Removed rpms

 - Mesa-demo
 - ads
 - audaspace-plugin-ffmpeg
 - audaspace-plugin-jack
 - audaspace-plugin-openal
 - audaspace-plugin-pulse
 - audaspace-plugin-sdl2
 - audaspace-plugin-sndfile
 - aws-vpc-move-ip
 - boringssl-source
 - cmake-mini
 - cmake3-mini
 - connman-test
 - corepack14
 - corepack16
 - firewalld-prometheus-config
 - freeorion
 - freeorion-data
 - git-bz
 - git-p4
 - hpx
 - hpx-devel
 - hpx-devel-static
 - ixpdimm-cli
 - ixpdimm-data
 - ixpdimm-monitor
 - ixpdimm_sw-devel
 - john
 - kernel-livepatch-5_14_21-150500_48-default
 - kernel-livepatch-5_14_21-150500_6-rt
 - ketchup
 - libOpenImageIO2_3
 - libOpenImageIO_Util2_3
 - libaudaspace-c1_4
 - libaudaspace-py1_4
 - libaudaspace1_4
 - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0
 - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
 - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0
 - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0
 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-32bit
 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
 - libeXosip2-12
 - libglue-devel
 - libglue-devel-32bit
 - libglue2
 - libglue2-32bit
 - libhpx1
 - libixpdimm-cim
 - libixpdimm-cli01
 - libixpdimm-core01
 - libixpdimm01
 - libjxl0_7
 - liblmdb-0_9_17
 - liblmdb-0_9_17-32bit
 - libopenvdb9_0
 - libpacemaker-devel
 - libpacemaker3
 - libsnmp30
 - libsnmp30-32bit
 - libvpp0
 - libxslt-python
 - machinery
 - machinery-doc
 - mathomatic
 - mathomatic-devel
 - neard-test
 - non-mixer
 - non-sequencer
 - non-session-manager
 - non-timeline
 - openmw
 - pam-python
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-mpich-hpc-saws
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-saws
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-saws
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-saws
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel
 - petsc_3_14_5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-saws
 - qmmp-plugin-pack
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-ffap
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-ffvideo
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-goom
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-samplerate
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-xmp
 - qmmp-plugin-pack-youtube
 - upb-source
 - vpp
 - vpp-api-lua
 - vpp-devel
 - vpp-plugins
 - wayvnc
 - yast2-adcommon-python
 - yast2-adsi
 - yast2-aduc
 - yast2-dns-manager

Added rpms

 - libOpenImageIO2_2
 - libOpenImageIO_Util2_2
 - libeXosip2-15
 - libjxl0_8
 - liblmdb-0_9_30
 - liblmdb-0_9_30-32bit
 - libopenvdb7_1
 - libpulp-load-default
 - patterns-wsl-systemd
 - plantri
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cdrs
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-config
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ddoscoo
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dg
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-eais
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-emap
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-emas-appmonitor
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-et-industry-openapi
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-gdb
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hitsdb
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-idrsservice
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-idsp
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-metering
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-mpaas
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-polardbx
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-privatelink
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-safconsole
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-servicemesh
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sgw
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sls
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-smarthosting
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-tdsr
 - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-teambition-aliyun
 - python3-bson
 - python3-libsass
 - python3-lldb13
 - python3-lldb14
 - python3-ptr
 - python3-yq

Package Source Changes

+- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485)
+- Small package modernization
+- Fix sed call to fixup bear's shebang
+- Packaging changes:
+  - Drop unnecessary BuildRequires libconfig-devel and pkgconfig
+  - Drop Bear-rpmlintrc: it contains a no longer required filter
+  - Run the testsuite in %check
+  - Add bash completion files
+  - Use python3 as the interpreter for /usr/bin/bear
+- Update to 2.4.2
+  Features:
+  - Support output field in the output. (#254, @bofeng17)
+  - Support Fortran compiler (#201, #241, #253, @rubyzhou2014, @chunhualiao)
+  - Support filter options (#261, #252, @liugang)
+  Bugfixes:
+  - Fix Cpack problem to create RPM. (#191, @antmak, @reverendhomer)
+- Update to 2.4.1
+  - Minor bug fixes.
+- Update to 2.4.0
+  - Improve reliability by replacing flaky character conversion code in critical
+    execution path.
+  fix CVE-2023-1906 [bsc#1210308], heap-based buffer overflow in ImportMultiSpectralQuantum() in MagickCore/quantum-import.c
+  + ImageMagick-CVE-2023-1906.patch
+- security update
+- added patches
+- U_ReturnME.patch
+  * fixes blackscreen in Return To Monkey Island on Intel graphics
+    (boo#1208145)
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 102.10.0 ESR
+  Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1210212)
-  Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1209173)
+  * Fixed: Various security fixes.
+  MFSA 2023-10 (bsc#1209173)
+  * CVE-2023-25751 (bmo#1814899)
+    Incorrect code generation during JIT compilation
+  * CVE-2023-28164 (bmo#1809122)
+    URL being dragged from a removed cross-origin iframe into the
+    same tab triggered navigation
+  * CVE-2023-28162 (bmo#1811327)
+    Invalid downcast in Worklets
+  * CVE-2023-25752 (bmo#1811627)
+    Potential out-of-bounds when accessing throttled streams
+  * CVE-2023-28163 (bmo#1817768)
+    Windows Save As dialog resolved environment variables
+  * CVE-2023-28176 (bmo#1808352, bmo#1811637, bmo#1815904,
+    bmo#1817442, bmo#1818674)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 111 and Firefox ESR 102.9
-- explicitly conflict the wrongly named OpenColorIO libs
-- update to
-  * JPEG: Better handling of PixelAspectRatio.
-  * OpenEXR: Fix DWAA compression default level.
-  * Perf: Huge speed-up of case-insensitive string comparisons
-  * New ImageBufAlgo::st_warp() (and oiiotool --st_warp) perform warping of
-    an image where a second image gives the (s,t) coordinates to look up from at
-    every pixel. #3379
-  * Python: Add ImageSpec and ParamValueList method get_bytes_attribute(),
-    which is like get_string_attribute(), but returns the string as a Python
-    bytes object. In Python 3, strings are UTF-8, so this can be useful if you
-    know that a string attribute might contain non-UTF8 data. #3396
-- version update to
-  Release 2.3.14 (1 Apr 2022) -- compared to 2.3.13
-  + Add support for UDIM pattern <uvtile> (used by Clarisse & V-Ray). #3358
-  + BMP: Support for additional (not exactly fully documented) varieties used by some Adobe apps. #3375
-  + Python: support uint8 array attributes in and out. This enables the proper Python access to "ICCProfile" metadata. #3378
-  + Improved precision in IBA::computePixelStats(). #3353
-  + ffmpeg reader noww uses case-insensitive tests on file extensions. #3364
-  + Fix writing deep exrs when buffer datatype doesn't match the file. #3369
-    + + Fix conflict between RESTful and Windows long path notations. #3372
-  + ffmpeg reader: take care against possible double-free of allocated memory crash upon destruction. #3376
-  + simd.h fixes for armv7 and aarch32. #3361
-  + Fix compiler warnings related to discrepancies between template declaration and redeclaration in simd.h and benchmark.h. #3350
-  + Suppress MacOS warnings about OpenGL depreation. #3380
-  + Now doing CI builds for Intel icc and icx compilers. #3355 #3363
-  + CI: Overhaul of yml file to be more clear and compact by using GHA "strategy" feature. #3356 #3365
-  Changelog for older (skipped) released:
-- Drop unneeded patch:
-  * fix-tbb-linking.diff
+- Fix CVE-2023-28625, NULL pointer dereference when OIDCStripCookies is
+  set and a crafted Cookie header is supplied, bsc#1210073
+  * fix-CVE-2023-28625.patch
-- Update to release 1.4.0
-  * Support for OS specific/native audio devices/backends has been
-    added, that is PulseAudio (Linux), WASAPI (Windows) and
-    CoreAudio (MacOS).
-  * New sound effects have been added, namely Modulator and
-    Equalizer. Thanks to Marcos Perez for contributing the
-    Equalizer.
-  * File stream info: if an audio file contains multiple streams
-    you can choose which one to process instead of taking the first
-    one (this feature is only supported by ffmpeg, not libsndfile).
-  * API Change: double instead of float for time values for more
-    precise timing control.
-  * There have been lots of bugfixes, which are basically the
-    majority of all changes.
-  * And some other minor improvements were implemented as well.
-- Drop upstream patches:
-  * audaspace-gcc7.patch
-  * audaspace-plugin-build-options.patch
-  * audaspace-support-ffmpeg4.patch
-  * 034645c883a51dfc8897dccce15aa8ee4a9d5c8c.patch
-- Add pkgconfig(pulse) to allow audio via pulseaudio/pipewire
-- Use pkgconfig(jack), let distro select jack implementation
-- Split plugins packages to avoid pulling in excessive
-  dependencies, and recommend at least one device plugin from
-  the library.
+- Rebuild the RPM database during upgrade (--rebuilddb) (bsc#1209565)
+- 4.5.13
+- Update to version 1.2.2~git0.4ccc639 to get all the precious cargo
+  (bsc#1208555, CVE-2022-31394)
+- Update to version 1.2.0~git2.841ef94 to get all the precious cargo
+  (bsc#1196972, CVE-2022-24713)
+- update to 2022.3:
+  - drop additional delay after the ping packet
+  * manpage cleanups
+  * add various commands to print generic netlink replies as JSON
+  * coding style cleanups and refactoring
+- Port to python3
+  * Add bugzilla-py3-jb2bz.patch
+- Update to release 3.2.6
+  * No user visible changes, just packaging-related.
+- Chromium 112.0.5615.121:
+  * CVE-2023-2033: Type Confusion in V8 (boo#1210478)
+- database refresh on 2023-04-17 (bsc#1084929)
-- ibmhmc stonith needs to be aware of HMC version - ref:_00D1igLOd._5005qAMc5b:ref
-  (bsc#1203635)
-  * Add upstream patch:
-    38.patch
+- Rename libraries in accordance to the packaging guidelines to
+  solve a conflict in SLE with building resource-agents on 15 SP5
+  (bsc#1203744)
+- Use the project upstream name for the -devel subpackage
+  (rename libglue-devel to cluster-glue-devel).
+- Rename libglue2 to cluster-glue-libs following packages like
+  xrootd-libs et al so it does not get picked on by rpmlint
+  [boo#1191752].
+- Remove baselibs.conf as downstream packages (booth, pacemaker,
+  et al) don't use it.
+- [SLPP] cluster-glue: E: shlib-policy-name-error (bsc#1191752)
+  Add addFilter("shlib-policy-name-error") in cluster-glue.rpmlintrc
+- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1650454062.1fbde71c:
+  * bugfix for comment in external/ec2 (bsc#1197681)
+  * Update external/ec2 to support IMDSv2 (jsc#SLE-23490,jsc#SLE-23491, jsc#SLE-23492, jsc#SLE-23494)
+  * ec2: add the action parameter to the getinfo_xml function
+  * drac3_command: check for truncated url
+  * wti_mpc: fix metadata mib-version description
+  * net-snmp "remote_port" is unused and deprecated since decades
+  * fix for spurious compiler warning -Werror=stringop-overflow=
+  * ipmilan_test: fix for -Werror=uninitialized
+  * fix for -Werror=sizeof-pointer-memaccess
+  * spec: drop /man1/ from file list, no longer used
+- Merge:
+  * 0001-Update-external-ec2-to-support-IMDSv2.patch
+  * 0002-bugfix-for-comment-in-external-ec2.patch
+- Add a warning for hb_report command is deprecated, guide user to use "crm report" directly (jsc#SLE-22499)
+- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1622055853.1753f5e0:
+  * ec2: add the action parameter to the getinfo_xml function
+  * drac3_command: check for truncated url
+  * wti_mpc: fix metadata mib-version description
+  * net-snmp "remote_port" is unused and deprecated since decades
+  * fix for spurious compiler warning -Werror=stringop-overflow=
+  * ipmilan_test: fix for -Werror=uninitialized
+  * fix for -Werror=sizeof-pointer-memaccess
+  * spec: drop /man1/ from file list, no longer used
+  * use git describe to generate ./.tarball-version
+  * fix config.status: QUIET_MAKE_OPTS: command not found
+  * automake: use AM_CPPFLAGS; INCLUDES was deprecated years ago
+  * reflect python3 in and shebangs
+  * Fix Werror: format-overflow, format-truncation, stringop-truncation
+  * Stop using glib2 "deprecated symbols"
+  * Fix typo: bounary -> boundary
+  * Current Pacemaker does not use ha_logd
+  * Use pkgconfig to configure libxml-2.0 xml2-config to be removed from Debian packaging
+  * Move ha_logger manpage to section 8 Fixes lintian warning for /usr/sbin binaries.
+  * Adjust file paths for Debian Fix --with-rundir option for configure
+  * Fix interpreter for perl scripts Policy 10.4 states that Perl scripts must use /usr/bin/perl directly and not via /usr/bin/env
+  * Fix FTBFS with openipmi 2.0.25 selector_t deprecated in new openipmi version
+  * Add manpage to systemd service documentation
+  * Fix spelling errors reported by lintian
+  * Convert scripts to python3
+  * Fix cl_times on x32
+  * Fix build on hurd #650820
+  * Fix build on FreeBSD #650820
+  * Remove .hgsigs from source
+  * Remove .hgignore from source
+  * Remove .hgtags from source
+  * Fix spelling of output and improve grammar
+  * libtoolize_check
+- Remove applied patch:
+  0001-Port-scripts-to-Python-3.patch
+- Enhance BuildRequires: asciidoc is required to build man pages.
