Removed rpms

 - iscsiuio
 - libopeniscsiusr0_2_0
 - open-iscsi
 - perl-TermReadLine-Gnu

Added rpms

 - libjitterentropy3
 - perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu

Package Source Changes

+  fix CVE-2022-3213 [bsc#1203450], heap buffer overflow while processing a malformed TIFF file
+  + ImageMagick-CVE-2022-3213.patch
+- security update
+- added patches
+- Firefox 102.3.0esr ESR
+  Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1203477)
+- Rebase mozilla-silence-no-return-type.patch to apply with fuzz=0
+- Firefox 102.2.0esr ESR
+  * Fixed: Various stability, functionality, and security fixes.
+  MFSA 2022-34 (bsc#1202645)
+  * CVE-2022-38472 (bmo#1769155)
+    Address bar spoofing via XSLT error handling
+  * CVE-2022-38473 (bmo#1771685)
+    Cross-origin XSLT Documents would have inherited the parent's
+    permissions
+  * CVE-2022-38476 (bmo#1760998)
+    Data race and potential use-after-free in PK11_ChangePW
+  * CVE-2022-38477 (bmo#1760611, bmo#1770219, bmo#1771159,
+    bmo#1773363)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 104 and Firefox ESR 102.2
+  * CVE-2022-38478 (bmo#1770630, bmo#1776658)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 104, Firefox ESR 102.2,
+    and Firefox ESR 91.13
+- Add mozilla-bmo1775202.patch to fix build on ppc64le
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 102.1 ESR
+  * Fixed: Various stability, functionality, and security fixes.
+  MFSA 2022-30 (bsc#1201758)
+  * CVE-2022-36319 (bmo#1737722)
+    Mouse Position spoofing with CSS transforms
+  * CVE-2022-36318 (bmo#1771774)
+    Directory indexes for bundled resources reflected URL
+    parameters
+  * CVE-2022-36314 (bmo#1773894)
+    Opening local <code>.lnk</code> files could cause unexpected
+    network loads
+  * CVE-2022-2505 (bmo#1769739, bmo#1772824)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 103 and 102.1
+- Firefox Extended Support Release 102.0.1 ESR
+  * Fixed: Fixed bookmark shortcut creation by dragging to
+    Windows File Explorer and dropping partially broken
+    (bmo#1774683)
+  * Fixed: Fixed bookmarks sidebar flashing white when opened in
+    dark mode (bmo#1776157)
+  * Fixed: Fixed multilingual spell checking not working with
+    content in both English and a non-Latin alphabet
+    (bmo#1773802)
+  * Fixed: Developer tools:  Fixed an issue where the console
+    output keep getting scrolled to the bottom when the last
+    visible message is an evaluation result (bmo#1776262)
+  * Fixed: Fixed *Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is
+    closed* checkbox getting disabled on startup (bmo#1777419)
+  * Fixed: Various stability fixes
+- Firefox 102.0 ESR
+  * New:
+  - We now provide more secure connections: Firefox can
+    now automatically upgrade to HTTPS using HTTPS RR as Alt-Svc
+    headers.
+  - For added viewing pleasure, full-range color levels are now
+    supported for video playback on many systems.
+  - Find it easier now! Mac users can now access the macOS
+    share options from the Firefox File menu.
+  - Voilà! Support for images containing ICC v4 profiles is
+    enabled on macOS.
+  - Firefox now supports the new AVIF image format, which is
+    based on the modern and royalty-free AV1 video codec. It
+    offers significant bandwidth savings for sites compared to
+    existing image formats. It also supports transparency and
+    other advanced features.
+  - Firefox PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (e.g.,
+    XFA-based forms, used by multiple governments and banks).
+    Learn more.
+  - When available system memory is critically low, Firefox on
+    Windows will automatically unload tabs based on their last
+    access time, memory usage, and other attributes. This helps
+    to reduce Firefox out-of-memory crashes. Forgot something?
+    Switching to an unloaded tab automatically reloads it.
+  - To prevent session loss for macOS users who are running
+    Firefox from a mounted .dmg file, they’ll now be prompted to
+    finish installation. Bear in mind, this permission prompt
+    only appears the first time these users run Firefox on their
+    computer.
+  - For your safety, Firefox now blocks downloads that rely on
+    insecure connections, protecting against potentially
+    malicious or unsafe downloads. Learn more and see where to
+    find downloads in Firefox.
+  - Improved web compatibility for privacy protections with
+    SmartBlock 3.0: In Private Browsing and Strict Tracking
+    Protection, Firefox goes to great lengths to protect your web
+    browsing activity from trackers. As part of this, the built-
+    in content blocking will automatically block third-party
+    scripts, images, and other content from being loaded from
+    cross-site tracking companies reported by Disconnect. Learn
+    more.
+  - Introducing a new referrer tracking protection in Strict
+    Tracking Protection and Private Browsing. This feature
+    prevents sites from unknowingly leaking private information
+    to trackers. Learn more.
+  - Introducing Firefox Suggest, a feature that provides
+    website suggestions as you type into the address bar. Learn
+    more about this faster way to navigate the web and locale-
+    specific features.
+  - Firefox macOS now uses Apple's low-power mode for
+    fullscreen video on sites such as YouTube and Twitch. This
+    meaningfully extends battery life in long viewing sessions.
+    Now your kids can find out what the fox says on a loop
+    without you ever missing a beat…
+  - With this release, power users can use about:unloads to
+    release system resources by manually unloading tabs without
+    closing them.
