Removed rpms

Added rpms

 - bs1770gain
 - dsvpn
 - dump1090-fa
 - flac2all
 - glorytun
 - goss
 - grepcidr
 - inarpd
 - interceptty
 - libQMatrixClient0_5_3
 - libmodbuspp-devel
 - libmodbuspp1_0-0
 - libqmatrixclient-devel
 - libvirt-cim
 - libwhich
 - mbpoll
 - perl-Any-URI-Escape
 - perl-AnyEvent-Connector
 - perl-AnyEvent-WebSocket-Client
 - perl-AnyEvent-WebSocket-Server
 - perl-Array-Diff
 - perl-CLI-Osprey
 - perl-CPAN-Common-Index
 - perl-Config-INI-Reader-Ordered
 - perl-Config-Identity
 - perl-Crypt-JWT
 - perl-DBICx-Sugar
 - perl-Data-Binary
 - perl-DateTime-Format-Natural
 - perl-Feature-Compat-Try
 - perl-File-Rename
 - perl-File-Share
 - perl-File-TreeCreate
 - perl-Git-Repository
 - perl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Log
 - perl-GooCanvas2
 - perl-HTML-FromANSI-Tiny
 - perl-HTML-Restrict
 - perl-HTML-Selector-XPath
 - perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath
 - perl-HTTP-CookieJar
 - perl-HTTP-CookieMonster
 - perl-HTTP-Parser
 - perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI
 - perl-HTTP-Tinyish
 - perl-Heap
 - perl-LWP-ConsoleLogger
 - perl-List-BinarySearch
 - perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback
 - perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults
 - perl-Mail-Message
 - perl-Mail-Transport
 - perl-Math-Int64
 - perl-Menlo
 - perl-Menlo-Legacy
 - perl-Metrics-Any
 - perl-Module-Build-Prereqs-FromCPANfile
 - perl-Module-Build-Using-PkgConfig
 - perl-Module-Mask
 - perl-Mojo-Log-Colored
 - perl-Mojo-Redis
 - perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Webpack
 - perl-MooX-Attribute-ENV
 - perl-MooX-Locale-Passthrough
 - perl-MooX-Options
 - perl-MooX-StrictConstructor
 - perl-MooX-Traits
 - perl-MooseX-App
 - perl-Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ
 - perl-Net-OBS-Client
 - perl-Number-Bytes-Human
 - perl-Parallel-ForkManager
 - perl-Parse-ANSIColor-Tiny
 - perl-Parse-MIME
 - perl-Passwd-Keyring-Gnome
 - perl-Passwd-Keyring-KDEWallet
 - perl-Perl-Critic-Community
 - perl-PerlX-Maybe
 - perl-Plack-App-WebSocket
 - perl-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect
 - perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody
 - perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy
 - perl-Plack-Test-Agent
 - perl-Pod-Elemental
 - perl-Proc-SyncExec
 - perl-Protocol-HTTP2
 - perl-Ref-Util
 - perl-Ref-Util-XS
 - perl-Regexp-Trie
 - perl-Reply
 - perl-Role-Hooks
 - perl-SQL-Abstract-Classic
 - perl-Search-Xapian
 - perl-Sereal
 - perl-Session-Token
 - perl-Set-IntSpan
 - perl-Set-Tiny
 - perl-Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX
 - perl-String-Trim
 - perl-String-Util
 - perl-Sys-MemInfo
 - perl-System-Command
 - perl-Template-Plugin-Filter-ANSIColor
 - perl-Template-Plugin-JSON-Escape
 - perl-Template-Tiny
 - perl-Term-Size-Any
 - perl-Term-Size-Perl
 - perl-Term-Terminfo
 - perl-Test-API
 - perl-Test-DiagINC
 - perl-Test-Fork
 - perl-Test-HTTP-MockServer
 - perl-Test-Kit
 - perl-Test-Lib
 - perl-Test-Magpie
 - perl-Test-Metrics-Any
 - perl-Test-MockDateTime
 - perl-Test-Modern
 - perl-Text-SimpleTable
 - perl-Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth
 - perl-Tie-Handle-Offset
 - perl-Twiggy
 - perl-Types-Path-Tiny
 - perl-UNIVERSAL-ref
 - perl-URI-Query
 - perl-URI-cpan
 - perl-URI-ws
 - perl-UUID
 - perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth
 - perl-User-Identity
 - perl-Web-Scraper
 - perl-XML-Feed
 - perl-XML-RSS
 - perl-XS-Parse-Keyword
 - perl-XString
 - perl-YAML-LibYAML-API
 - perl-YAML-PP-LibYAML
 - python3-Mathics-Scanner
 - python3-drgn
 - python3-gwosc
 - python3-mathics-pygments
 - python3-mautrix
 - python3-pegasus-wms.common
 - python3-safe-netrc
 - qmodbus
 - sethdlc
 - silan
 - simple-multicast
 - spek
 - tftpboot-installation-openSUSE-Leap-15.5-Alpha-aarch64
 - tftpboot-installation-openSUSE-Leap-15.5-Alpha-ppc64le
 - tftpboot-installation-openSUSE-Leap-15.5-Alpha-s390x
 - tftpboot-installation-openSUSE-Leap-15.5-Alpha-x86_64

Package Source Changes

+- use path->union for fonts in logo boo#1203394
+- Bump to 15.5
+- Supply new Wallpaper Issue#132
+- Update to version 4.16.1+git.6.2345514:
+  * Added new home and education icons
+  * Included temporary fix for trash icon alpha
+- Remove deprecated macros from spec
+- Update Upstream URL
+- updated to 3.31
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes
+  3.31  2022-01-05
+  - Fix uninitialized variable warning if "Satisfy" was not set (github #15, thanks yewtc)
-- buildrequire explicitly netcfg
+- updated to 1.7046
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes
+  1.7046  2022-04-26 23:00:56 PDT
+    [Documentation]
+  - Remove URL that's going to be deprecated.
+- updated to 1.7045
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes
+  1.7045  2022-01-26 19:03:44 PST
+    [Security]
+  - [CVE-2020-16154] remove the functionality to verify CHECKSUMS signature
+- updated to 0.37
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Peek/CHANGES
+  0.37 Fri Nov 12 22:23:12 EST 2021
+  - update repository metadata (Zakariyya Mughal)
+  0.36 Fri Nov 12 21:40:27 EST 2021
+  - add repository metadata (thanks David Steinbrunner)
+  - port from Moose to Moo and Type::Tiny (Zakariyya Mughal)
+  - make prereqs more specific with respect to phase (Zakariyya Mughal)
+  - add negative test (Zakariyya Mughal)
+- updated to 1.24
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes
+  1.24 2022-02-21 10:47:08 rurban
+  - Fix for broken <archlibexp>/CORE/keywords.h test on system macOS
+    (PR #5, @nega0)
+  - finally added with 5.35.8 (RT #141406)
-- updated to 1.13
-  - removed diag before each big t/11keywords.t loop
-  - added suggested keywords from RT #62382:
-  * _ and DATA to @FileHandles (the deprecated lowercase: stdin, stdout, stderr not),
-    import unimport to @Functions,
-    can isa DOES VERSION to @UNIVERSALMethods,
-    @EXPORT_TAGS _push_tags _rebuild_cache as_heavy export export_fail
-    export_fail_in export_ok_tags export_tags export_to_level heavy_export
-    heavy_export_ok_tags heavy_export_tags heavy_export_to_level
-    heavy_require_version require_version  to @ExporterSymbols (Zsbán Ambrus)
-  - Moved exp from @Barewords to @Functions
-  - Added English names for %!, @F (perlrun) and @ARG for @_ (Zsbán Ambrus)
-  - Added %+ %- (Zsbán Ambrus) and $LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT
+- updated to 1.280
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CGI-Simple/Changes
+  1.280 2022-01-11 MANWAR
+  - Changed the version format from N.nn to N.nnn as requested.
+  1.27  2022-01-06 MANWAR
+  - Removed unneeded Build.PL #11, thanks @haarg.
+  - Moved prereqs to correct phase #12, thanks @haarg.
+  1.26  2022-01-02 MANWAR
+  - Dropped IO::Scalar prereq as suggested in PR #10, thanks @haarg.
-- require apache2-mod_perl instead of perl(HTTP::Request::Common)
-  as perl-HTTP-Message provides the same on SLE_11
+- updated to 0.61
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CHI/Changes
-- updated to 0.46
-  - Only generate version numbers for .pm files with documentation, to reduce inter-version churn
-  - Add expires_on_backend parameter
+- updated to 1.1.7
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CLASS/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220720
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220620
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220528
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220420
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220320
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220306
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220227
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220220
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20220120
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 5.20211220
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes
+- updated to 0.13
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CSS-Minifier-XS/Changes
+  0.13      2021-02-06 17:26:39-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - Internals; avoid allocating memory for each node as we tokenize the
+    document, and simply use pointers back into original string.
+  - Dramatically improves performance; local testing shows boost from
+    ~25/s to ~85MB/s
+  - Improve zero value minification further
+  - Simplified whitespace compaction
+  0.12      2021-01-30 21:46:07-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - rewrote test suite into a single ".t" test
+  - GH #1 / RT #97574; whitespace before a ":" in a pseudo-selector is
+    meaningful and needs to be preserved (e.g. "#link :visited")
+  - Further reductions of "zero values", when possible
+  - "00000px" and "0.0px" become "0px"
+  - "000%" and "0.0%" become "0%"
+  - units are preserved inside of functions, but eliminated otherwise, and
+    percentages are always left as a percentages
+  - Optimized whitespace collapsing
+  - Optimized memory usage and string copying
+  0.11      2020-12-30 21:27:39-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - POD spelling fixes
+  - Switch to DZil Author Bundle
+  0.10      2020-12-28 11:00:17-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - RT #90879; correct minification of %s in "hsl()" and "hsla()" functions
+    Thanks to Philipp Soehnlein
+  - RT #103231; don't remove units on zero values inside of functions.
+    Thanks to Isaac Montoya, for an additional test case.
+  - No long drop units on zero percentages, as those may be required for CSS
+    animations.  Thanks to Isaac Montoya for continuing to poke me on this.
+  - Now prunes leading whitespace before "!important"
+    e.g. "color: red !important" becomes "color:red!important"
+  - Switch to Dist::Zilla
+- updated to 1.0.35
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carton/Changes
+  v1.0.35  2022-05-06 18:36:17 PDT
+  - add $snapshot->remove_distributions to use from Carmel
+- updated to 1.0.34
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carton/Changes
+  v1.0.34  2018-06-28 10:38:01 PDT
+  - workaround carton fatpack by explicitly loading Menlo::Index::Mirror
+  v1.0.33  2018-05-04 11:22:45 PDT
+  - bundle: support environment where IO::Compress::Gzip is not available
+  v1.0.32  2018-05-04 11:01:36 PDT
+  - Write out 02packages.details.txt.gz in carton bundle so that you can use
+    plain cpanm to install them
+  v1.0.31  2018-04-28 08:31:27 PDT
+  - Fix carton fatpack to include runtime dependencies for Menlo #571
+  v1.0.30  2018-04-25 02:42:18 PDT
+  - depend on Menlo::CLI::Compat for Menlo-Legacy
+  v1.0.29  2018-04-21 19:27:13 CEST
+  - switched from JSON to JSON::PP
+  - use Menlo to install modules rather than App::cpanminus::fatscript
+- updated to 0.82
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-TidyAll/Changes
+  0.82     2022-04-15
+  - Fixed git tests to ignore local Git configuration files, which may cause the
+    tests to fail. Implemented by Andreas Vögele. GH #109.
