with the appropriate modules for the devices you
wish to control. X10 is available through a variety of sources and
both Radio Shack and Leviton make X10 components. Instead of having
to run wires to these modules to control them, the X10 protocol
runs over your existing AC wiring. You just plug in (or wire in)
the module and go.


Cron is a Macintosh version of the unix scheduling utility written
by Chris Johnson.  If you're unfamilar with the concept of cron,
please download cron and read its documentation before spending
much time with this documentation. You should be able to find cron
at most of the Mac archive sites. If you have trouble, try these

        anonymous ftp to ftp.cc.utexas.edu in the /pub/chrisj directory
        the web page http://gargravarr.cc.utexas.edu/cron/cron.html
        anonymous ftp to ftp.utexas.edu in the /pub/mac/util or
        the web page http://www.utexas.edu/cc/microlib-mac/main.html

This has been tested with cron 1.0d16 which is the current version
as of August 29, 1994.

As cron requires system 7 to run, this application by default
also requires system 7. Although the Comm ToolBox is built into
system 7, if for *any* reason Apple chooses to remove it at a later
time, this app won't work. It will be nice and report the reason
for its failure to you though.

Although primarily intended for scheduling lights, etc. at
predetermined times, you can use Chris Johnson's "Command Line"
cron debugging aid for immediate, direct control of devices.
"Command Line" simply puts up a dialog and allows you to send
commands to cron applications immediately instead of setting up
cron to execute at the next minute and waiting for the minute to
roll by.

This program is a fat binary (it runs native on either the PowerMac
or 68k Macs) and was written using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior C

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="cronX10-1.0b4.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cronX10-1.0b4.sit"

#### BINHEX     ctb-daemon-11.hqx   ****

From: ruedi.boesch@wsl.ch (Ruedi Boesch)
Subject: CTBDaemon

CTBDaemon is an AppleEvent-aware application, which implements the
connection-manager interface of the CTB (communication toolbox) as a
scriptable application. It allows you to manage CTB-tools from AppleScript
for remote login purposes, data capturing, WWW-CGI,...

CTBDameon has been rised to 1.1 and does not expire anymore !

see also:

Ruedi Boesch

#### BINHEX     ftpack-31-demo.hqx   ****

Subject: FTPack Demo 3.1
Date: 23 Aug 1995 22:56:02 GMT

This FTPack installer installs a demo version of FTPack on your hard disk. The
installer puts the "FTPack Demo" CTB tool in the extensions folder; the
"FTPeek" utility in the Apple Menu Items folder; and the "ASC Read Me's"
folder in a folder called "ASC Folder".

FTPack is a FTP Client CTB File Transfer tool. It supports the FTP protocol
enabling file transfer to and from VMS, UNIX, IBM Mainframes, AS/400 and all
other standard FTP servers. FTPack comes with FTPeek, an application that
allows quick FTP access at all times from the finder interface.

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     hayes-modem-tool-102.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 92 18:24:32 -0400
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <JNeedleman@MCIMail.com>
Subject: Hayes Modem Tool 1.0.2

"The Hayes Modem Tool is a connection tool, for use with the Macintosh
Communications Toolbox, that provides easy and complete access to the
advanced features of Hayes modems.  Settings provided by the tool are
divided into five functional areas, accessible through a scrolling list of
panels.  Each area controls some aspect of the modem or the connection.
Written to the specifications of the Macintosh Communications Toolbox, the
Hayes Modem Tool can be used without modification by any program which
supports the Macintosh Communications Toolbox.  The Hayes Modem Tool has
been designed for use with Hayes modems so that Hayes modem users can take
full advantage of their modems through applications supporting the
Macintosh Communications Toolbox."

This version 1.0.2 should replace info-mac/comm/hayes-modem-tool.hqx, which
is version 1.0.

#### BINHEX     hayes-tool-color-patch.hqx   ****

From: Linger@starsys.laf.in.us (Ken Linger)
Subject: Hayes Modem Tool Color Pics
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 20:21:11 +0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here is just something I did the other night.  I "colorized" the pictures
in the Hayes Modem Tool.  These are the pictures that show up while it is
dialing out or receiving a call.

I don't expect anyone to pass out from the briliance of these pictures, but
I just figured that if anyone else was annoyed at the black and white-ness
of the Hayes Modem Tool, then they could use this.

Actually, I'm not sure if anyone still uses this as much as I do.  I've
never been able to get the Apple Modem Tool to work just right with my Zoom
14.4 Fax.  Perhaps the HMT is outdated; alas though, I'm digressing.

To install:  double click the enclosed HMT Color resedit file.  While in
resedit, open your current Hayes Modem Tool and copy the resource from my
file to yours.  It seems to work without rebooting or anything, but
remember, some comm programs load the tool at startup, so if one is
running, you may need to quit and restart the application to notice any

If you feel I missed something, you think I have bad taste in colors, or
you have suggestions on what I better use my free time to do,  let me know.
My address is Linger@starsys.laf.in.us.