+  - On Windows, there will now be fewer interruptions because
+    Firefox won’t prompt you for updates. Instead, a background
+    agent will download and install updates even if Firefox is
+    closed.
+  - On Linux, we’ve improved WebGL performance and reduced
+    power consumption for many users.
+  - To better protect all Firefox users against side-channel
+    attacks, such as Spectre, we introduced Site Isolation.
+  - Firefox no longer warns you by default when you exit the
+    browser or close a window using a menu, button, or three-key
+    command. This should cut back on unwelcome notifications,
+    which is always nice—however, if you prefer a bit of notice,
+    you’ll still have full control over the quit/close modal
+    behavior. All warnings can be managed within Firefox
+    Settings. No worries! More details here.
+  - Firefox supports the new Snap Layouts menus when running on
+    Windows 11.
+  - RLBox—a new technology that hardens Firefox against
+    potential security vulnerabilities in third-party
+    libraries—is now enabled on all platforms.
+  - We’ve reduced CPU usage on macOS in Firefox and
+    WindowServer during event processing.
+  - We’ve also reduced the power usage of software decoded
+    video on macOS, especially in fullscreen. This includes
+    streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
+  - You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to
+    the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new
+    context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left
+    (Right) Side.
+  - We’ve made significant improvements in noise suppression
+    and auto-gain-control, as well as slight improvements in
+    echo-cancellation to provide you with a better overall
+    experience.
+  - We’ve also significantly reduced main-thread load.
+  - When printing, you can now choose to print only the
+    odd/even pages.
+  - Firefox now supports and displays the new style of
+    scrollbars on Windows 11.
+  - Firefox has a new optimized download flow. Instead of
+    prompting every time, files will download automatically.
+    However, they can still be opened from the downloads panel
+    with just one click. Easy! More information
+  - Firefox no longer asks what to do for each file by default.
+    You won’t be prompted to choose a helper application or save
+    to disk before downloading a file unless you have changed
+    your download action setting for that type of file.
+  - Any files you download will be immediately saved on your
+    disk. Depending on the current configuration, they’ll be
+    saved in your preferred download folder, or you’ll be asked
+    to select a location for each download. Windows and Linux
+    users will find their downloaded files in the destination
+    folder. They’ll no longer be put in the Temp folder.
+  - Firefox allows users to choose from a number of built-in
+    search engines to set as their default. In this release, some
+    users who had previously configured a default engine might
+    notice their default search engine has changed since Mozilla
+    was unable to secure formal permission to continue including
+    certain search engines in Firefox.
+  - You can now toggle Narrate in ReaderMode with the keyboard
+    shortcut "n."
+  - You can find added support for search—with or without
+    diacritics—in the PDF viewer.
+  - The Linux sandbox has been strengthened: processes exposed
+    to web content no longer have access to the X Window system
+    (X11).
+  - Firefox now supports credit card autofill and capture in
+    Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.
+  - We now support captions/subtitles display on YouTube, Prime
+    Video, and Netflix videos you watch in Picture-in-Picture.
+    Just turn on the subtitles on the in-page video player, and
+    they will appear in PiP.
+  - Picture-in-Picture now also supports video captions on
+    websites that use Web Video Text Track (WebVTT) format (e.g.,
+, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and many
+    more).
+  - On the first run after install, Firefox detects when its
+    language does not match the operating system language and
+    offers the user a choice between the two languages.
+  - Firefox spell checking now checks spelling in multiple
+    languages. To enable additional languages, select them in the
+    text field’s context menu.
+  - HDR video is now supported in Firefox on Mac—starting with
+    YouTube! Firefox users on macOS 11+ (with HDR-compatible
+    screens) can enjoy higher-fidelity video content. No need to
+    manually flip any preferences to turn HDR video support
+    on—just make sure battery preferences are NOT set to
+    “optimize video streaming while on battery”.
+  - Hardware-accelerated AV1 video decoding is enabled on
+    Windows with supported GPUs (Intel Gen 11+, AMD RDNA 2
+    Excluding Navi 24, GeForce 30). Installing the AV1 Video
+    Extension from the Microsoft Store may also be required.
+  - Video overlay is enabled on Windows for Intel GPUs,
+    reducing power usage during video playback.
+  - Improved fairness between painting and handling other
+    events. This noticeably improves the performance of the
+    volume slider on Twitch.
+  - Scrollbars on Linux and Windows 11 won't take space by
+    default. On Linux, users can change this in Settings. On
+    Windows, Firefox follows the system setting (System Settings
+    > Accessibility > Visual Effects > Always show scrollbars).
+  - Firefox now ignores less restricted referrer
+    policies—including unsafe-url, no-referrer-when-downgrade,
+    and origin-when-cross-origin—for cross-site
+    subresource/iframe requests to prevent privacy leaks from the
+    referrer.
+  - Reading is now easier with the prefers-contrast media
+    query, which allows sites to detect if the user has requested
+    that web content is presented with a higher (or lower)
+    contrast.
+  - All non-configured MIME types can now be assigned a custom
+    action upon download completion.
+  - Firefox now allows users to use as many microphones as they
+    want, at the same time, during video conferencing. The most
+    exciting benefit is that you can easily switch your
+    microphones at any time (if your conferencing service
+    provider enables this flexibility).
+  - Print preview has been updated.
+  * Fixed: Various security fixes.