+  - The git tests nor run with LC_ALL set to C. Implemented by Andreas
+    Vögele. GH #109.
+- updated to 0.81
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-TidyAll/Changes
+  0.81     2022-02-16
+  - The PerlTidy plugin will now always append the `--encode-output-strings`
+    flag when using `Perl::Tidy` 20220101 or newer. This eliminates issues with
+    character encoded content reported in GH #84, reported by Greg
+    Oschwald. Thanks to Steven Hancock for letting me know that this was
+    possible.
+- updated to 2.201
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes
+    2.201 25 June 2022
+  * 2.201
+    Sat Jun 25 09:50:04 2022 +0100
+    367f6414d5eb54e5f0d1d07ceb1c909ce5ac84d8
+- separate BuildRequires
+- updated to 2.103 3 April 2022
+  * No changes
+- updated to 0.15
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess/Changes
+  0.15 2022-02-11T08:52:23Z
+  - fix synopsis (PR#12 @skaji++)
+- updated to 0.076
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes
+  0.076   2022-01-07
+  - fix #80 github actions (mac, windows, cygwin)
+  - fix #79 isolate ltc functions (via -Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL)
+  - fix #68 Segmentation fault on Apache due to symbol clash with libasn1
+- updated to 0.075
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes
+- updated to 0.59
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-CSV/ChangeLog
+  0.59	- 2022-01-01, H.Merijn Brand
+  * It's 2022
-- updated to 0.44
-  * Table names case sensitiveness not tested case-problematic FS's
-  * Fix defaults in doc (annocpan)
-  * Fix typo in SYNOPSIS (RT#97313)
-  * Workaround eof bug in Text::CSV_XS-1.10
-  0.43   - 2014-06-30, H.Merijn Brand
-  * Updated copyright to 2014
-  * Unquote schema's in test for cygwin
-  * Extra guards in Makefile.PL for unmet requirements
-  0.42   - 2013-08-14, H.Merijn Brand
-  * Optionally skip tests using File::Spec->tempdir () RT#87684
-  * And document the use of $TMPDIR in README
-  * Make the SYNOPSIS more reflect real-world usage
-  * Detect DBI::Test and use it if available
+- updated to 0.082843
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class/Changes
+  0.082843 2022-05-17 10:50 (UTC)
+  * Fixes
+  - Adjust tests to account for DBD::SQLite's column_info() no longer
+    being case-preserving in recent versions
+  - Fix t/storage/replicated.t relying on no-longer-available module
+  - Adjust t/53lean_startup.t to work around spurious changes in
+    Perl5 core (GH#143)
+- updated to 0.082842
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class/Changes
+  0.082842 2020-06-16 20:10 (UTC)
+  * New Features
+  - An on_connect rebase_sqlmaker call allowing experimentation with
+    non-core SQL generators on a per-$schema-instance basis
+  - Automatically detect and use multi-column IN on recent versions of
+    libsqlite: ... WHERE ( foo, bar ) IN ( SELECT foo, bar FROM ... )
+  * Fixes
+  - Fix silent failure to retrieve a primary key (RT#80283) or worse:
+    returning an incorrect value (RT#115381) in case a rdbms-side autoinc
+    column is declared as PK with the is_auto_increment attribute unset
+  - Fix overly-aggressive condition unrolling, corrupting custom ops with
+    array arguments (RT#132390)
+  - Fix docs on how to properly use Moo(se) in ResultSet's, and fix a
+    corner case of ->count not functioning properly when the old recipe
+    was being used (GH#105)
+  - Fix incorrect ::Storage->_ping() behavior under Sybase (RT#114214)
+  - Work around breakage in Hash::Merge by soft-requiring Clone as part
+    of the replicated subsystem (RT#124321)
+  * Misc
+  - DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=... now uses a ::Storage::Statistics subclass
+    DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyTrace which properly ships as a
+    part of this distrinbution
+  - Switch out SQL::Abstract dependency with a slower moving dist
+  - Remove Data::Page dependency by inlining its entirety into the core
+    DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Pager (RT#130686)
-- updated to 0.08250
-  * tons of changes, see Changes
-- update to 0.08196
-  * tons of changes, see Changes
+- updated to 0.51
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Peek/ChangeLog
+  0.51	- 2022-01-01, H.Merijn Brand   <>
+  * It's 2021
+  * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.63
+  * It's 2022
-- update to 0.36
-  * NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL
-  * More cross-checks for META data
+- updated to 0.67
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Util/Changes
+  0.67 2022-03-16T04:28:19Z
+  - fix is_integer on usequadmath Perl
-- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
-- fixed deps
-- added examples to doc
+- updated to 1.94
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG
+  1.94    2022-07-27
+  - Add Mac OS 12 (Monterey)
+- updated to 1.93
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG
+  1.93    2022-04-25
+  - No functional changes, just changes to where dependencies are declared
+  1.92    2022-04-24
+  - Fix bugs in new alias and case-insensitivity features which meant everything
+    broke in taint-mode. The new features now no longer work in taint-mode but
+    everything else should.
+  1.91    2022-04-21
+  - Fix tests for platforms where the OS is detected as something that is
+    a family, but not as anything more specific, such as Fedora Linux
+  1.90    2022-04-20
+  - Matches are now case-insensitive
+  - Add support for OS aliases
+  - Deprecated the list_* functions being context sensitive, they now warn
+    when called inappropriately. They will stop being context-sensitive some
+    time after April 2024.
-- updated to 1.71
-    Bugfix, better tests for negative assertions
-    Add support for negative assertions in Devel::AssertOS
+- updated to 0.016
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-FindPerl/Changes
+  0.016     2022-07-01 12:37:45+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
+    Delete %ENV entries after localizing them to bypass taint
+- updated to 3.68
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes
+  3.68 - 2022-03-18
+  * fix newSVsv_flags: rename variable to fix C++ compilation issue
+  * Update dNOOP definition for Perl < 5.27.7
+- updated to 3.67
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes
+- updated to 3.66
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes
+  3.66 - 2022-03-22
+  * Fix corrupted release (missing files)
+  3.65 - 2022-03-02
+  * Enable AppVeyor CI
+  * Refactor to use static inline function in multiple parts/inc
+  * devel/regenerate: Add --skip-devels option
+  * Don't list has_builtin as being provided
+- updated to 3.64
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes
+  3.64 - 2022-02-01
+  * Fix: better support for STMT_START / STMT_END definition
+  * Fix: Only use '-Wdeclaration-after-statement' if possible
+  * 5.55.2 functions: av_fetch_simple, av_store_simple, voidnonfinal
+  * 5.33 functions: pack_cat, pad_compname_type
+  * multiple improvements & code refactor for regenerating files
+- updated to 1.003029
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-REPL/Changes
+  1.003029   2022-05-28 03:31:29Z
+  - removed File::HomeDir dependency
-- did not start, added Requires: perl(File::Which)
+- updated to 0.503
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Dumbbench/Changes
+  0.503 2022-04-21T08:47:35Z
+  * xenu replaced time() with clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) GitHub #11
+- updated to 1.952
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-MIME/Changes
+  1.952     2021-12-14 09:57:27-05:00 America/New_York
+  - exactly 1.951, except will install on 5.8.8
+  - **ACHTUNG!**  Do not expect any future release to work on Perl v5.8
+  1.951     2021-12-14 09:41:01-05:00 America/New_York
+  - non-trial release of 1.950 changes
+  1.950     2020-11-02 19:21:52-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)
+  - when computing filename, start from raw  Content-Disposition (thanks,
+    Mishrakk)
+  - avoid a potentially very slow regex in parsing (thanks, ivulfson)
+- updated to 3.18
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes
+- updated to 3.17
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes
+- updated to 0.09
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Exporter-Lite/Changes
-- Build for SL93
+- updated to 1.16
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl/Changes
+  1.16    2022-03-29
+  - fix test when run after 'make clean' (RT#142008)
+- updated to 0.33
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-MimeInfo/Changes
+  0.33  2022-07-12
+  - Fix uninitialized value warning in File::MimeInfo::Applications,
+    provided by SPFabGerman
+- updated to 0.32
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-MimeInfo/Changes
+  0.32  2022-03-06
+  - Fix uninitialized values in _read_list() call, provided by mazunki
+- updated to 0.31
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-MimeInfo/Changes
-- pulled version 0.18 from cpan.
-- perl-5142-re-syntax.patch obsoleted.
-- added perl-5142-re-syntax.patch;
-  taken from
-  test suite now compatible to perl-5.14.2
-- switch to perl_requires macro
+- updated to 0.48
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes
+  0.48    2022-01-26
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Implement the new AWAIT_ON_CANCEL API shape for Future::AsyncAwait
+  * Make sure to set rtime for immediate futures (RT134620)
+- updated to 2.76
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GD/ChangeLog
+  2.76    * fix broken TIFF and AVIF support, PR #43 by Paul Howarth
+  * re-enable XBM support (always on)
+  * provide xbm magic support (a hack, for GD::Graph)
+  2.75    * add experimental support for TIFF and RAQM (with freetype)
+  * improve GD2 tests (GH #42, RT #140856)
+  * also list the unsupported image formats in the GD::Image pod
+  * fix copyRotated pod (it rotates CCW) PR #36 by LorenzoTo
+  * fix GD::Simple->fontMetrics docs and implementation GH #37 by Ben Crowell.
+    fix lineheight calculation according to the docs. You might need to
+    fix your code!
+  * add image methods tiff, webp, heif, avif, and its documentation.
+  * fix the fix for the poly->transform documentation RT #140043
+  2.74    * add experimental support for WEBP, HEIF and AVIF
+  * document all supported Image formats in the GD::Image lib
+  * added Github actions (for PR's)
+  * fix poly->transform documentation RT #140043
+  * fix GD,GD2 detection and tests RT #139399 (since libgd 2.3.3)
+    fixed tests by Håkon Hægland.