And, in case it wasn't obvious, feel free to distribute at will.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="HMT_Color_Patch.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="HMT_Color_Patch.sit"

#### BINHEX     kermit-tool-gh-13.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 3 May 93 22:29 CST 
From: HOWES@bert.chem.wisc.edu
Subject: submission: Kermit Tool GH 1.3 

Dear Info-Mac,
 Enclose you will find version 1.3 of my Kermit tool for the
communications toolbox. When combined with a compliant app,
such as Termy or ClarisWorks (or any of the Works programs),
allows the user to use the Kermit file transfer protocol 
common among university mainframes.

This version is basically an enhancement from the previous
release with quite a few tweaks and featurelets. 

I suggest it be stored as 

// Bill, could you keep version 1.2 in the archives for a while
// as I don't know when and if I'll get a chance to fix any
// major bugs in this version if they appear.

-- glenn howes // howes@bert.chem.wisc.edu

#### BINHEX     megahertz-a2-144.hqx   ****

Organization: Not nearly enough.
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 03:25:29 -0800
From: schuyler@netcom.com (Gabriel M. Schuyler)
Subject: [*] Megahertz Internal A2144 - for Apple Modem Tool

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I was having a difficult time with Eudora hanging part way through large
messages.  I tracked the problem down to not enough flow control in my
Megahertz Internal modem (A2144).  This file can be imported into the Apple
Modem Tool and it will turn on XON/XOFF modem-to-modem flow control and set
the preferences accordingly.

As an added feature, I set S95 to 010 which adds "/ARQ" to the CONNECT
message when it connects with error correction.  This means that now Eudora
can say "The connection was established WITH ERROR CORRECTION" which is
nice for anal-retentive people.

If anyone can improve on this, please let me know.  I'm just happy to have
the modem working, reliably, at full speed again. . . .

This probably belongs in the /comm/ctb folder.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="AMT-Megahertz_A2144"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="AMT-Megahertz_A2144"

#### BINHEX     outland-tcp-tool-10.hqx   ****

Outland TCP Tool
Copyright © 1994 Outland, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

The Outland TCP Tool is a connection tool for the Communications Toolbox.  It
uses the MacTCP driver to communicate over TCP/IP networks.  The tool
supports synchronous and asynchronous open, close, listen, read, and write.

This is not a Telnet tool!  If you want to connect to the Telnet port, 23,
you are probably not going to have much luck.  The Outland TCP Tool provides
a raw TCP connection only.

In the settings dialog, you can enter an IP address and port number.  If you
are using the tool to open a connection, the address and port number are of
the TCP port you are connecting to.  If you are using the tool to listen for
an incoming connection, the address is ignored (it is always the local
machine), and the port is the port number to listen on.  The port number 0
has a special meaning to the MacTCP driver; using it is not recommended.

You may be freely copy and use this tool for personal, non-commercial
activities.  For all other uses, contact Outland.

Bill Lipa


- Requires System 7 running on a 68020 or better Macintosh.
- To connect two ports on the same computer, your application may need to call
CMListen and CMOpen asynchronously.  Otherwise the receiving application will
not get time to accept the call, and the system will hang.
- This release does not report errors to the user.  Instead, a debugging file
is produced called "Code Resource Debug".  If you are reporting a bug, please
include the contents of this file if it is in the same folder as your CTB
- This release does not support timeouts or any CTB 1.1 functionality.

Version History

1.0						July 6, 1994

¥ Final code cleanups and some cosmetic changes.

#### BINHEX     pc-ansi-tool-10-demo.hqx   ****

From: Brian Hall, mspace@netcom.com
Subject: PC-ANSI Tool 1.0 (Demo)

Dear Netters,

Would you like to lay your hands on a brand-new, previously unreleased
software product to enjoy PC-ANSI bulletin boards in FULL COLOR and MUSIC?

Introducing the DEMO VERSION of the Mark/Space PC-ANSI Tool, a full-color
terminal emulation tool for communications toolbox-aware applications such
as Communicate, ClarisWorks, SITcomm, MacTerminal, PacerTerm, or Black
Night. Drop the Mark/Space PC-ANSI Tool in your System Folder and go!

Feature Overview
- Add PC-ANSI color display capability to your normally black & white
terminal program.
- Discover the world of ANSI graphics on bulletin boards
- Play ANSI music tunes using QuickTime, allowing you to make full use of
your Mac's sound capabilities. This is the ONLY WAY to hear ANSI music on
your Macintosh!
- Display fully scalable from 9 point and up using an ANSI TrueType font.
- Displays accented characters (Umlaut, etc)
- When used with Communicate Lite 1.5, even the scrollback buffer is in color.

Here is where you can find the Mark/Space PC-ANSI Tool Demo:
- On our FTP site: <ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ms/mspace>
- On all info-mac mirrors.
- On AOL: keyword "MCM", new files section
- On CompuServe: go maccom, download area 4

Interested? Download the Mark/Space PC-ANSI Tool today and discover ANSI
color & music!