+  MFSA 2022-24 (bsc#1200793)
+  * CVE-2022-34479 (bmo#1745595)
+    A popup window could be resized in a way to overlay the
+    address bar with web content
+  * CVE-2022-34470 (bmo#1765951)
+    Use-after-free in nsSHistory
+  * CVE-2022-34468 (bmo#1768537)
+    CSP sandbox header without `allow-scripts` can be bypassed
+    via retargeted javascript: URI
+  * CVE-2022-34482 (bmo#845880)
+    Drag and drop of malicious image could have led to malicious
+    executable and potential code execution
+  * CVE-2022-34483 (bmo#1335845)
+    Drag and drop of malicious image could have led to malicious
+    executable and potential code execution
+  * CVE-2022-34476 (bmo#1387919)
+    ASN.1 parser could have been tricked into accepting malformed
+    ASN.1
+  * CVE-2022-34481 (bmo#1483699, bmo#1497246)
+    Potential integer overflow in ReplaceElementsAt
+  * CVE-2022-34474 (bmo#1677138)
+    Sandboxed iframes could redirect to external schemes
+  * CVE-2022-34469 (bmo#1721220)
+    TLS certificate errors on HSTS-protected domains could be
+    bypassed by the user on Firefox for Android
+  * CVE-2022-34471 (bmo#1766047)
+    Compromised server could trick a browser into an addon
+    downgrade
+  * CVE-2022-34472 (bmo#1770123)
+    Unavailable PAC file resulted in OCSP requests being blocked
+  * CVE-2022-34478 (bmo#1773717)
+    Microsoft protocols can be attacked if a user accepts a
+    prompt
+  * CVE-2022-2200 (bmo#1771381)
+    Undesired attributes could be set as part of prototype
+    pollution
+  * CVE-2022-34480 (bmo#1454072)
+    Free of uninitialized pointer in lg_init
+  * CVE-2022-34477 (bmo#1731614)
+    MediaError message property leaked information on cross-
+    origin same-site pages
+  * CVE-2022-34475 (bmo#1757210)
+    HTML Sanitizer could have been bypassed via same-origin
+    script via use tags
+  * CVE-2022-34473 (bmo#1770888)
+    HTML Sanitizer could have been bypassed via use tags
+  * CVE-2022-34484 (bmo#1763634, bmo#1772651)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 102 and Firefox ESR 91.11
+  * CVE-2022-34485 (bmo#1768409, bmo#1768578)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 102
+- Add patch one_swizzle_to_rule_them_all.patch to fix big endian
+  platforms and remove old patches for this:
+  mozilla-bmo1626236.patch and mozilla-bmo1602730.patch
+- Rename and rebase firefox-i586-conflict-typedef-error.patch
+  to mozilla-bmo531915.patch
+- Remove upstreamed mozilla-sandbox-fips.patch
+- Add patch git-46-78b2a0b29381c16bec6b2a8fc7eabaa9925782d7.patch
+  * The wrapper rootsh is not a restricted shell (bsc#1199492)
+- Updated to 2.56 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1202868)
+  Added:
+  - Certainly Root E1
+  - Certainly Root R1
+  - DigiCert SMIME ECC P384 Root G5
+  - DigiCert SMIME RSA4096 Root G5
+  - DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
+  - DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
+  - E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3
+  - E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3
+  Removed:
+  - Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011
+- Updated to 2.54 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1199079)
+  Added:
+  - Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
+  - D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020
+  - D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020
+  - GlobalSign ECC Root CA R4
+  - GTS Root R1
+  - GTS Root R2
+  - GTS Root R3
+  - GTS Root R4
+  - HiPKI Root CA - G1
+  - ISRG Root X2
+  - Telia Root CA v2
+  - vTrus ECC Root CA
+  - vTrus Root CA
+  Removed:
+  - Cybertrust Global Root
+  - DST Root CA X3
+  - DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Organisatie - G2
+  - GlobalSign ECC Root CA R4
+  - GlobalSign Root CA R2
+  - GTS Root R1
+  - GTS Root R2
+  - GTS Root R3
+  - GTS Root R4
+- updated to 2.50 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1188006)
+- Added CAs:
+  + HARICA Client ECC Root CA 2021
+  + HARICA Client RSA Root CA 2021
+  + HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021
+  + HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021
+  + TunTrust Root CA
+- Updated to 2.46 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1181994)
+- Added new root CAs:
+  - NAVER Global Root Certification Authority
+- Removed old root CA:
+  - GeoTrust Global CA
+  - GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+  - GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+  - GeoTrust Universal CA
+  - GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+  - thawte Primary Root CA
+  - thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+  - thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+  - VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+  - VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
-  * mount.cifs: fix verbose messages on option parsing
+  * mount.cifs: fix verbose messages on option parsing (bsc#1198976, CVE-2022-29869)
+- Add colord-CVE-2021-42523.patch: fix a small memory leak in
+  sqlite3_exec (boo#1202802 CVE-2021-42523).
+- Update to version 055+suse.300.ge878982d:
+  * chore(suse): change default persistent policy (jsc#PED-1885)
+  * fix(systemd): add missing modprobe@.service (bsc#1203749)
+  * fix(i18n): do not fail if FONT in /etc/vconsole.conf has the file extension (bsc#1203267)
+- Security fix:
+  * (CVE-2022-40674, bsc#1203438) use-after-free in the doContent
+    function in xmlparse.c
+  - Added patch expat-CVE-2022-40674.patch
+- x86-shared-non-temporal-threshold.patch: Reversing calculation of
+  __x86_shared_non_temporal_threshold (bsc#1201942)
+- memcmp-power10.patch: powerpc: Optimized memcmp for power10
+  (jsc#PED-987)
+- FIPS: Zeroize the calculated hmac and new_hmac in the
+  check_binary_integrity() function. [bsc#1191021]
+  * Add gnutls-FIPS-Zeroize-check_binary_integrity.patch
+- FIPS: Additional modifications to the SLI. [bsc#1190698]
+  * Mark CMAC and GMAC and non-approved in gnutls_pbkfd2().
