Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet as of Sun 21 Nov 2004

#### LINK       _Connections     ****

#### LINK       _HTML     ****

#### LINK       _Mail     ****

#### LINK       _UUCP     ****

#### LINK       _Web     ****

#### BINHEX     aarons-ccyberdog-as.hqx   ****

From: adruiz@concentric.net
Subject: Aaron零 Cy berdog Apple Scripts

These AppleScripts were created to automate two common tasks for Cyberdog
users: deleting the Log file and emptying the Cyberdog Cache, Cyberdog
Temp, and News Enclosures folders. Anyone may distribute this software at
no charge as long as the enclosed Read Me file is included and I am
notified via e-mail at the above address.

#### BINHEX     ae-mailer-100.hqx   ****

From: kirk@LensArt.mobitec.se
Subject: AEMailer 1.0.0

AEMailer is an apple event to SMTP engine for the Macintosh.  The
archive includes a manual.


#### BINHEX     annuaire-hc-fr.hqx   ****

From: William FOURCHE, wf19@calvanet.calvacom.fr
Subject: Annuaire

This is a french stack created with Hypercard 2.2 to use with Netscape as
collector of URL

William  |         WF19@calvanet.calvacom.fr             (_)|   Nurse
FOURCHE  | 13 avenue Croix-Guerin - 14000 CAEN - FRANCE     | Anesthesist

#### BINHEX     ansi-bbs-telnet-patch.hqx   ****

From: brissing@bvsd.k12.co.us (Dean Brissinger)
Subject: BBS-ANSI Telnet (fat) patch

NCSA Telnet 2.7 supports most ANSI color sequances.  It does not however,
contain a graphical font for display of ANSI graphics.  BBS-ANSI Telnet 
has a few added resources to allow use of such graphics.  The graphical 
font used comes from Zterm, a great shareware program that you should 
check out!

Included are:

   * BBS-ANSI Telnet (fat) patch
      Patches NCSA Telnet 2.7b4 to support ANSI graphics.

   * NCSA Telnet Preferences
      Preferances that include an ANSI terminal.  Choose it instead of 
      "<default>" to open an ANSI BBS window.

   * ansitest.gz
      This is an ANSI test file for those of you who don't have an ANSI
      graphic handy.  It is compressed with GNUZip because FTP tends to
      eat ANSI chars.

This is a quick hack by Dean Brissinger (brissing@thepentagon.com).  Enjoy,
and let me know if there is a better ANSI Terminal out there!  Use of this
software is AT YOUR OWN RISK.  I needed an ANSI Telnet program, and quickly
hacked two programs together to get one.  I do not own this software, it 
belongs to it's authors at NCSA and those who wrote Zterm.  This patch 
simply copies the font from Zterm and drops it into NCSA Telnet 2.7b4 (fat).

#### BINHEX     archie-man-12.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey Taylor) pj@pe.net
Subject: Archie Man 1.2

Archie Man is a simple program designed to help with the enormous task of
finding download sites of programs on the Internet.  For example, if you were
interested in finding the location of a program called "SpinalTap," you would
run "Archie Man" and type "SpinalTap" in the box and press ok.  Archie Man then
composes a letter on Eudora that will include all the information necessary for
the search.  A few minutes (maybe more during busy times) you will receive a
list (via E-mail) of places to look and download the file.  Then using a FTP
client, such as Anarchie, Fetch, Explorer or Netscape, you can download the

#### BINHEX     async-ot-ping.hqx   ****

From: pbaxter@assistivetech.com
Subject: OT Aync Ping

  I took Apple's OTPing sample code and made it async. I think it 
provides a good base for someone to learn how to use OT async. Source 
code is provided.

Paul Baxter

#### BINHEX     baker-153.hqx   ****

From: Mike Trivisonno <mtriviso@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Baker 1.5.3

Eridanus today released Baker 1.5.3.
contact: mtriviso@eridanus.com

Among the enhancements in this release of the OS X utility designed to 
ease common newsgroup related activities are:

A bug that caused files to become corrupted under certain conditions has 
been fixed. If you had re-defined the default folders in the Baker 
Preferences window or if you had a newsgroup being downloaded to a 
user-defined folder, Baker would eventually corrupt files. This no 
longer happens: the files are saved normally.

Also fixed several minor bugs that caused overview and article queues to 
be left behind when a newsgroup was deleted.

In addition a bug that prevented the creation of filters based on Cross 
Post information has finally been removed.

Baker is now much faster than earlier releases.

Baker now provides an easy and convenient way to share your pictures 
with others in the newsgroup community. Simply select a newsgroup and 
select Post Some Pictures from the News Group Commands menu. Baker will 
open a Post Pictures window where you can select the pictures you want 
to post from a gallery of thumbnails.

Baker now includes an Identity Preference. This lets you store email 
address information that you use when posting pictures. If you want 
correspondence from the various newsgroups to which you have subscribed 
to be delivered to different email addresses, then the Identity 
Preference will do the job. When you are ready to post some pictures, 
simply select the appropriate Identity for the newsgroup and your email 
information will be automatically filled in for you.

Baker 1.5.3 is a free upgrade to current owners.

Unregistered versions of the $30 program are fully functional but will 
occasionally display reminders to register.

Baker and the Baker MacOS Help Center Book can be downloaded from the 
Eridanus web site:

#### BINHEX     batch-ftp-261-as.hqx   ****

From: dianders@cs.stanford.edu (Douglas I. Anderson)
Subject: Batch FTP v2.61

Batch FTP is a script for Peter Lewis' Anarchie program.  It allows a user
to batch-download a list of files (such as one generated from a new or
recent files list) from an FTP server.  Before you dismiss this script with
others of it's kind, read on...it has some features I haven't see elsewhere.

* Handy: Files to be downloaded don't need a full path.  You can specify
one base path that will apply to all files in the list.
* Smart: Automatically retries minor errors.
* Customizable: Remembers the base paths for up to 4 of your favorite sites.
* Easy: Options to use the preferred info-mac or umich sites specified by
Internet Config

Version History:
2.61 - Public Release 12/25/96.  Fixed bug introduced by using "geturl."
Should be fully compatible with Anarchie 2.0.1 now.

2.60 - Updated BFTP to work better with Anarchie 2.0:
* Uses "geturl" instead of "fetch url" because "fetch url" doesn't name
files correctly under Anarchie 2.0.
* Handles Anarchie's new window naming scheme (BFTP 1.6 would not close
windows when retrying under Anarchie 2.0)
* Added the ability to retry in errors that require user intervention.

Doug Anderson (dianders@cs.stanford.edu)

  finger: help@blinkey.stanford.edu

#### BINHEX     better-telnet-122-fat.hqx   ****

From: rbraun@cstone.net
Subject: BetterTelnet 1.2.2

Name: BetterTelnet 1.2.2 (FAT)
Author: Rolf Braun (rbraun@cstone.net)
Requirements: System 7 or later
Description: Telnet client, enhanced version of NCSA Telnet
File Name: bettertelnet-122-fat.sit.hqx

BetterTelnet 1.2.2 is a much improved version of NCSA Telnet with many new
features (including S/Key and OTP support, improved boldfacing and
printing, improved scrollback, better interface) and many, many bug fixes.

For more info, see the BetterTelnet web page:


The official FTP site for BetterTelnet is:


- Rolf Braun ... e-mail: rbraun@cstone.net
- Sassy Software: cool stuff for your Macintosh & Apple IIgs
- http://www.cstone.net/~rbraun/

#### BINHEX     blender-ppc.hqx   ****

From: knoll@blender.com
Subject: Blender version 1.0, PowerPC

Blender Online, the "internet application" version of the popular
CD-Rom. Blender features original games and quizzes, music reviews,
movie reviews, full soundtrack, video interviews with rock stars and
more. Requires an internet connection, 4 megs Ram and any PowerMac.

#### BINHEX     bookmark-manager-1521.hqx   ****

From: noyo@walrus.com (Shinjiro Nojima)
Subject: BookMark Manager v1.521

it Imports!

There are many directory services available on the Internet such as Yahoo.
Also many
people and organizations are providing useful list on the Internet. 
Now you can import them into your own database. 

The BookMark Manager imports bookmarks (URL addresses) from variety type of
html sources.
It imports bookmark's title, url address even those descriptions keeping
hierarchical structure of Hot List.

For example, you can import Netscape Navigators Bookmarks by single click. The
BookMark Manager will then clear the contents of Bookmarks file of Netscape
Navigator if you want. 
You can import "What's New" page of Netscape, Mosaic ..., search result of Info
Seek, Yahoo, WebCrawler ... with url address and description text.

You can significantly save the time with the BookMark Manager whatever you are
researching on the Internet 

it Organizes!

The BookMark Manager will handle unlimited number of Bookmarks and it is quite
easy to organize them.

Once the BookMark Manager imports, it automaticaly add Icon to each bookmark
acording to bookmark's type such as Web, Gopher, Telnet, FTP, E-mail ...

You can move them, merge them and search them. Even the BookMark Manager will
delete duplicated Bookmarks for you. 

it Access!

The BookMark Manager will help you to access internet.
If you double click on bookmark record, it will send URL address to your browser
application and open URL.

Also it export Your Own Home Page that navigate to each category you made. 

Best regurds,
Shinjiro Nojima
NOYO Systems & Design, Inc.
51 East 42nd Street #623
New York NY 10017
212-338-9770 (Fax)

#### BINHEX     bpftp-x.hqx   ****

From: "Davidg" <davidg@digitalcandle.com>
Subject: BulletProof FTP for Mac
BulletProof FTP Macintosh Features 


Everything about BPFTP Client Mac is fast! Fast startup, fast connections
using Quick Connect, fast site access using the Site Manager address book
and fast drag 'n drop transfers. 


BPFTP Client Mac has features of it's long famous sibling, BPFTP Client for
Windows; automatic and manual resume of interrupted transfers, support for
different types of FTP servers, progress tracking and log reporting are just
a few of its powerful features. 


Ease-of-use is what made BPFTP for Windows famous. BPFTP Client Mac was
created with the same easy-to-use goal in mind, by carefully adhering to
Macintosh AquaR Interface and usability guidelines. 

Having reviewed Info-Mac.com, we would like the opportunity to feature our
software on your website.  We have enclosed a copy of our OS X optimized
(trial) version for your review.
Additional information about BulletProof FTP Client for Mac can be found at
our website:  <blocked::BLOCKED::http://www.bpftpmac.com> www.bpftpmac.com.

#### BINHEX     breeze-b4.hqx   ****

From: 75201.1263@compuserve.com (Alfred Nassim)
Subject: Breeze Beta 4

I hope you get this file intact. Breeze is a Macintosh utility for 
users of CompuServe and Internet. It translates MacCIM, MacNav,
Eudora and Netscape files to a tab-delimited format.

These translated files may be imported to Breeze's Database or
to standard database tools such as FileMaker and Panorama -
templates are provided for these two products.

Please ignore any earlier versions that may have been sent to you.

Alfred Nassim
internet: 75201.1263@compuserve.com

#### BINHEX     buddy-helper-10.hqx   ****

From: gmueller@gte.net
Subject:  BuddyHelper 1.0 - buddy list companion

BuddyHelper 1.0 is a companion program to various instant messenger 
programs such as America Online, AOL Instant Messenger, and ICQ. It 
allows users to enter the screen and real names of a person, and search 
for the information.

#### BINHEX     cache-killer-ii.hqx   ****

From: "Scratch Software" <announce@ScratchSoftware.com>
Subject: Cache Killer Pro II 2.0 - web browser cache management

Cache Killer Pro II is a Macintosh application that deletes the web
browser caches for Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator,
Microsoft Internet Explorer, America Online, or any other browser.

Using Cache Killer will:

   - maximize hard disk space by eliminating the hundreds of
     individual cache files that browsers leave behind
   - vastly improve browser stability by eliminating the overhead
     required to internally track the numerous cache files
   - enhance system performance by reducing the number of files
     the operating system must track in its desktop databases

Cache Killer Pro II requires a Macintosh running System 7.1.3 or
later. It is fully compatible with MacOS 9.0.

Cache Killer Pro II is shareware and costs US$14.00 for a single-user
license. Cache Killer Pro 1.x users may upgrade for US$10.00. A
standard site license costs US$280.00. Other specialized bulk
purchase options (such as a world-wide site license or an educational
site license) are also available. For more information, send e-mail
to sales@ScratchSoftware.com.

Visit the Cache Killer web site at http://www.CacheKiller.com for the
latest product information.

#### BINHEX     cachecrusher-11.hqx   ****

From: Jman <commodore@mac.com>
Subject: Here is cachecrusher 1.1 (Freeware)

This file is reccomend for Mac. OS 8.5 or higher on a PPC.  It might be
useable on a 68 k macintosh computer but is not recommend. This program
needs Internet expoler 5 and the cache inthe prefences folder in you're
system folder. Anyhow, to install open "cachecrusherachrive 1.1.sea let it
expand to you're desktop. Read the CC 1.1 read me. Then follow the
instructions and you should be fine, use at own risk. But it should not
wreck your computer. It will  automatically delete you're MS cache. Email me
please :


My iTools name is commodore my iDisk has more stuff check the public folder
in it. Don't use this software on Mac OS X public beta. J-man ltd. is a low
profit mac solution company most  software is 100 % free. Expect shareware.   

#### BINHEX     cam-catcher.hqx   ****

From: camcatcher@jomo.steelsun.com
Subject: CamCatcher

A stand-alone application for Macintosh that eases viewing and saving of
images served by popular webcam technology. It can retrieve dynamically
updated .gif and .jpeg images, and will neatly name save them to your
local hard drive. Making use of Java technology, it avoids the need for a
web browser. It also allows creation of custom Channels. Similar to a
Bookmark in a web browser, a Channel allows you to name a URL location and
the frequency with which it updates. The CamCatcher website also allows
individuals to upload their own Channels to share with other users. More
information and downloads are available at http://www.camcatcher.com

Macintosh Runtime For Java (MRJ) 2.0 is required (which is installed by
default for System 8 and higher)

*   * - The CamCatcher Development Team
 \ /  - http://www.camcatcher.com
  ^   - camcatcher@camcatcher.com

#### BINHEX     camparse-10.hqx   ****

From: cth2@dana.ucc.nau.edu
Subject: CamParse - WebCamToo 1.4 log parser

CamParse will parse out a log generated by WebCamToo 1.4 and extract some
meaningfull information including who is visiting the server, where are
they coming from, and how long they are staying. Given enough memory and
enough time, it should handle logs of just about any size. I have run it on
a log with 50,000 lines on my Performa 6400 in about two minutes. Right now
it's just a Perl script, so it requires MacPerl to run.

Nowhere Man

#### BINHEX     carracho-multi-prefs-x.hqx   ****

From:BugDave <Bug_Dave@hotmail.com>
Subject:Carracho Multi Prefs

my program Carracho Multi Prefs 1.3 Classic and Carbon versions to your

#### BINHEX     carracho-multi-prefs.hqx   ****

From:BugDave <Bug_Dave@hotmail.com>
Subject:Carracho Multi Prefs

my program Carracho Multi Prefs 1.3 Classic and Carbon versions to your
archive. The file names are


#### BINHEX     change-icq-user.hqx   ****

From: Noah Stewart <noah@bipeddesign.com>
Subject: Change ICQ User

Change ICQ User allows you to change your ICQ user from the MacOS by 
double-clicking an icon. It is useful for anyone who uses multiple 
ICQ accounts on their Mac. This program saves you the trouble of 
opening ICQ, looking to see who the current user is and changing the 
user if necessary.

#### BINHEX     chat-21p12.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 18:13:24 -0500
From: nneul@umr.edu (Nathan Neulinger)
Subject: Chat 2.1 Pre12 - Macintosh TCP/IP Chat Server

Chat is a program that runs on your macintosh and allows you to run a chat
server on it. You and others will be able to telnet to your machine and
participate in online conversations. Chat includes multiple channels that
you can switch between at will.

There are numerous user commands and administrator commands available. Read
the documentation and the FAQ in the archive for more information on them.

For more info on chat, or to be added to the mailing list, send a message
to me at <nneul@umr.edu>.

Current versions of chat as well as the source code are always available at:


**** WHATS NEW IN 2.1pre12

Fixed problem with lines greater than 256 characters, now will
automatically act as if you hit return if you type more than around
245 characters.

Fixed problem with Chat crashing cause of too much text in the Monitor
windows (>32K).

Fixed problem with crlf/cr on non NCSA Telnet connections. (i.e. unix)

Buffering is working, but at the moment, it doesn't seem to work with NCSA
Telnet, it looks like NCSA Telnet is connecting to Chat in LineMode Telnet.
Unfortunately, this defeats the method I am using to check for buffering.
I have been unable to get it to work with NCSA Telnet.

The Admin \RESET command is still not functional.

-- Nathan

#### BINHEX     chat-macemu-100.hqx   ****

From: Dominic <domdec@earthlink.net>
Subject: ChatMacEmu 1.0.0: MacEmu IRC Chat

Homepage: http://www.macemu.com/
Author: erise@macemu.com
Description: Need to get help or ask questions on anything related to 
Macs emulation? Then download the ChatMacEmu IRC client. It connects 
exclusively to the #macemu channel on irc.webmaster.com with no 
configuration required. THIS IS NOT A FULL IRC CLIENT. ChatMacEmu is 
derived from the OpenMac source.
Minimum Requirement: Mac OS X.1 or above

This file maybe included on any commercially available CD-ROMs
THe name for the file is ChatMacEmu 1.0.0

#### BINHEX     chatnet-21.hqx   ****

From: elstech@elsinc.com
Subject: ChatNetv2.1


CONTACT: Mitchell Martin (mailto:elstech@elsinc.com)

ChatNet v2.1 Adds Numerous IRC Enhancements

Gainesville, Fla. -- ELS, Inc. has announced the release of ChatNet v2.1 
which features numerous Internet Relay Chat enhancements. ChatNet 
enhancements include total compatibility with Mac OS 8.x, a simple 
interface for sending and receiving WAV sounds, and display of all text 
colors supported by IRC. Many new IRC preference options have been added 
including the ability to enter and remember logoff, quit, finger, and 
Userinfo messages. A new updated IRC Servers list is provided for easy 
access to the most popular IRC networks. DCC file transfer problems have 
been corrected.

Since ChatNet's initial release in 1995, there have been many Macintosh 
IRC client competitors that have tried to enter this very popular market, 
but ChatNet remains the simplest Macintosh interface to chat and send 
files on the Internet or a Local Area Network. ChatNet is the only IRC 
client with ChatGuardian(tm) and ChatWatcher(tm) built-in and the only 
client that does not require a user to know any IRC commands. 

ChatNet offers two modes for chat. The IRC Mode allows chat and file 
transfer through an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Server. ChatNet acts as a 
client program providing a button oriented graphical interface for all 
IRC functions. There is no need to know any IRC commands. The AppleTalk 
Mode allows multiple Macintosh computers running ChatNet to chat or send 
files on a Local Area Network, with or without a Server. 

ChatNet's simple interface will be familiar to anyone who has used major 
online services and quickly learned by those who haven't experienced 
network communications. Users interact via public and private 
conferences, send private messages, and transfer files to each other.

ChatNet provides security and control over the entire Chat environment to 
address concerns about material unsuitable for children. ChatGuardian and 
ChatWatcher preference settings give complete control over the ChatNet 
environment from completely open to very restrictive. ChatGuardian gives 
you control over channel access and message content by screening out 
words and phrases that are preselected. ChatWatcher keeps a log of all 
user activity. IRC Server access can also be controlled.

ChatNet is the perfect tool for homes, schools, businesses, and 
departmental workgroups. Hold online group conferences or have one負o觔ne 
private communication. Workgroups can discuss project status, strategy, 
and reach each other for questions and answers at the click of a button. 
All communication can be saved or printed for later reference. 

System Requirements:

ChatNet requires any Macintosh computer running System 7.x to 8.x. 
ChatNet is a fat binary application that is Accelerated for Power 
Macintosh computers. RAM memory of 900K is recommended with a minimum 
setting of 750K. Disk space of 2 Megabytes should be available for the 
application and support files. 

For IRC Mode (Internet Relay Chat) you must have access to the Internet 
through a direct Internet connection or a SLIP or PPP connection through 
an Internet service provider (check your local phone directory for 
Internet service providers in your area). Your Macintosh must also have 
MacTCP or Open Transport network driver installed.

For AppleTalk Mode, a network must be LocalTalk or EtherTalk compatible, 
and AppleTalk must be set to active in Chooser. There must be other 
computers running ChatNet on your network for you to chat or send files.

What's Included:

The ChatNet Installer application will install ChatNet and all its 
support files to your hard drive. The ChatNet User's Manual provides 
detailed information for proper installation and describes all of 
ChatNet's many features in a simple to read format. The ChatNet 
Registration is a form you can mail or fax to register your copy of 
ChatNet to receive authorization information for unlimited use. You can 
also register for ChatNet online using ELS, Inc.'s secure registration 
form at their web site listed below.

Support on the World Wide Web:

Visit the ELS, Inc. web site http://www.elsinc.com/ for the latest 
ChatNet information, to download the most up-to-date version, to register 
ChatNet online, or just to provide feedback or ask questions.

#### BINHEX     cindys-newsmailer-11g-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Cindy M. Carney) cindy@halcyon.com
Subject: Cindy's Newsmailer v1.1g

Cindy's Newsmailer v1.1g is an offline newsgroup and emailer with many
advanced features, including the following:

1.  Sends and receives email and newsgroup messages at times you
    specify, and allows you to read and compose offline.
2.  Supports background downloading, so you can read and compose
    messages while the software is transferring messages.
3.  Resizable, colored, scrolling windows, and different color "quoted"
    text. The colors are user-settable.
4.  Automatic routing of incoming messages to different folders based
    on content.  This allows you to, say, send all mailing list
    messages to one folder, and all "get rich quick" messages to
5.  Automatically play a custom sound when new mail hits a folder.
6.  Indefinite message retention. You can keep all messages forever, or
    expire messages as desired.
7.  Address book to store frequently used addresses.
8.  Tagline capability to store your favorite signature lines.
9.  Form letters feature allows you to write standardized messages that
    have wildcards for certain information, such as logonid, name,
    date, time, your name, etc. When you choose a form to send to a
    user, it automatically fills in these wildcards with the
    appropriate information. Use this feature to send standardized
    information with a "custom-built" look.
10. Carbon copies, blind carbon copies, and "message received"
11. Can use either MacTCP for an Internet connection, or the Apple 
    Modem Tool with the comm toolbox to use a "shell" account.  In 
    addition, multiple people can share the same Internet logonid over 
    an AppleTalk network, if desired.
12. "Automatic Replies" feature that allows you to automatically 
    respond to incoming e-mail with certain phrases in the subject 
    line.  With this feature, you can set up Cindy's Newsmailer to 
    be an "information server", even if you have a dial-up account.
13. New "voice mail" capability via the use of helper apps such as 
    "SndConverter Pro" or "RealAudio".
14. "Plug-in" technology allows you to specify custom programs to run 
    on incoming messages.  Included with the product is a "voice mail" 
    plug-in that automatically plays voice mail attached to incoming 

Try it, you'll like it!  Requires HyperCard Player 2.1 or higher.
Cindy M. Carney, cindy@halcyon.com

#### BINHEX     clearphone-352.hqx   ****

From: shanti@inreach.com
Subject: ClearPhone 3.5.2

ClearPhone Requires: Any Mac with mic and speaker (built in or external).
System 7.5.3 or later (7.6.1 best), OT 1.1.2, OT/PPP 1.0or FreePPP 2.5.2,
QuickTime 2.5, Real (dynamic or static) IP Address.
 I've been trying all the Phone programs for the internet and ClearPhone is
by far the best, Mac only for now but will be ported to windows soon, this
is a fully functional 30 day demo.

you have trouble logging on to ClearPhone with this version go to the
ClearPhone Homepage and download the latest version. For info, manual or
latest version go to, http://www.clearphone.com/   See the bottom of the
list below new features.
ClearPhone Features:
*"Call waiting" and "hold" simultaneous connections, works like a Video
*Hi resolution two-way simultaneous Video and audio
*Always clear Video and Audio at any Internet or local Appletalk or
Ethernet connection speed.
*Multiple connections are allowed at the same time with streamed audio and
video providing a real time group conferencing mode.
*Auto-answer mode allows unattended answering after 1 ring *"Call me"
button allows direct calling from your home page when using a browser

#### BINHEX     co-motion-191.hqx   ****

From: (Dean Bittner) dean@bittco.com
Subject: Co-motion 1.9.1

Co-motion energizes collaboration as participants brainstorm and evaluate 
ideas in a real-time session over the Internet or any TCP/IP network.  
Idea generation, annotation, and evaluation tools focus your group.  
Results are instantly organized by generating a variety of reports that 
summarize the interaction and separate the good from bad ideas based on 
the votes of participants.

Other features include private and public chatting as well as tools for 
finding, listing, and sorting the ideas in a shared, live document called 
a session.  Host as many sessions as you can handle, with as many 
participants as you want, when and wherever it's convenient.

Co-motion 1.9.1 is a fat binary for both 68K and PPC Macintoshes.  
Requires OpenTransport or MacTCP, System 7 or better, 1M of available 
memory, a hard disk, and a connection to a TCP/IP network like the Internet.

Shareware licensing $30:  includes complete source code under GPL, Windows 
version, box, install diskettes, manual.

We hope that you enjoy using Co-motion.


Dean Bittner, Managing Partner, Bittco

#### BINHEX     cohiba-10.hqx   ****

From: richwolf@UIC.EDU
Subject: Cohiba 1.0 -- Making Life with NetWare a Little Easier

*Cohiba is a control panel designed to make your life easier if you must
live, as I do, within the bounds of a NetWare universe.  Basically, *Cohiba
allows you to log into a Netware Directory Services (NDS) tree during
bootup.  "What's so great about that?" you may ask.  Well, with *Cohiba
installed you will be able to put aliases of items found on NetWare
fileservers inside your Startup Items folder and have them resolved for you
automatically every time you boot your Mac up!

In fact, *Cohiba has been found to be useful in the following sorts of

1.  You (or a client) would like to have NetWare behave more like the way
AppleShare can (i.e., log into a server automatically during bootup).

2.  You have a kiosk Macintosh which should log into a NetWare fileserver
without human intervention.

3.  A public access lab Macintosh should log into a NetWare fileserver
automatically as part of your administrative schema.

*Cohiba requires that you have the Novell Client for the Macintosh (version
5.1 or greater) already installed on your Macintosh.  (The NW Client
Installer is avaiable free from Novell.)  *Cohiba's Mac OS requirements are
the same as the NetWare Client for the Macintosh's.  *Cohiba must load
after the MacIPX control panel (if you do not change *Cohiba's name, this
will happen automatically).

*Cohiba is nothing-says-thank-you-better-than-beer-ware.  If you find
*Cohiba useful, and you would like to let me know in a tangible way, please
send me some of your favorite local, microbrewed beer.  It should be sent

	Richard K. Wolf
	University of Illinois at Chicago
	Computer Center (M/C 135)
	1940 West Taylor Avenue, Room 124
	Chicago, Illinois 60612-7583

#### BINHEX     columbo-30.hqx   ****

From: Louis Chartrand <louisxiv@istar.ca>
Subject: Columbo 3.0

Columbo is an internet search utility like Sherlock, but which only costs 
7$ and has tons of other features. Take a look at its website:

Louis Chartrand

#### BINHEX     comet-311.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 17:02:09 -0700
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Comet 3.1.1, Cornell's MacTCP-based Telnet/TN3270 client

Here's the latest external release of Cornell's terminal emulator. It's a
StuffIt archive containing all the software and resources needed for sites
other than Cornell to use Comet. Included is Comet documentation in Viewer
form. This documentation was developed for use at Cornell, but should be
useful as a quasi-tutorial for other sites.

#### BINHEX     comm-figure-12b2.hqx   ****

From: (Jonathan Dean) jon.dean@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
Subject: CommFgiure 1.2b2

CommFigure is a small utility that should speed up the time it takes to
configure Internet applications, by configuring multiple applications at
once. CommFigure is designed to be modular, that is new modules to
configure new Internet applications can be added by dropping them anywhere
on your hard drive, and new field settings (those found within the program
- ie. Real Name, Organisation) can also be added by using ResEdit or a
similar editing tool. In this way it should be simple for Internet
Providers or institutions to customise CommFigure for their personal needs.
CommFigure actively configures applications by editing their preference
files - this approach should enable virtually all Internet applications to
be configured by just one program - CommFigure.

#### DIRECTORY  conn   ****

#### BINHEX     connect-me-to-10.hqx   ****

From: "Robert J. Clay" <rclay1@uswest.net>
Subject: Connect me to...    freeware WWW Utlity for Macintosh

I must admit that the "Connect to..." script which comes with the MacOs is a
pretty good little utility by Apple Computer, Inc.
However, I have often been frustrated by not being able to change the
default URL that comes with it, and not being able to have a list of
favorite URL's which I can access from my desktop. That's why I put together
this little freeware application. It is meant as a replacement for the
"Connect to..." script, and I believe you will find it very versatile and
easy to use.

To start off, you must have:

A PowerPC computer
MacOS 8.5 or later
A web browser

If you would like to place this application in the Apple Menu, where it was
designed to go, simply double click on the "Installer applet". All the
moving will be done for you instead of you having to dive into multiple
folders. You can either delete the "Connect to..." script or use this
program in addition to the default script that comes with the OS.

web page:  http://home.earthlink.net/~aragorn2
email:  aragorn2@earthlink.net

#### BINHEX     convert-text-infos-104.hqx   ****

From: Cadili <cadili@skylink.it>
Subject: ConvertTextInfos version 1.0.4

ConvertTextInfos 1.0.4 - $5

ConvertTextInfos is a program used to read the data send through a html 
page usually to your email address. The program format the data in a 
readle way for a text editor.

ConvertTextInfos is a shareware you can use for 30 days, after that you 
have to pay your share fee.

ConvertTextInfos version History

1.0.0: The first internet release.
1.0.0b2: Fix an error with the "Power Mac Debugger 2.1a1" (I have add the 
proper SIZE resources).
1.0.1b1: Fix an error with the "AppleEvent Manager" (the structure 
QDGlobals is now static). Add the support of AppleEvent (supports 
kAEQuitApplication and kAEOpenDocuments messages).
Add a suffix (.out) to the processed file. Support multiple file with 
1.0.3: In this version the program ConvertTextInfos has been totaly 
rewritten. The developping environtment now is CodeWarrior and the 
application is totally C++ designed. The file service now use the 
macintosh File Manager directly. Minor fixes: all the incompatibilities 
with the Drag&Drop Manager has been fixed. Now the DB no longer need to 
be rebuilted or the Mac OS Easy Open need to be custumized. The output 
file now have the type 'TEXT' and creator 'ttxt'.
version 1.0.4: In this version the program ConvertTextInfos is Carbon 
revised. The new version is developped using the latest tools available 
at 12/1999 that is CodeWarrior 5.0.3, Carbon SDK 1.0.2b7 and 
UniversalInterfaces 3.3.1b2.
The PPC version of carbon now uses the Navigation Services when available 
instead of the Standard File Manager.

#### BINHEX     cookie-cleaner.hqx   ****

From: (Jeremiah A Blatz) jer+@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: CookieCleaner - clean out unwanted entries from your	MagicCooki

CookieCleaner 1.0
This file will delete all of the Netscape cookies from your
MagicCookie file, except for the ones that you specify. It 
requires that you have AppleScript installed and that you 
are willing to edit the script. It includes simple instruc-
tions on how to configure CookieCleaner to your needs. You 
must read the read me file in order to make CookieCleaner 
work! This script is distributed under the GNU Public License.

Jeremiah Blatz Oct 6, 1996

#### BINHEX     cool.hqx   ****

From: volkmar.friauf@koeln.netsurf.de
Subject: Script for ircle IRC client

Cool - Character Replacement Scripts for the Macintosh IRC client Ircle

With the enclosed scripts, you can easily create "cool" dialogs in your
Ircle chats. They replace standard characters with special symbols. This
can sometimes be funny, especially of you want to annoy people who try
to be cool by using strange looking IRC nicknames - just show them that
you can be quite cooler ;-)

(c) 1997 by Volkmar Friauf

E-Mail:    volkmar.friauf@koeln.netsurf.de WWW:      
http://http://www.k.cybercity.de/user/friauf.volkmar/ IRC-Nick:  Cologne

#### BINHEX     crypter-44.hqx   ****

From: macman3@earthlink.net
Subject: The Crypter

The Crypter is a program written by Hunter Greene to encode and decode
messages. It is great for chat rooms, IRC, ICQ, email, etc... Enjoy!

#### BINHEX     cu-seeme-087b1-68k.hqx   ****

From: Chris Silverberg, tfchris@netcom.com
Subject: CU-SeeMe 0.87b1 68K - internet videoconferencing

CU-SeeMe is a desktop videoconferencing program for Macintosh and PC, and
available freely from Cornell University.  CU-SeeMe provides a one-to-one
conference, or by use of a reflector, a one-to-many, a several-to-several,
or a several-to-many conference depending on user needs and hardware
capabilities.  It displays 4-bit grayscale video windows at 160x120 pixels
or at double that diameter, and includes audio.

Version 0.87b1 contains native Open Transport drivers and an improved slide
window.  CU-SeeMe was initially written for the Macintosh by Tim Dorcey.
Additional info at: http://cu-seeme.cornell.edu.

#### BINHEX     cu-seeme-087b1-ppc.hqx   ****

From: tfchris@netcom.com
Subject: CU-SeeMe 0.87b1 PPC - internet videoconferencing

CU-SeeMe is a desktop videoconferencing program for Macintosh and PC, and
available freely from Cornell University.  CU-SeeMe provides a one-to-one
conference, or by use of a reflector, a one-to-many, a several-to-several,
or a several-to-many conference depending on user needs and hardware
capabilities.  It displays 4-bit grayscale video windows at 160x120 pixels
or at double that diameter, and includes audio.

Version 0.87b1 contains native Open Transport drivers and an improved slide
window.  CU-SeeMe was initially written for the Macintosh by Tim Dorcey.
Additional info at: http://cu-seeme.cornell.edu.

#### BINHEX     cu-soon-201.hqx   ****

From: tfchris@netcom.com
Subject: CUSoon 2.0.1 - deamon connector for CU-SeeMe

CUSoon 2.0.1

CUSoon is a deamon connector for CU-SeeMe (from Cornell University) that
takes over the connection process when connecting to a reflector, until a
connection has been established.  This makes establishing a connection with
a busy reflector significantly easier.

CUSoon is written as a system extension.  Requires CU-SeeMe 0.83b3 or above
from Cornell University.  Freeware.

Written by Chris Silverberg <tfchris@netcom.com>.  Home page at:

Permission granted to include this file on commercial CD-ROMs of the
Info-Mac collection.

#### BINHEX     cyber-link-103.hqx   ****

From: rtz@netcom.com (Seth Snyder)
Subject: Cyber Link 1.03 cpt

Cyber Link is a utility that allows you to use the Finder and its icons to
keep track of and organize all the places you visit while you are surfing
the World Wide Web.

Cyber Link files are like Macintosh Finder Aliases except that they point
to WWW files and documents instead of Macintosh Files and documents.  They
are small files that contain the WWW URL or Universal Resource Locator.
When you click on one in the finder the Cyber Link application sends a
message to your Web Browser telling it to go to that location.

Cyber Link files can be created easily. When you have found a location on
the Web you would like to make a Cyber Link to use the New... menu command
from Cyber Link's File menu to save the Cyber Link file to your hard disk.

Cyber Link implements one of the coolest features in Microsoft Windows 95
that's not available on the Macintosh already, Shortcuts.

You can also go to Cyber Link locations by using the Open... command in
Cyber Links File menu or dropping a Cyber Link file icon on the Cyber Link
applications icon in the finder. You can drop MacWeb URL files on  the
Cyber Link applications icon as well.

Are you tired of typing "http://www." and ".com" every time you want to go
to a location on the Web. The Go To Company Name... command in the Navigate
menu may be just what you are looking for. If you type apple, sony,
microsoft  or  rtz  into the dialog box that appears your web browser will
go the home pages for those company's. What is happening is Cyber Link is
actually sending your web browser a message to go to Web URL
http://www.rtz.com. Many companies arrange the names of their web sites in
this same way so this menu command will work with all of them. The The Go
To School Name... command will work the same way but will add a '.edu' to
the end of the URL instead of a '.com'.

If you are using Cyber Link with The Virtual Meeting and you have the
conference floor you can control all the other conference attendees Web
Browsers using Cyber Link. When you double click on a Cyber Link file Cyber
Link will not only tell your Web Browser to go that location it will
broadcast a message to all the other Web Browsers in the conference telling
them to go to that location as well.

For more information on The Virtual Meeting visit the RTZ Software home
page. You can do this by selecting the find Out More about The Virtual
Meeting" command in the navigation menu. Or selecting the  Go To Company
Name...  and typing in rtz.

Cyber Link will launch Netscape Navigator 1.1,  MacWeb or  Mosaic if it can
find them on your Macintosh. If you have more than one you may want to edit
Cyber Links STR# resource # 300 using ResEdit to change the priority in
which Cyber Link searches for and launches these Applications.

Cyber Link is Copyrighted by Seth Snyder   1995 All Rights Reserved.
Cyber Link is shareware please support the shareware system by registering
your software. Instructions on registering the software can be found by
clicking on the register button in Cyber Links Initial screen. Registered
copies of Cyber Link don't have any annoying Dialog boxes and respond to

RTZ Software
P.O. Box 567
Cupertino, CA 95015-0567
Phone (408) 252 2946
Fax (408) 257 5274
E-Mail     rtz@netcom.com
WWW     http://www.rtz.com

I am the owner of the copyrighted shareware enclosed and would like to
submit for distribution to as many archives as possible. It may be
re-distributed in its archived form as long as the archive is not modified.


Seth Snyder

#### BINHEX     cyberdog-ic-helper-101.hqx   ****

From:  adruiz@concentric.net
Subject: Cyberdog IC Helper (1.0.1)

This AppleScript acts as a helper application for Internet Config. It
corrects a glitch in Cyberdog when command-clicking URLs (via ICeTEe) from
another application.

Version History
1.0.1: Changed AppleScript-generic creator code "aplt" to prevent calling
of a random AppleScript by Internet Config and the Finder.

1.0: Initial Public Release

Anyone may distribute this software at no charge as long as the enclosed
Read Me file is included and I am notified via e-mail at the above address.

#### BINHEX     cyberdog-kantara-search-1b5.hqx   ****

From: steven.roussey@partmerchant.com (Steven T. Roussey)
Subject: Cyberdog KantaraSearch 1b5
Sent: 16 October 1996

KantaraSearchService gives Cyberdog users native access to several Internet
search engines and directories like Infoseek, Altavista, Yahoo, and
PartBank. Searching these resources is as easy as going to the Connect
To... panel, select search and typing in the text to find.

This version now has full 68k support (but has not been fulled tested) and
some minor bug fixes.

#### BINHEX     daemon-killer-10.hqx   ****

From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: Daemon Killer 1.0

A handy freeware application which will quit Peter N. Lewis' Daemon in one
simple step.


#### BINHEX     daydreamer-103.hqx   ****

From: Quandir Software <carlile@kagi.com>
Subject: Daydreamer 1.0.3

Daydreamer will display a picture pointed to by a URL and update it as often as you like.  You  can do this with several pictures.  You can also have  Daydreamer make time lapse movies of the URL picture, adding a new  frame to a movie each time the picture is refreshed.  Daydreamer is Applescriptable, so even more can be done with it.  With sample scripts provided with the distribution, you can view slide shows of picture folders on your computer, or even make those slide shows into QuickTime movies.

Version 1.0.2 has improved HTTP error handling and better status reporting and is more responsive during downloads due to more complete multi-threading.

Daydreamer is shareware.

Daydreamer requires PowerPC and QuickTime 4 or later.

Released 1/27/2001

For more information,  go to <http://www.kagi.com/carlile/daydreamer.ssi>. 

Author's email: carlile@kagi.com 

#### BINHEX     dnr-deleter.hqx   ****

From: "Jack M. Dempsey" <jdempsey@ncinter.net>
Subject: DNRDeleter

Does your MacTCP DNR file become corrupt too frequently?  This little
applet will delete the MacTCP DNR file every time your reboot or 
shutdown.  MacTCP/Open Transport will then rebuild the file the next 
time your Mac restarts. Place it in your shutdown items folder. Very 
handy.  Requires AppleScript.  Please note, you will not lose any TCP/IP 
settings as a result of using this applet.

Jack M. Dempsey
aka BeetleGuy

#### BINHEX     dns-lookup-092.hqx   ****

From: (Paul Herman) a540pau@pic.ucla.edu
Subject: DNS Lookup 0.92

Hey all,

Lookey there! An nslookup for the mac. I have not yet seen one around and
I got tired of waiting, so I wrote one. So here ya go. This program can be
used to lookup IP addresses, CNAMEs, HINFOs, AXFRSs, etc.  with detailed
output in the style of the UN*X program: nslookup

Most importantly, is freeware!