+  * POD: Remove indirect object constructors from example code snippet (PR #39)
+  * patch from Ben Crowell that fixes incorrect behaviour of GD::Simple->fontMetrics
+  * fix cross-compilation if gdlib.pc has no cflags by Fabrice Fontaine
+- Fix line endings in samples/
+- Update the spec file with spec-cleaner
+- Fix logo_xbm_noext test
+  * Upstream PR:
+  * Add perl-GDGraph-XBM-Magic.patch
-- license correction (same as Perl)
-- added new dependencies (bnc#676080)
-- spec renewal
-- switch to perl_requires macro
+- updated to 0.9725
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9725 2021-10-10
+  - fix refvertexed which was stringifying not using ref address - thanks @merkys for report
+- updated to 0.9724
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9724 2021-09-13
+  - make deep_copy not interfere with $. - thanks @merkys for report
+- updated to 0.9723
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9723 2021-09-01
+  - doc fixes - thanks @xsawyerx
+  - fix problem with deep_copy with vertices that are refs - thanks @merkys for report
+- updated to 0.9722
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9722 2021-07-04
+  - fix neighbours et al not returning count in scalar context - thanks @merkys for report
+- updated to 0.9721
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9721 2021-04-18
+  - fix BitMatrix and AdjacencyMatrix problems - thanks @dod38fr for report
+- updated to 0.9720
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9720 2021-03-25
+  - better fix - no mutate inputs
+  0.9719 2021-03-25
+  - fix all_paths infinite loop on cycle - thanks @tobez for report
+- updated to 0.9718
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9718 2021-03-13
+  - remove doc of deleted average_degree method - thanks @lindleyw for report
+- updated to 0.9717
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9717 2021-01-27
+  - bulk APIs for UnionFind
+  - add unionfind config option for util/ (benchmark-ish script)
+  - GRAPH_ALLOW_RECURSION env var to turn off recursion protection
+  - "Light" edge-map now uses bit-vectors -> smaller storage
+  - directed hypergraphs
+  - fix same_biconnected_components logic when given >2 vertices
+- updated to 0.9716
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9716 2021-01-01
+  - use Set::Object
+  - {neighbours,successors,predecessors,reachable}_by_radius
+  0.9715 2020-12-31
+  - fix AdjacencyMap::Light attributes so delete when path deleted
+  - fix as_hashes undirected edges: now both directions
+  - subgraph_by_radius take multiple vertices
+  0.9714 2020-12-25
+  - remove "omni*" - hypergraphs are simply directed or undirected
+  - as_hashes works with undirected hypergraphs
+  - add_edge with != 2 vertices only for undirected hypergraph
+  - any_edge
+  - delete_*_attributes_by_id (and deleting last attribute) now don't destroy that entity
+  - AdjacencyMap::Light can have attributes, so no slowdown if use (eg APSP)
+  0.9713 2020-12-19
+  - fix edges_at on self-edges in scalar context
+  - fix refvertexed_stringified predicate
+  - remove "hypervertices": a collection of n vertices is a hyperedge
+  - AdjacencyMap.get_paths_by_ids
+  - transitive_closure et al no longer re-bless objects to Graph
+  - AdjacencyMap.get_ids_by_paths
+  - no more uniqedged configurability
+  - BitMatrix transpose option
+  - Transitive closure records path successor, not predecessor. Method name and docs updated.
+- updated to 0.9712
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9712 2020-12-05
+  - bug-fix: set_edge_attribute_by_id add_edge_by_id if not exist
+  - connected_component_by_index behaves same with/without unionfind
+  - AdjacencyMatrix handle multiedged
+  - reduce redundant sorting for _UNORD, fix AdjacencyMap::Vertex with ID 0
+  - AdjacencyMap.stringify
+  - allow constructor args to override "prototype" object
+  - fix docs for TransitiveClosure to correctly say path_vertices default true
+  - AdjacencyMatrix now always creates adjacency matrix (clue in name)
+  - remove compat02 features
+  - drop untested scalar-context Traversal.postorder mutation behaviour
+  - much more lazy-loading of modules
+  - set_vertex_attribute_by_id now works on hypervertexed
+  - internal AdjacencyMap uses array not hash for mapping index to path
+  - successors/predecessors/rename_path work right with multivertex
+  - AdjacencyMap array -> stable vertices ordering, TCM performance benefit
+  - TransitiveClosure etc handle multiedged
+  - all_paths ignore self-loops
+- updated to 0.9711
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9711 2020-11-27
+  - ingest handle multivertexed, multiedged right
+  0.9710 2020-11-27
+  - all_paths method
+  - as_hashes handle multivertexed, multiedged right
+- updated to 0.9709
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9709 2020-11-22
+  - add path_count option to TransitiveClosure
+  - get_{edge,vertex}_attributes undef if no such entity, in list context
+  - as_hashes method
+  - ingest method
+- updated to 0.9708
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9708 2020-11-06
+  - update metadata for Test::More version dep
+  - stringify hypervertices right
+  - add rename_vertex, rename_vertices
+- updated to 0.9707
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
+  0.9707 2020-10-31
+  - can't use Safe, ergo Storable, on 5.8
+- updated to 0.9706
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Graph/Changes
-- updated to 0.96
-  * Address #85449:
-    "Graph-0.94 tests fail under perl 5.18.0"
-  * Address #82324:
-    "Test failures due to hash randomisation in perl 5.17.6"
-    The two above fixes were the same: the biconnectedness
-    code was rewritten from scratch.  The new code behaves
-    differently (but I believe more correctly) on certain
-    edge cases, in general it will generate more biconnected
-    components and bridges, for example for "a=b=c" it will
-    now return the same two biconnected components and bridges
-    (cut edges), namely "a=b" and "b=c", the "b" of course being
-    the articulation point (cut vertex).
-  * Address #67213:
-    "[PATCH] pod fixes"
-  * Remove the t/u_bo.t and t/u_bo1.t since they die in 5.18 due
-    to some strange failure, looks unrelated to Graph as such,
-    probably some fix/change made by newer Perls.
-  * Release as 0.95.
-- use original .tar.gz
-- switch to perl_requires macro
-- initial package 0.94
-  * created by cpanspec 1.78
+- updated to 0.79
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Async/Changes
+  0.79    2021-08-06
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Permit IO::Async::Routine or Function by module+func names instead
+    of CODE reference
+  * Added new Routine/Function model of `spawn`
+  * Implement IO::Async::Resolver by module+func rather than code
+  * Require Socket 2.029 on MSWin32 because of AF_UNIX fix (RT133018)
+- Remove patch IO-Async-0.77-Adjust-t-50resolver.t-test-for-an-unavailable-DNS-se.patch
+  (was applied upstream.
+- updated to 0.78
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Async/Changes
+  0.78    2021-01-21
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Warn on attempts to ->connect to INADDR(6)_LOOPBACK as some OSes
+    (e.g. OpenBSD) do not allow it
+  * Various fixes for IO::Async::LoopTests to better support
+    IO::Async::Loop::UV:
+    + Insert some ->loop_once(0) calls between timing tests to allow
+    libuv to clear its pending queues
+    + Allow loops to declare that they cannot perform all-child PID
+    watch and skip the relevant tests for it if so
+  * Have $loop->later return a future instance if not passed any code
+    (RT133240)
+  * Accept more error codes for failure to resolve missing hostname
+    (RT131109)
+  * Defend against some undef values at global destruction time
+    (RT132677)
+- add IO-Async-0.77-Adjust-t-50resolver.t-test-for-an-unavailable-DNS-se.patch
+  to fix IO-Async-0.77-Adjust-t-50resolver.t-test-for-an-unavailable-DNS-se.patch
+- updated to 0.77
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Async/Changes
+  0.77    2020-05-13
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Updated for Metrics::Any 0.05
+  * Report an info-type gauge metric to track loop types
+  * Loop processing time should be a timer metric, not a distribution
+  * Don't bother reporting zero-byte stream read/write metrics
+  * Skip metrics-related unit tests if metrics aren't active, even
+    though we depend on Test::Metrics::Any
+  * Account for MSWin32's EWOULDBLOCK in t/70future-io.t
+  0.76    2020-05-05
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Initial attempt at providing metrics via Metrics::Any
+  * Renamed ->(un)watch_child API to ->(un)watch_process
+  * Renamed 'child' LoopTests suite to 'process'
+  0.75    2019-11-26 00:06:59
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Remember to keep O_NONBLOCK off on IO::Async::Channel sync mode
+    filehandles
+  * Added IO::Async::Process->finish_future
+  * Added IO::Async::Routine->result_future
+  * Future-returning version of IO::Async::Function->stop
+  * Don't load IO::Socket or Sereal modules unless required
+  * Refresh the sigpipe in ->post_fork if required (RT128588)
+  * Fix some spelling mistakes (RT130087)
+  * Skip the async getprotobyname() test if it doesn't work
+    synchronously (RT131029)
+  0.74    2019-06-27 18:44:38
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Warn about IO::Async::Stream using autoflush on a blocking handle
+  * Implement queuing priorities for IO::Async::Function calls (RT129918)
+  * Send a terminating signal to a ->run_process process on cancellation
+    (RT129225)
+  * Optionally make ->run_process future fail when process exits non-zero
+    (RT129225)
+  * Implement the Future::IO->syswrite API
+  * Skip t/70future-io.t unless Future::IO is available (RT129807)
+  * Remember to set O_NONBLOCK on IO::Async::Channel async mode
+    filehandles (RT129879)
+  * Handle Windows 7 which returns ENETDOWN to failed AF_UNIX connect()
+    (RT129806)
+  0.73    2019-06-12 16:49:28
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Provide an IO::Async implementation of Future::IO
+  * Added $loop->run_process (RT129225)
+  * Clear $ONE_TRUE_LOOP in $loop->fork so that child processes can do
+    IO::Async::Loop->new successfully
+  * Added $notifier->adopted_futures accessor (RT127818)
+  * Various docs fixes
+  0.72    2018-04-02 19:34:27
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Expanded docs on Stream's on_read sub return values
+  * Overridable timeout for IO::Async::Test::wait_for
+  * Hide IO::Async::ChildManager as an internal implementation detail;
+    move the docs into main IO::Async::Loop
+  * Added $loop->open_process; suggest using that instead of
+  - >open_child
+  * Begin implementation of $loop->is_running method (part of RT123780)
+  * Make IO::Async::Future->await wait until it's ready
+  * Fix calculation of periodic timer in 'skip' mode (RT124414)
+  * Perform synchronous getaddrinfo shortcut even for service-less
+    lookups
+  * Make sure that errors from underlying read/write functions are
+    debug-logged by IO::Async::Stream
+  0.71    2016/12/22 15:05:50
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Added 'prefork' option to IO::Async::Channel (RT115920) - thanks
+  * Prefer Sereal Channel encoding if that module is available
+  * Ensure that IaFunction still prints debug information on futures
+  * Miscellaneous spelling fixes in docs - thanks genio
+  * 'use lib ".";' for perl 5.24
+  * Make t/50resolver.t less sensitive to EAI_NONAME vs EAI_NODATA
+    because some resolvers lie (RT113429)
+  * Fix error message linefeed tests in t/50resolver.t (RT119369)
+  * Ensure that SIGPIPE is ignored if it's still at its default value
+  0.70    2015/12/15 18:17:43
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Support perl 5.8.x (tested on 5.8.9, presumed working as far as