+- Added cmark-gfm-CVE-2023-22486.patch: Backport from upstream to
+  fix quadratic complexity bug with repeated `![[]()`.
+  (boo#1207674)
+- Update to containerd v1.6.19 for Docker v23.0.2-ce. Upstream release notes:
+  <>
+  Includes fixes for:
+  - CVE-2023-25153 bsc#1208423
+  - CVE-2023-25173 bsc#1208426
-- Update to containerd v1.6.16 for Docker v23.0.0-ce. Upstream release notes:
+- Update to containerd v1.6.16 for Docker v23.0.1-ce. Upstream release notes:
+- Update to version 1.4.0:
+  + The ability to use the write()/read() interface of i2c-dev has been restored.
+    It is needed to work around a bug in the proprietary nvidia driver.  By
+    default,  the write()/read() interface is used for the nvidia driver, the
+    ioctl() interface is used for all other drivers. Command line options
+  * **--use-file-io*** and ***--use-ioctl-io*** affect his default behavior.
+    When i2c-dev's file io interface is used, option ***--force-slave-address***
+    is again meaningful.
+  + Option ***--sleep-multiplier*** and API functions **ddca_set_sleep_multiplier_value()**,
+  * *ddca_set_default_sleep_multiplier_value()** now accept 0 as a valid
+    argument.
+  + The ddcutil command parser reports an error if a display selection option
+    (e.g. ***--bus***) is given on a command to which it does not apply.
+  + Write additional error and information messages to the system log.
+  + Eliminate message "Is DDC/CI enabled in the monitor's on-screen display?"
+    It's rarely the cause of communication failures.
+  + Warn of a possibly invalid DRM connector name in **detect** output if
+    monitors with identical EDIDs are used with the proprietary nvidia driver.
+  + Handle /dev/i2c device names with a double hyphen, e.g. /dev/i2c--3.
+  + Better libddcutil handling of configuration file errors.  Do not abort
+    initialization in case of errors.
+  + Fix interpretation of digital display type bits for EDID version 1.4
+  + Miscellaneous segfaults.
+- bsc#1208922: fails to replace directory /lib/drbd with symlink
+  * modify drbd-utils.spec to manipulate the symlink in %postun and %posttrans script
+- bsc#1208922: fails to replace directory /lib/drbd with symlink
+  * modify drbd-utils.spec to rename it in pretrans script
+- Add patch add_list-persisted_command-ec102481.patch:
+  * driverctl: add list-persisted command
+  * Fix device driver binding issue after re-enumeration
+  * driverctl: fix list_devices() when `driver_override` is not set
+  * driverctl: fix --help to return success.
+  * Makefile: drop extra '/'
+  * improve help text
+  * bash-completion: suggest pci addresses instead of driver.
+  * bash-completion: add support for options.
+  * bash-completion: simplify and autocomplete cmds.
+  * bash-completion: add support for list- commands.
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Comment out disable wayland, its not required.
+- Port to python3
+- update to version 20210928
+  * README: add a paragraph about the size of integers and a simple
+    change to f2c.h that is appropriate when sizeof(int) == 4 and
+    sizeof(long) == 8.
+  * xsum.c: trivial change to banish a pedantic compiler warning.
+- change versioning to date as all other major distros are doing
+- add f77 script (fc)
+- run spec-cleaner
-- Fix integer size for 64bit archs.
+- Fix authentication bypass by updating Prometheus Exporter Toolkit
+  to version 0.7.3 (CVE-2022-46146, bsc#1208049)
+- Restructure the spec to build web assets online
+- Add:
+  * Makefile
+  * web-ui-2.32.1.tar.gz
+  * 0003-Update-Go-modules.patch
+- Drop:
+  * 0003-Bump-client_golang-to-1.12.1.patch
+  * use-nio-files-createTempFile-rather-than-File-createTempFile.patch
+    + bsc#1184807 cve-2021-29428
+- Added patch:
+- Update to version 8.5.22:
+  * Fix XSS in Graphite functions tooltip
+    (bsc#1209645, CVE-2023-1410)
+- Update to version 8.5.21:
+  * Apply attribute sanitation to GeomapPanel
+    (bsc#1208821, CVE-2023-0507)
+  * Avoid storing XSS in TraceView panel
+    (bsc#1208819, CVE-2023-0594)
+  * Login: Fix panic when UpsertUser is called without ReqContext
+- Fix no prep partition error on non-PReP architectures by making the
+  prep_loadenv module exclusive to powerpc_ieee1275 platform (bsc#1210489)
+  * 0004-Introduce-prep_load_env-command.patch
+- Fix the issue of freeing an uninitialized pointer
+  * 0002-prep_loadenv-Fix-regex-for-Open-Firmware-device-spec.patch
+- Rediff
+  * 0005-export-environment-at-start-up.patch
+- Resolve some issues with OS boot failure on PPC NVMe-oF disks and made
+  enhancements to PPC secure boot's root device discovery config (bsc#1207230)
+- Ensure get_devargs and get_devname functions are consistent
+  * 0001-openfw-Ensure-get_devargs-and-get_devname-functions-.patch
+- Fix regex for Open Firmware device specifier with encoded commas
+  * 0002-prep_loadenv-Fix-regex-for-Open-Firmware-device-spec.patch
+- Fix regular expression in PPC secure boot config to prevent escaped commas
+  from being treated as delimiters when retrieving partition substrings.
+- Use prep_load_env in PPC secure boot config to handle unset host-specific
+  environment variables and ensure successful command execution.
+  * 0004-Introduce-prep_load_env-command.patch
+- Refreshed
+  * 0005-export-environment-at-start-up.patch
+- Add CVE-2023-25193.patch: limit how far we skip when looking
+  back (bsc#1207922 CVE-2023-25193).
+- add fix-plugin-32bit.patch
+- build against go 1.19 (bsc#1209670)
+- include K8s tags
+- run tests
+- Update to version 3.11.2:
+  * chore(deps): bump from 1.2.0 to
+    1.3.1
+  * the linter varcheck and deadcode are deprecated (since v1.49.0)
+  * fix template --output-dir issue
+- update to 0.368:
+  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids
+- update to 0.367:
+  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids
+- update to 0.366:
+  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids
+- Backported patch to fix crash of slurmctld when using pmix:
+  core-levelzero-Set-ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN-via-setenv-instead-of-putenv.patch
+  Crash occurs when reading environment. See also:
+  (bsc#1210227).
+- Change fix-shebang.patch to write python3 shebangs. (boo#1210578)
+- update to 1.0.2:
+  * Fix ULA prefix generator to use only defined ULA range
+  * Corrected manpage generation
+- Porting ecarack to python3 (boo#1210581)
+  * Add jack-rack-python3-ecarack.patch
-- libraptor1-devel -> libraptor-devel
+- Update to version 1.8.12:
+  * Fix typo
+  * Fix a typo
+  * Add a check phase to test workflow that runs on all platforms
+  * Fix some platform specific errors and warnings
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.11
+  * Fix cond compile on macos
+  * Unfix wrong target family
+  * Fix typo on merge
+  * Use more borrowed types where possible
+  * Reset some functions return values back to Result
+  * Change default versions db update interval to 24 hours
+  * Add versions db update to add and update command
+  * Update deps
+  * Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3 to 4
+  * Various lints and minor improvements
+  * Configure for target_os, not nonexistant family
+  * Make 60 the default versions db update interval
+  * Make the update interval between versions db updates a config
+  * Update versions db on self update
+  * Add a powerpoint schematic in devdocs
+  * Update version db
+  * Add alpha versions
+  * Document releasepreview usage
+  * Also add musl fix for release action.
+  * Use sudo.
+  * Fix quotes.
+  * Musl build can't find gcc-musl.
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.10
+  * Enable second part of musl tests
+  * Properly disable musl tests
+  * Unify some output
+  * Fix some unit tests
+  * Update version db
+  * Fix parse_versionstring
+  * Generate better arch strings in semver
+  * Enable ci tests of musl build
+  * Disable musl tests for now
+  * Use cross on Linux for tests
+  * Add Juliaup version to juliaup info
+  * Add musl build to tests
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.9
+  * Change shell script to serve musl on Linux
+  * Add triplet to juliaup info
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.8
+  * Add info command
+  * change to a redirect for developers to the wiki
+  * add source build notes to the readme
+- Update to version 1.8.7:
+  * Fix bug in release workflow
+  * Fix typo
+  * In the "Update Version DB" PRs, add a note that the user must close and reopen the PR to trigger CI
+  * Update version db
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.5
+  * Add musl builds
+  * Fix some final things for the CI update story
+  * Use local version db if newer than bundled
+  * Fix a renaming bug
+  * Update version db
+  * Tweak cache update algorithm
+  * Fix a bug
+  * Trigger version db update from launcher
+  * Add download of version db
+  * Track latest structure in
+  * Update version db (#468)
+  * Delete tempfile
+  * Update version db
+  * Add tempfile
+  * Use correct platform strings
+  * Update version db workflow
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.1
+  * Remove diagnostic output
+  * chore: Release juliaup version 1.8.0
+  * Move LTS version to top in version udpate script
+  * Delete versions.json
+  * Replace logic
+  * Update version db
+  * New updatedb script
+  * Fix typo
+  * Update version db
+  * Fix bug
+  * Add versiondb folder
+  * Progress version db
+  * Progress on version db update
+  * Fix bug in version db upload
+  * Progress on update version db
+  * Update versiondb process
+  * Fix versiondb update
+  * Add update version db script
+  * Fix an error message
+  * Add app installer info to README
+- Update specfile. Remove the update-alternatives requirement
+  It does not make sense since juliaup can have multiple julia versions.
+- Add _constraints file to fix out of memory issues.
+- Update to version 1.7.35:
+  * Delete another file at self uninstall
+  * Document self uninstall
+  * Only delete own files with self uninstall
+  * Add link to second Juliacon talk
+  * Fix escaping in MSIX manifest
+  * Describe using `expect` to automate install
+  * Use correct secret name
+  * Update Julia Computing cert info
+  * Update deps
+  * Go back to ~/.juliaup as the default install location
+  * Use system certificates on Linux
+- Remove strip option for debuginfo creation
+- Update to version 1.7.27:
+  * Remove release.toml
+  * Fix versions
+  * fix cargo lock (#442)
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.7.26 (#441)
+  * Add Julia 1.8.3 (#437)
+  * Fix tiny typo in README (#423)
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.7.26-alpha.0
+- Strip debug symbols through cargo_config.
+- Set to no default features. We don't use self update and Windows.
+- Update to version 1.7.25:
+  * Update deps
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.7.25-alpha.0
+- Update to version 1.7.24:
+  * Add Julia 1.8.2
+  * Update (#398)
+  * Update deps
+- Update to version 1.7.23:
+  * Add Julia 1.8.1
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.7.23-alpha.0
+- Update to version 1.7.22:
+  * Switch release channel to aarch64 on Mac
+- Update to version 1.7.21:
+  * Add Julia 1.8.0
+  * Update deps (#383)
+  * Include` juliaup list` in README (#376)
+- add fedora or rhel7 to specfile
+- Update to version 1.7.20:
+  * Add Julia 1.8.0-rc4
+  * Fix another bug
+  * Fix typo
+  * Fix a bug
+  * Fix typo
+  * Fix a bug
+  * Fix a typo
+  * Compile different msix files
+  * Fix a name in the app installer
+  * Updates
+  * Add VCLibs to app installer
+  * Fix naming mismatch
+  * Turn off some debug output
+  * Update deps
+  * Fix aws s3 sync call
+  * Use aws cli directly on Windows
+  * Fix workflow bugs
+  * Fix things
+  * Restructure deployment
+  * Disable all deploy to GitHub releases
+  * Don't run test workflow on version tags
+  * Use concurrency for test workflow
+  * Split workflow into test and build
+  * Add tenant id for sign tool
+  * Sign on Windows
+  * Fix typo
+  * Add Win AppInstaller (#371)
+  * Update script that downloads bundled Julia versions
+  * Fix typo
+  * Fix bug
+  * Bump indicatif
+  * Move MSIX and store stuff to deploy folder
+  * Don't compile get_proxy on Windows
+  * Add debugger launch config
+  * Use HttpClient for downloads on Windows
+  * add missing 'url' argument to 'get_ureq_agent' calls
+  * add trace-level logging regarding proxy resolution
+  * implement proxy handling using environment variables
+  * add env_proxy dependency in Cargo.toml
+  * Fix a bug during remove of PATH on Mac
+  * Update deps
+  * Improve a "failed to open file" error message by printing the file path that we failed to open
+  * Add minor channels for prerelease
+  * Prepare for different build configs per target
+  * Fixed typo about auto-update interval being in seconds, but actually meaning minutes.