This version (0.92) fixes a *big* monster bug in 0.9 that crashed every
other machine except mine ;-).... I _STRONGLY_ suggest you use this
version instead of the previous version 0.9.

Having System 7.0 or later, and either MacTCP or OpenTransport is a good
idea, too.


#### BINHEX     download-assistant-263.hqx   ****

From: Anders Ekl鐪  <andekl@saaf.se>
Subject: DownloadAssistant 2.6.3

With the permission of the author, Fabrice Bianchi <fbianchi.dev@infonie.be>
I submit the neat little utility DownloadAssistant to the Info-Mac archive.
It should fit neatly into the comm/inet directory.

 From the readme file:


With this program you can start your downloads using any protocol 
(ftp, hotline, carracho, http,�) and any application (Internet 
Explorer, Netscape, Hotline Client,�) and leave the computer alone 
securely. DownloadAssistant will automatically disconnect, then 
activate sleep or shutdown.

DA helps prevent pirate intrusions into your system by reducing 
useless connection time.

You can set the english speech synthesizer so DownloadAssistant will 
give you audio feedback of the download status (very useful if you 
are away from your computer!) This function works with DA in 
foreground or background.

DA can expand files automatically with Stuffit Expander� after 
disconnection and before shutdown. Saves time!

It can generate a helpful log file to record what it did for you and when.

#### BINHEX     download-deputy-422.hqx   ****

From: Mal Paine <mal@ilesa.com>
Subject: Download Deputy 4.2.2

ilesa Software releases Download Deputy 4.2

Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA -- 2/13/01 -- ilesa Software today
announced the release of Download Deputy 4.2, its popular Internet download
manager. ilesa's president, Mallory Paine, said today, "We wanted to
publically apologize for using customers' email addresses to enforce the
demo version's limitations and to announce a price drop. Some customers
considered this inappropriate, so I apologize to all of you personally. This
new version should erase your worries." And for those that haven't heard,
Download Deputy's price has been reduced by 20%! For a limited time,
Download Deputy is just $24 instead of the original $30.

What is Download Deputy?

Download Deputy is a convenient utility that manages all of your Internet
downloads. Why have multiple files downloading in many different programs
when one easy-to-use, efficient utility can handle them all? Don't let your
web browsing grind to a halt because of file transfers when Download Deputy
can automatically download everything later.

When surfing the 'net, it's often a pain to take a break while each
interesting utility or application you've found downloads. After all, the
Web is all about instant gratification, and download time is like a speed
bump on the information super highway. Enter Download Deputy! The Deputy
lets you create lists of files you want, then download all the files later.
Avoiding surfing downtime while downloading files is just one of the cool
features Download Deputy provides. All you have to do to add a file to the
download list is copy the link location for the file and paste it into
Download Deputy's URL window. You can then catch the next wave, secure in
the notion that you can download the file later. Once you're finished
surfing, click on Download Deputy's Go button and get yourself some coffee,
pardner. Download Deputy is on the trail of each of the packages you've
selected. If the site you're trying to download from is busy or unavailable,
you can configure Download Deputy to skip that site, retry until it gets
through or retry later.

If your ISP makes you pay different rates for using the Net at different
times, Download Deputy is a big win for you price-wise. Download Deputy is
like telephone software that lets you "automagically" bundle all your long
distance calls in off hours. In this case, you'll recoup the shareware fee
in a few days. Download Deputy isn't a gimpy sidekick such as in a black and
white western. It's a genuine utility that can be your best download friend.
Saddle up! 

Download Deputy is $24 USD. A fully function trial version is available for
free from the ilesa Software website <http://www.ilesa.com> and all major
Macintosh shareware ftp sites. Version 4.2 is a $12 upgrade to registered
users of version 3.x.

System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or other computer running MacOS
System 8.1 or later, Appearance Manager 1.02, 800k RAM, and 400k disk space.

What is new in Download Deputy 4.2?

- New Trial Version system DOES NOT grab your email address from the
Internet Control Panel. v4.2 is 100% Certified Spam-Free!

- Napster Support! In conjunction with ilesa's Napster MiniBrowser, you can
find OpenNap and Napster servers, browse their files, and add songs to
Download Deputy's download queue.

- You can now drag partial downloads from the Finder to Download Deputy's
window to add them to the queue.

- Contextual Menu Support. Control-click a file in the queue, and you can do
three different things: a) Set a specific download location for that file,
possibly different from the default download location; b) Change the file's
URL; or c) Remove the file from the queue altogether.

- AppleScript Support. Download Deputy is now scriptable.

- 4.2 now comes with the Download Deputy User Guide; You don't have to go to
our website.

- Many minor bug fixes.

Features of Download Deputy 4

* Queue-style interface is perfect for power users who love downloading

* You can set the number of simultaneous downloads for each queue. If you
have a slower connection, you might want only one file downloading at a
time. For those of you with faster connections, 10 simultaneous downloads
might be perfect. It's up to you!

* Download Deputy automatically resumes failed or paused downloads.

* Download Deputy can retry a failed or incomplete download as many times as
you choose. You can set the timeout for establishing connections as well as
the delay between retries.

* Unlimited number of queue windows open and/or downloading at the same

* You can schedule each queue window to download whenever you want. If you
prefer to download your files automatically overnight, Download Deputy is
the perfect tool. 

* Download Deputy's interface closely mimics the familiar Finder so it's
easy to use.

* For each download queue, you can tell Download Deputy to automatically
perform various post-download tasks, like automatically expanding and
decoding your downloads, disconnecting your PPP connection, launching an
application (or AppleScript), shutting your Macintosh down, or quitting
Download Deputy entirely.

* Download Deputy is brutally efficient; it requires just 800k of RAM and
400k of disk space. ilesa Software is morally opposed to bloatware.

What people are saying about Download Deputy:

"Download Deputy is amazing! With this intuitive interface and all the
features I need, my downloading chores have never been easier. I used to do
my downloading with Internet Explorer. Since Download Deputy, my downloads
are scheduled, organized, and FAST (I regularly now download at over 300k
per second as opposed to maybe 75k/sec with Internet Explorer on my cable
modem)!  Nothing else even comes close to Download Deputy."
- Neil Zaza, Calgary, Canada. MP3.com artist and Internet fanatic.

"I can't imagine using the internet without this app. To put it simply,
anyone who isn't using this is wasting their time. Download Deputy's
transfers are faster, and it's the only download tool that consistently
resumes both HTTP and FTP downloads. I'd recommend it to anyone fortunate
enough to use a Mac."
- Eugene Izumo, Brookline, MA. College student.


Download Deputy 4.2 is available now, and a fully functional trial
version may be downloaded for free through the ilesa Software website at

About ilesa Software

ilesa Software was founded in 1996 by Mallory Paine and his brother, Sumner
Paine. Throughout the last five years, ilesa has provided the Macintosh
community with useful Internet utilties that help to make anyone's computing
life a bit more pleasurable.

ilesa Software's flagship product, Download Deputy, is now in its fourth
major revision. ilesa Software is working to port Download Deputy to OSX and
expects a release within six weeks.

ilesa Software distributes its products as trial-ware. You can fully
evaluate any of our software for free and then decide if you want to buy it.
This way, you'll never buy something you don't want.

#### BINHEX     download-macros.hqx   ****

From: JMellin@pinecrest.edu
Subject: Download Macros

Download Macros are a set of macros that ease downloading files from the
Internet, and more. This software is freeware. Here's a description of
all the different macros:

DM: This will download batches of files (.sit, .hqx, .bin) in Netscape
2.x or 3.x.

DM Enforced: A version of DM that can download all file types, but does
not map it to it's corresponding helper application.

DM Enforced Sequential: A version of DM Enforced that downloads a series
of related files, which then renames them to whatever you want, followed
by a dot and the download number. For instance, header.1, header.2,

DM Enforced Sequential Reverse: Same as the previous but the numbers go
backwards starting from a specified number.

MSIE Downloader: A Download Macro that will download any type of file
using Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 3.0.1 or 4.0p1, but does not
route it to it's corresponding helper application. This macro took me a
while to complete, as it required a completely different approach than
the Netscape versions.

Hotline DL: If you can't download from a Hotline site because the
maximum number of simultaneous downloads are taking place, this macro
will consistantly try for you until it works.

Hotline Resume DL: Same as previous, but for any file you want to

Delete Cache: Deletes the cache for Netscape, MSIE, and the America
Online web browser all at once.

Netscape 2.x or 3.x, MSIE 3.0.1 or 4.0p1, Hotline 1.1b21 (respectively)
KeyQuencer 2.x

Jared Mellin

#### BINHEX     download-wizard.hqx   ****

From: Ton Brand <ton_brand@spidernet.nl>
Subject: DownloadWizard 1.0

DownloadWizard 1.0

What it is: AppleScript droplet that downloads files which are listed as
URLs in a text file.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Freeware
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: Mac OS 8.6 or later
DownloadWizard is an AppleScript droplet that downloads files which are
listed as return-delimited URLs in a text file. The default download path is
the root of your startup disk, but you can define a destination folder. You
can also choose to have Remote Access disconnect you when all downloading is
done - by default you will stay online.
Your starting point is one or more text files that contain downloadable
URLs, separated by hard returns. The following protocols are supported:
http, https, ftp and file. If the program sees a wrong URL, an alert is
displayed suggesting to skip this URL. For your convenience, this alert will
abort itself after 20 seconds, so that the whole process can continue, which
is important if you let the program download a bunch of files overnight.
To start downloading you simply drag the text file(s) that contain the URLs
to DownloadWizard's icon.

#### BINHEX     drop-download-gurl.hqx   ****

From: James Yost <jyost@slip.net>
Subject: Drop DownloadGURL, 2 AppleScript ftp clients

Drop Download
Uses OS 8.6's URL Access Scripting feature to download URLs and list directories.
Needs: Tanaka's OSAX 2.0x to read clipping files - available free from the author at:
Home page: <http://mtlab.ecn.fpu.ac.jp/tanaka_osax.html>
The OSAX: <http://mtlab.ecn.fpu.ac.jp/mySamples/Tanaka_osax_2.0b14.hqx>

Drag as many of the following kinds of URL containing files as you wish onto Drop
Download, and have them downloaded to a folder named "Downloads" on
your startup disk.

1. TEXT file types containing a URL or a return deliminated list of URLs.
2. Netscape URL files.
3. Clipping files (regular or internet) with a URL or a return deliminated list of URLs.
4. Anarchie bookmarks.
5. Double click Drop Download, and type or paste in a URL.

The URLs are saved into the "Comments" box of each file's "Get Info" window. Successful
downloads are logged to a text file at "HD:System Folder:Application Support:URL Access
Log Folder:URL Access Download Log" Error messages get saved to a text file on the desktop
named "Download failures"

Updated script no longer pops URL Access Scripting to the front for each file when doing
multiple file downloads, but rather uses a "silent mode" whenever it is doing multi - file
(more than 1) downloads.

Will try up to 5 times whenever it gets a server busy error (I Hope!! I think the error
is 12 but have been unable to test it!!).

Added a handler for input from Apple Data Detectors action files. Two un-compiled
scripts are included, and must be compiled after Drop Download is installed on your
machine. A small applet is also included to convert your compiled ADD action scripts
to the correct creator type. This extra step is necessary in order to avoid having to give
Drop Download a unique creator type.

Contains much of the code from Drop Download, but with "the on open" handler removed. I gave
DownloadGURL a custom creator code (z杇) - That's: (z, ASCII 29, ASCII 202, ASCII 254).
Changing the creator code causes droplets to lose their 'dropletness' or their ability to process
files dropped onto them. But, by so doing, it can be specified as the default helper application
for ftp in the Internet preferences, and the ADD action scripts can come precompiled. If you want
to play around and edit this script, do it the easy way with Smile. Otherwise, you have to change
its creator type back and forth to edit it with Script Editor.

#### BINHEX     drop-url-14.hqx   ****

From: (Peter Marks) Peter.Marks@pobox.com
Subject: DropURL 1.4

DropURL lets you store URL bookmarks as icons in the Macintosh Finder. 
They can be arranged simply and hierarchically in folders, put in your 
Apple menu, or even used as startup items.

Just double-click to get the URL.

DropURL requires Internet Config 1.2 or later, and KeyQuencer 1.2 or 
later is desirable.

This release includes two quick ways to grab a URL and turn it into a 
DropURL file, one uses KeyQuencer, the other is an AppleScript you can 
launch from your OSA menu.

The URL is also copied to the Finder comment field of the file for quick 

This software is free.

Please replace older versions of DropURL, and re-build your desktop to 
see the nifty new icon.


#### BINHEX     dump-truck.hqx   ****

From: Dump1truck@aol.com
Subject: dumptruck.sit.hqx

Tired of promoting your pages one URL at a time?

Get dumped!

Announcing dumpTRUCK! the only automatic URL submission tool for Macintosh.

New software that lets you submit up to 25 URLs with the touch of button to
the internet's top search engines.

Features: automatic batch URL submission to top search engines, submit up to
25 URLs per batch, create unlimited batches, import SimpleText lists of URLs,
automatic submission reports in HTML format, a true "single click" solution,
it was developed and built for Macintosh, oh yeah, and it's free!!

homepage: http://members.aol.com/dump1truck/mac/index.htm
email: dump1truck@aol.com

Developer's note:
This is development release 3.
This file may be included on the archives CD-ROM

Please find an appropiate folder for this utility.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: dump1truck@aol.com

#### BINHEX     dumptruck.hqx   ****

From: Dump1truck@aol.com
Subject: dumptruck

Tired of promoting your pages one URL at a time?

Get dumped!

Announcing dumpTRUCK! the only automatic URL submission tool for Macintosh.

New software that lets you submit up to 25 URLs with the touch of button to
the internet's top search engines.

Features: automatic batch URL submission to top search engines, submit up to
25 URLs per batch, create unlimited batches, import SimpleText lists of URLs,
automatic submission reports in HTML format, a true "single click" solution,
it was developed and built for Macintosh, oh yeah, and it's free!!

homepage: http://members.aol.com/dump1truck/mac/index.htm
email: dump1truck@aol.com

Developer's note:
This is a development release.
This file may be included on the archives CD-ROM

Please find an appropiate folder for this utility.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: dump1truck@aol.com

#### BINHEX     dyn-site-config-11.hqx   ****

From: brb@pobox.com
Subject: DynSiteConfig 1.1 - A Monolith DynSite client

DynSiteConfig is an application which allows you activate or deactivate
your DynSite address.

- A Macintosh is a '030, '040 or PowerPC processor.
- System 7.6 or greater.
- Open Transport networking software.
- An active internet connection.
- An account with Monolith and registered host name(s).

More information about DynSiteConfig can be found at:

#### BINHEX     easy-transfer-343.hqx   ****

From: Chris Reid <cr@cs.strath.ac.uk>
Subject: EasyTransfer 3.4.3

EasyTransfer is a file transfer utility that not only allows you to 
transfer files on  Macintosh computers over the Internet, but now it also 
enables you to control the remote Mac to some extent. It completely eliminates 
the need to  preprocess (BinHex) files before they can be sent. It features an 
easy-to-use  interface. Throughput is very high, up to 450 kBytes/sec. It 
supports run-time  file compression. EasyTransfer can now control your remote 
Mac:  you can move/copy files, launch applications, move windows etc.
The interface is now very Finder like (when "View by Name" is selected), 
including collapsable file lists. It also is fully Drag Manager compatible.

#### BINHEX     emile-lite-xml-editor-10.hqx   ****

From: terje@in-progress.com
Subject: Emile Lite 1.0 XML Editor

Emile Lite by Media Design in*Progress is a free XML editor for Macintosh.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an open document standard for
structured content, created and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium

Emile Lite facilitates productive markup with XML, liberating the author
from detailed knowledge of the XML specification by providing dialogs for
custom tags and common markup constructs. The application integrates a
clone of the comprehensive Emacs text editor, with a graphical user
interface for Macintosh ease of use. Emile Lite automatically adapts the
user interface to the current XML document type, building a customized
authoring environment that is tailored to specific needs using XML.

Emil� Lite supports editing with Extensible HTML, the next generation of
HTML that is based on XML. The application can export an XML document as
HTML, so web authors can take advantage of extensible markup while keeping
the pages accessible also for older web browsers.

System Requirements: MacOS 7.1 or later, works both for 68K and PPC.

Media Design in*Progress Home Page: http://www.in-progress.com

#### BINHEX     erics-bookmarks-31.hqx   ****

From: (Eric Zelenka) eric@macination.com
Subject: Eric's Bookmarks 3.1

Eric's Bookmarks(tm) 3.1
"The Best Bookmarks on the Internet"

What are Eric's Bookmarks?
Eric's Bookmarks are the greatest collection of bookmarked URLs available on
the Internet.  Eric's Bookmarks make navigating the web easier by providing an
organized listing of Internet sites and resources, all available via the
Netscape 2.0 Bookmarks menu.  Eric's Bookmarks contain bookmarked URLs to
hundreds of companies, organizations, magazines, publications, software
archives, search engines, news, sports, weather, entertainment, educational,
banking, government, references libraries and Internet directories.

You can also request to have a URL added to future versions of Eric's
Bookmarks by choosing "Add URL" from the Eric's Bookmarks menu item.

Are Eric's Bookmarks free?
No.  If you wish to remain using Eric's Bookmarks after the initial 30 day
trial period you must pay your Shareware fee.  You can do this by choosing
"Pay Shareware Fee" from the Eric's Bookmarks menu item.

#### BINHEX     eudora-mailto-helper-01d5.hqx   ****

From: (Christian Huldt) huldt@matematik.su.se
Subject: Eudora mailto helper v0.1d5

Eudora mailto helper is a slight modification of Eudora GURL handler, that
i) does about the same thing as Eudora GURL handler
ii) can be registered with netscape ( and internet explorer?) for the mailto protocol
iii) has the ability to handle multiple mail settings (e.g. for shared macs) with
or without the scriptable Finder.

I wrote it for because I needed it, but then people started asking for it...
It does take a few steps to setup, but that's in the read me.

This version requires the scriptable Finder, but a no-scriptable Finderversion is

updated docs, should be able to launch Eudora no matter what name the application

Share and enjoy

improvements, questions & comments to huldt@matematik.su.se
may be included on cd-roms, but I would really appreciate a copy


Christian Huldt                            

#### BINHEX     fast-email-check-pro-10.hqx   ****

From: mats@cedinpro.com
Subject: FastEmailCheckPro

This program is a 10$ shareware.

With this program you can fast and easy check up to ten accounts for new mails. The program use multitasking to checking all account at the same time and therefor it is faster than using a regular client when you just check for new mail. You can also view the subjects and some other info from emails before downloading the them into your regular email client.

Limitation for unregisted version:
Limited to three accounts and you can only get info on the first mail in every account. No autocheck

Latest version can be found at:

Mats Cedergren

Please send comment/bugreports to: development@cedinpro.com

#### BINHEX     fetch-303-swedish.hqx   ****

From: mats-ola.jonsson@swipnet.se
Subject: Fetch 3.0.3 Swedish

Hallo folks.

Here comes a Swedish version of Fetch 3.0.3 from Dr Feelgood

Mats-Ola (MOJ) Jonsson mats-ola.jonsson@swipnet.se
Dr Feelgood� http://www.feelgood.se
Tel:0910-80566 Fax 80522 Mobil 070 553 44 60

#### BINHEX     fetch-403.hqx   ****

From: Jim Matthews <matthews@fetchsoftworks.com>
Subject: Fetch_4.0.3.sit.hqx

This version of the popular FTP client includes improved 
compatibility with OS X Jaguar and dozens of bug fixes.  Fetch 4.0.3 
is a free upgrade for customers who have licensed previous versions 
from Fetch Softworks; the serial numbers for those releases will also 
work in 4.0.3. Otherwise it runs as a free trial for 15 days.  Fetch 
4.0.3 is compatible with System 7.0 through OS X. 

#### BINHEX     fetch-o-matic-25.hqx   ****

From: Emmett Gray <egray@kagi.com>
Subject: Fetch-O-Matic 2.4 automated website maintenance via FTP

Fetch-O-Matic (v.2.5) is suite of applications for automated website 
maintenance via FTP. Fetch-O-Matic allows web authors to freely 
create and update files locally without needing to keep track of 
their work, and to then automatically catalog the alterations and 
update the website. It also performs synchronization in the other 
direction, watching a remote location and automatically downloading 
any new or changed files appearing there. It provides seamless 
integration with Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive, and similar 
website authoring packages, offering more robust and more flexible 
handling of file transfers. And if several people are maintaining a 
site, Fetch-O-Matic protects them from treading on each other's 

Fetch-O-Matic differs from other available synchronization and 
maintenance schemes in that it does not require any local machine to 
have a complete site copy. For example, one might decide to grab a 
few pages and change them (and/or add some new files) from a 
PowerBook. Later, the site copy on the primary machine can be quickly 
brought up-to-date with just two clicks - without having to remember 
what was changed or consult the PowerBook.

Fetch-O-Matic is easy to use. Novice web authors in search of a 
simple way to update a personal web page need not be intimidated by 
its power. Experienced hands will find that previously dreaded 
operations such as multi-file search and replace, with the subsequent 
headache of tracking down and uploading scattered altered files, are 
rendered painless. Transfer errors such as uploading/downloading to 
the wrong directory are a thing of the past.

Fetch-O-Matic was conceived and developed to fill a need in servicing 
a large site (http://www.filmscouts.com). Uploads and downloads of 
thousands of files at once have been performed with ease. But even on 
a site with just a few pages, Fetch-O-Matic will ease the updating 

Not just for websites, Fetch-O-Matic handles a range of FTP file 
transfer operations, including continuous local and remote folder 
watching and synchronization. It is in use as an FTP tool by news 
organizations, webcam operators, and project co-ordinators in a wide 
variety of situations worldwide.

Fetch-O-Matic requires Dartmouth's FTP client "Fetch", AppleScript, 
the scripting addition Jon's Commands, and, optionally, Alessandro 
Levi Montalcini's "List Files" (providing a significant speed 
improvement for large sites), all of which are readily available 
online. Fetch-O-Matic runs on any Mac OS machine with reasonable 
(8mb+) RAM running System 7, 8, or 9. It runs in the background. It 
is shareware with a single-user license fee of $20. There is a free 
30-day trial period. The complete documentation is available online 
at the Fetch-O-Matic home page, 

New in this version: 1) The ability to automatically delete remote 
files after download to a local machine. 2) Complete compatibility 
with OS 9.1.

#### BINHEX     filegrabber-102.hqx   ****

From: "Justin C. Lauzet" <justinl@kscable.com>
Subject: FileGrabber 1.0.2

FileGrabber 1.0.2
Release Date 11/27/01

FileGrabber downloads sequentially numbered files from a Web server (HTTP or

If you've surfed through image archives looking at pictures, you may have
noticed that the URLs of the actual pictures sometimes vary very little. In
fact, images on a server are frequently in a series (vacation001.jpg,
vacation002.jpg, and so on). FileGrabber is a utility that will let you
enter URL information and a range, and will then download all of the files
for you with only one click. FileGrabber can also create custom HTML pages
for easy viewing of downloaded pictures.

FileGrabber is shareware ($8.00 US)


#### BINHEX     finger-20-hc.hqx   ****

From: Alex Precosky <apreco@pop.mag-net.com>
Subject: FingerHC 2.0 - A MacTCP finger client

Here's the latest version of fingerHC(finger client). This version 
includes many new features, including address books, and better 
on-line help. Requires System 7.0, and Hypercard Player 2.1. 
Shareware $5.

#### BINHEX     five-ten-twenty.hqx   ****

From: macandy@t-online.de
Subject: five-ten-twenty.sea

five-ten-twenty is a set of 3 compressed text files. they decompress 
itself to text files of exact size 5.000.000, 10.000.000 and 20.000.000 
bytes containing only the character "x".

Check your free space before decompressing!

What it is good for

network administrators may check the speed of their network by copying 
these files to and from file servers. count the seconds and divide!


this set of files is email-ware! If you use it more than 3 times or if 
you need additional files of different size, send me an email, then I'm 
happy :-) 

best regards

Andreas "macandy" Mueller, network administrator

#### BINHEX     fixation-13.hqx   ****

From: (Adam Miller) miller@minerva.cis.yale.edu
Subject: Fixation 1.3

Fixation is a free graphical client for the Free Internet Chess Servers and
the Internet Chess Club.  Use it to connect and play chess with hundreds of
people around the world.  Fixation is pretty, robust, and feature-laden.


#### BINHEX     fleas-bookmarks.hqx   ****

Subject: Flea's Bookmarks v1.0!!!
From: flea <flea@li.net>

Flea's Bookmarks is a collection of some of the best Web and FTP sites 
around.  It lets you do the surfing while we do they exploring.  This 
is only v1.0, expect bigger and better versions in the future.


#### BINHEX     foreign-character-fixer-dk.hqx   ****

From: Anders Baden Nielsen <andersn@SoftHome.net>
Subject: Foreign Character Fixer

Foreign Character Fixer (FCF) is a simple utility that translates
foreign characters, which cannot be read correctly by PC users into
readable characters. You can use it for instance when you chat in ANY
Java based chatrooms that don鱸 show your characters correctly and when
you use ICQ for MacOS to communicate with PC users.

FCF works on any Mac capable of connecting to the Internet, but
currently only Danish, Norwegian and Swedish versions exist. Just let me
now if you want a localised version for your particular language.

#### BINHEX     foreign-character-fixer-no.hqx   ****

From: Anders Baden Nielsen <andersn@SoftHome.net>
Subject: Foreign Character Fixer

Foreign Character Fixer (FCF) is a simple utility that translates
foreign characters, which cannot be read correctly by PC users into
readable characters. You can use it for instance when you chat in ANY
Java based chatrooms that don鱸 show your characters correctly and when
you use ICQ for MacOS to communicate with PC users.

FCF works on any Mac capable of connecting to the Internet, but
currently only Danish, Norwegian and Swedish versions exist. Just let me
now if you want a localised version for your particular language.

#### BINHEX     foreign-character-fixer-se.hqx   ****

From: Anders Baden Nielsen <andersn@SoftHome.net>
Subject: Foreign Character Fixer

Foreign Character Fixer (FCF) is a simple utility that translates
foreign characters, which cannot be read correctly by PC users into
readable characters. You can use it for instance when you chat in ANY
Java based chatrooms that don鱸 show your characters correctly and when
you use ICQ for MacOS to communicate with PC users.

FCF works on any Mac capable of connecting to the Internet, but
currently only Danish, Norwegian and Swedish versions exist. Just let me
now if you want a localised version for your particular language.

#### BINHEX     forgot-it-121-68k.hqx   ****

From: Erich Rast <erich@snafu.de>
Subject: ForgotIt121.sea.hqx and ForgotIt?121_68k.sea.hqx

ForgotIt? 1.2.1 is a password and URL management tool that uses 
strong Blowfish or RC4 encryption to protect your passwords. It can 
launch URLs by a simple click, print out password lists and export 
them in Base64 format or plain text. It is a classical user-friendly 
multiple-document Macintosh application and comes with excessive 
online help (also available as download). ForgotIt? does also support 
3rd party encryption plugins.

ForgotIt? 1.2.1 is $15 shareware.

Author: Erich H Rast <erich@snafu.de>
Requirements: Macintosh PPC/68k (2 different program versions 
available)  OS 7.5 or higher (8 recommended), 2 MB RAM, Internet 

Version 1.2.1 fixes a bug that inadvertantly caused the previous 
version to expire.

#### BINHEX     forgot-it-13-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Erich.Rast@t-online.de (Erich Rast)
Subject: ForgotIt_1.3_Classic.sit.hqx uploaded

ForgotIt? 1.3 is an easy-to-use multi-document application for 
managing passwords and Internet addresses. It uses strong Blowfish 
encryption and SHA1 hashing to protect password lists and launches 
even multiple URLs that belong to a password entry. ForgotIt? 
supports full drag&drop, re-ordering of password lists, external 
encryption plugins such as Rijndael (AES), uses SHA1 hashing, 
built-in compression and many more features.

Author: Erich Rast <mrspock@kagi.com>
Price: USD $15 shareware fee
Requirements: Macintosh PPC, OS 7.6 or higher, at least 2 MB RAM
URL: http://home.snafu.de/erich/shareware/forgotit.html

#### BINHEX     forgot-it-13-x.hqx   ****

From: Erich.Rast@t-online.de (Erich Rast)
Subject: ForgotIt_1.3_OSX.dmg.sit.hqx uploaded

ForgotIt? 1.3 OS X is an easy-to-use multi-document application for 
managing passwords and Internet addresses. It uses strong Blowfish 
encryption and SHA1 hashing to protect password lists and launches 
even multiple URLs that belong to a password entry. ForgotIt? 
supports full drag&drop, re-ordering of password lists, external 
encryption plugins such as Rijndael (AES), uses SHA1 hashing, 
built-in compression and many more features.

Author: Erich Rast <mrspock@kagi.com>
Price: USD $15 shareware fee
Requirements: Macintosh PPC, OS X
URL: http://home.snafu.de/erich/shareware/forgotit.html

#### BINHEX     forgot-it-de.hqx   ****

From: Erich Rast <mrspock@kagi.com>
Subject: Corrected: ForgotIt 1.1 Deutsch (German info text)

ForgotIt? 1.1 DE merkt sich Ihre Passw顤ter in Listen, die per starker
Blowfish-Verschl媠selung vor dem Zugriff fremder gesch慤zt werden. Es kann
Dateien als ASCII-Text exportieren, hat eine leicht zu bedienende
Benutzeroberfl踄he und startet URLs per Knopfdruck. Wozu sich dutzende
Passw顤ter merken, wenn eines schon genug ist?

Systemvoraussetzungen: PowerMacintosh, OS 7.5 oder h鐬er (OS 8 empfohlen),
2 MB RAM, Open Transport & Internet Config (Teil von System 8)

Preis: $15 Shareware
Autor: Erich H Rast
Email: mrspock@kagi.com
URL:   http://www.snafu.de/~erich/shareware/forgotit_de.html

#### TEXT       format-chart-152.txt   ****

From: Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@zianet.com>
Subject: format-chart152.txt

category: information, help, text

This is the latest version this report and should replace the previous version
of format-chart1151.txt

I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as
an aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress
this format?'  Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed.

All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as
Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent so that the columns line up
correctly.  Since to be readable on-line this file is in ASCII it
is recommended that something like TexEdit+ or a web browser be used to
view the file.

Permission is given for this file to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     free-tp-102.hqx   ****

From: (Edward Peterlin) peterlin@Princeton.EDU
Subject: FreeTP v1.0.2 Installer

This installer will install FreeTP version 1.0.2 for either Mac or
PowerMac.  Version 1.0.2 improvments include network patches, interface
improvements, and an improved file transfer protocol.  Please retain the
abstract already present and remove the previous 1.0.1b installer.

As always, thankx for the time and the archive!
Ed Peterlin

#### BINHEX     ftp-wizard.hqx   ****

From: "john simmonds" <john@cyberkare.com>
Subject: FTP Wizard

Applet to upload files via drag & drop using FTP client Fetch. Freeware.
FTP Wizard is small easy-to-use, yet powerful AppleScript droplet that uses Fetch FTP client to seamlessly transfer files to a remote FTP server. Users may create multiple Applets for different FTP accounts and or directories. To use the 規izard� simply drag & drop a file or files onto it and it will upload your files to the appropriate FTP site.

#### BINHEX     g-url-friend-ppc-102.hqx   ****

From: jluszcz@best.com
Subject: gURLfriend v1.02

gURLfriend is a utility that will parse your Netscape or Internet
Explorer bookmarks files into a format that is more convenient to post
onto a web site.  The standard  bookmark file contains information such
as the add date, the last visit and the last modified time. This extra
information is pretty much useless to most people and is removed by
gURLfriend. The gURLfriend application also searches through your
bookmarks list and indexes all the bookmark folder names and creates a
table of contents. This table of contents appears above the list of URLs
when viewed using a browser. By clicking on the folder name, the user is
brought to the place in the URL list that contains those links.

How do I use gURLfriend?

gURLfriend is very easy to use. Simply drag and drop your  bookmarks
file onto the gURLfriend application. gURLfriend will write out a file
named gURLfriend.html. Your original bookmarks file is untouched.  You
can then post this HTML file onto your web page.

Why would I want to use gURLfriend?

If you are like me you put a copy of your bookmarks list on your home
page. By using gURLfriend you will significantly decrease the size of
this file and also make it easier to use. My bookmarks file size went
from 64K to 35K after running them through gURLfriend. It is also
indexed which makes it easier to use. A parsed bookmarks file takes much
less time to transfer when posted on your page.

Where can I find updates to this program and other software by the

Check out the following URL for my shareware page:



#### BINHEX     geek-talk-20.hqx   ****

From: chris@silverberg.net
Subject: GeekTalk 2.0.sit - Chat Plugin for CU-SeeMe

GeekTalk 2.0

GeekTalk is a plug-in for CU-SeeMe (from Cornell University) that replaces
the built-in chat window with an improved chat window.  Improvements
include: Private messaging, detailed and flexible control over
fonts/styles/colors, PlainTalk voices, logging, filtering, hiliting, URL
support, message numbers and user profiles.  New in version 2.0: private
chat windows, sender windows, keywords, shortcuts, and user administration

Requires CU-SeeMe 0.83b3 or above from Cornell University.  GeekTalk is a
fat binary for both 68k/PowerPC.  Shareware $15.

Written by Chris Silverberg <chris@silverberg.net>.  Home page at:

Permission granted to include this file on commercial CD-ROMs of the
Info-Mac collection.

#### BINHEX     gerrys-icq-d441-se.hqx   ****

From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <moj@ramona.nu>
Subject: Gerrys ICQ d44.1-SE

Ramona Shareware  http://ramona.nu oversatter och har alltid den senaste
uppdateringen av den basta ICQ-klienten for Mac ;-). Nu version
d44.1-SE FAT i svensk oversattning.

Systemkraven  ar:
� Appearance Manager
� Drag Manager
� Thread Manager
� Open Transport 1.1 eller senare
� Om du anvander Mac OS 8.0 eller senare, finns allt detta redan
installerat och bor fungera .

oversattare: Kjell Olausson

Pris: Gratis

Version d44 av den alternativa ICQ-klienten for Mac inkluderar
foljande forandringar:

- Du kan specificera typsnitt, stil och storlek pa meddelandetext.
- I chattfonstret kan man nu valja att anvanda IRC-stil pa chatten.
- Du kan enkelt vaxla utseende mellan tvadelat fonster och IRC-stil genom
att anvanda flikarna i fonstret. Det fins en lista med kontakter i IRC-
utforandet. Detta betyder dock ej att jag implementerat multichatt annu.
Detta ar dock det forsta steget...
- Du kan lagga till kontakter till olika listor genom att skriva eller
klistra in deras ICQ-nummer i det textfalt som finns i listfonstret.
- Den kontextuella menyn ansluter sig slutligen till Apples anvisningar
genom att inte innehalla inaktiva objekt.
- Jag har lagt till en undermeny i den kontextuella menyn som gor det
mojligt att snabbt andra vilken lista en person ska vara i. Synliga,
osynliga eller ignorera.
- Problemet med meddelandeloggar med storleken 0 byte har fixats, tror jag.

All dokumentation ar numera i pdf-format. Hoppas alla kan lasa detta
format. Annars maste ni ladda hem Acrobat Reader fran: <http://

Ladda ner fran http://ramona.nu

#### BINHEX     get-em-as.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 19:02:30 -0700
From: robert@ftp.macweek.ziff.com (Robert Hess)
Subject: Get 'Em applet

Enclosed is my Get 'Em AppleScript applet. It automates Anarchie downloads
and is especially useful when you want to download a file from a terribly
busy server.

You simply drop a text file containing URL(s) or Anarchie Bookmark files
onto the applet and it will attempt to download every item up to 100 times.

After it runs, the text/bookmark file will contain only those items that
could not be successfully downloaded.

Saved in compiled script form, so you can edit it to change its behavior.

PGP: finger robert@ftp.macweek.ziff.com; Mail: same; Phone: (415) 243-3576
         New from Blammo! It's Super Digital Turbo Sponge!

#### BINHEX     glooton.hqx   ****

From: renaud pinoit <renaud@glooton.com>
Subject: Glooton 1.1.1

Glooton is an web meta searcher compatible Macintosh and Windows. It is
an application which makes possible any search on Internet using the
sites and search engines existing on the web.To do, Glooton uses the
Sherlock� compatible plug-ins.

Upload name on your ftp sit glooton.hqx

#### BINHEX     grade-ta.hqx   ****

From: xszhou@wam.umd.edu
Subject: GradeTA

GradeTA - Teachers and TAs (teacher assistants) without web development
knowledges can use GradeTA to report grades online. With GradeTA, students having
aliases can see their rankings, score distributions, and statistics online. It is
easy to use and install. One only needs to download and unzip to install it.
GradeTA is a Java applet and works on all platforms. Special requirements: None.
Freeware. Xu-shen Zhou, zhou@stocksense.com http://www.stocksense.com/grade/

#### BINHEX     guia-internet-13.hqx   ****

From: grabu@arrakis.es
Subject: Guia Internet

﹒H! Guia Internet 1.3�

Esta pila esta creada con HyperCard 2.4. 

Es una base de datos que contiene m嫳 de 2.000 direcciones Internet y tambien
permite a鎙dir tus direcciones favoritas. 
Esta base de datos introduce automaticamente la direccion en el navegador
(siempre que hayas seleccionado un navegador en el menu principal), asi no
tienes que introducir manualmente el URL.

Esta pila la puedes distribuir gratuitamente.

Joan Grabuleda Sitja.
Email: grabu@arrakis.es
Septiembre de 1998

#### BINHEX     gurl-friend-20-68k.hqx   ****

From: jluszcz@best.com
Subject: gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)

What is gURLfriend?

gURLfriend is a utility that will parse your Netscape or Internet Explorer 
bookmarks files into a format that is more convenient to post on to a web 
site.  Your browser's bookmark file contains much more information than 
you would expect. Besides the bookmark's name and URL information such as 
the date the bookmark was last visited, the day it was added to your list 
and comments you may have added. This extra information almost doubles the 
size of the bookmarks file and is removed by gURLfriend.  The gURLfriend 
application also searches through your bookmarks list and indexes all the 
bookmark folder names and creates a table of contents. This table of 
contents greatly speeds up access to your online bookmarks since you can 
quickly jump to the folder you are interested in without having to 
transfer the bookmark information for the URLs you are not interested in.

Why would I want to use gURLfriend?

If you are like me you put a copy of your bookmarks list on your home 
page. By using gURLfriend you will significantly decrease the total size 
of this information and also make it easier to use. My bookmarks file size 
went from 97K to 56K after running it through gURLfriend. It is also 
indexed which makes it easier to use. A parsed bookmarks file takes much 
less time to transfer when posted on your page.

Most importantly, if you break the folders into separate files, the time 
the is required to access a particular bookmark is significantly reduced. 
The table of contents file is a fraction of the total size of your 
bookmark information. Mine for example is 3K. 

Also, gURLfriend strips all information except the URL, its name and the 
comments if you allow them to be kept. All other information is removed 
which not only reduces the file size, it also removes possibly sensitive 
information that you might not want posted to the net.

You can download gURLfriend from:


Jeff Luszcz

#### BINHEX     gurl-friend-20-ppc.hqx   ****

From: jluszcz@best.com
Subject: gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)

What is gURLfriend?

gURLfriend is a utility that will parse your Netscape or Internet Explorer 
bookmarks files into a format that is more convenient to post on to a web 
site.  Your browser's bookmark file contains much more information than 
you would expect. Besides the bookmark's name and URL information such as 
the date the bookmark was last visited, the day it was added to your list 
and comments you may have added. This extra information almost doubles the 
size of the bookmarks file and is removed by gURLfriend.  The gURLfriend 
application also searches through your bookmarks list and indexes all the 
bookmark folder names and creates a table of contents. This table of 
contents greatly speeds up access to your online bookmarks since you can 
quickly jump to the folder you are interested in without having to 
transfer the bookmark information for the URLs you are not interested in.

Why would I want to use gURLfriend?

If you are like me you put a copy of your bookmarks list on your home 
page. By using gURLfriend you will significantly decrease the total size 
of this information and also make it easier to use. My bookmarks file size 
went from 97K to 56K after running it through gURLfriend. It is also 
indexed which makes it easier to use. A parsed bookmarks file takes much 
less time to transfer when posted on your page.

Most importantly, if you break the folders into separate files, the time 
the is required to access a particular bookmark is significantly reduced. 
The table of contents file is a fraction of the total size of your 
bookmark information. Mine for example is 3K. 

