Removed rpms

 - FAudio-devel-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_image-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDL_mixer-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDLmm-devel-32bit
 - libinput10-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0-32bit
 - libmediainfo0-32bit
 - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libzen0-32bit
 - pam_kwallet-32bit
 - sssd-common-32bit
 - wine-32bit
 - wine-staging-devel-32bit
 - libLLVM13-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx15-32bit
 - libSDL_net-devel-32bit
 - libfluidsynth3-32bit
 - libgromacs4
 - libixion-0_16-0
 - liborcus-0_16-0
 - libproj22
 - libqwt6_2
 - nss_synth
 - proj-data-no
 - virtualbox-guest-x11
 - wine-nine-standalone-32bit
 - wine-staging-32bit

Added rpms

 - FAudio-devel-32bit
 - go1.19
 - go1.19-doc
 - go1.19-race
 - libLLVM13-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx15-32bit
 - libSDL_net-devel-32bit
 - libfluidsynth3-32bit
 - wine-nine-standalone-32bit
 - wine-staging-32bit
 - jitterentropy-devel
 - jitterentropy-devel-32bit
 - jitterentropy-devel-static
 - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit
 - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_image-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit
 - libSDL_mixer-devel-32bit
 - libSDL_ttf-devel-32bit
 - libSDLmm-devel-32bit
 - libinput10-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0-32bit
 - libjitterentropy3
 - libjitterentropy3-32bit
 - libmediainfo0-32bit
 - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit
 - libqwt6
 - libwacom9
 - libwacom9-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libzen0-32bit
 - pam_kwallet-32bit
 - python3-iniconfig
 - python3-libnbd
 - sssd-common-32bit
 - wine-32bit
 - wine-staging-devel-32bit

Package Source Changes

+- Mozilla Thunderbird 91.12
+  * changed: Support for Google Talk chat accounts removed
+  * fixed: OpenPGP signatures were broken when "Primary Password"
+    dialog remained open
+  * fixed: Various security fixes
+  MFSA 2022-31 (bsc#1201758)
+  * CVE-2022-36319 (bmo#1737722)
+    Mouse Position spoofing with CSS transforms
+  * CVE-2022-36318 (bmo#1771774)
+    Directory indexes for bundled resources reflected URL
+    parameters
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1195916, bsc#1196696, jsc#PM-3356, jsc#SLE-23972)
+- Remove redundant python3 dependency from Requires
+- Update regular expression to fix python shebang
+- Update to version 1.31.3 (bsc#1195916)
+  + Add skip-styletest.patch
+  - Style is enforced upstream and triggers unnecessary build version
+    requirements
+  + Allow specifying fs_id in cloudwatch log group name
+  + Includes fix for stunnel path
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_amazon-efs-mount-watchdog.service.patch
+- Update to version 1.31.2
+  + Handle HTTPError and other unknown exception when fetching IMDS token
+  + Support Oracle Enterprise Linux 8
+- from version 1.31.1
+  + Support fallback to mount with mount target ip address when DNS resolution fails
+  + Bump py from 1.8.0 to 1.10.0
+- from version 1.30.2
+  + Add helper message when config file on instance is not latest
+  + Fix the throughput regression due to read_ahead configuration change
+    on Linux distribution with kernel version 5.4.x and above
+- from version 1.30.1
+  + Support mounting to specific AZ mount target
+  + Revert "Support mounting to specific AZ mount target"
+  + Support mounting to specific AZ mount target
+  + Use regional AWS STS endpoints instead of the global endpoint to reduce latency
+- from version 1.29.1-mac
+  + Fix issue where state files are removed after mount on EC2
+    instances running on MacOS Big Sur
+  + Add support for EC2 Mac instances running macOS Big Sur
+- from version 1.29.1
+  + Update the python dependency to python3
+  + Fix typo
+- from version 1.28.2
+  + Fix the issue that mounting with IAM authorization with
+    iam role does not work with IMDSv2
+- from version 1.28.1
+  + Support publishing mount success/failure notification via CloudWatch log
+  + filename of .deb-package now includes architecture
+- from version 1.27.1
+  + Merge PR #60 on GitHub. Adds support for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.
+  + Add support for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
+- from version 1.26.3
+  + Fix an issue where watchdog crashed during restart because stunnel
+    was killed and pid key was removed from state file
+- from version 1.26.2
+  + Fixes an issue with watchdog where it sometimes fails to restart stunnels in
+    efs-csi-driver container * Fixes an issue where fs cannot be mounted with tls
+    using systemd.automount-units due to mountpoint check
+  + Revert "Fixes an issue with watchdog where it sometimes fails to restart stunnels
+    in efs-csi-driver container"
+  + Fixes an issue with watchdog where it sometimes fails to restart stunnels in
+    efs-csi-driver container
+  + Remove non-ascii character in dist/efs-utils.conf
+- from version 1.25-3
+  + Check if mountpoint is already mounted beforehand for tls mount
+  + Bug fix and enhancement, support fedora
+- from version 1.25-2
+  + Fix python3 IAM role name encoded format, add optional
+    override for stunnel log
+  + Encode IAM role name to UTF-8
+- from version 1.25-1
+  + Create self-signed certificate for tls-only mount
+  + add CentOS 8 support
+- from version 1.24
+  + Fix the malformed certificate info
+  + bump the release id to 3
+  + Use IMDSv1 by default, and use IMDSv2 where required
+  + Revert "Use IMDSv1 by default, and fall back to IMDSv2 if necessary"
+  + Use IMDSv1 by default, and fall back to IMDSv2 if necessary
+  + Modify to handle Fedora as well, and rename it
+  + Remove which from DEB package dependency
+  + List which as dependency to search command exec path
+  + Enable region sourcing from efs-utils configuration file and fix
+    stunnel exec path issue in openSUSE
+  + Update rpm changelog for v1.23-2, fix circleCI build issue
+- from version 1.23
+  + Add support for Amazon Elastic Container Service
+- from version 1.22
+  + Improvements to metadata retrieval and IAM authentication
+- from version 1.21
+  + Improvements to auth and access point support
+- from version 1.20
+  + Fixes the mount issue with full DNS name in the AWS China Regions;
+    Upgrades unit test coverage version dependency to enable accurate
+    python3.8 coverage test
+- from version 1.19
+  + Added region localization, Integrate repository with CircleCI to enable
+    package build visualization, Unit tests bug fixes for python3.5
+- from version 1.18
+  + Support IAM authentication and access points.
+- Add patch to disable mount_efs_test which requires networking
+  + disable_mount_efs_test.patch
+- Add openssl to BuildRequires, required for testsuite
+- Update Requires from requirements.txt
+- Drop '-f' option with %service_del_preun/%service_del_postun
+  With %service_del_preun, the option is already ignored with as
+  support for DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL has been dropped.
+  With %service_del_postun, this option shouldn't be needed besides
+  very few special cases. But this package doesn't seem to belong to
+  this category.
+- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to
+  shortcut through the -mini flavors.
+- Update to version 1.17
+  + Added support for Python 3
+- Enable testsuite which now passes on Python 3
+- Update BuildRequires from requirements.txt
+- Update to version 1.16
+  + Support Python 3 for tests
+- from version 1.15
+  + Properly support Python3
+- from version 1.14
+  + Tolerate EFS state directory existing during mount
+- from version 1.13
+  + Change watchdog configuration so it stops after all file systems are unmounted
+- from version 1.12
+  + Update stunnel idle timeout
+  * The default stunnel idle timeout is many hours. By setting it to a value based
+    on the NFS lease length we can recover from network partitions sooner.
+- from version 1.11
+  + Add support for RHEL8
+  * Fixes Python shebangs to work on systems without a default "python" version.
+  * Fixes watchdog process not being properly started on systemd systems.
+- from version 1.10
+  + Update to default configuration that disables OCSP
+  * To use OCSP, the client accessing EFS must be able to reach the Amazon Certificate
+    Authority (CA). To maximize file system availability in the event that the CA is
+    not reachable from your VPC, the EFS mount helper no longer enables OCSP by default.
+- Don't enable testsuite as it is currently failing
+  +
+- Drop patches merged upstream
+  + efs-switchparser.patch
+- Update BuildRequires from requirements.txt
+- support arrays on stack and use of arrays when creating volume
+  groups and file systems
+- version 0.1.7
+- allow to create multi-device btrfs
+- version 0.1.6
+- show btrfs profiles
+- version 0.1.5
+- support activation of LUKS and BitLocker
+- version 0.1.4
+- added nilfs2 support
+- version 0.1.3
+- added logging
+- version 0.1.2
+- added aliases exfat and vfat
+- version 0.1.1
+- Update to release 9.16.31
+  This is the first of monthly updates of "bind". It is planned
+  to update bind when a new upstream maintennace release becomes
+  available, which is usually towards the end of a month, see
+  Compared to the previous SUSE release, in this release,
+  53 (minor) bugs were fixed
+  13 (minor) functional enhancements were made
+  3 security issues are now fixed upstream:
+    CVE-2022-0396, CVE-2021-25220, CVE-2021-25219
+  plus a few minor changes.
+  For a full list of changes, please refer to the
+  CHANGES file in the source rpm.
+  This update obsoletes the following patches:
+  * bind-fix-build-with-older-sphinx.patch
+  * bind-CVE-2021-25219.patch
+  * bind-9.16.27-0001-CVE-2021-25220.patch
+  * bind-9.16.27-0002-CVE-2022-0396.patch
+  [bind-9.16.31.tar.xz, bind-9.16.31.tar.xz.sha512.asc,
+  bind-9.16.20.tar.xz, bind-9.16.20.tar.xz.sha512.asc,
+  bind-fix-build-with-older-sphinx.patch, bind-CVE-2021-25219.patch,
+  bind-9.16.27-0001-CVE-2021-25220.patch,
+  bind-9.16.27-0002-CVE-2022-0396.patch,
+  jsc#SLE-24600]
+- When enabling query_logging by un-commenting an example in
+  bind.conf, named attempts to create a file in /var/log which
+  fails due to missing credentials. This also applies to the
+  "dump-file" and the "statistics-file".
+  This is solved by having systemd-tmpfiles create a subdirectory
+  "/var/log/named" owned by named:named and changing the file
+  paths accordingly:
+  /var/log/named_querylog -> /var/log/named/querylog
+  /var/log/named_dump.db -> /var/log/named/dump.db
+  /var/log/named.stats -> /var/log/named/stats
+  Also, in "named.service", the ReadWritePath was changed to
+  include "/var/log/named" rather than just "var/log".
+  [bsc#1200685, bind.spec, vendor-files/config/named.conf,
+  vendor-files/system/named.service]
+- A non-existent initialization script (eg a leftorver
+  "createNamedConfInclude" in /etc/sysconfig/named) may cause named
+  not to start. A warning message is printed in named.prep and
+  the fact is ignored.
+  Also, the return value of a failed script was not handled properly
+  causing a failed script to not prevent named to start. This
+  is now fixed properly.
+  [bsc#1199044, vendor-files.tar.bz2]
+- Update to 16.2.9-536-g41a9f9a5573:
+  + (bsc#1195359, bsc#1200553) rgw: check bucket shard init status in RGWRadosBILogTrimCR
+  + (bsc#1194131) ceph-volume: honour osd_dmcrypt_key_size option (CVE-2021-3979)
+- Update to 16.2.9-158-gd93952c7eea:
+  + cmake: check for python(\d)\.(\d+) when building boost
+  + make-dist: patch boost source to support python 3.10
+- Update to ceph-16.2.9-58-ge2e5cb80063:
+  + (bsc#1200064, pr#480) Remove last vestiges of image paths
+- Update to
+  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
+  + (bsc#1196044) cephadm: prometheus: The generatorURL in alerts is only using hostname
+  + (bsc#1196785) cephadm: avoid crashing on expected non-zero exit
+- Update to 16.2.7-969-g6195a460d89
+  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
+- Update to 16.2.9-536-g41a9f9a5573:
+  + (bsc#1195359, bsc#1200553) rgw: check bucket shard init status in RGWRadosBILogTrimCR
+  + (bsc#1194131) ceph-volume: honour osd_dmcrypt_key_size option (CVE-2021-3979)
+- Update to 16.2.9-158-gd93952c7eea:
+  + cmake: check for python(\d)\.(\d+) when building boost
+  + make-dist: patch boost source to support python 3.10
+- Update to ceph-16.2.9-58-ge2e5cb80063:
+  + (bsc#1200064, pr#480) Remove last vestiges of image paths
+- Update to
+  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
+  + (bsc#1196044) cephadm: prometheus: The generatorURL in alerts is only using hostname
+  + (bsc#1196785) cephadm: avoid crashing on expected non-zero exit
+- Update to 16.2.7-969-g6195a460d89
+  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
+- database refresh on 2022-08-15 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2022-08-08 (bsc#1084929)
+- Update to version 0.104
+  (jsc#PED-805) Update clamsap to current version - and update regularly
+  * Relax javascript check in PDF
+  * use https source url, also https URL
+  * Wildcard support for MIME type lists
+  * Fix SAR file content scan
+  * Add option for PDF active content
+  * Remove own default settings from VsaGetConfig and rely on clamav defaults
+  * Change default virusname in case clamav does not return any virus name.
+  * Limit pcre calls
+  * Increase Version because tested with latest clam engine
+  * Support new parameter SCANHEURISTICLEVEL
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- Add gdm-disable-wayland-on-aspeed-chipsets.patch: Those chips do
+  not have fast blending and Wayland performance is bad on them, so
+  disable Wayland on aspeed chipsets (bsc#1200323).
+- Add "Requires: gsettings-desktop-schemas" to alleviate schema
+  "is not installed" error after install in WSL. (boo#1198312)
+- Add gvfs-smb-ignore-EINVAL-kerberos-ccache.patch: ignore EINVAL
+  for kerberos/ccache login. Fixes inability to mount smb shares
+  with samba 4.16 (boo#1198718).
+- Add 17a067b9b823a0d54e061eae45ff8e2c7e4a88d0.patch: Fix build
+  with meson 0.61 and newer. Backported to apply on stable version.
+- Modernize and fix our Supplements.
+- Package org.gtk.vfs.file-operations.rules polkit rules file as an
+  example in docs, previously it was just nuked.
+- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.16+8 (July 2022 CPU)
+  * Security fixes:
+    + JDK-8272243: Improve DER parsing
+    + JDK-8272249: Better properties of loaded Properties
+    + JDK-8277608: Address IP Addressing
+    + JDK-8281859, CVE-2022-21540, bsc#1201694: Improve class
+    compilation
+    + JDK-8281866, CVE-2022-21541, bsc#1201692: Enhance
+    MethodHandle invocations
+    + JDK-8283190: Improve MIDI processing
+    + JDK-8284370: Improve zlib usage
+    + JDK-8285407, CVE-2022-34169, bsc#1201684: Improve Xalan
+    supports
+  * Other fixes:
+    + JDK-6986863: ProfileDeferralMgr throwing
+    ConcurrentModificationException
+    + JDK-7124293: [macosx] VoiceOver reads percentages rather than
+    the actual values for sliders.
+    + JDK-7124301: [macosx] When in a tab group if you arrow
+    between tabs there are no VoiceOver announcements.
+    + JDK-8133713: [macosx] Accessible JTables always reported as
+    empty
+    + JDK-8139046: Compiler Control: IGVPrintLevel directive should
+    set PrintIdealGraph
+    + JDK-8139173: [macosx] JInternalFrame shadow is not properly
+    drawn
+    + JDK-8163498: Many long-running security libs tests
+    + JDK-8166727: javac crashed: [jimage.dll+0x1942]
+    ImageStrings::find+0x28
+    + JDK-8169004: Fix redundant @requires tags in tests
+    + JDK-8181571: printing to CUPS fails on mac sandbox app
+    + JDK-8182404: remove jdk.testlibrary.JDKToolFinder and
+    JDKToolLauncher
+    + JDK-8186548: move jdk.testlibrary.JcmdBase closer to tests
+    + JDK-8192057: com/sun/jdi/ fails with
+    + JDK-8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()
+    + JDK-8199874: [TESTBUG] runtime/Thread/
+    fails with "expected 0 to equal 10"
+    + JDK-8202886: [macos] Test java/awt/MenuBar/8007006/
+    / fails on MacOS
+    + JDK-8203238: [TESTBUG] rewrite MemOptions shell test in Java
+    + JDK-8203239: [TESTBUG] remove vmTestbase/vm/gc/kind/parOld
+    test
+    + JDK-8206187: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/
+    / fails with Port already in use
+    + JDK-8206330: Revisit com/sun/jdi/
+    + JDK-8207364: nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexhausted003
+    fails to start
+    + JDK-8208207: Test nsk/stress/jni/gclocker/gcl001 fails after
+    co-location
+    + JDK-8208246: flags duplications in
+    vmTestbase_vm_g1classunloading tests
+    + JDK-8208249: TriggerUnloadingByFillingMetaspace generates
+    garbage class names
+    + JDK-8208697: vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy/
+    /stressHierarchy012/ fails with
+    OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
+    + JDK-8209150: [TESTBUG] Add logging to verify JDK-8197901 to a
+    different test
+    + JDK-8209776: Refactor jdk/security/JavaDotSecurity/
+    to plain java test
+    + JDK-8209883: ZGC: Compile without C1 broken
+    + JDK-8209920: runtime/logging/ fail with
+    OOME with ZGC
+    + JDK-8210022: remove jdk.testlibrary.ProcessThread, TestThread
+    and XRun
+    + JDK-8210039: move OSInfo to top level testlibrary
+    + JDK-8210108: sun/tools/jstatd test build failures after
+    JDK-8210022
+    + JDK-8210112: remove jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools
+    + JDK-8210649: AssertionError @
+    jdk.compiler/
+    (
+    + JDK-8210732: remove jdk.testlibrary.Utils
+    + JDK-8211795: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PNGImageReader
+    after JDK-6788458
+    + JDK-8211822: Some tests fail after JDK-8210039
+    + JDK-8211962: Implicit narrowing in MacOSX java.desktop jsound
+    + JDK-8212151: jdi/ times out due to "bind
+    failed: Address already in use" on Solaris-X64
+    + JDK-8213440: Lingering INCLUDE_ALL_GCS in
+    test_oopStorage_parperf.cpp
+    + JDK-8214275: CondyRepeatFailedResolution asserts "Dynamic
+    constant has no fixed basic type"
+    + JDK-8214799: Add package declaration to each JTREG test case
+    in the gc folder
+    + JDK-8215544: SA: Modify ClhsdbLauncher to add sudo privileges
+    to enable MacOS tests on Mach5
+    + JDK-8216137: assert(Compile::current()->live_nodes() <
+    Compile::current()->max_node_limit()) failed: Live Node limit
+    exceeded limit
+    + JDK-8216265: [testbug] Introduce
+    Platform.sharedLibraryPathVariableName() and adapt all tests.
+    + JDK-8217017: [TESTBUG] Tests fail to compile after JDK-8216265
+    + JDK-8217233: Update build settings for AIX/xlc
+    + JDK-8217340: Compilation failed:
+    tools/launcher/
+    + JDK-8217473: SA: Tests using ClhsdbLauncher fail on SAP
+    docker containers
+    + JDK-8218136: minor hotspot adjustments for xlclang++ from
+    xlc16 on AIX
+    + JDK-8218751: Do not store original classfiles inside the CDS
+    archive
+    + JDK-8218965: aix:  support xlclang++ in the compiler detection
+    + JDK-8220658: Improve the readability of container information
+    in the error log
+    + JDK-8220813: update hotspot tier1_gc tests depending on GC to
+    use @requires vm.gc.X
+    + JDK-8222799: java.beans.Introspector uses an obsolete methods
+    cache
+    + JDK-8222926: Shenandoah build fails with
+  - -with-jvm-features=-compiler1
+    + JDK-8223143: Restructure/clean-up for 'loopexit_or_null()'.