+  * Use previous windows version
+  * Update deps
+  * highlight and expand usage in readme
+  * add usage tip on accessing channels
+- Update to version 1.6.12:
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.12
+  * Update deps
+  * Do not use native certs on Linux
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.12-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.11
+  * Add Julia 1.6.7
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.11-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.10
+  * Remove diagnostic code
+  * Add diagnostic code
+  * Fix config settings
+  * Fix conditional compilation errors
+  * Fix conditional compilation
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.10-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.9
+  * Update CI to use main as branch name
+  * Use JULIAUP_SERVER in install scripts
+  * Update CI to use main as branch name
+  * Try to fix config again
+  * Fix config handling
+  * Use JULIAUP_SERVER in install scripts
+  * Fix config error
+  * Fix another bug
+  * Fix bug
+  * Remove config options
+  * Use tls-native with native certs by default
+  * Fix small bug
+  * Simplify tls selection code
+  * Undo unrelated stuff
+  * Use valid semver identifiers for available_versions
+  * Change the default self-install location
+  * Check for same path deletion on self uninstall
+  * Bump deps
+  * Update deps
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.9-alpha.0
+  * Bump actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3
+  * Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3
+  * remove useless default feature
+  * fix; add native-certs feature as well
+  * add native TLS support
+- use alternatives instead
+- provide versioned julia
+- conflicts other julia so use update-alternatives
+- Update to version 1.6.8:
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.8
+  * Make aarch64 default on Mac starting with 1.8.0-rc3
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.8-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.7
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.7-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.6
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.6-alpha.0
+- Update to version 1.6.5:
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.5
+  * Add Julia 1.8.0-rc3
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.5-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.4
+  * Fix a version bug
+  * Update to Rust 2021 edition
+  * Update window crate
+  * Update deps
+  * (cargo-release) start next development iteration 1.6.4-alpha.0
+  * (cargo-release) version 1.6.3
+- Port to python3
+  * Add kafka-kit-port-py3-runant.patch
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit f4371ff
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit 5a4cd48
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- net: tls: fix possible race condition between
+  do_tls_getsockopt_conf() and do_tls_setsockopt_conf()
+  (bsc#1209366 CVE-2023-28466).
+- commit 3a1702c
+- mm: memcontrol: deprecate charge moving (bsc#1209801).
+- commit a953603
+- netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL (bsc#1208628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-add-net-device-refcount-tracker-infrastructure.patch.
+- commit 726a950
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_write-a.patch.
+- commit 37a8307
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_read-an.patch.
+- commit f080340
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Prevent-non-first-waiter-from-spinning.patch.
+- commit af52be6
+- Delete patches.suse/iwlwifi-module-firmware-ucode-fix.patch (bsc#1209681)
+  linux-firmware tree finally provides iwlwifi-*-72.ucode, and more badly,
+  they dropped *-71.ucode, hence the workaround leads to the firmware load
+  failure.  Drop the old workaround now.
+- commit dc4368f
+- net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting
+  rcu (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- commit aced962
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-block-freeze-the-queue-earlier-in-del_gendisk-4c66.patch
+  (git-fixes bsc#1208921).
+- commit b2c9582
+- bnxt_en: Avoid order-5 memory allocation for TPA data
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix mqprio and XDP ring checking logic (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: Do not read past the end of test names (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: make sure we return pages to the pool (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix HDS and jumbo thresholds for RX packets
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix first buffer size calculations for XDP multi-buffer
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix XDP RX path (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Simplify bnxt_xdp_buff_init() (bsc#1209079).
+- commit 776d314
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- netlink: prevent potential spectre v1 gadgets (bsc#1209547
+  CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit 82fdaab
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- ppc64le: HWPOISON_INJECT=m (bsc#1209572).
+- commit 3d2007b
+- prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check
+  (bsc#1209256 CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit b7234d1
+- s390/kexec: fix ipl report address for kdump (bsc#1207529).
+- commit a28d6d2
+- Revert "block: freeze the queue earlier in del_gendisk"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b26f6b
+- Enable livepatching related packages on -RT (jsc#PED-1706)
+- commit 416fb4d
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit 5a4cd48
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- net: tls: fix possible race condition between
+  do_tls_getsockopt_conf() and do_tls_setsockopt_conf()
+  (bsc#1209366 CVE-2023-28466).
+- commit 3a1702c
+- mm: memcontrol: deprecate charge moving (bsc#1209801).
+- commit a953603
+- netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL (bsc#1208628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-add-net-device-refcount-tracker-infrastructure.patch.
+- commit 726a950
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_write-a.patch.
+- commit 37a8307
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_read-an.patch.
+- commit f080340
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Prevent-non-first-waiter-from-spinning.patch.
+- commit af52be6
+- Delete patches.suse/iwlwifi-module-firmware-ucode-fix.patch (bsc#1209681)
+  linux-firmware tree finally provides iwlwifi-*-72.ucode, and more badly,
+  they dropped *-71.ucode, hence the workaround leads to the firmware load
+  failure.  Drop the old workaround now.
+- commit dc4368f
+- net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting
+  rcu (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- commit aced962
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-block-freeze-the-queue-earlier-in-del_gendisk-4c66.patch
+  (git-fixes bsc#1208921).
+- commit b2c9582
+- bnxt_en: Avoid order-5 memory allocation for TPA data
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix mqprio and XDP ring checking logic (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: Do not read past the end of test names (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: make sure we return pages to the pool (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix HDS and jumbo thresholds for RX packets
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix first buffer size calculations for XDP multi-buffer
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix XDP RX path (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Simplify bnxt_xdp_buff_init() (bsc#1209079).
+- commit 776d314
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- netlink: prevent potential spectre v1 gadgets (bsc#1209547
+  CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit 82fdaab
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- ppc64le: HWPOISON_INJECT=m (bsc#1209572).
+- commit 3d2007b
+- prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check
+  (bsc#1209256 CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit b7234d1
+- s390/kexec: fix ipl report address for kdump (bsc#1207529).
+- commit a28d6d2
+- Revert "block: freeze the queue earlier in del_gendisk"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b26f6b
+- Enable livepatching related packages on -RT (jsc#PED-1706)
+- commit 416fb4d
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit f4371ff
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit 5a4cd48
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- net: tls: fix possible race condition between
+  do_tls_getsockopt_conf() and do_tls_setsockopt_conf()
+  (bsc#1209366 CVE-2023-28466).
+- commit 3a1702c
+- mm: memcontrol: deprecate charge moving (bsc#1209801).
+- commit a953603
+- netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL (bsc#1208628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-add-net-device-refcount-tracker-infrastructure.patch.
+- commit 726a950
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_write-a.patch.
+- commit 37a8307
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_read-an.patch.
+- commit f080340
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Prevent-non-first-waiter-from-spinning.patch.
+- commit af52be6
+- Delete patches.suse/iwlwifi-module-firmware-ucode-fix.patch (bsc#1209681)
+  linux-firmware tree finally provides iwlwifi-*-72.ucode, and more badly,
+  they dropped *-71.ucode, hence the workaround leads to the firmware load
+  failure.  Drop the old workaround now.
+- commit dc4368f
+- net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting
+  rcu (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- commit aced962
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-block-freeze-the-queue-earlier-in-del_gendisk-4c66.patch
+  (git-fixes bsc#1208921).
+- commit b2c9582
+- bnxt_en: Avoid order-5 memory allocation for TPA data
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix mqprio and XDP ring checking logic (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: Do not read past the end of test names (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: make sure we return pages to the pool (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix HDS and jumbo thresholds for RX packets
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix first buffer size calculations for XDP multi-buffer
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix XDP RX path (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Simplify bnxt_xdp_buff_init() (bsc#1209079).
+- commit 776d314
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- netlink: prevent potential spectre v1 gadgets (bsc#1209547
+  CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit 82fdaab
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- ppc64le: HWPOISON_INJECT=m (bsc#1209572).
+- commit 3d2007b
+- prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check
+  (bsc#1209256 CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit b7234d1
+- s390/kexec: fix ipl report address for kdump (bsc#1207529).
+- commit a28d6d2
+- Revert "block: freeze the queue earlier in del_gendisk"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b26f6b
+- Enable livepatching related packages on -RT (jsc#PED-1706)
+- commit 416fb4d
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit f4371ff
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- supported.conf: Move ns to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 54d8531
+- s390/uaccess: add missing earlyclobber annotations to
+  __clear_user() (bsc#1209858).
+- commit 7e310c6
+- supported.conf: Move qrtr and qrtr-mhi to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1209965)
+- commit 90db4f1
+- rpm/ Disable DT build.
+  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
+- commit 5a4cd48
+- bcache: fix wrong bdev parameter when calling bio_alloc_clone()
+  in do_bio_hook() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: put bch_bio_map() back to correct location in
+  journal_write_unlocked() (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- bcache: Revert "bcache: use bvec_virt" (git-fixes, bsc#1205493).
+- commit 7971642
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- ath11k: pci: Add more MODULE_FIRMWARE() entries (bsc#1209965).
+- commit 54b5b79
+- scsi_disk kABI: add back members (bsc#1209092).
+- scsi: sd: Revert "Rework asynchronous resume support"
+  (bsc#1209092).
+- commit 15e2238
+- Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Discard-.note.GNU-stack-section.patch.
+  Add corresponding upstream commit metadata and sort.
+- commit ac8f8e6
+- sbitmap: Avoid lockups when waker gets preempted (bsc#1209118).
+- commit 2ee3a6c
+- net: tls: fix possible race condition between
+  do_tls_getsockopt_conf() and do_tls_setsockopt_conf()
+  (bsc#1209366 CVE-2023-28466).
+- commit 3a1702c
+- mm: memcontrol: deprecate charge moving (bsc#1209801).
+- commit a953603
+- netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL (bsc#1208628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-add-net-device-refcount-tracker-infrastructure.patch.
+- commit 726a950
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_write-a.patch.
+- commit 37a8307
+- Rename
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Disable-preemption-in-all-down_read-an.patch.
+- commit f080340
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/locking-rwsem-Prevent-non-first-waiter-from-spinning.patch.
+- commit af52be6
+- Delete patches.suse/iwlwifi-module-firmware-ucode-fix.patch (bsc#1209681)
+  linux-firmware tree finally provides iwlwifi-*-72.ucode, and more badly,
+  they dropped *-71.ucode, hence the workaround leads to the firmware load
+  failure.  Drop the old workaround now.
+- commit dc4368f
+- net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting
+  rcu (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- commit aced962
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-block-freeze-the-queue-earlier-in-del_gendisk-4c66.patch
+  (git-fixes bsc#1208921).
+- commit b2c9582
+- bnxt_en: Avoid order-5 memory allocation for TPA data
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix mqprio and XDP ring checking logic (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: Do not read past the end of test names (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt: make sure we return pages to the pool (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix HDS and jumbo thresholds for RX packets
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix first buffer size calculations for XDP multi-buffer
+  (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Fix XDP RX path (bsc#1209079).
+- bnxt_en: Simplify bnxt_xdp_buff_init() (bsc#1209079).
+- commit 776d314
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element array with flexible-array
+  member (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change version to 2.1.20-035 (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Initialize feature section info (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add controller cache flush during rmmod
+  (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct device removal for multi-actuator
+  devices (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change sysfs raid_level attribute to N/A for
+  controllers (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Correct max LUN number (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1207315).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Convert to host_tagset (bsc#1207315).
+- commit b83f575
+- netlink: prevent potential spectre v1 gadgets (bsc#1209547
+  CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit 82fdaab
+- NFSD: fix use-after-free in nfsd4_ssc_setup_dul() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14ee2c8
+- ppc64le: HWPOISON_INJECT=m (bsc#1209572).
+- commit 3d2007b
+- prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check
+  (bsc#1209256 CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit b7234d1
+- s390/kexec: fix ipl report address for kdump (bsc#1207529).
+- commit a28d6d2
+- Revert "block: freeze the queue earlier in del_gendisk"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b26f6b
+- Enable livepatching related packages on -RT (jsc#PED-1706)
+- commit 416fb4d
+- cifs: fix double free in dfs mounts (bsc#1209845).
+- commit 90e8355
+- cifs: handle reconnect of tcon when there is no cached dfs
+  referral (bsc#1209845).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/cifs-fix-error-paths-in-cifs_tree_connect.patch.
+- commit 2855960
+- cifs: serialize all mount attempts (bsc#1209845).
+- commit 5c52b42
+- cifs: missing null pointer check in cifs_mount (bsc#1209845).
+- commit f2e58d3
+- cifs: fix nodfs mount option (bsc#1209845).
+- commit d46c0bc
+- cred: allow get_cred() and put_cred() to be given NULL
+  (bsc#1209887).
+- commit 501c290
+- seq_buf: Fix overflow in seq_buf_putmem_hex() (bsc#1209549
+  CVE-2023-28772).
+- commit 6692c8c
+- PCI: hv: Add a per-bus mutex state_lock (bsc#1208811).
+- Revert "PCI: hv: Fix a timing issue which causes kdump to fail
+  occasionally" (bsc#1208811).
+- PCI: hv: Remove the useless hv_pcichild_state from struct
+  hv_pci_dev (bsc#1208811).
+- PCI: hv: Fix a race condition in hv_irq_unmask() that can
+  cause panic (bsc#1208811).
+- PCI: hv: fix a race condition bug in hv_pci_query_relations()
+  (bsc#1208811).
+- commit 6d09de9
+- kvm: initialize all of the kvm_debugregs structure before
+  sending it to userspace (bsc#1209532 CVE-2023-1513).
+- commit 27afda9
+- Bluetooth: Fix double free in hci_conn_cleanup (bsc#1209052
+  CVE-2023-28464).
+- commit ee49c52
+- RDMA/core: Don't infoleak GRH fields (bsc#1209778 CVE-2021-3923)
+- commit 007f267
+- tipc: fix NULL deref in tipc_link_xmit() (bsc#1209289
+  CVE-2023-1390).
+- commit 91c876a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/net-sched-atm-dont-intepret-cls-results-when-asked-t.patch
+  (bsc#1207036 CVE-2023-23454 bsc#1207125 CVE-2023-23455).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/net-sched-cbq-dont-intepret-cls-results-when-asked-t.patch
+  (bsc#1207036 CVE-2023-23454 bsc#1207125 CVE-2023-23455).
+- commit 03cf48f
+- net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting
+  rcu (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- rcu: Upgrade rcu_swap_protected() to rcu_replace_pointer()
+  (CVE-2023-1281 bsc#1209634).
+- commit 972d4cc
+- netlink: prevent potential spectre v1 gadgets (bsc#1209547
+  CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit 179a403
+- sock.h: hide new member (bsc#1194535 CVE-2021-4203).