+    5.8.4)
+  0.69    2015/11/09 19:56:58
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Use Future->catch instead of poorly-implemented string-eq test
+  * Use L<...> instead of C<...> in docs where appropriate (RT107417)
+    (thanks Arthur Axel 'fREW' Schmidt)
+  * Don't silently swallow Listener acceptor failures (RT107806)
+  * Don't silently swallow other ->connect errors
+  * Remember to ->unwatch_io before setting IaHandle's handle to undef
+  0.68    2015/07/31 20:07:48
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Allow IO::Async::Function body to 'die' with an ARRAYref to set
+    more details on failed Future
+  * Have IO::Async::Resolver calls indicate the failed resolver name
+  * Have IO::Async::Resolver's getaddrinfo and getnameinfo resolvers
+    give error numbers in failure result
+  * Added 'init_code' parameter to IO::Async::Function (RT104127)
+  * Added IO::Async::Channel->encode, ->send_encoded; deprecate the old
+  - >send_frozen method
+  * Added IO::Async::Test::wait_for_future
+  * Clean up after 'on_hangup' loop tests (RT106061)
+  * Make ->stop + ->start on IO::Async::Timer::Periodic not forget the
+    first_interval (RT100927)
+  0.67    2015/06/01 15:06:13
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Add a ->post_fork method to IO::Async::Loop in case subclasses
+    should take specific action (RT104130)
+  * Remove IO::Async::MergePoint entirely
+  * Add debug_printf() calls to IO::Async::Process
+  * Various documentation additions
+  * Remember to actually delete unused filehandles from the pollmask
+    (RT103922)
+- updated to 0.006
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pipely/CHANGES
+- Update to version 12.42:
+  * Added support for reading maker notes from Panasonic DC-GH6 videos
+  * Added conversion for Samsung MCCData
+  * Added a new Nikon LensID (thanks Chris)
+  * Added a few new Canon LensType values
+  * Added a couple of new Olympus StackedImage values (thanks Eberhard)
+  * Added a few new values for some Nikon Settings tags (thanks Warren Hatch)
+  * Added a "lang:" element to the -json output for alternate language tags when -D, -H or -t is used
+  * Update DNG writer to not issue an error when writing DNG 1.6 files
+  * Decode information from DJI "ae_dbg_info" maker notes
+  * Decode Olympus AISubjectTrackingMode
+  * Changed ExifTool FileSize print conversion to use kB/MB/GB units instead of KiB/MiB/GiB
+  * Changed "is not shiftable" warning to appear in -v (instead of just -v3) output
+  * Patched to allow PDF Encrypt object to be "null"
+  * Fixed bug reading ICC_Profile 'meta' tags
+- update to version 12.41:
+  * Added support for "OM SYSTEM" maker notes
+  * Added 2 new Sony LensType values (thanks Jos Roost)
+  * Added some new Canon lenses (thanks LibRaw)
+  * Added a new Nikon LensID (thanks Bert Ligtvoet)
+  * Added a new Canon ContinuousDrive value (thanks Wolfgang Gulcker)
+  * Enhanced -v0 option to also print new file name when renaming, moving or
+    copying a file
+  * Updated xmp2exif.args and exif2xmp.args helper files to reflect the IPTC
+    Photometadata Mapping Guidelines version 2202.1
+  * Made "Invalid Xxx data" a minor warning for MakerNote data
+  * Patched to allow writing of MP4 videos which have other tracks with a
+    missing sample description entry
+  * Patched MacOS version to specify directory for external utilities (setfile,
+    xattr, stat, mdls and osascript from /usr/bin, and tag from /usr/local/bin)
+  * Fixed long-standing problem where Windows version could behave differently
+    for -if conditions containing undefined tags
+  * Fixed problem where -W+! combined with -j or -X produced invalid JSON or XML
+    when  processing multiple files
+  * Fixed potential "uninitialized value $time in division" runtime warning when
+    reading MP4 videos
+  * Added PageCount tag to return the number of pages in a multi-page TIFF
+  * Added a new Nikon LensID (thanks Wolfgang Exler)
+  * Added a few more Sony LensTypes (thanks Jos Roost)
+  * Decode some new Canon tags (thanks Mark Reid)
+  * Decode another Nikon Z9 tag (thanks Warren Hatch)
+  * Decode Nikon NKSC GPSImgDirection (thanks Olaf)
+  * Improved handling of empty XMP structures in lists
+  * Tolerate leading UTF-8 BOM in -geotag log files
+  * Updated photoshop_paths.config to include WorkingPath
+  * Patched to allow writing of MP4 videos which have url tracks with a missing
+    sample description entry
+  * Fixed deep recursion error when reading multi-page TIFF images with more
+    than 100 pages
+  * Fixed potential deep recursion runtime error when writing nested XMP
+    structures
+  * Fixed warning which could be generated when writing new
+    Composite:GPSCoordinates tag
+  * Fixed description of GPR (General Purpose RAW) file type
+  * Fixed typo in the name of a new Nikon tag (thanks Herb)
+- update to version 12.39 - not CPAN released
+  For changes in version 12.31 to 12.39 see Changes file
+- fixes CVE-2022-23935 security issue
+- Remove "Provides: perl-Inline-C"
+  Inline::C got split out alraedy in version 0.57 in 2014
-- use original .tar.gz
+- updated to 0.56.5d4b1ff
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Inline-Python/Changes
+  Switch to git commit 5d4b1ff to fix build for Python3.10
+- refresh spec file
+- updated to 5.08
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes
+  5.08 2022-03-25T10:00:18+0900
+  - Fix handling OpenAPIv2 headers with collectionFormat
+  5.07 2022-03-23T07:58:02+0900
+  - Fix issues with OpenAPIv3 in 5.06
+  5.06 2022-03-23T07:29:23+0900
+  - Fix placing OpenAPIv2 bundled path $ref's inside "paths"
+- updated to 5.05
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes
+  5.05 2022-01-06T09:33:30+0900
+  - Add EXPERIMETNAL support for coercing to array when posting form data
+- updated to 5.04
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes
+  5.04 2021-12-10T07:54:09+0900
+  - Fix coercing strings and numbers in schema specification #266
+- updated to 0.15
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS/Changes
+  0.15      2021-10-15 20:21:23-07:00 America/Vancouver
+  - GH#8 - preserve newlines when collapsing whitespace; if a block of
+    whitespace contains a newline, then when collapsing we collapse to a
+    newline character, not just "the first whitespace char we found"
+- updated to 0.14
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS/Changes
+  0.14      2021-02-06 23:36:36-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - rewrote test suite into a single ".t" test
+  - optimized memory allocations, by allocating Nodes in bulk, and being
+    smarter about when we need to free/reallocate content buffers in Nodes
+  - optimize whitespace collapsing
+  - GH#3 / RT#108682; fix whitespace reduction at end of preserved line
+    comment.  Thanks to Dan Goodliffe
+  - GH#6; fix unescaped slash in character set, inside of a regex, with thanks
+    to @faf
+  0.13      2020-12-30 21:46:29-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - POD cleanups; spelling, SYNOPSIS
+  - Switch to DZil Author Bundle
+  0.12      2020-12-28 08:31:31-08:00 America/Vancouver
+  - Switch to GitHub Actions, from Travis-CI.
+  - Add META links to GitHub repository and issue tracker
+  - Switch to Dist::Zilla
+  - Bump minimum required Perl to 5.8.1
+  - RT #130347; handle ES6 template literals.
+    Thanks to Robert Rothenberg.
+- updated to 0.33
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence/Changes
+  0.32 July 2022
+  fixed bug causing abbreviation followed by '(' to break sentnece, reported in github
+  dot following an abbreviation now explicitly marked up
+  added more acronyms
+  improved documentation
+  improved tests
+  added verbose moe for debugging
+- updated to 1.879
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes
+  1.879 Tue May 24 05:00:00 EST 2022
+  * Replace http with https in documentation and meta files.
+  * Call PDL::set_autopthread_targ(1); disables PDL auto-threading.
+- updated to 1.878
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes
+  1.878 Sun Feb 20 06:45:00 EST 2022
+  * Fix for the fast channel implementations.
+    Thank you, twata for the test report.
+  1.877 Sun Feb 20 02:30:00 EST 2022
+  * Improved suppressing the PDL CLONE warning. Piddles should not be
+    naively copied into new threads.
+  * Added fast channel implementations optimized for non-Unicode strings.
+    The main difference is that these lack freeze-thaw serialization.
+    MCE::Channel::MutexFast, MCE::Channel::SimpleFast, and
+    MCE::Channel::ThreadsFast.
+- updated to 1.504
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mac-PropertyList/Changes
+  1.504 2022-07-08T03:16:18Z
+  * @trwyant fixed some stray debugging output (#14 and #15)
+- updated to 1.503
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mac-PropertyList/Changes
+  1.503 2022-06-30T18:16:29Z
+  * Darren Kulp noted an XML error in one of the test strings (GitHub #12)
+  * No other code changes
-- updated to 1.39
-  * Bump to full release
-  * Fix non-portable strftime format (RT #83460)
-  * Wim Lewis improved the binary reader / writer and made better
-    tests for it.
-- updated to 1.38
-    Wim Lewis <> added WriteBinary. Great work!
+- updated to 1.999837
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999837 2022-07-02
+  * Improve the interoperability between objects of different classes for the
+    methods that are still used as functions.
+- updated to 1.999836
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999836 2022-06-24
+  * Improve compatibility with older versions of the Math-BigRat distribution.
+    Math-BigInt version 1.999835 works with Math-BigRat version 0.2623 and newer.
+    Math-BigInt version 1.999836 works with Math-BigRat version 0.2618 and newer.
+  * Re-enable upgrading in Math::BigFloat->bdiv().
+  * Fix an error in the enabling/disabling of upgrading/downgrading.
+  * Fix typos and other formatting errors.
+- updated to 1.999835
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999835 2022-05-24
+  * Fix bug related to upgrading in Math::BigInt->brsft(). This bug
+    only showed up in Perl versions 5.16 and older.
+  1.999834 2022-05-23
+  * Further improvements to upgrading and downgrading.
+  1.999833 2022-05-23
+  * Fix Math::BigFloat->bpi(). The previous attempt at correcting it
+    wasn't sufficient. Added test to verify the fix.
+  * Correct the formatting in the CHANGES file.
+  1.999832 2022-05-21
+  * Improve as_int(), as_float(), and as_rat() so that they return a
+    Math::BigInt, Math::BigFloat, and Math::BigRat, respectivly,
+    regardless of upgrading and downgrading.
+  * Improve stringification method bsstr() so that it handles upgrading
+    and downgrading better.
+  * Fix Math::BigFloat->bpi(), which unfortunately didn't handle
+    downgrading.
+  * Avoid unnecessary downgrading/upgrading.
+  * Add missed cases where downgrading/upgrading should be performed.
+  * Avoid unnecessary stringification.
+- updated to 1.999831
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999831 2022-05-16
+  * Further improvements to upgrading, downgrading, and rounding.
+  * New stringification method bfstr() for representing numbers as fractions.
+    E.g., Math::BigFloat -> new("1.25") -> bfstr() returns "5/4".
+  * Miscellaneous bug fixes.
+  * Fixed errors and typos in the documentation.
+- updated to 1.999830
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999830 2022-04-11
+  * Improve upgrading and downgrading. This work is not complete. Some methods
+    still don't downgrade when they should.
+- updated to 1.999829
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES
+  1.999829 2021-12-29
+  * Improve methods div_scale() and round_mode() so they work better with
+    subclasses. This fixes CPAN RT #125430.