+    + JDK-8223363: Bad node estimate assertion failure
+    + JDK-8223502: Node estimate for loop unswitching is not
+    correct: assert(delta <= 2 * required) failed: Bad node estimate
+    + JDK-8224648: assert(!exceeding_node_budget()) failed: Too
+    many NODES required! failure with ctw
+    + JDK-8223389: Shenandoah optimizations fail with
+    assert(!phase->exceeding_node_budget())
+    + JDK-8223396: [TESTBUG] several jfr tests do not clean up
+    files created in /tmp
+    + JDK-8225475: Node budget asserts on x86_32/64
+    + JDK-8227171: provide function names in native stack trace on
+    aix with xlc16
+    + JDK-8227389: Remove unsupported xlc16 compile options on aix
+    + JDK-8229210: [TESTBUG] Move gc stress tests from JFR
+    directory tree to gc/stress
+    + JDK-8229486: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local
+    host in tests - part 21
+    + JDK-8229499: Node budget assert in fuzzed test
+    + JDK-8230305: Cgroups v2: Container awareness
+    + JDK-8229202: Docker reporting causes secondary crashes in
+    error handling
+    + JDK-8216366: Add rationale to PER_CPU_SHARES define
+    + JDK-8230865: [TESTBUG] jdk/jfr/event/io/
+    fails at-run shell target
+    + JDK-8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to
+    recognize unified hierarchy
+    + JDK-8231454: File lock in Windows on a loaded jar due to a
+    leak in Introspector::getBeanInfo
+    + JDK-8231489: GC watermark_0_1 failed due to
+    "metaspace.gc.Fault: GC has happened too rare"
+    + JDK-8231565: More node budget asserts in fuzzed tests
+    + JDK-8233551: [TESTBUG] fails on MacOS
+    + JDK-8234382: Test tools/javac/processing/model/
+    /testgetallmembers/ using too small heap
+    + JDK-8234605: C2 failed "assert(C->live_nodes() -
+    live_at_begin <= 2 * _nodes_required) failed: Bad node
+    estimate: actual = 208 >> request = 101"
+    + JDK-8234608: [TESTBUG] Fix G1 redefineClasses tests and a
+    memory leak
+    + JDK-8235220: fails with
+    sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException
+    + JDK-8235385: Crash on aarch64 JDK due to long offset
+    + JDK-8237479: 8230305 causes slowdebug build failure
+    + JDK-8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some
+    systems
+    + JDK-8239785: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on old
+    systems in hotspot
+    + JDK-8240132: ProblemList com/sun/jdi/
+    + JDK-8240189: [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after
+    JDK-8231111
+    + JDK-8240335: C2: assert(found_sfpt) failed: no node in loop
+    that's not input to safepoint
+    + JDK-8240734: ModuleHashes attribute not reproducible between
+    builds
+    + JDK-8240756: [macos] SwingSet2:TableDemo:Printed Japanese
+    characters were garbled
+    + JDK-8241707: introduce randomness k/w to hotspot test suite
+    + JDK-8242310: use reproducible random in hotspot compiler tests
+    + JDK-8242311: use reproducible random in hotspot runtime tests
+    + JDK-8242312: use reproducible random in hotspot gc tests
+    + JDK-8242313: use reproducible random in hotspot svc tests
+    + JDK-8242538: java/security/SecureRandom/
+    failed on windows
+    + JDK-8243429: use reproducible random in :vmTestbase_nsk_stress
+    + JDK-8243666: ModuleHashes attribute generated for JMOD and
+    JAR files depends on timestamps
+    + JDK-8244500: jtreg test error in test/hotspot/jtreg/
+    /containers/docker/
+    + JDK-8244602: Add JTREG_REPEAT_COUNT to repeat execution of a
+    test
+    + JDK-8245543: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some
+    systems (still reproducible)
+    + JDK-8245938: Remove unused print_stack(void) method from
+    XToolkit.c
+    + JDK-8246494: introduce vm.flagless at-requires property
+    + JDK-8246741: NetworkInterface/UniqueMacAddressesTest: mac
+    address uniqueness test failed
+    + JDK-8247589: Implementation of Alpine Linux/x64 Port
+    + JDK-8247591: Document Alpine Linux build steps in OpenJDK
+    build guide
+    + JDK-8247592: refactor test/jdk/tools/launcher/
+    + JDK-8247614: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
+    timed out
+    + JDK-8248876: LoadObject with bad base address created for
+    exec file on linux
+    + JDK-8249592: Robot.mouseMove moves cursor to incorrect
+    location when display scale varies and Java runs in DPI
+    Unaware mode
+    + JDK-8252117: com/sun/jdi/ failed with
+    "ConnectException: Connection refused: connect"
+    + JDK-8252248: __SIGRTMAX is not declared in musl libc
+    + JDK-8252250: isnanf is obsolete
+    + JDK-8252359: HotSpot Not Identifying it is Running in a
+    Container
+    + JDK-8252957: Wrong comment in CgroupV1Subsystem::cpu_quota
+    + JDK-8253435: Cgroup: 'stomping of _mount_path' crash if
+    manually mounted cpusets exist
+    + JDK-8253714: [cgroups v2] Soft memory limit incorrectly using
+    memory.high
+    + JDK-8253727: [cgroups v2] Memory and swap limits reported
+    incorrectly
+    + JDK-8253797: [cgroups v2] Account for the fact that swap
+    accounting is disabled on some systems
+    + JDK-8253872: ArgumentHandler must use the same delimiters as
+    in jvmti_tools.cpp
+    + JDK-8253939: [TESTBUG] Increase coverage of the cgroups
+    detection code
+    + JDK-8254001: [Metrics] Enhance parsing of cgroup interface
+    files for version detection
+    + JDK-8254887: C2: assert(cl->trip_count() > 0) failed: peeling
+    a fully unrolled loop
+    + JDK-8254997: Remove unimplemented
+    OSContainer::read_memory_limit_in_bytes
+    + JDK-8255266: Update Public Suffix List to 3c213aa
+    + JDK-8255604: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
+    fails with Cannot assign requested
+    address: connect
+    + JDK-8255787: Tag container tests that use cGroups with
+    cgroups keyword
+    + JDK-8256146: Cleanup test/jdk/java/nio/channels/
+    /DatagramChannel/
+    + JDK-8256722: handle VC++:1927 VS2019 in  abstract_vm_version
+    + JDK-8257794: Zero: assert(istate->_stack_limit ==
+    istate->_thread->last_Java_sp() + 1) failed: wrong on
+    Linux/x86_32
+    + JDK-8258795: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version
+    2021-05-11
+    + JDK-8258956: Memory Leak in StringCoding on ThreadLocal
+    resultCached StringCoding.Result
+    + JDK-8259517: Incorrect test path in test cases
+    + JDK-8260518: Change default -mmacosx-version-min to 10.12
+    + JDK-8261169: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.8.0
+    + JDK-8262379: Add regression test for JDK-8257746
+    + JDK-8263364: sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveStream/
+    / wedged in
+    getInputStream
+    + JDK-8263718: unused-result warning happens at os_linux.cpp
+    + JDK-8263856: Github Actions for macos/aarch64 cross-build
+    + JDK-8264179: [TESTBUG] Some compiler tests fail when running
+    without C2
+    + JDK-8265261: java/nio/file/Files/ fails
+    with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted
+    + JDK-8265297: javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/
+    / failed with "RuntimeException:
+ Connection reset"
+    + JDK-8265343: Update Debian-based cross-compilation recipes
+    + JDK-8266251: compiler.inlining.InlineAccessors shouldn't do
+    testing in driver VM
+    + JDK-8266318: Switch to macos prefix for macOS bundles
+    + JDK-8266391: Replace use of reflection in
+    jdk.internal.platform.Metrics
+    + JDK-8266545: 8261169 broke Harfbuzz build with gcc 7 and 8
+    + JDK-8268773: Improvements related to: Failed to start thread
+  - pthread_create failed (EAGAIN)
+    + JDK-8269772: [macos-aarch64] test compilation failed with
+    "SocketException: No buffer space available"
+    + JDK-8269933: test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/compatibility/JdkInfo
+    incorrect verification of protocol and cipher support
+    + JDK-8270797: test is not complete
+    + JDK-8271055: Crash during deoptimization with
+    "assert(bb->is_reachable()) failed: getting result from
+    unreachable basicblock" with -XX:+VerifyStack
+    + JDK-8271199: Mutual TLS handshake fails signing client
+    certificate with custom sensitive PKCS11 key
+    + JDK-8272167: should skip *.dSYM
+    directories
+    + JDK-8272358: Some tests may fail when executed with other
+    locales than the US
+    + JDK-8272493: Suboptimal code generation around
+    Preconditions.checkIndex intrinsic with AVX2
+    + JDK-8272908: Missing coverage for certain classes in
+    + JDK-8272964: java/nio/file/Files/ fails
+    with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted
+    + JDK-8273176: handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
+    + JDK-8273655: files are missing some
+    common types
+    + JDK-8274171: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
+    failed on "Content type" mismatches
+    + JDK-8274233: Minor cleanup for ToolBox
+    + JDK-8274735: javax.imageio.IIOException: Unsupported Image
+    Type while processing a valid JPEG image
+    + JDK-8274751: Drag And Drop hangs on Windows
+    + JDK-8275082: Update XML Security for Java to 2.3.0
+    + JDK-8275330: C2:  assert(n->is_Root() || n->is_Region() ||
+    n->is_Phi() || n->is_MachMerge() ||
+    def_block->dominates(block)) failed: uses must be dominated
+    by definitions
+    + JDK-8275337: C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first
+    block must be empty
+    + JDK-8276657: XSLT compiler tries to define a class with empty
+    name
+    + JDK-8276990: Memory leak in invoker.c fillInvokeRequest()
+    during JDI operations
+    + JDK-8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive
+    + JDK-8277093: Vector should throw ClassNotFoundException for a
+    missing class of an element
+    + JDK-8277396: [TESTBUG] In,
+    frame is accessed from main thread
+    + JDK-8277422: tools/jar/ fails with modified
+    time mismatch
+    + JDK-8277922: Unable to click JCheckBox in JTable through Java
+    Access Bridge
+    + JDK-8278065: Refactor subclassAudits to use ClassValue
+    + JDK-8278186:
+    .parseIdFromSameDocumentURI throws
+    StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling substring method
+    + JDK-8278346: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
+    fails on Linux SLES15 machine
+    + JDK-8278472: Invalid value set to CANDIDATEFORM structure
+    + JDK-8278794: Infinite loop in DeflaterOutputStream.finish()
+    + JDK-8278851: Correct signer logic for jars signed with
+    multiple digestalgs
+    + JDK-8278951: containers/cgroup/ fails on Ubuntu
+    21.10
+    + JDK-8279219: [REDO] C2 crash when allocating array of size
+    too large
+    + JDK-8279356: Method linking fails with
+    guarantee(mh->adapter() != NULL) failed: Adapter blob must
+    already exist!
+    + JDK-8279505: Update documentation for RETRY_COUNT and
+    + JDK-8279520: SPNEGO has not passed channel binding info into
+    the underlying mechanism
+    + JDK-8279529: ProblemList java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
+    / on macosx-aarch64
+    + JDK-8279532: ProblemList sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/
+    /
+    + JDK-8279668: x86: AVX2 versions of vpxor should be asserted
+    + JDK-8279837: C2: assert(is_Loop()) failed: invalid node
+    class: Region
+    + JDK-8279842: HTTPS Channel Binding support for Java
+    GSS/Kerberos
+    + JDK-8279958: Provide configure hints for Alpine/apk package
+    managers
+    + JDK-8280041: Retry loop issues in
+    + JDK-8280373: Update Xalan serializer / SystemIDResolver to
+    align with JDK-8270492
+    + JDK-8280476: [macOS] : hotspot arm64 bug exposed by latest
+    clang
+    + JDK-8280684: JfrRecorderService failes with
+    guarantee(num_written > 0) when no space left on device.
+    + JDK-8280799: С2: assert(false) failed: cyclic dependency
+    prevents range check elimination
+    + JDK-8280867: Cpuid1Ecx feature parsing is incorrect for AMD
+    CPUs
+    + JDK-8280964: [Linux aarch64] : drawImage dithers
+    TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED images incorrectly
+    + JDK-8281274: deal with ActiveProcessorCount in
+    os::Linux::print_container_info
+    + JDK-8281275: Upgrading from 8 to 11 no longer accepts '/' as
+    filepath separator in gc paths
+    + JDK-8281615: Deadlock caused by jdwp agent
+    + JDK-8281811: assert(_base == Tuple) failed: Not a Tuple after
+    JDK-8280799
+    + JDK-8282008: Incorrect handling of quoted arguments in
+    ProcessBuilder
+    + JDK-8282172: CompileBroker::log_metaspace_failure is called
+    from non-Java/compiler threads
+    + JDK-8282225: GHA: Allow one concurrent run per PR only
+    + JDK-8282231: x86-32: runtime call to SharedRuntime::ldiv
+    corrupts registers
+    + JDK-8282293: Domain value for system property
+    jdk.https.negotiate.cbt should be case-insensitive
+    + JDK-8282312: Minor corrections to evbroadcasti32x4 intrinsic
+    on x86
+    + JDK-8282382: Report glibc malloc tunables in error reports
+    + JDK-8282422: JTable.print() failed with
+    UnsupportedCharsetException on AIX ko_KR locale
+    + JDK-8282501: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.16
+    + JDK-8282583: Update BCEL md to include the copyright notice
+    + JDK-8282588: [11] set harfbuzz compilation flag to -std=c++11
+    + JDK-8282589: runtime/ErrorHandling/ fails on
+    MacOS aarch64 in jdk 11
+    + JDK-8282887: Potential memory leak in sun.util.locale.provider
+    .HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl.getNumberPattern() on Windows
+    + JDK-8283018: 11u GHA: Update GCC 9 minor versions
+    + JDK-8283217: Leak FcObjectSet in getFontConfigLocations() in
+    fontpath.c
+    + JDK-8283323: libharfbuzz optimization level results in
+    extreme build times
+    + JDK-8283350: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022a
+    + JDK-8283408: Fix a C2 crash when filling arrays with unsafe
+    + JDK-8283420: [AOT] Exclude TrackedFlagTest/NotTrackedFlagTest
+    in 11u because of intermittent java.lang.AssertionError:
+    duplicate classes for name Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+    + JDK-8283424: compiler/loopopts/
+    / fails with release VMs due
+    to lack of -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
+    + JDK-8283451: C2: assert(_base == Long) failed: Not a Long
+    + JDK-8283469: Don't use memset to initialize members in
+    FileMapInfo and fix memory leak
+    + JDK-8283497: [windows] print TMP and TEMP in hs_err and
+    + JDK-8283614: [11] Repair compiler versions handling after
+    8233787
+    + JDK-8283641: Large value for CompileThresholdScaling causes
+    assert
+    + JDK-8283834: Unmappable character for US-ASCII encoding in
+    TestPredicateInputBelowLoopPredicate
+    + JDK-8284033: Leak XVisualInfo in getAllConfigs in
+    awt_GraphicsEnv.c
+    + JDK-8284094: Memory leak in invoker_completeInvokeRequest()
+    + JDK-8284102: [TESTBUG] [11u] Retroactively add regression
+    test for JDK-8272124
+    + JDK-8284369: TestFailedAllocationBadGraph fails with
+  - XX:TieredStopAtLevel < 4
+    + JDK-8284389: Improve stability of GHA Pre-submit testing by
+    caching cygwin installer
+    + JDK-8284458: CodeHeapState::aggregate() leaks blob_name
+    + JDK-8284507: GHA: Only check test results if testing was not
+    skipped
+    + JDK-8284549: JFR: FieldTable leaks FieldInfoTable member
+    + JDK-8284573: [11u] ProblemList and
+ because of 8272195
+    + JDK-8284604: [11u] Update Boot JDK used in GHA to
+    + JDK-8284620: CodeBuffer may leak _overflow_arena
+    + JDK-8284622: Update versions of some Github Actions used in
+    JDK workflow
+    + JDK-8284756: [11u] Remove unused isUseContainerSupport in
+    CgroupV1Subsystem
+    + JDK-8285395: [JVMCI] [11u] Partial backport of JDK-8220623:
+    InstalledCode
+    + JDK-8285397: JNI exception pending in CUPSfuncs.c:250
+    + JDK-8285445: cannot open file "NUL:"
+    + JDK-8285515: (dc) DatagramChannel.disconnect fails with
+    "Invalid argument" on macOS 12.4
+    + JDK-8285523: Improve test
+    java/io/FileOutputStream/
+    + JDK-8285591: [11] add signum checks in engineVerify
+    + JDK-8285686: Update FreeType to 2.12.0
+    + JDK-8285720: test/jdk/java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
+    / fails to compile after backport of 8273655
+    + JDK-8285726: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284548 with
+    version from head
+    + JDK-8285727: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284920 with
+    version from head
+    + JDK-8285828: runtime/execstack/ fails with
+    zipped debug symbols
+    + JDK-8286013: Incorrect test configurations for
+    compiler/stable/
+    + JDK-8286198: [linux] Fix process-memory information
+    + JDK-8286293: Tests ShortResponseBody and
+    ShortResponseBodyWithRetry should use less resources
+    + JDK-8286444: javac errors after JDK-8251329 are not helpful
+    enough to find root cause
+    + JDK-8286594: (zipfs) Mention paths with dot elements in
+    ZipException and cleanups
+    + JDK-8286630: [11] avoid -std=c++11 CXX harfbuzz buildflag on
+    Windows
+    + JDK-8286855: javac error on invalid jar should only print
+    filename
+    + JDK-8287109: failed with
+    CertificateExpiredException
+    + JDK-8287119: Add to ProblemList
+    + JDK-8287362: FieldAccessWatch testcase failed on AIX platform
+    + JDK-8287378: GHA: Update cygwin to fix issues in langtools
+    tests on Windows
+    + JDK-8287739: [11u] ProblemList sun/security/ssl/
+    /SSLSessionImpl/
+- Update to version jdk8u345 (icedtea-3.24.0)
+  * July 2022 CPU
+  * Security fixes
+    + JDK-8272243: Improve DER parsing
+    + JDK-8272249: Better properties of loaded Properties
+    + JDK-8277608: Address IP Addressing
+    + JDK-8281859, CVE-2022-21540, bsc#1201694: Improve class
+    compilation
+    + JDK-8281866, CVE-2022-21541, bsc#1201692: Enhance
+    MethodHandle invocations
+    + JDK-8283190: Improve MIDI processing
+    + JDK-8284370: Improve zlib usage
+    + JDK-8285407, CVE-2022-34169, bsc#1201684: Improve Xalan
+    supports
+  * Import of OpenJDK 8 u342
+    + JDK-8076190, bsc#1195163: Customizing the generation of a
+    PKCS12 keystore
+    + JDK-8129572: Cleanup usage of getResourceAsStream in jaxp
+    + JDK-8132256: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/
+    /bcel/internal/util/
+    + JDK-8168926: C2: Bytecode escape analyzer crashes due to
+    stack overflow
+    + JDK-8170530: bash configure output contains a typo in a
+    suggested library name
+    + JDK-8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes)
+    leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
+    + JDK-8194154: System property user.dir should not be changed
+    + JDK-8202142: jfr/event/io/TestInstrumentation is unstable
+    + JDK-8209771: jdk.test.lib.Utils::runAndCheckException error
+    + JDK-8221988: add possibility to build with Visual Studio 2019
+    + JDK-8223396: [TESTBUG] several jfr tests do not clean up
+    files created in /tmp
+    + JDK-8230865: [TESTBUG] jdk/jfr/event/io/
+    fails at-run shell target
+    + JDK-8235211: serviceability/attach/
+    / fails with
+    AttachNotSupportedException: Unable to open socket file
+    + JDK-8244973: serviceability/attach/
+    / fails "stderr was not
+    empty"
+    + JDK-8248876: LoadObject with bad base address created for
+    exec file on linux
+    + JDK-8255239: The timezone of the hs_err_pid log file is
+    corrupted in Japanese locale
+    + JDK-8261107: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the
+    ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream)
+    + JDK-8266187: Memory leak in appendBootClassPath()
+    + JDK-8274658: ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update
+    + JDK-8274751: Drag And Drop hangs on Windows
+    + JDK-8278138: OpenJDK8 fails to start on Windows 8.1 after
+    upgrading compiler to VS2017
+    + JDK-8279669: test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/ uses
+    wrong condition
+    + JDK-8281814: Debuginfo.diz contains redundant build path
+    after backport JDK-8025936
+    + JDK-8282458: Update .jcheck/conf file for 8u move to git
+    + JDK-8282552: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u342
+    + JDK-8283350: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022a
+    + JDK-8284620: CodeBuffer may leak _overflow_arena
+    + JDK-8285445: cannot open file "NUL:"
+    + JDK-8285523: Improve test java/io/FileOutputStream/
+    /
+    + JDK-8285591: [11] add signum checks in engineVerify
+    + JDK-8285727: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284920 with
+    version from head
+    + JDK-8286989: Build failure on macOS after 8281814
+    + JDK-8287537: 8u JDK-8284620 backport broke AArch64 build
+  * Import of OpenJDK 8 u345
+    + JDK-8290832: It is no longer possible to change "user.dir"
+    in the JDK8
+    + JDK-8291568: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u345
+- Removed patch:
+  * JDK-8076190.patch
+    + Included by upstream
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- ARM: 9216/1: Fix MAX_DMA_ADDRESS overflow (git-fixes).