Also, gURLfriend strips all information except the URL, its name and the 
comments if you allow them to be kept. All other information is removed 
which not only reduces the file size, it also removes possibly sensitive 
information that you might not want posted to the net.

You can download gURLfriend from:


Jeff Luszcz

#### BINHEX     haxial-netfone-140.hqx   ****

From: Haxial <support2@haxial.com>
Subject: Haxial NetFone 1.400

Haxial NetFone is an encrypted multi-user Internet telephone. ie it lets 
you talk (literally, without typing), to 1 or more people over the 
Internet. You can talk to multiple people at the same time, and your 
security and privacy is protected by encryption.

Unfortunately, internet telephones are not as simple and easy to use as 
real physical telephones. However, internet telephones offer some other 
compelling advantages: 

*  You can make long distance or international calls for free. You only 
pay for your normal internet access, and then any calls you make with 
NetFone are free, even if you talk to someone on the other side of the 
world for 10 hours. You can save a lot of money this way. 
*  You can have multi-way conversations with NetFone, also known as 
"Conference Calls". In other words, you can talk to multiple people at 
once and have a group discussion, instead of only one-to-one. 
*  NetFone encrypts your conversations for security and privacy. People 
will not be able to eavesdrop on your conversations (provided you choose 
good passwords). 
*  You can use NetFone during an internet game, which would be 
impractical with a normal telephone. 
*  NetFone gives you lots of options to tweak the performance of the 
call. While this can be seen as a disadvantage (complications), it is 
also advantageous because it allows you to squeeze the best performance 
out of your internet connection. 

Note that Haxial NetFone talks only with other copies of Haxial NetFone 
-- ie it does not call a real physical telephone. NetFone is 
cross-platform, meaning that the Mac version can speak to the MS Windows 
version, or vice-versa. 

Haxial NetFone is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:


And the company website is:


#### BINHEX     hefty-ftp.hqx   ****

From: Peter Job <ziggy@icon.co.za>
Subject: Hefty FTP 1.0

Hefty FTP is a modern queue based FTP client for the Mac that:

* Automatically retries connections
* Automatically retries downloads and uploads
* Automatically resumes transfers if possible
* Can be transferring queued files to/from FOUR FTP servers simultaneously
while browsing a fifth
* Can download files off the Web using HTTP, with full
reconnection/resumption capabilities
* Gives you extensive control over your FTP sessions and transfers

System Requirements

To run Hefty FTP, users require the following

1. A PPC Mac running MacOS 8.5 or later.
2. 8mb free RAM.
3. Open Transport.
4. About 4MB of disk space.
5. An Internet connection.
6. A screen set to 1024x768 minimum.

Shareware / Payment

Hefty FTP is being released as shareware at a cost of US$ 35.00 per single
user. Payment is throughy Kagi (http://order.kagi.com/?UYJ). Upon
registration,  users will be e-mailed their registration code
allowing them unlimited usage of the software.

Contact Information

Peter Job

Kevin Brett

Technical Support

Website: http://www.ziggy.speedhost.com/

#### BINHEX     hellow-urld.hqx   ****

From: SoftHarbor@aol.com
Subject: Hello wURLd

Hello wURLd - if you visit a number of web pages every day, Hello wURLd
can save you time. Just tell Hello wURLd the URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) of each of your favorite web sites, and it will open them in
separate windows in your web browser while you get some coffee. When you
return, the pages will be loaded and ready for you to view.

#### BINHEX     hermes-10.hqx   ****

From: Anthony <zoebits@kagi.com>
Subject: Hermes X 1.0 - Usenet batch autoposter for Thoth

Welcome Hermes, a premium batch processor for posting binaries on
Usenet. Based on AppleScript, it leverages the power of Thoth to fully
automate this process. You supply the parameters and it does the work.
This frees up your valuable time, all while providing greater protection
from mistakes than when posting manually.

Hermes is fully featured but simple to use. Posting with Hermes is as
easy as posting directly with Thoth, but offers far greater control and
flexibility. For example, Hermes will�

* Encrypt message with ROT-13
* Add random text to subject or message
* Sort attachments in natural order
* Post using pseudonyms
* Set posting preferences while on-the-fly
* Work with multiple copies of Thoth
* Help manage the transfer Queue for Thoth
* And more

Hermes is shareware costing USD 10.00. The applet is fully functional
and comes complete with documentation.

Minimal Requirements
Mac OS X 10.1.2

#### BINHEX     hlbase-111-68k.hqx   ****

From: olivier.robert@capway.com
Subject: HLBase1.1.1 68K

About HL Base

It is an easy and handy to use Hotline bookmark manager.
Hardware requirement:

Minimal requirement is a 68020 Mac and System 7.5 or higher.


The shareware fee is $5


It may be freely distributed on CD-ROMs, on the internet, ...

Olivier Robert

MacManiac - French Macintosh Site
MacNetManiac - Mailing List
mnm-request@listsrv.mygale.org (sub/unsub)
mnm@ listsrv.mygale.org (list)
Olivier Robert
Tel: (33) 06 14 99 70 40 (France)

#### BINHEX     hlbase-111-ppc.hqx   ****

From: olivier.robert@capway.com
Subject: HLBase1.1.1 PPC

About HL Base

It is an easy and handy to use Hotline bookmark manager.
Hardware requirement:

Minimal requirement is a PPC Mac and System 7.5 or higher.


The shareware fee is $5


It may be freely distributed on CD-ROMs, on the internet, ...

Olivier Robert

#### BINHEX     hogwasher-26.hqx   ****

From: "Stephen J. Cunningham" <sjc@asar.com>
Subject: hogwasher-26-demo.hqx:  An Offline + Online Newsreader

Hogwasher is a newsreader for users who are ready to "move up" from the 
simple "web browser accessory" type readers which come with their Mac but 
who do not have or want the technical sophistication and patience to 
configure and use the various "GuruReaders" which are available.

Hogwasher functions equally well as either an online or offline 
newsreader. It implements the functionality that has become standard in 
all newsreaders in an intuitive, easy to use fashion. In addition, it 
offers several unique features designed to make participation in the 
Usenet community more enjoyable and less time consuming...and in many 
cases less expensive.

The enclosed fully functional demo allows 60 days of unlimited usage.

System Requirements:
68K: 4 MB RAM, 10 MB free disk space, System 7.5 or later, Open Transport 
1.1 or later
PPC: 4.5 MB RAM, 10 MB free disk space, System 7.5 or later, Open 
Transport 1.1 or later

#### BINHEX     holmes-10v2.hqx   ****

From: wl7ci@alaska.net
Subject: Holmes

Holmes Search Central 1.0  												November 4,1998

What is it?
		In the spirit of Sherlock on MacOS 8.5, Holmes is an internet search 
utility for the rest of us.  It provides one central location to query 
numerous internet search engines.  The software is quick, compact, and 
PPC native.

What are its requirements?
		Holmes will run on a Mac II or higher under System 7 or higher.   It 
runs in 1 MB of ram.  Holmes requires a web browser (not included) to do 
its work.   It also requires Internet Config to be installed and 
configured.  Internet Config 2.0 is included in this distribution package.

How does it work?
		Operation of Holmes is simple.  Enter some text to search for, select 
your search engine, and hit the Search button.  If the text you enter is 
an internet url, just hit the URL button.  Holmes has lots of balloon 
help which should help you understand its operation.

Thank you for downloading Holmes.  I hope you like it.


#### BINHEX     hotfind-124-68k.hqx   ****

From: Macron <macron@tracker-tracker.com>
Subject: Hotfind 1.2.4 (68K).hqx

Hotfind may be included on an info-mac CD

Hotline Client or Hotline clone
OS 7.5 and above


HotFind is a server and file search utility for Hotline. It can be used 
to search for specific Hotline servers and for specific files on Hotline 
servers. HotFind is distributed as $10,- (US) shareware.
Hotfind will generate a Hotline server list by combining all server lists 
from all known trackers. HotFind automatically updates its own internal 
list of Hotline trackers by periodically checking our Hotline tracker 
database at www.tracker-tracker.com, so you will always have access to 
the most up-to-date and complete server list without having to search for 
Hotline trackers yourself ever again.  
With HotFind's powerful Boolean search you can search in the description 
of Hotline servers to find those Hotline servers that you really 
interested in, and with HotFind's file search it's possible to search for 
files or folders located on Hotline servers without the need for a web 
based file search engine. This not only makes the file search more 
reliable it also guaranties your privacy. 
What's New in HotFind 1.2.4

* Fixed a couple of bookmark related bugs.
* Fixed the flooding prevention.
* Fixed a number of cosmetic problems.
* Corrected a number of spelling mistakes.
* Fixed a problem with <<cr>> in path names.
* Added support for the Hotline download client Pitbull 
(www.tracker-tracker.com/pitbull) to enable direct file downloads from 
the file result window or the files window.
* This time I really added "Select All" to all edit fields (I hope).
* An up-to-date manual is now included with the installer...thanks simX 
* Fixed the "search top list only" function.
* Added some additional short cuts.
* Fixed a couple of other tiny bugs�

#### BINHEX     hotfind-124-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Macron <macron@tracker-tracker.com>
Subject: Hotfind 1.2.4 (PPC).hqx

Hotfind may be included on an info-mac CD

Hotline Client or Hotline clone
OS 7.5 and above


HotFind is a server and file search utility for Hotline. It can be used 
to search for specific Hotline servers and for specific files on Hotline 
servers. HotFind is distributed as $10,- (US) shareware.
Hotfind will generate a Hotline server list by combining all server lists 
from all known trackers. HotFind automatically updates its own internal 
list of Hotline trackers by periodically checking our Hotline tracker 
database at www.tracker-tracker.com, so you will always have access to 
the most up-to-date and complete server list without having to search for 
Hotline trackers yourself ever again.  
With HotFind's powerful Boolean search you can search in the description 
of Hotline servers to find those Hotline servers that you really 
interested in, and with HotFind's file search it's possible to search for 
files or folders located on Hotline servers without the need for a web 
based file search engine. This not only makes the file search more 
reliable it also guaranties your privacy. 
What's New in HotFind 1.2.4

* Fixed a couple of bookmark related bugs.
* Fixed the flooding prevention.
* Fixed a number of cosmetic problems.
* Corrected a number of spelling mistakes.
* Fixed a problem with <<cr>> in path names.
* Added support for the Hotline download client Pitbull 
(www.tracker-tracker.com/pitbull) to enable direct file downloads from 
the file result window or the files window.
* This time I really added "Select All" to all edit fields (I hope).
* An up-to-date manual is now included with the installer...thanks simX 
* Fixed the "search top list only" function.
* Added some additional short cuts.
* Fixed a couple of other tiny bugs�

Ben Vandevelde

#### BINHEX     hotgrabber-12.hqx   ****

From: JuL <jul@abyssoft.com>
Subject: Hotgrabber


I have uploaded hgrab12ppc.sit.bin. It is "hotgrabber 1.2 mac", and it's an
internet utility to download files using the hotline protocol.
Here is the description:

hotgrabber is a downloads-only Hotline Client. It has many advanced and very
useful features, such as:
  - Download on various servers at the same time
  - Search files using Hotline 411 and download them with one click
  - Search files inside a server (even offline if the server if already
  - Spot pincher (try to download a file continuously if no spot is
  - Delay downloads (download late in the night, when everybody's sleeping)
  - Start downloads from the web using
"hgrab://log:pass@server:port/path/file" links
  - Control, stop, add downloads by messages inside Hotline using the Remote
  - Download Zone (downloads files from an hour to another)
  - Open/close PPP connection automatically (for modem users)
  - Download folders (even with servers before version 1.5) and selections
of multiple files
  - Oversee your download from any applications using the HGBar
  - TimeOut option (restart a download if it doesn't receive data for a
specified time)
  - Save Information about a download into a bookmark (crypted, with a
  - Try to reconnect to the server if you're disconnected
  - Resume the download when double-clicking on a partially downloaded file
in the Finder
  - Naturally, it can queue and resume downloads, like Hotline

#### BINHEX     hotline-client-123-68k.hqx   ****

From: adam@hotlinesw.com
Subject: hotline-client-123-68k.sit.hqx

The Hotline Client is the vehicle which allows users to navigate the 
wired Hotline world. The Client is a simple and elegant application that 
enables the user to connect to a server, chat with other users, read and 
post news, and simultaneously transfer files with speed and ease.  All 
this is presented in a user-friendly and polished interface.  The Client 
incorporates cutting-edge features such as resumable downloads and 
uploads, private personal messaging, news, and real-time chat.  Both the 
Server and the Client multi-task seamlessly, even while the user is 
checking e-mail, browsing the web, or running other applications in the 
background or foreground.

The Hotline Server enables the user to easily and safely run their own 
personal server on almost any Macintosh currently, with a PC version 
being in the alpha stage of development.  The Hotline Server is a 
powerful yet easy to use tool for anyone who needs a way to stay in 
contact and share files, information and ideas. 

To allow others to easily find and connect to their server, the user can 
register their Server with a Hotline Tracker, which acts like an Internet 
Phonebook.  Once registered, the user's server becomes available for 
anyone to look-up and connect to.  

#### BINHEX     hotline-client-123-ppc.hqx   ****

From: adam@hotlinesw.com
Subject: hotline-client-123-ppc.sit.hqx

The Hotline Client is the vehicle which allows users to navigate the 
wired Hotline world. The Client is a simple and elegant application that 
enables the user to connect to a server, chat with other users, read and 
post news, and simultaneously transfer files with speed and ease.  All 
this is presented in a user-friendly and polished interface.  The Client 
incorporates cutting-edge features such as resumable downloads and 
uploads, private personal messaging, news, and real-time chat.  Both the 
Server and the Client multi-task seamlessly, even while the user is 
checking e-mail, browsing the web, or running other applications in the 
background or foreground.

The Hotline Server enables the user to easily and safely run their own 
personal server on almost any Macintosh currently, with a PC version 
being in the alpha stage of development.  The Hotline Server is a 
powerful yet easy to use tool for anyone who needs a way to stay in 
contact and share files, information and ideas. 

To allow others to easily find and connect to their server, the user can 
register their Server with a Hotline Tracker, which acts like an Internet 
Phonebook.  Once registered, the user's server becomes available for 
anyone to look-up and connect to.  

#### BINHEX     hotline-server-123-68k.hqx   ****

From: adam@hotlinesw.com
Subject: hotline-server-123-68k.sit.hqx

The Hotline Client is the vehicle which allows users to navigate the 
wired Hotline world. The Client is a simple and elegant application that 
enables the user to connect to a server, chat with other users, read and 
post news, and simultaneously transfer files with speed and ease.  All 
this is presented in a user-friendly and polished interface.  The Client 
incorporates cutting-edge features such as resumable downloads and 
uploads, private personal messaging, news, and real-time chat.  Both the 
Server and the Client multi-task seamlessly, even while the user is 
checking e-mail, browsing the web, or running other applications in the 
background or foreground.

The Hotline Server enables the user to easily and safely run their own 
personal server on almost any Macintosh currently, with a PC version 
being in the alpha stage of development.  The Hotline Server is a 
powerful yet easy to use tool for anyone who needs a way to stay in 
contact and share files, information and ideas. 

To allow others to easily find and connect to their server, the user can 
register their Server with a Hotline Tracker, which acts like an Internet 
Phonebook.  Once registered, the user's server becomes available for 
anyone to look-up and connect to.  

#### BINHEX     hotline-server-123-ppc.hqx   ****

From: adam@hotlinesw.com
Subject: hotline-server-123-ppc.sit.hqx

The Hotline Client is the vehicle which allows users to navigate the 
wired Hotline world. The Client is a simple and elegant application that 
enables the user to connect to a server, chat with other users, read and 
post news, and simultaneously transfer files with speed and ease.  All 
this is presented in a user-friendly and polished interface.  The Client 
incorporates cutting-edge features such as resumable downloads and 
uploads, private personal messaging, news, and real-time chat.  Both the 
Server and the Client multi-task seamlessly, even while the user is 
checking e-mail, browsing the web, or running other applications in the 
background or foreground.

The Hotline Server enables the user to easily and safely run their own 
personal server on almost any Macintosh currently, with a PC version 
being in the alpha stage of development.  The Hotline Server is a 
powerful yet easy to use tool for anyone who needs a way to stay in 
contact and share files, information and ideas. 

To allow others to easily find and connect to their server, the user can 
register their Server with a Hotline Tracker, which acts like an Internet 
Phonebook.  Once registered, the user's server becomes available for 
anyone to look-up and connect to.  

#### BINHEX     hotline-serverbot-11.hqx   ****

From: tjb@inch.com
Subject: HotlineServerBot v1.1

This is the first public release of HotlineServerBot v1.1, a freeware
AppleScript application. This small application will help maintain a PPP
connection for your Hotline Server, even if you are asleep, or away.
This is handy for users with a dialup connection if the ISP drops
connections after a set period of time, or connection that are just
prone to dropping.

System requirements:
*Any system running AppleScript and a scriptable Finder. 
*OT/PPP (and the included PPP Commands scripting addition)
* Jon零 Commands (available on Info-Mac)
* S鄚di's Additions (available on Info-Mac)
*Works best with OS8.

For more info, and other AppleScript applications visit http://www.inch.com/~tjb/addor.html


Tom Bovo

#### BINHEX     hotlinehelper-164.hqx   ****

From: iwas@informatik.hu-berlin.de
Subject: HotlineHelper 1.6.4

HotlineHelper is a shareware application that adds several new cool
features to  Hotline Server (68k or PPC) by Hotline Software, Inc or any
other file transfer server software.  These features enable remote users

-search files on your server by name or finder comment
-quickly find the most recent uploads 
-download a text index file of your server.

Furthermore HotlineHelpers does these things automatically:
-erase/clean comments of your files
-empty the trash.

HotlineHelper does not communicate with Hotline Server. It's therefore
possible to use it with file transfer software different from Hotline
(like Stairways Software NetPresenz FTP Server). However, HotlineHelper
has been designed with Hotline Server in mind. Some features might seem
useless or will not work at all if you use another file transfer server.

New in version 1.6.4
- checkbox for disabling auto-activation of HotlineServer

New in version 1.6.3
- if opened, Hotline Server is made the front process after 5 mins of
inactivty so it gets more processing power
- HotlineHelper 1.6.3 takes much less CPU time, especially when in
- support for online registration
Bug fixes
- Recent uploads will not longer create aliases of files with bad
modicifaction dates (e.g. 10.10.2011)

#### BINHEX     hover-web.hqx   ****

From: info@cx.interactif.qc.ca
Subject: HoverWeb 1.0

HoverWeb is a fast, reliable and compact Web server for all JAVA supporting
It supports Virtual Hosting, Realm protection and file caching for optimal
performance on all systems. Based on a plug-in architecture it can easily
be enhanced, even without restarting the server. We have tested it on the
MacOS, Windows and Linux.i386 with excellent results.
Feel free to distribute on CD-ROM or the Internet the complete and
unmodified archive.
A commercial distribution with extra plug-ins, source code and functions is
available from http://hover.interactif.qc.ca/

Jean-Pierre Delisle
President, Internet Interactif inc.
355, rue Drapeau
Laval (Qu嶵ec)  H7L 4P2
Phone: (450) 628-1449
Fax:  (450) 628-9691

#### LINK       html     ****

#### BINHEX     hyper-chat.hqx   ****

From: sera@nsifc.ifc.pi.cnr.it
Subject: HyperChat 1.0

This is a simply application made with HyperCard 2.3 and other shareware
software like ScriptDaemon and TCP/IP Scripting addiction to implement a
chat session over IP network between 2 Macs.

Best Regards

Luca Serasini

#### BINHEX     i-getter-195-x.hqx   ****

From: "Presenta Ltd." <office@presenta.net>
Subject: iGetter v1.9.5 for MacOS X

iGetter for MacOS X v10.1 or later
Release Date: 05/30/2003
International version 1.9.5: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese
and Traditional Chinese

iGetter is a download utility with many useful functions such as
resuming broken downloads, segmented (accelerated) downloading, Internet
browsers integration, queue filtering by various criteria, file mirrors
support for additional acceleration, cookies support, processing web
page links, scheduling downloads for low traffic periods, reconnecting
modems, hang up and shut down when the downloads are done.

New In Version 1.9.5

- Included new localizations for Traditional Chinese and German
- New contextual menu support for OmniWeb browser.
- Included support for Safari and Camino "cookies".
- Included three new columns in the queue: "Elapsed Time", "Start Date"
and "End Date".
- Included ability to customize the queue table columns, change the
column order, and sort the queue by any column (only in MacOS X).
- iGetter now shows the average speed of the finished downloads.
- Improved the Internet browser plugin. Now the iGetter function
'Integrate with Internet browsers' fully supports the Safari browser.
- A new "Info" tab pane. It shows detailed information of the currently
selected download in the queue.
- Included ability to open the folder containing a finished downloads or
the "Item Settings" window of uncompleted downloads with a double-click.
- Included a new option for switching the computer into sleep mode
instead of shutting it down (only in MacOS X).
- Now "Process Web Page" properly handles files with equal names and
href tags with CR/LFs in them.
- Improved handling of URLs that include colon characters in the file
- Improved handling of "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" HTTP error.
Now iGetter will download successfully from servers responding with this
error (e.g. macupdate.com).
- Fixed a buffer overflow bug.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashes iGetter when deleting items from
the queue.
- Fixed a bug that causes iGetter to save only parts of the login

System Requirements

- Apple computer with PowerPC processor
- MacOS X v10.1 or later

Web Site: http://www.iGetter.net/

iGetter 1.9.5 is shareware. iGetter can be evaluated for as long
as needed to decide if it suits the users needs. All registered
users will get free support by email and free upgrades in the
major 1.x versions.

A Single User License for iGetter is $25. A Home & Work (Desktop
& Mobile) two-license pack is $35. Site Licenses are also
available on a discount. For information about Site Licenses,
please contact us at sales@presenta.net

#### BINHEX     i-getter-195.hqx   ****

From: "Presenta Ltd." <office@presenta.net>
Subject: iGetter v1.9.5 for MacOS

iGetter for MacOS 7.5.3 - 9.x
Version: 1.9.5
Release Date: 05/30/2003

iGetter is a download utility with many useful functions such as
resuming broken downloads, segmented (accelerated) downloading, Internet
browsers integration, queue filtering by various criteria, file mirrors
support for additional acceleration, cookies support, processing web
page links, scheduling downloads for low traffic periods, reconnecting
modems, hang up and shut down when the downloads are done.

New in version 1.9.5

- Included new localizations for Traditional Chinese and German
- New contextual menu support for OmniWeb browser.
- Included support for Safari and Camino "cookies".
- Included three new columns in the queue: "Elapsed Time", "Start Date"
and "End Date".
- Included ability to customize the queue table columns, change the
column order, and sort the queue by any column (only in MacOS X).
- iGetter now shows the average speed of the finished downloads.
- Improved the Internet browser plugin. Now the iGetter function
'Integrate with Internet browsers' fully supports the Safari browser.
- A new "Info" tab pane. It shows detailed information of the currently
selected download in the queue.
- Included ability to open the folder containing a finished downloads or
the "Item Settings" window of uncompleted downloads with a double-click.
- Included a new option for switching the computer into sleep mode
instead of shutting it down (only in MacOS X).
- Now "Process Web Page" properly handles files with equal names and
href tags with CR/LFs in them.
- Improved handling of URLs that include colon characters in the file
- Improved handling of "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" HTTP error.
Now iGetter will download successfully from servers responding with this
error (e.g. macupdate.com).
- Fixed a buffer overflow bug.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashes iGetter when deleting items from
the queue.
- Fixed a bug that causes iGetter to save only parts of the login

 System Requirements

- Apple computer with PowerPC processor
- MacOS 7.5.3 - 9.x
- OpenTransport 1.1 or later

Web Site: http://www.iGetter.net/

iGetter 1.9.5 is shareware. iGetter can be evaluated for as long
as needed to decide if it suits the users needs. All registered
users will get free support by email and free upgrades in the
major 1.x versions.

A Single User License for iGetter is $25. A Home & Work (Desktop
& Mobile) two-license pack is $35. Site Licenses are also
available on a discount. For information about Site Licenses,
please contact us at sales@presenta.net

#### BINHEX     i-spy-10b2-as.hqx   ****

From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)
Subject: I-Spy 1.0b2; an AppleScript applet that monitors FTP sites


Internet Spy 1.0b2 is a collection of AppleScript and Perl scripts that together monitor remote FTP sites for changes. I intend this beta release to ferret out bugs and problems as well as to solicit your feedback.

This distribution includes extensive documentation and examples. The documentation itself is a set of HTML pages, and you will need a web browser (like Netscape or Mosaic) or an HTML viewer to properly display them.

Changes since b2:
o Recompiled with Tiny 1.0.5 (.txt suffix on log files to please Netscape)
o Removed some unforgiving debugging code
o Fixed a compatibility problem across versions of ACME Widgets

I-Spy is free and may be freely distributed.

Share and enjoy,

#### BINHEX     ic-file-diverter-124.hqx   ****

From: ICFileDiverter@marcb.dircon.co.uk
Subject: ICFileDiverter 1.2.4

Attached please find the latest version of ICFileDiverter. Use this
application to open documents based on the filename extension and the
corresponding application in Internet Config. For example, if you edit
your HTML files in BBEdit, so their Mac file type is TEXT and creator is
R*ch and the Finder opens them in BBEdit but the post-processing application
for .html is set to be Netscape in Internet Config, it will be opened in Netscape after a drag on ICFileDiverter. Keep a copy or alias of ICFD 
on your Desktop and you never need to dig through folders any more!

This version does not any new features but is updated for 8.5 (ie. I
added Nav Services to it).



#### BINHEX     ic-typechanger-134.hqx   ****

From: marcb@dircon.co.uk
Subject: ICTypeChanger 1.3.4

Attached please find version 1.3.4 of ICTypeChanger, still a quick
and dirty way to set file and creator types based on file extensions
and their associations as set in Internet Config.

This version adds no new functionality but is updated to work with
MacOS 8.5. It's free, requires at least System 7 and IC 1.1.


#### BINHEX     icetee-2.hqx   ****

From: uzs90z@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de
Subject: ICeTEe 2

ICeTEe 2
by Michael Schuerig, 1997

This is an enhanced version of the ICeTEe goody included with Internet
Config by Peter N. Lewis and Quinn "The Eskimo". You need to have Internet
Config anyway to use ICeTEe 2 so please have a look at their ReadMe as
well. The information therein applies as well.


Drop ICeTEe 2 into your Extensions folder (and remove the original ICeTEe
if it's installed). ICeTEe 2 is active after you restart your Mac. Then it
works the same as ICeTEe: you can command-click a URL almost everywhere to
open it in the appropriate helper application as set in Internet Config.
The additional functionality is that if you hold down the option key the
URL is not launched, but instead it is send to a bookmark helper

Included is a very simple AppleScript application that understands this
bookmark message. On the first launch you are prompted to select a folder
where to put your URLs. URLs send to this message get saved as a Netscape
Navigator� document. When you open this document Navigator tries to open
the contained URL.

Version 2 fixes no bugs in functionality (from 2b5). Only the ReadMe has
changed, but I hope it will end my maintenance nightmare caused by the
included Bookmark Handler app.

While you are visiting an info-mac mirror grab the opportunity to get
GTQLib from the dev/osa folder!

Michael Schuerig

#### BINHEX     ichat-pager-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: gabriel@ichat.com
Subject: ichat Pager 1.0 ppc

The ichat Pager is an Internet pager, available for free. It enables 
instant messaging and chat.

;-) ichat, inc.
11100 Braker Lane, #725
Austin, TX 78758

512.425.2228 (voice)
512.719.8225 (fax)

#### BINHEX     ichat-pager-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: gabriel@ichat.com
Subject: ichat Pager 1.0 68K

The ichat Pager is an Internet pager, available for free. It enables 
instant messaging and chat.

;-) ichat, inc.
11100 Braker Lane, #725
Austin, TX 78758

512.425.2228 (voice)
512.719.8225 (fax)

#### BINHEX     iclean-35.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: FTP: iclean_35tw_installer.hqx

Upload Title: iClean 3.5 installer
Requirements: Mac OS 7.5.3 and 8MB RAM
License:      TrailWare (limited time)
Price:        $29.95

Quickly toss cookies, cache files, histories and more.

Every time you surf the Internet, your Web browser quickly collects lots of
little files and hides them on your computer, including cookies, cache
files and more. Many of these you may not even be aware of! These "little"
files (some can actually be quite large) can quickly add up, hogging disk
space, clogging your computer and leaving your privacy in question. iClean
lets you quickly eliminate these pesky files, giving back wasted disk space
and helping ensure your online privacy. 

Use it every day for peace of mind.

iClean is a great habit to get into. Protect your privacy and maximize hard
disk capacity by using it every day. A quick click on iClean's desktop icon
is all it takes. Select just the items you want to delete, and iClean
instantly goes to work, dumping cache files and cookies deposited by Web
sites on your Mac, erasing histories (that track where you've been on the
Web) and more. You get a comprehensive summary of items you can safely
delete, giving you total control over what iClean removes from your
computer. With iClean, complete peace of mind is just a click away.
Checkout our website <http://www.aladdinsys.com> for more info...

#### BINHEX     icmplogger-101.hqx   ****

From: dshadow@glue.umd.edu
Subject: ICMP Logger

ICMP Logger 1.0.1
Copyright John Bafford, 1996-1997

ICMP Logger records a log of any TCP/IP ICMP packets (pings) that are sent
to the computer it's running on. Perfect for network administrators and
anyone who thinks they might be pingflooded.

This is a minor update to version 1.0.

Requires Open Transport.

Shareware. $10.

John Bafford

#### BINHEX     icq-resources-17.hqx   ****

From: Marc Rock <macroxx@mac.com>
Subject: ICQ Resources 1.7

Hello, I send you the ICQ Resources 1.7 with description. Thank you for your great mac software collection. Marc Description: From: Marc Rock Subject: ICQ Resources 1.7 The ICQ Resources improve the look of ICQ with better icons and graphics. Also included are alter patches, which allow you to change the little animation and the look of ICQ's windows. You need ICQ 2.7 in order to use it.

#### BINHEX     ident-d.hqx   ****

From: rusty@spiderisland.com
Subject: ident-d.sea v1.0.1

      ident-d implements the UNIX Indentification Protocol ( rfc1413 )
under MacOS. The purpose of the  Identification Protocol is to identify the
user of a particular TCP-IP connection to an Internet server. This is
frequently employed by servers that permit anonymous logins ( ie: IRC, WWW,
FTP ).

      An Ident client will ask "who is using a particular connection."
Since MacOS is single user, ident-d simply  returns the "Owner Name" of the
Macintosh as found in the File Sharing control panel. Space and control
characters in the owner name will be replaced by underscores ( '_' ) to
keep the clients happy.

      Version 1.0.1 is tuned to use less CPU time, fix "lock-up" bug

      ident-d is freeware. Requires PowerPC, Open Transport Native,
Faceless Background application.


#### BINHEX     ie-45-patch-11.hqx   ****

From: Ton Brand <Ton_Brand@spidernet.nl>
Subject: IE 4.5 Patch 1.1

IE 4.5 Patch

What it is: AppleScript program that fixes a JavaScript error in Internet
Explorer 4.5
Author: Ton Brand
License: freeware

IE 4.5 Patch fixes an error in Internet Explorer 4.5 by which JavaScript is
not supported under some conditions. This bug was first reported with the
Dutch version of IE 4.5. All reported errors were then fixed by using this
program. It is absolutely safe to use.
Version 1.1 fixes a bug that caused an error when used with some AppleScript

#### BINHEX     image-in-engine-11.hqx   ****

From: spicerj@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Image-In Engine 1.1

Image-In Engine is a Mac picture robot for downloading from UUNET newsgroups.
This version replaces all earlier versions.

#### BINHEX     imageinengine-11-demo.hqx   ****

From: spicerj@ezol.com
Subject: ImageIn Engine 1.1

Image-In Engine is a simple program for downloading multiple pictures/binaries
from UUNET newsgroups.

#### BINHEX     infina-tracker-10b3r1.hqx   ****

From: pzykotic@null.net
Subject: InfinaTracker 1.0b3r1.sit

InfinaTracker will let you use up to 100 trackers with your Hotline client.
You can use a powerful search engine to isolate relevant sites. Finally,
you can find the right sites with ease!

Thank you,
Luke Schneider
ilesa.com Techie

(Please E-Mail the programmer with any Questions: mal@ilesa.com)

#### BINHEX     info-mac-browser-10.hqx   ****

From: Jonathyn Bet'nct <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Info-Mac Browser 1.0

Info-Mac Browser is a custom FTP client designed just for Info-Mac! 
Simply launch the application, select a mirror, and connect. 
Double-click a folder to open it or a file to download it. File names 
are extracted from the subject lines of abstracts. Select a file and 
choose Get Info from the File menu to read the whole abstract, right in 
the FTP client! You can also choose to download the file with your 
default FTP client.

Info-Mac Browser (C) 2003 Kreative Software. Info-Mac content (C) 
1999-2003 Info-Mac Network. All rights reserved. RB FTP (C) 1998 Brian 
F. Jones. Free for noncommercial use. All rights reserved.

Send suggestions and/or bug reports to heyyou@kreativekorp.cjb.net. 
Non-Carbon version available upon request.

#### BINHEX     intellinews-20.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: Intellinews 2.0

Path:         ftp.aladdinsys.com/pub/mac/IntelliNews
Real Name:    IntelliNews
Size:         1262343 bytes
Encoding:     BinHex
Release Date: 05-January-2000
Requirements: PowerPC Processor or better, MacOS 8.0 or better, including
MacOS 9, Open Transport 1.1.2 or later, A Minimum 6 MB of available 
application RAM, Internet Config (or the Internet control panel under 
MacOS 8.5 and later), An IP connection to the Internet. IntelliNews 2.0
now supports connections via Compuserve 3.0.3 or later, and AOL 4.0 or
License:      Shareware, 30-day
Price:        $20

The Day's News Delivered To Your Desktop!

IntelliNews, a specialized Web browser, gathers headlines from all the
premier Internet news sites and delivers them directly to your desktop,
eliminating the need to jump from site to site. With updates occurring as
often as every 15 seconds, you can follow the breaking news as it happens!
Access The Information You Need, All From One Place!

Gathering information online has never been easier or more effective. All
the information you need is available in a single location: watch your
stocks, the weather, the latest developments in the Macintosh community,
and keep up-to-date with instant scores from all the top sports teams.
From the latest Dow numbers, to the weather in Miami, IntelliNews has
the answer! Save Time Online With IntelliNews! 

*   Stay up-to-date with headlines gathered from the leading Internet
    news sources 
*   Receive up-to-the-minute scores from all the top games 
*   Stay on top of the Mac world, with articles and columns in
    IntelliNews stations 
*   Get detailed weather reports from cities across the U.S. 
*   Get detailed stock quotes, and company profiles 
*   Eliminate searching the Web for news, sports, weather, and stock

#### BINHEX     intellinews-30.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: FTP: intellinews_30_installer.hqx

Upload Title: intellinews_30_installer.hqx

IntelliNews 3.0 Installer

License:      TrialWare - 20 uses
Price:        $20

IntelliNews is a specialized web browser that brings headlines from dozens of the Internet's most trusted news sources directly to your desktop. With updates occurring as often as every fifteen seconds, you can follow the breaking news as it happens. All the information you need to follow is now available in a single location; IntelliNews lets you watch your stocks or watch the weather, you can follow the latest developments in the Macintosh world, or keep up-to-date with instant scores from all the top games. From the latest Dow numbers to the weather in Miami Beach, IntelliNews has the answer. Gathering information online has never been easier or more effective!

(BinHex, 2,027 KB).

Min Requirements: PowerPC Processor or better, MacOS 8.1 or better, including MacOS 9, 5 MB of available application RAM
Virex 6.0 shows no viruses in this file.


News, Weather, Sports, Stocks, desktop, online, browser, internet

#### BINHEX     inter-news-201.hqx   ****

From: (Roger W. Brown) internews@valley.net
Subject: InterNews 2.0.1

InterNews 2.0.1 is a Macintosh newsreader originally developed at Dartmouth
College. It runs on both 68K and PPC Macs and requires 2 MB of RAM and an
Internet connection to a newshost (NNTP service).

Before trying it, please be aware of the following. See my web page
<http://www.dartmouth.edu/~moonrise> for

- InterNews is no longer affiliated with Dartmouth College.
- InterNews 2.0 is shareware $20, site licensing available.
- InterNews 2.0 is not an "off-line" newsreader.

This is a summary of the major features added to InterNews between versions
1.1 and 2.0:

- Runs native on the PowerPC.
- Supports OpenTransport as well as MacTCP. 
- No 32K text limit on articles. 
- Support for the Internet Configuration System. 
- Command-click on any URL to launch a helper application. 
- Access to a .newsrc file on a remote host. 
- You can save/append/print whole topics. 
- Improved searching in newsgroups, topics, and articles. 
- Automatic marking of cross-posted articles.
- Article filtering for kills and hilites.
- Binary file download and conversion support.
- SOCKS firewall compatible.
- Archiving articles to disk and viewing them directly in InterNews.
- Improved site configuration capabilities.
- Password protected Newsgroup Exclusion filter.

Roger Brown
Moonrise Software

#### BINHEX     inter-slip-remote-122.hqx   ****

From: (M. Wuttke) wuttke@stein.teuto.de
Subject: InterSLIP Remote 1.2.2

About InterSLIP Remote

With InterSLIP Remote you can control InterSLIP. You still need InterSLIP;
InterSLIP Remote is just an addition. To create new configurations, edit
them and switch between them you still need InterSLIP Setup.
InterSLIP Remote has four main features which InterSLIP Control and
InterSLIP Setup does not have: with InterSLIP Remote you can measure the
time you are connected to the Internet, it can redial (this feature can be
turned on or off) if the modem of your provider is busy, it keeps a
detailed log of all your connects/disconnects and connection times, and
last but nor least it is scriptable.

Version Overview

- fixed bug in AE Quit Handler Code (thanks again to Dan Crevier)
   This bug caused to return IS Remote on some machines from
   'quit'-AppleScript-calls returning a strange error code.
   Unfortunately, this problem did not occur on my Mac.


URL: http://www.kagi.com/authors/matthias/

#### BINHEX     interarchy-63-fr.hqx   ****

From: Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
Subject: Interarchy 6.3fr

Filename: interarchy-63fr.hqx (should replace all previous French 
versions of Interarchy 6.x).
Directory: Communication/Internet

This is the French version of of Interarchy 6.3

Since Interarchy 7 requires Mac OS X, Stairways Software Pty Ltd is 
pleased to announce Interarchy 6.3, the last version of Interarchy 
capable of running under Mac OS 8/9 (requires 8.5+) is now available 
for free under those old systems (note that Interarchy 6.x still 
requires a license to run under Mac OS X, even under Classic - it is 
free only under Mac OS 8 or 9).

This 6.3 release is a minor update to 6.x, primarily removing the 
requirement for a serial number under Mac OS 8/9.

Interarchy is engineered by Stairways Software Pty Ltd.

Interarchy 6.3 is free for use under Mac OS 8/9 (8.5+).

Interarchy 6.3 requires a license to run under Mac OS X, and we no 
longer sell version 6 licenses, so Mac OS X users should instead 
consider Interarchy 7.x, details of which are available at 

For more information about anything to do with Interarchy visit 

#### BINHEX     interarchy-63-jp.hqx   ****

From: Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
Subject: Interarchy 6.3jp

Filename: interarchy-63jp.hqx (should replace all previous Japanese 
versions of Interarchy 6.x).
Directory: Communication/Internet

This is the Japanese version of of Interarchy 6.3

Since Interarchy 7 requires Mac OS X, Stairways Software Pty Ltd is 
pleased to announce Interarchy 6.3, the last version of Interarchy 
capable of running under Mac OS 8/9 (requires 8.5+) is now available 
for free under those old systems (note that Interarchy 6.x still 
requires a license to run under Mac OS X, even under Classic - it is 
free only under Mac OS 8 or 9).

This 6.3 release is a minor update to 6.x, primarily removing the 
requirement for a serial number under Mac OS 8/9.

Interarchy is engineered by Stairways Software Pty Ltd.

Interarchy 6.3 is free for use under Mac OS 8/9 (8.5+).

Interarchy 6.3 requires a license to run under Mac OS X, and we no 
longer sell version 6 licenses, so Mac OS X users should instead 
consider Interarchy 7.x, details of which are available at 

For more information about anything to do with Interarchy visit 

#### BINHEX     interarchy-63.hqx   ****

From: Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
Subject: Interarchy 6.3us

Filename: interarchy-63us.hqx (should replace all previous US 
(English) versions of Interarchy 6.x).
Directory: Communication/Internet

Since Interarchy 7 requires Mac OS X, Stairways Software Pty Ltd is 
pleased to announce Interarchy 6.3, the last version of Interarchy 
capable of running under Mac OS 8/9 (requires 8.5+) is now available 
for free under those old systems (note that Interarchy 6.x still 
requires a license to run under Mac OS X, even under Classic - it is 
free only under Mac OS 8 or 9).