+- commit 5181cbd
+- af_unix: fix races in sk_peer_pid and sk_peer_cred accesses
+  (bsc#1194535 CVE-2021-4203).
+- commit 59c439e
+- media: dvb-usb: az6027: fix null-ptr-deref in  az6027_i2c_xfer()
+  (bsc#1209291 CVE-2023-28328).
+- commit 0a0d765
+- Update patches.suse/net_sched-add-__rcu-annotation-to-netdev-qdisc.patch.
+- fix a mistake in the CVE-2023-0590 / bsc#1207795 backport
+- commit 005c9da
+- prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check
+  (bsc#1209256 CVE-2017-5753).
+- commit fca254e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/l2tp-fix-race-in-pppol2tp_release-with-session-objec.patch
+  (bsc#1076830 bsc#1208850 CVE-2022-20567).
+- commit 47065bb
+- tap: tap_open(): correctly initialize socket uid (CVE-2023-1076
+  bsc#1208599).
+- tun: tun_chr_open(): correctly initialize socket uid
+  (CVE-2023-1076 bsc#1208599).
+- net: add sock_init_data_uid() (CVE-2023-1076 bsc#1208599).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix null deref due to zeroed list head
+  (CVE-2023-1095 bsc#1208777).
+- commit c4928a4
+- Do not sign the vanilla kernel (bsc#1209008).
+- commit cee4d89
+- rpm/ Deal with {pre,post}fixed / in location
+  When the source file location provided with -L is either prefixed or
+  postfixed with forward slash, the script get stuck in a infinite loop
+  inside calc_dirs() where $path is an empty string.
+  user@localhost:/tmp> perl "$HOME/" -D devel.files -N nondevel.files -L /usr/src/linux-5.14.21-150500.41/
+  ...
+  path = /usr/src/linux-5.14.21-150500.41/Documentation/Kconfig
+  path = /usr/src/linux-5.14.21-150500.41/Documentation
+  path = /usr/src/linux-5.14.21-150500.41
+  path = /usr/src
+  path = /usr
+  path =
+  path =
+  path =
+  ... # Stuck in an infinite loop
+  This workarounds the issue by breaking out the loop once path is an
+  empty string. For a proper fix we'd want something that
+  filesystem-aware, but this workaround should be enough for the rare
+  occation that this script is ran manually.
+  Link:
+- commit 6d65136
+- kernel-module-subpackage: Fix expansion with -b parameter (bsc#1208179).
+  When -b is specified the script is prefixed with KMP_NEEDS_MKINITRD=1
+  which sets the variable for a simple command.
+  However, the script is no longer a simple command. Export the variable
+  instead.
+- commit 152a069
+- ipv6: raw: Deduct extension header length in
+  rawv6_push_pending_frames (bsc#1207168).
+- commit cec1a9b
+- ibmvnic: Process crqs after enabling interrupts (bsc#1192273
+  ltc#194629).
+- ibmvnic: don't stop queue in xmit (bsc#1192273 ltc#194629).
+- commit 0a56c59
+- ice: avoid bonding causing auxiliary plug/unplug under RTNL lock
+  (bsc#1210158).
+- commit bca1250
+- Fix a compile warning in the previous nouveau patch (bsc#1208209)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-blacklist-Turing-and-Ampere-models-as-default.patch
+- commit b2a56d6
+- tracing: Fix poll() and select() do not work on per_cpu
+  trace_pipe and trace_pipe_raw (git-fixes, bsc#1209841).
+- commit b44ae5f
+- drm/nouveau: blacklist Turing and Ampere models as default
+  (bsc#1208209).
+- commit b751cb8
+- rpm/ increase the disk size for armv6/7 to 24GB
+  It grows and the build fails recently on SLE15-SP4/5.
+- commit 8ba35ca
+- Update to 5.27.4
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.27.3:
+  * energy: Use text colour for the grid lines
+- Update to 5.27.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.27.2
+- Update to 5.27.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.27.1
+- Update to 5.27.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.27.0:
+  * Fix typo in string (kde#466144)
+- Update to 5.27.0
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.26.90
+- Update to 5.26.90
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.26.5:
+  * Show OpenCL info
+  * about-distro: do not recreate dialog
+  * Add "kinfocenter" as a keyword to application desktop file
+  * Install translated documentation from po/ too
+  * refine new osversion a bit
+  * Show BUILD_ID in kinfocenter if ShowBuild set in kcm-about-distrorc.
+  * remove bad commit
+  * CommandOutputKCM: Fix text sizing and make it selectable
+  * Add FreeBSD Qt6 CI
+  * Add Linux Qt6 CI
+  * Perform initialization in initialization list
+  * Move graph controls to be below the graph
+  * Fix labels in Energy module wrapping unnecessarily
+  * Make value labels in form layouts individually selectable and copyable (kde#428881)
+  * Install po folder
+  * Set bugReportURL for all KCMs in tihs repo
+  * Find qdbus command correctly
+- Update to 5.26.5
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.26.4
+- Update to 5.26.4
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.26.3:
+  * Install translated documentation from po/ too
+- Update to 5.26.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.26.2
+- Update to 5.26.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.26.1:
+  * CommandOutputKCM: Fix text sizing and make it selectable
+- Update to 5.26.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.26.0
+- Update to 5.26.0
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.25.90:
+  * Install po folder
+  * Find qdbus command correctly
+- Drop patches, now upstream:
+  * 0001-Find-qdbus-command-correctly.patch
+- Add patch to fix the KWin supportinfo module:
+  * 0001-Find-qdbus-command-correctly.patch
+- Update to 5.25.90
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Too many changes to list here
+- Update to 5.25.5
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.25.4:
+  * smb: show the share page in properties dialog (kde#457854)
+- Update to 5.25.4
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.25.3:
+  * Add missing include on <array>
+- Update to 5.25.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.25.2:
+  * Remove root there's no "kinfocenter" app anymore
+- Update to 5.25.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.25.1
+- Update to 5.25.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.25.0
+- Update to 5.25.0
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.24.90:
+  * redirect stderr to stdout (kde#454197)
+- Fix 0002-Look-for-binaries-in-Mesa-demos-path-as-well.patch (boo#1199975)
+- Update to 5.24.90
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.24.5:
+  * Fix about distro KCM not being able to be pinned
+  * Fix: Iterate with std::as_const, to avoid copying vector
+  * Finishing touches for the Qt6 build
+  * Use non-deprecated KAuth includes
+  * modules/about-distro: use standard inner margins for page
+  * modules/about-distro: simplify spacing before "open in Info Center" button
+  * modules/about-distro: remove bottom padding from page (kde#452437)
+  * Explicitly set parent app for energyinfo KCM
+  * Add some DMI data to about-distro
+  * Hide filter bar when showing an error message
+  * Display more informative and actionable error messages
+  * Use not deprecated ECMFindQmlModule
+  * Fix install against qt6
+  * Also horizontally center the error messages in their pages
+  * new module firmware security
+  * Allow to build against qt6
+  * fix up help paths (kde#450918)
+  * about-distro: remove unnecessary spacers above sections
+  * Search in /usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin as fallback (kde#449792)
+  * Add plasma-systemmonitor as the dependency of kinfocenter
+  * Don't use deprecated variable
+  * Drop unnecessary KIconThemes dependency
+- Refresh 0002-Look-for-binaries-in-Mesa-demos-path-as-well.patch
+- Update to 5.24.5
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code changes since 5.24.4
+- Fix update-alternatives for lapacke (bsc#1207358).
+- update to 1.16.3:
+  - IPv6 support
+  - fixed some potential buffer overflows
-- Update to version 1.12, various bugfixes including
-  support for newwer python versions
-- update download URLs
+- update to 5.3.0:
+  * rewrite socket error management in order to apply them to all
+    pending ICT and NICT transactions
+  * add time information in cb_xixt_kill_transaction callback for
+    debugging
+  * eXosip_lock will now include read on sockets
+  * [TLS] allow to accept wildcard with a new bit in
+    tls_verify_client_certificate
+  * [TLS] disable loading OS certifiate with a new bit in
+    tls_verify_client_certificate
+  * [TLS] I beleive there is no reason to cut packet in 500 bytes
+    chunks on ios
+    Contact parameters in request/answers dialogs
+  * [AMSIP_OPTION_SET_SIP_INSTANCE] allow any value inside
+    +sip.instance instead of only urn:uuid
+  * [epoll] fix eXosip_event_wait when using epoll implementation
+    where events are distributed in the next eXosip_event_wait call
+- additional changes from 5.2.1:
+  * [ENABLE_MAIN_SOCKET] fix epoll mechanism for server socket with
+    TCP and TLS
+  * [crash] check scheme upon processing 3xx
+  * [ssl] fix to be compatible with libressl
+  * [ssl] compatibility
+    with openssl below 1.1.0
+  * fix when Content-Type indicates application/sdp, but there is
+    no body
+  * [TLS] modify the code for TLS validation in order to improve
+    logs and details on the connection
+  * use time_t instead of int for r_retry_after_delay variable
+    [fix 1367a34ca commited on March 1st]
+  * eXosip_default_action will return OSIP_RETRY_LIMIT when limit
+    is reached
+  * make sure to obey the Retry-After header from REGISTER reply
+  * use newer osip_timersub MACRO
+  * [bug#60024] fix openssl usage to always use callback mode for
+    private key password, even when missing
+  * eXosip_reset_transports was not effective any more since [5.1.2]
+    [commit 705643fa  2020-07-07] [do not use unless you understand
+    it]
+  * [windows] a HANDLE is leaked when loading trusted certificates
+  * dp layer: handle WSAEMSGSIZE when buffer is too short for
+    complete incoming message
+  * cleaner code to retreive an SDP from a SIP message
+  * fix crash when ENABLE_MAIN_SOCKET is defined and epoll is used
+- additional changes from 5.2.0:
+  * fix memory and socket leak [major] [affected TCP, TLS, UDP:
+    since 5.1.2, need update asap]
+  * fix to make sure a non yet established TLS descriptor with read
+    descriptor set will be processed when no outgoing transaction
+    is in a state to handle it [since 5.1.2]
+  * fix SRV rotation for TLS [was rotating TCP records instead of
+    TLS] [since 5.1.2]
+  * fix duplicate packets for TCP and TLS when several outgoing
+    NICT are happening at the same time [since 5.1.2]
+  * add outbound proxy parameter in sip_monitor tool
+  * ABI update: modification of "eXosip_tls_ctx_t"
+- additional changes from 5.1.3:
+  * EXOSIP_OPT_FORCE_CONNECTIONREUSE; new option to force reusing
+    established socket for ACK and dialog message
+  * tls: fix building DH parameter with 5.1.2 and openssl < 1.1.0
+- additional changes from 5.1.2:
+  * tls: use RFC 5114 dh param with 2048 bits size.
+  * tls: use 2048 bits for ephemeral RSA key genearation.
+  * tls: use SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION to make sure it's disabled.
+  * tls: use SSL_OP_NO_TICKET to disable ticket.
+  * tls: use HIGH:!COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT:!kRSA:!PSK:!SRP cipher list
+    for higher security and less ciphers
+  * fix possible race condition in sample code [sip_reg and
+    sip_monitor]
+  * new format style using clang-format.
+  * reduce and rewrite logs for readability.
+  * fix broken epoll implementation. (DO NOT USE 5.1.1 with epoll)
+  * rewrite UDP/TCP/TLS (and DTLS untested) for both select and
+    epoll mode.
+  * Fix NAPTR/SRV on windows when CARES is not used. (not advised)
+  * ACK sent out of transaction with no existing connection may be
+    sent later. (TCP/TLS)
+  * Upon TLS loss, try to use domain or NAPTR SNI when TLS
+    connection is not initiated by an outgoing transaction.
+  * sip_monitor: new tool to monitor sip service
+  * add support for authentication using SHA-256 (openssl required)
+  * only use first supported proposed authentication when same
+    realm is used
+  * fix: upon UDP errors, like ICMP buffer size may reach abnormal
+    values (avoid useless reallocation)
+- additional changes from 5.1.1:
+  * new API:
+    int eXosip_hexa_generate_random(char *val, int val_size)
+    int eXosip_byte_generate_random(char *val, int val_size)
+  * provide more entropy with eXosip_byte_generate_random (with
+    openssl when available).
+  * fix TLS security issue reported by Alexander Traud regarding
+    hostname validation when using NAPTR/SRV.
+  * add support for epoll (detected by configured) // becomes the
+    default on linux platforms with autotools
+  * fix bug #56839: The cnonce should not be static -this is
+    identified as replay attack by some services-.
+  * fix tcp and tls connection failure detection (accelerate error
+    detection and recovery)
+  * fix: fixed a crash with DTLS
+- update soname to libeXosip2-15
+- add source archive signature and author keyring
+- add new binaries sip_monitor and sip_storm
-- use --disable-static
-- detaillize files section
+- Correction of license should be LGPL-2.0-only and GFDL-1.1-only
+  * confirmed with suse legal
+- Refresh 0001-Remove-LCMS-mutex.patch
+- build glibc hwcaps optimized overlay
+- Update to release 0.8.1
+  * Allow fast-lossless for 16-bit float input
+  * Fix OOB read in exif.h
+- Update to release 0.8
+  * API: new function JxlDecoderSetImageBitDepth and
+    JxlEncoderSetFrameBitDepth to set the bit depth of buffers.
+  * encoder API: add an effort 10 option for lossless
+    compression; using this setting requires calling
+    JxlEncoderAllowExpertOptions.
+- Enable PNG utilities [boo#1205107]
+- Add liblouis-CVE-2023-26768.patch: Check filename before copying
+  to initialLogFileName(CVE-2023-26768 bsc#1209431 bsc#1209855).