+- commit d7e1c73
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit acdd25a
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit d82b6fb
+- watchqueue: make sure to serialize 'wqueue->defunct' properly
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/watch_queue-Fix-missing-rcu-annotation.patch.
+- commit 0e9524c
+- nouveau/svm: Fix to migrate all requested pages (git-fixes).
+- watch_queue: Fix missing locking in add_watch_to_object()
+  (git-fixes).
+- watch-queue: remove spurious double semicolon (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: Rename xhci_dbc_init and xhci_dbc_exit (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: create and remove dbc structure in dbgtty driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: refactor xhci_dbc_init() (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: gpmi: validate controller clock rate (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Convert to use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Make use of the
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Use temporary variable for struct device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7883bd5
+- drm/amd/display: Ignore First MST Sideband Message Return Error
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix bt_skb_sendmmsg not allocating partial chunks
+  (git-fixes).
+- bitfield.h: Fix "type of reg too small for mask" test
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Fix sco_send_frame returning skb->len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix passing NULL to PTR_ERR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- commit 68b3804
+- Revert selftest patches that have been reverted in stable-5.15.y
+- commit a911337
+- scsi: megaraid: Clear READ queue map's nr_queues (git-fixes).
+- commit 55821eb
+- nvme: consider also host_iface when checking ip options
+  (bsc#1199670).
+- commit 230f363
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid gsmtty_write_room() result (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux activation issues in gsm_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix buffer over-read in gsm_dlci_data() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix sometimes uninitialized warning in
+  gsm_dlci_modem_output() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix software flow control handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid use of MSC in advanced option
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c30f9f
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing update of modem controls after DLCI open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 421f4e7
+- tty: n_gsm: fix incorrect UA handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix reset fifo race condition (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing tty wakeup in convergence layer type 2
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octets encoding in MSC (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command frame length field encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command retry handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing explicit ldisc flush (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong DLCI release order (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix insufficient txframe size (git-fixes).
+- commit 98e80d0
+- tty: n_gsm: fix malformed counter for out of frame data
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix frame reception handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octet encoding in convergence
+  layer type 2 (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux cleanup after unregister tty device
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix decoupled mux resource (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix restart handling via CLD command (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix encoding of command/response bit (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Save dlci address open status when config requester
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Modify CR,PF bit when config requester (git-fixes).
+- commit 12973e3
+- scripts/gdb: change kernel config dumping method (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Fix path_list memory leak (git-fixes).
+- scripts/dtc: Call pkg-config POSIXly correct (git-fixes).
+- optee: add error checks in optee_ffa_do_call_with_arg()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: Fix ctex support on Debian
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: add required ctex dependency
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c823894
+- tee: tee_get_drvdata(): fix description of return value
+  (git-fixes).
+- tunnels: do not assume mac header is set in
+  skb_tunnel_check_pmtu() (git-fixes).
+- tuntap: add sanity checks about msg_controllen in sendmsg
+  (git-fixes).
+- uaccess: fix type mismatch warnings from access_ok()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tests: fix idmapped mount_setattr test (git-fixes).
+- seccomp: Invalidate seccomp mode to catch death failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- tee: optee: do not check memref size on return from Secure World
+  (git-fixes).
+- tools include UAPI: Sync sound/asound.h copy with the kernel
+  sources (git-fixes).
+- tools/testing/scatterlist: add missing defines (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: fix incorrect truncation of exit code (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: i386: fix initial stack alignment (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: x86-64: Fix startup code bug (git-fixes).
+- tun: avoid double free in tun_free_netdev (git-fixes).
+- commit 00b109c
+- watch_queue: Fix missing rcu annotation (git-fixes).
+- udmabuf: add back sanity check (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: treat all calls not a bcall when bc_serv is NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- wireguard: device: check for metadata_dst with skb_valid_dst()
+  (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Fix management of open zones (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Clear inode information flags on inode creation
+  (git-fixes).
+- XArray: Update the LRU list in xas_split() (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: enable VQs early on probe (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: read the negotiated features before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: initialize vdev->priv before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix systemd LimitNPROC with private users regression
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Handle wrapping in is_ucounts_overlimit (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Base set_cred_ucounts changes on the real user
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is
+  interrupted by a signal (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix rlimit max values check (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: add MODULE_ALIAS_FS (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: In set_cred_ucounts assume new->ucounts is non-NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dc2af2
+- exfat: Drop superfluous new line for error messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Downgrade ENAMETOOLONG error message to debug messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Expand exfat_err() and co directly to pr_*() macro
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Define NLS_NAME_* as bit flags explicitly (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Return ENAMETOOLONG consistently for oversized paths
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- commit d002ca3
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update manufacturer details (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning for dport_data (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix discovery issues in FC-AL topology
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix imbalance vha->vref_count (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Fix dropped IKE message (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Zero undefined mailbox IN registers
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect display of max frame size
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Check correct variable in qla24xx_async_gffid()
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- commit 6c401ae
+- Drop qla2xxx patch which prevented nvme port discovery
+  (bsc#1200651 bsc#1200644 bsc#1201954 bsc#1201958)
+  Upstream fixed the problem by reverting the offending commit.
+  Delete:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-disk-failure-to-rediscover.patch
+- commit ae1d1a3
+- selftests/seccomp: Don't call read() on TTY from background pgrp
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: explicitly checking the available
+  ping feature (git-fixes).
+- commit 41741a6
+- testing: nvdimm: asm/mce.h is not needed in nfit.c (git-fixes).
+- testing: nvdimm: iomap: make __nfit_test_ioremap a macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- kvm: selftests: do not use bitfields larger than 32-bits for
+  PTEs (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Silence compiler warning in the
+  kvm_page_table_test (git-fixes).
+- testing/selftests/mqueue: Fix mq_perf_tests to free the
+  allocated cpu set (git-fixes).
+- userfaultfd/selftests: fix hugetlb area allocations (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Make sure kvm_create_max_vcpus test won't hit
+  RLIMIT_NOFILE (git-fixes).
+- commit b3cbd1a
+- selftests: forwarding: fix error message in learning_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix learning_test when h1 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix flood_unicast_test when h2 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: more stable diag tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: pass ipv6_args to udpgso_bench's IPv6 TCP test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: correct PKTGEN_SCRIPT_PATHS in
+ (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/cgroup: fix to use OUTPUT dir
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix null pointer dereference on open failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: Makefile: rename TARGETS to VMTARGETS
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: add ping test with ping_group_range tuned
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: ocelot: tc_flower_chains: specify conform-exceed
+  action for policer (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: usage(): fix documentation of default
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: fix parsing of start time stamp on
+  32 bit systems (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_bridge_1q: Avoid changing PVID while
+  interface is operational (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify remap destination address in mremap_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify mmap addr in mremap_test (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: vxlan_flooding: Prevent flooding of unwanted
+  packets (git-fixes).
+- selftests: test_vxlan_under_vrf: Fix broken test case
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: add csum mib check for mptcp_connect
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: timestamping: Fix bind_phc check (git-fixes).
+- selftests, x86: fix how is being invoked
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Change type of rseq_offset to ptrdiff_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-32: use %gs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-64: use %fs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix: work-around asm goto compiler bugs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove arm/mips asm goto compiler work-around
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix warnings about #if checks of undefined
+  tokens (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 offsets by using long rather than
+  off_t (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 missing instruction selection "u"
+  and "x" for load/store (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32: wrong rseq_cs 32-bit field pointer
+  on big endian (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Uplift rseq selftests for compatibility with
+  glibc-2.35 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce thread pointer getters (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce rseq_get_abi() helper (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove volatile from __rseq_abi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove useless assignment to cpu variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: introduce own copy of rseq uapi header
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/sgx: Treat CC as one argument (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86: Add validity check and allow field splitting
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: fix clang build error multiple output files
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill nettest processes launched in subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill tcpdump processes launched by subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/vm: fix tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: resource_scale: Fix return value (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: tc_police_scale: Make test more robust
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: clean up mapping in mfd_fail_write (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: fix map_fixed_noreplace test failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix diag instability (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Do not trace do_softirq because of PREEMPT_RT
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/seccomp: Fix seccomp failure by adding missing headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Add non-regular to TEST_GEN_PROGS (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: disable rp_filter on router (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: fix exit value for nft_concat_range
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: fixup build warnings in pidfd / clone3 tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: nft_concat_range: add test for reload with no
+  element add/del (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: Fix vdso_test_abi return status (git-fixes).
+- selftests: skip mincore.check_file_mmap when fs lacks needed
+  support (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Skip testcases that fail with EOPNOTSUPP
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Add missing dependency in Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Print also errno in failure messages
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: futex: Use variable MAKE instead of make (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Remove pipe from TEST_GEN_FILES (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Adapt the situation that /dev/zram0 is being
+  used (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ Fix compression ratio calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Skip max_comp_streams interface on newer kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: signal all child processes (git-fixes).
+- selftests: rtc: Increase test timeout so that all tests run
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix ipv6 routing setup (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm: make work with existing
+  cgroup setting (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add a test of sigreturning to the kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc/spectre_v2: Return skip code when miss_percent
+  is high (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: remove ARRAY_SIZE define from individual tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: harness: avoid false negatives if test has no ASSERTs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: make kprobe profile testcase description
+  unique (git-fixes).
+- selftests: clone3: clone3: add case CLONE3_ARGS_NO_TEST
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time cgroup namespace usage for
+  migration checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time credential usage for migration
+  checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Make cg_create() use 0755 for permission
+  instead of 0644 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: using ping6 for IPv6 in
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Fix a typo in (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument (git-fixes).
+- selftest/net/forwarding: declare NETIFS p9 p10 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix IPv6 address bind tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix raw socket bind tests with VRF (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Add duplicate config only for MD5 VRF tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: icmp_redirect: pass xfail=0 to log_test()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct ping6 expected rc from 2 to 1
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/fib_tests: Rework fib_rp_filter_test() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct case name (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: add a vrf+conntrack testcase (git-fixes).
+- selftests: gpio: fix gpio compiling error (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: tls: remove unused variable and code
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm/transhuge-stress: fix ram size thinko (git-fixes).
+- selftests: x86: fix [-Wstringop-overread] warn in
+  test_process_vm_readv() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: remove unused variable (git-fixes).
+- commit 48061db
+- 9p: Fix refcounting during full path walks for fid lookups
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_get_link (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_atomic_open_dotl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ecbaea5
+- blacklist.conf: Add ALSA entries that can't be applied to SLE15-SP4 kernels
+  Those are to be cleared once when more ALSA core stuff is backported
+- commit b982d6c
+- macsec: always read MACSEC_SA_ATTR_PN as a u64 (git-fixes).
+- macsec: limit replay window size with XPN (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix error message in macsec_add_rxsa and _txsa
+  (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix NULL deref in macsec_add_rxsa (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b9d2ad
+- exfat: use updated exfat_chain directly during renaming
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b8d95e
+- nilfs2: fix incorrect masking of permission flags for symlinks
+  (git-fixes).
+- usbnet: Run unregister_netdev() before unbind() again
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings during disk space reclamation
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings in page operations for btree nodes
+  (git-fixes).
+- minix: fix bug when opening a file with O_DIRECT (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Iterate lock_classes directly when reading
+  lockdep files (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Avoid potential access of invalid memory in
+  lock_class (git-fixes).
+- loop: use sysfs_emit() in the sysfs xxx show() (git-fixes).
+- smsc95xx: Ignore -ENODEV errors when device is unplugged
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct reset handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- loop: Use pr_warn_once() for loop_control_remove() warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct PHY handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- commit 3017f33
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for unknown access rights
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a355ad8
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: fix build issue due to possible type mis-match
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: Fix iter_xarray_get_pages{,_alloc}() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix same-layer rule unions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Create find_rule() from unmask_layers() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Reduce the maximum number of layers to 16 (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Define access_mask_t to enforce a consistent access
+  mask size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Test landlock_create_ruleset(2) argument
+  check ordering (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_restrict_self(2) check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_add_rule(2) argument check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for O_PATH (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Fully test file rename with "remove" access
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend access right tests to directories
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend tests for minimal valid attribute
+  size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Make tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix landlock_add_rule(2) documentation (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Normalize array assignment (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- l3mdev: l3mdev_master_upper_ifindex_by_index_rcu should be
+  using netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Use square brackets around "landlock-ruleset"
+  (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: Correct lock_classes index mapping (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/sifive-plic: Add missing thead,c900-plic match string
+  (git-fixes).
+- inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets (git-fixes).
+- commit 6710d1e
+- asm-generic: remove a broken and needless ifdef conditional
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: fix udp_wmem_min in ip-sysctl.rst (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.ecn_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.intl_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.reconf_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: make things less spammy under memory pressure
+  (git-fixes).
+- export: fix string handling of namespace in EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- fat: add ratelimit to fat*_ent_bread() (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: change allocation mode from GFP_NOWAIT to GFP_ATIOMIC
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.core.gro_normal_batch
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: move watch_queue to core-api (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix referencing wrong parent directory information
+  after renaming (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Validate single/group leader events (git-fixes).
+- configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem()
+  (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix i_blocks for files truncated over 4 GiB (git-fixes).
+- exfat: reuse exfat_inode_info variable instead of calling
+  EXFAT_I() (git-fixes).
+- device property: Check fwnode->secondary when finding properties
+  (git-fixes).
+- erofs: fix deadlock when shrink erofs slab (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ff4d9a
+- patches.suse/msft-hv-2570-hv_netvsc-Add-support-for-XDP_REDIRECT.patch:
+  (bsc#1199364).
+- commit fbec9a8
+- nvme-auth: retry command if DNR bit is not set (bsc#1201675).
+- commit 0beb6ec
+- nvme: kabi fixes for in-band authentication (bsc#1199086).
+- commit 26c80ba
+- Update config files.
+- commit 1003620
+- cifs: fix reconnect on smb3 mount types (bsc#1201427).
+- commit d696086
+- Update
+  patches.suse/netfilter-nf_tables-disallow-non-stateful-expression.patch
+  references (add CVE-2022-32250).
+- commit 801027d
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- supported.conf: mark drivers/nvme/common as supported (jsc#SLE-20183)
+- commit 2fed93a
+- Refresh nvme in-band authentication patches (bsc#1199086)
+- nvme: implement In-Band authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-nvme-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-nvmet-parse-fabrics-commands-on-io-queues.patch.
+- nvmet: implement basic In-Band Authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-nvmet-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- nvmet-auth: expire authentication sessions (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Delete patches.suse/nvme-auth-fixup-crash-at-boot.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-fix-visibility-of-dev_attr_dhchap_ctrl_secret-s.patch.
+- commit 90c9163
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-crypto-add-crypto_has_shash.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/0002-crypto-add-crypto_has_kpp.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0003-lib-base64-RFC4648-compliant-base64-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-nvme-add-definitions-for-NVMe-In-Band-authentication.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-nvme-fabrics-decode-authentication-required-connect-.patch.
+- commit 7d9a006
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- x86/ibt,xen: Sprinkle the ENDBR (bsc#1201471).
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- commit cf7f7e0
+- x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx (bsc#1201524).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- commit 64980c7
+- xen/netback: avoid entering xenvif_rx_next_skb() with an empty
+  rx queue (bsc#1201381).
+- commit bf00db7
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- rpm/ Require dwarves >= 1.22 on SLE15-SP3 or newer
+  Dwarves 1.22 or newer is required to build kernels with BTF information
+  embedded in modules.
+- commit ee19e9d
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in
+  pty_write() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from
+  tty_flip_buffer_push() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- commit decd358
+- octeontx2-af: Fix some memory leaks in the error handling path
+  of 'cgx_lmac_init()' (git-fixes).
+- commit 771ed28
+- octeontx2-af: Add a 'rvu_free_bitmap()' function (gix-fixes).
+- commit bc0ad1c
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- net: dsa: xrs700x: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 067f613
+- net: dsa: microchip: ksz8863: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 8df6c27
+- net: dsa: hellcreek: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit b13c76a
+- net: dsa: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 185c5a1
+- can: rcar_canfd: add __maybe_unused annotation to silence warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 3436390
+- net: dpaa_eth: remove dead select in menuconfig FSL_DPAA_ETH (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dea61c
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- kABI: fix removal of iscsi_destroy_conn (bsc#1198410).
+- kABI: fix change of iscsi_host_remove() arguments (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix session removal on shutdown (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: qedi: Use QEDI_MODE_NORMAL for error handling
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper to remove a session from the kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Clean up bound endpoints during shutdown
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Allow iscsi_if_stop_conn() to be called from kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix HW conn removal use after free (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: libiscsi: Teardown iscsi_cls_conn gracefully
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper functions to manage iscsi_cls_conn
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- commit 3d68d7d
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kabi/severities: Exclude ppc kvm
+- commit 56c89d8
+- selftest/powerpc: Add PAPR sysfs attributes sniff test
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: Interface to represent PAPR firmware attributes
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit 29350fd
+- powerpc/pseries: Rename TYPE1_AFFINITY to FORM1_AFFINITY
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: rename min_common_depth to primary_domain_index
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit bd72f4c
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- ARM: 9216/1: Fix MAX_DMA_ADDRESS overflow (git-fixes).
+- commit d7e1c73
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit acdd25a
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit d82b6fb
+- watchqueue: make sure to serialize 'wqueue->defunct' properly
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/watch_queue-Fix-missing-rcu-annotation.patch.
+- commit 0e9524c
+- nouveau/svm: Fix to migrate all requested pages (git-fixes).
+- watch_queue: Fix missing locking in add_watch_to_object()
+  (git-fixes).
+- watch-queue: remove spurious double semicolon (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: Rename xhci_dbc_init and xhci_dbc_exit (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: create and remove dbc structure in dbgtty driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: refactor xhci_dbc_init() (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: gpmi: validate controller clock rate (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Convert to use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Make use of the
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Use temporary variable for struct device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7883bd5
+- drm/amd/display: Ignore First MST Sideband Message Return Error
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix bt_skb_sendmmsg not allocating partial chunks
+  (git-fixes).
+- bitfield.h: Fix "type of reg too small for mask" test
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Fix sco_send_frame returning skb->len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix passing NULL to PTR_ERR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- commit 68b3804
+- Revert selftest patches that have been reverted in stable-5.15.y
+- commit a911337
+- scsi: megaraid: Clear READ queue map's nr_queues (git-fixes).
+- commit 55821eb
+- nvme: consider also host_iface when checking ip options
+  (bsc#1199670).
+- commit 230f363
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid gsmtty_write_room() result (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux activation issues in gsm_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix buffer over-read in gsm_dlci_data() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix sometimes uninitialized warning in
+  gsm_dlci_modem_output() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix software flow control handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid use of MSC in advanced option
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c30f9f
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing update of modem controls after DLCI open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 421f4e7
+- tty: n_gsm: fix incorrect UA handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix reset fifo race condition (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing tty wakeup in convergence layer type 2
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octets encoding in MSC (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command frame length field encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command retry handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing explicit ldisc flush (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong DLCI release order (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix insufficient txframe size (git-fixes).
+- commit 98e80d0
+- tty: n_gsm: fix malformed counter for out of frame data
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix frame reception handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octet encoding in convergence
+  layer type 2 (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux cleanup after unregister tty device
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix decoupled mux resource (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix restart handling via CLD command (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix encoding of command/response bit (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Save dlci address open status when config requester
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Modify CR,PF bit when config requester (git-fixes).
+- commit 12973e3
+- scripts/gdb: change kernel config dumping method (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Fix path_list memory leak (git-fixes).
+- scripts/dtc: Call pkg-config POSIXly correct (git-fixes).
+- optee: add error checks in optee_ffa_do_call_with_arg()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: Fix ctex support on Debian
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: add required ctex dependency
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c823894
+- tee: tee_get_drvdata(): fix description of return value
+  (git-fixes).
+- tunnels: do not assume mac header is set in
+  skb_tunnel_check_pmtu() (git-fixes).
+- tuntap: add sanity checks about msg_controllen in sendmsg
+  (git-fixes).
+- uaccess: fix type mismatch warnings from access_ok()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tests: fix idmapped mount_setattr test (git-fixes).
+- seccomp: Invalidate seccomp mode to catch death failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- tee: optee: do not check memref size on return from Secure World
+  (git-fixes).
+- tools include UAPI: Sync sound/asound.h copy with the kernel
+  sources (git-fixes).