+  * Make div_scale() accept a Math::Big(Int|Float|Rat) object as input. This
+    fixes CPAN RT #140599.
+  1.999828 2021-12-17
+  * Add new methods numerator(), denominator(), and fparts().
+  * Fix bug in to_ieee754(). Avoid that the significand overflows.
+  * Improve bpow(). Avoid unnecessary upgrading.
+  * Fix typos and improve wording.
+- updated to 1.6011
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES
+  1.6011 2022-05-17
+  * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.
+- updated to 1.6010
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES
+  1.6010 2021-12-29
+  * Add static gmp_version() function (code provided by FGasper on GitHub).
+  * Make t/01load.t display the output from gmp_version().
+- updated to 10.25
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes
+  10.25  2022-06-24
+  - Added workers field to stats methods in Minion and Minion::Backend::Pg.
+- updated to 10.24
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes
+  10.24  2022-04-28
+  - Improved Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Admin to log whenever a job gets removed.
+- updated to 10.23
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes
+  10.23  2022-01-20
+  - Improved repair performance in Minion::Backend::Pg. (andrii-suse, ilmari, kraih)
+- updated to 1.20220515
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes
+  1.20220515 2022-05-15 11:15:25-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
+  - enable signatures in 2022 year bundle
+  - add 2021 and 2022 year bundles
+- updated to 0.18
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Refresh/Changes
+  0.18 Tue May 10 03:33:29 CST 2022
+  * Fix uninitialized warnings when modules were not successfully loaded
+- updated to 0.88
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Signature/Changes
+  [Changes for 0.88 - Sat Dec 18 11:34:44 CST 2021]
+  * Update PAUSE keys to 2022. (@skaji)
+- Enable previously unstable build-tests again
+- Update project URL references
+- updated to 4.27
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes
+  4.27  2022-03-10
+  - Fixed a race condition in Mojo::Pg::Migrations that could result in two processes trying to create the same
+    migration.
+- updated to 9.26
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
+  9.26  2022-05-20
+  - Added EXPERIMENTAL capture method to Mojo::Log.
+- updated to 9.25
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
+  9.25  2022-04-25
+  - Improved Mojolicious::Renderer to throw an exception if rendering is attempted more than once.
+- updated to 9.24
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
+- updated to 9.23
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
+  9.23  2021-03-25
+  - Enable gzip compression by default in Mojolicious::Renderer.
+- updated to 2.02
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/Changes
+  2.02 2022-02-08T18:49:21+0900
+  - Add support for passing in custom "ua"
+  - Add support for "providers" key in plugin config
+  - Add support for "proxy" in plugin config
+- updated to 0.006
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-OneArgNew/Changes
+  0.006     2022-05-29 15:48:22-04:00 America/New_York
+  - update metadata: author address, support window, etc.
+- updated to 2.99036
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes
+  2.99036  Jun 21 2022 Alexander Nalobin
+  - Fix whois servers for .cat and .tel
+  2.99035  May 25 2022    Alexander Nalobin
+  - Added .ink, .wiki, .design not found patterns
+- updated to 2.99034
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes
+  2.99034  Apr 18 2022    Alexander Nalobin
+  - .ink, .wiki, .design moved from centralnic
+  2.99033  Sep 29 2021    Alexander Nalobin
+  - utf8 encoding fix in pwhois script
+- updated to 1.055
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR-Packer/Changes
+  1.055  2022-07-03
+  - Fix #62: rs6000_71 (AIX) "An offset in the .loader section header is too large."
+    Communicate pp option "--clean" to the generated executable in a
+    different way. Previously this was done by patching "__ENV_PAR_..." strings
+  * *in the executable being built** and interpreting these strings in
+ **at runtime**. Though hacky, this seemingly worked on any OS
+    (without rendering the executable invalid).
+    But the only information ever passed was the value of PAR_CLEAN and this was
+    gleaned at build time from the value of JSONPath $par.clean from META.yml
+    in the zip (set by pp by option "--clean").
+    Instead read and interpret "META.yml" in **at runtime**.
+  - Fix: merge PR #58 from
+    Adding support for running MacOS Universal binaries created via 'lipo'
+    from already pp'ed and signed thin binaries
+  - Make writing stuff more robust: check return value of print()
+    and close() in some places.
+- updated to 1.054
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR-Packer/Changes
+  1.054  2022-01-27
+  - Temporarily disable t/90-gh41.t (system("\\\\?\\some-absolute-path") fails)
+- updated to 1.053
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR-Packer/Changes
+  1.053  2022-01-25
+  - Fix: merge PR #56 from from Philip Kime <>:
+    Updating OSX codesign fix util with fix for automatically added ad-hoc signatures on OSX 12+
+  - Fix: merge PR #42 from Andrew-Kulpa/master:
+    Get exe size from file handle instead of path
+  - Fix: prevent TABs in literal makefile fragments from being expanded
+  - Cleanups:
+  - par_findprog(): pass a copy of argument `path´ to strtok()
+  - simplify searching for PAR magic
+  - consolidate die()s
+  - add a test for GitHub #41
+  - add error message when exec'ing the custom perl fails in myldr/boot
+  - untangle %require_list and %ModuleCache
+- updated to 2.043
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes
+  2.043     2021-12-07
+  - Restores backward compatibility (with a warning) when the deprecated
+    $pdf->pageLabel is given an invalid -style option starting with "a" or
+    "r" (report by Johan Vromans).
+  - Fix incorrect default in documentation for annotation borders (report and
+    patch by Johan Vromans).
+- updated to 1.370
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-POE/CHANGES
-- updated to 1.350, see CHANGES
+- updated to 1.276
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes
+  1.276   2022-07-19 21:43:50Z
+  Summary:
+  - Implement Replace Method (GH#274) (Renee and Olaf Alders)
+  1.275   2022-07-18 19:42:13Z
+  Summary:
+  - CHECK bareword handle parsed as scheduled block (GH#247) (trwyant)
+- updated to 1.274
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes
+  1.274   2022-05-02 18:21:56Z
+  Summary:
+  - Indentation in here-docs is now preserved (GH#252) (trwyant)
+- updated to 1.273
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes
+  1.273   2022-04-22 15:58:31Z
+  Summary:
+  - Whitespace in signatures is now preserved (GH#257)
+- updated to 1.272
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes
+  1.272   2022-02-02 16:10:50Z
+  Summary:
+  - Drop prerequisite for IO::String on perl 5.8+
+- updated to 1.271
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes
+  1.271   2022-01-25 21:47:21Z
+  Summary:
+  - return correct name for lexical subroutines
+  - silence uninitialized warning in t/07_token.t
+  - bump minimum Test::More version to 0.96
+  - fix some typos in Pod
+  - moved repository to Perl-Critic GitHub org:
+- updated to 0.022
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes
+  0.022		2022-04-15	T. R. Wyant
+    Remove 'postderef' argument to new().  Postfix dereference is always
+    recognized.
+- updated to 0.021
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes
+  0.021		2022-04-03	T. R. Wyant
+    Recognize postfix deref in '@{[ ... ]}' for determining minimum Perl
+    version.  This recognizes all forms of postfix dereference,
+    including ->%*, ->&*, and ->**.  NOTE that for now this remains a
+    PPIx::QuoteLike::Token::Interpolation.
+    Require PPI 1.238 for postfix deref support, and prune code that
+    dealt with PPI's old behavior.
+    Postfix %*, &*, and ** do not interpolate.
+    Correct perl_version_introduced() for interpolated postfix scalar
+    deref.
+- updated to 0.020
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes
+  0.020		2022-03-17	T. R. Wyant
+    Correct and optimize the computation of logical column position (the
+    one that takes account of tabs).
+- updated to 0.085
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes
+  0.085		2022-04-16	T. R. Wyant
+    Remove 'postderef' argument to PPIx::Regexp->new().  Postfix
+    dereference is always recognized.
+- updated to 0.084
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes
+  0.084		2022-04-02	T. R. Wyant
+    Require PPI 1.238 for postfix deref support, and recode the
+    postfix deref logic in terms of 1.238's functionality.
+    Parse '@{[ ... ]}' as code, not interpolation.  This is more in line
+    with what it actually represents, and allows correct versioning of
+    postfix dereferences.  But is is an incompatible change.
+- updated to 0.083
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes
+  0.083		2022-03-17	T. R. Wyant
+    Correct and optimize the computation of logical column position (the
+    one that takes account of tabs).
+- updated to 20220613
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
+  [#]# 2022 06 13
+  - No significant bugs have been found since the last release but users
+    of programs which call the Perl::Tidy module should note the first
+    item below, which changes a default setting.  The main change to
+    existing formatting is the second item below, which adds vertical
+    alignment to 'use' statements.
+  - The flag --encode-output-strings, or -eos, is now set 'on' by default.
+    This has no effect on the use of the 'perltidy' binary script, but could
+    change the behavior of some programs which use the Perl::Tidy module on
+    files encoded in UTF-8.  If any problems are noticed, an emergency fix
+    can be made by reverting to the old default by setting -neos.  For
+    an explanation of why this change needs to be made see:
+  - Added vertical alignment for qw quotes and empty parens in 'use'
+    statements (see issue #git 93).  This new alignment is 'on' by default
+    and will change formatting as shown below. If this is not wanted it can
+    be turned off with the parameter -vxl='q' (--valign-exclude-list='q').
+    [#] old default, or -vxl='q'
+    use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+    use Fcntl qw(O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_EXCL O_CREAT);
+    use Symbol qw(gensym);
+    use Exporter ();
+    [#] new default
+    use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+    use Fcntl        qw(O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_EXCL O_CREAT);
+    use Symbol       qw(gensym);
+    use Exporter     ();
+  - The parameter -kbb (--keep-break-before) now ignores a request to break
+    before an opening token, such as '('.  Likewise, -kba (--keep-break-after)
+    now ignores a request to break after a closing token, such as ')'. This
+    change was made to avoid a rare instability discovered in random testing.
+  - Previously, if a -dsc command was used to delete all side comments,
+    then any special side comments for controlling non-indenting braces got
+    deleted too. Now, these control side comments are retained when -dsc is
+    set unless a -nnib (--nonon-indenting-braces) flag is also set to
+    deactivate them.
+  - This version runs about 10 percent faster on large files than the previous
+    release due to optimizations made with the help of Devel::NYTProf.  Much
+    of the gain came from faster processing of blank tokens and comments.
+  - This version of perltidy was stress-tested for many cpu hours with
+    random input parameters. No failures to converge, internal fault checks,
+    undefined variable references or other irregularities were seen.
+- updated to 20220217
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/
+  [#]# 2022 02 17
+  - A new flag, --encode-output-strings, or -eos, has been added to resolve
+    issue git #83. This issue involves the interface between Perl::Tidy and
+    calling programs, and Code::TidyAll (tidyall) in particular.  The problem
+    is that perltidy by default returns decoded character strings, but
+    tidyall expects encoded strings.  This flag provides a fix for that.
+    So, tidyall users who process encoded (utf8) files should update to this
+    version of Perl::Tidy and use -eos for tidyall.  For further info see:
+, and
+    If there are other applications having utf8 problems at the interface
+    with Perl::Tidy, this flag probably may need to be set.