-  copying into tableFile(CVE-2023-26769 bsc#1209432).
+  copying into tableFile(CVE-2023-26769 bsc#1209432 bsc#1209855).
-  copying into dataPath(CVE-2023-26767 bsc#1209429).
+  copying into dataPath(CVE-2023-26767 bsc#1209429 bsc#1209855).
+- Ignore test failures on Leap 15.x ppc64le.
+- update to 0.9.30:
+  * LMDB page_split: key threshold depends on page
+    size
+  * avoid gcc optimization bug on sparc64 linux
+  * - Mark infrequently used functions as cold
+  * clear C_EOF on cursor with MDB_FIRST_DUP
+  * Use sys/cachectl.h rather than asm/cachectl.h on
+    mips
+- update to 0.9.29:
+  * lmdump is not creating lock files
+- update to 0.9.29:
+  * ITS#9461 refix ITS#9376
+  * ITS#9500 fix regression from ITS#8662
+- LMDB 0.9.28 Release (2021/02/04)
+  * ITS#8662 add -a append option to mdb_load
+- LMDB 0.9.27 Release (2020/10/26)
+  * ITS#9376 fix repeated DUPSORT cursor deletes
+- LMDB 0.9.26 Release (2020/08/11)
+  * ITS#9278 fix robust mutex cleanup for FreeBSD
+- LMDB 0.9.25 Release (2020/01/30)
+  * ITS#9068 fix mdb_dump/load backslashes in printable content
+  * ITS#9118 add MAP_NOSYNC for FreeBSD
+  * ITS#9155 free mt_spill_pgs in non-nested txn on end
+- copy the pkg config support from the fedora package
+- LMDB 0.9.24 Release (2019/07/24)
+  * ITS#8969 Tweak mdb_page_split
+  * ITS#8975 WIN32 fix writemap set_mapsize crash
+  * ITS#9007 Fix loose pages in WRITEMAP
+- LMDB 0.9.23 Release (2018/12/19)
+  * ITS#8756 Fix loose pages in dirty list
+  * ITS#8831 Fix mdb_load flag init
+  * ITS#8844 Fix mdb_env_close in forked process
+  * Documentation
+    + ITS#8857 mdb_cursor_del doesn't invalidate cursor
+    + ITS#8908 GET_MULTIPLE etc don't change passed in key
+- Drop upstream 0001-ITS-8756-remove-loose-pg-from-dirty-list-in-freelist.patch
+- Drop upstream 0001-ITS-8336-fix-page_search_root-assert-on-FreeDB.patch
+- Cleanup:
+  * Use %license, drop %defattr
+  * Use https for Url tag
+- LMDB 0.9.22 Release (2018-03-22)
+  * Fix MDB_DUPSORT alignment bug (ITS#8819)
+  * Fix regression with new db from 0.9.19 (ITS#8760)
+  * Fix liblmdb to build on Solaris (ITS#8612)
+  * Fix delete behavior with DUPSORT DB (ITS#8622)
+  * Fix mdb_cursor_get/mdb_cursor_del behavior (ITS#8722)
+- LMDB 0.9.21 Release (2017/06/01)
+  * Fix xcursor after cursor_del (ITS#8622)
+- LMDB 0.9.20 (Withdrawn)
+  * Fix mdb_load with escaped plaintext (ITS#8558)
+  * Fix mdb_cursor_last / mdb_put interaction (ITS#8557)
+- LMDB 0.9.19 Release (2016/12/28)
+  * Fix mdb_env_cwalk cursor init (ITS#8424)
+  * Fix robust mutexes on Solaris 10/11 (ITS#8339)
+  * Tweak Win32 error message buffer
+  * Fix MDB_GET_BOTH on non-dup record (ITS#8393)
+  * Optimize mdb_drop
+  * Fix xcursors after mdb_cursor_del (ITS#8406)
+  * Fix MDB_NEXT_DUP after mdb_cursor_del (ITS#8412)
+  * Fix mdb_cursor_put resetting C_EOF (ITS#8489)
+  * Fix mdb_env_copyfd2 to return EPIPE on SIGPIPE (ITS#8504)
+  * Fix mdb_env_copy with empty DB (ITS#8209)
+  * Fix behaviors with fork (ITS#8505)
+    LMDB leaks database FD into child processes (bsc#1178706)
+  * Fix mdb_dbi_open with mainDB cursors (ITS#8542)
+  * Fix robust mutexes on kFreeBSD (ITS#8554)
+  * Fix utf8_to_utf16 error checks (ITS#7992)
+  * Fix F_NOCACHE on MacOS, error is non-fatal (ITS#7682)
+  * Build
+    Make shared lib suffix overridable (ITS#8481)
+  * Documentation
+    + Cleanup doxygen nits
+    + Note reserved vs actual mem/disk usage
+- LMDB 0.9.18 Release (2016/02/05)
+  * Fix robust mutex detection on glibc 2.10-11 (ITS#8330)
+  * Fix page_search_root assert on FreeDB (ITS#8336)
+  * Fix MDB_APPENDDUP vs. rewrite(single item) (ITS#8334)
+  * Fix mdb_copy of large files on Windows
+  * Fix subcursor move after delete (ITS#8355)
+  * Fix mdb_midl_shirnk off-by-one (ITS#8363)
+  * Check for utf8_to_utf16 failures (ITS#7992)
+  * Catch strdup failure in mdb_dbi_open
+  * Build
+    + Additional makefile var tweaks (ITS#8169)
+  * Documentation
+    + Add Getting Started page
+    + Update WRITEMAP description
+- Drop 0002-Autoconf-files.patch, soname-configurable.patch and
+  add Makefile-build-use-shared-lib.patch instead. Instead of
+  replacing the Makefile with a libtool/automake based one, just
+  patch the relevant parts of the upstream Makefile.
-- automake.diff changes:
-  * for autoconf tests to have effect, (like those in
-  0001-Patch-for-LMDB-to-use-robust-mutexes.patch) config.h must be
-  included as first file in all C code.
-  * in 32 bit systems, ensure we support large databases.
-  * Switch the compiler to the current C standard, currently -std=gnu99
-  in upcoming autoconf versions it is C11 though.
-- liblmdb-implicit-decl.patch atol() requires stdlib.h
-- Enable verbose build, rpmlint depends on that to work.
+- fix wrong free issue in init_xen_crash_info (bsc#1201209)
+- Use python3 as the interpreter in ipmi_sensor_ and
+  smart_, boo#1210588
+- Update to 2.0.72
+  * Import custom css file in style-new.css
+- update to release 0.18:
+  * Fixed configure with newer autoconf v2.71.
+  * Made missing autoconf-archive messages nicer.
+  * Fixed minor uninitialized access reported by Valgrind.
-- Use libnl3 instead of libnl1
-- Remove redundant %clean section, more robust make install call,
-  and a simplified file list
+- Use python3 as the script interpreter, boo#1210590
+- Added 2023 opensuse container key 4096bit RSA key.
+- Added 2023 opensuse container key in PEM format to
+  /usr/share/pki/containers/ for use by podman or sigstore
+- Remove SLE11 1024bit RSA key , and obsolete it to remove it.
-- remove generated key rings, no longer needed by
-  installation-images and linuxrc (bnc#724625)
-- remove key, never used for package signing
-- remove old key, was used on sle10
-- remove openSUSE\ key, not used anymore
-- leave sle11 key as backup
+- update to
+  * Various warning and other bugfixes
+  * Full Changelog:
+- Security Fix: [CVE-2023-0465, bsc#1209878]
+  * Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored
+  * Add openssl-CVE-2023-0465.patch
+- Security Fix: [CVE-2023-0466, bsc#1209873]
+  * Certificate policy check not enabled
+  * Add openssl-CVE-2023-0466.patch
-- Disable static library build, instead of deleting it
-- Remove many unused build dependencies
-- Enable nanovdb as build conditional
-- Update to version 9.0.0
-  * This version introduces ABI changes relative to older major
-    releases, so to preserve ABI compatibility it might be
-    necessary to define the macro OPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_NUMBER=N,
-    where, for example, N is 7 for Houdini 18.5 and 8 for Houdini
-    19.0.
-  * Official release of NanoVDB, which for the first time offers
-    GPU support for static sparse volumes in OpenVDB. See the
-    documentation for details.
-  * Faster build times from support for explicit template
-    instantiation, which is enabled by default for most of the
-    tools.
-  * Added support for OpenEXR 3. This is contributed by Cary
-    Phillips.
-  * Added transient data to the RootNode, InternalNode, and
-    LeafNode.
-  New features:
-  * NanoVDB, which for the first time offers GPU support for static
-    sparse volumes in OpenVDB.
-  Improvements:
-  * Added tools::countActiveLeafVoxels(),
-    tools::countInactiveVoxels(), tools::countInactiveLeafVoxels()
-    and tools::activeTiles() to perform multi-threaded counting.
-    The Tree methods now use these implementations.
-  * Moved from the deprecated TBB task scheduler to TBB arenas.
-    Various methods now respect the TBB arena state they were
-    invoked from.
-  * Introduced a new thread/Threading.h header to consolidate calls
-    to third-party threading methods.
-  * Minor performance improvements to dilation calls in fast
-    sweeping algorithms.
-  * Added hsvtogrb() and rgbtohsv() AX helper functions for
-    converting hue, saturation and value inputs to RGB values and
-    vice-versa.
-  * PointDataGrid conversion can now be performed using 32-bit
-    float arrays.
-  * Improved support for size_t grid types on systems where size_t
-    is a unique type. [Contributed by Brecht Van Lommel]
-  * Add support for dilation in one direction and extending a field
-    in one direction in fast sweeping algorithms.
-  * Added PNG support to vdb_render which can be enabled with
-    during CMake with -DUSE_PNG=ON.
-  * Explicit template instantiation has been enabled by default for
-    most of the tools. This pre-compiles template instantiations
-    into the core library to reduce the time spent compiling code
-    in downstream libraries or applications.
-  * Added a python binding for OpenVDB AX which allows you to
-    invoke accelerated AX code from the python module.
-  Bug Fixes:
-  * Fixed a bug where ax::run() would crash if it could not parse a
-    single statement.
-  ABI changes:
-  * Added transient data to the RootNode, InternalNode, and
-    LeafNode.
-  API changes:
-  * DynamicNodeManager can now set one grain size for threading
-    across leaf nodes and another for threading across non-leaf
-    nodes.
-  * StringGrid and StringTrees are deprecated.
-  * The NullInterrupter is now a virtual base class to help reduce
-    compile-time instantiation cost.
-  Houdini:
-  * Fix crash in VDB Combine in Copy B mode if the second input has
-    more VDBs than the first.
-  * VDB Vector Merge SOP is now VDB Vector From Scalar SOP to
-    distinguish it from the VDB Merge SOP. It keeps the same
-    internal name so this is merely a label change.
-  * Add option to pass in OPENVDB_DSO_NAMES to CMake to configure
-    which Houdini DSOs are compiled.
-  * VDB Activate SOP now has an option for the expansion pattern to
-    use for dilation.
-  * The label for Voxels to Expand is now Expand Voxels to match
-    Houdini.
-  * Fix bug to allow VDB LOD SOPs to be chained together.
-  * SOP Extrapolate supports dilation in one direction and
-    extending a field in one (domain) direction.
-  * The default OpenVDB ABI is now 8 for Houdini versions > 18.5.
-  * VDB Visualize Tree SOP is now multi-threaded and provides
-    slicing and color remapping.
-  * A new HoudiniInterrupter has been added that derives from the
-    NullInterrupter and the Interrupter is now deprecated. All the
-    SOPs have been updated to use the new HoudiniInterrupter.
-  * Add a sanitizer in SOP OpenVDB Extrapolate when expanding a
-    narrow-band level-set with a dilation value of 0, which will
-    result in no operation.
-  Build:
-  * Added support for TBB 2021.
-  * Enabled the OPENVDB_FUTURE_DEPRECATION variable by default to
-    warn on upcoming deprecations.
-  * Introduced a OPENVDB_DOXYGEN_INTERNAL CMake variable which is
-    ON by default and removes the majority of internal namespaces
-    from the generated doxygen.
-  * Improved the doxygen deprecation listings, folder layouts and
-    fixes issues when using later versions of doxygen.
-  * Build fixes for MinGW on Windows. [Contributed by Brecht
-    Sanders]
-  * Added support for OpenEXR 3. [Contributed by Cary Phillips]
-  * Added an OPENVDB_NAMESPACE_SUFFIX CMake string option which
-    provides the ability to customise the VDB namespace.
-  * The Python Module now appends the base directory defined by
-    Python_SITELIB to the default install path (typically
-    dist-packages or site-packages). [Contributed by Ignacio Vizzo]
-  * As of this release, VFX Reference Platform 2019 is no longer
-    supported. CMake now issues deprecation warnings for 2020 VFX
-    Reference Platform version dependencies.
-  * Build fixes for OpenVDB AX with C++17 and greater.
-  * Bumped the new blosc version future minimum to 1.17.0.
-  * OpenEXR is now optional for vdb_render. It can be enabled with
-- Renenable vdb_render without OpenEXR
-- Update constraints and limit memory for parallel build jobs
-- Raise minimum c++ standard to 14
-- do not depend on OpenEXR (do not build vdb_render) [bsc#1189344]
-- Update to version 8.1.0
-  * A lot new features in the tools namespace are added
-  * Introduced Active Tile Streaming for volumes kernels.
-  * Significant performance improvements to AX volume kernels
-  * Significant performance improvements to large dilations with
-    tools::dilateActiveValues.
-  * Added an optional argument to Tree::topologyUnion which
-    preserves active tiles on the destination tree should they
-    overlap leaf nodes from the source tree.