+- tools/testing/scatterlist: add missing defines (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: fix incorrect truncation of exit code (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: i386: fix initial stack alignment (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: x86-64: Fix startup code bug (git-fixes).
+- tun: avoid double free in tun_free_netdev (git-fixes).
+- commit 00b109c
+- watch_queue: Fix missing rcu annotation (git-fixes).
+- udmabuf: add back sanity check (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: treat all calls not a bcall when bc_serv is NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- wireguard: device: check for metadata_dst with skb_valid_dst()
+  (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Fix management of open zones (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Clear inode information flags on inode creation
+  (git-fixes).
+- XArray: Update the LRU list in xas_split() (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: enable VQs early on probe (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: read the negotiated features before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: initialize vdev->priv before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix systemd LimitNPROC with private users regression
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Handle wrapping in is_ucounts_overlimit (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Base set_cred_ucounts changes on the real user
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is
+  interrupted by a signal (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix rlimit max values check (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: add MODULE_ALIAS_FS (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: In set_cred_ucounts assume new->ucounts is non-NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dc2af2
+- exfat: Drop superfluous new line for error messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Downgrade ENAMETOOLONG error message to debug messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Expand exfat_err() and co directly to pr_*() macro
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Define NLS_NAME_* as bit flags explicitly (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Return ENAMETOOLONG consistently for oversized paths
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- commit d002ca3
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update manufacturer details (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning for dport_data (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix discovery issues in FC-AL topology
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix imbalance vha->vref_count (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Fix dropped IKE message (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Zero undefined mailbox IN registers
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect display of max frame size
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Check correct variable in qla24xx_async_gffid()
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- commit 6c401ae
+- Drop qla2xxx patch which prevented nvme port discovery
+  (bsc#1200651 bsc#1200644 bsc#1201954 bsc#1201958)
+  Upstream fixed the problem by reverting the offending commit.
+  Delete:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-disk-failure-to-rediscover.patch
+- commit ae1d1a3
+- selftests/seccomp: Don't call read() on TTY from background pgrp
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: explicitly checking the available
+  ping feature (git-fixes).
+- commit 41741a6
+- testing: nvdimm: asm/mce.h is not needed in nfit.c (git-fixes).
+- testing: nvdimm: iomap: make __nfit_test_ioremap a macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- kvm: selftests: do not use bitfields larger than 32-bits for
+  PTEs (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Silence compiler warning in the
+  kvm_page_table_test (git-fixes).
+- testing/selftests/mqueue: Fix mq_perf_tests to free the
+  allocated cpu set (git-fixes).
+- userfaultfd/selftests: fix hugetlb area allocations (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Make sure kvm_create_max_vcpus test won't hit
+  RLIMIT_NOFILE (git-fixes).
+- commit b3cbd1a
+- selftests: forwarding: fix error message in learning_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix learning_test when h1 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix flood_unicast_test when h2 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: more stable diag tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: pass ipv6_args to udpgso_bench's IPv6 TCP test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: correct PKTGEN_SCRIPT_PATHS in
+ (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/cgroup: fix to use OUTPUT dir
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix null pointer dereference on open failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: Makefile: rename TARGETS to VMTARGETS
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: add ping test with ping_group_range tuned
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: ocelot: tc_flower_chains: specify conform-exceed
+  action for policer (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: usage(): fix documentation of default
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: fix parsing of start time stamp on
+  32 bit systems (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_bridge_1q: Avoid changing PVID while
+  interface is operational (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify remap destination address in mremap_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify mmap addr in mremap_test (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: vxlan_flooding: Prevent flooding of unwanted
+  packets (git-fixes).
+- selftests: test_vxlan_under_vrf: Fix broken test case
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: add csum mib check for mptcp_connect
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: timestamping: Fix bind_phc check (git-fixes).
+- selftests, x86: fix how is being invoked
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Change type of rseq_offset to ptrdiff_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-32: use %gs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-64: use %fs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix: work-around asm goto compiler bugs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove arm/mips asm goto compiler work-around
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix warnings about #if checks of undefined
+  tokens (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 offsets by using long rather than
+  off_t (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 missing instruction selection "u"
+  and "x" for load/store (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32: wrong rseq_cs 32-bit field pointer
+  on big endian (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Uplift rseq selftests for compatibility with
+  glibc-2.35 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce thread pointer getters (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce rseq_get_abi() helper (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove volatile from __rseq_abi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove useless assignment to cpu variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: introduce own copy of rseq uapi header
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/sgx: Treat CC as one argument (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86: Add validity check and allow field splitting
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: fix clang build error multiple output files
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill nettest processes launched in subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill tcpdump processes launched by subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/vm: fix tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: resource_scale: Fix return value (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: tc_police_scale: Make test more robust
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: clean up mapping in mfd_fail_write (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: fix map_fixed_noreplace test failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix diag instability (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Do not trace do_softirq because of PREEMPT_RT
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/seccomp: Fix seccomp failure by adding missing headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Add non-regular to TEST_GEN_PROGS (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: disable rp_filter on router (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: fix exit value for nft_concat_range
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: fixup build warnings in pidfd / clone3 tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: nft_concat_range: add test for reload with no
+  element add/del (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: Fix vdso_test_abi return status (git-fixes).
+- selftests: skip mincore.check_file_mmap when fs lacks needed
+  support (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Skip testcases that fail with EOPNOTSUPP
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Add missing dependency in Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Print also errno in failure messages
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: futex: Use variable MAKE instead of make (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Remove pipe from TEST_GEN_FILES (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Adapt the situation that /dev/zram0 is being
+  used (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ Fix compression ratio calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Skip max_comp_streams interface on newer kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: signal all child processes (git-fixes).
+- selftests: rtc: Increase test timeout so that all tests run
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix ipv6 routing setup (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm: make work with existing
+  cgroup setting (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add a test of sigreturning to the kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc/spectre_v2: Return skip code when miss_percent
+  is high (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: remove ARRAY_SIZE define from individual tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: harness: avoid false negatives if test has no ASSERTs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: make kprobe profile testcase description
+  unique (git-fixes).
+- selftests: clone3: clone3: add case CLONE3_ARGS_NO_TEST
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time cgroup namespace usage for
+  migration checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time credential usage for migration
+  checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Make cg_create() use 0755 for permission
+  instead of 0644 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: using ping6 for IPv6 in
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Fix a typo in (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument (git-fixes).
+- selftest/net/forwarding: declare NETIFS p9 p10 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix IPv6 address bind tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix raw socket bind tests with VRF (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Add duplicate config only for MD5 VRF tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: icmp_redirect: pass xfail=0 to log_test()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct ping6 expected rc from 2 to 1
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/fib_tests: Rework fib_rp_filter_test() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct case name (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: add a vrf+conntrack testcase (git-fixes).
+- selftests: gpio: fix gpio compiling error (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: tls: remove unused variable and code
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm/transhuge-stress: fix ram size thinko (git-fixes).
+- selftests: x86: fix [-Wstringop-overread] warn in
+  test_process_vm_readv() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: remove unused variable (git-fixes).
+- commit 48061db
+- 9p: Fix refcounting during full path walks for fid lookups
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_get_link (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_atomic_open_dotl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ecbaea5
+- blacklist.conf: Add ALSA entries that can't be applied to SLE15-SP4 kernels
+  Those are to be cleared once when more ALSA core stuff is backported
+- commit b982d6c
+- macsec: always read MACSEC_SA_ATTR_PN as a u64 (git-fixes).
+- macsec: limit replay window size with XPN (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix error message in macsec_add_rxsa and _txsa
+  (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix NULL deref in macsec_add_rxsa (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b9d2ad
+- exfat: use updated exfat_chain directly during renaming
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b8d95e
+- nilfs2: fix incorrect masking of permission flags for symlinks
+  (git-fixes).
+- usbnet: Run unregister_netdev() before unbind() again
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings during disk space reclamation
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings in page operations for btree nodes
+  (git-fixes).
+- minix: fix bug when opening a file with O_DIRECT (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Iterate lock_classes directly when reading
+  lockdep files (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Avoid potential access of invalid memory in
+  lock_class (git-fixes).
+- loop: use sysfs_emit() in the sysfs xxx show() (git-fixes).
+- smsc95xx: Ignore -ENODEV errors when device is unplugged
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct reset handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- loop: Use pr_warn_once() for loop_control_remove() warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct PHY handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- commit 3017f33
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for unknown access rights
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a355ad8
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: fix build issue due to possible type mis-match
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: Fix iter_xarray_get_pages{,_alloc}() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix same-layer rule unions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Create find_rule() from unmask_layers() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Reduce the maximum number of layers to 16 (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Define access_mask_t to enforce a consistent access
+  mask size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Test landlock_create_ruleset(2) argument
+  check ordering (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_restrict_self(2) check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_add_rule(2) argument check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for O_PATH (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Fully test file rename with "remove" access
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend access right tests to directories
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend tests for minimal valid attribute
+  size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Make tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix landlock_add_rule(2) documentation (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Normalize array assignment (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- l3mdev: l3mdev_master_upper_ifindex_by_index_rcu should be
+  using netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Use square brackets around "landlock-ruleset"
+  (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: Correct lock_classes index mapping (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/sifive-plic: Add missing thead,c900-plic match string
+  (git-fixes).
+- inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets (git-fixes).
+- commit 6710d1e
+- asm-generic: remove a broken and needless ifdef conditional
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: fix udp_wmem_min in ip-sysctl.rst (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.ecn_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.intl_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.reconf_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: make things less spammy under memory pressure
+  (git-fixes).
+- export: fix string handling of namespace in EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- fat: add ratelimit to fat*_ent_bread() (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: change allocation mode from GFP_NOWAIT to GFP_ATIOMIC
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.core.gro_normal_batch
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: move watch_queue to core-api (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix referencing wrong parent directory information
+  after renaming (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Validate single/group leader events (git-fixes).
+- configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem()
+  (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix i_blocks for files truncated over 4 GiB (git-fixes).
+- exfat: reuse exfat_inode_info variable instead of calling
+  EXFAT_I() (git-fixes).
+- device property: Check fwnode->secondary when finding properties
+  (git-fixes).
+- erofs: fix deadlock when shrink erofs slab (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ff4d9a
+- patches.suse/msft-hv-2570-hv_netvsc-Add-support-for-XDP_REDIRECT.patch:
+  (bsc#1199364).
+- commit fbec9a8
+- nvme-auth: retry command if DNR bit is not set (bsc#1201675).
+- commit 0beb6ec
+- nvme: kabi fixes for in-band authentication (bsc#1199086).
+- commit 26c80ba
+- Update config files.
+- commit 1003620
+- cifs: fix reconnect on smb3 mount types (bsc#1201427).
+- commit d696086
+- Update
+  patches.suse/netfilter-nf_tables-disallow-non-stateful-expression.patch
+  references (add CVE-2022-32250).
+- commit 801027d
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- supported.conf: mark drivers/nvme/common as supported (jsc#SLE-20183)
+- commit 2fed93a
+- Refresh nvme in-band authentication patches (bsc#1199086)
+- nvme: implement In-Band authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-nvme-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-nvmet-parse-fabrics-commands-on-io-queues.patch.
+- nvmet: implement basic In-Band Authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-nvmet-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- nvmet-auth: expire authentication sessions (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Delete patches.suse/nvme-auth-fixup-crash-at-boot.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-fix-visibility-of-dev_attr_dhchap_ctrl_secret-s.patch.
+- commit 90c9163
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-crypto-add-crypto_has_shash.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/0002-crypto-add-crypto_has_kpp.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0003-lib-base64-RFC4648-compliant-base64-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-nvme-add-definitions-for-NVMe-In-Band-authentication.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-nvme-fabrics-decode-authentication-required-connect-.patch.
+- commit 7d9a006
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- x86/ibt,xen: Sprinkle the ENDBR (bsc#1201471).
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- commit cf7f7e0
+- x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx (bsc#1201524).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- commit 64980c7
+- xen/netback: avoid entering xenvif_rx_next_skb() with an empty
+  rx queue (bsc#1201381).
+- commit bf00db7
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- rpm/ Require dwarves >= 1.22 on SLE15-SP3 or newer
+  Dwarves 1.22 or newer is required to build kernels with BTF information
+  embedded in modules.
+- commit ee19e9d
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in
+  pty_write() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from
+  tty_flip_buffer_push() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- commit decd358
+- octeontx2-af: Fix some memory leaks in the error handling path
+  of 'cgx_lmac_init()' (git-fixes).
+- commit 771ed28
+- octeontx2-af: Add a 'rvu_free_bitmap()' function (gix-fixes).
+- commit bc0ad1c
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- net: dsa: xrs700x: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 067f613
+- net: dsa: microchip: ksz8863: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 8df6c27
+- net: dsa: hellcreek: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit b13c76a
+- net: dsa: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 185c5a1
+- can: rcar_canfd: add __maybe_unused annotation to silence warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 3436390
+- net: dpaa_eth: remove dead select in menuconfig FSL_DPAA_ETH (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dea61c
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- kABI: fix removal of iscsi_destroy_conn (bsc#1198410).
+- kABI: fix change of iscsi_host_remove() arguments (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix session removal on shutdown (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: qedi: Use QEDI_MODE_NORMAL for error handling
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper to remove a session from the kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Clean up bound endpoints during shutdown
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Allow iscsi_if_stop_conn() to be called from kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix HW conn removal use after free (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: libiscsi: Teardown iscsi_cls_conn gracefully
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper functions to manage iscsi_cls_conn
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- commit 3d68d7d
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kabi/severities: Exclude ppc kvm
+- commit 56c89d8
+- selftest/powerpc: Add PAPR sysfs attributes sniff test
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: Interface to represent PAPR firmware attributes
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit 29350fd
+- powerpc/pseries: Rename TYPE1_AFFINITY to FORM1_AFFINITY
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: rename min_common_depth to primary_domain_index
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit bd72f4c
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- ARM: 9216/1: Fix MAX_DMA_ADDRESS overflow (git-fixes).
+- commit d7e1c73
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit acdd25a
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit d82b6fb
+- watchqueue: make sure to serialize 'wqueue->defunct' properly
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/watch_queue-Fix-missing-rcu-annotation.patch.
+- commit 0e9524c
+- nouveau/svm: Fix to migrate all requested pages (git-fixes).
+- watch_queue: Fix missing locking in add_watch_to_object()
+  (git-fixes).
+- watch-queue: remove spurious double semicolon (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: Rename xhci_dbc_init and xhci_dbc_exit (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: create and remove dbc structure in dbgtty driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: dbc: refactor xhci_dbc_init() (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: gpmi: validate controller clock rate (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Convert to use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Make use of the
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Use temporary variable for struct device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7883bd5
+- drm/amd/display: Ignore First MST Sideband Message Return Error
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix bt_skb_sendmmsg not allocating partial chunks
+  (git-fixes).
+- bitfield.h: Fix "type of reg too small for mask" test
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Fix sco_send_frame returning skb->len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix passing NULL to PTR_ERR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: SCO: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with
+  bt_skb_sendmsg (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmsg helper (git-fixes).
+- commit 68b3804
+- Revert selftest patches that have been reverted in stable-5.15.y
+- commit a911337
+- scsi: megaraid: Clear READ queue map's nr_queues (git-fixes).
+- commit 55821eb
+- nvme: consider also host_iface when checking ip options
+  (bsc#1199670).
+- commit 230f363
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid gsmtty_write_room() result (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux activation issues in gsm_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix buffer over-read in gsm_dlci_data() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix sometimes uninitialized warning in
+  gsm_dlci_modem_output() (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix software flow control handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix invalid use of MSC in advanced option
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c30f9f
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing update of modem controls after DLCI open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 421f4e7
+- tty: n_gsm: fix incorrect UA handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix reset fifo race condition (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing tty wakeup in convergence layer type 2
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octets encoding in MSC (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command frame length field encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command retry handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix missing explicit ldisc flush (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong DLCI release order (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix insufficient txframe size (git-fixes).
+- commit 98e80d0
+- tty: n_gsm: fix malformed counter for out of frame data
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix frame reception handling (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octet encoding in convergence
+  layer type 2 (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix mux cleanup after unregister tty device
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix decoupled mux resource (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix restart handling via CLD command (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix encoding of command/response bit (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Save dlci address open status when config requester
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: Modify CR,PF bit when config requester (git-fixes).
+- commit 12973e3
+- scripts/gdb: change kernel config dumping method (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- samples/landlock: Fix path_list memory leak (git-fixes).
+- scripts/dtc: Call pkg-config POSIXly correct (git-fixes).
+- optee: add error checks in optee_ffa_do_call_with_arg()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: Fix ctex support on Debian
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts: sphinx-pre-install: add required ctex dependency
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c823894
+- tee: tee_get_drvdata(): fix description of return value
+  (git-fixes).
+- tunnels: do not assume mac header is set in
+  skb_tunnel_check_pmtu() (git-fixes).
+- tuntap: add sanity checks about msg_controllen in sendmsg
+  (git-fixes).
+- uaccess: fix type mismatch warnings from access_ok()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tests: fix idmapped mount_setattr test (git-fixes).
+- seccomp: Invalidate seccomp mode to catch death failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- tee: optee: do not check memref size on return from Secure World
+  (git-fixes).
+- tools include UAPI: Sync sound/asound.h copy with the kernel
+  sources (git-fixes).
+- tools/testing/scatterlist: add missing defines (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: fix incorrect truncation of exit code (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: i386: fix initial stack alignment (git-fixes).
+- tools/nolibc: x86-64: Fix startup code bug (git-fixes).
+- tun: avoid double free in tun_free_netdev (git-fixes).
+- commit 00b109c
+- watch_queue: Fix missing rcu annotation (git-fixes).
+- udmabuf: add back sanity check (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: treat all calls not a bcall when bc_serv is NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- wireguard: device: check for metadata_dst with skb_valid_dst()
+  (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Fix management of open zones (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: Clear inode information flags on inode creation
+  (git-fixes).
+- XArray: Update the LRU list in xas_split() (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: enable VQs early on probe (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: read the negotiated features before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock/virtio: initialize vdev->priv before using VQs
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix systemd LimitNPROC with private users regression
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Handle wrapping in is_ucounts_overlimit (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Base set_cred_ucounts changes on the real user
+  (git-fixes).
+- vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is
+  interrupted by a signal (git-fixes).
+- xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create
+  (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: Fix rlimit max values check (git-fixes).
+- zonefs: add MODULE_ALIAS_FS (git-fixes).
+- ucounts: In set_cred_ucounts assume new->ucounts is non-NULL
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dc2af2
+- exfat: Drop superfluous new line for error messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Downgrade ENAMETOOLONG error message to debug messages
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Expand exfat_err() and co directly to pr_*() macro
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Define NLS_NAME_* as bit flags explicitly (bsc#1201725).
+- exfat: Return ENAMETOOLONG consistently for oversized paths
+  (bsc#1201725).
+- commit d002ca3
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update manufacturer details (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning for dport_data (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix discovery issues in FC-AL topology
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix imbalance vha->vref_count (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: edif: Fix dropped IKE message (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Zero undefined mailbox IN registers
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect display of max frame size
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Check correct variable in qla24xx_async_gffid()
+  (bsc#1201958).
+- commit 6c401ae
+- Drop qla2xxx patch which prevented nvme port discovery
+  (bsc#1200651 bsc#1200644 bsc#1201954 bsc#1201958)
+  Upstream fixed the problem by reverting the offending commit.
+  Delete:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-disk-failure-to-rediscover.patch
+- commit ae1d1a3
+- selftests/seccomp: Don't call read() on TTY from background pgrp
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: explicitly checking the available
+  ping feature (git-fixes).
+- commit 41741a6
+- testing: nvdimm: asm/mce.h is not needed in nfit.c (git-fixes).
+- testing: nvdimm: iomap: make __nfit_test_ioremap a macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- kvm: selftests: do not use bitfields larger than 32-bits for
+  PTEs (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Silence compiler warning in the
+  kvm_page_table_test (git-fixes).
+- testing/selftests/mqueue: Fix mq_perf_tests to free the
+  allocated cpu set (git-fixes).
+- userfaultfd/selftests: fix hugetlb area allocations (git-fixes).
+- KVM: selftests: Make sure kvm_create_max_vcpus test won't hit
+  RLIMIT_NOFILE (git-fixes).