This 6.3 release is a minor update to 6.x, primarily removing the 
requirement for a serial number under Mac OS 8/9.

Interarchy is engineered by Stairways Software Pty Ltd.

Interarchy 6.3 is free for use under Mac OS 8/9 (8.5+).

Interarchy 6.3 requires a license to run under Mac OS X, and we no 
longer sell version 6 licenses, so Mac OS X users should instead 
consider Interarchy 7.x, details of which are available at 

For more information about anything to do with Interarchy visit 

#### BINHEX     interarchy-721.hqx   ****

From: Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
Subject: Interarchy 7.2.1

Filename: interarchy-721.hqx (should replace all previous versions of 
Interarchy 7).
Directory: Communication/Internet

Stairways Software Pty Ltd is pleased to announce Interarchy 7.2.1, 
the latest version of its powerful, flexible, award-winning Internet 
application for Mac OS X. Interarchy can download and upload files 
via FTP (the Internet standard File Transfer Protocol), SFTP (Secure 
File Transfer Protocol), and FTP over SSH (FTP/SSH).  In addition, it 
can download files or whole web sites using HTTP (the HyperText 
Transfer Protocol), provide a wealth of information about your 
Internet connection, and help you work with remote servers across the 

For full information about this release, see the full press release 
at <http://www.stairways.com/press/2004-08-05>

Interarchy 7.2.1 resolves some minor bugs in version 7.2.

Interarchy 7.2 adds two important new features, a Bookmark Bar across 
the top of listing windows so you can quickly navigate to your most 
used locations and Auto Uploads which allow you to select a local 
folder and a remote destination and have Interarchy remember that 
pairing, after which you can just drop a file or folder on to 
Interarchy and it will automatically upload it to the correct 

Interarchy is engineered by Stairways Software Pty Ltd and 
distributed by Kagi. Interarchy is licensed on a per workstation 
basis (individuals can choose to license it on a per user basis).

New customers can purchase Interarchy from 
<http://purchase.interarchy.com/> for US$39.

Interarchy 7 is a paid upgrade from previous versions. 7.2.1 is a 
free upgrade for all Interarchy 7 owners.

Customers who purchased any previous version of Interarchy (or 
Anarchie) before October 2003 are able to upgrade to Interarchy 7 for 

For instructions on claiming your discounted upgrade to version 7, or 
to look up your license details, visit 

Steep volume discounts are available for large organizations.

A fully-functional trial version of Interarchy is available for 
downloaded from <http://download.interarchy.com/>.

For more information about anything to do with Interarchy visit 

#### BINHEX     internet-address-book-12a.hqx   ****

From: (David S. Mueller) dsmueller@belser.org
Subject: Internet Address Book 1.2a

Internet Address Book 1.2 is a program for storing Internet addresses. 
Version 1.2 adds a sort feature. Requires HyperCard 2. Shareware, 

David S. Mueller

#### BINHEX     internet-black-book-20.hqx   ****

Subject: Internet Black Book 2.0
From: "jhope@toltbbs.com" <jhope@toltbbs.com>

An application that allows you to organize all of your Internet 
addresses. Including FTP, WWW, Gopher, E-mail, and newsgroup addresses. 
Has full copy and paste, a sort function, find function, and save to text 

Created by Ben Clark <BenJC103@aol.com> and Josh Hope <ScriptWiz@toltbbs.com>. 
Script Wizards

#### BINHEX     internet-config-14.hqx   ****

From: quinn@quinn.echidna.id.au
Subject: Internet Config 1.4

Internet Config is an application that allows you to set Internet
preferences in one place and have them read my any other "IC aware"
application.  Internet Config is supported by many Mac OS Internet
applications, including NewsWatcher, Anarchie, Fetch, and Internet

It is my pleasure to announce the release of Internet Config 1.4.  This
version has a few new features but, more importantly, it offers significant
reliability improvements over previous versions.  Specific enhancements

o The IC application now supports "Get URL" AppleEvents, routing them to
the appropriate helper application.

o The extension now holds the default preferences, so you get default
preferences regardless of which application first uses IC.

o The extension now sanity checks preference files before opening them. It
also keeps a copy of the most recent preferences in the data fork of the
preference file, so it can revert to that backup.

Attached are three archives:

1. InternetConfig1.4.sit -- The standard user distribution.
2. ICProgKit1.4.sit -- The SDK for developers.
3. ICAppSourceKit1.4.sit -- The source code for the IC application.

In addition, the documentation and FAQ are available online:


Share and Enjoy.

Peter N Lewis
Quinn "The Eskimo!"

We are...

  Late Night Silly Software

#### BINHEX     internet-config-20-jp.hqx   ****

From: ohashi@kagi.com
Subject: Internet Config J 2.0

We have just released the Japanese version of Internet Config 2.0.
It is on same day that iMac release in Japan. We hope iMac will be a killer PC.

#### BINHEX     internet-control-10.hqx   ****

From: (Marty Wachter) mwachter@UBmail.ubalt.edu
Subject: Internet Control control strip

Internet Control is a MacOS Control Strip Module which provides an
easy way to access your internet software. Just click on Internet
Control廣  icon in the Control Strip, and you have access to your
installed internet tools by selecting the internet protocol that you
want to use.

* Using Internet Control
Selecting �http� for example, will launch your Web browser. The
protocols and associated Helper Applications are set using the
Internet Config System (included in the distribution package). You can
use Internet Control to access the Internet Config System directly, by
selecting the �Edit Helpers� menu item. This will launch IC and allow
you to configure your helper applications. Note that Internet Control
only shows those helper applications wich are both LISTED in IC廣
Helper Applications window, AND are found on your hard disk.

Click on Internet Control廣 icon with the COMMAND Key down and you
will see a list of the helper applications that you have installed on
your computer, along with their internet protocalls.

Click on Internet Control廣 icon with the CONTROL Key down and you
will see your current IP number and DNS host name. If you are using
MacTCP, you will also see the Global MacTCP info here. (Note: Global
Info is not yet supported when using OpenTransport)

* Network Software Indicator
If you hold down the CONTROL key while clicking on the ICC icon, the
first item in the menu tells you if you are using MacTCP or
OpenTransport networking software.

* Dynamic Activity Indicator
If you are using MacTCP, you will see Internet Control廣 Earth icon
rotate when IP packets are being sent and/or received!

#### BINHEX     internet-guide-12.hqx   ****

From:  grabu@arrakis.es
Subject: Internet Guide 1.2.

Internet Guide 1.2
This Stack is created with HyperCard 2.3.

It is a data base that contains more de1.500 addresses Internet. 
>From the visualized Card pulsateing the connection button Internet
introduces automatically the address in the navigator.

English Version.

 Joan Grabuleda Sitj�. C/ Nou, 16. 17820-Banyoles (Girona). Spain
 Email:  grabu@arrakis.es

#### BINHEX     internet-helper-12.hqx   ****

From: cantino@frognet.net
Subject: InternetHelper1.2

 * Internet Helper is a useful application that is basically a suite of
internet tools.  It has the basic port scans, service scans, and
fingers.  But Internet Helper also has many more advanced features such
as a finger file-on-demand system for distributing text files and an
advanced client/server pair to test programs or interface with other
systems.  This program is made as a helper to anyone who does internet
programming or to anyone who sometimes needs to work with the 'net.

* You will need a PPC or 68K Macintosh with atleast 5 megs of ram and an
internet connection of some kind.

 * Client/Server pair:
    Internet Helper has a client/server pair so that you may test
internet applications, play with protocols, connect to wingates and SMTP
servers and more.  The client/server setup also is very useful for
internet chatting.

 * Service Scan:
    This feature lets you scan for various open ports on a server or
internet-connected computer.

 * Port Scan:
    This feature lets you scan for a certain port number among many IP

 * Finger and Finger File-On-Demand:
    This useful new feature lets you turn your computer into a file
server.  Users anywhere in the world can finger your computer with a
keyword to receive files and information.  As far as I know, this is the
first Mac finger file server anywhere.

My name is Andrew Cantino.  I enjoy programming and I wrote this program
in my spare time.  If you have used the program and feel that I did a
good job, or if you have comments or suggestions, please let me know.  I
can be contacted at cantino@frognet.net anytime.  I also run an
extensive web site here:

Internet Helper MAY be put in CD-ROM distributions if I am contacted

#### BINHEX     internet-launcher-11.hqx   ****

From: gdesimone@geocities.com
Subject: Internet Launcher 1.1

New with version 1.1

 � Saved shortcuts are now padded with the right prefix and suffix (if
necessary) to ensure better compatibility with Netscape and Internet
 � Added option to create stand alone Internet Shortcuts (that you can open
on machines where Internet Launcher is not installed);
 � Added option to remember the last address launched;
 � URLs are also saved in the Finder comments;
 � When saving a file, the file name defaults to the URL (without any
leading prefix and abbreviated if necessary);
 � Support for Apple Navigation Services has been removed (until a stable
SDK is published by Apple);
 � Internet Launcher now defaults to creating stand-alone Shortcuts (all
types are available through the Preferences dialog);
 � Preferences dialog items are controllable with single key equivalents
('q', 'r', and up/down arrows);

 N.B.: Internet Launcher now requires the Appearance Manager (built-in into
Mac OS 8 or later).

#### BINHEX     internet-memory-15.hqx   ****

From: jay@circledream.com (Jay Goldman)
Subject: InternetMemory 1.5 FAT

InternetMemory consists of an application which is used to edit Address
Books and to insert addresses when needed. InternetMemory allows you to
store Email, FTP, Gopher, Signatures, Telnet, WWW and "Other" types of
addresses, and uses an instantaneous and transparent process to insert the
address into other applications.It has been designed to work hand in hand
with Netscape and supports full "recording" of Netscape sessions.

     Feedback:  feedback@circledream.com
 Tech support:  help@circledream.com
          WWW:  http://www.circledream.com/

CDROM distribution is permitted provided that the Installer is distributed
as it appears here. Any other distribution requires the permission of
CircleDream Software. Unlocked copies may absolutely NOT be distributed.

#### BINHEX     internet-phone-31-68k.hqx   ****

From: Kristi_Reilly@vocaltec.com
Subject: Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Macintosh PowerPC

**Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Mac 68k
Mac users can make unlimited long distance and international conversations
for the cost of an Internet connection! For the first time ever, Mac and
Windows Internet Phone users can talk to one another over the Internet.  A
free 14-day evaluation copy of Internet Phone for the 68040 Macintosh is
available for download. To use the software beyond this evaluation period,
you will need to order a unique license.  See http://www.vocaltec.com for

System requirements: 68040 Macintosh, 8 MB RAM,  System 7.5.1 or higher,
Microphone, Mac TCP 2.0.6 or Open Transport 1.1, MacPPP or FreePPP 2.5 or
direct Internet connection, 14,400 baud or faster modem if used with PPP,
QuickTime 2.0 or later, Sound Manager 3.1 or later.

#### BINHEX     internet-phone-31-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Kristi_Reilly@vocaltec.com
Subject: Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Macintosh PowerPC

**Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Macintosh PowerPC
Mac users can make unlimited long distance and international conversations
for the cost of an Internet connection! For the first time ever, Mac and
Windows Internet Phone users can talk to one another over the Internet.  A
free 14-day evaluation copy of Internet Phone for the Power Macintosh is
available for download. To use the software beyond this evaluation period,
you will need to order a unique license.  See http://www.vocaltec.com for

System requirements: PowerMac or compatible, 8 MB RAM,  System 7.5.1 or
higher, Microphone, Mac TCP 2.0.6 or Open Transport 1.1, MacPPP or FreePPP
2.5 or direct Internet connection, 14,400 baud or faster modem if used with
PPP, QuickTime 2.0 or later, Sound Manager 3.1 or later.

#### BINHEX     internet-sites-12-ptalk.hqx   ****

From: simoneau.martin@uqam.ca (Martin Simoneau)
Subject: InternetSite1-2.cpt

I have written a template (AOCE) to keep track of Internet sites. You can
access a given site from the template using the Apple Event. This is
version 1.2.

Try it!

Martin Simoneau

#### BINHEX     ip-monitor-111.hqx   ****

From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: IP Monitor 1.1.1

IP Monitor is a handy application which displays the current IP network
(or subnet mask) address of your Macintosh on your desktop.

With IP Monitor, you won't need to open the TCP/IP (or MacTCP) control
panel to view your Macintosh's IP address. Additionally, IP Monitor
allows you to copy the current IP network (or subnet mask) address to the
clipboard, where it can be pasted directly to most applications and

IP Monitor is especially useful to people connecting to the Internet via
the PPP or SLIP protocols, whenever IP addressing is provided dynamically
by the host' server.

IP Monitor requires System 7 as well as an IP network driver such as Open
Transport or MacTCP.

IP Monitor is scriptable. AppleScript, QuicKeys 3 and UserLand Frontier
example scripts are included.

Version 1.1.1 adds full Open Transport support.


Erik C. Thauvin

#### BINHEX     ip-net-link-10c3-ppc.hqx   ****

From: psichel@sustworks.com (Peter Sichel)
Subject: IP NetLink 1.0c3 (PPC)

IP NetLink 1.0 provides six useful Internet tools:

  1) Test Connectivity (Ping)
  2) Trace Route
  3) DNS lookup and reverse lookup
  4) Who Is
  5) Monitor (like MacTCP Monitor but for Open Transport)
  6) Subnet Calculator (to simplify working with IP addresses and masks)

What's different, or why use IP NetLink when there are other
similar tools, some of which are free?

IP NetLink Features:
� A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
� Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
� Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
��慯hroughput and responsiveness.
� Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 � Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
� Superior integration.
��鼦utomatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new
and experienced Internet users to see how the net is working, and
quickly identify common problems.

The full version of IP NetLink will add Internet Protocol
routing when multi-homing is supported in Open Transport 1.5 .
Registered users of the tools only version will receive purchase
price credit toward the full version when it becomes available.

IP NetLink 1.0 requires MacOS 7.5.1 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later.
It is shareware, US$10.

I hope you find these tools useful and look forward to your
comments and suggestions.

- Peter Sichel
IP NetLink 1.0 Copyright 1996 Sustainable Softworks


#### BINHEX     ip-net-link-10c3.hqx   ****

From: psichel@sustworks.com (Peter Sichel)
Subject: IP NetLink 1.0c3 (68k)

IP NetLink 1.0 provides six useful Internet tools:

  1) Test Connectivity (Ping)
  2) Trace Route
  3) DNS lookup and reverse lookup
  4) Who Is
  5) Monitor (like MacTCP Monitor but for Open Transport)
  6) Subnet Calculator (to simplify working with IP addresses and masks)

What's different, or why use IP NetLink when there are other
similar tools, some of which are free?

IP NetLink Features:
� A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
� Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
� Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
��慯hroughput and responsiveness.
� Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 � Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
� Superior integration.
��鼦utomatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new
and experienced Internet users to see how the net is working, and
quickly identify common problems.

The full version of IP NetLink will add Internet Protocol
routing when multi-homing is supported in Open Transport 1.5 .
Registered users of the tools only version will receive purchase
price credit toward the full version when it becomes available.

IP NetLink 1.0 requires MacOS 7.5.1 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later.
It is shareware, US$10.

I hope you find these tools useful and look forward to your
comments and suggestions.

- Peter Sichel
IP NetLink 1.0 Copyright 1996 Sustainable Softworks


#### BINHEX     ip-net-monitor-17.hqx   ****

From: psichel@sustworks.com
Subject: IPNetMonitor 1.7 Macintosh Internet Tools

IPNetMonitor provides a set of nine integrated Internet
tools which allow Macintosh users to monitor their
connection to the Internet.  The tools are designed to help
users quickly identify problems, locate where the problem
is, and gather data which can be used to solve the problem,
either directly or through their Internet Service Provider.
The tools include Test Connectivity (Ping), Trace Route,
Name Server Lookup, Who Is, Finger, Monitor, TCP Info,
Address Scan, and Subnet Calculator.   

With IPNetMonitor, you can see how the Internet is working,
monitor the flow of data to and from your computer, and
trace the route by which the data is flowing. This gives the
user the information to both optimize internet service and
diagnose problems. Once you have located a problem, the
tool's Who Is feature gives you the name, and often the
email address, of the person responsible for that part of
the network. 

IPNetMonitor Features:
�* A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
�* Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
   throughput and responsiveness.
�* Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
 * Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 * Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
�* Superior integration.
   Automatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new
and experienced Internet users to see how the net is working, and
quickly identify and report common problems.

System requirements:
  MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later

IPNetMonitor is shareware, US$20.

#### BINHEX     ip-net-monitor-68k-17.hqx   ****

From: psichel@sustworks.com
Subject: IPNetMonitor 1.7 Macintosh Internet Tools (1 of 2)

IPNetMonitor provides a set of nine integrated Internet
tools which allow Macintosh users to monitor their
connection to the Internet.  The tools are designed to help
users quickly identify problems, locate where the problem
is, and gather data which can be used to solve the problem,
either directly or through their Internet Service Provider.
The tools include Test Connectivity (Ping), Trace Route,
Name Server Lookup, Who Is, Finger, Monitor, TCP Info,
Address Scan, and Subnet Calculator.   

With IPNetMonitor, you can see how the Internet is working,
monitor the flow of data to and from your computer, and
trace the route by which the data is flowing. This gives the
user the information to both optimize internet service and
diagnose problems. Once you have located a problem, the
tool's Who Is feature gives you the name, and often the
email address, of the person responsible for that part of
the network. 

IPNetMonitor Features:
�* A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
�* Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
   throughput and responsiveness.
�* Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
 * Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 * Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
�* Superior integration.
   Automatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new
and experienced Internet users to see how the net is working, and
quickly identify and report common problems.

System requirements:
  MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later

#### BINHEX     ip-poster-11.hqx   ****

From: hase@shaw.wave.ca
Subject: IP Poster Script version 1.1 update

IP Poster Script version 1.1

Since there is no Mac IP Poster application availible yet I decided to
write a simple AppleScript that uses Fetch 3.0.3 and IP Moniter 1.1.1 to
update a remote web page with your current IP address.


You must have System 8, Fetch 3.0.3 and  AppleScript 1.1.2 or later
installed on your Macintosh to make use of this script.  The script
makes use of the following Scripting Additions from Apple: Display
Dialog  and Read/Write Commands. I am not sure if these Scripting
Additions are included in earlier releases. Try it and let me know.



#### BINHEX     java-finger.hqx   ****

From: cvoss@sn.no (Joe & Cecilie)
Subject: JavaFinger - A Finger client

This is a simple client to the Finger protocol.
It is an entirely free standing double-clickable application. 

Why's it so ugly?

It was written in Java with tools from the JDK from Sun.

What's it need to run?
It requires that you have Java installed.
MacJDK 1.0.2 can be found at http://java.sun.com/ 
or see ReadMe for modifying the program so it uses Apple's
java class database or Netscape's or whatever...

Joe's Java Finger
Portions �1996 Joseph Santaniello
This file may be included, only along with this documentation, on CD-ROM

#### BINHEX     java-search.hqx   ****

From: h.wolters@gelrevision.nl
Subject: Javasearch

I would like to submit a Freeware Java applet. It's a searchengine that
can search throuh 26 WWW engines. Included is MacUpdate.

Regards Hans Wolters

#### BINHEX     jicglue-10b1-for-java.hqx   ****

From: mizutori@nn.iij4u.or.jp
Subject: JICGlue 1.0b1 -- Java connection to Internet Config

JICGlue is a Java wrapper class library to connect with the Internet 
Config Extension, and retrieves the specified entries from its database. 
The query keys to operate on the database are email address of user and 
mapping information on filenames and their file types and creators.

   To run the program, it requires Macintosh Runtime for Java 2.0, and
Internet Config Extension 2.0. A stub shared library JICGlueLib is 
written in C language using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 2, and its 
source code is released free in public.

See also my WWW page:

Mizutori Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan

#### BINHEX     joes-ppp-scripts-as.hqx   ****

From: (Joe) cvoss@sn.no
Subject: Joe's-PPP-Scripts.sit.hqx

These scripts open PPP links, upload ".plan" files and HTML files
with your current IP address and time, check email and send
".forward" files so your machine is contacted immediatly when
new email arrives. Text-to-Speech tells you what is going on.

URL's for all required Scripting Additions can be found in the ReadMe's
along with complete instructions. InternetConfig is required as well.

These Scripts are free, if you send E-mail with comments.

These Scripts may be included on CD collections.

Thanks Joe


#### BINHEX     jons-info-mac-bookmarks-r5.hqx   ****

From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
Subject: Anarchie InfoMac Bookmarks v5

Here is the latest collection of my InfoMac bookmarks for Anarchie.  These
allow you to instantly access any directory in any of the 59 InfoMac
archive mirrors around the world.

If you find it annoying that you have to open Anarchie's bookmark file,
double click on the entry for your favorite archive and wait for it to
load, then double click on the recent directory and wait for it to load,
then this will help.  It allows you to open a file which gives you a
bookmark to your favorite mirror's recent directory.  If you tend to paw
through more than a single directory, your benefits will be greater.  You
can go directly to Game / Commercial / Marathon with only one wait.  It's
darn nice.


#### BINHEX     jons-remote-control-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Jon's Remote Control 1.0 68K

Jon's Remote Control allows you to access your computer from the Internet or
a terminal emulator. You can specify up to five passwords, then select
TCP/IP or Terminal mode. Once up, you can connect to your computer from
anywhere on the Internet and manipulate files with MS-DOS-type commands.
Supports Telnet, Chargen, QotD, FTP, Time Server, Private Terminal Access,
Finger, Private Terminal Link, and Remote Telnet protocols.

#### BINHEX     jons-remote-control-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Jon's Remote Control 1.0 PPC

Jon's Remote Control allows you to access your computer from the Internet or
a terminal emulator. You can specify up to five passwords, then select
TCP/IP or Terminal mode. Once up, you can connect to your computer from
anywhere on the Internet and manipulate files with MS-DOS-type commands.
Supports Telnet, Chargen, QotD, FTP, Time Server, Private Terminal Access,
Finger, Private Terminal Link, and Remote Telnet protocols.

#### BINHEX     jons-remote-control-10-x.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Jon's Remote Control 1.0 X

Jon's Remote Control allows you to access your computer from the Internet or
a terminal emulator. You can specify up to five passwords, then select
TCP/IP or Terminal mode. Once up, you can connect to your computer from
anywhere on the Internet and manipulate files with MS-DOS-type commands.
Supports Telnet, Chargen, QotD, FTP, Time Server, Private Terminal Access,
Finger, Private Terminal Link, and Remote Telnet protocols.

#### BINHEX     kantara-part-finder-20-lo.hqx   ****

From: steven.roussey@partmerchant.com (Steven T. Roussey)
Subject: Kantara PartFinder 2.0 (OpenDoc Internet Utility)

Kantara PartFinder 2.0 (OpenDoc Internet Utility)

Leveraging the Internet offers the opportunity to integrate the PartBank
web site with the desktop in ways never before imagined. PartFinder2 is an
OpenDoc shell plug-in software agent that allows, for example, spreadsheets
to automatically locate charting components that did not exist when
originally developed. Thus, software is able to extend itself over time
without revision.

Requires OpenDoc 1.1+, Cyberdog 1.1+, Internet Connection

May be included on any CD-ROM. Freeware. Not public domain.

#### BINHEX     kdx-client-1000.hqx   ****

From: Haxial <support@haxial.com>
Subject: Haxial KDX Client 1.0 (internet BBS / communications system)

KDX is a powerful "BBS"-style (Bulletin Board System) encrypted internet 
communications system that provides chat, messaging, news, file and 
folder transfer, remote access, trackers and more. It uses strong 
encryption to protect your communications for security and privacy. It is 
very useful for groups that need to collaborate on a project via the 
Internet. It is also very useful for remote administration of a computer.

KDX features include:  Customizable Appearance, Private Messaging, Chat, 
News System, Address Book, Personalized Identity, Multiple Connections, 
Multiple OS's, Sound Lists, File/Folder Transfer, Resumable File 
Transfers, Automatic Download Sorting, File Browsing, Cached File Lists, 
Extremely Fast File Searching, Encryption, Trackers, Window Management, 
Accounts with Classes, Speed Limiting, Server Icon, Connection Monitor, 
Server History, User Info, Broadcast Message, Remote Configuration, 
Remote Upgrade, Multiple Base Folders, Special Folders, IP Address 
Restrictions, Attack Protection, Automatic News Archiving, Full Alias 
Support, Change Own Password, Process Monitor, Launch Programs, 
View/Control Display, Remote File Management, Remote Trash Emptying, 
Remote Shutdown.

The program comes in 2 parts, the Client and the Server.  This is the 
Client.  You may also want to download the Server.

KDX is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:


And the company website is:


#### BINHEX     kdx-server-1000.hqx   ****

From: Haxial <support@haxial.com>
Subject: Haxial KDX Server 1.0 (internet BBS / communications system)

KDX is a powerful "BBS"-style (Bulletin Board System) encrypted internet 
communications system that provides chat, messaging, news, file and 
folder transfer, remote access, trackers and more. It uses strong 
encryption to protect your communications for security and privacy. It is 
very useful for groups that need to collaborate on a project via the 
Internet. It is also very useful for remote administration of a computer.

KDX features include:  Customizable Appearance, Private Messaging, Chat, 
News System, Address Book, Personalized Identity, Multiple Connections, 
Multiple OS's, Sound Lists, File/Folder Transfer, Resumable File 
Transfers, Automatic Download Sorting, File Browsing, Cached File Lists, 
Extremely Fast File Searching, Encryption, Trackers, Window Management, 
Accounts with Classes, Speed Limiting, Server Icon, Connection Monitor, 
Server History, User Info, Broadcast Message, Remote Configuration, 
Remote Upgrade, Multiple Base Folders, Special Folders, IP Address 
Restrictions, Attack Protection, Automatic News Archiving, Full Alias 
Support, Change Own Password, Process Monitor, Launch Programs, 
View/Control Display, Remote File Management, Remote Trash Emptying, 
Remote Shutdown.

The program comes in 2 parts, the Client and the Server.  This is the 
Server.  You will also need to download the Client.

KDX is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:


And the company website is:


#### BINHEX     key-holder.hqx   ****

From: "System Support Products, Inc." <support@sspi-software.com>
Subject: Key Holder 1.0 for Macintosh

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM archives.

Key Holder 1.0
� Copyright 2001 System Support Products, Inc.
Written by Lou Forlini

Key Holder gives you quick and easy access to your online account 
login information!

Key Holder is a password account database application. For each 
account, the account name, user, password, Internet URL, and a memo 
field for miscellaneous notes can be kept. A menu command allows you 
to go directly to the account URL by automatically launching your web 
browser, e-mail, or other Internet application.

Key Holder supports multiple account files. Account files are 
encrypted and can be individually password protected, allowing one or 
more users to maintain private and secure account lists. A find 
command is available for searching, and account files can be printed 
for offline storage.

Key Holder can also be used to keep a list of software registration 
codes, by entering the registered name into the user field and the 
registration code into the password field.


Key Holder requires an Apple Macintosh or compatible with a PowerPC, 
68020 or greater processor, using Mac OS 7.5 or later.

#### BINHEX     kill-spam-dead.hqx   ****

From: (Peter Bell) bell@minerva.cis.yale.edu
Subject: kill spam dead

kill-spam-dead.sea.hqx is a binhexed self-extracting archive of a Word 
5 document describing a simple technique for killing spam before you see it
on unix systems and using filtering in YA-NewWatcher from the Sumex 

The file includes step-by-step instructions and screenshots showing how 
to avoid the pain of spam forever.  

Can Free Agent do killfiles yet?  One day, we may be able to eradicate 
the utility of spammage forever!  Onward to Victory!

-Peter Bell

#### BINHEX     lazy-search-20.hqx   ****

From: wl7ci@alaska.net
Subject: LazySearch 2.0

LazySearch 2.0

Do you need the latest weather forecast from Cleveland?  Do you need an 
obscure news article for a school assignment?  Do you need quotes for 
that stock portfolio Auntie Em left for you?  Then let LazySearch do the 
detective work for you.  LazySearch features a plugin architecture to 
make searching the internet fast, easy, and flexible.  With over 50 
plugins right out of the box, LazySearch is ready to sleuth through the 
internet to find just about any information you might need.  And if you 
register, you will be able to build your own search engine plugins to 
make LazySearch even more powerful.

Installation of LazySearch is simple.  Just decompress the distribution 
archive, and you are set.  LazySearch runs on any Mac II or higher and 
requires System 7 or later.  LazySearch works with either Netscape or 
Internet Explorer, and can use just about any browser if Internet Config 
is installed and configured.

Operation of LazySearch is even easier.  Just type some text, select a 
search engine, and hit the search button.  LazySearch allows your plugins 
to be categorized any way you like, and each plugin has a brief 
description of the search engine right in the console window.  No more 
wading through the web to hunt for information!

LazySearch is distributed as shareware ($10 US).

#### BINHEX     lemon-12b1.hqx   ****

From: lemon <lemon@miracle.on.arena.ne.jp>
Subject: Lemon v1.2b1

Lemon is HTTP Download Manager for Macintosh.

Analyzer (processing of download links from HTML source,Text, and etc.
File Downloader (HTTP download manager)
URL Generator
URL Editor
File Renamer

System Requirements
Macintosh PPC
MacOS 8.5 or higher

CloverSoftware (lemon@miracle.on.arena.ne.jp)

Distribution Notice
Lemon is freeware. It can be freely distributed as long as there is no 
charge for it, it is unmodified, and all of the files are included.

The author declines any responsibility for damages caused by using this 
software on your computer.
It's provided as-is, and the user uses this software at your own risk.

If you have any questions or comments about Lemon,please e-mail me.
mail : lemon@miracle.on.arena.ne.jp
CloverSoftware : http://miracle.on.arena.ne.jp/lemon/index_en.html

#### BINHEX     link-gardener-10.hqx   ****

From: Dave Horlick <davebob@mindspring.com>
Subject: LinkGardener 1.0

Link Gardener lets you edit and manage Internet Location files. You can
change their URL. You can convert them to Netscape Bookmarks or MS Internet
Shortcuts and back. You can check your links to see if they are good, and
post the results to each file's Finder Comments. You can convert an HTML
file or Cyberdog Notebook into a new folder full of Internet Location files.
Or you can convert your file-based links into an HTML file.

It's your molded plastic log on the flume of the Internet!

Requires Mac OS 8.1 and MRJ 2.2 (which is included with Mac OS 9.0.4) or

#### BINHEX     log-loader-021.hqx   ****

From: mtriviso@mindspring.com
Subject: LogLoader 0.2.1

LogLoader 0.2.1

LogLoader is cross-platform utility for analyzing log files of web 
hosting accounts running on Apache 1.2 servers. Unlike other analysis 
tools, LogLoader allows you to easily track activity for individual 

What is LogLoader
LogLoader is an Omnis Studio library that allows users of web hosting 
accounts running on Apache 1.2 servers to perform simple analysis of 
their site. LogLoader will read in the log file and present the user with 
a list of unique domains that have visited the site. Clicking on a domain 
will display various types of information.

What You need
You will need a PowerMac or a Windows 95/NT PC
You will need a copy of Omnis Studio to run LogLoader.
Studio is available from Omnis Software: www.blyth.com
The same LogLoader binary will operate on both platforms.

Installing LogLoader
Simply double click the LogLoader icon.

You can get support for LogLoader by contacting me.

#### BINHEX     logloader-021.hqx   ****

From: mtriviso@eridanus.com
Subject: logloader-0.2.1

LogLoader 0.2.1 - is an Omnis Studio library that allows users of web hosting
accounts running on Apache 1.2 servers to perform simple analysis of their site.
LogLoader will read in the log file and present the user with a list of unique
domains that have visited the site. Clicking on a domain will display various
types of information. You will need a PowerMac or a Windows 95/NT PC. You will
need a copy of Omnis Studio to run LogLoader. Studio is available from Omnis
Software: www.blyth.com. The same LogLoader binary will operate on both
platforms. Support mtriviso@eridanus.com www.eridanus.com

#### BINHEX     look-at-me-101.hqx   ****

From: atr@netcom.com (Amy Rogers)
Subject: Look@Me 1.0.1

Look@Me is a FREE Internet collaboration tool based on Farallon's award
winning collaboration software, Timbuktu Pro for Networks.  Look@Me allows
you to remotely view another Look@Me or Timbuktu Pro users screen as they
are working. This means you can collaborate on editing documents, going
over presentations, reviewing graphics, or providing just-in-time training
and support. With Look@Me you can view the screen of any user with Look@Me
or Timbuktu Pro on either a Windows PC or a Macintosh.

System requirements: A network using TCP/IP (MacTCP or Open transport
required), Macintosh II, LC (or other 68020), or higher required. 4MB RAM
(6MB RAM recommended). Standard installation requires 3MB hard disk space.

For all issues regarding Look@Me please e-mail to the following address.

Farallon Communications, Inc.

#### BINHEX     lp-daemon-34.hqx   ****

From: martin@luc.ac.be
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 16:34:04 +0100
Subject: lpdaemon 3.4; a print server for your Unix machines

This is a bug fix release of lpdaemon by Caspar Boon, which turns your
Mac and Laserwriters into a print server for your Unix machines. Note that
this only works with Postscript files: however, a PD text-to-PS filter such
as a2ps (or, under AIX, the enscript command) or even a properly configured
lpr command will take care of this. I have enclosed a sample (working)
configuration file. Enjoy!

Jan M.L. Martin

#### BINHEX     lucky-numbers-11.hqx   ****

From: mike@cocos.ml.org
Subject: Lucky Numbers 1.1

Lucky Numbers 1.1 is an enhanced version of 1.0, featuring several bug
fixes and a more user-friendly interface.  It allows users to quickly
and easily determine their IP address, and also features provisions to
copy it for easy pasting.  Lucky Numbers is now freeware.  It requires
System 7.6 or greater and Open Transport to function properly.

#### BINHEX     lurk-42.hqx   ****

From: "Joop Laan" <joop@laan.org>
Subject: Lurk 4.2

Lurk is a FreeWare webcam browser.

Use it to view and archive webcam pictures. Features:

- login with password feature 
- archive the pictures
- create Quicktime movies from archives

Changes in this version: 

- New way to organize the bookmarks. You can now use iCam 
Master bookmark files with Lurk! 
- When archiving the picture is saved only if it's newer than the last 
- More info about the picture in the View or Archive windows 

#### BINHEX     lurk-43.hqx   ****

From: Joop Laan <joop@laan.org>
Subject: Lurk 4.3 Webcambrowser abstract

Lurk Webcam browser 4.3 abstract

Watch your favorite cams or, if you don't have the time to watch,
archive the pictures and look at them later. You can also create a
QuicktTime movie of the saved pictures.

New Features in this version:

- Window menu for open windows, with short-keys to toggle between the
- The last position of the window is now remembered (for every 
bookmark seperately).

Other Features:
- http-authentication.
- If the picture is the same as last, the window icon will grey out.
- When archiving only newer pictures are saved.
- Make QuickTime movies of archived pictures.


Lurk Webcam browser is distributed "as is". This means it is freeware!
Basicly you can do whatever you like with it.
There is one exception to this. If you wish to put this program a cd-rom
other than for backup, you'll have to ask for my permssion before
burning the cd and distributing it.

If you like the program I'd like to hear from you. Send an email to the
address listed below. Use the same address for any bugreports.

#### BINHEX     mac-dict-201.hqx   ****

From: Navdeep Bains <bains@mac.com>
Subject: MacDICT 2.0.1

MacDICT lets you access a growing number of databases, including Websters
Dictionary, for free! Other databases include the US Gazetter, Free Online
Dictionary of Computing, WordNet, Jargon File, and the CIA World Factbook.

2.0.1 (7/02/01)
- Fixed a minor BabelFish bug
- The Asian BabelFish filters(Korean, Chinese, Japanese) have been removed
temporarily, interface changes need to be made before they'll work properly.
- Fixed a minor Translate bug
- Updating data works again(my old website was deleted by Hypermart)
- All references to my old website have been replaced.

#### BINHEX     mac-dnr-13.hqx   ****

From: dewits4@rpi.edu
Subject: MacDNR v1.3

MacDNR is a simple utility for doing DNS lookups.  It allows you to perform
all lookup services offerred by the MacDNR.  Further, it is fully asynchronous
so that you can run lookups in the background and, if you have Open Transport,
can run any number of simultaneous lookups.  It was constructued using the
EasyTCP(tm) DNR library that I have just completed, which makes DNS queries on
a Mac very easy.   Look for the EasyTCP(tm) TCP/IP library in the future.

Version 1.3 corrects the following bugs:

  + Fixed a major bug that prohibited machines running MacTCP to use MacDNR
  + Fixed a memory bug which caused the machine to freeze when out of memory
  + Fixed a bug that caused MacDNR to crash when escape was pressed in an alert
  + Added a few cosmetic details
  + Cleaned up the exit code


#### BINHEX     mac-dns-log-analyzer.hqx   ****

From: thierry-oquidam@synergies-graphiques.fr
Subject: MacDNSLogAnalyzer 1.0

MacDNSLogAnalyzer processes MacDNS log files and generates HTML pages to graphically display the load and usage of the DNS. 
As the DNS traffic pretty much reflects the intranet/internet traffic, an analysis tool for the data logged (even a small one like this) was valuable to me. As I coudn't find any, I wrote this one.

MacDNS Log Converter is free, edit it, modify it as you like -and send me a copy.
Feel free to distribute it on your CD-Rom.

Thierry Oquidam
Information Systems Manager
Synergies Graphiques
33 (0)144 290 909 

#### BINHEX     mac-dyn-dns-10b2-68k.hqx   ****

From: james@sentman.com
Subject: MacDyndns Client 1.0b2 68K 

MacDyndns is a client for the www.dyndns.org dynamic DNS service. It 
will allow you to have a DNS name connected to your Mac even if you 
get a dynamic IP from a dialup PPP account or DHCP server.

This version supports multiple hostnames, wildcards, mx records, 
proxy servers, and can now be used by people running NAT routers 
like, IPNetRouter and Vicom Internet Gateway.

PPC and 68k versions are available.
The Mac DynDNS client is freeware and can be downloaded from:

thank you,

James Sentman      http://www.sentman.com/

#### BINHEX     mac-dyn-dns-10b2-ppc.hqx   ****

From: james@sentman.com
Subject: MacDyndns Client 1.0b2 PPC 

MacDyndns is a client for the www.dyndns.org dynamic DNS service. It 
will allow you to have a DNS name connected to your Mac even if you 
get a dynamic IP from a dialup PPP account or DHCP server.

This version supports multiple hostnames, wildcards, mx records, 
proxy servers, and can now be used by people running NAT routers 
like, IPNetRouter and Vicom Internet Gateway.

PPC and 68k versions are available.
The Mac DynDNS client is freeware and can be downloaded from:

thank you,

James Sentman      http://www.sentman.com/

#### BINHEX     mac-headlines-170.hqx   ****

From: flance@erols.com
Subject: MacHeadlines 1.7

The Global News, Stocks, Sports, and Information Ticker for your Mac!

What does MacHeadlines do?
MacHeadlines is a specialized Internet browser that gathers and displays
headlines from web sites around the world.  It puts up a floating window
where the headlines scroll by. Double-clicking a headline will open your
browser to show the full story.

It can also track web pages, showing when they have changed.

MacHeadlines uses a built-in parsing engine, which describes the format
of web pages, and 烠eaches� MacHeadlines which parts of the incoming
HTML page are the headlines.

Since the format of web pages may change, MacHeadlines sometimes
displays more information than you might want (or even less than what
you expect), but it掇 still much better than having to launch your
browser every time you want the news headlines...

Currently, the limit is 32 Tracked Web Sites, and a total of no more
than 100 headlines.

NOTE: At this time, MacHeadlines does not support  HTML frames. this
means web pages that are comprised by including or referring to other
web pages are not parsed for headlines.

� Mac OS 7.5.1 or better.
� Open Transport 1.1 or better.
� For headline launching, Internet Config 2.x or the Internet Control
Panel (available with Mac OS 8.5 or better) are required.

#### BINHEX     mac-heads-bookmarks-35.hqx   ****

From: RDBow@Pitnet.net
Subject: MacHead Bookmarks 3.5

Thank you for downloading the SHAREWARE list of the "MacHead's Bookmarks
3.5". Now you too can be a MacHead without the mess and fuss of visiting
all those sites to bookmark them. The file will work with both Int ernet
Explorer and Netscape1s Communicator 4.5x up. Although not tested the
bookmarks should work with all versions 4.0..x and up. Let me know when
you try them.

This update has several NEW folders for quick surfing without opening
the larger MacHead's set. Many new listings.

     $10 SHAREWARE  1500+ Bookmarks    Apple oriented.

NEW!! NEW!!!