+  * Mark HMAC keylength less than 112 bits as non-approved in
+    gnutls_pbkfd2().
+  * Adapt the pbkdf2 selftest and the regression tests accordingly.
+  * Add gnutls-FIPS-SLI-pbkdf2-verify-keylengths-only-SHA.patch
+- FIPS: Port GnuTLS to use jitterentropy [bsc#1202146, jsc#SLE-24941]
+  * Add new dependency on jitterentropy
+  * Add gnutls-FIPS-jitterentropy.patch
+- arm64: Discard .note.GNU-stack section (bsc#1203693).
+- commit a5e7cb4
+- media: i2c: ov2640: Depend on V4L2_ASYNC (git-fixes).
+- commit 91b3b5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/usb-typec-intel_pmc_mux-Add-new-ACPI-ID-for-Meteor-L.patch
+  (jsc#PED-1211).
+  Adding Jira
+- commit 5026c96
+- Update
+  patches.suse/usb-dwc3-pci-Add-support-for-Intel-Raptor-Lake.patch
+  (jsc#PED-1715).
+  Only adding Jira
+- commit af0fb94
+- xhci: Don't defer primary roothub registration if there is
+  only one roothub (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit bb0af18
+- xhci: prevent U2 link power state if Intel tier policy prevented
+  U1 (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 4580e55
+- xhci: use generic command timer for stop endpoint commands
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 0f31a26
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: omit shared hcd if either root hub has
+  no ports (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 2387fca
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: prepare operation w/o shared hcd
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 47afbac
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: create shared hcd after having added
+  main hcd (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit f9fd004
+- xhci: prepare for operation w/o shared hcd (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 09ce63b
+- xhci: factor out parts of xhci_gen_setup() (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 783aae7
+- usb: xhci-mtk: add support optional controller reset
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit b567962
+- usb/core: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes).
+- commit 5f46c47
+- usb: core: sysfs: convert sysfs snprintf to sysfs_emit
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 40a09c7
+- usb: Avoid extra usb SET_SEL requests when enabling link power
+  management (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 3988270
+- usb: hub: port: add sysfs entry to switch port power
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 9c3549e
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Ensure rc is always initialized in
+  papr_scm_pmu_register() (jsc#PED-1925).
+- tools/testing/nvdimm: Fix security_init() symbol collision
+  (jsc#PED-1925).
+- commit a333f5d
+- powerpc/papr_scm: don't requests stats with '0' sized stats
+  buffer (jsc#PED-1925).
+- commit 3918fb0
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Fix nvdimm event mappings (jsc#PED-557).
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Fix leaking nvdimm_events_map elements
+  (jsc#PED-557).
+- drivers/nvdimm: Fix build failure when CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS is
+  not set (jsc#PED-1925).
+- commit 8ecc2ba
+- x86: clk: clk-fch: Add support for newer family of AMD's SOC
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- commit c6a96ee
+- ACPI: tools: Introduce utility for firmware updates/telemetry
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+  corresponding structures (jsc#PED-1408).
+- commit a7f95e0
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Fix buffer overflow issue with
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Fix build failure when (jsc#PED-1925).
+- powerpc/papr_scm: Add perf interface support (jsc#PED-1925).
+- drivers/nvdimm: Add perf interface to expose nvdimm performance
+  stats (jsc#PED-1925).
+- drivers/nvdimm: Add nvdimm pmu structure (jsc#PED-1925).
+- commit 61ab009
+- Revert "ACPI: processor: idle: Only flush cache on entering C3"
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- Revert "ACPI: scan: Do not add device IDs from _CID if _HID
+  is not valid" (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: tables: Quiet ACPI table not found warning (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: require CRC32 to build (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: DPTF: Support Raptor Lake (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Drop redundant local variable from cpc_read()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Fix up I/O port access in cpc_read() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: pfr_telemetry: Fix info leak in pfrt_log_ioctl()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: pfr_update: Fix return value check in pfru_write()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Introduce Platform Firmware Runtime Telemetry driver
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- Update supported.conf
+  - add drivers/acpi/pfr_telemetry.ko
+    ACPI Platform Firmware Runtime Telemetry driver
+- ACPI: Introduce Platform Firmware Runtime Update device driver
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- Update config files.
+- Update supported.conf
+  - add drivers/acpi/pfr_update.ko
+    ACPI Platform Firmware Runtime Update Device driver
+- ACPI: SPCR: check if table->serial_port.access_width is too wide
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: scan: Rename label in acpi_scan_init() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: scan: Simplify initialization of power and sleep buttons
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: scan: Change acpi_scan_init() return value type to void
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- x86/PCI: Remove initialization of static variables to false
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: APD: Add a fmw property clk-name (jsc#PED-1408).
+- drivers: acpi: acpi_apd: Remove unused device property "is-rv"
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Add a context argument for table parsing handlers
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Teach ACPI table parsing about the CEDT header format
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Keep sub-table parsing infrastructure available for
+  modules (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Import GUID before use (jsc#PED-1408).