-  * Reduced the time spent in the hot path of initialize and
-    uninitialize by leveraging atomics with double-checked locks.
-  * Support TBB 2021
-  * Significant performance improvements to tools::activate and
-    tools::deactivate through use of the DynamicNodeManager to
-    parallelize tile processing.
-  * Added degree() and radians() AX helper functions for converting
-    radians to degrees and vice versa, respectively.
-  * Added adjoint(), cofactor() and inverse() AX matrix functions.
-  * Added sort(), argsort(), isfinite(), isinf() and isnan() AX functions
-  * Add missing 8-bit and 16-bit attribute type registration.
-  * Fixed a crash in OpenVDB AX when declaring arrays with non-scalar elements
-  * Fixed a bug in OpenVDB AX which would cause an error when
-    multiplying a vec3 by a mat4.
-  * Fixed a bug in AX which could cause string allocations in loops
-    to overflow the stack
-  * Fixed a bug where the ValueOff iterator for the AX VolumeExecutable
-    could remove child branches of a VDB tree.
-  * Fixed a crash in the AX Houdini SOP with an empty PointDataGrid input.
-  * Fixed a crash when calling openvdb::points::pointOffsets with an
-    empty PointDataGrid input.
-  * Fixed a bug in the new CSG intersection merge algorithm where data
-    outside of the intersection region was not being removed.
-  * Fixed multiple memory leaks
-  * API changes:
-  * Restructured the internals of Morphology.h and moved tools::activate
-    and tools::deactivate to a new header, Activate.h.
-  * Deprecated tools::dilateVoxels and tools::erodeVoxels in favour of
-    new morphology methods.
-  * The tools::Film class no longer has a saveExr method in any build
-    configuration.
-  * Added ability to run tools::activate and tools::deactivate single-threaded.
-  * Grid::isTreeUnique is now virtual as of ABI=8 so that it can be accessed
-    from the GridBase.
-  * Private method RootNode::getChildCount() has been removed as of ABI=8.
-  * Mark map classes and functions as final for ABI=8 where beneficial to allow
-    devirtualization optimization.
-  * As of ABI 8, Vector, Matrix and Quaternion types now satisfy the Trivial Type
-    requirement. Their empty constructors and copy constructors have been removed
-  * As of ABI 8, removed an unnecessary specialization of NodeUnion and CopyTraits
-    from NodeUnion.h. Replaced std::is_pod usage with std::is_trivially_copyable
-  * As of ABI 8, PointDataGrids use the union NodeUnion specialization,
-    reducing the memory footprint of their topology by 50%.
-  * Removed a number of deprecated point, volume and AX methods.
-  * Deprecated tree::LeafManager::getNodes.
-  * Deprecated Tree::visitActiveBBox, Tree::visit and Tree::visit2 methods
-  * Removed tools::CsgVisitorBase, tools::CsgVisitorUnion,
-    tools::CsgVisitorIntersection and tools::CsgVisitorDifference.
-  * Moved openvdb::TypeList from Types.h into its own header TypeList.h
-  * Full changes:
+- version 1.12.0
+  * Support for labels associated with patients, studies, series, and instances
+  * Added a sample plugin bringing multitenant DICOM support through labels
+  * Many other fixes and improvements, see NEWS
+- version 1.11.3
+  * cmake.diff removed (included in source)
+  * install_cmd.diff removed (included in source)
+  * Many improvements, for detailed log see NEWS
+- version 1.13
+  * Use Orthanc SDK 1.11.3 to avoid a crash in Stow-RS jobs.
+  * Stow-RS now calls to the plugin flavored /instances route and now also forwards
+    the HTTP headers from the Incoming Stow-RS request.
+  * Added a list of "Resources" in the DicomWebStowClient Job "Content"
+  allows a user of the product to change another user's settings
+  or alter the database (bsc#1207464, CVE-2023-0241):
+  * 0001-Ensure-that-the-authenticated-users-cant-access-each-other-directories.patch
+- Add (rebased) patch from upstream to fix a vulnerability that
+  fix CVE-2022-4900 [bsc#1209537], potential buffer overflow via PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable
+  + php7-CVE-2022-4900.patch
+- fix potential buffer overflow [bsc#1208199]
+- modified patches
+  % php-systzdata-v19.patch (refreshed)
+- ensure extension=mysqlnd will be called before extension=mysqli
+  [bsc#1205162]
+- security update
+- added patches
+- fix potential buffer overflow [bsc#1208199]
+- modified patches
+  % php-systzdata-v20.patch (refreshed)
+- ensure extension=mysqlnd will be called before extension=mysqli
+  [bsc#1205162]
+- Update to version 13.2+20230317.d2bceab:
+  * backport of kinfocenter5 (bsc#1209378)
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add new Aliyun SDK component packages to Requires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.6.20
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.0.30
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.16
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.5.22
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.6.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.7
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.6.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.26
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 7.0.18
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 0.0.8
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.13.30
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add patch to relax python-crypography version dependency
+  + 0001_Relax-cryptography-dependency.patch
+- Add patch to drop vendored dependencies (bsc#1177083)
+  + 0002_Dont-use-vendored-dependencies.patch
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires and Requires
+- Add python-requests BuildRequires and Requires
+- Add python-six BuildRequires and Requires
+- Drop python-pycryptodome from BuildRequires and Requires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 4.1.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 4.8.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.2.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.29
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.1.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.5.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.9.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.12.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.14.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 20201028
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 5.1.9
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 4.23.9
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.15.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.14.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.0.20
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.3.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.3.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.3.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.2.15
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.8.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 5.6.7
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.6.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.9.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 0.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.1.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.7
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.10
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.13
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.8
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.23.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 5.0.52
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 8.21.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.14.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.9.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.7.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.10.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 0.0.9
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.10
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.9
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.1.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.4.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 0.9.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.8.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.13.6
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.0.9
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.4.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.13.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.5.8
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.12
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.6.0
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.2.5
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.2.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.3.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.5.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.0.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.7
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.0.3
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 2.15.12
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.1
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 3.0.12
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.10.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.1.4
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Add python-cryptography to BuildRequires
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 0.2.2
+  + For detailed information about changes see the
+    ChangeLog.txt file provided with this package
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Use LICENSE file from upstream tarball
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1177083, jsc#PM-2730, jsc#SLE-18312)
+- Do not build for Python 2 distros 15 and higher
+- Add ChangeLog.txt from upstream git
+- Drop python-devel from BuildRequires
+- Drop obsolete Group field
+- Do not change the interpreter back to /usr/bin/python in
+  since scripts-sf2rg-python3.patch changed it to /usr/bin/python3
+- Remove broken service and build Leap the same way as Tumbleweed.
+- Download from chief developer's git hub site.
+- Update to version 22.12.1:
+  * The Rosegarden team is proud to announce the release of
+  version 22.12 of Rosegarden, a MIDI sequencer that features a
+  rich understanding of music notation along with basic support
+  for digital audio.
+  * Fix a crash caused by static initialization/link order.
+    Bug #1647. [fa6eea8]
+- Update to version 22.06:
+  * Improve Cut/Copy/Delete behavior in both the matrix and the
+    notation editors.  Bug #1601.
+  * "Scroll to Follow Playback" now remembers its last setting.
+    Bug #1606.
+  * Fixed a problem in notation with note selection and the blue
+    indication.  Bug #1496.
+  * Fixed volume and pan issues with older .rg files.  [51647cc]
+  * Changed "For Notation" to "Exclude from Printing" in the
+    Segment Parameters.
+  * Fix confusing relative values in the "Insert Controller Sequence"
+    dialog for volume and expression.  [14ff99a]
+  * When changing the audio file path, the user is asked whether
+    they want to move the audio files to the new location.  [71a62e6]
+  * Fix stuck green preview note when switching modes.  Bug #1614.
+  * Fix modified flag (*) not cleared when saving in notation.
+    Bug #1617.
+  * Fix RG stopping JACK transport when it shouldn't.  Bug #1051.
+  * Fixed toolbar mode buttons not reflecting current state when
+    Esc is pressed.  Bug #1615.  [f651345]
+  * Notation: Fix green preview only available in one staff.
+    Bug #1619.
+  * Fixed issues when building with Qt6.  Feature Request #490.
+  * Fixed bad rendering of note heads at small font sizes.  Bug #1484.
+  * Fixed an endless loop in notation.  [7d734f7]
+  * Improved management of audio file paths.  Bug #1283.  Feature
+    Requests #494 and #495.
+  * Simplify editing of audio instrument label in audio parameters
+    panel.
+  * Fixed display bugs in matrix editor.  Bug #1622.  [b4425d7]
+  * Fix collapse notes in matrix.  Bug #1575.  [521ad4e]
+  * Fix scrollbar issues in main window combo boxes.
+    Feature Request #502.  [abdf22b]
+  * Fix deletes in the tempo/time signature editor.  Bug #1628.
+    [d55eea5]
+  * Fix problems editing multiple segments in matrix.  Bug #1624.
+    [8c1c6bc]
+  * Notation: fix crash when segment is deleted.  Bug #1260.  [cf0a28d]
+  * Notation: fix crash when undoing an Add Layer.  Bug #1260.
+    [7a1b6bf]
+  * Notation: fix note move issue.  Bug #1629.  [ba70dcf]
+  * Fix lilypond export sometimes ignores time signature.  Bug #1620.
+    [b7b16df]
+  * Fix hairpins not always exported to LilyPond.  Bug #1620.
+    [f57cbd9]
+  * Fix missing "StartupWMClass" in .desktop file.  Bug #1635.
+    [d3f5298]
+  * Fix chord ruler.  Bug #1633.  [2b2fbf7]
+  * Fix Event Filter dialog clearing selection on first launch.
+    [52c2f90]
+  * Fix lilypond common/cut time signatures.  Bug #1637.  [1c83f8b]
+  * Fix a crash when unquantizing using the quantize combo box on the
+    editors.  [329ab46]
+  * Fix a crash when resizing segments.  Bug #1638.  [cdec668]
+  * Fix a refresh issue when using the toolbar undo button.  [2a01178]
+  * Stop playback at end of last segment.  (Preference.)
+  * Advanced Looping.  (Experimental preference.)  Bug #1605.
+  * Keyboard shortcut editor.  Feature Request #412.
+- Enable Leap build again.
+- switch to the more performant zstd
+- Update to version 21.12:
+  * add label for keyboard layout
+  * fix spelling and config group
+  * SD: Tweak text and spacing
+  * fix keyboard shortcuts on restart
+  * remove labels from ShortcutDialog
+  * mark keyboard translations
+  * update keyboard translations
+  * updates wiht multiselect and reset all
+  * correct french keyboard for shortcut translations
+  * add french keyboard for shortcut translations
+  * Improve plugin debug logging
+  * fix language problem for saving user shortcuts
+  * allow for different keyboard layouts. Bug fixes
+  * simplify ShortcutWarnDialog
+  * fix warning bug
+  * fix bug in addUserShortcut
+  * use name in shortcut editor if no text is provided
+  * catch escape key in ShortcutDelegate so esc can be set as a shortcut
+  * limit to single key press in ShortcutDelegate
+  * clean up ShortcutDialog
+  * initial ShortcutDialog version with in-place keysequnece editing
+  * enter does not accept ShortcutDisalog
+  * Locate Audio Files: Turn off wait cursor
+  * Implement missing audio file skip
+  * FLD: Add Skip button
+  * fix display bugs in matrix editor
+  * Shortcuts: Reduce debugging output
+  * Shortcuts: Update dialog message text
+  * disable debug output and remove trailing white spaces
+  * fix memory problem
+  * add OK/Cancel to ShortcutDialog
+  * Use QString::startsWith() for older Qt
+  * cmake: Use find_library for JACK
+  * Use QString::endsWith(), even better
+  * layout for scrollbar
+  * use QScrollArea in ShortcutWarnDialog
+  * Use at() for compatibility with older Qt
+  * additional features for ShortcutDialog
+  * ShortcutWrnDialog functional
+  * extend ShortcutWarnDialog
+  * allow for removing all shortcuts
+  * progress on ShortcutWarnDialog
+  * fix bug reading shortcuts from xml
+  * bug fixes
+  * remove unused getShortcuts menthods
+  * update shortcut edit
+  * fix crash + tidy up
+  * update ShortcutDialog for warnings
+  * activate user shortcuts
+  * change info data to key map
+  * prepare for whortcut warnings
+  * improve edit function
+  * further progress on shortcut editor
+  * further preparation for edit
+  * add KeySequenceEdit
+  * update preparation for edit
+  * Allow cancel of forced save
+  * Allow cancel when trying to record audio
+  * AFM: Reset recent files on save
+  * allow for shortcut translations
+  * autoload: Add more controller colors
+  * AIPP: Fix instrument label look and tooltip
+  * Remove InstrumentAliasButton
+  * AIFF: Edit label on click
+  * make tree non editable
+  * qt6: Correct use of QString::back()
+  * German translation update from Michael Stockinger
+  * CollapseNotesCommand - do not call makeNotesViable from matrix command
+  * dialog showing all shortcuts
+  * first attempt at a shortcut dialog
+  * Change default audio path
+  * Audio file not found, part 2
+  * Cleanup
+  * Audio file not found, part 1
+  * Comments
+  * XMLReader: Fix ignoring of parsing errors
+  * Handle some less likely audio path use cases
+  * AMF: Add support for double-dot (..)