Included with this download are some Alert Sounds for your pleasure.
these can be put into your close system folder (instructions included)
and then activated for use in your regular Apple Alert Sounds or better
yet use in your Browser. They include such sayings as 柭ou1ve Got Mail1,
and 柫oodbye1 and other such familiar ones. There is no charge for these
recordings. I know you1ll enjoy them.

I would like to quickly tell you why this is a SHAREWARE product. 6
years ago I was diagnosed with a rare spinal cord disease called
SYRINGOMYELIA (SAH-RINGO-MY-E-LEE-AH). (See enclosed folder.) A
progressive nerve disease that slowly "shuts down" nerves and feeling to
the entire body. In the first 3 years I had 8 spinal cord operations
trying to halt the collecting and thus the swelling of the spinal fluid
that shuts off the nerves to the body. Subsequently I have been left

Please read the READ ME file in with the download. It explains my
predicament and what I'm trying to accomplish. I1m truly glad the
bookmarks for IE and Netscape are again compatible. It makes importing
again very simple.

Regards and Thanks,

Royce DeBow

#### BINHEX     mac-irc-050a.hqx   ****

From: eelco@eelco.com
Subject: macircd050

An IRC-server for the Powermac. New versions at


Eelco van Beek.

#### BINHEX     mac-mirror-06-as.hqx   ****

Subject: MacMirror 0.6
From: Chris_F._Riley@miami.com (Chris F. Riley)

 MacMirror 0.6
 Copyright 1995, Chris Riley, Coral Technologies Inc.
 http://www.coral.net,   cti@miami.com
 MacMirror is FREE for your use.  The only caveat is that if you
 make changes to it, we'd like to receive a copy so that we can see how
 were improved.

What does it do:
� It takes a HostName for an FTP site.  It takes a relative path on the FTP
� It then duplicates the entire file tree recursively from that relative
  on downward using the scripting abilities of Anarchie.
� Why did we do this?  So that people could set up a mirror reasonably
  without having to have a lot of Unix, Perl, or other knowledge.

Why is this useful?  
� Suppose you want to replicate a remote FTP site locally but don't want
to use Unix, this will help.  This is good for things
like FirstClass systems or NovaLink systems that might want to
just make the "info-mac" archives an "external volume" instead of
using limited bandwith to get to them.

0.6  10/24/95 Better support for large sites 
              Checks if local directory exists, if not, creates it.
      Easier to set up (one step removed)
          Added a timeout for where it grabs a list

Visit www.coral.net....have a nice day!

#### BINHEX     mac-ntp-102.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 07:12:45 -0700
From: dundas@netcom.com (John A. Dundas III)
Subject: macntp-102 - NTP Client

NTP Client is a shareware software component that synchronizes the system
clock of the Macintosh with other computers in a network.  NTP Client is
one of the components of NTP for Macintosh.  NTP for Macintosh is based
upon the Internet standard Network Time Protocol, Version 2, as described
in RFC 1119.

This software is (c)Copyright 1993-95 by John A. Dundas III.  All rights

For a complete list of current features and improvements, see the enclosed
README file.  Below are some highlights.

*** New features, improvements, and bug fixes ***

New IP server definition dialog allows Accept NTP Version 3 packets from
installation and configuration of IP   broadcast servers.
servers without the need for a local
hosts file.                            Minor bug fixes and performance
No longer crashes at startup with
broadcast only and no polled           Updated balloon help text.
server configuration.

*** General features and benefits ***

Interoperates with all versions of     Works on any model Macintosh with
NTP (up to Version 3); implements      System 6.0.5 or later, including
Version 2 algorithms.                  the Power Macintosh.

Works over AppleTalk and/or TCP/IP     Automatically compensates for offset
(MacTCP).                              from UTC and Daylight Saving Time.

Supports Balloon Help, AppleTalk       32-bit clean.
transition events, PowerManager, and
Virtual Memory.                        Configuration password protection.

Uses variable interval polling         Synchronizes distributed development
and/or broadcast NTP services.         environments, file and mail servers,
                                       and user work stations.
Provides accurate time stamps for
journaling, time-based transaction
processing, calendar management
systems, and network file backup

*** Distribution ***

NTP Client is made available as shareware.  Upon payment of the shareware
fee, you will receive one copy of the User's Manual (at 91 page, bound
manual that describes all of the available software including servers for
Macintosh, A/UX, and VAX/VMS), will become a registered user, and will be
notified of future upgrades to the software.  Site licensing and volume
discounts are available; contact the author for more details.

For further information, questions, or comments, contact the author:

John Dundas

P.O. Box 50784
Pasadena, CA  91115-0784

#### BINHEX     mac-opie-100.hqx   ****

From: (Derrell Piper) piper@tgv.com
Subject: MacOpie 1.0.0

This is the first release of MacOpie, a one-time password calculator that
is compatible with the OPIE software released by the Naval Research Labs

MacOpie includes support for both the MD4 and MD5 message digest functions and
is compatible with the original Bellcore S/Key(tm) distribution.

The software is also compatible with the Secure/IP(tm) product from Cisco
Systems, formerly TGV Software, Inc.

#### BINHEX     mac-ph-12.hqx   ****

From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Mac Ph 1.2, a MacTCP-based Ph client

This is a free Ph client for the Mac, written by the estimable John Norstad.

#### BINHEX     mac-site-list-479.hqx   ****

From: bgrubb@zianet.com
Subject: Mac-Site-list, Version 4.7.9
This is the latest edition (Nov 1, 2003) of the Mac-site-list and should
replace version 4.7.8 of the Mac-Site-list.

The Mac-Site-list lists over 50 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes),
over 100 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous
ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress
and decode which files.  Also there is a section on how to use certain files.

To ensure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the
document's text must be in a monospaced typeface such as Courier, Monaco,
or a PC equivalent.

This Stuffit Deluxe 8.0.1 archive contains both the text and html versions 
of the Mac-Site-list.  

Changes: http://www.macledge.com/ now http://www.macgamer.com/

Added sites/URLs: http://www.macgamefiles.com/;

Defunct sites/URLs: ftp.claris.com/pub/USA-Macintosh/;

#### BINHEX     mac-slurp-quickeys.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 16:52:37 +0000
From: Richard Buckle <richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk>
Subject: MacSlurp QuicKeys

A QuicKeys and AppleScript lash-up to automate blinks by modem onto an
Internet provider. Requires System 7, QuicKeys 3.0 or better, MacPPP
QuicKeys 3.0 or better and AppleScript 1.0 or better.

Could be modified to run (unreliably) without AppleScript. ScreeenSaver
QuicKeys 3.0.1 or better is optional.

Assumes you are using MacPPP, AddMail 2.0.x (if you have STMP rather than
POP3), Eudora, MacSlurp and ToadNews 1.1, but could be adapted for other


#### BINHEX     mac-soup-246-de.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: MacSOUP 2.4.6 (German)

Here comes the German version 2.4.6 of MacSOUP, an offline
Usenet News reader. It is a shareware program.

#### BINHEX     mac-soup-246-dk.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: MacSOUP 2.4.6 - Danish Version

Danish version of MacSOUP

#### BINHEX     mac-soup-246-fr.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: MacSOUP 2.4.6 - French Version

French language version of MacSOUP 2.4.6

#### BINHEX     mac-soup-246-se.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: MacSOUP 2.4.6 - Swedish version 

Swedish version of MacSOUP 2.4.6

#### BINHEX     mac-soup-246.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: MacSOUP 2.4.6

here comes the English version 2.4.6 of MacSOUP, an offline news reader.
This is shareware.

#### BINHEX     mac-sync-142.hqx   ****

From: ScheduleOnline Mac Sync Team <macsync@scheduleonline.com>
Subject: ScheduleOnline Mac Sync 1.4.2

The first and only Macintosh Sync application that syncs ScheduleOnline's
web tools with the Palm OS Date Book, To Do List and Address Book.  Easily
keep your Palm OS based PDA in sync with ScheduleOnline's calendaring tools
and vice versa.

PPC Macintosh
Mac OS 8.6 - 9.2.2 (A Mac OS X native version is on the way)
10 MB free memory
Palm Desktop 2.6 or higher
At least a ScheduleOnline Silver Account which can be obtained at

What's new in this version:

* Fixed a problem with recurring items created in ScheduleOnline not
synchronizing properly onto the Palm Date Book.

#### BINHEX     mac-tcp-tracer.hqx   ****

From: piz@magnet.at (Andreas Pizsa)
Subject: MacTCP Tracer

Written by Andreas Pizsa.
Sponsored by Networx.

MacTCP Tracer logs the status of MacTCP connections and can be used as a
companion to Peter Lewis' MacTCP Watchter. Unlike MacTCP Watcher, MacTCP
Tracer writes the connection status of TCP/IP streams to a console window so
you can see who connected to your Mac.

I started MacTCP Tracer when I read a posting in alt.bbs.first-class from
someone who wanted to know who logged into his FirstClassR Server over the
Internet. I also use MacTCP Tracer to test the robustness of my
self-developed MacTCP Library (yet another* *:o) ), so you may see more
features in the future.

Please note: MacTCP tracer is a quick hack that I did in my spare time (just
a few hours of work). Although I tested it for almost two days on my machine
(Quadra 840av running System 7.5 and MacTCP 2.0.6) and didn't notice crashes
caused by it, I can not guarantee that MacTCP Tracer will also work on your
machine. Please see "Disclaimer" and "Warranty" below. Don't blame me*

Comments and suggestions welcome, flames ignored.

#### BINHEX     mac-tftp-client-11-cbn.hqx   ****

From: Kem Tekinay <ktekinay@mactechnologies.com>
Subject: MacTFTP Client [Cbn] 1.1: TFTP Client for MacOS X

MacTechnologies Consulting is proud to announce MacTFTP Client 1.1, an
update to the full-featured TFTP client for the Macintosh.

MacTFTP Client enables send and receive, provides for multiple, simultaneous
transfers, and more. It also provides an optional password field required by
some devices such as the Linksys and MacSense series of routers.

This version is for MacOS X and requires OS X 10.1 or later. A version for
Classic MacOS is available separately.

MacTFTP Client is shareware. The single-user price is $12. Site licenses are
also available. For more information, contact:

 Kem Tekinay
 MacTechnologies Consulting
 545 Eighth Avenue
 Suite 401
 New York, NY 10018

#### BINHEX     mac-tftp-client-11-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Kem Tekinay <ktekinay@mactechnologies.com>
Subject: MacTFTP Client [PPC] 1.1: TFTP Client for the Classic Mac

MacTechnologies Consulting is proud to announce MacTFTP Client 1.1, an
update to the full-featured TFTP client for the Macintosh.

MacTFTP Client enables send and receive, provides for multiple, simultaneous
transfers, and more. It also provides an optional password field required by
some devices such as the Linksys and MacSense series of routers.

This version is for the Classic MacOS and require MacOS 8.1 or later. A
version for OS X is available separately.

MacTFTP Client is shareware. The single-user price is $12. Site licenses are
also available. For more information, contact:

 Kem Tekinay
 MacTechnologies Consulting
 545 Eighth Avenue
 Suite 401
 New York, NY 10018

#### BINHEX     mac-ticker-162.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: MacTicker 1.6.2 Full Installer

MacTicker is a simple Internet application that lets you view
the free stock market information provided online by financial websites
around the world. You can watch any number of your stocks roll by on the
ticker, or call up a detailed report for each of your favorites.

MacTicker updates this information once a minute right on your desktop.
You can configure it to alert you to stocks that are doing particularly
well, or warn you to sell that stinker.

MacTicker gives you all the charms of the stock market, without the traders.

This version of MacTicker will operate in demo mode for 30 minutes, and
will unlock to the full unlimited application once a registration number
is entered.

To run MacTicker you need the following things:

- A PowerPC-based Macintosh computer. 

- System 7.5 or better.

- Open Transport. Open Transport has been part of the Mac OS for a few years
now, but in its early days it was presented as an optional way of connecting
to the Internet. If you are running System 7.5, make sure you're running the
final version for that system, Open Transport 1.1.2. If you do not have this
version on your original installation disks, you can download it from
<http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n10739>. More recent versions
of the Mac OS include Open Transport as the standard way of connecting to
the Internet. If you are running System 8 or later, you should already be
running Open Transport.

- 4 MB of application RAM�.

- Internet Config (or the Internet control panel under Mac OS 8.5 and later).
If you are not running Mac OS 8.5, it's likely that you already have Internet
Config installed on your computer, since almost every Internet application
includes it as part of its installation. You can also download the latest
version from <ftp://ftp.stairways.com/stairways/internetconfig-20.sit.bin>.

- A connection to the Internet. MacTicker supports modem or direct
network connections.

#### BINHEX     mac-ticker-update-162.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: MacTicker 1.6.2 Updater

MacTicker is a simple Internet application that lets you view
the free stock market information provided online by financial websites
around the world. You can watch any number of your stocks roll by on the
ticker, or call up a detailed report for each of your favorites.

This updater requires version 1.6 or 1.6.1 of MacTicker.

#### BINHEX     mac-traceroute-11.hqx   ****

From: (Jim Browne) jbrowne@jbrowne.com
Subject: MacTraceroute 1.1

MacTraceroute 1.1 fixes several bugs found in 1.0, and includes the 1.2
version of the Traceroute Ethernet LAP which fixes, among other things, the
annoying Class C subnet problem in MacTCP.

This should replace:
        tr-ethernet-lap (wherever it is in the archive)

1.5 is in progress and will support Traceroute over Open Transport.


Jim Browne

#### BINHEX     mac-waveout-14b5.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     mac-waves-30.hqx   ****

From: "Robert J. Clay" <rclay1@uswest.net>
Subject: MacWaves v3.0 - IRC Utility and wave player for Macintosh

For the new millennium: A quantum leap in Macintosh IRC !  Introducing
the most advanced, the most powerful, the most exciting IRC wave player &
IRC utility ever created! Available only for MacOS computers!

 New Features:
-fast and accurate PC-Mac and Mac-PC color translation on IRC
  no more seeing garbled  text and colors in IRC channels
  Mac's and PC's can now be color-compatible on IRC
-point-and-click creation of unlimited colored popups
  no complicated codes to remember
-point-and-click creation of colored wave comments for your sounds!
-new SillyText - automatically create bright, multi-colored messages for IRC
-resizable, horizontally zoomable main window
-all new user interface
-user customizable window and list box colors
-file renaming from MacWaves
  no need to go to the Finder to manage files
-Keyword AutoGet:
  automatically request files based on file-name contents
-new Local Find and IRC find features
  no more searching through hundreds of files to find the one you want
-automatic wave list generation and DCC Send
  automatically updates your lists when you download
  files are made available to you automatically
  open downloaded sound,  text and  picture files immediately!
-new /p command allows you to view the name of the sound you are hearing
-all new AutoGreet:
  lets you play a popup, notice or channel message to joiners
-compatible with play modes on PC wave players
-one-click viewing of picture files from MacWaves
  automatically play, request and send picture files on IRC

System Requirements:

-PowerPC Macintosh (P603 cpu 166mhz minimum recommended)
-32 MB physical memory
-OS8.5 or later
-Contextual Menus extension
-AppleScript v1.3.4 or later
-ircle3.0.4 or later (http://www.ircle.com)
-SoundApp v2.6.1 or later

#### BINHEX     macbattle-chat-10.hqx   ****

From: david@theresistance.net
Subject: MacBattleChat 1.0

This is a chat client and "bot" for the Macintosh to use with Blizzard's
free battle.net online service. Battle.net is the meeting area for players
of Diablo and Starcraft. With this program you can chat with people who are
in the game. It features user lists, customizable preferences, and more. 

MacBattleChat also has a unique "bot" mode, making it the only Macintosh
"bot" for battle.net. What this means is that the "bot" can watch the
conversation and interject comments or answers based on your specifications.
It is easy to use and very powerful. 

#### BINHEX     maccess-12.hqx   ****

From: cantino@frognet.net
Subject: MACcess 1.2

MACcess 1.2 Server/Client/Editor Utility
By Andrew Cantino
(c) 1999, By Andrew Cantino


MACcess 1.2 is a remote access system for the Macintosh platform.  It
consists of a server that is run on a host computer and a client program
that is used to connect to the host.  Also included in the MACcess
package is a utility to edit the server settings.

MACcess has a variety of uses and features.  It is intended to be used
as a method for the owner of a computer to allow people to access
certain areas of their hard drive.  This is basically Macintosh file
sharing over a TCP/IP connection.  Another intended use is for the owner
of a computer to be able to get back into their computer from a remote
location to do routine maintenance and to get files needed at the time.

MACcess has many useful features that can aid in its intended use.  It
can browse the directory structure of a remote computer, delete, launch,
and rename files, and download any file type of any size.  Files are
converted and saved in a special format that allows for the quick
transfer of Macintosh resource structures.  The MACcess client has the
ability to both create and transform these special files.

MACcess runs on both PPC and 68k machines.

    If you have been using version 1.0 of MACcess, PLEASE use this
version.  This version fixes some serious security holes in 1.0.

This program CAN be included on CD-ROMs if I am contacted first.

#### BINHEX     macdns-log-converter-10.hqx   ****

From: thierry-oquidam@synergies-graphiques.fr
Subject: MacDNSLogConverter 1.0

MacDNS Log Converter is an applescript witch transforms log files from
MacDNS so they can easily be edited within a spreadsheet software.

I had to conduct a survey to see which sites are most accessed from within
our company and found out that MacDNS log files contains all the required
information, but are difficult to read. As I found no analysis software
that can read MacDNS format, I wrote this script.

Basically, this script extracts from the log file dropped on it the date,
time, address of the requester and name of the requested site for each
request, then writes it into a new text file, with basic formatting.
Importing this new file in a spreadsheet (like Excel) is then just a matter
of dropping the file onto Excel's icon.

MacDNS Log Converter is free, edit it, modify it as you like -and send me a

#### BINHEX     macdoppler-381.hqx   ****

From: dogpark@interlog.com
Subject: MacDoppler v3.8.1

* MacDoppler will read in the Keplerian elements (in either format), 
calculate the position and relative velocity of the Satellite you are 
tracking and automatically adjust the Doppler shift on both transmit and 
receive as well as pointing your antennas.
* Without registering, the application will run for 30 minutes and track 
the satellite(s) you choose and display the proper Doppler corrected 
frequencies that can be entered manually in any rig. When registered with 
AMSAT ($50.00 US) MacDoppler will connect to your radio and rotor 
controller through any two serial ports and make the corrections for you 
once a second. 
* A Track List Dialog allows you to track up to 8 satellites 
* MacDoppler features full predictive dead spot crossing so that a pass 
is never interrupted by the beam heading passing a southern dead spot.
* A slider control allows you to sweep the VFO through the transponder 
range while the transmit frequency tracks the receive frequency. When you 
hear something interesting, MacDoppler continues to track the frequency 
through the Doppler changes.


MacDoppler requires an Apple Macintosh II or faster (some features only 
supported on Power PC), 2.0 to 4.0 MB of RAM (over and above the OS), 
System 7.6.1 or later (MacOS 8 required for the Frequency Slider to 
work). The Application is FAT Binary, an FPU version is also available 
for 68k Machines with a Floating Point Unit.

#### BINHEX     macs-x10b1r3.hqx   ****

From: rsoliv@bigfoot.com
Subject: MaCsX1.0b1r3

It's a french script for ircle 3.0b10.

name of script   : MaCsX

home page        : http://macsx.home.ml.org

version          : 1.0b1r3

contact          : rsoliv@bigfoot.com

requerement      : apple script 1.1 (or uper)
                 : ircle3.0b10 (or uper)


see you


#### BINHEX     mactcp-monitor-10d30.hqx   ****

From: Michael Sattler <msattler@jungle.com>
Subject: MacTCP Monitor 1.0d30 - monitor TCP usage

[Posted on behalf of Chris Johnson <chrisj@mail.utexas.edu>, the author.
Much more information is contained in the program's Read Me file.]

MacTCP Monitor is a simple (in concept, anyway) utility for displaying your
Mac's TCP activity. It continuously graphs the number of bytes sent/received
by MacTCP in any given second. This can be handy for keeping an eye on the
activity of servers running in the background of your Mac, or for gauging
at-a-glance the throughput of that TCP code you've been working on lately.

MacTCP Monitor requires at least System 7, Apple's Thread Manager extension
(which is built into System 7.5, BTW), Color QuickDraw, and, of course,
MacTCP.  :-)  Note that some optional parts of MacTCP Monitor only work if
Peter N. Lewis' "Anarchie" and "MacTCP Watcher" utilities are present on your

#### BINHEX     mactcp-watcher-20.hqx   ****

From: (Peter N Lewis) peter@stairways.com.au
Subject: Mac TCP Watcher 2.0

Mac TCP Watcher v2.0 displays the internal data of MacTCP or Open Transport
such as the Mac's IP number and DNS name.  It will also list all the
currently open TCP connections and the information on each of them.

It also allows you to test your TCP connection and your network, using the
ICMP Ping protocol, the UDP & TCP Echo protocols, and it tests out the DNS
by looking up the name of a given IP or IP of a given name.  It also allows
you to use the traceroute functionality to observe the route packets take.
It should be useful to people having TCP configuration troubles, network or
Domain Name System problems, or the chronically curious.

Mac TCP Watcher requires MacTCP or Open Transport and System 7 or later.
It is shareware, US$10.

Changes since 1.1.2

- Open Transport native
- Traceroute facility
- PPC native
- DNS name lookups can return more than one IP
- OT connection list includes UDP
- Subtle rename (Mac<space>TCP Watcher)
- Shareware

Have fun,
   Peter. <peter@stairways.com.au>

Mac TCP Watcher v2.0 Copyright 1993-96 Peter N Lewis & Stairways Software


#### BINHEX     maction-www-freund-11.hqx   ****

From: dave@raum.com
Subject: WWW-Freund 1.1 - URL-database and Link-launcher

What is WWW-Freund
WWW-Freund is a URL-database and Link-launcher that should make life
easier to keep together all WWW-pages, FTP- and Gopher-sites. If
you use Netscape you could launch the URL-entries right from the

The ability to add comments to the URL-entries makes it perfect for
creating "Starting-Points" for  poeple new to the internet. All data
is stored into the application. Just fill the database, and give
WWW-Freund to a friend.

Legal Stuff
WWW-Freund is "Webware", which means you don靖 have to pay for it,
but I retain copyright. If you like my programms, please fill out the
"Registration- & Comment-Form" at:


If you like to include it on a CDROM, please ask for permission by eMail:


#### BINHEX     macwaves-23.hqx   ****

From: aragorn2@earthlink.net
Subject: MacWaves v2.3

MacWaves - Desktop and IRC Sound Playing Utility for Macintosh. Announcing the
release of MacWaves! MacWaves is a soundplayer utility for Macintosh that
automates management, enjoyment and sharing of all your sound files both offline
and on IRC. MacWaves supports waves,aiff,midi and System 7 sounds. This release
of MacWaves has taken on an all new look and feel! Now Macintosh users no longer
need envy PC users online who have long enjoyed many choices in waveplayers.
MacWaves puts the Macintosh light years ahead of the PC in this department, right
where it belongs!

#### BINHEX     maczpoint-197.hqx   ****

From: info@macnetic.de
Subject:  MacZPoint 1.9.7

MacZPoint is the leading pointsoftware (offlinereader and mailer)
for eMail and news. MacZPoint is available in german language only!

German description:

MacZPoint Version 1.9.7 ist FREEWARE !!!

MacZPoint ist die kostenguenstigste Art eMail und News zu nutzen.
Diese Software braucht KEINEN aufwendigen TCP/IP internet-Zugang
sondern lediglich ein Modem!

MacZPoint benoetigt eine das ZConnect<tm> Protokoll unterstuetzende
Mailbox. ZConnect ist ein weit verbreiteter Standard in der
deutschsprachigen Mailboxlandschaft (ca. 1000 Rufnummern anbei!).
Mit dem vorkonfigurierten Testzugang koennen Sie sofort beginnen!

- einfach zu bedienen ("Finder" aehnlich)
- Brettverwaltung mit automatischem Loeschmechanismus
- Konfigurierbarer, Drag & Drop sowie Zitateinfaerbung
  unterstuetzender Texteditor.
- Mehrere Mailboxsysteme verwaltbar
- und viele andere nette Funktionen die man auch wirklich braucht!


- System 7 oder hoeher
- Jeder Macintosh mit mind. 68020 Prozessor
- Modem oder CTB-kompatible ISDN Karte

Andreas Wagner           a.wagner@macnetic.de
macnetic software        http://www.macnetic.de/

#### DIRECTORY  mail   ****

#### BINHEX     mail-fetch.hqx   ****

From: KarlBunker@aol.com
Subject: MailFetch 2.0.1

MailFetch is a utility for America Online users. It performs several
functions, and *all* AOL users should find it to be a significant convenience,
time-saver and frustration-reducer. It will be particularly useful to those
who handle a lot of e驜ail correspondence using AOL. 

With MailFetch you can:  
* With a single click, run an "Auto AOL" session (sending and receiving e-
mail) and be notified if you have new mail, without bringing AOL to the front.
* With a single click, have AOL brought to the front and have your "Offline
Mail" window opened.  
* Precisely schedule background Auto AOL sessions with a variety of options.  
* Log on to AOL version 2.x, 3.x or 4.x while AOL is running in the background
(not normally possible with AOL 2 or 3).  
* Have AOL 2.x or 3.x continue to redial indefinitely until it connects.  
* Have an Auto AOL session run whenever you start up your Mac.  
* More!  

MailFetch performs these feats primarily by automating various America Online
functions, so that a single click in MailFetch triggers a series of actions in
AOL, without even making AOL your front application.  

Here's how I use MailFetch:
Whenever I feel that I'd like to check my AOL e-mail, I simply switch to
MailFetch and click the "OK" button. Then I go back to whatever I was doing.
Total time of the interruption caused by this "I think I'll check my e-mail"
decision: about 1 second. Over the next few minutes AOL works in the
background, completing its dial-up and connection process, sending my outgoing
mail and downloading any incoming mail. If I have new messages, MailFetch puts
up a small floating window that reads "You have new mail on AOL". By clicking
inside this window, I am taken to AOL's "Off-line Mail" window, where my new
messages are listed.  

Other users might prefer to use MailFetch's scheduling options. In that case,
you can have an Auto AOL session run at regular intervals as frequently as
every half hour (at times you precisely determine). The "You have new mail"
window will appear if new mail is downloaded. Otherwise, you don't even have
to think about AOL, or switch it to the front, or navigate its menus and

#### BINHEX     mangle-ip-01.hqx   ****

From: devill@fox.co.za
Subject: MangleIP for FileMaker Pro ver 0.1

by Gregory De Villiers
(c) 1999 Fox Strategic Management (www.fox.co.za)

Mangle IP will decode mangled URLs spammers often send out, like
http://3290745603/. Macintosh implementations of TCP/IP cannot correctly
translate these hidden URLs to their real IP Addresses (like, so the spammer remains an invisible nuisance. Mangle
IP will also encode normal IP Addresses to obfuscated numbers.

Requires FileMaker Pro v3 or better


#### BINHEX     marconi-201-hc.hqx   ****

From: Roberto FERRARA, ferrara@unive.it
Subject: Marconi v2.01 Stack

Marconi is a simple and very easy to use off-line reader for internet
newsgroups. With Marconi you can download your news and read it and reply
off-line. You can also download only the subject.
What's New? New reply button, fixed bug on follow-up, arrow key now
availlable for navigation

#### BINHEX     marconi-201-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Roberto FERRARA, ferrara@unive.it
Subject: Marconi v2.01 PPC

Marconi is a simple and very easy to use off-line reader for internet
newsgroups. With Marconi you can download your news and read it and reply
off-line. You can also download only the subject.
What's New? New reply button, fixed bug on follow-up, arrow key now
availlable for navigation

#### BINHEX     marconi-201.hqx   ****

From: Roberto FERRARA, ferrara@unive.it
Subject: Marconi v2.01 68K

Marconi is a simple and very easy to use off-line reader for internet
newsgroups. With Marconi you can download your news and read it and reply
off-line. You can also download only the subject.
What's New? New reply button, fixed bug on follow-up, arrow key now
availlable for navigation

#### BINHEX     maven-20d37.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 16:03:17 -0500
From: scouten@uiuc.edu (Eric Scouten)
Subject: Maven 2.0a37

Attached is Maven 2.0a37, a voice conferencing system for Macintosh
computers using MacTCP. It interoperates with the Unix vat program. This
version is a complete rewrite of the program sinze 2.0d23, which was the
previous release.

Eric Scouten                           MS Comp Sci, Dec '95, U of Illinois
<scouten@uiuc.edu>                    http://tampico.cso.uiuc.edu/~scouten

#### BINHEX     max-news-08d.hqx   ****

From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <stanley@roche.org>
Subject: MaxNews v0.80d

MaxNews  is  a  new  full  featured  MacOS offline NNTP client. In other
words,  it哀  a  program able to fetch usenet news in order to read them
offline.  It  allows  to  subscribe to any kind of group, post articles,
follow  up...etc...  It哀  an  alternative  to  comercial  software.   

MaxNews  inlude  a  powerfull  set  of features like a customizable spam
filter and a complete purge system.


The  main  goal  is to provide a very simple program, full featured with
an  attractive  interface. A the same time we want to add some exclusive
features.  This  software  will  be  available for MacOS 9.x and MacOS X
native.  Likely only in English at the beginning with plans to translate
it to French, German and Spanish as soon as posible.

What哀 next ?

We  want  to  implement  some features almost all current software lake,
like the capability of decoding and encoding attachments. 

Troubleshooting - How to contact the autor

You can get in touch with the author by email only, at :
<stanley@roche.org>    If  you think you have found a bug, please send a
detailed  description  along  with a copy of your connection log located
in the MaxNews Files folder. 

How to get new releases

All new releases will be available at : http://www.maxprog.com


This is Copyright software. All rights reserved.

#### BINHEX     mcpoker.hqx   ****

From: larry@ghosteffects.com
Subject: McPoker 1.0

McPoker - inspired by the generosity of the people who continue to host and support IRC poker I decided I'd throw in some of my time and  put together a client program so that Macintosh users could play IRC Poker as comfortably as people forced to use Windows  machines. This is a client program (visual front end) that communicates over the internet using IRC protocols to a poker server so that you can play poker with other real players and some not-so-real players. Obviously (I hope) you need to have your internet connection running before you can use this software to play. It was mostly modeled after Greg Reynolds'  Gpkr  -- an excellent IRC poker client for 
Windows which most IRC poker players seem to be using. McPoker does not yet have some of the advanced features of Gpkr, but I think you will find that it makes IRC Poker  an enjoyable experience on a Macintosh. You will need to be using Open Transport networking  on your Macintosh for McPoker to work. 

#### BINHEX     mctwilight-211.hqx   ****

From: drew@dstc.Bond.edu.au
Subject: mctwilight-211

McTWILIGHT is a simple telnet client, capable of bringing you
into the realms of various on-line text-based systems on the
Internet such as Talkers and MUDs.

-  System 7 or higher
-  Internet connection
    MacTCP or Open Transport, OR SLIP/PPP connection
-  2 Mb of Free Memory
-  1 Mb of Free disk space
-  13 inch Monitor or larger
-  Macintosh (preferably 68030 or better), Power Macintosh
    or MacOS-compatible computer

(c) 1996-97 Andrew Lee
WWW: http://www.dstc.bond.edu.au/phantom/mctwi/mctwi.html

#### BINHEX     mhp-101.hqx   ****

From: scottk@enterprise.scottk.ml.org
Subject: multiplehostpresenz101.hqx

MultipleHostPresenz 1.0.1
Description: MHP 1.0.1 allows you to have one machine running NetPresenz
server software pretend to be more than one host in more than one
domain. For example, www.scottk.ml.org could be mhp.cajunmonk.ml.org. A
different response is sent depending on which host is asked for.
MHP 1.0.1 makes all prior versions obsolete.
Price: $10
Author contact information: Scott Konzem scottk@mail.cajunmonk.ml.org

#### BINHEX     mirror-10.hqx   ****

From: alastair@cia.com.au
Subject: Mirror 1.0 - Directory synchronisation using FTP

Mirror is an application for the Macintosh for synchronising groups of files
between computers over the Internet. It can be automated to run regularly and
copy new and updated files from one site to another using the Internet standard
FTP protocol.

Mirror requires a Macintosh with System 7.5 or later (or System 7.0 with the
Threads Manager installed), Internet Config 1.1 or later, and MacTCP or Open
Transport 1.1. Mirror takes advantage of Open Transport and Drag and Drop if

Mirror is free for non-commercial use. Commercial users must pay a licence fee of

#### BINHEX     monica-21.hqx   ****

From: ziggy@intekom.co.za
Subject: Monica 2.1

MONICA 2.1 is a shareware queue based file download manager for downloading
files from the Internet using FTP and HTTP protocols.

MONICA allows you to easily set up a download queue by 'dragging and
dropping' or 'cutting and pasting' file URLs. Once you have placed some
files in the queue you may manually start each download at a time
convenient to you, or allow MONICA to start downloading automatically. In
automatic mode, once a file is received MONICA will start the next one,
allowing up to four simultaneous downloads. If the server times you out or
if the download is incomplete then MONICA will restart the download and do
her best to resume from where the download left off, while you can go off
to more pleasant occupations.

It's a great time saver for people who download many or large files off the

System Requirements

To run Monica Version 2.1, users require the following

1. A PPC Mac.
2. 8mb free RAM.
3. Open Transport. 
4. About 3mb of disk space.
5. An Internet connection.
6. A screen set to 800x600 minimum.

#### BINHEX     monolith-dyndns-register.hqx   ****

From: z41@earthlink.net
Subject: Monolith DYNDNS Register

Made in REALbasic, Monolith DYNDNS Register will prompt you with a dialog 
box the first time you open it asking for your host name, your MID, and 
your password.  The next time you open it, it will automatically connect 
to monolith, submit the proper information via the http protocol, and 
quit two seconds after it is done with the registration process if the 
host was successfully updated.  If the host name has already been updated 
within the last five minutes or updated with the same IP address, then it 
will display a status message indicating such as event has occurred and 
will not quit automatically.  If for some unknown reason it was 
unsuccessful in the registration process, it will display in the status 
area, "Host NOT successfully updated."  You also have the option to 
change your host, mid, and password information after you have initially 
provided it.  The preferences are stored in a file by the name of 
"Monolith Registration Prefs" inside the Preferences folder on the 
current startup disk.

#### BINHEX     motosfera.hqx   ****

From: bonnets@pmp.it
Subject: motosfera

I am Andrea Bonetti, and wrote Motosfera. Can you replace it in your
site? It would make me very happy!

Thank you

Andrea Bonetti

P.S. I enclosed Motosfera again...please, put it in the Net again!

#### BINHEX     multi-homed-presenz-102.hqx   ****

From: scottk@enterprise.cajunmonk.ml.org
Subject: MultiHomedPresenz 1.0.2

Program: MultiHomedPresenz 1.0.2
Kind: AppleScript, $10 Shareware
Replaces: All versions of MultipleHostPresenz (may be mhp101.sea.hqx or
Author/Support addresses: Scott Konzem (mhp@mail.cajunmonk.ml.org,
MultiHomedPresenz 1.0.2 offers single-IP multihoming over HTTP for servers
running NetPresenz 4.1 or later.  Essentially, it makes it so that you can
have one machine be, say, www.cajunmonk.ml.org, mhp.cajunmonk.ml.org, etc,
and give a different response for each.  It really isn't half as complicated
as it sounds, and takes about 5 minutes to set up.  This replaces all
versions of MultipleHostPresenz, as I opted for a new name (I think you can
see why).

#### BINHEX     my-ip-address-102.hqx   ****

From: jimplan@aol.com
Subject: MyIPAddress v1.02

MyIPAddress v1.02 is a small application that will look up your ip 
address and write it to the clipboard.  If you play games over the 
internet then you know what a hassle it can be when you are going to host 
a game and need to give your IP address to your fellow players.  
MyIPAddress looks up your current IP address and then copies it to your 
clipboard.  To use it all you have to do is place the utility into your 
"Apple Menu Items" folder.  Then when someone asks you for your IP 
address all you have to do is select MyIPAddress from the Apple Menu.  
MyIPAddress will instantly look up the address and copy it to the 
clipboard.  Then select paste from the edit menu or use the keyboard 
shortcut cmd-v.  Version 1.02 now supports apple scripting!

#### BINHEX     ncsa-telnet-27b4.hqx   ****

From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: NCSA Telnet 2.7.b4

Since NCSA has ceased to fund the Telnet project, 2.7b4 is the last version
of that program. I'm uploading the fat binary version - if you want the 68K
version, check out:


Some of the new features since 2.6 include:

Differences Between Version 2.6 and 2.7
* PowerMac Native
* New VT220 emulation code
* VT220 keypad and function menu option
* ANSI color sequence support
* Supports only mono-spaced fonts
* Command-Clickable URL support
* Internet-Config support (for URL helpers)
* Added support for "rlogin://" and "telnet://" GURL event.
* Added option in Terminals to remap the Numeric Keypad to its standard
  (non-vt220) Mac behavior, ie the operators can be used and wont send PFs.
* Macros can be imported and exported to/from text files
* User set-able Block Size
* User set-able Send timeouts
* User set-able font size (i.e. other than 9,12,etc.)
* User set-able window staggered distance
* Drag and Drop support.  Text can be dragged out of and into connection
* Telnet now scans Extensions folder & the folder Telnet resides in for
  Authentication/Encryption plugins

#### BINHEX     net-batch-105.hqx   ****

From: biology@dreamscape.com
Subject: NetBATCH 1.05 Revision B  (new)

NetBATCH is a batch download utility.  You can download several files, one after
another, easily. It is faster to download in segments, with NetBatch, it is much
faster, and easier. NetBatch 1.05 offers many upgrades to basic functions, and
acceleration of the NetBatch engine. NetBatch 1.05 contains the ability to share
lists to be downloaded with other users across the network. With the advent of
RevB, NetBATCH no longer contains a secondary apple event queue, which can cause
serious crashes. By /// Intense Media.

#### BINHEX     net-calculator-10b1.hqx   ****

From: josh@aggroup.com (Joshua Graessley)
Subject: NetCalculator 1.0b1 - calculate IP adresses and masks

NetCalculator is a simple tool to help calculate IP adresses and masks as
well as converting AppleTalk addresses to and from hexadecimal.

1) Launch the application.
2) Enter a value and press return or enter.

�1997 Joshua Graessley and the ag group, inc.

#### BINHEX     net-folder-24.hqx   ****

From: tkuri@bsd.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp
Subject: Net Folder 2.4

Net Folder is an apple script droplet working with Fetch. Net Folder which 
recorded host, path and user ID of FTP site  is made by Net Folder Maker. 
You can connect the FTP site wiht double clicking the Net Folder and upload
a  File to the FTP site with drag & drop to the Net Folder. 

You need Fetch 3.0.3 and Apple Script.
You must install OSAX "Dialog Director" and OSAX "Resource Utilities" which
is included in the package of "Dialog direcor v0.6"


Tetsurou Kurita

	<寱瀅轟 Net Folder 2.4.sit>

#### BINHEX     net-presenz-41.hqx   ****

From: support@stairways.com.au
Subject: net-presenz-41.hqx

NetPresenz 4.1 - was previously called FTPd. Has full CGI support in the web
server.  NetPresenz now includes CGI and comes with a bunch of example CGI
scripts. NetPresenz is Open Transport native.  The file transfer code was
entirely rewritten to take advantage of Open Transport.  Transfers will be
noticeably faster. Updated for 7.5.5 and open transport 1.1.

#### BINHEX     net-rpg-302.hqx   ****

From: Erich.G.Bratton-1@tc.umn.edu
Subject: NetRPG

NetRPG 3.0.2 is most likely the last version that will ever be
released.  All of my energies are now focused into NetRPG's big
brother, WebRPG, which is written in Java, and has WAY more features,
and will support plugins for various game systems.  If you want to
check it out, go take a look at http://www.webrpg.com and click on
WebRPG Online Central.  Thanks!

Short Blurb:
NetRPG is an internet server which lets a group of friends role-play
over the net.

Version 3.0.2 fixes a bug where when a user /QUIT and everyone else
would get 3 disconnect messages.



#### BINHEX     net-runner-10.hqx   ****

From: Brian Ellis <firebird@clinic.net>
Subject: NetRunner1.0 -- A small Internet launcher for the Macintosh.

NetRunner is a small program designed to make launching Web sites and other
addresses as simple and seamless as possible.  Simply type in a URL, FTP
site address, or email address and you will be taken to that address in
whatever program should handle it.  Includes inline support for browser
Favorites/Bookmarks and Internet Location files.

Freeware, PowerPC only, may be included on Info-Mac CDs.

Brian Ellis 

#### BINHEX     net-search-11.hqx   ****

From: cvonmoos@cmc.net
Subject: Net-Search 1.1

Net-Search is and easy and effective way to search the net.