+- PM: hibernate: Allow ACPI hardware signature to be honoured
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Add CPPC enable register function (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Implement support for SystemIO registers
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Amend documentation in the comments (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: sysfs: use default_groups in kobj_type (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: NUMA: Process hotpluggable memblocks when
+- ACPI: tables: Add AEST to the list of known table signatures
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: DPTF: Update device ID in a comment (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PMIC: xpower: Fix _TMP ACPI errors (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PMIC: allow drivers to provide a custom lpat_raw_to_temp()
+  function (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PMIC: constify all struct intel_pmic_opregion_data
+  declarations (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI / x86: Skip AC and battery devices on x86 Android tablets
+  with broken DSDTs (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI / x86: Introduce an acpi_quirk_skip_acpi_ac_and_battery()
+  helper (jsc#PED-1408).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/ACPI-battery-Add-the-ThinkPad-Not-Charging-quirk.patch.
+- ACPI / x86: Add PWM2 on the Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 to the
+  always_present list (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: processor: thermal: avoid cpufreq_get_policy()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: processor: idle: Only flush cache on entering C3
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: processor idle: Use swap() instead of open coding it
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: processor: Replace kernel.h with the necessary inclusions
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Mark the ec_sys write_support param as
+  module_param_hw() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Relocate acpi_ec_create_query() and drop
+  acpi_ec_delete_query() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Make the event work state machine visible
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Avoid queuing unnecessary work in
+  acpi_ec_submit_event() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Rename three functions (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Simplify locking in acpi_ec_event_handler()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Rearrange the loop in acpi_ec_event_handler()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Fold acpi_ec_check_event() into
+  acpi_ec_event_handler() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Pass one argument to acpi_ec_query() (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Call advance_transaction() from acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Rework flushing of EC work while suspended to idle
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: Emit debug messages when enabling/disabling wakeup
+  power (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: Remove redundant cache flushing (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: Avoid CPU cache flush when entering S4 (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI / x86: Add
+  acpi_quirk_skip_[i2c_client|serdev]_enumeration() helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Use acpi_fetch_acpi_dev() instead of acpi_bus_get_device()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/ACPI-properties-Consistently-return-ENOENT-if-there-.patch.
+- ACPI: scan: Do not add device IDs from _CID if _HID is not valid
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Update version to 20211217 (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: iASL/NHLT table: "Specific Data" field support
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: iASL: Add suppport for AGDI table (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: iASL: Add TDEL table to both compiler/disassembler
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Fixed a couple of warnings under MSVC (jsc#PED-1408).
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Add support for PCC Opregion special context data
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Fix AEST Processor generic resource substructure data
+  field byte length (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: iASL/Disassembler: Additional support for NHLT table
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Avoid subobject buffer overflow when validating RSDP
+  signature (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Macros: Remove ACPI_PHYSADDR_TO_PTR (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Use original pointer for virtual origin tables
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Use original data_table_region pointer for accesses
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: delay enumeration of devices with a _DEP pointing to an
+  INT3472 device (jsc#PED-1408).
+- commit a883e60
+- ice: support crosstimestamping on E822 devices if supported
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 52d22d8
+- net: phy: add Maxlinear GPY115/21x/24x driver (jsc#PED-829).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: mark mxl-gpy supported
+- commit 038e0dc
+- ice: fix incorrect dev_dbg print mistaking 'i' for vf->vf_id
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- blacklist.conf: removed broken blacklist
+- commit 4dd2967
+- RDMA/irdma: Remove enum irdma_status_code (jsc#PED-377).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-some-integer-underflows.patch.
+- commit 0e1b54d
+- ice: introduce ice_virtchnl.c and ice_virtchnl.h (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Do-not-skip-not-enabled-queues-in-ice_vc_dis_qs_.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Fix-incorrect-locking-in-ice_vc_process_vf_msg.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Protect-vf_state-check-by-cfg_lock-in-ice_vc_pro.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-clear-stale-Tx-queue-settings-before-configuring.patch.
+- commit b1a640b
+- ice: rename ice_virtchnl_pf.c to ice_sriov.c (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Do-not-skip-not-enabled-queues-in-ice_vc_dis_qs_.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Fix-incorrect-locking-in-ice_vc_process_vf_msg.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Protect-vf_state-check-by-cfg_lock-in-ice_vc_pro.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-clear-stale-Tx-queue-settings-before-configuring.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-fix-use-after-free-when-deinitializing-mailbox-s.patch.
+- commit a6dcbb6
+- ice: convert VF storage to hash table with krefs and RCU
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Fix-incorrect-locking-in-ice_vc_process_vf_msg.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Protect-vf_state-check-by-cfg_lock-in-ice_vc_pro.patch.
+- commit bb85cb8
+- ice: introduce VF accessor functions (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Protect-vf_state-check-by-cfg_lock-in-ice_vc_pro.patch.
+- commit 567361b
+- ice: factor VF variables to separate structure (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Protect-vf_state-check-by-cfg_lock-in-ice_vc_pro.patch.
+- commit 3f8b512
+- ice: add TTY for GNSS module for E810T device (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Fix-race-during-aux-device-un-plugging.patch.
+- commit 8bbff5a
+- ice: Simplify tracking status of RDMA support (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Allow-operation-with-reduced-device-MSI-X.patch.
+- commit 679eb4d
+- ice: implement basic E822 PTP support (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-fix-possible-under-reporting-of-ethtool-Tx-and-R.patch.
+- commit ef8d58e
+- ice: Propagate error codes (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-Fix-curr_link_speed-advertised-speed.patch.