+- commit b3cbd1a
+- selftests: forwarding: fix error message in learning_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix learning_test when h1 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: forwarding: fix flood_unicast_test when h2 supports
+  IFF_UNICAST_FLT (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: more stable diag tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: pass ipv6_args to udpgso_bench's IPv6 TCP test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: correct PKTGEN_SCRIPT_PATHS in
+ (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/cgroup: fix to use OUTPUT dir
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix null pointer dereference on open failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: Makefile: rename TARGETS to VMTARGETS
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: add ping test with ping_group_range tuned
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: ocelot: tc_flower_chains: specify conform-exceed
+  action for policer (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: usage(): fix documentation of default
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: so_txtime: fix parsing of start time stamp on
+  32 bit systems (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_bridge_1q: Avoid changing PVID while
+  interface is operational (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify remap destination address in mremap_test
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: verify mmap addr in mremap_test (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: vxlan_flooding: Prevent flooding of unwanted
+  packets (git-fixes).
+- selftests: test_vxlan_under_vrf: Fix broken test case
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: add csum mib check for mptcp_connect
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: timestamping: Fix bind_phc check (git-fixes).
+- selftests, x86: fix how is being invoked
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Change type of rseq_offset to ptrdiff_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-32: use %gs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: x86-64: use %fs segment selector for accessing
+  rseq thread area (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix: work-around asm goto compiler bugs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove arm/mips asm goto compiler work-around
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix warnings about #if checks of undefined
+  tokens (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 offsets by using long rather than
+  off_t (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 missing instruction selection "u"
+  and "x" for load/store (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32: wrong rseq_cs 32-bit field pointer
+  on big endian (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Uplift rseq selftests for compatibility with
+  glibc-2.35 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce thread pointer getters (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Introduce rseq_get_abi() helper (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove volatile from __rseq_abi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: Remove useless assignment to cpu variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: introduce own copy of rseq uapi header
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/sgx: Treat CC as one argument (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86: Add validity check and allow field splitting
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: vm: fix clang build error multiple output files
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill nettest processes launched in subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Kill tcpdump processes launched by subshell
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest/vm: fix tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: resource_scale: Fix return value (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mlxsw: tc_police_scale: Make test more robust
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: clean up mapping in mfd_fail_write (git-fixes).
+- selftest/vm: fix map_fixed_noreplace test failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix diag instability (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Do not trace do_softirq because of PREEMPT_RT
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/seccomp: Fix seccomp failure by adding missing headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Add non-regular to TEST_GEN_PROGS (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: disable rp_filter on router (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: fix exit value for nft_concat_range
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: fixup build warnings in pidfd / clone3 tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: nft_concat_range: add test for reload with no
+  element add/del (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: Fix vdso_test_abi return status (git-fixes).
+- selftests: skip mincore.check_file_mmap when fs lacks needed
+  support (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Skip testcases that fail with EOPNOTSUPP
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Add missing dependency in Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openat2: Print also errno in failure messages
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: futex: Use variable MAKE instead of make (git-fixes).
+- selftests/exec: Remove pipe from TEST_GEN_FILES (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Adapt the situation that /dev/zram0 is being
+  used (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ Fix compression ratio calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/zram: Skip max_comp_streams interface on newer kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: signal all child processes (git-fixes).
+- selftests: rtc: Increase test timeout so that all tests run
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mptcp: fix ipv6 routing setup (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm: make work with existing
+  cgroup setting (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add a test of sigreturning to the kernel
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc/spectre_v2: Return skip code when miss_percent
+  is high (git-fixes).
+- selftests/rseq: remove ARRAY_SIZE define from individual tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: harness: avoid false negatives if test has no ASSERTs
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: make kprobe profile testcase description
+  unique (git-fixes).
+- selftests: clone3: clone3: add case CLONE3_ARGS_NO_TEST
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time cgroup namespace usage for
+  migration checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Test open-time credential usage for migration
+  checks (git-fixes).
+- selftests: cgroup: Make cg_create() use 0755 for permission
+  instead of 0644 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: using ping6 for IPv6 in
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Fix a typo in (git-fixes).
+- selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument (git-fixes).
+- selftest/net/forwarding: declare NETIFS p9 p10 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix IPv6 address bind tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Fix raw socket bind tests with VRF (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Add duplicate config only for MD5 VRF tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: icmp_redirect: pass xfail=0 to log_test()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct ping6 expected rc from 2 to 1
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/fib_tests: Rework fib_rp_filter_test() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: Correct case name (git-fixes).
+- selftests: netfilter: add a vrf+conntrack testcase (git-fixes).
+- selftests: gpio: fix gpio compiling error (git-fixes).
+- selftests: net: tls: remove unused variable and code
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/vm/transhuge-stress: fix ram size thinko (git-fixes).
+- selftests: x86: fix [-Wstringop-overread] warn in
+  test_process_vm_readv() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: remove unused variable (git-fixes).
+- commit 48061db
+- 9p: Fix refcounting during full path walks for fid lookups
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_get_link (git-fixes).
+- 9p: fix fid refcount leak in v9fs_vfs_atomic_open_dotl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ecbaea5
+- blacklist.conf: Add ALSA entries that can't be applied to SLE15-SP4 kernels
+  Those are to be cleared once when more ALSA core stuff is backported
+- commit b982d6c
+- macsec: always read MACSEC_SA_ATTR_PN as a u64 (git-fixes).
+- macsec: limit replay window size with XPN (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix error message in macsec_add_rxsa and _txsa
+  (git-fixes).
+- macsec: fix NULL deref in macsec_add_rxsa (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b9d2ad
+- exfat: use updated exfat_chain directly during renaming
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b8d95e
+- nilfs2: fix incorrect masking of permission flags for symlinks
+  (git-fixes).
+- usbnet: Run unregister_netdev() before unbind() again
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings during disk space reclamation
+  (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings in page operations for btree nodes
+  (git-fixes).
+- minix: fix bug when opening a file with O_DIRECT (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Iterate lock_classes directly when reading
+  lockdep files (git-fixes).
+- locking/lockdep: Avoid potential access of invalid memory in
+  lock_class (git-fixes).
+- loop: use sysfs_emit() in the sysfs xxx show() (git-fixes).
+- smsc95xx: Ignore -ENODEV errors when device is unplugged
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct reset handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- loop: Use pr_warn_once() for loop_control_remove() warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: Correct PHY handling of smsc95xx (git-fixes).
+- commit 3017f33
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for unknown access rights
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a355ad8
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: fix build issue due to possible type mis-match
+  (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter: Fix iter_xarray_get_pages{,_alloc}() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix same-layer rule unions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Create find_rule() from unmask_layers() (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Reduce the maximum number of layers to 16 (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Define access_mask_t to enforce a consistent access
+  mask size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Test landlock_create_ruleset(2) argument
+  check ordering (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_restrict_self(2) check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Change landlock_add_rule(2) argument check ordering
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add tests for O_PATH (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Fully test file rename with "remove" access
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend access right tests to directories
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Extend tests for minimal valid attribute
+  size (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Make tests build with old libc (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Fix landlock_add_rule(2) documentation (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Normalize array assignment (git-fixes).
+- selftests/landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Format with clang-format (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Add clang-format exceptions (git-fixes).
+- l3mdev: l3mdev_master_upper_ifindex_by_index_rcu should be
+  using netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu (git-fixes).
+- landlock: Use square brackets around "landlock-ruleset"
+  (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: Correct lock_classes index mapping (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/sifive-plic: Add missing thead,c900-plic match string
+  (git-fixes).
+- inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets (git-fixes).
+- commit 6710d1e
+- asm-generic: remove a broken and needless ifdef conditional
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: fix udp_wmem_min in ip-sysctl.rst (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.ecn_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.intl_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.sctp.reconf_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: make things less spammy under memory pressure
+  (git-fixes).
+- export: fix string handling of namespace in EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- fat: add ratelimit to fat*_ent_bread() (git-fixes).
+- dma-debug: change allocation mode from GFP_NOWAIT to GFP_ATIOMIC
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: add description for net.core.gro_normal_batch
+  (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: move watch_queue to core-api (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix referencing wrong parent directory information
+  after renaming (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Validate single/group leader events (git-fixes).
+- configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem()
+  (git-fixes).
+- exfat: fix i_blocks for files truncated over 4 GiB (git-fixes).
+- exfat: reuse exfat_inode_info variable instead of calling
+  EXFAT_I() (git-fixes).
+- device property: Check fwnode->secondary when finding properties
+  (git-fixes).
+- erofs: fix deadlock when shrink erofs slab (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ff4d9a
+- patches.suse/msft-hv-2570-hv_netvsc-Add-support-for-XDP_REDIRECT.patch:
+  (bsc#1199364).
+- commit fbec9a8
+- nvme-auth: retry command if DNR bit is not set (bsc#1201675).
+- commit 0beb6ec
+- nvme: kabi fixes for in-band authentication (bsc#1199086).
+- commit 26c80ba
+- Update config files.
+- commit 1003620
+- cifs: fix reconnect on smb3 mount types (bsc#1201427).
+- commit d696086
+- Update
+  patches.suse/netfilter-nf_tables-disallow-non-stateful-expression.patch
+  references (add CVE-2022-32250).
+- commit 801027d
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- supported.conf: mark drivers/nvme/common as supported (jsc#SLE-20183)
+- commit 2fed93a
+- Refresh nvme in-band authentication patches (bsc#1199086)
+- nvme: implement In-Band authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-nvme-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-nvmet-parse-fabrics-commands-on-io-queues.patch.
+- nvmet: implement basic In-Band Authentication (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-nvmet-auth-Diffie-Hellman-key-exchange-support.patch.
+- nvmet-auth: expire authentication sessions (jsc#SLE-20183).
+- Delete patches.suse/nvme-auth-fixup-crash-at-boot.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-fix-visibility-of-dev_attr_dhchap_ctrl_secret-s.patch.
+- commit 90c9163
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-crypto-add-crypto_has_shash.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/0002-crypto-add-crypto_has_kpp.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0003-lib-base64-RFC4648-compliant-base64-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-nvme-add-definitions-for-NVMe-In-Band-authentication.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-nvme-fabrics-decode-authentication-required-connect-.patch.
+- commit 7d9a006
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- x86/ibt,xen: Sprinkle the ENDBR (bsc#1201471).
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- commit cf7f7e0
+- x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx (bsc#1201524).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- commit 64980c7
+- xen/netback: avoid entering xenvif_rx_next_skb() with an empty
+  rx queue (bsc#1201381).
+- commit bf00db7
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- rpm/ Require dwarves >= 1.22 on SLE15-SP3 or newer
+  Dwarves 1.22 or newer is required to build kernels with BTF information
+  embedded in modules.
+- commit ee19e9d
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in
+  pty_write() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from
+  tty_flip_buffer_push() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- commit decd358
+- octeontx2-af: Fix some memory leaks in the error handling path
+  of 'cgx_lmac_init()' (git-fixes).
+- commit 771ed28
+- octeontx2-af: Add a 'rvu_free_bitmap()' function (gix-fixes).
+- commit bc0ad1c
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- net: dsa: xrs700x: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 067f613
+- net: dsa: microchip: ksz8863: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 8df6c27
+- net: dsa: hellcreek: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit b13c76a
+- net: dsa: be compatible with masters which unregister on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit 185c5a1
+- can: rcar_canfd: add __maybe_unused annotation to silence warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 3436390
+- net: dpaa_eth: remove dead select in menuconfig FSL_DPAA_ETH (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dea61c
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- kABI: fix removal of iscsi_destroy_conn (bsc#1198410).
+- kABI: fix change of iscsi_host_remove() arguments (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix session removal on shutdown (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: qedi: Use QEDI_MODE_NORMAL for error handling
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper to remove a session from the kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Clean up bound endpoints during shutdown
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Allow iscsi_if_stop_conn() to be called from kernel
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Fix HW conn removal use after free (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: libiscsi: Teardown iscsi_cls_conn gracefully
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add helper functions to manage iscsi_cls_conn
+  (bsc#1198410).
+- commit 3d68d7d
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kabi/severities: Exclude ppc kvm
+- commit 56c89d8
+- selftest/powerpc: Add PAPR sysfs attributes sniff test
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: Interface to represent PAPR firmware attributes
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit 29350fd
+- powerpc/pseries: Rename TYPE1_AFFINITY to FORM1_AFFINITY
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- powerpc/pseries: rename min_common_depth to primary_domain_index
+  (bsc#1200465 ltc#197256 jsc#SLE-18130).
+- commit bd72f4c
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- cifs: fix memory leak of smb3_fs_context_dup::server_hostname
+  (bsc#1201926).
+- commit 3d2ce6d
+- cifs: To match file servers, make sure the server hostname
+  matches (bsc#1201926).
+- commit 6a5bd2a
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 34cfe0a
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 73546bb
+- netfilter: nf_queue: do not allow packet truncation below
+  transport header offset (bsc#1201940 CVE-2022-36946).
+- commit 06aa700
+- cifs: set a minimum of 120s for next dns resolution
+  (bsc#1201926).
+- commit 726509e
+- cifs: use the expiry output of dns_query to schedule next
+  resolution (bsc#1201926).
+- commit 5137045
+- cifs: On cifs_reconnect, resolve the hostname again
+  (bsc#1201926).
+- commit 8b80115
+- cifs: Simplify reconnect code when dfs upcall is enabled
+  (bsc#1201926).
+- commit a15e604
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-prepare-asm-files-for-straight-line-speculation.patch.
+- commit 5cd8e8f
+- Remove homegrown IBRS implementation
+  ... and replace with the upstream one.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-speculation-Add-inlines-to-control-Indirect-Bran.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-idle-Control-Indirect-Branch-Speculation-in-idle.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0004-x86-enter-Create-macros-to-restrict-unrestrict-Indir.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0005-x86-enter-Use-IBRS-on-syscall-and-interrupts.patch.
+- Delete patches.suse/IBRS-forbid-shooting-in-foot.patch.
+- commit 4b0356c
+- kABI workaround for including mm.h in fs/sysfs/file.c
+  (bsc#1200598 CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit fe1fe6b
+- mm: and drivers core: Convert hugetlb_report_node_meminfo to
+  sysfs_emit (bsc#1200598 CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit 3d23964
+- drivers core: Miscellaneous changes for sysfs_emit (bsc#1200598
+  CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit c8e2e5b
+- drivers core: Remove strcat uses around sysfs_emit and neaten
+  (bsc#1200598 CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit 5cd9512
+- drivers core: Use sysfs_emit and sysfs_emit_at for show(device
+  * ...) functions (bsc#1200598 CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit 7554520
+- sysfs: Add sysfs_emit and sysfs_emit_at to format sysfs output
+  (bsc#1200598 CVE-2022-20166).
+- commit c5a70d7
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-no.patch.
+- commit af9c97a
+- x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx (bsc#1201644).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- commit c154137
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- blacklist.conf:
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-speculation-Add-basic-IBRS-support-infrastructur.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-speculation-Add-inlines-to-control-Indirect-Bran.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-x86-enter-Use-IBRS-on-syscall-and-interrupts.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-x86-speculation-Disable-Fill-buffer-clear-within-guests.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/documentation-hw-vuln-update-spectre-doc.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-cache-secondary-chip-select-registers.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-find-chip-select-memory-size-using-address-mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-initialize-dimm-info-for-systems-with-more-than-two-channels.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-recognize-dram-device-type-ecc-capability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-support-asymmetric-dual-rank-dimms.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/edac-amd64-support-more-than-two-controllers-for-chip-selects-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/sched-topology-Improve-load-balancing-on-AMD-EPYC.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-no.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Group-MDS-TAA-Processor-MMIO-Stale-Data-mitigations.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-add-a-steppings-field-to-struct-x86_cpu_id.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-add-table-argument-to-cpu_matches.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-a-common-function-for-MD_CLEAR-mitigation-update.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-add-eibrs-retpoline-options.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-add-special-register-buffer-data-sampling-srbds-mitigation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-add-srbds-vulnerability-and-mitigation-documentation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-include-unprivileged-ebpf-status-in-spectre-v2-mitigation-reporting.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-mmio-Add-mitigation-for-Processor-MMIO-Stale-Data.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-mmio-Add-sysfs-reporting-for-Processor-MMIO-Stale-Data.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-mmio-Enable-CPU-Fill-buffer-clearing-on-idle.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-mmio-Enumerate-Processor-MMIO-Stale-Data-bug.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-mmio-Reuse-SRBDS-mitigation-for-SBDS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-rename-retpoline_amd-to-retpoline_lfence.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-restore-speculation-related-msrs-during-s3-resume.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-srbds-Update-SRBDS-mitigation-selection.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-use-generic-retpoline-by-default-on-amd.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- commit bc36bfa
+- vt: vt_ioctl: fix race in VT_RESIZEX (bsc#1200910
+  CVE-2020-36558).
+- commit 3c76a1f
+- vt: vt_ioctl: fix VT_DISALLOCATE freeing in-use virtual console
+  (bsc#1201429 CVE-2020-36557).
+- commit f15e18d
+- vt: drop old FONT ioctls (bsc#1201636 CVE-2021-33656).
+- commit 704434f
+- Refresh patches.suse/fbcon-Prevent-that-screen-size-is-smaller-than-font-.patch
+  Fix the build error due to missing is_console_locked()
+- commit 39e2064
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var()
+  (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635).
+- commit c1a0922
+- pty: do tty_flip_buffer_push without port->lock in pty_write
+  (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- commit c0b9f34
+- tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in
+  pty_write() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from
+  tty_flip_buffer_push() (bsc#1198829 CVE-2022-1462).
+- commit 1b70eb4
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2588-PCI-hv-Do-not-set-PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY-to-reduce-VM-bo.patch.
+  Fix a build warning.
+- commit 837f0e2
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: ignore GCC12/CC_NO_ARRAY_BOUNDS
+  Upstream commit f0be87c42cbd (gcc-12: disable '-Warray-bounds'
+  universally for now) added two new compiler-dependent configs:
+  Ignore them -- they are unset by dummy tools (they depend on gcc version
+  == 12), but set as needed during real compilation.
+- commit a14607c
+- kernel-binary.spec: check s390x vmlinux location
+  As a side effect of mainline commit edd4a8667355 ("s390/boot: get rid of
+  startup archive"), vmlinux on s390x moved from "compressed" subdirectory
+  directly into arch/s390/boot. As the specfile is shared among branches,
+  check both locations and let objcopy use one that exists.
+- commit cd15543
+- Add missing recommends of kernel-install-tools to kernel-source-vanilla (bsc#1200442)
+- commit 93b1375
+- kernel-binary.spec: Support radio selection for debuginfo.
+  To disable debuginfo on 5.18 kernel a radio selection needs to be
+  switched to a different selection. This requires disabling the currently
+  active option and selecting NONE as debuginfo type.
+- commit 43b5dd3
+- rpm/ Also depend on dracut-systemd (bsc#1195775)
+- commit 5d4e32c
+- pahole 1.22 required for full BTF features.
+  also recommend pahole for kernel-source to make the kernel buildable
+  with standard config
+- commit 364f54b
+- use jobs not processors in the constraints
+  jobs is the number of vcpus available to the build, while processors
+  is the total processor count of the machine the VM is running on.
+- commit a6e141d
+- rpm/ skip SLOW_DISK workers for kernel-source
+- commit e84694f
+- rpm/* remove backtick usage
+- commit 87ca1fb
+- rpm/ add systemd-initrd and terminfo dracut module (bsc#1195775)
+- commit d9a821b
+- rpm/ use default dracut modules (bsc#1195926,
+  bsc#1198484)
+  Let's iron out the reduced initrd optimisation in Tumbleweed.
+  Build full blown dracut initrd with systemd for SLE15 SP4.
+- commit ea76821
+- fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62d2eea
+- posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec (CVE-2022-2585 bsc#1202094).
+- commit 2decf97
+- x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit e9f7bfc
+- x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections (bsc#1201726
+  CVE-2022-26373).
+- commit 87cc728
+- sched/core: Do not requeue task on CPU excluded from cpus_mask
+  (bnc#1199356).
+- commit f226af5
+- KVM: emulate: do not adjust size of fastop and setcc subroutines
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- commit 935d297
+- kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS
+  (bsc#1201930).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- commit 154606a
+- net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change()
+  (CVE-2022-29581 bsc#1199665).
+- commit 6f81977
+- blacklist.conf: This is a cleanup, not fixing any bug
+- commit 6f050ff
+- tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1650ec3
+- blacklist.conf: duplicate
+- commit 1c70642
+- random: fix typo in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 6de6114
+- blacklist.conf: breaks kABI for a cleanup
+- commit 678666e
+- random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input
+  functions (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fb6e8a
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support IDs for WCN6855
+  (git-fixxes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-btusb-Add-one-more-Bluetooth-part-for-WCN6.patch.