+  * Clean up tr()
+  * AFM: Handle permissions issues on move
+  * AudioPropertiesPage update part 2
+  * AudioPropertiesPage update part 1
+  * AFLD: Add custom location edit box
+  * AFM: Support custom audio location
+  * Add audio location preferences
+  * Add Show AFLD to preferences
+  * AFLD: Add "don't show" checkbox
+  * set pointer position correctly in multi staff notation edit
+  * AFLD: Persistence and location enum
+  * Add AudioFileLocationDialog
+  * Simplify
+  * Cleanup
+  * Renames
+  * Cleanup
+  * AFM: Clarify absolute vs. relative paths
+  * Cleanup
+  * AudioFileManager::save() first draft
+  * Cleanup
+  * Spline: Fix endless loop
+  * set selected staff on note entry
+  * use QMessageBox::information in RosegardenDocument.cpp
+  * Add Yamaha PSR-220/230 device file
+  * Add update-copyright script
+  * Update copyright
+  * remove warnings from qt 6.2.2
+  * Pass QDebug by value to operator<<
+  * NotationView: Esc should both unselect and go to select mode
+  * Comments
+  * Add to scripts
+  * Cleanup
+  * allow preview for all staffs in multiple noation edit
+  * remove unused declaration in BeatsBarsDialog.h
+  * Move peak files when moving audio
+  * Add "move audio files" feature
+  * Simplify
+  * Comments and shuffling
+  * APP: Detect non-writable audio file path
+  * APP: Tweak math
+  * reset range when looping is switched off (with new loop setting off)
+  * Use QLocale to format numbers
+  * Cleanup
+  * Cleanup
+  * Cleanup
+  * Cleanup
+  * optimization
+  * Fix binary data in .rgd files
+  * Fix Insert Controller Sequence dialog for volume
+  * Update .rg XML file to use excludefromprinting
+  * Fix incorrect class name
+  * Rename SFNC -> SegmentExcludeFromPrintingCommand
+  * SFNC: Invert ForNotation -> ExcludeFromPrinting
+  * Change "For Notation" to "Exclude From Printing"
+  * Fix volume and pan issues with older .rg files
+  * fix bad debug output
+  * remove staff argument to clearPreviewNote
+  * German translation update from Michael Stockinger
+  * Comments
+  * Simplify: Use * instead of &
+  * Remove unneeded RG_DEBUGs
+  * Fix crash on Edit > Delete
+  * Notation: Remove copy/cut controller events
+  * Notation: Upgrade selection state behavior
+  * set modified false before emitting documentModified
+  * correct loopset
+  * allow reinstate of loop from transport button
+  * update default looping behaviour
+  * Simplify
+  * Notation: Add handling of two selections
+  * Remove unused slotRulerSelectionChanged()
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand class
+  * Renames and comments
+  * Okular exists in later versions than KDE 4 :-)
+  * NoteItem - stop going to timy mode for small bounding rectangle
+  * use min/max of time and notation time for renderElements calls
+  * fix performance issues
+  * do not stop jack transport for auto stop
+  * defer looping when whole composition is looping
+  * Renames
+  * store playback tracking in document
+  * Disable menu items when playing
+  * TristateCheckBox: Add text ctor
+  * NotationView: Revert delete to original behavior
+  * Matrix: Remove copy/cut controller events
+  * Matrix: Update selection when ruler tab changed
+  * Matrix: Enable delete with any selection
+  * Matrix: Upgrade selection state behavior
+  * Simplify
+  * Matrix: Add handling of two selections
+  * Notation: Fix delete of selected ruler events
+  * Matrix: Fix delete of selected ruler events
+  * EraseCommand: Reference -> Pointer
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * RespellCommand: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * RetrogradeInvertCmd: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * RetrogradeCommand: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * PlaceControllersCmd: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * MaskTriggerCommand: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * ClearTriggersCommand: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * ChangeVelocityCmd: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * AddDotCommand: Remove BasicSelectionCommand
+  * Add EventSelection::empty()
+  * Renames and simplification
+  * Cleanup
+  * Update version to 22.06
+  * Updates for version 21.12
+  * Update French tranlation
+  * Fix crash when restoring rulers in editors
+  * Update .ts files for 21.12 (scripts/make-ts)
+  * cleanup debug
+  * Try to loop entire song with setting
+  * dynamic update for whole song loop
+  * allow default looping of whole song
+  * stop playback at end of last segment in a composition
+- backport of usbguard dbus whitelisting (bsc#1206414)
+- backport of kinfocenter5 whitelisting for D-Bus (bsc#1209378)
+- Use python3 as the script interpreter in wscript file
+- Snap package no longer includes share/doc directory. Thanks @LeoniePhiline
+- Bump version to 12
+- Don't emit a warning when the flag file in /var/lib/systemd/migrated/ is not
+  present as it's expected (bsc#1208079).
+- Commit 0d37d47eca896005eb0a645e0db461f4dafb317b breaks building
+  on Leap 15.4 and 15.5 to work around it.
+- Upgrade to 4.7.1:
+  * Fix calls on Linux
+- Upgrade from 4.6.5 to 4.7.0:
+  * You can disable all resource-intensive animations
+    and animated stickers and emoji.
+  * Fully flexible playback speed settings for videos,
+    voice and video messages.
+  * Fix several possible crashes.
+- Update
+- The new default compiler gcc13 on Tumbleweed is too new for
+  compiling; e.g. "uint8_t" is now defined in
+  <cstdint> which almost all source files don't include. Stick
+  with gcc12 on Tumbleweed for now and wait for an update of
+- compiler_upgrade is also needed on Leap 15.5
+- appstream-util is too old on Leap 15.4 - don't call it at the end
+  of installation
+- Refresh 0002-use-bundled-rnnoise-expected-gsl-ranges-webrtc.patch
+- Update to 4.6.5:
+  * Fix payment card input field validation.
+- Update from version 4.4.1 to 4.6.4:
+  * Allow media viewer to exit fullscreen and become a normal window.
+  * Fix polls forwarding to private chats.
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Update
+- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor
+  used.
+- Update to 4.4.1:
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Refresh 0005-qt6-fixes.patch
+- Refresh 0005-qt6-fixes.patch
+- Update to 4.4.0:
+  * You can set a Global Auto-Delete Timer for all new chats and
+    groups you create.
+  * New messages will be deleted after 1 day, week, month - or a
+    custom duration you choose.
+  * The new menu in Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete
+    Messages also lets you set up Auto-Delete for any of your
+    existing chats faster.
+  * Admins of groups with 100+ members can organize discussions
+    into separate topics.
+  * Topics now have a two-column layout that keeps recent chats
+    easily accessible as you browse topics.
+  * Previews of topic messages in the chat list work like a
+    button - click to jump to the last updated topic.
+  * Up to 5 topics can be pinned to the top of the list.
+  * Each topic now supports multiple pinned messages.
+  * The View as Messages mode now shows which topic
+    each message belongs to.
+  * Badge counters for topics you never opened will have
+    a lighter, less distracting color.
+  * A new General topic is now included by default, containing
+    service messages and the earlier message history from the group.
+  * Admins can rename the General topic.
+  * Large groups can enable Aggressive Filtering in
+    Manage Group > Administrators to remove more spam with
+    automated algorithms.
+  * Admins help improve filtering by reporting any false
+    positives in Recent Actions.
+- Add 0005-qt6-fixes.patch
+  * Fix the build on openSUSE 15.4
+- Updated to 4.3.4.
+  * Changed 0002-use-bundled-rnnoise-expected-gsl-ranges-webrtc.patch.
+  * Added BuildRequires: Qt6Qml, Qt6Quick, Qt6QuickWidgets,
+    Qt6WaylandCompositor, qt6-widgets-private-devel and protobuf.
+  * Changed BuildRequires: from glibmm-2.4 to glibmm-2.68.
+  * Fixed OpenGL regression in Qt and language detection (video call crash).
+  * Other bug fixes and minor improvements.
+- Pass -DQT_VERSION_MAJOR=6 to cmake when building Qt6 flavor: make
+  build stable even if some Qt5 libs are benig found.
+- Update to version 4.1.1
+  * Fix editing media captions with animated emoji.
+  * Fix viewing animated emoji sets used in a message.
+  * Fix premium sticker tooltip auto-show in channel comments.
+  * Fix main window position and size restoring after relaunch.
+  * Other bug fixes and minor improvements.
+- Add 0002-use-bundled-rnnoise-expected-gsl-ranges-webrtc.patch
+  * Fix the build on openSUSE 15.4
+- Rename 0001-use-bundled-ranged-exptected-gsl.patch to
+  0001-use-bundled-webrtc.patch
+  * Use system provided ranged, gsl, and ranges library.
+- Update to version 4.0.2
+  * Fix window title on Windows 7. (again)
+  * Fix file chooser and global menu on macOS.
+  * Crash fix and OpenAL check for PipeWire fix on Linux.
+- Update to version 4.0.1
+  * Fix window title on Windows 7.
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Update tg_owt; this does not include pipewire anymore, therefore:
+  * Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)
+- Remove patches no longer needed:
+  * 0002-tg_owt-fix-name-confliction.patch
+  * 0005-add-wayland-include-path.patch
+  * fix-unused-variable-error.patch
+- Add suport for Qt version 6
+- Update to version 4.0.0
+  * Premium: Send media and files each up to 4 GB in size.
+  * Premium: Download media and files at the fastest possible speed,
+    with no limits.
+  * Premium: Double most of the limits in the app.
+  * Premium: Get a new button next to any voice message to generate
+    a transcript of its audio.
+  * Premium: React with even more emoji, including :clown: and 😍.
+  * Premium: Send unique stickers with additional effects, updated
+    monthly.
+  * Premium: Set a default chat folder or enable tools to
+    auto-archive and hide new chats.
+  * Premium: Subscribers have a badge next to their name, showing
+    they help support Telegram.
+  * Premium: Show off your profile video that will be animated for
+    everyone in chats and the chat list.
+  * Premium: Sponsored Messages that are sometimes shown in public
+    channels will no longer appear.
+  * Enable join requests for your public groups – no invite links
+    required.
+  * Users who open the group will see an Apply to Join Group button.
+  * Once approved by an admin, users will be able to participate in
+    the chat.
+  * Bots that are integrated into the attachment menu can be programmed
+    to work in groups and channels.
+- Update to version 3.7.6
+  * Settings > Advanced > Experimental adds an option to open chats
+    in separate windows.
+  * Fix possible crash in video chat reconnection.
+  * Fix possible crash after account switch.
+- Update to version 3.7.5
+  * Improve cloud password management design.
+  * Fix a crash in shared media search.
+  * Fix audio recording on macOS.
+- Update to version 3.7.4
+  * More icons for chat folders.
+  * Improve some more sections design.
+  * Update the OpenAL library to 1.22.0.
+- fix for leap 15.4
+- Fixed requirements for Qt6 (boo#1199323).
+- Update to version 3.7.3
+  * Fix a crash in the pinned bar bot button refresh.
+- Update to version 3.7.2
+  * Fix mute period selector values.
+  * Fix a crash in repeated context menu item selection.
+  * Fix context menu item selection of systems without a compositor.
+- Update to version 3.7.1
+  * Hardware accelerated video decoding off by default.
+  * Fix several crashes.
+- Update to version 3.7.0
+  * Use any short music file or voice message as a notification sound.
+  * Right click audio files in chats to add them to your list of
+    sounds - or use 'Upload Sound' in the Notifications menu.
+  * Click on Mute notifications > Select sound in a chat's (...)
+    menu to change its notification sound.
+  * Set custom tones for notifications in Settings > Notifications > Play sound.
+  * Click on Mute notifications in a chat's (...) menu to manage
+    its notifications.
+  * Choose 'Mute for...' to turn off notifications for a
+    preset period, like 1 hour or 1 day.
+  * Quickly configure Auto-Delete settings from any chat info page.
+  * Click (...) to turn on Auto-Delete, then select a specific duration.
+  * Replies are now preserved when forwarding messages,
+    making forwarded conversations easier to read.
+  * Bots can now open detailed pages directly in the chat.
+  * Use these streamlined interfaces to buy real-world goods
+    and services without leaving the app.
+  * Open a bot's profile to add it to your group or channel.
+  * Instantly configure a bot's rights and permissions when adding it.
+  * Bots can send a new type of button that lets you add them to
+    your group or channel.
+- Added fix-unused-variable-error.patch
+- Update to 3.6.1
+  * Change volume for RTMP stream from the context menu.
+  * Set a profile photo from your camera.
+  * Improve RTMP stream full screen mode.
+  * Improve edit account section design.
+  * Fix switching personal account or channel in video chats.
+  * Fix pinning chats in folders with 100 chats.
+  * Fix YouTube timestamp links after 10 hours.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 3.6.0
+  * Active and recently finished downloads pop up in bar in the
+    bottom left corner, like they do in browsers.
+  * View recently downloaded files in Settings > Advanced
+    > Downloads.
+  * Get an alert before closing the app if you have
+    unfinished downloads.
+  * Share a direct link to your phone number that instantly
+    opens a chat with you. Use the full number in
+    international format, like
+  * Manage Live Streams in your channels using external software
+    like OBS Studio or XSplit Broadcaster. Choose "Stream With..."
+    when staring a video chat or live stream - then copy your
+    Stream Key and paste it into your streaming software.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 3.5.2
+  * Fix a freeze in audio playback on Linux.
+  * Fix a crash in screen sharing initialization on Linux.
+- Remove 0003-add-qt5-widgets-include.patch
+  * Bug fixed in upstream
+- Add 0003-revert-webrtc-cmake-target-file.patch
+  * Fix target "desktop-app::external_opus" not found error.
+- Add 0003-add-qt5-widgets-include.patch
+  * Fix Qt5Widgets private header include issue.
+- Update to 3.5.0
+  * Use a new type of detailed stickers with smooth animations.
+  * Create new sets by sending .webm videos to @stickers.
+  * Bring your custom animated stickers from other apps.
+  * See smaller, compact animations when reacting to messages.
+  * See real-time animations in chat when a user reacts to your message.
+  * React with additional emoji expressing love, appreciation,
+    anger or surprise.