+- commit 80453bf
+- ice: Remove string printing for ice_status (jsc#PED-376).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ice-enable-parsing-IPSEC-SPI-headers-for-RSS.patch.
+- commit e71a23c
+- ice: xsk: use Rx ring's XDP ring when picking NAPI context
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- commit d811ddb
+- ice: xsk: prohibit usage of non-balanced queue id (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix VF not able to send tagged traffic with no VLAN filters
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Ignore error message when setting same promiscuous mode
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix clearing of promisc mode with bridge over bond
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Ignore EEXIST when setting promisc mode (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix double VLAN error when entering promisc mode
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix call trace with null VSI during VF reset (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix VSI rebuild WARN_ON check for VF (jsc#PED-376).
+- net/ice: fix initializing the bitmap in the switch code
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix setting of QP context err_rq_idx_valid field
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix VLAN connection with wildcard address
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix a window for use-after-free (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Make resource distribution algorithm more QP
+  oriented (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Make CQP invalid state error non-critical
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add AE source to error log (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add 2 level PBLE support for FMR (jsc#PED-377).
+- net: ice: fix error NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_FILTER check in
+  ice_vsi_sync_fltr() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: implement adjfine with mul_u64_u64_div_u64 (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: allow toggling loopback mode via ndo_set_features callback
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: compress branches in ice_set_features() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix promiscuous mode not turning off (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Introduce enabling promiscuous mode on multiple VF's
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for PPPoE hardware offload (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_offload: Introduce flow_match_pppoe (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_dissector: Add PPPoE dissectors (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: add write functionality for GNSS TTY (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: add i2c write command (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove pci_aer_clear_nonfatal_status() call (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add EXTTS feature to the feature bitmap (jsc#PED-376).
+- net: extract port range fields from fl_flow_key (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove unnecessary NULL check before dev_put (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use eth_broadcast_addr() to set broadcast address
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: dynamically add VLAN headers to dummy packets
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for VLAN TPID filters in switchdev
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for double VLAN in switchdev (jsc#PED-376).
+- intel/ice:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Use correct order for the parameters of devm_kcalloc()
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove u16 arithmetic in ice_gnss (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove VLAN representor specific ops (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: don't set VF VLAN caps in switchdev (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP |
+  RS) (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix VSIs unable to share unicast MAC (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix tunnel checksum offload with fragmented traffic
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix max VLANs available for VF (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix sleep from invalid context BUG (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Do not advertise 1GB page size for x722
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- ice: change devlink code to read NVM in blocks (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: handle E822 generic device ID in PLDM header (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: ethtool: Prohibit improper channel config for DCB
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: ethtool: advertise 1000M speeds properly (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix switchdev rules book keeping (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: ignore protocol field in GTP offload (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix memory corruption in VF driver (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix queue config fail handling (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Sync VLAN filtering features for DVM (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix PTP TX timestamp offset calculation (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: fix access-beyond-end in the switch code (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add SW mechanism to generate completions on error
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Remove the redundant variable (jsc#PED-377).
+- eth: ice: silence the GCC 12 array-bounds warning (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Expose RSS indirection tables for queue groups via ethtool
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- Revert "ice: Hide bus-info in ethtool for PRs in switchdev mode"
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: link representors to PCI device (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove period on argument description in ice_for_each_vf
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: add a function comment for ice_cfg_mac_antispoof
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: fix wording in comment for ice_reset_vf (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove return value comment for ice_reset_all_vfs
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: always check VF VSI pointer values (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: add newline to dev_dbg in ice_vf_fdir_dump_info
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: get switch id on switchdev devices (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: return ENOSPC when exceeding ICE_MAX_CHAIN_WORDS
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce common helper for retrieving VSI by vsi_num
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use min_t() to make code cleaner in ice_gnss (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice, xsk: Avoid refilling single Rx descriptors (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice, xsk: Diversify return values from xsk_wakeup call paths
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice, xsk: Terminate Rx side of NAPI when XSK Rx queue gets full
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice, xsk: Decorate ICE_XDP_REDIR with likely() (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_dissector: Add number of vlan tags dissector (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add mpls+tso support (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: convert packet template match code to rodata
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: use convenience macros to declare dummy pkt
+  templates (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: use a struct to pass packet template params
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: unobscurify bitops loop in
+  ice_fill_adv_dummy_packet() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch: add and use u16 aliases to ice_adv_lkup_elem::{h,
+  m}_u (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix interrupt moderation settings getting cleared
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix deadlock in irdma_cleanup_cm_core()
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- ice: wait 5 s for EMP reset after firmware flash (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix memory leak in ice_get_orom_civd_data() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: check if Rx ring was filled up to the end
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: arfs: fix use-after-free when freeing @rx_cpu_rmap
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_dissector: fix false-positive __read_overflow2_field()
+  warning (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Set txq_teid to ICE_INVAL_TEID on ring creation
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix broken IFF_ALLMULTI handling (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix MAC address setting (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Stop Rx processing when ntc catches ntu (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Eliminate unnecessary loop iteration (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add support for address handle re-use (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Make irdma_create_mg_ctx return a void
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Move union irdma_sockaddr to header file
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Remove the unnecessary variable saddr (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use net_type to check network type (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Remove excess error variables (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Propagate error codes (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add support for DSCP (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Refactor DCB bits in prep for DSCP support
+  (jsc#PED-377).