+  - The default value of the new flag, --encode-output-strings, -eos, is currently
+  - neos BUT THIS MAY CHANGE in a future release because the current
+    default is inconvenient.  So authors of programs which receive character
+    strings back from Perl::Tidy should set this flag, if necessary,
+    to avoid any problems when the default changes.  For more information see the
+    above links and the Perl::Tidy man pages for example coding.
+  - The possible values of the string 's' for the flag '--character-encoding=s'
+    have been limited to 'utf8' (or UTF-8), 'none', or 'guess'.  Previously an
+    arbitrary encoding could also be specified, but as a result of discussions
+    regarding git #83 it became clear that this could cause trouble
+    since the output encoding was still restricted to UTF-8. Users
+    who need to work in other encodings can write a short program calling
+    Perl::Tidy with pre- and post-processing to handle encoding/decoding.
+  - A new flag --break-after-labels=i, or -bal=i, was added for git #86.  This
+    controls line breaks after labels, to provide a uniform style, as follows:
+  - bal=0 follows the input line breaks [DEFAULT]
+  - bal=1 always break after a label
+  - bal=2 never break after a label
+    For example:
+    [#] perltidy -bal=1
+    INIT:
+    {
+    $xx = 1.234;
+    }
+    [#] perltidy -bal=2
+    INIT: {
+    $xx = 1.234;
+    }
+  - Fix issue git #82, an error handling something like ${bareword} in a
+    possible indirect object location. Perl allows this, now perltidy does too.
+  - The flags -kbb=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-before=s, and its counterpart
+  - kba=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-after=s have expanded functionality
+    for the container tokens: { [ ( } ] ).  The updated man pages have
+    details.
+  - Two new flags have been added to provide finer vertical alignment control,
+  - -valign-exclusion-list=s (-vxl=s) and  --valign-inclusion-list=s (-vil=s).
+    This has been requested several times, most recently in git #79, and it
+    finally got done.  For example, -vil='=>' means just align on '=>'.
+  - A new flag -gal=s, --grep-alias-list=s, has been added as suggested in
+    git #77.  This allows code blocks passed to list operator functions to
+    be formatted in the same way as a code block passed to grep, map, or sort.
+    By default, the following list operators in List::Util are included:
+    all any first none notall reduce reductions
+    They can be changed with the flag -gaxl=s, -grep-alias-exclusion-list=s
+  - A new flag -xlp has been added which can be set to avoid most of the
+    limitations of the -lp flag regarding side comments, blank lines, and
+    code blocks.  See the man pages for more info. This fixes git #64 and git #74.
+    The older -lp flag still works.
+  - A new flag -lpil=s, --line-up-parentheses-inclusion-list=s, has been added
+    as an alternative to -lpxl=s, --line-up-parentheses-exclusion-list=s.
+    It supplies equivalent information but is much easier to describe and use.
+    It works for both the older -lp version and the newer -xlp.
+  - The coding for the older -lp flag has been updated to avoid some problems
+    and limitations.  The new coding allows the -lp indentation style to
+    mix smoothly with the standard indentation in a single file.  Some problems
+    where -lp and -xci flags were not working well together have been fixed, such
+    as happened in issue rt140025.  As a result of these updates some minor
+    changes in existing code using the -lp style may occur.
+  - This version of perltidy was stress-tested for many cpu hours with
+    random input parameters. No failures to converge, internal fault checks,
+    undefined variable references or other irregularities were seen.
+  - Numerous minor fixes have been made, mostly very rare formatting
+    instabilities found in random testing.
+- updated to 1.2.3
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Readme/Changes
+  v1.2.3    2018-10-31 22:56:42+00:00 Europe/London
+    [Bug Fixes]
+  - Increased minimum version of Type::Tiny to 1.000000.
+  v1.2.2    2018-10-31 22:41:45+00:00 Europe/London
+    [Documentation]
+  - Updated POD with regard to format types (Mohammad S Anwar).
+  - Fixed typos in Changes.
+    [Bug Fixes]
+  - Added explicit requirements for Pod::Simple as well as recommended
+    modules.
+    [Toolchain]
+  - Remove explicit core dependencies from prereqs list.
+  - Updated list of contributors in distribution metadata. (Apologies
+    if anyone was omitted.)
+  v1.2.1    2018-10-30 18:23:48+00:00 Europe/London
+    [Documentation]
+  - Added note about Github Flavoured Markdown (GFM) support
+    to Changes for v1.2.0.
+    [Other]
+  - Restore license to "Perl_5" that was inadvertently changed
+    in the conversion to use Dist::Zilla, GH#25.
+  v1.2.0    2018-10-29 19:24:01+00:00 Europe/London
+    [Bug Fixes]
+  - Specify minimum version of List::Util, GH#22.
+    [Enhancements]
+  - Added "md" as an alias for "markdown" in pod2readme.
+  - Added "github" or "gfm" for Github Flavored Markdown in
+    pod2readme, GH#15.
+    [Incompatabilities]
+  - Removed DistZilla type from Pod::Readme::Types, as it was not
+    necessary.
+    [Toolchain]
+  - Remove use of Module::Install, fixes GH#21.
+  - Use Dist::Zilla to build the distribution.
+- updated to 1.65
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes
+  1.65 2022-04-18
+  - fixed 1.64 broken distro
+  1.64 2022-04-09
+  - Use libthai for Drawable.text_wrap
+  - PS/PDF font metric calculations simplified and fixed
+  - POD printing quality improved
+  - Support Drawable.alpha in the PDF backend
+- updated to 1.999
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Redis/Changes
+- updated to 0.008
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Role-Identifiable/Changes
+  0.008     2022-06-12 15:25:28-04:00 America/New_York
+  - tweak some packaging information (author, etc)
+  - add Role::Identifiable just to make life simpler
+    ( )
+- updated to 2.87
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SVG/Changes
+  2.87  2022.05.19 MANWAR
+  - Indent doc for text PR #15, thanks @benkasminbullock.
+  - Remove dead links to domain-squatted site PR #16, thanks @benkasminbullock.
+  - Perldity code base (still 2 not happy).
+- updated to 0.33
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Scope-Upper/Changes
+  0.33    2021-12-20 20:30 UTC
+    + Fix : [RT #114816] resources/remote/url points to web interface
+    META files now follow version 2.0 of the CPAN META spec.
+    Thanks Kent Fredric for reporting.
+    + Fix : [RT #139823] : Perl 5 blead breads t/07-context_info.t
+    t/07-context_info.t has been hardened against warning bits
+    changes.
+    Thanks Jim Keenan and Tony Cook for reporting and contributing
+    a fix.
-- updated to 0.14
-    + Fix : [RT #64997] : Compatibility with perl 5.13.10.
-    Thanks Dave Mitchell for the notice.
-    + Tst : Lengthy tests have been ported to Test::Leaner, making the
-    whole test suite about 50% faster.
-    + Fix : [RT #61904] : Stack corruption when using unwind() under
-    Devel::NYTProf.
-    Thanks Sergey Aleynikov for contributing a fix.
-    + Fix : [RT #63378] : Compatibility with perl 5.13.8.
-    Thanks Andreas J. König for bisecting the issue.
-    + Tst : Threads tests are now only run on perl 5.13.4 and higher.
-    They could segfault randomly because of what seems to be an
-    internal bug of Perl, which has been addressed in 5.13.4.
-    There is also an environment variable that allows you to
-    forcefully run those tests, but it should be set only for
-    author testing and not for end users.
+- updated to 1.47
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes
+  1.47 2022-05-02 TEODESIAN
+  - Add DWIM to inputs accepted by ActionChains send_keys, key_up & key_down, and add some docu
+- updated to 4.023
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes
+  4.023 Sun Feb 20, 2022
+  * Make it possible to upgrade with passing tests when using
+    Sereal::Decoder 4.015 - 4.019 on threaded debugging perls.
+  4.022 Sat Feb 19, 2022
+  4.021 Fri Feb 18, 2022
+  * Early but incomplete versions of 4.023, skip these releases.
+  4.020 Thurs Feb 17, 2022
+  * Fix "panic: free from wrong pool" errors on threaded builds.
+    This error is only visible on DEBUGGING perls however it exists
+    regardless. If you are using a threaded build upgrade to this!
+    Thanks to Andreas J. Koenig for finding the bug, and Nicholas Clark
+    for suggesting valgrind to debug and fix it.
+- updated to 4.019
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes
+  4.019 Mon Feb 7, 2022
+  * Fix build issue with latest perl - Thanks to Nicholas Clark
+  * Update zstd to 1.5.1
+- updated to 4.023
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes
+  4.023 Sun Feb 20, 2022
+  * Make it possible to upgrade with passing tests when using
+    Sereal::Decoder 4.015 - 4.019 on threaded debugging perls.
+  4.022 Sat Feb 19, 2022
+  4.021 Fri Feb 18, 2022
+  * Early but incomplete versions of 4.023, skip these releases.
+  4.020 Thurs Feb 17, 2022
+  * Fix "panic: free from wrong pool" errors on threaded debugging builds.
+    This error is only visible on DEBUGGING perls however it exists
+    regardless. If you are using a threaded build upgrade to this!
+    Thanks to Andreas J. Koenig for finding the bug, and Nicholas Clark
+    for suggesting valgrind to debug and fix it.
+- updated to 4.019
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes
+  4.019 Mon Feb 7, 2022
+  * Fix build issue with latest perl - Thanks to Nicholas Clark
+  * Update zstd to 1.5.1
+- updated to 1.42
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Set-Object/Changes.pod
+  =head1 1.42, 2022-01-21
+  =over
+  =item *
+  Fix C<%h={}> warning, by Pauwel Coppieters
+  =item *
+  add F<examples/>. see RT #90070
+  =back
-- switch to perl_requires macro
+- updated to 0.05
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Specio-Library-Path-Tiny/Changes
+  0.05     2022-06-20
+  - Fixed failing tests on msys. Fixed by Paulo Custodio. PR #1.
-- initial package 0.20
-  * created by cpanspec 1.78.04
+- Update patch remove_filter_signatures.diff
+- updated to 0.37
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.37  2021-11-21
+  * Really require XML::Twig 3.50, since that adds the no_xxe option
+  0.36  2021-11-21
+  * Require XML::Twig 3.50, since that adds the no_xxe option
+- Update remove_filter_signatures.diff
+- updated to 0.35
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.35  2021-09-08
+  * Fix memory leak in the XML parser callbacks
+    Reported as GH #8 with a test case, thanks to troost-c!
+- Update patch remove_filter_signatures.diff
+- updated to 0.34
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.34  2021-03-10
+  * Fix OrderBySheet option in Spreadsheet::ReadSXC, thanks to Kuerbis!