+- commit 91ad5ba
+- powerpc/pseries/mobility: set NMI watchdog factor during an LPM
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/watchdog: introduce a NMI watchdog's factor (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure (bsc#1201846
+  ltc#198761).
+- powerpc/mobility: wait for memory transfer to complete
+  (bsc#1201846 ltc#198761).
+- commit 4c3e250
+- page_alloc: fix invalid watemark check on a negative value
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 11d19f6
+- VMCI: Add support for ARM64 (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 91f9b43
+- VMCI: Release notification_bitmap in error path (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Check exclusive_vectors when freeing interrupt 1
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: Fix some error handling paths in vmci_guest_probe_device()
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams receive
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add support for DMA datagrams sends (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: allocate send and receive buffers for DMA
+  datagrams (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: register dummy IRQ handlers for DMA datagrams
+  (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: set OS page size (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: detect DMA datagram capability (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: add MMIO access to registers (bsc#1199291,
+  jsc#SLE-24635).
+- VMCI: dma dg: whitespace formatting change for vmci register
+  defines (bsc#1199291, jsc#SLE-24635).
+- commit 0e13b0d
+- blacklist.conf: add commit 7acae6183cf3
+  I blacklisted the wrong commit: instead of adding 7acae6183cf3, I added the
+  commit that introduced the bug fixed by it (which isn't present in SLE15-SP4).
+- commit 8ec5489
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain
+  tc-flower offload (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd0ec2
+- net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums (git-fixes).
+- commit af8e915
+- ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave (git-fixes).
+- commit 873e269
+- net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a981d90
+- net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in
+  prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit 4aa2b33
+- net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable (git-fixes).
+- commit b08b10f
+- net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 549b785
+- ice: Fix error with handling of bonding MTU (git-fixes).
+- commit 03f6b8d
+- ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses (git-fixes).
+- commit 13b5865
+- ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 1b69809
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in
+  mt753x_phylink_validate() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8344b36
+- spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref
+  for non DMA transfers (git-fixes).
+- commit 2faff78
+- i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be
+  unconditional (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mlxcpld: Fix register setting for 400KHz frequency
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: gpio-xilinx: Fix integer overflow (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache
+  sync during init (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ttm: fix locking in vmap/vunmap TTM GEM helpers (git-fixes).
+- commit 7a76772
+- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.11
+- commit 5ac1ff2
+- r8152: fix a WOL issue (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: re-explain what port_fdb_dump actually does
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: delete port_mdb_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: remove port_vlan_dump (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_fast_age (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document port_setup and port_teardown
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the teardown method (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document change_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: add more info about the other arguments to
+  get_tag_protocol (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: rename tag_protocol to get_tag_protocol
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: document the shutdown behavior (git-fixes).
+- docs: net: dsa: update probing documentation (git-fixes).
+- Revert "e1000e: Fix possible HW unit hang after an s0ix exit"
+  (git-fixes).
+- e1000e: Enable GPT clock before sending message to CSME
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250: fix return error code in
+  serial8250_request_std_resource() (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize GRDOM access between multiple engine
+  resets (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in
+  aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered
+  hardware (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix kernel NULL pointer dereference when IO
+  error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Fix GPIO related probe-ordering
+  problem (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wcd938x: Fix event generation for some controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: initialize workqueues
+  in probe (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt7*-sdw: harden jack_detect_handler (git-fixes).
+- soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug (git-fixes).
+- NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event
+  (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume (git-fixes).
+- virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/dg2: Add Wa_22011100796 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Require the vm mutex for i915_vma_bind() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/uc: correctly track uc_fw init failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4bd213d
+- ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb
+  instruction (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds
+  only once (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc221 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine
+  with alc671 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3
+  model (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: fix calibrate mutex initialization (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: handle errors on card registration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca-sdw: fix calibrate mutex initialization
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Realtek/Maxim SoundWire codecs: disable pm_runtime on
+  remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (fw v1.0.0)
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Fiero SC-01 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for MacroSilicon MS2100/MS2106
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on
+  stm32mp151 (git-fixes).
+- commit 65713d7
+- Move upstreamed be2net patch into sorted section
+- commit c55a187
+- Drop doubly applied arm64 dts patch
+  Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-broadcom-bcm4908-Fix-timer-node-for-BCM4906-SoC.patch
+- commit efd9176
+- net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive (git-fixes).
+- commit eb2677a
+- net: ipa: add an interconnect dependency (git-fixes).
+- commit 94e475f
+- net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c858ea
+- net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler (git-fixes).
+- commit 723d359
+- net: sparx5: Fix add vlan when invalid operation (git-fixes).
+- commit 1d88b17
+- net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of
+  pci_find_capability() (git-fixes).
+- commit 74c8cc9
+- net: mv643xx_eth: process retval from of_get_mac_address
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 810f895
+- net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 093ee20
+- net: dsa: lan9303: add VLAN IDs to master device (git-fixes).
+- commit 13c2302
+- Revert "net: ethernet: bgmac: Use
+  devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname" (git-fixes).
+- commit 411126e
+- dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b952b7a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 7bd7001
+- blacklist.conf: add ARCnet drivers
+- commit 1614d85
+- Sort patches from bsc#1201323
+- commit 4165437
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- commit c3b4451
+- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy
+  (CVE-2022-21505 bsc#1201458).
+- commit 5f6e1e5
+- kernel-obs-build: include qemu_fw_cfg (boo#1201705)
+- commit e2263d4
+- scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce
+  balanced (bsc#1201651).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch
+  - patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch
+  - patches.suse/scsi-core-sd-Add-silence_suspend-flag-to-suppress-some-PM-messages.patch
+- scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 4dedd62
+- kabi/severities: add intel ice
+- commit 77a60f8
+- Delete patches.suse/xhci-turn-off-port-power-in-shutdown.patch
+  (bsc#1201691)
+  This patch leads to a failure to power off.
+- commit f2d59c9
+- i2c: smbus: Check for parent device before dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in
+  mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition (git-fixes).
+- commit c96154e
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: flush switchdev FDB workqueue before
+  removing VLAN (git-fixes).
+- commit c4e0776
+- net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 33805f1
+- ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c168b96
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats
+  read (git-fixes).
+- commit ceff3da
+- dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from
+  the PHY (git-fixes).
+- commit c46c86b
+- net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f5c50
+- net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ebdd4d
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 93f4a90
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix kernel bug in mdiobus_free() when
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- commit 76cc859
+- ethtool: Fix get module eeprom fallback (bsc#1201323).
+- commit f5666fa
+- nvme: wait until quiesce is done (bsc#1201651).
+- blk-mq: add one API for waiting until quiesce is done
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit d28bf38
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES (git-fixes)
+  Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-Use-the-clearbhb-instruction-in-mitigations.patch
+- commit cbc315a
+- arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP (git-fixes)
+- commit b3a2425
+- blk-mq: fix kabi support concurrent queue quiesce unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- commit def3ab7
+- net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit a03978a
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 682abc6
+- net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f8e329
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus (git-fixes).
+- commit 61ee304
+- gve: Recording rx queue before sending to napi (git-fixes).
+- commit 6edbff0
+- ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2479d47
+- net: sparx5: Fix get_stat64 crash in tcpdump (git-fixes).
+- commit ea855e1
+- net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 993d341
+- net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci
+  explicitly (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b02b3e
+- net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d048544
+- net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly (git-fixes).
+- commit 741baff
+- blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue
+  is reallocated (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue
+  (bsc#1201651).
+- nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue (bsc#1201651).
+- commit 6f75240
+- net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c68ab05
+- be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom
+  (bsc#1201323).
+- commit 46a7cc8
+- net: stmmac: properly handle with runtime pm in
+  stmmac_dvr_remove() (git-fixes).
+- commit 904137a
+- net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
+- commit fe79137
+- Input: i8042 - Apply probe defer to more ASUS ZenBook models
+  (bsc#1190256).
+- commit cf06848
+- net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods (git-fixes).
+- commit 92bd067
+- net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at
+  probe time (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ae5bdc
+- tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring (git-fixes).
+- commit cf865a3
+- Update patch references for fbcon fixes (CVE-2021-33655 bsc#1201635)
+- commit eb3d075
+- supported.conf: rvu_mbox as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+- commit f21578a
+- blacklist.conf: Add memcg/rstat optimizations 11192d9c124d fd25a9e0e23b 5b3be698a872
+- commit 932b7ef
+- blacklist.conf: Add 26d5badbccdd signal: Implement force_fatal_sig
+- commit 1fe0fd9
+- nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in
+  detached_dev_do_request() (git-fixes).
+- commit e2af2db
+- kABI workaround for snd-soc-rt5682-* (git-fixes).
+- kabi/severities: ignore dropped symbol rt5682_headset_detect
+- commit 5e19e6d
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: No change to ETHER_CLOCK_SEL for
+  unexpected speed request (git-fixes).
+- commit 59356c4
+- net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3831453
+- net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow (git-fixes).
+- commit 50d3988
+- net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- commit b59b0a9
+- blacklist: added commit e1a4541ec0b9
+- commit 7d0447e
+- net: stmmac: configure PTP clock source prior to PTP
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cefa9d
+- libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends
+  (bsc#1201596).
+- ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories
+  (bsc#1201595).
+- commit 8aa4851
+- net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d65aa35
+- net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b8ce08
+- octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF (git-fixes).
+- commit 562327e
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Do not enable RPM loopback for LPC
+  interfaces (git-fixes).
+- commit b549cad
+- octeontx2-af: Do not fixup all VF action entries (git-fixes).
+- commit dd1aa95
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix clock configuration for RMII
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- commit e3e3f07
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix bit definitions for
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1470b40
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f842d14
+- net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cf1273
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set (git-fixes).
+- commit 78b3f03
+- net: cpsw: avoid alignment faults by taking NET_IP_ALIGN into
+  account (git-fixes).
+- commit cfa26bb
+- net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 (git-fixes).
+- commit d910ea1
+- net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling (git-fixes).
+- commit 99e0d80
+- net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c7e435
+- fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() (bsc#1201593).
+- fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode (bsc#1201592).
+- commit 938aae2
+- net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check (git-fixes).
+- commit c151ff3
+- net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size (git-fixes).
+- commit 13afdcb
+- net: axienet: add missing memory barriers (git-fixes).
+- commit d466816
+- net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c11a1f
+- net: axienet: increase reset timeout (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cd6041
+- net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8a29229
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in
+  mtk_mac_config() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7d643fb
+- bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check (git-fixes).
+- commit d56437b
+- net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish (git-fixes).
+- commit 63abe4d
+- net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4d71717
+- net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f58c0c8
+- fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2af3cae
+- rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug (git-fixes).
+- commit 75f1355
+- kABI workaround for phy_device changes (git-fixes).
+- commit 91e246e
+- mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead (git fixes
+  (mm/swap)).
+- mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses
+  (git fixes (mm/numa)).
+- mm/large system hash: avoid possible NULL deref in
+  alloc_large_system_hash (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: make sure to dump unpurged areas in
+  /proc/vmallocinfo (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/vmalloc: repair warn_alloc()s in __vmalloc_area_node()
+  (git fixes (mm/vmalloc)).
+- kasan: fix tag for large allocations when using CONFIG_SLAB
+  (git fixes (mm/kasan)).
+- mm/vmalloc: fix numa spreading for large hash tables (git fixes
+  (mm/vmalloc)).
+- mm/secretmem: avoid letting secretmem_users drop to zero
+  (git fixes (mm/secretmem)).
+- memcg: page_alloc: skip bulk allocator for __GFP_ACCOUNT
+  (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- commit 4d0f0a6
+- Update patch metadata and move to sorted section
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Do-not-prefetch-buddies-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Drain-the-requested-list-first-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Fetch-the-correct-pcp-buddy-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Free-pages-in-a-single-pass-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Limit-number-of-high-order-pages-on-PCP-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Simplify-how-many-pages-are-selected-per-pcp-list-during-bulk-free.patch.
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-Track-range-of-active-PCP-lists-during-bulk-free.patch.
+- commit 14b9fbe
+- usbnet: fix memory leak in error case (git-fixes).
+- commit 7372d17
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC (git-fixes)
+- commit 9119799
+- rpm/modules.fips: add ecdsa_generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit 0d8f996
+- arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer (git-fixes)
+- commit 3250248
+- crypto: testmgr - allow ecdsa-nist in FIPS mode
+  (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1201258).
+- commit d8e5343
+- blacklist.conf: ffc95a46: CONFIG_SLAB not set in config
+- commit d12fa0c
+- cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the (git-fixes)
+- commit 3919bf9
+- usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check (git-fixes).
+- vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: set virtio device ready in probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies()
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dou8vec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax() (git-fixes).
+- video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 2f456a6
+- serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size (git-fixes).
+- reset: Fix devm bulk optional exclusive control getter
+  (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec() (git-fixes).
+- sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown"
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: Clear RS485 bits in the shutdown (git-fixes).
+- commit f48404b
+- power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in
+  versatile_reboot_probe (git-fixes).
+- raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix accessing unset transport header (git-fixes).
+- net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: Don't trigger state machine while in suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: get rid of mt7921_mac_set_beacon_filter
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8948cad
+- kABI workaround for rtsx_usb (git-fixes).
+- commit ea7f901
+- ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() (git-fixes).
+- ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is
+  configured (git-fixes).
+- ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in
+  ima_appraise_measurement (git-fixes).
+- ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk
+  transfer (git-fixes).
+- i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: piix4: Fix a memory leak in the EFCH MMIO support
+  (git-fixes).
+- memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition (git-fixes).
+- Input: cpcap-pwrbutton - handle errors from platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41d4678
+- efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Prevent power cap command overwriting poll response
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Fix missing MSM8936 compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (occ) Remove sequence numbering and checksum calculation
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: soc: qcom: smd-rpm: Add compatible for MSM8953 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5a5128b
+- drm/amd/display: Only use depth 36 bpp linebuffers on DCN
+  display engines (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in
+  intel_gvt_update_reg_whitelist() (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on
+  panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in
+  intel_dp_add_mst_connector() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: lgm: Fix an error handling path in intel_ldma_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc()
+  correctly (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: qcom: bam_dma: fix runtime PM underflow (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Fix by adding FPU protection for
+  dcn30_internal_validate_bw (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/vcn: fix an error msg on vcn 3.0 (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Fix a race between vma / object destruction and
+  unbinding (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Detect CMDQ execution timeout (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove the pointer of struct cmdq_client
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Use mailbox rx_callback instead of cmdq_task_cb
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Set min dcfclk if pipe count is 0 (git-fixes).
+- commit d7feb0b
+- dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in
+  ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): update workaround
+  broken CRC on TBC register (git-fixes).
+- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_regmap_crc_read(): improve workaround
+  handling for mcp2517fd (git-fixes).
+- can: m_can: m_can_chip_config(): actually enable internal
+  timestamping (git-fixes).
+- can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak (git-fixes).
+- Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" (git-fixes).
+- can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- batman-adv: Use netif_rx() (git-fixes).
+- commit ee36772
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config
+  flexible array (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in
+  skl_get_ssp_clks() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Remove unused hw_write_t type (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700/rt711/rt711-sdca: resume bus/codec in
+  .set_jack_detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: Add endianness flag in
+  snd_soc_component_driver (git-fixes).
+- commit 46eda4a
+- arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter (git-fixes)
+- commit e9387c5
+- ASoC: rt5682: Fix deadlock on resume (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit b58000f
+- ASoC: rt5682: Re-detect the combo jack after resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-rt5682-do-not-block-workqueue-if-card-is-unboun.patch.
+- commit e602e5e
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix cpu node for smp boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: broadcom: bcm4908: Fix timer node for BCM4906 SoC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Assign RK3399 VDU clock rate (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt711: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Avoid the unexpected IRQ event during going to
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682: move clk related code to rt5682_i2c_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9f44c25
+- ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Fix acpi_video_handles_brightness_key_presses()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU
+  comes out of idle (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Only probe for _CPC if CPPC v2 is acked (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Workarounds for Behringer UMC 204/404 HD
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 72aed94
+- Move upstreamed netfilter and tty patches to sorted section
+- commit 9d5e117
+- x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo (bsc#1190497).
+- commit 0e5e638
+- Sort in RETbleed backport into the sorted section
+  Now that it is upstream...
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Convert-launched-argument-to-flags.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Fix-IBRS-handling-after-vmexit.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Flatten-__vmx_vcpu_run.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-RSB-underflow-before-vmenter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Prevent-guest-RSB-poisoning-attacks-with-eIBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-IBRS-during-long-idle.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Add-entry-UNRET-validation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Re-add-UNWIND_HINT_-SAVE_RESTORE.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/objtool-Treat-.text.__x86.-as-noinstr.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/objtool-Update-Retpoline-validation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Add-magic-AMD-return-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Undo-return-thunk-damage.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-Use-return-thunk-in-asm-code.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bpf-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-AMD-retbleed-boot-parameter.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-Cannon-lake-to-RETBleed-affected-CPU-list.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Add-retbleed-ibpb.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-IBPB-fallback-check-only-once.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Do-not-enable-IBPB-on-entry-when-IBPB-is-not-supp.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-bugs-Enable-STIBP-for-JMP2RET.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Keep-a-per-CPU-IA32_SPEC_CTRL-value.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Optimize-SPEC_CTRL-MSR-writes.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-AMD-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Report-Intel-retbleed-vulnerability.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-bugs-Split-spectre_v2_select_mitigation-and-spectre_v2.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-common-Stamp-out-the-stepping-madness.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Add-Spectral-Chicken.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpufeatures-Move-RETPOLINE-flags-to-word-11.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-entry-Add-kernel-IBRS-implementation.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-ftrace-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-kvm-Fix-SETcc-emulation-for-return-thunks.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-kvm-vmx-Make-noinstr-clean.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-objtool-Create-.return_sites.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Cleanup-some-ifdefery.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Swizzle-retpoline-thunk.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-retpoline-Use-mfunction-return.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-sev-Avoid-using-__x86_return_thunk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Add-spectre_v2-ibrs-option-to-support-Kern.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fill-RSB-on-vmexit-for-IBRS.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-RSB-filling-with-CONFIG_RETPOLINE-n.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-SPEC_CTRL-write-on-SMT-state-change.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Fix-firmware-entry-SPEC_CTRL-handling.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Remove-x86_spec_ctrl_mask.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-speculation-Use-cached-host-SPEC_CTRL-value-for-guest-.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-static_call-Use-alternative-RET-encoding.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-vsyscall_emu-64-Don-t-use-RET-in-vsyscall-emulation.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-xen-Rename-SYS-entry-points.patch.
+- commit cc67fa3
+- kABI: fix adding field to ufs_hba  (git-fixes).
+- kABI: fix adding field to scsi_device (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Exclude zero from the endpoint ID range
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (git-fixes).
+- drbd: fix potential silent data corruption (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: core: scsi_get_lba() error fix (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix runtime PM messages never-ending cycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: sd: Add silence_suspend flag to suppress some PM
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler (git-fixes).
+- scsi: ufs: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in
+  resp_mode_select() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Fix sd_do_mode_sense() buffer length handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver
+  initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit fb67102
+- perf/amd/ibs: Advertise zen4_ibs_extensions as pmu capability
+  attribute (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 9992992
+- perf/amd/ibs: Add support for L3 miss filtering (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 3de312d
+- perf/amd/ibs: Use ->is_visible callback for dynamic attributes
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 1a42a36
+- perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value
+  (jsc#SLE-24578).
+- commit 82fef3c
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for DH (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - remove dma_free_coherent() for RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix memory leak in RSA (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set to zero DH parameters before free (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - set CIPHER capability for DH895XCC (git-fixes).
+- commit 3585cf1
+- kabi/severities: add stmmac network driver local symbols
+- commit 832dcf3
+- ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1871bcf
+- veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e81b53
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix return values and refactor
+  MDIO ops (git-fixes).
+- commit 89745b1
+- net: stmmac: Add platform level debug register dump feature
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f1e295
+- fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1ea5bd4
+- net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 21661cb
+- net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit bdd4068
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-visconti: Fix value of
+  ETHER_CLK_SEL_FREQ_SEL_2P5M (git-fixes).
+- commit 100c8d7
+- net: stmmac: ptp: fix potentially overflowing expression
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c8a3960
+- veth: ensure skb entering GRO are not cloned (git-fixes).