#### BINHEX     net-shade-12.hqx   ****

From: tyler@tyrayner.com
Subject: NetShade 1.2
NetShade dynamically routes your Web connection through a worldwide
network of anonymous Proxy servers. This makes your web presence
completely anonymous, and shields you from the many security and privacy
intrusions which can be accomplished by someone who knows your IP address.
NetShade connects daily to the NetShade server to download a freshly
updated list of anonymous proxy servers, complete with uptime data and
recent ping times. This ensures that you'll always be using the fastest
available proxies. NetShade uses standard OS X configuration methods to
modify your connection, and is compatible with all standard OS X browsers.

System Requirements:
MacOS X 10.2 or later
Safari, Internet Explorer, or OmniWeb

#### BINHEX     net-snagger-11b4.hqx   ****

From: (Rod Morehead) rmore@onramp.net
Subject: NetSnagger 11b4 Internet URL and digest file utility

NetSnagger is a free Internet application that works with Internet Config to simplify two internet related tasks:

   1. Retrieving files from archive digests (like the Info-Mac 
      digest published in the comp.sys.mac.digest newsgroup). 
      These documents are called "Draggers".
   2. Creating double clickable desktop URLs which will utilize 
      Internet Config to launch the requested URL.

NetSnagger has been tested with  System 7.5. I should, in theory, also work 
with System 7.1 or later with the Drag Manager Extension. It requires 
Internet Config 1.1, and works best with the Anarchie ftp program by Peter Lewis.

    * InternetConfig support
    * Drag Manager Support
    * Automatic URL Concatenation
    * Double Clickable desktop URLs
    * Single drop URL saving
    * No extensions or trap patching

The  1.1b4 release includes the following changes since 1.1b3:
   Released 30-Jul-1996
        1. Again tried to make selection deactivation/activation
            work properly.
        2. Fixed memory trashing problem when using "Preferences" window.
        3. Updated snail mail address in documentation file.
        4. Added "greying" of NetSnagger document windows, this
           color can be customized by editing the 'wctb' resource with
           a resource editor like "ResEdit".
        5. Updated description of file format to mention
           "URL" save preference.
        6. Fixed crash on exit (also memory problem).


#### BINHEX     net-support-page-11.hqx   ****

From: jeff@stepupsoftware.com
Subject: NetSupport Page 1.1

NetSupport Page is a freeware application designed to aid network support 
 personnel and end-users in determining the current and past status of 
their AppleTalk and TCP/IP network. It automatically generates a World 
Wide Web page (an HTML document) displaying the current status of 
specified AppleTalk zones and IP addresses at user-specified intervals.

Any web browser can be used to view the web page. If the HTML document is 
 shared by a web server or AppleShare server, any client on the network 
can view it. Client screens will automatically update every sixty seconds.

Version 1.1 adds support for pagers and custom HTML, and a couple of bug 

Jeff Benjamin
StepUp Software

#### BINHEX     netbatch-105c.hqx   ****

From: biology@dreamscape.com
Subject: NetBATCH 1.05c

NetBATCH 1.05c - is a batch download utility. You can download several files, one
after another, easily.  It is faster to download in segments, with NetBatch, it
is much faster, and easier. NetBatch 1.05 offers many upgrades to basic
functions, and accelleration of the NetBatch engine.  Netbatch 1.05 contains the
ability to share lists to be downloaded with other users across the network.

#### BINHEX     netbatch-11pr1.hqx   ****

From: biology@dreamscape.com
Subject: NetBATCH 1.1preview

NetBATCH 1.1preview - is a batch download utility. You can download several
files, one after another, easily.  It is faster to download in segments, with
NetBatch, it is much faster, and easier. Offers many upgrades to basic functions,
and accelleration of the NetBatch engine. Contains the ability to share lists to
be downloaded with other users across the network.

#### BINHEX     netbots-25.hqx   ****

From: klephacks@kagi.com
Subject: NetBots 2.5 netbots-25.hqx

          -==== NetBots 2.5 ====-
"These are the driods you've been looking for"

What is NetBots?
NetBots is many things. It's an Internet diagnotic tool. It's a system 
administrator's utility. It's a web surfing helper. It's an ftp site 
checker. It's anything you want it to be. It's a dessert topping.

Basically, NetBots lets you send little helper agents out on the 'Net to 
accomplish tasks for you. You can configure a bot to alert you when a 
friend comes online, send you a pager when a site goes offline, or launch 
Netscape when a web page changes. Since NetBots is totally customizable, 
you can do much more. Version 2.5 includes 5 types of bots:

   * PingBots   - Tell you when a host comes online, goes offline, or both
   * PortBots   - Do anything you can do with a TCP connection
   * FingerBots - Tell you when a user comes online
   * WWWBots    - Tell you when a web page changes
   * FTPBots    - Tell you when an FTP site changes

Please give NetBots a try and see what it can do for you. Besides bug 
fixes, the new version adds the FTPBot, makes PingBots more powerful and 
flexible, adds numerous preferences like mute mode and verbose logging, 
and much more. 

NetBots 2.5 is $15 shareware. The WWWBot complies with the robots.txt 
robot exclusion standard. For more information or to purchase NetBots, 
please visit the KlepHacks web site at 

-Scott J. Kleper

#### BINHEX     netcache-resolver-09d7.hqx   ****

From: mizutori@nn.iij4u.or.jp
Subject: NetCacheResolver 0.9d7

NetCacheResolver - is an AppleScriptable application program that converts the cache log database of Netscape Navigator 2.0 thru 4.5 to a comma-separated text-base data file. It works as an AppleScript server program that communicates with other applications to do with the cache files of Navigator.

#### BINHEX     netfinder-121-se.hqx   ****

From: mats-ola.jonsson@swipnet.se
Subject: Pressmeddelande fr瀋 Dr Feelgood

Dr. Feelgood <http://www.feelgood.se> sl鄡per nu NetFinder 1.2.1-SE i svensk
version. NetFinder st鐰er PORT och PASV. dra och sl鄡p, flyttande av filer och
mappar b嶟e p� servern och din h緳ddisk, Internet Config och har bokm酺kssystem
med mera. Dessutom kan man 廞eruppta nedladdningar om de av n嶓on anledning
En mycket ing嶒nde svensk bruksanvisning i HTML-format medf闤jer.
Version 1.2 酺 en st顤re uppdatering med en m鄚gd buggfixar och f顤b酹tringar. I

version 1.2.1 har man bland annat ordnat s� att den senaste Netscape anv鄚darens

inst鄟lningar avg顤 om NetFinder skall anv鄚das f顤 FTP URLer. Vidare kan man nu

dra och sl鄡pa flertalet URLer till bokm酺kslista med mera.

琌ers酹tare Jens Kuhn  Dr. Feelgood

NetFinder 1.2.1-SE kostar: 160:-
* fullt pris f顤 de f顤sta tv� kopiorna
* 80% av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 廞ta kopiorna
* 60% av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 10 kopiorna
* 50% av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 30 kopiorna
* 40% av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 50 kopiorna
* 30%av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 400 kopiorna
* 20% av det fulla priset f顤 de n酲ta 500 kopiorna

Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program 酺 det l酹t att registrera via postgirot.

L酲 mer ock ladda ner p� v緳 hemsida: <http://www.feelgood.se
> d酺 alla v緳a program finns f顤 nedladdning.

Programmet kommer 銥en att finnas i macpowers filarkiv:

Du 銥en ladda ner fr幩 <http://www.ramona.nu/release/>

P� < http://www.idg.se/online > hittar du info. om IDG/Online och d酺 finns 銥en

alla v緳a program f顤 nedladdning.

#### BINHEX     netfinder-233-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: NetFinder Classic 2.3.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the NetFinder package.

This package is for pre-Mac OS X systems, a package for Mac OS X is also available.

MacWorld - Aug 2000 Review - 4 1/5 mice.
MacUser - 1997 Best Shareware - Best Internet Face-Lift.
Tucows - 5 cow rating.
MacDownload - 5 mice.
MacWelt (German MacWorld) - 5 mice.
FileDudes - 5 dude rating & Dude Approved!

If you can use the Finder you can use NetFinder.

NetFinder has an interface like the Finder which supports FTP, HTTP and
FILE (browsing of local hard disk - alternative OSX disk browser)
protocols. It support various Firewalls / Proxies (including SOCKS and
OTP), secure storage of passwords using Apple's Keychain Manager,
support for SSL FTP, ICI Script, previewing of Movies, MP3's and even
Shockwave files, integration with BBEdit. NetFinder is also carbonized
for native execution under OSX. It also supports the mouse wheel under

What's new in this version:

* fixed compatibility issues with OSX 10.3
* fixed copy from Transcript Window bug.
* ftping to port 990 with OpenSSLLib installed will establish an SSL connection (implicit ftps).
* plus a number of other GUI tweeks. 

#### BINHEX     netfinder-233.hqx   ****

From: pli@ozemail.com.au
Subject: NetFinder 2.3.3

v2.3.3 is a minor update which improves compatibility with OSX 10.3 and 
include a few bug fixes.

This package is for pre-OSX, the OSX package is a separate file.

The most Finder-like FTP client for the MacOS has just got better.

NetFinder was the first FTP client to use the Finder hierarchy listing
paradigm. With an intuitive user interface that everyone is familiar
with, users can begin to use this program in no time at all.

NetFinder v1.x started the FTP client war, by being the first FTP client to:
- support resume downloading after you quit or crash.
- add drag and drop support for all operations including moving files from
  one folder to another, server to server coping as well as the standard
  uploading, downloading and trashing...
- inline filename editing, just like the Finder.
- integrated BBEdit support for transparent file editing.
- support for setting permissions on files and folders (even recursively).

The Finder-like listing window supports viewing by name, date, size, and
permissions. Other features include automatic binhex, macbinary and text
translation for uploads and downloads. Supports many ftp servers.
Has speech support. Internet Config savvy. Supports bookmark lists.

NetFinder 2.x included:

* Full MacOS 8.x appearance, including Contextual Menus and Navigation
* Support for HTTP protocol. Allowing users to browse lists of files on
  sites that do not support FTP. (Also supports HTTP proxies and proxies
  that require authentication)
* Support for downloading and resume downloading of files using HTTP.
* Added and improved various security protocols used with FTP including:
    - One Time Passwords (Clear Text, Challenge and s/key)
    - Support for FTP proxies that require authentication.
    - Improved SOCKS support. Even works with MS Proxy 2.0.
* Support for Queued Downloads.
* Vastly improved directory caching, so its just like your web browser.
* URL/Hostname auto-completion. Saves you typing in a complete hostname.
* MacBinary III support.
* Support for Apple's KeyChain Manager, for secure password storage.
* View Graphic window, view remote files with a click of a button.

NetFinder requires System 7.6 or higher, Open Transport, and is US$35 shareware.
Upgrades for v1.x user are US$15. Student price is still US$15. Student
upgrades from v1.x are FREE.

#### BINHEX     netfinder-osx-233-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: NetFinder for OS X 2.3.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the NetFinder package.

This package is for Mac OS X only, a package for classic is also available.

MacWorld - Aug 2000 Review - 4 1/5 mice.
MacUser - 1997 Best Shareware - Best Internet Face-Lift.
Tucows - 5 cow rating.
MacDownload - 5 mice.
MacWelt (German MacWorld) - 5 mice.
FileDudes - 5 dude rating & Dude Approved!

If you can use the Finder you can use NetFinder.

NetFinder has an interface like the Finder which supports FTP, HTTP and
FILE (browsing of local hard disk - alternative OSX disk browser)
protocols. It support various Firewalls / Proxies (including SOCKS and
OTP), secure storage of passwords using Apple's Keychain Manager,
support for SSL FTP, ICI Script, previewing of Movies, MP3's and even
Shockwave files, integration with BBEdit. NetFinder is also carbonized
for native execution under OSX. It also supports the mouse wheel under

What's new in this version:

* fixed compatibility issues with OSX 10.3
* fixed copy from Transcript Window bug.
* ftping to port 990 with OpenSSLLib installed will establish an SSL connection (implicit ftps).
* plus a number of other GUI tweeks. 

#### BINHEX     netfinder-x-233.hqx   ****

From: pli@ozemail.com.au
Subject: NetFinder X 2.3.3

v2.3.3 is a minor update which improves compatibility with OSX 10.3 and 
include a few bug fixes.

This package is for OSX only, the pre-OSX package is a separate file.

The most Finder-like FTP client for the MacOS has just got better.

NetFinder was the first FTP client to use the Finder hierarchy listing
paradigm. With an intuitive user interface that everyone is familiar
with, users can begin to use this program in no time at all.

NetFinder v1.x started the FTP client war, by being the first FTP client to:
- support resume downloading after you quit or crash.
- add drag and drop support for all operations including moving files from
  one folder to another, server to server coping as well as the standard
  uploading, downloading and trashing...
- inline filename editing, just like the Finder.
- integrated BBEdit support for transparent file editing.
- support for setting permissions on files and folders (even recursively).

The Finder-like listing window supports viewing by name, date, size, and
permissions. Other features include automatic binhex, macbinary and text
translation for uploads and downloads. Supports many ftp servers.
Has speech support. Internet Config savvy. Supports bookmark lists.

NetFinder 2.x included:

* Full MacOS 8.x appearance, including Contextual Menus and Navigation
* Support for HTTP protocol. Allowing users to browse lists of files on
  sites that do not support FTP. (Also supports HTTP proxies and proxies
  that require authentication)
* Support for downloading and resume downloading of files using HTTP.
* Added and improved various security protocols used with FTP including:
    - One Time Passwords (Clear Text, Challenge and s/key)
    - Support for FTP proxies that require authentication.
    - Improved SOCKS support. Even works with MS Proxy 2.0.
* Support for Queued Downloads.
* Vastly improved directory caching, so its just like your web browser.
* URL/Hostname auto-completion. Saves you typing in a complete hostname.
* MacBinary III support.
* Support for Apple's KeyChain Manager, for secure password storage.
* View Graphic window, view remote files with a click of a button.

NetFinder requires System 7.6 or higher, Open Transport, and is US$35 shareware.
Upgrades for v1.x user are US$15. Student price is still US$15. Student
upgrades from v1.x are FREE.

#### BINHEX     netpresenz-41-se.hqx   ****

From: mats-ola.jonsson@swipnet.se
Subject: NetPresenz 4.1-SE

Dr Feelgood sl鄡per nu det v鄟k鄚da serverprogrammet NetPresenz v 4.1-SE
i Svensk version. Netpresenz 酺 en till鄝pning f顤 Macintoch av
serverprotokollen f顤 www,Gohper och FTP. Med Netpresenz l廞er du din
mac fungera som en FTP-server 鞿pen f顤 hela v酺lden.

Netpresenz kr銥er system 7. MacTCP 1.1 eller Open Transport 1.1.eller
senare versioner. Programmet 酺 litet och inte minneskr銥ande.

Utf顤liga instruktioner och och anv鄚darv鄚liga anvisningar p� Svenska
medf闤jer programmet.

Som med alla Dr Feelgoods 饘ers酹tningar 酺 det l酹ta att registrera sig
f顤 programmet d� det enkelt kan betalas via postgiro.

Netpresenz kostar bara 80:- f顤 den den enskilde anv鄚daren.

NetPresenz finns redan att ladda ner fr幩
under natten och under och efter morgondagen fr幩 Dr
Feelgoood.s sajt <http://www.feelgood.se> samt Macpowers
server <http://www.macpower.com/>.


#### BINHEX     network-time-201.hqx   ****

From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Network Time 2.0.1 
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 93 23:04:24 CDT 

This is Network Time, version 2.0.1, a minor bug fix release for
Network Time 2.0. Please replace any earlier versions of Network Time
you may have with this.

Network Time is a control panel program that sets the clock on your
Macintosh computer to the correct time of day. To do this, Network Time
contacts a time server using the Apple MacTCP network software to get
the correct time of day. Network Time automatically adjusts your clock
taking into consideration the time zone and the daylight savings time
rules that you configure using the Network Time control panel.

Network Time requires at least a Macintosh Plus computer running system
software version 6.0.5 or later (including System 7) and requires
MacTCP version 1.1 or later. Network Time has full Balloon Help
support. Foreign language versions of Network Time are available
separately; the versions that are now either avaiable or in progress
are Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and

This package contains a QuickStart manual with basic instructions in
TeachText format and the full Network Time manual is provided in
MacWrite Pro format. The manual is also available in PostScript format
in a separate archive, and a printed copy of the manual can be obtained
from the author.

Network Time is a shareware program. Please send US$5 per copy or
US$100 per 100 copies of Network Time, and US$5 per printed manual
(along with any questions or comments) to:

Pete Resnick
1009 North Busey Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801

You can also send electronic mail via the Internet to:

#### BINHEX     network-time-manual.hqx   ****

From:  info@sorba.org
Subject: Network Time 2.0 - Adobe Acrobat manual

The Postscript files that come with Pete Resnick's excellent program
'Network Time' are difficult to work with and impossible to preview on
the screen.  Here are the same docs converted to Adobe Acrobat format
for easy viewing, also providing the ability to only print certain
sections of the document.

#### BINHEX     networkz-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: jan1@cableol.co.uk
Subject: networkz-1.0-68k.sit.bin

Networkz v1.0 68k is a new networking application which allows you to
transfer files to and from TCP/IP servers on the Internet and intranets.

It supports:

FTP transfers
Web (HTTP) transfers
Resumeable transfers
Web Proxies
FTP proxying via HTTP proxies
Multiple connections
Full account handling
Server bookmarking
Time initiated transfers
Error logging

v1.0 is the first release.

by James Andrews

#### BINHEX     networkz-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: jan1@cableol.co.uk
Subject: networkz_1.0_ppc

Networkz v1.0 PPC is a new networking application which allows you to
transfer files to and from TCP/IP servers on the Internet and intranets.

It supports:

FTP transfers
Web (HTTP) transfers
Resumeable transfers
Web Proxies
FTP proxying via HTTP proxies
Multiple connections
Full account handling
Server bookmarking
Time initiated transfers
Error logging

v1.0 is the first release.

by James Andrews

#### BINHEX     news-hunter-201.hqx   ****

From: Mike Trivisonno <mtriviso@bellsouth.net>
Subject: NewsHunter 2.0.1

NewsHunter 2.0.1

NewsHunter 2.0.1, a shareware program, allows one to quickly and easily 
download images and files from usenet newsgroups. This release sees more 
than 300 changes, fixes, and improvements over the 1.x release. Among 
the new features are fully threaded decoding and assembly of files, 
Archer multimedia veiwer technology built in, improved article queue 
functions, support for StuffIt Expander as MIME helper, support for yEnc 
decoding, automatic folder creation for subscribed newsgroups, 
self-healing folders, easy file management, and more.

NewsHunter requires a Macintosh computer running Mac OS X.

The NewsHunter binaries may be included on commercially available 

Unregistered versions of US$49.95 application are fully functional, will 
not time out during a session, and will never expire but will, however, 
occasionaly ask you to register. Tech support is available to 
unregistered and registered users.

#### BINHEX     news-hunter-classic-201.hqx   ****

From: Mike Trivisonno <mtriviso@bellsouth.net>
Subject: NewsHunter Classic 2.0.1

NewsHunter Classic 2.0.1

NewsHunter Classic 2.0.1, a shareware program for those who have not yet 
upgraded to Mac OS X, allows one to quickly and easily download images 
and files from usenet newsgroups. This release see more than 300 
changes, fixes, and improvements over the 1.x release. Among the new 
features are fully threaded decoding and assembly of files, Archer 
multimedia veiwer technology built in, improved article queue functions, 
support for StuffIt Expander as MIME helper, support for yEnc decoding, 
automatic folder creation for subscribed newsgroups, self-healing 
folders, easy file management, and more.

NewsHunter Classic requires a Macintosh computer running Mac OS 8.6 or 
better and CarbonLib 1.4.

The NewsHunter Classic binaries may be included on commercial available 

Unregistered versions of US$49.95 application are fully functional, will 
not time out during a session, and will never expire but will, however, 
occasionaly ask you to register. Tech support is available to 
unregistered and registered users.

#### BINHEX     news-while-u-sleep-12-hc.hqx   ****

From: clas005@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz (matt neuburg)
Subject: News While U Sleep 1.2, a HyperCard stack.

I wrote this stack to solve a specific problem, and you only need it if you
have exactly the same problem, namely:

* You are connected to the Internet via MacTCP;
* You have a NewsServer from which you like to read news; but...
* You cannot check the news every day, and items are only held temporarily,
so that...
* You would like to have all the items from certain newsgroups downloaded
as textfiles to your computer automatically, periodically, so you don't
miss any news;
* But the NewsReader you normally use cannot be made to do this for you.

This stack handles the problem, except for the "periodically" part, by
which I mean, it is up to you to arrange somehow for the stack to run. I
use QuicKeys, which starts the stack up every night at 3 am; you will need
to devise a mechanism of your own. But once the stack is started up, it

For every card:
* connect to the newsserver named on that card;
* download all new items of the newsgroup named on that card, individually,
as textfiles, to the folder named on that card;
* disconnect from the newsserver;
then Quit.

Thus I can come in to work the next morning, or the next month, and not
have missed any news items from my favorite newsgroup(s); they are all
waiting for me as textfiles on my hard disk.

Warning (of a sort): this stack is slowwwwww! It is great for unattended
use at night when you aren't using your computer for anything else (hence
the name), but sitting there watching it run is boring.

I cannot take much credit (or blame, really) for very much at all about
this stack. The TCP XCMDs are by Apple Computer, and most of the script
programming comes from the Georg Gollmann's classic StackedNews stack. All
I did was adapt his scripts for my own use. I did fix a few minor bugs of
his but this was trivial.

What's new in this version: fixed a couple of bugs, and I think it now runs
okay under HC 2.1, though 2.2 is suggested since that's what I use. The
stack has run every night on my computer for a year now with no problem.

#### BINHEX     news-xpress-12.hqx   ****

From: Theo <delete@softhome.net>
Subject: News XPress 1.2

Theodore H. Smith releases News XPress 1.2 - Informative and easy News

News XPress 1.2 now includes enhanced news browsing, including access to
news while using any program at all, through a handy small window that
stays ontop of all your other windows.

News XPress lets you browse, read and keep up to date with news published
by big servers on the Internet. News published over the Internet are called
"News Feeds". Read your favourite news topics, learn about interesting
breakthroughs in science, keep up to date with changes in the computing
industry, all through one simple application!

The interface is simple and elegant, yet very functional. It is feature
packed, including find, ability to save views of news feeds, auto news
updating and news list merging.

News XPress is publically available for download at

Requirements, Pricing:
News XPress needs a PowerMac, and 2.5MB of free RAM.

News XPress is available for $15 (US). 

Features in News XPress 1.2

� Simple, powerful and intuitive interface.
� News XPress Floater offers browsing of news from inside your web browser.
� Auto checks for new news as often as you like.
仙owerful Favourites editor with copy & paste, and a Favourites menu.
� Many extras like Find, Server information, copying news items, etc
兄aving of news views and opening saved files.
冬iewing of many formats of XML News.

For more information about other products by Theodore H. Smith, such as
Email Cleaner, Character Generator and XML Engine, visit the website

Contact email: <delete@softhome.net>

#### BINHEX     newshopper-cleaner-10.hqx   ****

From: adam@yclept.co.uk
Subject: NewsHopper Cleaner v1.0

NewsHopper Cleaner v1.0
(Yclept Microsystems)
Copyright (c) 1997 Adam Lloyd


NewsHopper Cleaner is a small application dedicated to helping you keep
your NewsHopper out basket in a clean and tidy state. It simply removes any
items from your out basket that are older than a couple of weeks and that
have been successfully transmitted. Articles that haven't been sent will be
kept until you either send them or delete them manually.

NewsHopper itself can delete articles as soon as they have been sent, but
does not allow for them to be kept for a certain length of time. NewsHopper
Cleaner addresses this limitation with a single-click approach.

NewsHopper Cleaner is shareware, priced as US$5. Payment can be made via
Kagi or, for people with access to a British cheque book, direct to Adam

Adam Lloyd
Yclept Microsystem          ->    http://www.yclept.co.uk/
BeOS Replicants Tutorial    ->    http://www.park78.demon.co.uk/replicants/
Be Registered Developer #E-1934.

#### BINHEX     newswatcher-216.hqx   ****

From: ace@tidbits.com
Subject: NewsWatcher 2.1.6, a Usenet news client

NewsWatcher 2.1.6 is a minor upgrade that fixes the following bug:

Posting did not work properly with authenticating Netscape news servers.
When you tried to post, NewsWatcher properly asked you to enter your
username and password, but then sent a garbled posting to the server.
The result was a server error message complaining about a missing
required Subject header line. Fixed.

NewsWatcher did not work with at least some DNEWS servers. The symptom
was garbage group names in the full group list. Fixed.

#### BINHEX     newswatcher-222-jp1.hqx   ****

From: mizutori@nn.iij4u.or.jp
Subject: NewsWatcher 2.22+jp1 patch

[NewsWatcher 2.22+jp1 patch]

This is a patch program to make a Japanese-enabling version
of NewsWatcher 2.22, which was originally written by John 
Norstad of Northwestern University. This patchwork is free.

Revison history:
 * 2.22+jp1, published on March 2, 1998.
 - Synchronized with the final release of NewsWatcher 2.22.
 - UUencoded binaries were not extracted properly, due to a problem 
   with Japanese MIME transform. Fixed.

Requires the original NewsWatcher 2.22, which is available at;

See also my WWW page:

Mizutori Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan

Mizutori Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan

#### BINHEX     newswatcher-gamepad-set.hqx   ****

From: MacFAQ@aol.com
Subject: NewsWatcher Gravis GamePad Set

Elevator statement (for Tonya Engst :)

I liked my Gravis GamePad so much for playing games that I started looking
for other programs to use it with. It turns out that the GamePad is a perfect
companion to John Norstad's great NewsWatcher newsreader. Just sit back in
your comfy chair and leisurely read your newsgroups with the GamePad. It's
lots more fun than reading newsgroups the old fashioned way. 

This is my small contribution to the Usenet and Macintosh communities.
Distribute and modify freely.

#### BINHEX     nifty-telnet-11.hqx   ****

From: chrisn+@cmu.edu
Subject: NiftyTelnet 1.1 -  a freeware telnet client

The version I am submitting does not support encryption, in order to avoid
U.S. export restrictions.  A version which supports encryption is available
from the web page.

NiftyTelnet is a freeware telnet client for the Macintosh.  Key features

 * OpenTransport native 
 * Kerberos V4 Authentication supported, encrypting version is available
 * Command-click to launch URLs (if Internet Config is installed) 
 * Support for unrestricted window resizing
 * Supports the GURL Apple Event so you can use NiftyTelnet as your Telnet
helper application. 
 * Complete VT102 emulation (with the exception of remote printing codes) 
 * Full support for Macintosh Drag & Drop 
 * Double-clickable shortcut files

System requirements: system 7, 68020 or better, OpenTransport or MacTCP.

For more information, see the NiftyTelnet web page at:


Chris Newman <chrisn+@cmu.edu>

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     nntp-sucker-15.hqx   ****

From: ferrari@netaxs.com (Darrell Turner)
Subject: NNTP Sucker 1.5

NNTP Sucker is a Network News Downloader.  It's useful for downloading many
usenet groups for use with a BBS.

This newer version fixes many bugs, and makes it work with a larger
percentage of NNTP Servers.

#### BINHEX     not-too-busy-to-fetch-11-as.hqx   ****

From: (Glen Stewart) glen_stewart@associate.com
Subject: Not too busy to Fetch! 1.1

Attached is a simple AppleScript that runs Fetch every 3 seconds to break
through to a busy FTP site.  This script will try continuously for an hour
before giving up.  I saw and learned from "Anarchie Busy Buster", and feel
this is a more rugged implementation, using the wonderful Fetch FTP
application. This release includes the WaitTicks OSAX missed in the first
release.  Just plop it in your Scripting Additions folder and Enjoy!

#### BINHEX     nuntius-204.hqx   ****

To: macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Nuntius 2.0.4, a Usenet newsreader

Nuntius is a free MacTCP-based Usenet newsreader from Peter Speck. This is
the latest version, 2.0.4...

2.0.4: (binary patch of 2.0.3)
  Fix for SearchURL crash bug. (articles with lots of tabs)
  Each displayed article takes less memory.

#### BINHEX     offline-reader.hqx   ****

From: odawa@well.com
Subject: offline_Redr

Offline Reader.

Offline is a reading program for downloaded Usenet News, email and other
text.  Internet subscribers who connect over dial-up lines (particularly
with ISPs who charge according to connect time) often find it more useful
to download news with a program such as Newswatcher, and then read it
offline after they have completed their connection session.  This
small-footprint program provides a comfortable interface for indexing and
browsing through these downloaded files.

Offline is shareware, and payment is made through Kagi.  Comments should be
directed to the author at <odawa@kagi.com>

Please post this to Info-Mac.

Thanks a lot,


Michael Odawa
Simple Software

#### BINHEX     ot-chat-302.hqx   ****

From: Erich.G.Bratton-1@tc.umn.edu
Subject: OTChat 3.0.2

OTChat 3.0.2 is most likely the last version that will ever be
released.  All of my energies are now focused into NetRPG's big
brother, WebRPG, which is written in Java, and has WAY more features,
and will support plugins for various game systems.  If you want to
check it out, go take a look at http://www.webrpg.com and click on
WebRPG Online Central.  Thanks!

OTChat is a basic TCP/IP chat server that runs on a Macintosh, similar
to IRC. To use it, simply run it and connect to your mac using telnet or
a MUD client.  A MUD client is better because it has a buffered input

Version 3.0.2 fixes a bug where when a user /QUIT and everyone else
would get 3 disconnect messages.



#### BINHEX     ot-session-watcher-101.hqx   ****

From: peter@stairways.com.au
Subject: OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1

OTSessionWatcher allows you to examine the data transmitted through Open
Transport TCP streams.  This is useful for debugging network applications
and network problems, learning about networking protocols, or watching for
strange or unwanted TCP traffic.

If you have ever wondered what your computer was saying when it was talking
to other machines on the network, this program is the answer.

OTSessionWatcher requires a PowerPC (Power Macintosh or clone) and Open

Version 1.0.1 is a simple rename of the program from StreamWatcher to
OTSessionWatcher due to a trademark conflict.

OTSessionWatcher is shareware, single user licenses cost US$35, site and
organisation-wide licenses are available.

More details are available from our web site at <http://www.stairways.com/>
including documentation and press releases.


OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1 Copyright 1997 Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>


#### BINHEX     ot-tool-11-fr.hqx   ****

From: Michael Swan <swan@neon.com>
Subject: OTTool F1.1 - French Version

OTTool is a free utility which provides a synopsis of the AppleTalk and IP
configuration parameters within Apple Computer's Open Transport networking
architecture.  In addition, OTTool allows users on IP networks to make
Domain Name Server (DNS) queries, ping devices using ICMP Pings, trace
IP routes (UNIX traceroute), scan through ranges of IP addresses asking
for resolutions, and to query a DNS for Mail Exchange and System Info.  On
MacOS PowerPC machines, it will also dump the IP ARP cache. We would
like to hear your suggestions and comments regarding the software.  Please
send your feedback to ottool@neon.com. This is the French-localized
version of OTTool, courtesy of Jean-Pierre Kuypers <Kuypers@sri.ucl.ac.be>.

What changed in OTTool since version 1.0?
We received a lot of suggestions for improving OTTool from users. With
version 1.1, we

* added option to traceroute via ICMP, as well as UDP
* added option to express ping timeouts in milliseconds, as well as seconds
* recognized new Open Transport versions for MacOS 9
* fixed some minor bugs within traceroute and the user interface

#### BINHEX     ot-tool-11.hqx   ****

From: Michael Swan <swan@neon.com>
Subject: OTTool 1.1

OTTool is a free utility which provides a synopsis of the AppleTalk and IP
configuration parameters within Apple Computer's Open Transport networking
architecture.  In addition, OTTool allows users on IP networks to make
Domain Name Server (DNS) queries, ping devices using ICMP Pings, trace
IP routes (UNIX traceroute), scan through ranges of IP addresses asking
for resolutions, and to query a DNS for Mail Exchange and System Info.  On
MacOS PowerPC machines, it will also dump the IP ARP cache. We would
like to hear your suggestions and comments regarding the software.  Please
send your feedback to ottool@neon.com.

What changed in OTTool since version 1.0?
We received a lot of suggestions for improving OTTool from users. With
version 1.1, we

* added option to traceroute via ICMP, as well as UDP
* added option to express ping timeouts in milliseconds, as well as seconds
* recognized new Open Transport versions for MacOS 9
* fixed some minor bugs within traceroute and the user interface

#### BINHEX     patent-grabber-11.hqx   ****

From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <mac-stacks@kagi.com>
Subject: Patent Grabber 1.1 - download US patents for free

Patent Grabber(TM) 1.1
Copr. 2001 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide
A product of the Mac-Stacks Emporium (http://www.kagi.com/mac-stacks)

Patent Grabber makes it easy to download U.S. patents for free from 
public patent archives. Instead of going to the U.S. Patent & 
Trademark Office web site and loading and printing patent pages one 
at a time from your web browser, you simply give Patent Grabber a 
list of patents and click "Get Patents." Patent Grabber then 
downloads every page of all the patents to your Mac while you do 
something else. And once the patents are downloaded, they are yours 
to keep and print from Patent Grabber's special Library folder at any 

You can download the patents in either Adobe Acrobat  (.pdf)  or 
TIFF format. In either case, if the patent was issued after 1975, you 
automatically also receive the text of the patent in HTML format so 
that you can copy and paste the text from your web browser into a 
word processor, if desired.

Even though the public archives provide their patents as a number of 
separate image files (one for each page of the patent), Patent 
Grabber makes printing so seamless you will think that all the pages 
of each patent were together in a single file. You can print as many 
of the patents as you wish with just a click or two. Additionally, 
for any individual patent, you can print just the pages that you want.

Patent Grabber requires a PowerPC Mac with System 8.6 or higher and 
AppleScript, and should run under the Classic mode of OS X. To print 
patents that are in TIFF format, Patent Grabber needs either Thorsten 
Lemke's "GraphicConverter" or Blue Globe Software's "Tiff-Sight" 
(Ver. 1.1 or higher). Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to print 
patents that are in Acrobat (.pdf) format. To view and/or print the 
text of a patent, you need a web browser.

Patent Grabber is initially in a free evaluation mode. In this mode 
you can download the first five pages (and all of the text, if 
available) of any U.S. patent.

Shareware $20 (may be registered via the Kagi Store by following a 
link on the Mac-Stacks Emporium Home or by using the enclosed 
Register program).

#### BINHEX     pauls-info-mac-bookmarks.hqx   ****

From: woodford@us.net (Paul Woodford)
Subject: Info-Mac bookmarks for TurboGopher

Attached is a set of Info-Mac bookmarks for TurboGopher 2.0.  The set that
is already on the archives doesn't seem to work anymore, so I made my own.

Paul Woodford

#### BINHEX     pb-download-client-11-ppc.hqx   ****

From: support <support@hotline-tools.com>
Subject: PB Download Client v1.1   (Download-Only Hotline Client)

PB is distributed as $7,- (US) shareware. PB is a simple but powerful 
download-only client used to retrieve files from Hotline servers. PB can 
automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can 
occur during a file download without any user interference. And thanks to 
its enhanced partial file support, you can resume any partial download 
you started without having to remember from what server you were 
downloading it, or what login name or password you were using. Like the 
proverbial "Pitbull", once it puts its "teeth" into a file, it will not 
stop until the download is complete or until you call it off. There are 
three ways you can start download a file with PB:

1. You can use PB's built-in download dialog to logon to a Hotline 
server, browse its files, and select the file that you want to download.

2. PB can also handle special web links that enable you to download a 
file directly from a webpage, much like conventional file downloads. An 
example of a website that is currently offering PB web links in their 
Hotline file search engine is www.hlsearch.com.

3. And last but not least, HotFind (a personal Hotline file search 
application available at http://www.tracker-tracker.com/hotfind) now has 
embedded Pitbull support, allowing PB to also automatically download the 
results of a search from HotFind.

Changes in version 1.1
- Modified the interface to make the selection of files easier.
- Added random name and icon selection to make it less likely PB is 
kicked repeatedly simply because of its nick name.
- Made the pinging-when-queued mechanism smarter so PB will gray out 
after 10 minutes in the queue, just like a normal client.
- Moved the preferences file to the preferences folder (where it should 
be! Sorry about that).
- Location of the partial download folder, download folder and bookmark 
folder can now be set in the preferences.
- Removed the need for a seperate user icon file.
- Added a "local file" (which shows you the file name of the partial 
file) and a "complete" (which shows you the number of bytes already 
downloaded) column to the partial downloads window.
- Fixed a problem with long file names (>32 characters).
- Fixed some other minor bugs.

#### BINHEX     people-link-104-68k.hqx   ****

From: philr@peoplelink.com
Subject: PeopleLink v1.04 for non-PPC Macintosh

PeopleLink (http://www.peoplelink.com) is an application that allows
internet users to keep send realtime messages to other internet users
who happen to be using the PeopleLink software. This is accomplished by
providing users with the ability to tell when a friend is currently
online. PeopleLink is available for both non-PPC Macs and PPC Macs as
well as both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT.
G. Philip Reger
PeopleLink, Inc. - Connect. Communicate. Simply.

#### BINHEX     people-link-104-ppc.hqx   ****

From: philr@peoplelink.com
Subject: PeopleLink v1.04 for PPC Macintosh

PeopleLink (http://www.peoplelink.com) is an application that allows
internet users to keep send realtime messages to other internet users
who happen to be using the PeopleLink software. This is accomplished by
providing users with the ability to tell when a friend is currently
online. PeopleLink is available for both non-PPC Macs and PPC Macs as
well as both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT.
G. Philip Reger
PeopleLink, Inc. - Connect. Communicate. Simply.

#### BINHEX     photomover-20.hqx   ****

From: julian miller <julian@iview-multimedia.com>
Subject: PhotoMover 2.0 Released for OS X and 9

Now easily upload photos directly to ClubPhoto, Zing, Sony ImageStation,
Nikon.Net, FotoTime and PhotoPoint from any Mac using iView PhotoMover.
PhotoMover works with the very best and most popular photo archive sites on
the net. Share all your digital photos with family and friends without
having to emailmegabytes of images. Your clients, friends and family can
order professionally printed copies of your photos on many different media
(including photographic paper, posters, t-shirts and mugs) from these sites
and have them shipped anywhere.

New in Version 1.5
- Fixed reporting canceled uploads to Club Photo
- Fixed exiting upload when connection drops during sending. No logger tries
to read response.
- Fixed/Changed host to deal with file size limit of 1Mb on the old club
photo upload host.
  New host now support files size up to the 4Mb.
- Now when scaling is selected, if image is smaller than selected size and
is in JPEG format the image is not recompressed.
- Added better checking for out of memory.
- Added play sound at end of upload.
- Now Beeps if an error during upload.
- Report file size, if failed to upload and file was read successfully.
- Record Album name in log file, if logging is enabled and if host support
- Added option to scale images to 320 x 240 or 640 x 480
- Added options for changes setting during upload.
- Improved status information during upload.
- Display Album name in upload dialog (if host support is).
- Updated copyright.

PhotoMover is the latest application from the creators of the award winning
iView Multimedia and iView MediaPro. iView MediaPro is absolutely essential
software for digital camera and Photoshop users. iView MediaPro is a media
asset management application enjoyed because of its ease of use by hundreds
of thousands of beginners and simultaneously iView is powerful enough for
large commercial users like the SF Chronicle, Condenast, RIT, Apple
Computer, NASA and others.  iView Multimedia catalogs and organizes many
types of media files including stills, movies, animation, sounds, Canvas,
PhotoShop, Quark, SGI, QTVR and a long list of others. iView users can now
use PhotoMover to coordinate photos locally with photos on the web.

#### BINHEX     picture-snooper-2k-11.hqx   ****

From: QSys Software <Qsys@kagi.com>
Subject: PictureSnooper2K V1.1 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups

Tired of waiting for pictures to download?  Searching for that perfect
ClipArt, or Raytraced Images (or other binary file), but can't stand
searching through GigaBytes of Postings?  That is why I wrote

PictureSnooper is an Application that Searches UseNet NewsGroups for binary
files, while you are having dinner, at the movies, or even sleeping.  These
binary files are usually pictures (and sometimes executables and HTML
files).   After finding a binary file, PictureSnooper downloads the file,
decodes that file, and saves that file to the directory of your choice for
later viewing.  