+- updated to 0.33
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.33  2020-12-28
+  * Read style attributes immediately from Twig. This increases memory usage
+    but removes problems when we recycle the Twig object for parsing another
+    file
+  * Custom styles are now better supported and don't crash the module
+    immediately (issue GH #5 , reported with test file by mario-minati)
+  * Point bug tracker meta data to Github
+- add remove_filter_signatures.diff patch to drop Filter:signatures requirement
+- updated to 0.32
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.32  2020-10-06
+  * Eliminate a warning when reading a numeric format without a defined
+    number of digits, reported by Tux
+  0.31  2020-10-03
+  * No code changes, no need to upgrade
+  * Change code to work around an ambiguity in Perl to placate Filter::signatures
+    / Filter::Simple. "-s _" could also be parsed as "-(s _foo_bar_g)"
+    by Filter::Simple.
+  0.30  2020-10-02
+  * No code changes, no need to upgrade
+  * Remove "use XML::Parser;" line, which was not used anymore in the code.
+    Spotted by MANWAR
+  * This version will be (re)released as 1.00 if the smoke tests come up green
+  0.29  2020-09-30
+  * Make the test for the error message on non-existing files more lax.
+    This addresses RT #133432
+  0.28  2020-09-29
+  * Require Filter::signatures 0.16 to fix Perl versions below 5.20
+  * No upgrade necessary if things already work for you
+  0.27  2020-09-28
+  * Defang resource intensive test
+  * Eliminate "undef" warning when trying to get the active sheet of a
+    workbook that does not define an active sheet (GH #3)
+  0.26  2020-09-28
+  * This needs minimum Perl version 5.010
+  * When reading a sheet in readonly mode, more aggressively reuse cell
+    objects for repeated cells
+  * Construct a cell once, and if it is repeated, clone it if not in readonly
+    mode.
+    These two changes speed up the parsing of some sheets with many repeated
+    cells vastly.
+  * Properly handle ODS files without a settings.xml (GH#2)
+  0.25  2020-09-27
+    This release has major changes and will be promoted to 1.0 if there are
+    no major breaks.
+  * Added (proper) parsing of ODS files
+  * Added support for formats
+  * Added support for hidden cells, merged cells
+  * Split up parsing and classes into separate files
+  * Spreadsheet::ReadSXC now uses Spreadsheet::ParseODS
+  * Added ->is_sheet_hidden(), ->get_print_areas, ->get_hyperlink()
+  - >is_col_hidden(), ->tab_color(), ->table_styles(), ->filename(),
+- updated to 0.24
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+  0.24  2019-10-08
+  - Fix parsing the text of cells that only contain "0"
+    These were returned as undef, instead of 0 unless the StandardCurrency
+    option was used.
+  - Fix parsing multiple sheets. If the first cell of the new table was empty,
+    the last defined value of the old table was used instead, if the
+    real (instead of formatted) values were used.
+- updated to 0.23
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC/Changes
+- updated to 0.27
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.27    2022-02-22
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Updates to support Feature::Compat::Try 0.05 with new `finally {}`
+    blocks
+- updated to 0.26
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.26    2021-10-12
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Many internal updates to hax/ support files
+  * Fix try { return } to work correctly in all contexts without
+    upsetting -DDEBUGGING perls
+- updated to 0.25
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.25    2021-06-01
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Rewrite parsing logic to use XS::Parse::Keyword 0.06
+  * Removed the new-deprecated `try do { ... }` experimental syntax
+  * Updated docs now that 5.34 is officially released, including
+    `use feature 'try'`.
+- updated to 0.24
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.24    2021-05-10
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Deprecate the `try do { ... }` (experimental) syntax now that
+    try-in-do works reliably. It will be removed soon because it gets
+    in the way of converting the parser logic to XS::Parse::Keyword
+  * Add documentation about the core `use feature 'try'` and
+    Feature::Compat::Try module
+  * Added an initial attempt at B::Deparse logic
+- updated to 0.23
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.23    2021-03-27
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Unit tests and documentation of the handling of the final-value
+    semantics of `do { try ... }`
+  * Also mention core's `feature 'try'` in documentation
+  * Gives notice that the experimental 'try_value' feature is now
+    discouraged and will eventually be removed
+  0.22    2021-03-26
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Preserve wantarray context within the try {} block (RT133616)
+  * List-context `try do {}` now works fine as well
+  * Apply unit-testing for RT134790
+- updated to 0.21
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.21    2021-01-22
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Add some import configuration options required to make
+    Feature::Compat::Try work. Currently unit-tested but undocumented.
+- updated to 0.20
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.20    2020-11-24
+  * Fix for perl 5.14 by #include'ing hax/ files in the right order
+  0.19    2020-11-24
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Avoid the core Off() and Bit() macros as they were removed after
+    perl 5.33.3
+  * Support :experimental(try_value) to activate and silence the
+    warning
+  * Add documentation about the scalar context propagation issue of
+    RT124229
+- updated to 0.18
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.18    2020-08-01
+    [CHANGES]
+  * De-experiment the `catch ($var)` syntax
+  0.17    2020-07-31
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Ensure that `catch ($var)` does not retain exception value after
+    block exit
+  * Docs fixes for clarity on experimental status of `catch ($var)`
+  * Ensure sv_isa_sv is a macro for aTHX on threaded perls
+- updated to 0.16
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.16    2020-07-23
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Provide the `:experimental` import tag as a nicer way to silence
+    experimental warnings
+  * Don't name a variable `class` because it upsets some C compilers
+    (RT133043)
+- updated to 0.15
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.15    2020-07-21
+  * Experimental typed `catch (VAR ...)` conditions
+- updated to 0.14
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.14    2020-07-07
+  * Optional experimental syntax of `catch (VAR)` instead of previous
+    experimental `catch my VAR`
+  * Mark `catch my VAR` as deprecated
+  * Added explicit use VERSION declarations to every perl file
+- updated to 0.13
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try/Changes
+  0.13    2020-06-29
+  * Pack correct MANIFEST to include hax/ files
+  0.12    2020-06-29
+    [CHANGES]
+  * Optional and experimental allocation of a new lexical under
+    `catch my $VAR` syntax (RT130702). However, this syntax may not
+    survive long, as part of the ongoing typed catch design work.
+  * Work around perl versions prior to 5.22 built with -DDEBUGGING
+    getting upset about new*OP() being invoked with OP_CUSTOM
+    (RT128562)
+- updated to 0.41
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Async/Changes
+  0.41      2021-07-03
+  - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager
+  - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny
+  - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read,
+    added Excel::Writer::XLSX
+  - Hackery: added ojo
+  - Logging: added Log::Any
+  - Testing: added Test2::Suite
+  - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent
+  - WebDev: added Web::Simple
+- updated to 0.40
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Async/Changes
+  0.40      2018-12-01
+  - CLI: added Reply
+  - Dates: added Time::Moment
+  - Email: added Email::Stuffer
+  - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try
+  - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version
+  - OOP: removed Task::Moose
+  - Toolchain: added App::cpm
+  - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean
+  - XML: removed RDF::Trine
+- updated to 0.41
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-CLI/Changes
+  0.41      2021-07-03
+  - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager
+  - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny
+  - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read,
+    added Excel::Writer::XLSX
+  - Hackery: added ojo
+  - Logging: added Log::Any
+  - Testing: added Test2::Suite
+  - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent
+  - WebDev: added Web::Simple
+- updated to 0.40
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-CLI/Changes
+  0.40      2018-12-01
+  - CLI: added Reply
+  - Dates: added Time::Moment
+  - Email: added Email::Stuffer
+  - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try
+  - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version
+  - OOP: removed Task::Moose
+  - Toolchain: added App::cpm
+  - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean
+  - XML: removed RDF::Trine
+- updated to 0.41
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-ModuleDev/Changes
+  0.41      2021-07-03
+  - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager
+  - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny
+  - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read,
+    added Excel::Writer::XLSX
+  - Hackery: added ojo
+  - Logging: added Log::Any
+  - Testing: added Test2::Suite
+  - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent
+  - WebDev: added Web::Simple
+- updated to 0.40
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-ModuleDev/Changes
+  0.40      2018-12-01
+  - CLI: added Reply
+  - Dates: added Time::Moment
+  - Email: added Email::Stuffer
+  - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try
+  - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version
+  - OOP: removed Task::Moose
+  - Toolchain: added App::cpm
+  - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean
+  - XML: removed RDF::Trine
+- updated to 3.1.0
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes
+  v3.1.0	  2022-06-02
+  - (Tom Hukins) Treat files with .psgi extensions as perl
+  - (Tom Hukins) Look for file in a case insensitive manner
+  - Update the example code so it doesn't import anything
+- updated to 1.992
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes
+  1.992 2022-02-15T19:40:16Z
+  * GitHub #29 - race condition in tests for mtime, from Slaven Rezić.
+  Most people never experienced this timing issue, so if you have this
+  already you don't need to update.
+- updated to 1.991
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes
+  1.991 2022-01-21T01:37:36Z
+  * Enforce text files in some functions, as warned in #18.
+  * Change up some diag messages: 1) lowercase first letter 2) not ! at
+  end, and 3) use "file" instead of "filename". If you were matching on
+  those, you may need to update your patterns.
+- updated to 0.240
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File-Contents/Changes
+- updated to 0.036
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-LWP-UserAgent/Changes
+  0.036     2022-01-16 04:11:38Z
+  - use http rather than https URIs in network tests
+  0.035     2022-01-15 03:45:06Z
+  - fix network test that failed due to a broken redirect service
+- updated to 2.023
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Manifest/Changes
+  2.023 2022-01-08T21:48:28Z
+  * No code changes. Fix a link in the README.pod.
+- updated to 0.17
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Synopsis/Changes
+  0.17  2021-12-08
+  - Mention related module in docs (#22)
+- updated to 1.17
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-TheSchwartz/Changes
+  1.17 2021-12-30T13:21:45Z
+  - schwartzmon: 'Not an ARRAY reference' in DBSet::add for at least v5.16.3 GH#12 (@trwww++)
+- updated to 0.43
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tk-Clock/ChangeLog
+  0.43	- 01 Jan 2022, H.Merijn Brand
+  * It's 2021 - no changes in 2021
+  * It's 2022
+- updated to 0.20
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-URI-db/Changes
+  0.20  2022-06-20T17:48:44Z
+  - Added URI::cockroach and URI::yugabyte.