+  * Tap the new button in chats to jump to your messages that have
+    unseen reactions.
+  * Watch the animations for unseen reactions play when you
+    hit the button.
+  * The app will warn you before closing if you are uploading
+    photos or files to a chat.
+  * Enjoy better screencast quality in video chats.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Rebase patches
+- Update to 3.4.3
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Update to 3.4.2
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Update to 3.4.1
+  * Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
+- Update to 3.4.0
+  * Send reactions to messages.
+  * Group and Channel admins can enable reactions in their chat
+    via '...' * menu > Manage > Reactions.
+  * Select text when typing and choose 'Formatting > Spoiler'
+    in the context menu to hide some or all of the contents of
+    a message.
+  * Click on the spoiler in chat to reveal its hidden text.
+  * Spoiler formatting hides text in chat, as well as in
+    the chat list and notifications.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Add to Source list in spec
+- Update to 3.3.0
+  * Content creators can restrict the ability to save media and
+    forward messages from their groups and channels.
+  * Clear messages in one-on-one chats from a specific day or
+    date range.
+  * Comment as one of your channels in public groups and channel
+    comments.
+- Add
+- Update to 3.2.8
+  * Fix crash in opening shared media with another user.
+  * Try out the new audio player with playlist shuffle and repeat.
+  * Give a custom name to your desktop session to distinguish it
+    in the sessions list.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 3.1.11
+  * Create special invite links that require admins to approve users
+    before they become members.
+  * Admins can view the applicants' profiles and bios by tapping the
+    Join Requests bar at the top of the chat.
+  * Add internal labels to your chat's Invite Links to keep them
+    organized.
+  * Run natively on Apple Silicon
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 3.1.9
+  * Show small media previews in chats list.
+  * Show media album previews and caption text in chats list.
+  * Add "Quick Reply" and "Mark as Read" to native
+    Windows notifications.
+- Add explicit BuildRequires for webkit2gtk-4.0
+- Update to 3.1.1
+  * Choose one from dozens of new gorgeous animated backgrounds in
+    Chat Settings > Chat background.
+  * Tile chat background patterns horizontally.
+  * Broadcast video and share your screen to an unlimited number of
+    viewers.
+  * To begin, tap the Live Stream button in the title bar of a
+    community where you are an admin.
+  * Tap the "Forward Message" label above the input field to change
+    how messages will be sent.
+  * Hide or show the original sender's name.
+  * Remove or keep captions from media messages.
+  * See how many unread comments there are when opening a
+    channel's comments.
+  * Check who've seen your message in small groups from the
+    context menu.
+  * Enable recording with video in live streams and video chats.
+  * Add a "Close to Taskbar" option when tray icon is disabled.
+  * Add support for Emoji 13.1.
+  * Some animated emoji now have extra effects.
+  * Send fireworks tada, balloon, :like:, hankey or heart to any
+    private chat, then click on the animated emoji to launch the
+    effect.
+  * If your chat partner also has the chat open, you will both see
+    the effects.
+  * See the "Watching" status when your chat partner is enjoying
+    emoji effects with you.
+  * More interactive emoji coming soon.
+  * Right click one of your outgoing messages in small groups to see
+    who recently viewed it.
+  * To protect privacy, read receipts are only stored for 7 days
+    after the message was sent.
+  * Record video and audio from live broadcasts in your group
+    or channel.
+  * Admins can start recording from the '...' menu.
+  * Choose between recording in portrait or landscape orientation.
+  * Finished recordings are sent to the admin's Saved Messages and
+    can be easily shared.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Remove 0003-prioritize-gtk2.patch, the file it was applied to
+  was removed upstream
+- Enable GCC11 again
+- Enable build on armv6/armv7 since the build has been fixed
+  upstream
+- Update to 2.9.0
+  * Enable auto-delete in your chats to remove messages.
+  * Quickly find all GIFs from a chat using the new GIF section.
+  * Reset your Two-Step Verification password even if you forgot.
+  * Enjoy a new app icon and default background.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update 0001-use-bundled-ranged-exptected-gsl.patch
+  * Use bundled rlottie
+- Add 0004-use-dynamic-x-libraries.patch
+- Add 0005-add-wayland-include-path.patch
+- Add 0003-prioritize-gtk2.patch and enable GTK integration.
+  Fixes boo#1149986 regression.
+- Temporarily stick to GCC10 to work around build failures
+- Update to 2.7.5 (beta)
+  * Add "Voice chats" filter in "Recent actions" for channels.
+  * Write local drafts to disk on a background thread.
+  * Support autoupdate for Telegram in write-protected folders
+    on Linux.
+  * Fix crash in native notifications on Linux.
+  * Fix crash in file dialog on Linux.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 2.7.4
+  * Fix crash in viewing an invoice after a payment is made.
+  * Respect Focus Assist only for native notifications.
+  * Mark messages as read only in active window.
+- Update to 2.7.3
+  * Fix crash on some versions of Linux.
+  * Fix video not stopping when PiP window is closed.
+  * Fix messages marking as read if the Windows session is locked.
+- Update to 2.7.2
+  * Offer real goods and services for sale in any group, channel or bot
+    – Telegram doesn't charge a commission.
+  * Pay for goods securely using one of the 8 integrated payment providers
+    – Telegram doesn't collect your payment info.
+  * See how this works in our @teststore.
+  * Schedule voice chats to let participants know about them in advance.
+  * View a countdown to the voice chat and get notified when it starts.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Drop telegram-desktop-cinttypes-header.patch, fixed upstream
+- Expand the ExcludeArch.
+- Exclude i586, support was dropped upstream
+  (gh#telegramdesktop/tdesktop#10037)
+- Add telegram-desktop-cinttypes-header.patch: Include cinttypes
+  header to use uint32_t.
+- Add xkbcommon and wayland header dirs to CXXFLAGS to fix build
+  failures.
+- Require Qt >= 5.15: Required since version 2.5.9
+  (gh#telegramdesktop/tdesktop#10398).
+- Pass -q to unzip to avoid echoing long file list while
+  unzipping.
+- Update to 2.7.1
+  * Fix editing 'Manage Voice Chats' rights for channel admins.
+  * Fix verification check display in voice chat participants list.
+  * Allow removing and blocking channels from voice chats.
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to 2.7.0
+  * Start limitless Voice Chats in Groups and Channels.
+  * Host discussions that can be listened to by millions of people
+    simultaneously.
+  * Record voice chats to share or publish in Channels later.
+  * See that a chat is being recorded from the red dot next to
+    its title.
+  * See user bio texts right from the list of participants.
+  * Raise your hand to show admins you want to speak.
+  * Create separate Voice Chat Invite Links for listeners or speakers.
+  * Change the title of your Voice Chat to give people an idea
+    of the current topic.
+  * Join Voice Chats as one of your Channels to hide your
+    personal account.
+- Use higher dwz memory limits for the package.
+- Update to 2.6.2
+  * Fix text disappearing because of cloud drafts sync.
+- Update to 2.6.1
+  * Fix time formatting in links.
+  * Fix copy QR code in night mode.
+  * Fix invite link sharing without a comment.
+  * Fix crash in link editing on Linux.
+- Update to 2.6.0
+  * Set messages to auto-delete for everyone 24 hours or 7 days
+    after sending.
+  * Control auto-delete settings in any of your chats, as well as
+    in groups and channels where you are an admin.
+  * To enable auto-delete, right click on the chat in the
+    chat list > Clear History > Enable Auto-Delete.
+  * Create invite links that work for a limited time or a limited
+    number of uses.
+  * See which users joined using your, or your admins', invite links.
+  * Turn any invite link into a QR code users can scan with their
+    phone cameras.
+  * To manage invite links, click ... > Manage Group/Channel
+    > Invite Links.
+  * Convert groups that have reached 200,000 members into unlimited
+    Broadcast Groups.
+- Remove 0000-gtk2-default.patch, the code was removed upstream,
+  meaning GTK integration is again broken, see boo#1149986
+- Update to 2.5.9
+  * Add 'Invite via Link' button to Add Members box.
+  * Fix window size in Windows 10 Tablet Mode.
+  * Fix layout of round video messages in channels.
+- Update tg_owt
-- Updatet tg_owt
+- Update tg_owt
+- Update to version 2.1.0:
+  * Ensure that the Guake window is always inside the screen
+  * Fixed "new tab" operation after DnD into a new window
+  * Added Drag'n'Drop support to move tiles between windows and tabs, or into a new window
+  * Added "Select all" option
+  * Added pointer autohide option
+  * Added reset and clear options
+  * Fixed Guake window zero height on first run
+  * Fixed Guake keybinding failing until re-set
+  * Added hotkeys to close a tile and a tab
+  * Now asks for confirmation when trying to close a terminal with a running program
+  * Fixed color scheme selection
+  * Allows to change the top bar colors
+  * Cleaned the color management code
+  * Added support for Gnome Shell 43
+  * Added shortcuts for horizontal and vertical split
+  * Now the window doesn't get stuck in maximized mode when resized too much
+  * Close the tabs with the central button
+  * If there are too much tabs, show scroll buttons
+  * Now the extension doesn't loose the connection with Terminus when the computer locks
+  * Set a right value for the TERM environment variable
+  * Use the user-defined terminal instead of /bin/bash by default
+  * Migrated to GtkApplication
+  * Don't relaunch terminus if the extension is disabled
+  * Added zoom capabilities
+  * Added key for showing the menu
+- Leap 15.5 need appstream patch
+  * Re-enabled 0001-Don-t-generate-appstream-meta-data-on-older-versions.patch
+    on Leap 15.5
+- Add tilix-nautilus-43-compat.patch: nautilus: Add compatibility
+  with Nautilus 43 [gh#gnunn1/tilix#2115].
+- Update to version 1.9.5
+  Features:
+  * Disable advanced paste when there is no linebreak like iTerm2
+  * Add environment variable when in quake mode
+  * Add possibility to configure always enabled regex
+  Bugfixes:
+  * More appdata -> metainfo move
+  * Add meson target for man page translations
+  * Update flatpak manifest
+  * meson: drop unused argument for i18n.merge_file()
+  * Stop using deprecated Meson features
+  * Keep quake window open if focus is restored before timeout has been reached
+  * Don't check GtkDragResult (Wayland compatibility)
+  * Don't add application/x-rootwindow-drop to dragSourceSet targets
+- drop patches fixed in release:
+  * 2081.patch
+  * tilix-1.9.4-localized-man.patch
+- rebase patches:
+  * 0001-Don-t-generate-appstream-meta-data-on-older-versions.patch
+- change condition since the patches are just required for Leap 15.3.
+  Leap 15.4 will not need them
+- Add 2081.patch: Fix build using Meson 0.61+.
+  * CVE-2022-45143: JsonErrorReportValve: add escape for type, message or description (bsc#1206840)
+- Added patches:
+  * tomcat-9.0.43-CVE-2022-45143.patch
+- Fixed CVEs:
+- Add vhba-sle-kernel.diff [boo#1206169]
+- BuildRequire %kernel_module_package_buildreqs (boo#1205149)
+- Update to release 20211218
+  * Support for Linux 5.16 SCSI layer API updates
-- Update to version 9.2.6, see:
-- Use bundled pegtl on TW, version 3.x is API incompatible with
-  required pegtl 2.x.
-- Update to version 9.2.5, see:
-- Rebase
-  0001-Consider-VTK_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX-for-Python-.patch
-- Use system fmt on Tumbleweed
-- Update to version 9.2.2, see:
-- Drop upstream patches:
-  + 0001-Add-missing-libm-link-library-to-kissfft-module.patch
-- Use system libharu on Tumbleweed
-- Allow optionally building and running tests (disabled for now
-  due to large required data set).
-- Update to version 9.2.6, see:
-- Use bundled pegtl on TW, version 3.x is API incompatible with
-  required pegtl 2.x.
-- Update to version 9.2.5, see:
-- Rebase
-  0001-Consider-VTK_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX-for-Python-.patch
-- Use system fmt on Tumbleweed
-- Update to version 9.2.2, see:
-- Drop upstream patches:
-  + 0001-Add-missing-libm-link-library-to-kissfft-module.patch
-- Use system libharu on Tumbleweed
-- Allow optionally building and running tests (disabled for now
-  due to large required data set).
-- Update to version 9.2.6, see:
-- Use bundled pegtl on TW, version 3.x is API incompatible with
-  required pegtl 2.x.
-- Update to version 9.2.5, see:
-- Rebase
-  0001-Consider-VTK_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX-for-Python-.patch
-- Use system fmt on Tumbleweed
-- Update to version 9.2.2, see:
-- Drop upstream patches:
-  + 0001-Add-missing-libm-link-library-to-kissfft-module.patch
-- Use system libharu on Tumbleweed
-- Allow optionally building and running tests (disabled for now
-  due to large required data set).
-- Update to version 9.2.6, see:
-- Use bundled pegtl on TW, version 3.x is API incompatible with
-  required pegtl 2.x.
-- Update to version 9.2.5, see:
-- Rebase
-  0001-Consider-VTK_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX-for-Python-.patch
-- Use system fmt on Tumbleweed
-- Update to version 9.2.2, see:
-- Drop upstream patches:
-  + 0001-Add-missing-libm-link-library-to-kissfft-module.patch
-- Use system libharu on Tumbleweed
-- Allow optionally building and running tests (disabled for now
-  due to large required data set).
+- Validate DRBD Device name (bsc#1207952)
+- 4.5.1
+- Pkg.TargetInitializeOptions() - added a new option for
+  rebuilding the RPM database (--rebuilddb) (bsc#1209565)
+- 4.5.2
+- Rebuild the RPM database during upgrade (--rebuilddb) (bsc#1209565)
+- 4.5.3