Brian Hall,
President & CEO
Mark/Space Softworks

#### BINHEX     tcpack-31-demo.hqx   ****

From: support@ascus.com (US Support)
Subject: TCPack Telnet Tool Demo 3.1 

This TCPack installer installs a demo version of TCPack on your hard disk. The
installer puts the "TCPack Demo" CTB tool in the extensions folder; the "FTP
Setup" utility in the control panels folder; and the "ASC Read Me's" folder
in a folder called "ASC Folder".

TCPack is a CTB connection tool that can be used to access AOL & CompuServe
over the Internet; to connect FirstClass servers & clients over TCP/IP; and
to provide general Telnet terminal-emulation and TCP/IP socket-to-socket
connections. The TPCack tool supports the Telnet protocol and includes a
background personal single session FTP server (not client, see FTPack for FTP
client software) to allow the user to transfer files from the remote Telnet
host to the local Macintosh and vise versa. The socket-to-socket support
allows client/server Macintosh applications which support the Communications
Toolbox  to setup TCP stream connections, developers have access to the IP
Header parameters through the CTB Scripting Interface.

Limited demo based on connect time until license is purchased

About Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2029 Cupertino, CA 95015-2029
phone: (408) 725 4242
fax: (408) 725 4243
Internet: info@ascus.com

#### BINHEX     tge-tcp-tool-25.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 00:02:36 -0500
From: gish@watson.wustl.edu (Warren Gish)
Subject: TGE TCP Tool

Here is version 2.5 of TGE TCP Tool by Tim Endres, a Communications Toolbox
Tool for telnet communications that works with the recently posted Black Night
terminal emulation program.
AOL had only version 1.0 posted and INFO-MAC had nada.

#### BINHEX     videotex-terminal-tool.hqx   ****

Subject: [*] - VideoTex Teminal Tool 1.0
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1992 05:56:30 +0300
From: Vladimir Butenko <butenko@stalker.srcc.msu.su>
Organization: STALKER GmbH

Videotex Tool 1.0 Demo

The Videotex Tool is a Terminal Tool for Communications Toolbox. It
lets you emulate the CEPT-1 terminal used in European Videotex
systems (like German Btx). It supports low-level CEPT-1 protocol, so
it can be used with any Connection Tool that allows you to connect
to a Videotex host. But the most reliable and fast connection via
phone lines takes place if used with the CEPT Modem tool.

Please, send your comments to:
Vladimir Butenko,  Stalker Software, Network Group.

#### BINHEX     ymodem-tool-gh.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 16:20 CST
From: HOWES@bert.chem.wisc.edu
Subject: YModem Tool GH 1.0 Submission

  Please place this, the first release of my YModem Tool for
the Communications Toolbox in your archives. 
  This is a basic implementation of the YModem protocol, with
all the advantages and disadvantages that entails. Hopefully,
people will find it useful (and not whine about it not being
  I suggest it be placed as info-mac/comm/ymodemtool_gh10.hqx
Glenn R. Howes            /\   Kermit Tool GH/ YModem Tool GH
howes@bert.chem.wisc.edu  \/   hometown: Frostbite Falls, MN

#### BINHEX     zmodem-tool-103-demo.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 17:20:44 -0700
From: mspace@netcom.com (Brian Hall)
Subject: Mark/Space ZMODEM Demo 1.0.3

Announcing version 1.0.3 of the Mark/Space ZMODEM Tool Demo

You can find the demo at ftp.netcom.com in pub/ms/mspace.  It will also
be uploaded to AOL, AppleLink, eWorld, and CompuServe, as well as sent to

The Mark/Space ZMODEM Tool is...

Mark/Space has created a communications toolbox file transfer tool that
implements the popular, robust, and efficient ZMODEM file transfer

As a Communications Toolbox file transfer tool, Mark/Space brings ZMODEM
to such third party applications as VersaTerm, MacTerminal, Termy, and
the communications portions of ClarisWorks, GreatWorks, and many more.
Once installed, the ZMODEM file transfer protocol becomes available to
every application that supports communications toolbox file transfer

The tool supports auto-receive, for reception of files without user
intervention, as well as auto-resume. If a file transfer is aborted for
any reason, the transfer can be resumed at the point at which it left
off - resulting in a substantial savings in time and connect charges.
Transfers can also take place over connections that interpret control
characters - such as telnet connections, or serial connections using
software flow control. Multiple files can be sent or received in a
single batch for even greater efficiency.

The tool features both a brief status window, in which basic information
about the transfer is displayed, and a detailed status window in which
many more details are displayed.  At all times the speed of the transfer
and the estimated time remaining is shown. Balloon help is available in
the configuration dialog - as well as the status window - to explain
settings as well as status information.

If you do not already have a terminal program that supports file
transfer tools, you might want to download the demo version of our general
purpose application - Communicate Lite.

The demo version supports downloading, but not uploading.
There are no other restrictions.  Enjoy!