+- updated to 0.034
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes
+  0.034 2022-06-30 10:31:56+02:00
+  - Fix parsing empty folded block scalars with trailing linebreaks
+  - Fix error handling (remaining tokens on invalid input)
+  - Support experimental v5.36 booleans
+  - Allow to specify multiple boolean classes (issue #37)
+- updated to 0.033
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes
+  0.033 2022-06-27 16:31:32+02:00
+  - Fix add_mapping_resolver + on_create (tie existing data)
+- updated to 0.032
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes
+  0.032 2022-03-08 19:02:00+01:00
+  - Add missing '~' to allowed chars in tags
+  - Restructure directive parsing a bit
+  - Support YAML::PP::Ref in yamlpp-* utility scripts
+  - Add -P to yaml-load-dump --preserve
+  - Add --dump option to yamlpp-parse-emit
+  - yamlpp-load-dump -D JSON::PP: don't output space before colon
+  - Add export tags to YAML::PP::Common
+  - Update yaml-test-suite to 2022-01-17
+- updated to 0.031
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes
+  0.031 2021-12-25 23:43:19+01:00
+  - Fix several rare test cases:
+  - Support literal escaped tabs
+  - Allow only one digit for block scalar indent indicator
+  - Allow comments at the end of directives
+  - Match word boundary after '%YAML'
+  - Allow tabs and multiple spaces between directive elements
+  - Forbid lines starting with tabs in block mode
+  - After tabs no further indentation elements allowed
+- updated to 2.000001
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-curry/Changes
+  2.000001 - 2021-12-30
+  - Fixage for curry::weak::_ via the inestimable dakkar
+  2.000000 - 2021-12-28
+  - Support curry::_ and curry::weak::_
+- updated to 0.028
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes
+  0.028     2022-04-26 02:02:45+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
+  - Add extra_paired_delims feature
+- updated to 0.027
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes
+  0.027     2022-02-08 18:41:07+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
+  - Update documented list of experiments
+  0.026     2022-02-08 14:41:02+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
+  - Added defer experiment
+  - Added for_list experiment
+  - Added builtin experiment
+  - args_array_with_signatures
+- updated to 1.001
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-lib-relative/Changes
+  1.001     2022-06-15 14:13:17 EDT
+  - Skip symlink tests on msys as symlinks are broken on this platform (#2, pauloscustodio)
+- Add fix-cve-2022-36359.patch (CVE-2022-36359, bsc#1201923)
+  * Backport fix and tests from uptream branch 3.2.X
+- Rename Django-2.2.28.tar.gz.asc to Django-2.2.28.checksum.txt
+  * The source validator try to validate the signature agains
+    Django-2.2.28.tar.gz, instead of the checksum message itself
+- Remove some unnecessary she-bangs from installed module
+- Update to 0.22
+  * No changelog available
+- Add Shapely-issue1436-ef380ba-geos311.patch
+  * gh#shapely/shapely#1436 -- work around issue with geos 3.11.0
+- Update to 1.8.2
+  - Make Polygons and MultiPolygons closed by definition, like
+    LinearRings. Resolves #1246.
+  - Perform frozen app check for GEOS before conda env check on
+    macos as we already do on linux (#1301).
+  - Fix leak of GEOS coordinate sequence in nearest_points reported
+    in #1098.
+- Release 1.8.1
+  * Wheels for 1.8.1 published on PyPI include GEOS 3.10.2. This
+    version is the best version of GDAL yet. Discrepancies in
+    behavior compared to previous versions are considered to be
+    improvements.
+  * Shapely 1.8.1 works with Pythons 3.6-3.10.
+  * Require Cython >= 0.29.24 to support Python 3.10 (#1224).
+  * Fix array_interface_base (#1235).
+- Fix libgeos* runtime requirement undetected due to the ctypes
+  load
+- Update to 1.8.0
+  * Shapely 1.8.0 is a transitional version. There are a few bug
+    fixes and new features, but it largely exists to warn about the
+    upcoming changes in 2.0.0. See the new migration guide for more
+    details on how to update your code from Shapely 1.8 to 2.0.
+  * Shapely 1.8.0 supports only Python versions >= 3.6. The release
+    is compatible with GEOS versions 3.6-3.10.
+  * Deprecations: The following functions and geometry attributes
+    and methods will be removed in version 2.0.0.
+  - ops.cascaded_union
+  - BaseGeometry.empty
+  - BaseGeometry.ctypes and __array_interface__
+  - multi-part geometry __len__
+  - setting custom attributes on geometry objects
+  - BaseGeometry.almost_exact
+  - Deprecation warnings will be emitted in 1.8.0 when any of
+    these features are used.
+  * The deprecated to_wkb and to_wkt methods of BaseGeometry have
+    been removed.
+  * The STRtree nearest* methods now take an optional argument that
+    specifies exclusion of the input geometry from results (#1115).
+  * A GeometryTypeError has been added to shapely.errors and is
+    consistently raised instead of TypeError or ValueError as in
+    version 1.7. For backwards compatibility, the new exception
+    will derive from TypeError and Value error until version 2.0
+    (#1099).
+  * The STRtree class constructor now takes an optional second
+    argument, a sequence of objects to be stored in the tree. If
+    not provided, the sequence indices of the geometries will be
+    stored, as before (#1112).
+  * The STRtree class has new query_geoms, query_items,
+    nearest_geom, and nearest_item methods (#1112). The query and
+    nearest methods remain as aliases for query_geoms and
+    nearest_geom.
+  * A normalize method has been added to geometry classes, exposing
+    the GEOSNormalize algorithm (#1090).
+  * STRtree instances have a new default capacity of 10 items per
+    node (#1070).
+  * The new shapely.ops.voronoi_diagram computes the Voronoi
+    Diagram of a geometry or geometry collection (#833, #851).
+  * shapely.validation.make_valid fixes invalid geometries (#883).
+- Drop Shapely-fix-svg-collection-pr1042.patch
+- Don't check code coverage
+- Fix the patch for django 4.0 to update dependencies
+- Enable multiflavor so that we can pin mailman3 and hyperkitty
+  to python39
+- Clean up the SPEC file.
+- python-mock is not required for build
+- Add dj40.patch for Django 4.0 compatibility
-- Disabled python2
+- version update to 2.2.0
+  New Features
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~
+  - :class:`.OpenCage`: added ``annotations`` param.
+    Contributed by mtmail. (:issue:`464`)
+  - :class:`.Photon`: added ``bbox`` param.
+    Contributed by Holger Bruch. (:issue:`472`)
+  - New geocoder: :class:`.Geocodio`.
+    Contributed by Jon Duckworth. (:issue:`468`)
+  - New geocoder: :class:`.HereV7`.
+    Contributed by Pratheek Rebala. (:issue:`433`)
+  - New geocoder: :class:`.What3WordsV3`.
+    Contributed by Saïd Tezel. (:issue:`444`)
+  - New error class: :class:`.exc.GeocoderRateLimited`. This error extends
+    :class:`.exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded` and is now raised instead of it
+    for HTTP 422 error code. (:issue:`479`)
+  - :class:`.AdapterHTTPError`: added ``headers`` attribute. (:issue:`479`)
+  Breaking Changes
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  - Removed GeocodeFarm class: the service is very unstable. (:issue:`445`)
+  Deprecations
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~
+  - :class:`.GoogleV3` has been moved from ``geopy.geocoders.googlev3`` module
+    to ````. The old module is still present for
+    backwards compatibility, but it will be removed in geopy 3. (:issue:`483`)
+  Bugfixes
+  ~~~~~~~
+  - :class:`.OpenCage`: improved error handling by using the default errors map
+    (e.g. to raise :class:`.exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded` instead of
+    :class:`.exc.GeocoderQueryError` for HTTP 402 error). (:issue:`479`)
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- Update to 2.1.0 version
+  + New Features
+  - Add support for leading plus sign in the .Point constructor.
+  - Contributed by Azimjon Pulatov. (#448)
+  + Breaking Changes
+  - .GoogleV3: change missing api_key warning to an error. (#450)
+  + Bugfixes
+  - Fixed an undocumented breaking change in geopy 2.0.0, where
+    the .Distance class has become abstract, thus it could
+    no longer be used for unit conversions. (#435)
+  - .Photon incorrectly treated 0.0 coordinate as an empty response.
+    Contributed by Mateusz Konieczny. (#439)
+  - .Nominatim: fix TypeError on empty reverse result. (#455)
+  + Docs Improvements
+  - Add Python 3.9 to the list of supported versions.
+  - .Bing: change postalcode to postalCode.
+    Contributed by zhongjun-ma. (#424)
+  - .Nominatim: better describe what is returned in addressdetails.
+    Contributed by Mateusz Konieczny. (#429)
+  - .Nominatim: better describe viewbox param behavior.
+    Contributed by Hannes. (#454)
+  - .Yandex: remove attention block about requiring an API key.
+- Update to 2.0.0 version
+  geopy 2.0 is a major release with lots of cleanup and inner refactorings.
+  The public interface of the library is mostly the same, and the set
+  of supported geocoders didn't change.
+  If you have checked your code on the latest 1.x release with enabled
+  warnings (i.e. with -Wd key of the python command) and fixed
+  all of them, then it should be safe to upgrade.
+  see all changes at
+- Changes from previous version
+  1.23.0
+  1.22.0
+  1.21.0
+  1.20.0
+  1.19.0
+- Packaging changes dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.4. as version
+  2.x has remove it.
+- Only buildRequire python2-* when also using python, aka python2.
-- Update to 0.94.2:
-  ADDED: so that LICENSE file gets included in dist
-    packages (per req by Debian Python Module Team)
-  UPDATED: Yahoo geocoder uses new PlaceFinder API instead of
-    outdated MapsService V1 API.
-- Spec file cleanup:
-  * Removed %clean section (not needed anymore)
-  * Removed CFLAGS (not a C extension)
-- Update to 0.94.1;
-- Regenerated spec file with py2pack.
+- python-mock is not required for build
+- update to version 2.2.0:
+  - The return type for ``maxminddb.open_database()`` has been simplified
+  to be just the ``Reader`` class as opposed to a union of that with
+  the extension class. This is done by casting the extension to
+  ``Reader``. The extension class has the same public API as the
+  pure Python implementation. This simplifies type checking for users of
+  this library. The ``Reader`` class is exposed as ``maxminddb.Reader``.
+  Pull request by wouter bolsterlee. GitHub #88.
+  - ``maxminddb.__all__`` is now set to define a public API. Pull request
+  by wouter bolsterlee. GitHub #88.
+  - Fix minor regression in ``repr`` output of ``maxminddb.reader.Metadata``
+  in 2.1.0.
+- update to version 2.1.0:
+  - The C extension now correctly supports objects that implement the
+  ``os.PathLike`` interface.
+  - When opening a database fails due to an access issue, the correct
+  ``OSError`` subclass will now be thrown.
+  - The ``Metadata`` class object is now available from the C extension
+  module as ``maxminddb.extension.Metadata`` rather than
+  ``maxminddb.extension.extension``.
+  - Type stubs have been added for ``maxminddb.extension``.
+- disable python 2, fixes Leap builds. Python 2 is no longer supported.
+  fixes boo#1186841
+- update to version 2.0.3:
+  - The 2.0.0 release unintentionally required Python to be compiled with
+    ``mmap`` support for the module to work. ``mmap`` is now optional
+    again. Reported by john-heasman-cg. GitHub #76.
+- Replace nose with pytest
+- update to version 2.0.2:
+  - Added ``py.typed`` file per PEP 561. Reported by Árni Már Jónsson.
+- update to version 2.0.1:
+  - Fix minimum required python version in ````. Pull request by
+  Boros Gábor. GitHub #69 & #70.
+- update to version 2.0.0:
+  - IMPORTANT: Python 3.6 or greater is required. If you are using an older
+  version, please use a 1.x.x release.
+  - Type hints have been added.
+- Upgrade to 2.5.1:
+  - Fix bad def naming
+  - Use tcp address on Windows
+  - Fix $NVR_CMD (#179)
+- Update to 2.5.0:
+  - Current nvim master is still reading $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS,
+    but it is considered obsolete and could be removed soon in
+    favor of --listen.