+- commit de7c3ec
+- net: ks8851: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit c6aa897
+- drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 76302d7
+- fjes: Check for error irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 3518c05
+- net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit caea254
+- net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ca205ab
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d928a50
+- net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx
+  steering (git-fixes).
+- commit c13727a
+- netdevsim: don't overwrite read only ethtool parms (git-fixes).
+- commit e49332e
+- nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() (git-fixes).
+- commit 14806b1
+- net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering (git-fixes).
+- commit 785d73e
+- net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in
+  fec_enet_rx_queue() (git-fixes).
+- commit e300fac
+- net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeafc7
+- qede: validate non LSO skb length (git-fixes).
+- commit a6a6f45
+- net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6f9c2
+- net: bcm4908: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 57e402c
+- net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner (git-fixes).
+- commit 823f883
+- octeontx2-af: Fix a memleak bug in rvu_mbox_init() (git-fixes).
+- commit ab94872
+- vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf
+  dev xmit (git-fixes).
+- commit eb079a6
+- natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- commit dbb5264
+- dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1aeeaf7
+- net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f25bb21
+- Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities (git-fixes).
+- commit 92878dd
+- net: stmmac: Avoid DMA_CHAN_CONTROL write if no Split Header
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit de8c06a
+- net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a6567bd
+- net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail
+  indicator (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d547bd
+- net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e89e84
+- gpio: tegra186: Add IRQ per bank for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit 6cf809d
+- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra241 (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f025bf7
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra241 support (jsc#SLE-24571)
+- commit f8d4262
+- spi: tegra210-quad: combined sequence mode (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit e187f9a
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add new chips to compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit f0be9d3
+- spi: tegra210-quad: add acpi support (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 55e4b0b
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use devm call for cdata memory (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 45eae59
+- spi: tegra210-quad: use device_reset method (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 3f5e1a3
+- spi: Add Tegra234 QUAD SPI compatible (jsc#SLE-24570)
+- commit 58f5e5f
+- i2c: tegra: use i2c_timings for bus clock freq (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 47fa6c7
+- i2c: tegra: Add the ACPI support (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit d323c6e
+- i2c: tegra: Add SMBus block read function (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3dd00f6
+- i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*() (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 3c0a341
+- docs: firmware-guide: ACPI: Add named interrupt doc (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit 6cd5dd2
+- device property: Add fwnode_irq_get_byname (jsc#SLE-24569)
+- commit cd979cf
+- crypto: octeontx2 - fix missing unlock (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- hwrng: cavium - fix NULL but dereferenced coccicheck error
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add synchronization between mailbox accesses
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - increase CPT HW instruction queue length
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - CN10K CPT to RNM workaround (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - select CONFIG_NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- arm64: Add cavium_erratum_23154_cpus missing sentinel
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround Marvell erratum 38545 when reading
+  IAR (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Avoid stack variable overflow
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - out of bounds access in
+  otx2_cpt_dl_custom_egrp_delete() (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - Use swap() instead of swap_engines()
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - parameters for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - add apis for custom engine groups
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- crypto: octeontx2 - use swap() to make code cleaner
+  (jsc#SLE-24682).
+- commit e64c29a
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check (bsc#1201391).
+- commit 755232f
+- supported.conf: mark marvell octeontx2 crypto driver as supported (jsc#SLE-24682)
+  Mark rvu_cptpf.ko and rvu_cptvf.ko as supported.
+- commit 2c9f726
+- blacklist.conf: Add 6a2d90ba027a ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL
+- commit 0702138
+- kABI: i2c: smbus: restore of_ alert variant (jsc#SLE-24569).
+  kABI fix for "i2c: smbus: Use device_*() functions instead of of_*()"
+- commit d0b5048
+- Update to version 1.12.4:
+  * python: Correctly use PyGILState
+  * olang: aio_buffer.go: Explicit panic() on invalid usage
+  * python: Enhance tests of nbd.Buffer
+  * python: Plug uninit leak in nbd.Buffer.to_bytearray
+  * python: Avoid memleak on (unlikely) module failure
+  * python: Accept buffers in nbd.Buffer.from_bytearray()
+  * Dropped patches:
+    794c8ce0-copy-dummy-vs-errno.patch,
+    8d444b41-CVE-2022-0485.patch
+- Enable building python module and utilities
+- Reduce log noise and export error codes (bsc#1199994 bsc#1199503)
+  * add 0001-fabrics-Lower-log-level-in-__nvmf_add_ctrl.patch
+  * add 0002-fabrics-Remove-double-connection-error-logging.patch
+  * add 0003-fabrics-Introduce-connection-connect-error-mapping.patch
+- Apply configuration from JSON file (bsc#1199503)
+  * add 0004-libnvme-Export-nvme_ctrl_get_config.patch
+  * add 0005-tree-Factor-lookup-code-for-controller.patch
+  * add 0006-fabrics-Consider-config-from-file-when-adding-new-co.patch
+- Fix ulp tool not patching on high process count (bsc#1200316).
+- Implement a timeout feature in case of deadlocks.
+- Fix ulp tool crashing on high process count (bsc#1200316).
+- Avoid parsing /proc/<pid>/comm when not needed.
+- Update package with libpulp-0.2.4.
+- Fix dlsym interposition changing program behaviour (bsc#1200129)
+- Fix free call of mmap'ed buffers (bsc#1200129)
+- Fix error message when user has no permission to open livepatch.
+- Update package with libpulp-0.2.3 (jsc#SLE-20049).
+- Add support for endbr64 instructions on function beginning.
+- Fix use-after-free bug.
+- Fix compilation in Tumbleweed.
+- Increase the disk constraint to 4.5G since the last successful
+  build used 4.2G (boo#1200152)
+- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.40
+- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.39
+- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.38
+- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754)
+- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.37
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#895
+- updated pot and po files
+- 4.5.36
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#894
+- do not allow to add already used lvm physical volume to volume group
+- 4.5.35
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#893
+- support mounting by partition uuid and label
+- 4.5.34
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#892
+- continue flushing pending holders if a device cannot be found
+  (see bsc#1201880)
+- coding style
+- removed unneeded mockups
+- 4.5.33
+- Translated using Weblate (Czech) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.32
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#891
+- added unit test
+- fixed typo
+- 4.5.31
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#890
+- allow to set rootprefix via environment
+- 4.5.30
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#889
+- allow to prepend path for lock file
+- coding style
+- 4.5.29
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#888
+- handle rootprefix when combining information from /etc/fstab and
+  /proc/mounts
+- added unit tests
+- avoid deprecated fuunctions
+- coding style
+- typo fix and documentation update
+- 4.5.28
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#887
+- added unit tests
+- code reuse
+- more defensive programming
+- 4.5.27
+- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.26
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#886
+- removed unused class MdadmExamine
+- added Pool::empty function
+- use in-class member initialization
+- 4.5.25
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#885
+- added some GPT type GUIDs from the Discoverable Partitions
+  Specification
+- 4.5.24
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#884
+- handle rootprefix when reading fstab, crypttab and mdadm.conf
+- 4.5.23
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#883
+- coding style
+- fixed typos and coding style
+- 4.5.22
+- Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.21
+- Translated using Weblate (Japanese) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.20
+- Translated using Weblate (Slovak) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.19
+- Translated using Weblate (Dutch) (bsc#1149754)
+- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754)
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#882
+- updated pot and po files
+- 4.5.18
+- Translated using Weblate (Swedish) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.17
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#881
+- increase disk size requirement in obs to avoid build failures
+- 4.5.16
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#880
+- added partition id for linux-server-data
+- 4.5.15
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#879
+- added include for gcc13 (gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#878)
+- 4.5.14
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#877
+- use new parted type command instead of SUSE-specific type-id
+- extended documentation
+- 4.5.13
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#876
+- added support for BitLocker using cryptsetup
+- extended LuksInfo class
+- fixed probing partition name
+- added testcase
+- updated integration tests
+- coding style
+- updated parser for 'cryptsetup status'
+- 4.5.12
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#875
+- do not add zoned disks to pools
+- extended documentation
+- tiny cleanup
+- 4.5.11
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#874
+- added support for nilfs2
+- coding style
+- 4.5.10
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#873
+- extended documentation
+- consistently save and log partition id in hex
+- 4.5.9
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#872
+- moved check of image-filename from create to check function
+- added logging of pbkdf
+- added const
+- coding style
+- updated documentation
+- 4.5.8
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#870
+- LUKS2: add AEAD integrity option (PM-3419)
+- 4.5.7
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#871
+- handle parted version numbers from git checkouts
+- 4.5.6
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#869
+- use some new features of parted 3.5 if available
+- coding style
+- 4.5.5
+- Translated using Weblate (Russian) (bsc#1149754)
+- 4.5.4
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#868
+- updated
+- 4.5.3
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#867
+- escape more special characters in fstab
+- extended documentation
+- coding style
+- 4.5.2
+- Translated using Weblate (Czech) (bsc#1149754)
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#866
+- fix for volume groups with extent sizes of 4 GiB and up (bsc#1197779)
+- 4.5.1
+- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#865
+- NFS: Validate fstype in fstab
+- Cleanup, rename argument
+- NFS/fstab: Validate file system type
+  (gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#864)
+- 4.5.0
+- update to 2.4.0:
+  - Huion Inspiroy H1060P
+  - XP-Pen Artist 12, Deco L
+  - Chuwi MiniBook X
+  - Acer Chromebook Spin 13
+  - Huion HS611
+  - Lenovo 14s Yoga, X13 Yoga, X1 Yoga, X380
+  - Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360, Flex2
+- Devices matching a "* Keyboard" glob are no longer treated as tablets
+- Remove meson conditional - no other build system is supported.
+- update to 2.2.0:
+  * data: Add ISDv4 5285 (Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga Gen 2)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 16C (HP ZBook x2 G4)
+  * Add ISDv4 52a2 (Lenovo Yoga 6 13ALC6)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 5218 (Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14ALC05)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 521c (Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 15ALC05)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 49a3 (Dell Latitude 7320 Detachable)
+  * Remove now-unused
+  * CI: add a workflow to check for "sysinfo" in newly added data files
+  * doc: fix the check for integration flags in the example code
+  * github: bump freebsd workflow to 0.1.5
+  * Update data/surface-go-2.tablet
+  * Update huion-h610-pro.tablet
+  * data: Add ISDv4 4995 (HP EliteBook x360 1040 G8 Notebook PC)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 51EF (Lenovo Yoga C740-14IML)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 2d1f:0095 (PINE64 PineNote)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 52b0 (Lenovo Yoga 7 14ACN6)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 511a (Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet Gen 3)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 484d (Dell Latitude 5290)
+  * Add description for elan-2a70 (#466)
+  * data: remove unknown BuiltIn key from the DTU1931
+  * data: Add ISDv4 5276 (Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga Gen 6)
+  * data: Add ISDv4 51d0 ("Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Titanium Gen 1")
+  * data: Add ISDv4 5019 (Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T935)
+  * test: add a test for matching the button count with the evdev codes
+  * use gnu_symbol_visibility argument
+  * use current_source_dir() over deprecated source_root()
+  * Remove unused arguments from two helper functions
+  * github: build with ninja --verbose
+  * CI: don't enable -Wall -Wextra in the CI
+  * Make sign-compare a warning/error
+  * Add support for a new "Wacom One Pen Display 13"
-- Add mutter-crash-meta_context_terminate.patch: Fix SIGSEGV in
-  meta_context_terminate (bsc#1199382 glgo#GNOME/mutter#2267).
-- Update to version 41.5:
-  + Fix X11 → wayland drops ending up in the wrong wayland client.
-  + Allow forcing EGLStream backend.
-  + Updated translations.
+- Add patch ncurses-bnc1198627.patch
+  * Fix bsc#1198627: CVE-2022-29458: ncurses: segfaulting OOB read
+- update to 2022.5.17 (bsc#1199978):
+  * Improved defence against maliciously tampered NTFS partitions
+  * Improved defence against improper use of options
+  * Updated the documentation
+  * CVE-2022-30783, CVE-2022-30785, CVE-2022-30787
+  * CVE-2021-46790, CVE-2022-30784, CVE-2022-30786,
+  * CVE-2022-30788, CVE-2022-30789
+- Rebase ntfs-3g-old-api.patch and ntfs-3g-old-prognames.patch.
-- Upgrade to STABLE Version 2014.2.15 (February 23, 2014)
-    libntfs: added use of hd library to get the legacy BIOS geometry
-    libntfs: switched to /proc/mounts for checking existing mounts
-    libntfs: fixed usa checking by ntfsck on 4K sector disks
-    libntfs: fixed processing compressed data beyond file size (Windows 8 compliance)
-    libntfs: fixed expanding a resident attribute without inserting holes
-    libntfs: allow DACLs to not have any ACE
-    libntfs: ignore unmapped regions when checking whether sparse
-    libntfs: upgraded the Win32 interface for use with ntfsprogs
-    ntfsresize: enabled relocating the MFT when shrinking a volume
-    ntfsresize: fixed trying to update the MFT and Bitmap on a test run
-    ntfsresize: fixed updating all the MFT runs in a relocated MFT
-    ntfsresize: set the backup boot sector when the size is reliable
-    ntfsresize: reserved a single sector for the backup boot sector
-    ntfsundelete: output the modification time when scanning files
-    ntfsundelete: ported to Windows
-    ntfsclone: fixed wiping fragmented metadata when creating a metadata image
-    ntfsclone: allowed cloning a file system despite allocation errors
-    ntfsclone: fixed bad copying of the backup boot sector
-    ntfsclone: ported to Windows
-    ntfsdecrypt: made compatible with libgrypt-1.6
+- fabrics: Already connected uses a different error code (bsc#1199994)
+  * add 0001-fabrics-Already-connected-uses-a-different-error-cod.patch
+- fabrics: skip connect if the transport types don't match (bsc#1199949 bsc#1199994)
+  * add 0002-fabrics-skip-connect-if-the-transport-types-don-t-ma.patch
+- nvme-print: Show ANA state only for one namespace (bsc#1200044 bsc#1199956 bsc#1199990)
+  * add 0003-nvme-print-Show-paths-from-the-first-namespace-only.patch
+  * add 0004-nvme-print-Show-ANA-state-only-for-one-namespace.patch
+- fabrics: Honor config file for connect-all (bsc#1199504)
+  * add 0005-fabrics-Honor-config-file-for-connect-all.patch
+- Update to version 0.25 (bsc#1202132)
+  * no change, just ref version number
+- Update to version 0.24:
+  * Reject empty or ill-formatted patches
+- Update to version 0.24:
+  * Use ERROR for prefixing errors
+  * Split out GPG validation into own check and improve it
+- Update to version 0.23:
+  * Allow mode=manual services
+  * spec_query: add elif support
+  * 45-stale-changes: Also read <package/> in _multibuild
+- Update to version 0.22:
+  * display diff if previous file is present in 20-files-present-and-referenced
+  * 45-stale-changes: Use xmllint for listing multibuild flavors
+  * 45-stale-changes: Don't break if there is no *.spec
+  * 45-stale-changes allow for multibuild specfiles with empty default flavour
+  * No need to compress buildtime generated tarballs
+  * Fix running the checks on a directory with whitespace in its path
+  * spec_query: print line numbers on %if/%else/%endif error
+  * 20-files-present-and-references: do not complain about debian.*.triggers
+- Update to version 0.21:
+  * 45-stale-changes allow for multibuild specfiles with empty default flavour
+  * Fix running the checks on a directory with whitespace in its path
+  * spec_query: print line numbers on %if/%else/%endif error
+  * 20-files-present-and-references: do not complain about debian.*.triggers
+- Update to version 0.21:
+  * No need to compress buildtime generated tarballs
+- Update to version 0.20:
+  * One .changes file per package is enough
+- Update to version 0.19:
+  * allow _multibuild to handle multiple specs
+  * The --buildflavor option was missing from the help output
+  * 70-baselibs: do not run subshells
+  * allow -MACRO ending for changes file on multibuild setups
+  * skip source files checks for product definition directories
+  * Add missing dependency to the debian/control file
+- Update to version 0.18:
+  * /usr/include/X11 is still a valid path.
+- Update to version 0.17:
+  * make path for helpers variable
+  * fix for #bsc985980
+- Update to version 0.16:
+  * 60-spec-filelist: check for LICENSE or COPYING files
+    marked as %doc
+- Update to version 0.15:
+  * 70-baselibs: call spec_query with and without the
+  - -no-conditionals switch
+- Update to version 0.14:
+  * 70-baselibs: call spec_query with --no-conditionals so that
+    checking package tevent sees the python3-tevent package for
+    the baselibs checker
+  * Build-depend on obs-build to fix Debian build
+- Update to version 0.13:
+  * move multibuild or multi spec in front
+  * add glibc testcase using multibuild
+  * support _multibuild files when validating sources
+- Update to version 0.13
+  * do not use "--no-conditionals" for baselibs check
-- update from git:
-  - allow all files mentioned in .dsc too
-  - import old md5 based keys like for postfix and putty
-- update from git:
-  - more work on dealing with util-linux
-- update from git:
-  - hack for util-linux specfiles (bnc#891829)
-- update to git (0.4):
-  - warn about unmentioned baselibs.conf and rpmlintrc
-  - Handle Jan Engelhardt tarball signatures that are done before
-    compression
-  - handle %global like %define in output_versions
-  - Support ARM build hosts
-  - do not complain about temporary directories when running source services (on server esp.)
-  - also check for orphan files when _services are used
-    When _service mode is disabled or loc
-- Add rpm-build dependancy for centos 6
-- add requires to xmllint which is used
-- update to latest git:
-  2b2c89d  also check for orphan files when _services are used
-  197b519  Check the Buildservice magic files (_link/_service)
-    with xmllint
-  a6d922c  Cleanup keyring check
-  f936138  removed the incorrect basename checking, also do not look
-    for .gpg files as we currently use either .sig or .asc
-- fix dependency to gnupg2 for Fedora (bnc#827480)
-- add patch from mmeissner to verify .sig files
-- add _service to ease update
-- allow PKGBUILD build description file for archlinux
-- check_patches_applied: allow #patches as comment
-- also allow %undefine
-- exit if tmpdir creation fails (bnc#796918)
-- also ignore Requires(.*) lines (bnc#724609)
-- allow %{nil} just as %nil
-- use --nodeps with rpmbuild in 20-files-present-and-referenced
-- fix requires for factory
-- add requires to perl-TimeDate
-- patch license to follow standard
-- do not complain for commented out rpmlintrc lines
-- Update 20-files-present-and-referenced to ignore .git and
-  .emacs.backup
-- Change bright yellow into good old brown
-- rename osc-source_validator package into osc-service-source_validator
-- obsolete osc-source_validator
-- roll tar ball from new git at
-- prevent dupes for Release and Version along with Name
-- fix bug with "Patch" in comments
-- try to fix bnc#679980
-- find another form of commenting out patches
-  in check_patches_applied
-- Also check if files are tracked by osc
-- catch some more syntax variants in check_patches_applied
-- do tracked-check only in osc mode
-- activate the patches_applied check for real,
-  errors out if errors found
-- add debian special files
-- add colors to output of check_patches_applied
-  but no colors for batchmode
-- retry broken sr#59008
-- added another set of runtime-fixes.diff
-  * accept .orig and ~ files in working directories.
-  * UI consistency improved.