Updates In Version 1.1:
* Better Handling Of MultiMedia Files
     - Handle Larger Files
     - Quicker Location of All Segments
* Improved Memory Handling for Large Binary Downloads
* Added Warning Messages for Low Memory Conditions
* Various Bug Fixes

New Features in PictureSnooper2K:
* Track Images Using An Image FingerPrint:
           - Ability Check Download Image Against PictureArchive Database
           - Ability To Verify Image Has Not Been Downloaded In The Past X
* Added the ability Search Messages For Favorite Authors
* Expanded Multi-Part Image Tracking Over Multiple Download Sessions
* Added Ability To Maintain Multiple NewsGroup Lists
* Expanded Download Statistic Gathering
* Quicker Processing of Download Images
* Advanced Users Option To Manually Change Starting Message Number
* Numerous Bug Fixes

* System 7.0 or Later.
* QuickTime 2.5 or Higher
* Macintosh with the Thread Manager Extension (Later System
   Versions Have ThreadManager Built In).
* Access To A News Server Through Your Internet Provider.

#### BINHEX     picture-tuner-098.hqx   ****

From: "Mazlan Hasan" <mazlan@krazysurfer.com>
Subject: PictureTuner 0.98

PictureTuner is the world's first peer-to-peer image sharing software.

It lets you publish & share photos on your computer in 3 simple steps -
no more tedious uploading - and view pictures published by other users
in a versatile desktop window - no more clicking endlessly on thumbnails
& waiting for images to load. The pictures are served directly from the
publisher's computer to yours, live!

You can easily capture and save the pictures you like, or set them as
your wallpaper, with a single click. You can also run in local preview
mode to look at photos on your own computer.

Retain control over the pictures you share because they remain in your
computer, and you can take your shared albums online/offline with a
single click - no need to upload to or delete from a remote web server.
You can even listen to your favourite MP3 tracks with the build-in MP3

Minimum System requirements:

  a.. PowerPC Macintosh 
  b.. Mac OS 8.5 or later (Mac OS 8.6 or later recommended) 
  c.. 24 MB of RAM available 
  d.. 15 MB of hard disk space available

Price : 14.95

#### BINHEX     ping-reporter-131.hqx   ****

From: grinch@pobox.com
Subject: PingReporter 1.31

PingReporter v1.31

This is a little application started out as a quick hack to save myself a lot of hassle when it came
time to sift through the large log files, created by ICMP Logger during a ping attack, pulling IP
numbers and other data out and to organize it in a neat and legible sort of way before sending it
off to my local ISP. It has now become a useful MacOS application.

It is not fancy and has no bells or whistles in any way. But it's FAST.

It is to be used in conjunction with ICMP Logger v1.0.  It was unknown, at the time of this
writing, if there was a newer version that creates a differently formatted log file, which basically
means that this is to be used ONLY on log files created by the aforementioned program.

ICMP Logger, when used, creates a text file with the following format which can grow to
megabyte proportions. If you are familiar with this kind of situation then you can understand
the difficulty in reading through the file to find needed info.

A quick break down of what PingReporter does:

* Extracts IP numbers from the log files.

* Counts the number of pings received from a particular IP.

* Shows you when that IP started and stopped sending the pings.

* Shows you the size of the pings and if they changed size.

* Calculates the total number of bytes received from those pings.

* Organizes all this data in a neat manner so that it can easily be passed on to others without much hassle


Mondays are a hard way to spend one-seventh of your life.

#### BINHEX     pitbull-pro-230-cbn.hqx   ****

From: support <support@hotline-tools.com>
Subject: Pitbull Pro v2.3.0 Carbon  (Advanced Hotline Client)

License:       Shareware (Fully functional 30 day trial)
Price:         $11 (US)
Email:         support@hotline-tools.com
Web Site:      www.hotline-tools.com
Requirements:  OSX

Pitbull Pro is a complete, powerful client for the Hotline protocol. 
Pitbull Pro combines the functionality of the regular Hotline Client with 
advanced administration features and the power of Pitbull, allowing it to 
automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can 
occur without user interference.

Like the proverbial "pitbull", once Pitbull Pro puts its "teeth" into the 
connection, it will not stop until the job at hand is done or until you 
call it off.

New in 2.3.0

* Added a file search feature.
* Support for inline viewing of movies.
* Added an "AWAY" option.
* Sent messages are now saved in the "sent messages" list in the private 
message pane.
* Implemented a boolean search for the server list.
* Added (first generation) bookmark window for easy access.
* It's now possible to switch on the fly between partial downloads 
* Disable auto-reconnect is now a server specific setting.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented uploads from completing.
* Fixed a bug in retrieving trackers from tracker-tracker.com when using 
a web proxy.
* Files can be sorted by size again.
...and much more.

#### BINHEX     pitbull-pro-230-ppc.hqx   ****

From: support <support@hotline-tools.com>
Subject: Pitbull Pro v2.3.0 PPC  (Advanced Hotline Client)

License:       Shareware (Fully functional 30 day trial)
Price:         $11 (US)
Email:         support@hotline-tools.com
Web Site:      www.hotline-tools.com
Requirements:  OSX

Pitbull Pro is a complete, powerful client for the Hotline protocol. 
Pitbull Pro combines the functionality of the regular Hotline Client with 
advanced administration features and the power of Pitbull, allowing it to 
automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can 
occur without user interference.

Like the proverbial "pitbull", once Pitbull Pro puts its "teeth" into the 
connection, it will not stop until the job at hand is done or until you 
call it off.

New in 2.3.0

* Added a file search feature.
* Support for inline viewing of movies.
* Added an "AWAY" option.
* Sent messages are now saved in the "sent messages" list in the private 
message pane.
* Implemented a boolean search for the server list.
* Added (first generation) bookmark window for easy access.
* It's now possible to switch on the fly between partial downloads 
* Disable auto-reconnect is now a server specific setting.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented uploads from completing.
* Fixed a bug in retrieving trackers from tracker-tracker.com when using 
a web proxy.
* Files can be sorted by size again.
...and much more.

#### BINHEX     power-sms-112-se-68k.hqx   ****

From: feelgood@ramona.nu
Subject: PowerSMS 1.1.2 68K Swedish Version

Dr. Feelgood http://www.feelgood.se sl𩟔per nu en uppdatering av 
SMS-programmet PowerSMS-SE till version 1.1.2.
Nytt i 1.1.2 𢵄 att ett litet problem med ��� 𢵄 r頕tat till samt en 
liten buggfix.
PowerSMS-SE 𢵄 ett SMS program som sl丯 de flesta f鬏ekommande p� 
marknaden i funktion.
Programmet finns b𩥇e i PPC och 68K

PowerSMS ger bl.a. dessa f鬏delar:

* M餷lighet att skicka ett meddelande till flera personer.
* Utkorg f鬏 att h𨧣la reda p� skickade meddelanden.
* PowerSMS har en telefonbok.

Programmet 𢵄 skrivet av Henrik Linder.

100 SEK Anv㔆darlicensen g𩗴ler f鬏 en person.
300 SEK 5 st Licenser.
500 SEK 10 st Licenser.

Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program 𢵄 det l頕t att registrera via postgirot
eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort p� posten.

L鵮 mer och ladda ner p� v丯 hemsida: http://www.feelgood.se.

#### BINHEX     power-sms-12--ppc-se.hqx   ****

From: feelgood@ramona.nu
Subject: PowerSMS 1.2 PPC - Swedish Version


Dr. Feelgood http://www.feelgood.se sl𩟔per nu en uppdatering av SMS-programmet
PowerSMS-SE till version 1.2 PPC PowerSMS 𢵄 SMS programmet som sl丯 de flesta
f鬏ekommande p� marknaden i funktion. Nytt i version 1.2 Du m众te registrera dig
som anv㔆dare hos Mtnsms. Info medf饝jer programmet. - PowerSMS st飱jer Mtnsms
nya kontobaserade tj㔆st. - Du kan dela in anv㔆darna i grupper f鬏 att enkelt
kunna skicka meddelanden till vissa anv㔆dare.

l㔆gre av misstag skriva in ett retur- eller kommatecken vid 㔆dring av ett
nummer. - Nummer som b鬏jar med "070" 㔆dras till "+4670". - Telefonbokens
storlek och placering sparas till n鵮ta g矝g du anv㔆der den. - M餷lighet att
l䟴ga till en signatur till dina SMS. - Tryck control-a f鬏 att markera hela
texten n𢵄 du skriver ett meddelande. I framtida versioner kommer det troligtvis
att 㔆dras till cmd-a.

Programmet 𢵄 skrivet av Henrik Linder.

Pris: 100 SEK Anv㔆darlicensen g𩗴ler f鬏 en person. 300 SEK 5 st Licenser. 500
SEK 10 st Licenser.

Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program 𢵄 det l頕t att registrera via postgirot eller ett
vanligt inbetalningskort p� posten.

#### BINHEX     powerget-151.hqx   ****

From: shine@ticino.edu
Subject: PowerGet 1.5.1

this is an update for PowerGet 1.5
now the Stop button works!
this if formware: just fill the form you'll find at the give address and
you'll get free registration.

#### BINHEX     ppp-220-better-dialog-10.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (zed)
Subject: ppp-2.2-better-dialog

The MacPPP version 2.20 has a fine status dialog. But not fine enough for 
me! Thats my patch... for PPP 2.20 only

(c) Moritz Grund
G-ware Inc. 1996

#### BINHEX     pppop-161-fr.hqx   ****

From: friefeld@deltanet.com
Subject: PPPop F1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (French Version) - submissi

PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility French Localization - Shareware $15

PPPop provides a small button window to click on to open and close a PPP
link, a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session
log, a server selection menu, and it is scriptable.

System Requirements: MacOS 7.1 or later (compatible with OS 8). RAM
350k. Open Transport or MacTCP with MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or
OT/PPP. PPPop is not an extension or system patch. PPPop is PPC native.

This update fixes a bug affecting MacPPP users. This is also the first
FAT application distribution.

This localization was done by Guy Brand.

News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web
page, <http://users.deltanet.com/~friefeld/>.

#### BINHEX     pppop-161-nl.hqx   ****

From: friefeld@deltanet.com
Subject: PPPop NL1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (Dutch Version)

PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Localization - Shareware $15 US

PPPop provides a small button window to click on to open and close a PPP
link, a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session
log, a server selection menu, and it is scriptable.

System Requirements: MacOS 7.1 or later (compatible with OS 8). RAM
350k. Open Transport or MacTCP with MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or
OT/PPP. PPPop is not an extension or system patch. PPPop is PPC native.

This update fixes a bug affecting MacPPP users. This is also the first
FAT application distribution.

This localization was done by Frank Meijer. Please direct Dutch language
questions to him. <mailto:F.G.A.Meijer@inter.nl.net>

News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web
page, <http://users.deltanet.com/~friefeld/>.

#### BINHEX     pppop-201-ppc.hqx   ****

From: friefeld@deltanet.com
Subject: PPPop2.0.1-PPC  PPP Operator Utility

PPPop2.0.1 - PPC    PPP Operator Utility    Shareware $20 US

PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use with OS 8.5.

System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400. Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP. 

Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.)

News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <http://home1/gte.net/frie/>.

Rob Friefeld
November 21, 1998

#### BINHEX     public-space-15.hqx   ****

From: reiff@comp.lancs.ac.uk
Subject: PublicSpace v1.5

PublicSpace - The Intranet/ Groupware Solution for Macintosh Networks

PublicSpace is a groupware system that expands Macintosh File Sharing to
better support group work.

It allows its users to quickly:

* annotate files and folders
* exchange files and messages
* organise shared resources
* find out what is going on in the shared workspace
* create central repositories, discussion groups, etc.

PublicSpace features a simple and intuitive, yet powerful and versatile
user interface that takes only minutes to learn. Unlike many other
workgroup products, PublicSpace is designed with both novice and expert
users in mind.

PublicSpace can help groups, both in business and in education, share
information and coordinate their work. To find out more about PublicSpace
visit our website at:


System Requirements:

PublicSpace Client: any Macintosh/ System 7.1 or higher/ 2Mb of RAM
PublicSpace Server: any PowerMacintosh/ System 7.1 or higher/ 4Mb of RAM


Frank Reiff

#### BINHEX     quick-dns-lite-102.hqx   ****

From: sigurasg@menandmice.is (Sigurdur Asgeirsson)
Subject: QuickDNS Lite 1.0.2 - A caching-only Name Server for the Macintosh

  QuickDNS Lite is a $49 caching-only Internet Domain Name Server that runs
on Macintosh computers. If you are running any other Internet server, be it
a WWW, Mail or Ftp server, then QuickDNS Lite is for you. QuickDNS Lite
running on the same machine as a WWW, Mail or FTP server can increase
server performance and network robustness, while also saving network

  QuickDNS Lite requires MacTCP or Open Transport (MacTCP recommended at
this time), and a permanent connection to the Internet (dial up connections
may work if you have a static IP number allocation).

  Installation of QuickDNS Lite is plug and play. Just run QuickDNS Lite on
the designated server, change MacTCP/Open Transport nameserver settings on
your client macs (instructions included in the enclosed read me file), and
voila, you're no longer dependent on your ISP for DNS lookups.

  This version of QuickDNS is a fully functioning 14 day demonstration
version. When you buy QuickDNS Lite you receive a serial number and an
activation key to unlock the demo version.

  See http://www.menandmice.is/ or email to "quickdns-info@menandmice.is".

1.0.2 Oct. 27. 1995
 * Fixed a bug that would prevent QuickDNS from forwarding and caching
certain replies.
 * Fixed a bug that would sometimes duplicate RR's in additional section.
 * Optimized CNAME handling a bit.

#### BINHEX     quickest-mirror-11.hqx   ****

From: jegues@iol.it
Subject: QuickestMirror 1.1; easier and faster downloading

QuickestMirror lets you quickly and easily access data replicated
("mirrored") on several Internet servers such as the popular Info-Mac

To solve the problem, I devised a new URL scheme that maps a single URL to
a list of URLs.

For more info, check out the QuickestMirror web page:
Also, TidBITS published my article about QuickestMirror:

QuickestMirror requires:
System 7 or later;
InternetConfig (possibly 1.1 or later, 1.4 or later recommended);
a 68020 processor or better (it runs native on PowerPC-based Macs).

It requires Open Transport 1.1.1 or later to assess network performance;
MacTCP users will still be able to pick a server at random, which is better
than a fixed selection.

New since 1.0.1:
* Supports Vremya by Kirill Levchenko
  The Vremya application can set your Macintosh system clock accurately.
  QuickestMirror stores a list of public Network Time servers
  via an experimental "x-ntp" URL notation.
* Added Anarchie-like ratings to the About box.
* Improved scripting support, especially with regard to UserLand Frontier.
  DocServer help text is now included!
* Fixed several URLs in the archive.
* Updated the docs.

#### BINHEX     rcmd-11-mpw.hqx   ****

From: tom@luna.utval.net (Tom Kimpton)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 18:22:03 MDT
Subject: rcmd1.1

Enclosed please find a binhexed-stuffed archive of an MPW Tool,
rcmd1.1.  rcmd1.1 is an MPW tool used to execute commands under
a remote shell, over MacTCP. As such it serves similarly to rsh
on Unix systems, though it does not support interactive commands.
An included README.rcmd file gives details on it's usage.  The
target machine needs to be running the 'rexecd' daemon.


#### BINHEX     real-audio-201-patch.hqx   ****

From: deslee@bright.net (Des Courtney)
Subject: RealAudio Encoder 2.0.1 Patch

This patch fixes Progressive Network's RealAudio Encoder 2.0.1 to work with
  more models of the 680x0 family of Macs, especially machines that use
  accelerator boards or use a daughterboard mounted FPU.

Due to a bug in the System Software, a Gestalt selector the Encoder depends
  on, "cput," sometimes returns faulty information. This patch fixes the
  Gestalt test by setting it to "proc," the proper test on 680x0 machines.
  A copy of the application is created, leaving the original untouched.


Des Courtney -- Mac Programmer, Game Hobbyist, Soft Drink Addict
 <mailto:deslee@bright.net>   <http://www.bright.net/~deslee/>

#### BINHEX     retrieve-im-101-as.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 17:18:44 -0500
From: brad@n1mnb.oau.org (Brad Ackerman)
Subject: Retrieve Info-Mac Clippings v1.0.1

This AppleScript was written to facilitate interaction between EasyView and
Anarchie.  When an EasyView clipping file from the Info-Mac Digest is
dropped onto the applet, it will download all the files mentioned.

Basically, the script searches the clipping files for the filenames at the
end of each entry in the digest.  It then sends each to Anarchie, which
automatically expands the reference into a pathname at the Info-Mac mirror
selected in the preferences.

This script is copylefted, and may be distributed on the Info-Mac CD.


v1.0.1  Bug fix -- stopped the script from opening Scriptable Text Editor
before downloading the files.  This was left over from debugging.

Brad Ackerman

#### BINHEX     rmore-url-102.hqx   ****

From: Rod Morehead <rmore@rmore.net>
Subject: RmoreUrl-1.0.2

RmoreUrl-1.0.2 is a free opensource Macintosh MRJ based server/UNIX C
commandline client combo whose only purpose is to pass URLs from a
UNIX/Linux box to Internet Config (and thus to your Mac based browser,
ftp client, email client, etc.).

Instructions for configuring emacs VM and emacs Gnus to allow a single
UNIX URL click to cause you Mac to access the same URL may be found at

This is probably only useful for you if you frequently run MacOS and
UNIX behind a firewall/NAT server, you frequently want to view/use
URLs from your mac which are located on your UNIX box, or you have
access to both OS's displays at your work area.

Source code is available from <http://rmore.net/RmoreUrlSrc>.


Do not use the RmoreUrlServer program on a Macintosh directly
reachable from the internet (not behind a firewall or NAT server). The
simple protocol used the the RmoreUrlServer is not safe to internet
connected machines not behind a firewall. It would be easy for an
attacker to download files or send you browser to any webpage if you
are not protected. This means your Macintosh should behind a firewall
and the port you specify in your RmoreUrlServer should be
protected/filtered. If you don't know what this means ask someone at
your site/ISP.


--Rod Morehead

#### BINHEX     roberts-file-server-11-as.hqx   ****

From: Robert Pellerin <robert@rp.cam.org>
Subject: Robert's File Server v1.10.sit; an AppleScript for Eudora

Robert's File Server (RFS) is an AppleScript (v1.00) for Eudora Pro. It
takes a message as input (a la BART "mac@mac.archive.umich.edu") to send
files automaticaly using Eudora's facilities, I'm using it within a UUPC
setup, so I'm free to have as many userIDs I want, but it sould be easy to
modify the script to work within another kind of setup.

This new version make the script compatible with Eudora Pro, and also
include the previous version for Eudora 1.42.

It should replace:

#### BINHEX     rumor-mill-13.hqx   ****

From: Jim Calvin <jim@swaystairs.com>
Subject: RumorMill 1.3 - News server

RumorMill 1.3, an NNTP (news) server for Macintosh computers, is now 
available. The attached StuffIt file contains the complete release of 
applications and documentation.

Documentation, download, and registration information is also 
available from our web site <http://www.swaystairs.com>.

Ugrades from previous versions of RumorMill are US$15. A commercial 
use licence is US$90. Private and educational use licenses are US$35.

Some of the changes for RumorMill 1.3 include:

- Support to restrict user access to newsgroups
- Supports large databases (2GB limit eliminated)
- SYSLOG support
- Status window added
- Support for servers behind NATs
- Many performance improvements, especially expiration processing
- Numerous bug fixes
- Numerous additional preferences and configuration capabilities

RumorMill will run on 68K systems running 7.1 through PPC (native) 
running 9.2.1. It will run in compatibility mode on OS X.

RumorMill was previously distributed by Stairways Software Pty.

RumorMill may be included on CD-ROM distributions only with written 
permission from Swaystairs Software.

#### BINHEX     saving-face-102.hqx   ****

From: brb@ma.ultra.net
Subject: Saving-Face-1.0.2.sit

� Simon Fraser 1997
Parts derived from 'compface' by James Ashton

Simon Fraser

 * What is it?

	Saving Face lets you view and create X-Face headers, which are
	encoded 48 x 48 bitmaps used by mail and news users to contain
	a picture of their face, or logo of their home insitution.

 * What use is that? No Mac mail display X-Face headers.

 	MacSOUP and MT-NewsWatcher display X-Face headers. A number
 	of UNIX mail and news readers display them.

 * Basic intro

 	Make a 48 x 48 bitmap in your favourite graphics editor
 	(e.g. as a ResEdit 'cicn', in Photoshop or whatever). Copy
 	it from that application. Fire up 'Saving Face'. Do 'New'
 	to make a new window. Paste in the bitmap. You can hold down
 	the option key on pasting to scale the image to the window.

 	Do a 'Save as...' and specify a file name. Open up the resulting
 	file with a text editor, and copy out the text. It should look

#### BINHEX     savitar-111.hqx   ****

From: Jay Koutavas <jay@heynow.com>
Subject: Savitar v1.1

Savitar v1.1 is a commercial quality internet MUD client designed for 
System 7.5+ 68K and PPC Macintoshes. Savitar allows users to connect 
to thousands of social, educational, professional, and gaming virtual 
worlds (MUDs) and online communities on the internet. It supports a 
simple and elegant user interface and has lots of flexibility and 
features for advanced users.

Screenshots are available in the online documentation at the Savitar 
website: http://www.heynow.com/Savitar

#### BINHEX     school-connection-12.hqx   ****

From: erwin.veugelers@hks.se (Erwin Veugelers)
Subject: School Connection 1.2

This file replaces comm/inet/school-connection-11.sit.hqx. I've fixed a few
scripting bugs, no major changes.

Erwin Veugelers

#### BINHEX     script-daemon-101.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 15:16:22 +0800
From: Peter N Lewis <peter@mail.peter.com.au>
Subject: Script Daemon 1.0.1

Script Daemon allows you to telnet to your Mac and enter AppleScript
commands.  Only the owner can log in (using the Owner name&password).
How useful this is depends very much on what AppleScript capable
programs you have, but its pretty clear that there will be more of
them as time goes on.  It requires System 7, MacTCP 1.1 and AppleScript.

Script Daemon is free for any use.

This is mainly a maintenance release to update the U&G library.  Also,
please note my valid Email address is either <peter@kagi.com> or
<peter@mail.peter.com.au>.  All the others will still work for some time,
but I dont know how long.

Hope Script Daemon is useful to someone,

Script Daemon v1.0.1 Copyright 1993-95 Peter N Lewis

#### BINHEX     sdi-ts-161r4.hqx   ****

From: ThK <macgix@macgix.com>
Subject: macgix SDI-TS 1.6.1r4.2

Dear SetDynIPtoStatic users or interesters,

we are proud to present the revisioned release of SDI-TS 1.6.1r4 on our
web-site. It哀 a version 1.6.1r4.2 and includes:

- Full US English Documentation !

- Introduction of "macgix Universal Installer 2.0b1", written in FaceSpan 3.5.
Includes a free license for registered users of SDI-TS for 10
installationpackages for private use. (Not included in written form, but license
is sent via eMail if SDI-TS gets registered.)

This is the last revision of version 1.6.1. Right now we are working out version
2.0. You may see some screenshots of the making of at
<http://www.macgix.com/en/software.html> called "Screenshot of version 1.6.2 as
JPEG" but it will be a version 2.

Version 2 will reintroduce a feature, that allows to use Fetch or Anarchie as
FTP-client optionally. You may use SDI-TS then from Mac OS 7.5.5 up to Mac OS 9. 

We made first tests with SDI-TS 1.6.1r4.1 on "Mac OS X Developer Release 3" and
it worked fine if launched in "MacOS.app" environment. We will make it
"Classic.app"-proof later with version 2.5-

We hope, you will enjoy this software. Don咨 forget to register if you use this
peace of software regularly more often than ten times.

#### BINHEX     sherlock-2-creator-201.hqx   ****

From: Martin Ekera  <martin@ekera.com>
Subject: Sherlock II Creator 2.0.1

The entire program has been rewritten to improve compatibility and speed.
The new version has extended support for MacOS 9 and Sherlock 2, a
completely new interface featuring Sherlock 2/QuickTime 4, a built-in help
system and support for the Internet, News and People (via LDAP) plugin
types introduced with MacOS 9.

The program can now also apply icons to plugins from files or applications
in MacOS. The user only have to choose a file or program to import the icon
resources from. Another new function is extended multi-language
capabilities alllowing anyone to translate the program into any language.

The current version of Sherlock II Creator contains lamguage files for the
English and Swedish languages. The program is freeware.

#### BINHEX     sherlock-sets.hqx   ****

From: guillermo@omniasc.es
Subject: SherlockSets 1.0b7

SherlockSets 1.0b7

I have wrote this app to enable sets for Internet searches with 
Sherlock. Sherlock is cool but when you have plenty of plug-ins in the 
Internet Search Sites folder, it's a mess to look for the appropiate 
sites to check.

It's freeware, please spread the word!.

To create or modify sets:
- Launch SherlockSets
- Select "Edit sets" from the "Sets" menu
- Create, delete or edit sets.

To use a set
- Launch SherlockSites
- Select the set name from the pop-up menu
- Press the "Launch Sherlock" button

The application creates another folder in the System Folder named 
"Internet Search Sites(Disabled)" and moves the disabled files from 
"Internet Search Sites" folder to it.

Known bugs:
- Only works in USA version of MacOS 8.5, I think that localized versions 
will name "Internet Search Sites" differently. To be fixed in future 

You can always download the latest version at: 

Please send comments to guillermo@omniasc.es

Best regards

     Guillermo Zaballa

#### BINHEX     shock-box-14.hqx   ****

From: Lance Endres <lance@endresdesign.com>
Subject: ShockBox 1.4

ShockBox(SB) is an Internet and desktop "audio" browser. SB allows the
playback of Shockwave and MP3 "streaming" audio from custom SB Servers
and from FTP sites located on the Internet. All you need to build your
own free SB Server is a website. SB's desktop area allows the playback
of SWA, MP3, MP2, MPG, MOV, AIF, WAV, AU, AVI, MIDI and DV files off of
your hard drive or local network. Build, shuffle, save, and load custom

New in Version 1.4:

* Download updates directly through ShockBox
* ShockBox Server welcome screen with agreement text option
* Preference file created
* Click on movie thumbnail for larger display
* Playlist and bookmark files encrypted for security
* Password protection in FTP area
* Direct access to readme files and website from pulldown menu
* Enhanced dialogs and alerts
* Locate audio files by scanning selected folder
* Hyperlink support in news area
* Bookmark menus are now more reliable
* Accurate scrolling routines
* Creation of icons for new filetypes (MAC only)
* Endless bug fixes

System Requirements:

* PowerPC Macintosh (100mhz) with 6MB memory
* or Windows 95/98/NT (100mhz) with 6MB memory
* 56k modem connection or higher
* Quicktime 4 required

Visit http://www.endresdesign.com/shockbox/ for the latest
version of ShockBox for Macintosh PPC & WIN95/98/NT

#### BINHEX     simple-logger-10.hqx   ****

From: paulinyi@fisica.ufmg.br
Subject: SimpleLogger1.0

SimpleLogger - For use with any finger server, such as "Fingerd". SimpleLogger
registers the time of restart into a file called "Last Log" in the preferences
folder. Just put the program at startup folder, and configure finger to locate
"Last Log". There is no graphical interface: it updates the file, and then it
quits. (C) by Zoltan Paulinyi.

#### BINHEX     simple-search-09.hqx   ****

From: chimoosoft@yahoo.com
Subject: SimpleSearch 0.9
Simple Search 0.9

A simple internet search toolbar which lives on the side of your screen
and pops out for easy access.  Built in ability to search Google,
Versiontracker, and others.  A simple plugin architecture allows users
to easily create their own plugins for their favorite web sites.


System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher.  Not supported on 10.1,
but may work.

This program may be included in CD ROM distributions.  Please contact us
to let us know if you plan to include Simple Search in such a


#### BINHEX     site-cam-501.hqx   ****

From: Brad Lowe <brad@nuspectra.com>
Subject: SiteCam 5.0.1

NuSpectra's SiteCam 5.0 is an integrated web server and audio/video
streaming solution for the Macintosh. A powerful webcam program, SiteCam 5.0
features image archiving, automatic FTP, time-lapse movie generation, motion
detection, and more. Anyone with a static broadband TCP/IP connection can
stream live audio and video from their Mac!

Requires a Mac with audio and/or video input, Mac OS 8.x or 9.x, and at
least 32Mb RAM.  Multimedia server requires a static IP address.

#### BINHEX     site-fetcher-101.hqx   ****

From: "Donald S. Hall" <appsmore@theboss.net>
Subject: Site Fetcher 1.0.1 - helper app for Anarchie/Interarchy

Site Fetcher 1.01

Site Fetcher is a background helper application for the popular Macintosh
Internet programs Anarchie and Interarchy that lets you download entire web
sites, or parts of web sites, at any time on a daily, weekly, weekdays
only, or one time basis. Automatically download large web sites while away
from your computer and have them waiting to be read off line at your

System and Software Requirements: Macintosh System 7.5 or later, Open
Transport, a Point to Point Protocol (PPP) Internet connection, and
Anarchie or Interarchy.

Purchase Information: Shareware $7

Developer: Apps & More Software Design, Inc.

#### BINHEX     site-searcher-jv.hqx   ****

From: "David Faden" <gilbertnews@hotmail.com>
Subject: SiteSearch Java Applet - Let Visitors Search Your Site

A simple Java applet which allows visitors to search your web site.
It is based on JDK 1.02 so it should run on all Java-enabled browsers 
(Netscape 3.+) and is multithreaded.

SiteSearch is distributed as linkware for The Gilbert Post 


I give permission to include this program on all CDs, commercial or non.

#### BINHEX     slash-mud.hqx   ****

From: kdg2@ukc.ac.uk
Subject: SlashMUD 1.0d22 - The Mac OS hosted MUD server

SlashMUD is a MacOS-based MUD server that is currently in the final
stages of development.  SlashMUD is fully object-oriented, includes
many unique features built-in as standard, can be hosted over any
TCP/IP network (including the internet) and is Open Source software with
full source code available.

SlashMUD is very loosely based on the LP type of MUD, but has been
designed and written from the ground up to be fast and extensible.  It is
fully compiled for speed (rather than interpreting a pseudo programming
language), uses a custom format for storing data and runs as a native
background-only application on PowerPC based Macintoshes, under either
MacTCP or OpenTransport.  It can be run on a standalone Mac for testing

Other features include:

* Plugin architecture.  Plugins can be written in C or Pascal, and can be
Attachments, Guilds, Monsters, Rooms, Skills, Things or Weapons.
* Intelligent creatures.
* Sophisticated door and key system.
* Comprehensive logging for administrators.
* ANSI colour support.
* Races with language support.
* Regular updates, quick and personal response to bug reports and
dedicated mailing lists (thanks to Peter Lewis for hosting these)
populated by a really cool bunch of people.

Koryn <koryn@kagi.com>

SlashMUD 1.0d22 Copyright 1996-1998 Koryn Grant
SlashMUD is written in Object Pascal.


#### BINHEX     snak-48-cbn.hqx   ****

From: Kent Sorensen <kents@snak.com>
Subject: Snak 4.8 Carbon

Snak is a program that will let you participate in discussions in 
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels. IRC channels are virtual meeting 
rooms on the Internet, where people all over the world can have 
real-time conversations.

IRC consists of many different networks, often with thousands of 
channels, each focused on a location or subject, and anything that is 
typed into the channel will be seen by the other members. This makes 
it possible to have a real-time conversation with people all over the 

IRC is different from other chatting systems like AIM and ICQ in that 
it is intended for conversation within a whole group of people, 
rather than one on one. Additionally IRC fully supports private 
conversations between two people.

Some of the most significant features of Snak:
Uniquely flexible interface allows multiple channels in one window.
Support for long file names on OS X.
Two powerful scripting languages - AppleScript and ircII.
Compatibility with many existing scripts written for other clients.
Easy access to MP3 files offered in the MP3 IRC channels.
A channel bar for easy switching between channels.
A consolidated list and information window.
A divided main text with resizable text and nickname areas for better 
text display.
Nick completion and support for mouse scroll wheels.

Version 4.8 features an improved window sharing option that stacks 
the docked channels in the window instead of tiling them. This new 
feature lets the active channel use the entire window area and the 
embedded channel bar shows you when the other channels receive text.
The Nick completion has been improved and now works on the last word 
in the line instead of just the first.

DCC transfer speed has been improved in version 4.8 and Snak now 
supports long filenames on OS X. DCC resume transfer speed 
calculations have been improved, and there is now the option to 
automatically rename incoming files when duplicates are found.

This version contains many usability improvements, including the 
option of requiring the option key for stepping through the message 
history, changes to the way Snak uses saved preference files, 
automatic detection of lost connections, and an improved and 
simplified Setup Assistant.

#### BINHEX     sneak-preview-10.hqx   ****

From: "random person" <mospeada@hotmail.com>
Subject: Sneak Preview! 1.0

Sneak Preview! allows you to take partially downloaded video files of many 
formats and play them using the appropriate application BEFORE/ WITHOUT 
completely downloading them first. Of course it will only allow you to view 
the portion that you have downloaded. It supports .mov, .moov, .mpg, .mpeg, 
.avi, .asf, amd .rm currently. (yes I know a few of those are the same). 
This is a perfect tool for Hotline Client users. For full functionality, it 
requires: Quicktime Pro, Windows Media Player, and Real Player. It is also 
recommended to make a copy of the original file to use with Sneak Preview!  
After you run your files through Sneak Preview!, just open them with your 
favorite application, or double-click them to open.

#### BINHEX     socks-101.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 16:30:10 +0800
From: Peter N Lewis <peter@mail.peter.com.au>
Subject: SOCKS 1.0.1

SOCKS implements version 4 of the SOCKS firewall protocol.  It allows a
Macintosh to become a SOCKS server which lets users with SOCKS compatible
clients to connect to the SOCKS firewall and then the server in turn
connects to the outside world on the user's behalf.  Together with a
correctly configured router, SOCKS can reduce the possible methods of attack
by crackers on the Internet.

SOCKS requires MacTCP and System 7 and the Thread Manager.

SOCKS is $50 shareware (the high price is because this is not really a
user-oriented program).

Version 1.0.1 stops it from expiring (oops, there is a lot of that going
around :-), and makes it a little more CPU friendly when it is not being

Hope it is useful to you,
   Peter. <peter@kagi.com>

SOCKS v1.0.1 Copyright 1995 Peter N Lewis

#### BINHEX     spark-downloader-10-jp.hqx   ****

From: Koichiro Sobue <sobue@japan.email.ne.jp>
Subject: SPARK downloader 1.0 Japanese

SPARK downloader is a download manager application which downloads multiple
files in download queue. This multithreaded application has many features,
including drag-and-drop, queue management, proxy support, and the ability to
resume downloads, and more.

Japanese version.

#### BINHEX     spark-downloader-10.hqx   ****

From: Koichiro Sobue <sobue@japan.email.ne.jp>
Subject: SPARK downloader 1.0

SPARK downloader is a download manager application which downloads multiple
files in download queue. This multithreaded application has many features,
including drag-and-drop, queue management, proxy support, and the ability to
resume downloads, and more.

#### BINHEX     speed-download-111.hqx   ****

From: Frederick Cheung <fred.cheung@wanadoo.fr>
Subject: Speed Download 1.1.1

Download speeds are very often far from their theoretical maximums. This
can be due to general congestion of the Internet but often it is because
servers will try and share bandwidth between clients. By using up to 32
simultaneous connections Speed Download helps overcome this limitation. All
downloads are resumable and a queue system that supports schedules and
scripting allows for efficient use of online time.

Speed Download requires a PPC mac with Mac OS 8.6 and Carbonlib 1.2.5

Versions 1.1.1 fixes many bugs

#### BINHEX     sputnix-082.hqx   ****

From: Nathan Lamont <nathan@biggerplanet.com>
Subject: Sputnix 0.8.2B; a Mac OS X music sharing client for audiogalaxy.com

Sputnix v0.8.2B - 2002.05.02

freeware - not affiliated with Audiogalaxy in any way, shape, or form


- probably most compliant AudioGalaxy client for Mac OS X using 0.608 
- 100% Cocoa -- support for long file names, and all that good stuff
- resumable downloads
- multiple simultaneous downloads

_What's New_
- actually removed localizations; .8B would behave badly (crash or just 
not work) for users of German, Dutch, Swedish, and French systems
- uploads requests are no-longer case sensitive; previously Sputnix 
could fail to upload a song because the request's capitalization was 
different than the actual file
- added Customize Toolbar option to the window menu (although any 
toolbar in Mac OS X is customizable my control-clicking on it)
- added "Pro" feature set:
- added iTunes integration; Sputnix can automatically add newly 
downloaded songs to a selected iTunes playlist
- added playlists drawer; you can drag and drop transfers in Sputnix 
onto individual iTunes playlists
- added autofiling; Sputnix can now attempt to automatically file new 
downloads in folders named for the artist; "loose matching" option 
allows for phonetic matching of artists' names
- added autofiling window; you can also autofile the contents of 
arbitrary folders
- Sputnix now makes a temporary copy of active transfers when previewing 
them (some users had found that previewing active transfers could result 
in corrupt MP3s)
- added extensive help system
- added pro features welcome window
- transfer log should update more quickly when a transfer begins or ends
- added Sputnix Database window which shows you all the songs Sputnix 
has found and how they've been reported to Audiogalaxy
- added option to change the location of the cache folder
- password is now sent to Audiogalaxy in all-lowercase (Audiogalaxy 
passwords are always lowercase, no matter what you entered when you 
signed up)

#### BINHEX     stigma-ml-10.hqx   ****

From: stigma@iname.com
Subject: STIGMA/ML 1.0

This program is the first Monolith DynDNS IP Updater Client for
Macintosh!  Forget the days of taking forever to load up your web
browser and go through the whole process.  Just follow the instructions
included in setting it up, and you can update your IP in less than 30
seconds just by double clicking the application!  It's comepletely

WARNING: STIGMA/ML 1.0 currently does not work with MacOS 8, but the
problem is being worked out and it will be compatible in the next

For information on Monolith Internet Services' free nameservice, visit

NOTE: Stigma Productions has no affiliation with Monolith Internet

#### BINHEX     store-builder-lite-hc.hqx   ****

From: djp@elite.pp.fi
Subject: StoreBuilder Lite

StoreBuilder Lite is an application that simplifies the construction of
a store on the First Virtual InfoHaus, a server that you can use to make
shareware programs available for downloading, and to collect shareware
payments using the First Virtual Internet Payment System.

StoreBuilder Lite creates the email transactions that the InfoHaus server
needs for setting up a store, creating a storefront and displaying product

StoreBuilder Lite is freeware. It requires Hypercard 2.1 or higher, or
HyperCard Player. It may be distributed on CD ROMs.

The full version, StoreBuilder Plus, is shareware and is available on
the InfoHaus at http://www.infohaus.com/access/by-seller/elite  created
by a prototype of StoreBuilder.

[suggest Archived as /info-mac/app/storebuilder-lite

David Paul
Elite Skills, Helsinki, Finland

#### BINHEX     strip-cam-04.hqx   ****

From: poly@omino.com
Subject: StripCam 0.4

StripCam 0.4 is a clean and simple freeware for MacOS which
implements a webcam in the control strip. All it can do is
upload JPEG images to an FTP server. Because it's in the
control strip, it starts up automatically, and can't
accidentally quit.

site: www.stripcam.org
author: poly@omino.com

Thank you!

#### BINHEX     suck-it-down-17.hqx   ****

From: rdavis@radproductions.net
Subject: Suck It Down 1.7
Content is king on the Internet and Suck It Down helps you get it
faster. It will download any type of data linked off a page. By
specifying extensions you can easily download images, movies, mp3s, pdfs
and more. Suck It Down also provides preview for downloaded images and
QuickTime compatible files, like movies and mp3s.

For more information visit our website at:


#### BINHEX     super-news-groups-103.hqx   ****

From: Theo <delete@SoftHome.net>
Subject: Super NewsGroups 1.0.3 Archiving newsgroups and html  conversion

Super NewsGroups achives posts from dejanews and clean ups the posts in
many ways. It can clean up badly wrapped lines, remove article numbers and
many more text beautification features.

Then it can mass convert the converted text files into html and activate
http links, email links, and any url with http:// that it finds. Then it can
index them and frame the indexed file.

#### BINHEX     surfjet-demo-installer-10.hqx   ****

From: lepton@panix.com
Subject: SurfJet Agent Demo

SurfJet Agent automatically finds articles on the Internet that are most
interesting to you. It locates and pre-reads candidate articles to estimate
your interest, then shows you the best. Using neural network techniques, it
maintains an interest profile, learns from your feedback, and can improve
its performance over time.  This demo limits searches to 5 minutes and one
search engine. For more info see the Web page at

#### BINHEX     swirl.hqx   ****

From: morth@swipnet.se
Subject: swirl10a0

Name: swirl 1.0a0
Author: Pelle Johansson <morth@swipnet.se>
Requirements: PPC, MacOS 8.0
Description: IRC client.

IRC is short for Internet Relayed Chat and is just that,
chat on Internet. Very fun, very addactive.
This is the first public release of my client. Hopefully there'll
be more later.