+- ice: add trace events for tx timestamps (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: fix return value check in ice_gnss.c (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix inconsistent indenting in ice_switch (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: Fix inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove PF pointer from ice_check_vf_init (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: cleanup long lines in ice_sriov.c (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce ICE_VF_RESET_LOCK flag (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce ICE_VF_RESET_NOTIFY flag (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: convert ice_reset_vf to take flags (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: convert ice_reset_vf to standard error codes (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: make ice_reset_all_vfs void (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: drop is_vflr parameter from ice_reset_all_vfs
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move reset functionality into ice_vf_lib.c (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: fix a long line warning in ice_reset_vf (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce VF operations structure for reset flows
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce ice_vf_lib.c, ice_vf_lib.h, and
+  ice_vf_lib_private.h (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use ice_is_vf_trusted helper function (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: log an error message when eswitch fails to configure
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: cleanup error logging for ice_ena_vfs (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move ice_set_vf_port_vlan near other .ndo ops
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: refactor spoofchk control code in ice_sriov.c
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: rename ICE_MAX_VF_COUNT to avoid confusion (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove unused definitions from ice_sriov.h (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: convert vf->vc_ops to a const pointer (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove circular header dependencies on ice.h (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: rename ice_sriov.c to ice_vf_mbx.c (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Support GTP-U and GTP-C offload in switchdev (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix FV offset searching (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: Add support for checking GTP device type (jsc#PED-376).
+- net/sched: Allow flower to match on GTP options (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: Implement GTP echo request (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: Implement GTP echo response (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: Allow to create GTP device without FDs (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_dissector: Add support for HSRv0 (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for outer dest MAC for ADQ tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: avoid XDP checks in ice_clean_tx_irq() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: change "can't set link" message to dbg level (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add slow path offload stats on port representor in
+  switchdev (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for inner etype in switchdev (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: fix GCC version checking against pragma unroll
+  presence (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: convert ice_for_each_vf to include VF entry iterator
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use ice_for_each_vf for iteration during removal
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: remove checks in ice_vc_send_msg_to_vf (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move VFLR acknowledge during ice_free_vfs (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move clear_malvf call in ice_free_vfs (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: pass num_vfs to ice_set_per_vf_res() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: store VF pointer instead of VF ID (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: refactor unwind cleanup in eswitch mode (jsc#PED-376).
+- flow_dissector: Add support for HSR (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add ability for PF admin to enable VF VLAN pruning
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for 802.1ad port VLANs VF (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Advertise 802.1ad VLAN filtering and offloads for PF netdev
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Support configuring the device to Double VLAN Mode
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add hot path support for 802.1Q and 802.1ad VLAN offloads
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add outer_vlan_ops and VSI specific VLAN ops
+  implementations (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Adjust naming for inner VLAN operations (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Use the proto argument for VLAN ops (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Refactor vf->port_vlan_info to use ice_vlan (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Introduce ice_vlan struct (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add new VSI VLAN ops (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add helper function for adding VLAN 0 (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Refactor spoofcheck configuration functions (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Borrow xdp_tx_active logic from i40e (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Improve AF_XDP ZC Tx and use batching API
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Avoid potential dead AF_XDP Tx processing
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Make Tx threshold dependent on ring length (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Handle SW XDP ring wrap and bump tail more often
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: xsk: Force rings to be sized to power of 2 (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove likely for napi_complete_done (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: add support for DSCP QoS for IDC (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: respect metadata in legacy-rx/ice_construct_skb()
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: destroy flow director filter mutex after releasing VSIs
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Match on all profiles in slow-path (jsc#PED-376).
+- RDMA/irdma: Remove the redundant return (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Make the source udp port vary (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/core: Calculate UDP source port based on flow label or
+  lqpn/rqpn (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix the type used to declare a bitmap (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use helper function to set GUIDs (jsc#PED-377).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-377).
+- ice: Use bitmap_free() to free bitmap (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Optimize a few bitmap operations (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Slightly simply ice_find_free_recp_res_idx (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: improve switchdev's slow-path (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: replay advanced rules after reset (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add flow director support for channel mode (jsc#PED-376).
+- skbuff: introduce skb_pull_data (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: trivial: fix odd indenting (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: exit bypass mode once hardware finishes timestamp
+  calibration (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: ensure the hardware Clock Generation Unit is configured
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: convert clk_freq capability into time_ref (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce ice_ptp_init_phc function (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use 'int err' instead of 'int status' in ice_ptp_hw.c
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: PTP: move setting of tstamp_config (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: introduce ice_base_incval function (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Fix E810 PTP reset flow (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use modern kernel API for kick (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: tighter control over VSI_DOWN state (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: use prefetch methods (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: update to newer kernel API (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: support immediate firmware activation via devlink reload
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: reduce time to read Option ROM CIVD data (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move ice_devlink_flash_update and merge with
+  ice_flash_pldm_image (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: move and rename ice_check_for_pending_update (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: devlink: add shadow-ram region to snapshot Shadow RAM
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove unused ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDRS_L2_MASK (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove unnecessary casts (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove excess error variables (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Cleanup after ice_status removal (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Remove enum ice_status (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Use int for ice_status (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Refactor status flow for DDP load (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Refactor promiscuous functions (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: refactor PTYPE validating (jsc#PED-376).
+- ice: Add package PTYPE enable information (jsc#PED-376).
+- gtp: use skb_dst_update_pmtu_no_confirm() instead of direct call
+  (jsc#PED-376).
+- dissector: do not set invalid PPP protocol (jsc#PED-376).