-- 50-spec-version: show warning only once per specfile
-- move COPYING file to docdir (prevent permission denied trying
-  to execute it as a checkscript)
-- switch source to git (gitorious/opensuse)
-- convert_changes_to_rpm_changelog make regex a little stricter
-  looking for date line
-- 20-files-present-and-referenced add %rubygems_requires to
-  prunelist
-- add some helper files to create tar and changes
-- stale-changes: do not fail if there is no specfile present at all
-- stale-changes: allow extra changes files if listed as source in a
-  spec
-- add Url pointing to wiki to spec file
-- cleanup spec file using spec-cleaner
-- create 0.1 tarball with incorporated patch and added license file
-- adjust spec file for above changes
-- do not complain about files starting with underscore, they are
-  OBS special files in any case
-- add some modification to survive some more examples
-- make the files executable
-- fill with some content
-- initial package, no code yet, always succeeding
+- Update to version 3.4.7:
+  * Bump to v3.4.7
+  * Update release notes for v3.4.7
+  * fix CVE-2022-1227
+  * Update readme version
+  * Bump to v3.4.7-dev
+  * Bump to v3.4.6
+  * Add release notes for v3.4.6
+  * Bump to 7b82a4e
+  * Bump to v3.4.6-dev
+  * Bump to v3.4.5
+  * test: fix podman run test as rootless
+  * do not set the inheritable capabilities
+  * Release notes for v3.4.5
+  * Backport of to 3.4
+  * Bump to v1.11.1
+  * [v.3.4] vendor containers/common@v0.44.5
+  * Disable search-images test
+  * [CI:DOCS] logformatter: handle python logs
+  * Changes of docker descriptions
+  * Fix images since/after tests
+  * Makefile: fix darwin detection
+  * buildah bud tests: skip failing tests
+  * System tests: fix RHEL8 gating tests
+  * Record the image stream along with the path
+  * Not all fields in machine list were set properly
+  * Add completion for machine list format
+  * Add JSON version of the machine list
+  * Bump to v3.4.5-dev
+- Remove merged patches:
+  * 0002-Add-JSON-version-of-the-machine-list.patch
+  * 0003-Add-completion-for-machine-list-format.patch
+  * 0004-Not-all-fields-in-machine-list-were-set-properly.patch
+  * 0005-Record-the-image-stream-along-with-the-path.patch
+  * 0006-System-tests-fix-RHEL8-gating-tests.patch
+  * 0007-buildah-bud-tests-skip-failing-tests.patch
+  * 0008-Makefile-fix-darwin-detection.patch
+  * 0009-Fix-images-since-after-tests.patch
+  * 0010-Changes-of-docker-descriptions.patch
+  * 0011-CI-DOCS-logformatter-handle-python-logs.patch
+  * 0012-Disable-search-images-test.patch
+  * 0013-v.3.4-vendor-containers-common-v0.44.5.patch
+  *
+  *
+- Fixed security issues:
+  * CVE-2022-1227: bsc#1182428
+  * CVE-2022-27191: bsc#1197284
+  * CVE-2022-21698: bsc#1196338
-- Bump version and default to 14.
+- Fix the pg_server_requires macro on older rpm versions (SLE-12).
+- Avoid a dependency on awk in postgresql-script.
+- Move the dependency of llvmjit-devel on clang and llvm to the
+  implementation packages where we can depend on the correct
+  versions.
+- fix postgresql_has_llvm usage
+- First round of changes to make it easier to build extensions for
+  - add postgresql-llvmjit-devel subpackage:
+    This package will pull in clang and llvm if the distro has a
+    recent enough version, otherwise it will just pull
+    postgresql-server-devel.
+  - add postgresql macros to the postgresql-server-devel package
+    those cover all the variables from pg_config and some macros
+    to remove repitition from the spec files
+- Bump version to 14.
+- Bump default to 14 on Factory and future SPs.
+- Add patch to fix codecov not sanitizing arguments (bsc#1201494, CVE-2019-10800)
+  + fix_codecov_not_sanitizing_arguments.patch
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1195916, bsc#1196696, jsc#PM-3356, jsc#SLE-23972)
+- Update to 4.5.4:
+  * Multiprocessing support in Python 3.8 was broken, but is now fixed
+- Update to 4.5.3:
+  * Only packaging metadata changes.
+- Run fdupes
+- update to version 4.5.2:
+  * Namespace packages are supported on Python 3.7
+  * Python 3.8 (as of today!) passes all tests
+- Bumpy the URL to point to github rather than to docs
+- update to version 4.5.1:
+  * Now that 4.5 properly separated the [run] omit and [report] omit
+    settings, an old bug has become apparent. If you specified a
+    package name for [run] source, then omit patterns weren’t matched
+    inside that package. This bug (issue 638) is now fixed.
+  * On Python 3.7, reporting about a decorated function with no body
+    other than a docstring would crash with an IndexError
+    (issue 640). This is now fixed.
+  * Configurer plugins are now reported in the output of --debug=sys.
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+- update to version 4.5:
+  * A new kind of plugin is supported: configurators are invoked at
+    start-up to allow more complex configuration than the .coveragerc
+    file can easily do. See Plug-in classes for details. This solves
+    the complex configuration problem described in issue 563.
+  * The fail_under option can now be a float. Note that you must
+    specify the [report] precision configuration option for the
+    fractional part to be used. Thanks to Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen for
+    help with the implementation. Fixes issue 631.
+  * The include and omit options can be specified for both the [run]
+    and [report] phases of execution. 4.4.2 introduced some incorrect
+    interactions between those phases, where the options for one were
+    confused for the other. This is now corrected, fixing issue 621
+    and issue 622. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for seeing more clearly
+    than I could.
+  * The coverage combine command used to always overwrite the data
+    file, even when no data had been read from apparently combinable
+    files. Now, an error is raised if we thought there were files to
+    combine, but in fact none of them could be used. Fixes issue 629.
+  * The coverage combine command could get confused about path
+    separators when combining data collected on Windows with data
+    collected on Linux, as described in issue 618. This is now fixed:
+    the result path always uses the path separator specified in the
+    [paths] result.
+  * On Windows, the HTML report could fail when source trees are
+    deeply nested, due to attempting to create HTML filenames longer
+    than the 250-character maximum. Now filenames will never get much
+    larger than 200 characters, fixing issue 627. Thanks to Alex
+    Sandro for helping with the fix.
-- update to 3.7.1:
-  - Improved the speed of HTML report generation by about 20%.
-  - Fixed the mechanism for finding OS-installed static files for the HTML report
-    so that it will actually find OS-installed static files.
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
-- update to 3.7:
-  * Added the ``--debug`` switch to ``coverage run``.  It accepts a list of
-  options indicating the type of internal activity to log to stderr.
-  * Running code with ``coverage run -m`` now behaves more like Python does,
-  setting sys.path properly, which fixes `issue 207`_ and `issue 242`_.
-  * Coverage can now run .pyc files directly, closing `issue 264`_.
-  Over 15 other bugfixes, see included CHANGELOG
-- Fix update-alternatives and support upgrade from previous versions
-- Apply update-alternatives for binaries and man-pages
-- Drop buildrequires on python-xml, I don't see it being used
-- update to 3.6:
-  * Fix Nose support
-  * Add --fail-under
-  * Over 20 bug fixes, for details see included CHANGELOG
-- Update to version 3.5.3:
-  + Line numbers in the HTML report line up better with the source lines, fixing
-    issue 197
-  + When specifying a directory as the source= option, the directory itself no
-    longer needs to have a file, though its subdirectories do, to
-    be considered as source files.
-  + Files encoded as UTF-8 with a BOM are now properly handled, fixing
-    issue 179_.
-  + Fixed more cases of non-Python files being reported as Python source, and
-    then not being able to parse them as Python.  Closes issue 82 (again).
-  + Fixed memory leaks under Python 3, thanks, Brett Cannon. Closes issue 147_.
-  + Optimized .pyo files may not have been handled correctly, issue 195_.
-  + Certain unusually named file paths could have been mangled during reporting,
-    issue 194_.
-  + Try to do a better job of the impossible task of detecting when we can't
-    build the C extension, fixing issue 183_.
-  + Testing is now done with tox
-- Changes from version 3.5.2:
-  + No changes since 3.5.2.b1
-- Changes from version 3.5.2b1
-  + The HTML report has slightly tweaked controls: the buttons at the top of
-    the page are color-coded to the source lines they affect.
-  + Custom CSS can be applied to the HTML report by specifying a CSS file as
-    the extra_css configuration value in the [html] section.
-  + Source files with custom encodings declared in a comment at the top are now
-    properly handled during reporting on Python 2.  Python 3 always handled them
-    properly.  This fixes issue 157_.
-  + Backup files left behind by editors are no longer collected by the source=
-    option, fixing issue 168_.
-  + If a file doesn't parse properly as Python, we don't report it as an error
-    if the filename seems like maybe it wasn't meant to be Python.  This is a
-    pragmatic fix for issue 82_.
-  + The -m switch on coverage report, which includes missing line numbers
-    in the summary report, can now be specifed as show_missing in the
-    config file.  Closes issue 173_.
-  + When running a module with coverage run -m <modulename>, certain details
-    of the execution environment weren't the same as for
-    python -m <modulename>.  This had the unfortunate side-effect of making
-    coverage run -m unittest discover not work if you had tests in a
-    directory named "test".  This fixes issue 155_.
-  + Now the exit status of your product code is properly used as the process
-    status when running python -m coverage run ....  Thanks, JT Olds.
-  + When installing into pypy, we no longer attempt (and fail) to compile
-    the C tracer function, closing issue 166_.
-- license update: BSD-2-Clause and (GPL-2.0+ or MIT)
- is the only file with a definitive license statement
-  (BSD-2-Clause). Also, package contains jquery components (GPL-2.0+ or
-  MIT)
-- python3 package added
-- minor spec improvement (files section)
-- Simplify macro usage
-- Update to version 3.5.1:
-  * The [paths] feature unfortunately didn't work in real world situations
-    where you wanted to, you know, report on the combined data.  Now all paths
-    stored in the combined file are canonicalized properly.
-- Add python-distribute runtime requirement
-- Update to version 3.5.1b1:
-  * for-else constructs are understood better, and don't cause erroneous partial
-    branch warnings.  Fixes issue 122.
-  * Branch coverage for with statements is improved, fixing issue 128.
-  * The number of partial branches reported on the HTML summary page was
-    different than the number reported on the individual file pages.  This is
-    now fixed.
-  * An explicit include directive to measure files in the Python installation
-    wouldn't work because of the standard library exclusion.  Now the include
-    directive takes precendence, and the files will be measured.  Fixes
-    issue 138.
-  * The HTML report now handles Unicode characters in Python source files
-    properly. This fixes issue 124 and issue 144. Thanks, Devin
-    Jeanpierre.
-  * In order to help the core developers measure the test coverage of the
-    standard library, Brandon Rhodes devised an aggressive hack to trick Python
-    into running some coverage code before anything else in the process.
-    See the coverage/fullcoverage directory if you are interested.
-  ...see CHANGES.txt for more
-- Spec file cleanup:
-  * Use python-distribute instead of python-setuptools
-  * Changed license to BSD-3-Clause (SPDX style)
-- Update to version 3.4:
-  + The XML report is now sorted by package name, fixing issue 88.
-  + Programs that exited with sys.exit() with no argument weren't handled
-    properly, producing a stack trace.  That is now fixed.
-- Changes from version 3.3.1:
-  + Using parallel=True in .coveragerc file prevented reporting, but now does
-    not, fixing issue 49.
-  + When running your code with "coverage run", if you call sys.exit(),
- will exit with that status code, fixing issue 50.
-- Added documentation (AUTHORS.txt, CHANGES.txt and README.txt)
-- Addded changes file
-- Require setuptools
-- Initial import
+- Fix testsuite invocation (bsc#1197841)
+- Remove mailmap so email is not updated for old changelog entries in IBS
+  Signed-off-by: David Cassany <>
+- Bump version up to v9.24.36
+  This version includes fixes for:
+  * Preserve LABEL setting (#2108)
+    Preserve the LABEL= setting when the grub config file is re-generated.
+    the GRUB_ENABLE_LINUX_LABEL setting does not exists upstream and
+    not in any SUSE distribution. Set the grub setting such that LABEL
+    is preserved on SUSE distros. (bsc#1197616)
+  * Add ensure_empty_tmpdirs option for OCI containers (bsc#1197783)
+    Since #1759 was merged, the contents of /run/ and /tmp/ are excluded from
+    built images.  This causes problems for some containers, notably Ceph when
+    deployed in a Rook/k8s environment, which needs to have certain directories
+    present inside /run/.  This commit adds the ability to return to the previous
+    behaviour and *not* empty those temporary directories, if you specify
+    <image><preferences><type [...] ensure_empty_tmpdirs="false">.
+    Fixes:
+    Signed-off-by: Tim Serong <>
+  * Set /.snapshots subvolume to mode 0700 (bsc#1194992)
+    Avoid that users other than root can enter or even change the content.
+    This is what snapper does as well.
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1195916, bsc#1196696, jsc#PM-3356, jsc#SLE-23972)
+- Drop CVE-2020-29651.patch, issue fixed upstream in 1.10.0
+- Update to 1.10.0
+  * Fix a regular expression DoS vulnerability in the py.path.svnwc
+    SVN blame functionality (CVE-2020-29651)
+- Devendor apipkg and iniconfig
+- Add pr_222.patch to activate test suite
+- Update to 1.9.0
+  * Add type annotation stubs
-- Rollback previous changes.
-- Moved *.so.? & *.so.?.? to the devel subpackage.
-- Added BSD-3-Clause for examples subpackage (6.2.0 changes).
-- Obsolete previous library version
-- Update to 6.2.0 (boo#1187996)
-  * MathML text renderer removed
-  * Class Includes added
-  * BSD License for examples
-  * Spline interpolation
-  * New plot items
-- Check the installed CHANGES-6.2 file for the complete list
-  of changes.
-- Drop qwt-6.1.3-pkgconfig.patch. No longer needed
-- Rebase qwt-6.1.4-mkspecs.patch
+- Security fix: [bsc#1201840, CVE-2022-29154]
+  * arbitrary file write vulnerability via do_server_recv function
+  * Added patch rsync-rsync-CVE-2022-29154.patch
+- Update to version 0.23.0+git0:
+  * v0.23.0
+  * constant: Make const.allow_constexpr default to true.
+  * constant: Allow more constexpr constants.
+  * Update syn dependency to at least 1.0.88
+  * Fix #753
+- Update to version 0.22.0+git0:
+  * v0.22.0
+  * Support rename rule for union body members.
+  * constant: Add support for other expressions WebRender uses.
+  * constant: Add support for associated constant expressions.
+  * Fix regression in CamelCase rename rule (should be lowerCamelCase)
+  * enumeration: simplify standard types in variants.
+  * Avoid generating and writing bindings when called recursively
+  * Cython: Omit per-variant tags in unions generated for Rust enums
+  * Update various dependencies.
+  * v0.21.0
+- Automatic update of vendored dependencies
+- Update to version 0.21.0+git0:
+  * v0.21.0
+  * Update MSRV to 1.54.0
+  * Update clap to 3.1
+  * Update heck to 0.4.0
+  * Remove etesync from readme.
+  * Update
+  * Remove wgpu-native from users.
+  * Address clippy lint.
+  * unraw the identifiers
+  * Silence some dead_code warnings.
+- Update to version 0.20.0+git0:
+  * v0.20.0
+  * Don't use `check` profile when expanding code on a release build
+  * Update --pretty=expanded to -Zunpretty=expanded
+  * Fix some clippy lints.
+  * Simplify Pin<T> to T
+  * add `Builder::with_using_namespaces`
+  * Ignore PhantomPinned
+  * Move the target-guessing code from #676 to its own function.
+  * Only fetch dependencies for current platform by default (#676)
+  * v0.19.0
+- Update vendored dependencies to resolve potential memory corruption
+  in dependency ( RUSTSEC-2021-0003 )
+- Remove unnecessary dependency on rust-std-static (implied by rust)
+- Resolve issue with in submission
+- Update to to build from _service with cargo-audit integration
+- added correct provides to the obsoletes, to get correct provides
+  obsoletes pairs. (bsc#1200499)
+- Added s390-tools-sles15sp4-hyptop-increase-initial-update-interval.patch
+  for bsc#1201412. Initial iteration of hyptop can produce bloated values
+  independent from the update delay set by the user.
+- Fix shell command injection in sssctl via the logs-fetch and
+  cache-expire subcommands; (CVE-2021-3621); (bsc#1189492); Add
+  0002-TOOLS-replace-system-with-execvp-to-avoid-execution-.patch
+- Add 'ldap_ignore_unreadable_references' parameter to skip
+  unreadable objects referenced by 'member' attributte;
+  (bsc#1190775); (gh#SSSD/sssd#4893); Add patch
+  0001-ldap-ignore-unreadable-references.patch
+- Fix 32-bit libraries package. Libraries were moved from sssd to
+  sssd-common to fix bsc#1182058 and baselibs.conf was not updated
+  accordingly; (bsc#1196166);
+- Remove caches only when performing a package downgrade. The sssd
+  daemon takes care of upgrading the database format when necessary
+  (bsc#1195552)
+- Maintenance update due to jsc#DOCTEAM-675
+  - New three-column layout
+  - Update translation strings
+  - Replace old SUSE logo
+- Update 2.86.0
+  - Update to JQuery 1.12.4 (#485)
+  - Fix color issues (#486)
+  - Add new section "creating a new release" in README
+- Update 2.85.2
+  - Fix single h1 issue in HTML in #484 (improves SEO)
+  - update README
+- Update 2.85.1
+  - Fix #453: colors in <phrase role="color:..."> works now
+  - update README
+- Add requirement for google-poppins-fonts
+- Update to 2.85.0
+  - Fix #479: Typo fix in parameter qnumber -> number
+  - Fix #478: reduce length count for socialmedia and search description
+    to 150
+  - Fix #474: Support alt/title attributes in images
+  - Fix #455: Add missing strings for HTML output
+  - Fix #286: Rudimentary style <result> element
+- Update to 2.84.1
+  - Fix #454: Implement color for phrase/para
+  - Fix #470: Make "Report bug" links attached to titles
+- Update to 2.84.0:
+  - Fix #96: Remove SUSE address
+  - Fix #458: figure-label for fr-fr: remove stray letter "t"
+  - Fix #458: Add missing datetime format for zh_*
+  - Fix #465: Replace old SUSE logo for suse2013
+  - Fix #463: Use correct inline color for screen
+  - Add README for SUSE's SASS customization
+- Beta release of the SUSE XSL stylesheets 2.83.0:
+  - A variety of small, but important bug fixes for the SUSE 2022
+    stylesheets, including a fix for a PDF build breaker
+- Tracker bug for 2.81.0 update: bsc#1187783
+- Remove obsolete susexsl-fetch-source-git script
+- bsc1200657.patch was previously incomplete leading to deadlocks
+  * bsc#1202436
+  * bsc1200657.patch updated
+- Fix race condition while creating intermediate subdirectories,
+  bsc#1200657
+  * bsc1200657.patch
+- Modified the spec file to remove package virtualbox-guest-x11, which is no longer needed.
+-  Fix screen resizing under Wayland (boo#1194126 and boo#1194126)
+    New files are "VirtualBox-5.2.10-xclient.patch", "vboxclient.desktop",
+    "vboxclient.service", and "vboxservice.service"
+  The fixes were derived from looking at many hundreds of Web pages, and
+  by looking at the code in Fedora35. Thanks to RedHat for the help.
+- Modified the spec file to remove package virtualbox-guest-x11, which is no longer needed.
+-  Fix screen resizing under Wayland (boo#1194126 and boo#1194126)
+    New files are "VirtualBox-5.2.10-xclient.patch", "vboxclient.desktop",
+    "vboxclient.service", and "vboxservice.service"
+  The fixes were derived from looking at many hundreds of Web pages, and
+  by looking at the code in Fedora35. Thanks to RedHat for the help.
+- Update to version 2.36.5 (boo#1201980):
+  + Add support for PAC proxy in the WebDriver implementation.
+  + Fix video playback when loaded through custom URIs, this fixes
+    video playback in the Yelp documentation browser.
+  - Fix WebKitWebView::context-menu when using GTK4.
+  - Fix LTO builds with GCC.
+  - Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
+  + Security fixes: CVE-2022-32792, CVE-2022-32816.
+- Drop webkit2gtk3-fix-build.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 4.16.1+git0.77ba799:
+  * Changed icon theme to adwaita-xfce as it obsoletes openSUSE-xfce
+  * Modified gtk theme naming to follow upstream name change
+  * Update default xfwm4 theme to follow upstream name change
+  * Switch notication bubble theme to Default
+  * Update
+  * Switch sources to
+- Add properly glibc-locale as build dependency to test locale
+  dependent methods (related to change for bsc#1154405)
+- 4.5.2
+- Adapt to new types of mount by in libstorage-ng. Skipped by now
+  as there is no request to support it. (bsc#1202225)
+- 4.5.8
+- Partitioner: Allow min chunk size of 4 KiB (page size) for RAID0 /
+  RAID10 (bsc#1200018)
+- 4.5.7
+- Fixed failing unit test: Added translatable message for new
+  libstorage enum type for bitlocker (bsc#1199832)
+- 4.5.6
+- Handle the new libstorage-ng "storage feature" for NILFS2
+  (gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#874)
+- 4.5.5
+- Mark properly help text in tmpfs widget for localization
+  (bsc#1198192)
+- 4.5.4
+- Fix empty help in some Partitioner dialogs (bsc#1194274)
+  using the standard CWM mechanism.
+- 4.5.3
+- Release sources before probing during installation to avoid
+  issues when unmounting devices (bsc#1197999 and related to
+  bsc#1196061).
+- 4.5.2
+- Fix fstab entry filesystem matching allowing the use of quotes
+  surrounding the device UUID or label (bsc#1197692)
+- 4.5.1
+- Bump version to 4.5.0 (bsc#1198109)