#### BINHEX     talk-talk-10.hqx   ****

From: bitterlich@gsco.de
Subject: Talk Talk 1.0

Talk Talk is a TCP/IP and internet testing utility. It is designed to
help you to understand the internet and it's protocols and can be used
to debug and analyze any text-based internet protocol. Such protocols

*HTTP (World Wide Web)
*POP3 (Email)
*SMTP (Email)
*FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
*and many many more.

#### BINHEX     tcdap-cyberdog-patch.hqx   ****

From: heninger@earthlink.net (Wade Heninger)
Subject: TCDAP (the cyberdog download animation patch)

Please find attached TCDAP, a rescompare patch that will replace the old
cyberdog "running dog" animation with an updated, more interesting version
(currently two versions).  It works only on the recent beta 3 of Cyberdog.
See the read me for more details.

#### BINHEX     tcp-ip-configurations.hqx   ****

Subject: tcpip_config_cstrip.hqx
From: dylan@gamera.com

TCP/IP Configuration Control Strip Module 1.0


Enclosed is an Open Transport TCP/IP Configuration Control Strip Module. 
It allows the user to change TCP/IP Configurations quickly by choosing from
a pop-up menu on the control strip.  It also provides a quick and easy way
to open the TCP/IP Control Panel.

This module is very useful for users with multiple TCP/IP configurations
(e.g. one for PPP and one for an ARA connection).


Macintosh with Open Transport, Open Transport TCP/IP, Control Strip


Please see the Read Me! for installation and usage information.  Please see
the Read Me! for Freeware agreement.

This control strip may be included on CD ROM's as long as it's Read Me!
file accompanies it.

Thank you,
Dylan Ashe


#### BINHEX     test-my-cgi-01.hqx   ****

From: Craig Richards <Info@CraigRichards.com>
Subject: TestMy.CGI v 0.1

Check the syntax of your CGI scripts right in your browser. Your script
errors are itemized in a clearer format than server error logs to help
you quickly identify and resolve them. Useful features under a simple
point-and-click interface that'll work from any client that can run a

--- System Requirements:

Client: Any platform/operating system that can run a browser.

Server: Tested on Linux/Unix and NT running Apache and IIS. Must be
running Perl 5. (TestMy.CGI may work in other environments running Perl
5 - please let us know so we can add them to our list.)

#### BINHEX     tftpd-123.hqx   ****

From: jonathon@pobox.com
Subject: TFTP Daemon     

  This is version 1.2.3 of my TFTP Daemon. This version fixes a couple of
bugs, and adds an installer.

  TFTP Daemon is a full TFTP implementation - use it on your MacOS machines
for storing the configurations from isdn dialups, routers, and other
network equipment.

System Requirements:

 * System 7.1 or greater - 7.5 or greater is recommended
 * Open Transport 1.1 or greater (TFTP Daemon will not work with MacTCP)

  The latest version can always be found at:



  Jonathon Fletcher

#### BINHEX     the-news-24.hqx   ****

From: cramer@onramp.net (Bill Cramer)
Subject: the-news.240

And now, TheNews ...

TheNews is a Usenet news reader for the Macintosh. With it, you
can read news articles from among the thousands of news groups
available, post new and followup articles, and mail followup
messages to the article posters.  The program requires a link to
your news server via MacTCP (Ethernet or LocalTalk), UUCP (using
UUPC 3.x and ToadNews), or the CommToolBox (over your modem).

This is a minor enhancement release:

* Highlighting of quoted text can be changed from default italics to normal,
  bold, etc.  See manual for details.
* Program used to allocate a large chunk of memory before reading an
  article, and then scale back.  If the article was larger than what was
  allocated, excess lines would be thrown away.  Program now allocates
  memory as needed.
* Modifications/additions to character translation tables.

If you like the program, please send $25 to:

        Bill Cramer
        504 Winterwood Drive
        Grapevine, TX  76051  USA

(Of course, as always, if you have already registered an earlier
version, this new version is free.)  If you *really* like the
program and are interested in getting a site license, have a
look at the README document -- you'll like the discount prices,
I'm sure.

Bill Cramer

#### BINHEX     the-nirvana-soundset.hqx   ****

From: jackdugan187@hotmail.com
Subject: Soundset

The Nirvana Soundset 1.11998 - this is a rockin' soundset to be used with the
Hotline Client.  You can download the Hotline Client at http://www.hotlinesw.com.
The Nirvana Soundset 1.1 is shareware.

Greg Ormiston

#### BINHEX     tn3270-25b2.hqx   ****

From: shrub@infolab.southam.ca (Paul Schreiber)
Subject: tn3270-25b2

tn3270 is a terminal emulation program. You use it with MacTCP (i.e. over the

Version 2.5b2, 10/95

1.  Tn3270 now runs in native mode on PowerMacs.  The tn3270 installer allows
installation of the 68K version, native version, or a combined universal
version.  Tn3270's "About" dialog includes the current mode (68K or Native

2. Tn3270 includes full support for the Drag Manager.  If the Drag Manager is
installed on your Macintosh, you can drag text directly between tn3270 and the
Finder, SimpleText, or any other programs that support dragging.  Dragging may
also be done between tn3270 sessions.  New settings for controlling dragging
are found under "Text Copying..." in the "Session" menu.

3. The "Text Copying..." settings also allow specifying that "Copy" preserves
all blanks in the selected text.

4. Command-left-arrow and command-right-arrow may be used to switch to the
previous and next sessions.

5. Tn3270 no longer uses the file "config.tel".  The FTP server settings which
it contained are now available under the "Network" menu.  To save the
settings, use "Save Defaults..." under the "File" menu.  They will be saved in
the file "tn3270 Preferences" in the Preferences folder.  A warning alert will
be displayed if the saved defaults will include enabling the FTP server.

6. The "Network" menu includes new commands for "Send FTP Command" and "Send
IP Address".

7. A new display option allows using the 12-point font with less spacing
between the lines.  Using this option, the 12-point font may be used in some
situation where only 9-point could previously be used, such as on many
PowerBooks.  To select the new option, use the "Screen Format..." settings in
the "Open Connection" dialog.  It is also available using "Screen Format..."
under the "Session" menu.

8. Tn3270 now supports authenticated and encrypted sessions when compatible
support is available in the host server.  The new support uses the same method
as NCSA Telnet, including the same plugin files.  Authentication and
encryption are selected using new options in the "Special" settings of the
"Open Connection" dialog.

#### BINHEX     trading-post-10b6.hqx   ****

From: support@highwinds.com
Subject: TradingPost


Internet shopping can now be done offline. Order only the catalogs you
want, and in just moments they arrive as email attachments. This powerful
and full-featured alternative to web-based catalogs emphasizes speed,
security, flexibility, and convenience. TradingPost is easy enough for the
casual shopper, yet powerful enough for the professional buyer.

    - Richly illustrated and notated catalogs
    - Great Service
    - More shops (when beta testing is complete)


    - Search for specific types of catalogs by vendor and/or subject.
    - Open several catalogs at once.
    - Take your time browsing because you are offline.
    - Study and compare full-text descriptions.
    - View a picture of the product, or perhaps several pictures.
    - Include products of multiple vendors in the same order.
    - Open several orders, each with a separate shipping address.
    - Take notes as you shop and store them for later reference.
    - Take a break and return to your saved order later.
    - Attach special handling instructions to your order.
    - Stop worrying about security and privacy.
    - Throw out all your paper catalogs.
    - Avoid online malls/services that display unwanted ads.
    - Track your purchases online.

This is not early beta software.  You should expect essentially bug-free
performance.  TradingPost 1.0b7 will be ready in the first week of January
1998 (downloadable at ftp://ftp.highwinds.com/tradingpost.  1.0b6 is the
current version.

#### BINHEX     turbo-gopher-203.hqx   ****

Subject: TurboGopher 2.0.3
From: "Dr. Benway" <browning@msilink.com>

Attached you will find TurboGopher 2.0.3, the latest version of the 
University of Minnesota's gopher client. It was released to the public on 
November 21st.

According to the revision history, this version fixes a bug in resolving 
URLs. No other fixes or improvements are stated.



#### BINHEX     twistory-12.hqx   ****

From: deboer@king.igs.net
Subject: Twistory 1.2 - History Browser

     "Twistory" is a history browser.  It displays the lifetimes and
travels of historical figures, and dates and locations of historical
events.  It is a tool for keeping track of when and where things happened,
and their relationships to each other.  A resource of over 1600 people,
events and places is included.  The database has an open text format, so
that more historical information can be added by any user.  A complete
description of the file format is included.

     Version 1.2 has user-defined "People" and "Events" menus, including
full control over occupation and event type definitions and their icons.
It now also has a "Find" window.  It also fixes some inconsistencies that
earlier versions had in displaying voyages on the map.

     The two main windows are the time-line window, which shows lives and
events against a variable time scale, and the map window, which shows
people and events in their geographic locations during an interval of time.
There is also a genealogy window which shows the ancestors and descendants
of the selected person, and an info window which shows additional details
about the person or event.  A "This Day in History" window lists all
milestones occurring on a particular day of the year.

     Twistory is not a substitute for proper reading about and research
into a historical period.  It is meant to provide a way to keep track of
the multitude of different peoples, dynasties, empires and developments
throughout history.  It is intended to answer questions like, "What else
was happening in the world at that time?" and "Did A live at the same time
as B, or before?"  It is intended to provide the user with the "big

     Twistory is a FAT binary, and requires system 7.  It uses about 4.5 Mb
of disk space, and needs about 2 Mb of RAM to run comfortably.  With a
large monitor or with several windows open, 4 Mb is better.

     Twistory is $10 (US or CAN) shareware.  You may evaluate it for free.
If you use it regularly, keep it for more than one month, or use it for
presentation to a group, I would enjoy getting a little something for it.
If you feel so obliged, you may send the payment to the address included
with the program.  If you desire support, please send your e-mail address
along, and I will write back.  This program is free for all users who have
registered a previous version of it.

J. D. de Boer

#### BINHEX     unlimited-ftp-22.hqx   ****

From: "Unlimited FTP Information" <info@unlimited-tech.net>
Subject: Unlimited FTP 2.2

Unlimited FTP is an FTP client that runs in your web browser. Using Java
technology, Unlimited FTP is able to perform the same tasks as larger FTP
clients but does not require a large download or install. Instead, the
client is downloaded and executed by Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ)
distributed with your browser. The applet can also be downloaded for use on
your personal page.

I.E. or Netscape and Mac OS Runtime for Java.

Unlimi-Tech Software Inc.

Contact: John Tkaczewski john@unlimited-tech.net

#### BINHEX     uploader-14-as.hqx   ****

From: albeepau@cps.msu.edu (Paul Benjamin Albee)
Subject: Uploader 1.4

Hi All,
  Attached is Uploader 1.4. It replaces version 1.3. The only change is
that one of the functions was rewriten so the script can be edited and

#### BINHEX     url-clerk-12.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey Posnick) jeffp@dorsai.org
Subject: URL Clerk 1.2, a URL filer/launcher

URL Clerk is a URL launcher. The URLs are stored in files, so you have all
the flexibility of the Finder at your disposal. URL files can be placed on
the desktop, in the Apple Menu, or anywhere that's convenient for you. URL
Clerk can also open up bookmarks created by Aladdin's CyberFinder or URLs
stored in clipping files. To find out more about URL Clerk's features, use
the provided balloon help. You should have no trouble creating and managing
your URLs with URL Clerk's simple and uncluttered interface.

New in URL Clerk 1.2 is a find function which allows you to search for a
URL based on its contents or URL type. Version 1.2 also incorporates a
number of bug fixes and features better memory management. Also included
with this archive are two QuicKey macros which makes it even easier to
create or launch URLs, and the Bookmarker application to facilitate the
conversion of text and clipping files to URL Clerk bookmarks.

This program requires Internet Config 1.1 or later, which is available at
<ftp://ftp.share.com/pub/internet-configuration/>. System 7.1 or later is
also required. URL Clerk is both 68k and PPC native.

URL Clerk is freeware.

-Jeffrey Posnick

#### BINHEX     url-collector-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: bix@beatles.cselt.stet.it ("Bix Byte")
Subject: The URL Collector 1.1

Using this HyperCard stack you will be able to collect all the URLs stored in 
all your text files catched during your NewsGroup reading.
Clicking on one of the collected URLs, HyperCard will tell to Netscape the name 
of the selected URL and Netscape will try to connect the URL.

What's New on 1.1
* Added an editor for the stored URLs. In the "Edit URL" mode you may 
add/edit/delete lines of the URL field.

* There is a new button to the right of the URLs field. It is a popup button 
(version > 2.2 ...sorry.). You can give your score to the Site now !!

* The Sort button now ask you if you want to sort by Domains *or* by Ratings.

* Changed the "go next" & "go prev" buttons' script.

* In the first card there is a SoundEffect on/off button.

Do you have arleady tons of URLs imported in an older version of this stack ?
Don't worry ! The "Get my old URLs" button is what you are looking for !
It will import all the URLs stored in older version of this stack !


#### BINHEX     url-forward-10.hqx   ****

From: Thomas Reed, reed@visar.wustl.edu
Subject: URL Forward 1.0

URL Forward is a simple background-only application that forwards GURL 
AppleEvents or AppleScripts sent to it to Internet Config.  What this 
means in English is that if you have a program that is capable of sending 
AppleEvents or running AppleScripts, you can have it open URLs for you in 
whatever program you have set up to handle that type of URL. Some 
examples of programs that might use this are FileMaker and QuicKeys. For 
more information, see the on-line Read Me at:


To get a copy of my other programs, go to:


Thomas Reed

#### BINHEX     url-grabber-20-fm3.hqx   ****

From: (Matt Petrowsky) MacVenture@aol.com
Subject: URL Grabber 2.0 - For FileMaker Pro

A Powerful FileMaker Pro netsurfers tool
used for collecting and storing your URLs
from the Web.


AppleScript 1.1
FileMaker Pro 3.0
Netscape 1.1 or greater

#### BINHEX     url-management.hqx   ****

From: Daniel Gagner <deceiver@ime.net>
Subject: URL Management

URL Management is an exciting new tool for everyone but designed especially
for teachers by a teacher.

URL Management was made for schools. Build a cataloged database of URL
addresses from the net and search for them by name, keyword, URL address,
date posted, record number, or categories that you define. Then click one
button and URL Management loads your browser of choice, and takes you there.

URL Management is perfect for teachers who want to define URL's for students
to search to do research. It also lets the teacher keep a running list of
all "good" net locations that students can use without having to type the
URL in over and over again into the browser.

URL Management is shareware. It runs on 040 and PPC or newer Macintosh
Computers. Contact information is enclosed. 

#### BINHEX     url-story-17-68k.hqx   ****

From: dev@mothra.net
Subject: URLstory 1.7 68k

URLstory 1.7

URLstory is an application to keep a record of the sites you visit with
Netscape. There are a couple other progams that do this, but they all did
more than I wanted. I just wanted a simple app that would keep track of the
pages I visited, and save the links as an HTML file.

URLstory is $5 shareware. There are no nag screens, timeouts, or hidden
features, registering is just a way to show your appreciation and support
future development and releases. You can register via the Kagi service,
using the included Register application.

NEW IN 1.7:

* On/Off Control
* Non-modal Exclusion List Window
* Plain text files will now be added to URLstory's list as well as HTML

URLstory only works with Netscape Navigator (version 3.0 and up); Internet
Explorer has a history feature built in.

URLstory should work on just about any Mac running System 7 or above. Both
68k and PPC versions are available.
URLstory requires AppleScript, which comes with the MacOS, or can be
downloaded from http://www.apple.com/

URLstory is shareware, I retain the copyright, and am not responsible for
any losses or damages you incur through using URLstory.

URLstory may be freely distributed, provided that this Read Me file, and
the Register application are included. URLstory may be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     url-story-17-ppc.hqx   ****

From: dev@mothra.net
Subject: URLstory 1.7 PPC

URLstory 1.7

URLstory is an application to keep a record of the sites you visit with
Netscape. There are a couple other progams that do this, but they all did
more than I wanted. I just wanted a simple app that would keep track of the
pages I visited, and save the links as an HTML file.

URLstory is $5 shareware. There are no nag screens, timeouts, or hidden
features, registering is just a way to show your appreciation and support
future development and releases. You can register via the Kagi service,
using the included Register application.

NEW IN 1.7:

* On/Off Control
* Non-modal Exclusion List Window
* Plain text files will now be added to URLstory's list as well as HTML

URLstory only works with Netscape Navigator (version 3.0 and up); Internet
Explorer has a history feature built in.

URLstory should work on just about any Mac running System 7 or above. Both
68k and PPC versions are available.
URLstory requires AppleScript, which comes with the MacOS, or can be
downloaded from http://www.apple.com/

URLstory is shareware, I retain the copyright, and am not responsible for
any losses or damages you incur through using URLstory.

URLstory may be freely distributed, provided that this Read Me file, and
the Register application are included. URLstory may be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### DIRECTORY  uucp   ****

#### BINHEX     vremya-20.hqx   ****

From: kirill@lava.net
Subject: Vremya 2.0

Vremya is a scriptable NTP client for Macintosh. It allows you to set your
clock using an Internet NTP server by polling or receiving broadcasts.
Requires Open Transport TCP/IP version 1.1 or better.

#### BINHEX     vse-be-found-14.hqx   ****

From: Andre@vse-online.com
Subject: VSE Be Found 1.4 - Web Site Promotion Tool

VSE Be Found 1.4 analyzes web pages and gives concrete tips
how to improve them to obtain a higher ranking on search
engines. Then it automatically submits them to popular
search engines such as AltaVista, Excite, Lycos, etc.

VSE Be Found comes with 37 pre-installed search engines and
directories. In contrast to other applications it supports
more complex URL submissions to search engines that require
to give details about categories, contact information etc.

It also features a built-in FTP client.

New in version 1.4:
The new version offers over a dozen improved features and
some minor bug fixes. Since many search engines have
changed their submission process in the last month,
several search engine expansion kits have been updated to
reflect these changes.

System requirements: System 7.5 or later, 5 MB RAM

#### BINHEX     watson-10.hqx   ****

From: Dan Wood <dwood@karelia.com>
Subject: Watson 1.0

Watson is an extendable application for Mac OS X that gives an 
"Aqua" user interface to a number of Internet-based services 
such as stock quotes, telephone lookup, and movie schedules. 
Watson functions much like Apple's Sherlock in that it bypasses 
the Web Browser for specific functionality. But instead of being 
a search engine, Watson connects to a handful of other useful 
services available on the Internet. Intended to complement the 
Web browser, Watson constructs a facade over certain services, 
collecting them in a single Mac OS X application. Watson speeds 
up navigation, since HTML does not need to be rendered on-screen 
and no superfluous graphics are transmitted over the Internet. 
Tools integrate with other Mac OS X applications such as 
TextEdit, Preview, and the Web browser.  Most noticeable in 
Watson is the Aqua interface that one cannot find on a Web page. 
A user of the Yahoo! tool, for instance, browses categories 
using a "columns" view rather than a series of separate Web 
pages.  Watson works on any version of Mac OS X, and a full-time 
Internet connection is recommended. A single-user license costs 
$29 and can be purchased via Kagi.

#### BINHEX     weather-mac-01.hqx   ****

From: peyer@codewerks.ch
Subject: Codewerks Weather Forecast V0.01

Codewerks Weather Forecast V0.01
You need an active network connection.

1. Start the program weather.exe
2. Size the window by dragging the lower right corner.
3. Click on "choose location" and pick a city.

Munich, Milan, Paris, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Basel, Berne, Locarno, Geneva, Zurich

Locations planned for future versions :

- a capital cities of Europe
- all large swiss cities
- a map of Europe for easy picking of locations

Weather Forecast is a product of Codewerks Internet Services

PHP-Code			: Kevin Weiss 	<kweiss@codewerks.ch>
Flashdesign & FlashCode		: Enrico Peyer 	<peyer@codewerks.ch>
Bugreports & suggestions		:		<bugreports@codewerks.ch

Homepage			: http://www.codewerks.ch/
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#### BINHEX     weather-man-10.hqx   ****

From: Dean Davis <DeanDavis@mac.com>
Subject: WeatherMan1.0 Macintosh Weather Monitor

WeatherMan connects to the National Weather Service to download current
weather information to your Mac.
Weather information downloaded includes...
� Current Weather Conditions for over 1600 U.S. Locations and 2000 locations
� Current and Extended Forecasts (U.S. Locations only)
� Severe Weather Alerts (U.S. Locations only)
� Nexrad radar images (U.S. Locations only)

Other Features
� English and Metric units in current conditions screen
� Monitor as many Cities as you want (limited only by memory)
� AppleScript Support

OS 9.1 or earlier
QuickTime 2.0 or later

Homepage: http://homepage.mac.com/deandavis/WeatherMan.htm
Contact: mailto:deandavis@mac.com

#### BINHEX     weather-man-x-10.hqx   ****

From: Dean Davis <DeanDavis@mac.com>
Subject: WeatherManX1.0 Macintosh Weather Monitor

WeatherManX connects to the National Weather Service to download current
weather information to your Mac.
Weather information downloaded includes...
� Current Weather Conditions for over 1600 U.S. Locations and 2000 locations
� Current and Extended Forecasts (U.S. Locations only)
� Severe Weather Alerts (U.S. Locations only)
� Nexrad radar images (U.S. Locations only)

Other Features
� English and Metric units in current conditions screen
� Monitor as many Cities as you want (limited only by memory)
� AppleScript Support

Internet Connection

Homepage: http://homepage.mac.com/deandavis/WeatherMan.htm
Contact: mailto:deandavis@mac.com

#### DIRECTORY  web   ****

#### BINHEX     web-feedback-12.hqx   ****

From: "Daniel Veuillet - cyberware-neotek.com"
Subject: we have posted to your archive: webfeedback1.2.sit

webfeedback is a web decision support system to check the structure of each
website and to show the results of the imported logfiles at a glance in 3D.

regards from switzerland
daniel veuillet

Ingenieurbuero Liebhart Interactive Solutions
Medienhaus Basel, Marktgasse 8, 4051 Basel / Schweiz
T  ++41 (61) 260 90 20     F  ++41 (61) 260 90 21
Daniel Veuillet                     Product Manager

#### BINHEX     web-finder.hqx   ****

From: thowell@tmlc.com.au
Subject: Web Finder V 4.0.2 LE

Web Finder 4.0 LE is an Internet utility that makes searching the Internet easier. Just open up Web Finder, select your favorite Internet search engine, type in what you want and retrieve your results in your web browser in no time at all (ISP connection permitting).

Version 4 LE is a complete overhaul of the program with a new interface, support for MacOS 7.5 - 8.5 and other features, including a plugin architechure allowing for expansion. And it's still free!

V4.0.2 fixes minor bugs

Minimum System Requirements:

* MacOS 7.5 or later
* 700k of free RAM
* AppleScript
* A Web browser: 
	Netscape Navigator V2.0 or later
	Microsoft Internet Explorer V2.0 or later
	Apple Cyberdog V2.0 or later

#### BINHEX     web-gate-10.hqx   ****

From: shiba@nnet.ne.jp
Subject: WebGate1.0

-Macintosh / Power Macintosh
-MacOS 7.5.5 or later

WebGate is a utility software for internet connection of plural Macintosh (PC
can be connected as third, forth.... machine) which are LAN connected. These 
machines share a modem or TA, so you need only one modem or TA to utilize this 
WebGate is available for web browser, FTP and email software.

Hirokazu Shibamoto
URL        http://www.nnet.ne.jp/~shiba

#### BINHEX     web-synch-111.hqx   ****

From: bluedays@kagi.com
Subject: WebSynch 1.1.1

WebSynch is an easy-to-use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client program
for Macintosh specifically made to simplify updating Web sites. It
allows synchronyzation between a local folder on a mac with a directory
on a FTP server.

WebSynch uses the FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer
files and can thus also be used to download FTP sites (see Usage
Examples). WebSynch combines the ease of use of the Macintosh interface
with a powerful FTP engine. The result is a unique program which becomes
essential if you often update your Web Site or want to keep track of new
files on a FTP server.

Here are some of the features of WebSync:

very easy to use Finder-like Interface. fully threaded synchronization,
allowing to work on other things during this time. Use of Internet
Config for default FTP server, FTP proxy, file type mapping (WebSynch
can function without IC but it works much better if IC is installed).
Supports a wide variety of FTP servers, works with all popular FTP
servers like wu-ftp, NetPresenz and Windows NT FTP. Customisable with a
set of useful preferences. Mirrored/Non mirrored Download and Upload.
(to come) Continue transfer of the file if the transfer was canceled.
Various synchronization modes using the file date and/or the size. And
last, but not least, Ability to Up/Download only the files that have

#### BINHEX     webbys-best-websites-99.hqx   ****

From: RDBow@Pitnet.net
Subject: WEBBYS Best Web Sites For 1999

The ULTIMATE in # 1 RATED Web site Bookmarks today.

#1 because these sites are picked as the best 5 in each of 22
categories picked to be voted on for the 'PEOPLES CHOICE' WEBBY
AWARDS for 1999.

Think about it........ Whether you are a Web page designer wanting
to see the BEST, MOST UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS or check out your
competition to get idea's, or just a 'surfer' looking to add to your list.

The absolute best 110 Bookmarks for 1999.  ART, BUSINESS, LIVING,
RADIO, TV. TECHNOLOGY, PRINTING, and on and on. Each bookmark is
labeled with the name.

These bookmarks are $10 shareware and a way for me, being disabled,
to make a little income. If by chance you are already a MacHead
Bookmarks registered customer, the price is $5.

Import instructions for the major 3 browsers is included. I
personally guarantee everyone can use some of these

Thank you,

#### BINHEX     westwood-chat-31.hqx   ****

From: knuhtsen@thomas-puckett.com (TPA - Kevin Knuhtsen)
Subject: Westwood Chat V3.1

In this compressed, binhex file are:

Westwood Chat V. 3.1
Westwood Registrator
Westwood Updater

#### BINHEX     wfle-40.hqx   ****

From: rhowell@webtime.com.au
Subject: WFLE40

Description: Web Finder V4, the latest version of  the original plugin based web
searching utility, is out. It boasts many new features taking it beyond other
search utilities such as Sherlock e.g. the  ability to access almost any search
engine available, automated multi-topic searching and support for System 7.5+

#### BINHEX     what-dropper.hqx   ****

From: nam@panix.com (Noah Mittman)
Subject: What Dropper?!

Ever wanted more from your Bookmarks? what URL?!, the premier freeware bookmarker
for the Macintosh, has just gone into beta and the world of bookmarkers will
never be quite the same.

"Why what URL?!"
1) wU?! files don't litter up your hard drive:  Single document, multiple
2) wU?! loves windows:  Have open as many windows as your memory can handle.
3) wU?! uses Internet Config prefs to open your URLs in the app of _your_
choice, not theirs.
4) wU?! lets you browse your comments via Balloon Help.
5) wU?! is AppleScriptable!
6) wU?! is simple: Drag 'n' Drop or Cut, Copy & Paste -- from other
programs and from other wU?! windows.
7) wU?! lists are flexible:  View your links by title, URL location,
creation date, date last modified, date last visited, number of times
launched, or by label.
8) wU?! is free:  free, free, free, free, free.  Did I mention it was free?

* wU?! is now AppleScript scriptable and recordable.
	included are scripts to export Netscape Bookmark files, import
HTML, and more.
* wU?! now supports an OSA script menu.
* wU?! now supports Undo/Redo.
* wU?! now supports stationery.
* wU?! has a snazzy new appearance and expanded interface.
	new status bar reports the url of your entry, nifty grayscale
appearance, and more.

* The FILE FORMAT for what URL?! has changed!!!
	you must download what Dropper?!, a converter droplet, to use your
a4/a5 documents with wU?! 1.0b1!

The requirements are:
* Internet Config 1.1 or greater.
* at least 768 KB of available RAM, though 1000kb is recommended.
* 68020, 030 or 040 processor (LC versions are fine) or PowerPC processor.
wU?! will not run on 68000 systems.
* System 7.0 or later.
* for PowerPC systems, the Object Support Library, which is part of System
7.5, and is also installed by AppleScript 1.1.  For earlier systems, the
user must have installed the ObjectSupportLib extension.  This is included.
* AppleScript and Drag-and-Drop are highly recommended.  See Apple's
support site for the extensions. (http://www.support.apple.com/)

#### BINHEX     what-route-17.hqx   ****

From: Michael Beckmann <michael@apfel.de>
Subject: WhatRoute 1.7 PPC

Here is version 1.7 of the Macintosh traceroute utility. 

#### BINHEX     what-url-10b1-ppc.hqx   ****

From: nam@panix.com (Noah Mittman)
Subject: what URL?! 1.0b1 (ppc)

Ever wanted more from your Bookmarks? what URL?!, the premier freeware bookmarker
for the Macintosh, has just gone into beta and the world of bookmarkers will
never be quite the same.

"Why what URL?!"
1) wU?! files don't litter up your hard drive:  Single document, multiple
2) wU?! loves windows:  Have open as many windows as your memory can handle.
3) wU?! uses Internet Config prefs to open your URLs in the app of _your_
choice, not theirs.
4) wU?! lets you browse your comments via Balloon Help.
5) wU?! is AppleScriptable!
6) wU?! is simple: Drag 'n' Drop or Cut, Copy & Paste -- from other
programs and from other wU?! windows.
7) wU?! lists are flexible:  View your links by title, URL location,
creation date, date last modified, date last visited, number of times
launched, or by label.
8) wU?! is free:  free, free, free, free, free.  Did I mention it was free?

* wU?! is now AppleScript scriptable and recordable.
	included are scripts to export Netscape Bookmark files, import
HTML, and more.
* wU?! now supports an OSA script menu.
* wU?! now supports Undo/Redo.
* wU?! now supports stationery.
* wU?! has a snazzy new appearance and expanded interface.
	new status bar reports the url of your entry, nifty grayscale
appearance, and more.

* The FILE FORMAT for what URL?! has changed!!!
	you must download what Dropper?!, a converter droplet, to use your
a4/a5 documents with wU?! 1.0b1!

The requirements are:
* Internet Config 1.1 or greater.
* at least 768 KB of available RAM, though 1000kb is recommended.
* 68020, 030 or 040 processor (LC versions are fine) or PowerPC processor.
wU?! will not run on 68000 systems.
* System 7.0 or later.
* for PowerPC systems, the Object Support Library, which is part of System
7.5, and is also installed by AppleScript 1.1.  For earlier systems, the
user must have installed the ObjectSupportLib extension.  This is included.
* AppleScript and Drag-and-Drop are highly recommended.  See Apple's
support site for the extensions. (http://www.support.apple.com/)

#### BINHEX     what-url-10b1.hqx   ****

From: nam@panix.com (Noah Mittman)
Subject: what URL?! 1.0b1 (68k)

Ever wanted more from your Bookmarks? what URL?!, the premier freeware bookmarker
for the Macintosh, has just gone into beta and the world of bookmarkers will
never be quite the same.

"Why what URL?!"
1) wU?! files don't litter up your hard drive:  Single document, multiple
2) wU?! loves windows:  Have open as many windows as your memory can handle.
3) wU?! uses Internet Config prefs to open your URLs in the app of _your_
choice, not theirs.
4) wU?! lets you browse your comments via Balloon Help.
5) wU?! is AppleScriptable!
6) wU?! is simple: Drag 'n' Drop or Cut, Copy & Paste -- from other
programs and from other wU?! windows.
7) wU?! lists are flexible:  View your links by title, URL location,
creation date, date last modified, date last visited, number of times
launched, or by label.
8) wU?! is free:  free, free, free, free, free.  Did I mention it was free?

* wU?! is now AppleScript scriptable and recordable.
	included are scripts to export Netscape Bookmark files, import
HTML, and more.
* wU?! now supports an OSA script menu.
* wU?! now supports Undo/Redo.
* wU?! now supports stationery.
* wU?! has a snazzy new appearance and expanded interface.
	new status bar reports the url of your entry, nifty grayscale
appearance, and more.

* The FILE FORMAT for what URL?! has changed!!!
	you must download what Dropper?!, a converter droplet, to use your
a4/a5 documents with wU?! 1.0b1!

The requirements are:
* Internet Config 1.1 or greater.
* at least 768 KB of available RAM, though 1000kb is recommended.
* 68020, 030 or 040 processor (LC versions are fine) or PowerPC processor.
wU?! will not run on 68000 systems.
* System 7.0 or later.
* for PowerPC systems, the Object Support Library, which is part of System
7.5, and is also installed by AppleScript 1.1.  For earlier systems, the
user must have installed the ObjectSupportLib extension.  This is included.
* AppleScript and Drag-and-Drop are highly recommended.  See Apple's
support site for the extensions. (http://www.support.apple.com/)

#### BINHEX     what-url-bookmark-helper.hqx   ****

From: Michael.C.Tilstra-1@tc.umn.edu (Mike Tilstra)
Subject: WhatURL?! Bookmark helper

This simple applescript program is for the people that like ICeTEe 2's new
feature of option-command clicking URLs to save them instead of launching them
right away.  And people that like using the WhatURL?! bookmark utility.
The latest version of WhatURL?! (version 10b1) has some applescripting ability,
but nothing to handle the stuff ICeTEe 2 sends.  This simple script fills that
void, util WhatURL?! handles it internally. 

Also included is a small script that will turn the bookmark helper app back into
a running script file, so you can edit it with a script editor.

This prorgram is in the public domain.

Mike Tilstra------TaDPoL-------Limiter Task

#### BINHEX     where-in-the-world-11-ppc.hqx   ****

From: lduncan@kagi.com
Subject: Where in the World? 1.1

Where in the World? is a internet utility which will give you the
geographical location of any ip address in the world, or any .com .edu
.net or .org domain name. It will provide you with the longitude and
latitude of the server, the country it is in, and in some cases the
city. It then plots this on a map of the world for your viewing

#### BINHEX     wherecom-30.hqx   ****

From: francois.leralle@capway.com
Subject: WWW.Where.com 3.0 Netscape Global History Stack

WWW.Where.com is an Hypercard stack that can read the Netscape Global
History file to extract all the url that it contains, and then store them,
classified by site. It can also be used to scan any other file.
So you can remind any visited URL even if you did not bookmark it.
Once stored, the URL can be activated by a simple click that tell Netscape
to open them.
Advanced features : filtering, auto execution, sort, categories, export to
Netscape bookmarks using selection and categories.
The user interface of V3.0 was entirely redesigned and a selection palette
added. Many other corrections and improvements are included (see the
"What's new" file)
It is distributed as shareware, with both English/French interface.

Requirements : HyperCard 2.3 or player, System 7.1 or greater.

#### BINHEX     whiteboard-10.hqx   ****

From: cliffmcc@blueglobe.com
Subject: WhiteBoard

WhiteBoard provides a shared painting environment between two Mac's over 
the Internet. It was written by Cliff McCollum <cliffmcc@blueglobe.com> 
and is available for FREE. And no, there isn't a windows version 

This program was originally created mostly as a personal experiment in 
using Threaded networking under PowerPlant. Please be aware that printing 
isn't finished, it may have a few bugs, and isn't terribly pretty - but 
it does work.

I completed WhiteBoard in November of 1995 and it had just been sitting 
around since then. One day, in a fit of computer cleaning, I stumbled 
across it on my hard drive: I had almost forgotten it existed.

Rather than throw it out, I thought I'd give it away.

Remember that this program is offered *AS IS*. I have only tested it on 
five or six different setups, though I expect it should work most 
everywhere. Please don't expect WhiteBoard to be commercial quality as I 
haven't polished it enough to release it as shareware. But it does work, 
and I'm sure that some of you will find it useful.

Also, despite that fact that it is offered for free, WhiteBoard remains 
Copyright (c) 1997 Cliff McCollum. Feel free to distribute WhiteBoard 
however you please, so long as this "Read Me" file is included along with 
the program.

System requirements:
* System 7.5 or greater (or System 7.1 with the Thread Manager)
* MacTCP or OpenTransport
* A connection to the Internet

#### BINHEX     y-groups-extractor-13-cbn.hqx   ****

From: Kem Tekinay <ktekinay@mactechnologies.com>
Subject: Y! Groups Extractor [Cbn] 1.3: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader

Y! Groups Extractor 1.3 will automate downloading of binaries from the
Yahoo! Groups service (http://groups.yahoo.com/). You can get your list of
subscribed groups, choose the ones you want to download, set the starting
message and number of downloads, and go. Y! Groups Extractor will cycle
through those groups efficiently to figure out which messages have binaries
attached and process the number you requested.

Version 1.3 addresses recent changes in Yahoo!'s layouts that interfered
with bulk downloads. It also adds the ability to hide groups and some
interface improvements.

Y! Groups Extractor is PowerPC-only and requires MacOS X or MacOS 8.6 or
later with CarbonLib 1.3 or later installed. A PowerPC version for MacOS 8.1
or later is also available, as is a Windows version. Y! Groups Extractor is
made with REALbasic.

Y! Groups Extractor is shareware. For more information, see our web site at
<http://www.mactechnologies.com/> or contact Kem Tekinay, the author, at

Distribution of unmodified versions of Y! Groups Extractor on commercially
available CD's is permitted.

#### BINHEX     y-groups-extractor-13-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Kem Tekinay <ktekinay@mactechnologies.com>
Subject: Y! Groups Extractor [PPC] 1.3: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader

Y! Groups Extractor 1.3 will automate downloading of binaries from the
Yahoo! Groups service (http://groups.yahoo.com/). You can get your list of
subscribed groups, choose the ones you want to download, set the starting
message and number of downloads, and go. Y! Groups Extractor will cycle
through those groups efficiently to figure out which messages have binaries
attached and process the number you requested.

Version 1.3 addresses recent changes in Yahoo!'s layouts that interfered
with bulk downloads. It also adds the ability to hide groups and some
interface improvements.

Y! Groups Extractor is PowerPC-only and requires MacOS 8.1 or later. A
Carbon version for OS X or MacOS 8.6 or later with CarbonLib 1.3 or later
installed is also available, as is a Windows version. Y! Groups Extractor is
made with REALbasic.

Y! Groups Extractor is shareware. For more information, see our web site at
<http://www.mactechnologies.com/> or contact Kem Tekinay, the author, at

Distribution of unmodified versions of Y! Groups Extractor on commercially
available CD's is permitted.

#### BINHEX     ya-auto-poster-16.hqx   ****

From: YA-AutoPoster <yaap@valuemac.net>
Subject: YA-AutoPoster: Mac Usenet autposter

YA-AutoPoster is a Mac autoposter which aids you in posting a number of 
binaries to a Usenet newsgroup.  It automaticaly creates your messages, 
complete with binary attachments, and then sends them on their way using 

YA-AutoPoster requires Mac OS 8 or higher, and is distributed as a FAT 
application (works on 68k and PPC machines).

YA-AutoPoster Website: http://yaap.valuemac.net

#### BINHEX     ya-news-watcher-501.hqx   ****

From: John Moreno <planb@newsreaders.com>
Subject: YA-NewsWatcher 5.0.1

YA-NewsWatcher 5.0.1 has just been released. It adds support for "kept"
articles and offline use; improved, indented reference-based threading of
articles (or optionally no threading at all); better handling of poor
network connections and the ability to resume incomplete multi-part binary
downloads; the option to use a second news server connection for queued
transfers; auto-saving of the queued transfers list; much faster binary
decoding; plus numerous other improvements and sundry bug fixes. It's a
recommended update for all 4.x users. Version 5.0.1 includes a work-around
for a problem with obsolete news server software that doesn't support 4
digit years in the NEWGROUPS command, and adds new commands for showing or
hiding read and kept posts in subject windows.

YA-NewsWatcher is a powerful, highly customizable, and free online and
offline Usenet newsreader application for Macintosh. It features background
and possibly deferred downloading or sending of text and binary posts with
built-in encoding and decoding; styled text, image, and movie viewing;
flexible, complete, and powerful article filtering and sorting and newsgroup
searches; and multiple character set support. It requires System 8.5 or

#### BINHEX     ya-newswatcher-tables.hqx   ****

From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de
Subject: YA-NewsWatcher Multilingual Tables

These tables are for use with YA-NewsWatcher 2.4.0. Some are new,
some are updates of tables included with YA-NewsWatcher 2.4.0.
You need these tables in order to read and write messages
in the following character sets: Baltic, Central European (CE),
Celtic, Cyrillic, Esperanto, Greek, Romanian, Turkish.

#### BINHEX     zyxel-omni-station-10.hqx   ****

From: plang@bluewin.ch
Subject: ZyXEL Omni Station 1.0

Zyxel Omni Station is a program you may find useful if you have a Zyxel
Omni.net, or a Zyxel Omni.TA 128 ISDN adapter. (or eventually later...)
I find very useful to know who called me when I was away, and WHEN! This
small program allows this. It listens to the Zyxel Omni, that sends a bunch
of characters when someone is calling. The time, and caller's phone number,
are being displayed in a list, on your Macintosh computer.

Philippe Lang