+- net: phy: enhance GPY115 loopback disable function
+  (jsc#PED-829).
+- net: phy: add API to read 802.3-c45 IDs (jsc#PED-829).
+- commit 172341e
+- usb: core: devices: remove dead code under #ifdef PROC_EXTRA
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit ffed5f4
+- arm64: numa: Don't check node against MAX_NUMNODES
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- arm64: Simplify checking for populated DT (jsc#PED-1408).
+- commit 87c5b07
+- Revert "usb: host: xhci: mvebu: make USB 3.0 PHY optional for
+  Armada 3720" (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit a68eb3d
+- xhci: omit mem read just after allocation of trb (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 9657cdf
+- usb: xhci: fix minmax.cocci warnings (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 31c9b81
+- usb: host: xhci: drop redundant checks (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 8545650
+- xhci: Allocate separate command structures for each LPM command
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b8bc54
+- xhci: dbgtty: use IDR to support several dbc instances
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 7b43f4d
+- xhci: dbc: Don't call dbc_tty_init() on every dbc tty probe
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit c0f4051
+- net: mscc: ocelot: add MAC table stream learn and lookup
+  operations (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mscc-ocelot-use-index-to-set-vcap-policer.patch.
+- commit 210cb02
+- usb: host: xhci-mtk: Simplify supplies handling with
+  regulator_bulk (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit bc712ac
+- net: mscc: ocelot: serialize access to the MAC table
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- commit fb07363
+- ACPI: Make acpi_node_get_parent() local (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: video: use platform backlight driver on Xiaomi Mi Pad 2
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: video: Drop dmi_system_id.ident settings from
+  video_detect_dmi_table (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Remove initialization of static variables to false
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: EC: Use ec_no_wakeup on HP ZHAN 66 Pro (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Drop ACPI_USE_BUILTIN_STDARG ifdef from acgcc.h
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Add a convenience function to tell a device is in D0 state
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: scan: Obtain device's desired enumeration power state
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PRM: Handle memory allocation and memory remap failure
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PRM: Remove unnecessary blank lines (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: APEI: mark apei_hest_parse() static (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: APEI: EINJ: Relax platform response timeout to 1 second
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: sleep: Do not set suspend_ops unnecessarily
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: Turn off wakeup power resources on _DSW/_PSW errors
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PM: Check states of power resources during initialization
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: LPSS: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: PNP: remove duplicated BRI0A49 and BDP3336 entries
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: glue: Use acpi_device_adr() in acpi_find_child_device()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: glue: Look for ACPI bus type only if ACPI companion is
+  not known (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: glue: Drop cleanup callback from struct acpi_bus_type
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: replace snprintf() in "show" functions with sysfs_emit()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPI: Kconfig: Fix a typo in Kconfig (jsc#PED-1408).
+- x86: ACPI: cstate: Optimize C3 entry on AMD CPUs (jsc#PED-1408).
+- x86/ACPI: Don't add CPUs that are not online capable
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Add support for MADT online enabled bit (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Update version to 20210930 (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: iASL table disassembler: Added disassembly support
+  for the NHLT ACPI table (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: ACPI 6.4 SRAT: add Generic Port Affinity type
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- ACPICA: Add support for Windows 2020 _OSI string (jsc#PED-1408).
+- hwmon: (acpi_power_meter) Use acpi_bus_get_acpi_device()
+  (jsc#PED-1408).
+- commit f5b4569
+- net/mlx5: Reduce kconfig complexity while building crypto
+  support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 855cd57
+- net/mlx5_fpga: Drop INNOVA IPsec support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 578a0d4
+- net/mlx5_fpga: Drop INNOVA TLS support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 795dab1
+- net/mlx5e: Use READ_ONCE/WRITE_ONCE for DCBX trust state
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mlx5e-Fix-trust-state-reset-in-reload.patch.
+- commit 471621b
+- ixgbe: pass bi->xdp to ixgbe_construct_skb_zc() directly
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ixgbe-don-t-reserve-excessive-XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM-on.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ixgbe-respect-metadata-on-XSK-Rx-to-skb.patch.
+- commit 7177fc1
+- net/mlx5: Disable SRIOV before PF removal (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mlx5-Drain-fw_reset-when-removing-device.patch.
+- commit f8869cb
+- i40e: Add ensurance of MacVlan resources for every trusted VF
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/i40e-stop-disabling-VFs-due-to-PF-error-responses.patch.
+- commit 820414c
+- flow_offload: validate flags of filter and actions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-sched-cls_u32-fix-netns-refcount-changes-in-u32_.patch.
+- commit 45cd6c8
+- iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 offload
+  enable/disable (jsc#PED-835).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iavf-Fix-locking-for-VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2.patch.
+- commit 9e30247
+- iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 hotpath
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iavf-Fix-locking-for-VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2.patch.
+- commit 8b35988
+- iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 negotiation
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iavf-Fix-locking-for-VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2.patch.
+- commit c795d27
+- iavf: Add trace while removing device (jsc#PED-835).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iavf-Rework-mutexes-for-better-synchronisation.patch.
+- commit 5cee973
+- net/sched: Extend qdisc control block with tc control block
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-Don-t-include-filter.h-from-net-sock.h.patch.
+- commit f04ca77
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Use PLLP to get front panel number and split
+  number (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mlxsw-spectrum-Use-PMTDB-register-to-obtain-split-in.patch.
+- commit 4d99513
+- mlxsw: reg: Add Port Local port to Label Port mapping Register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mlxsw-reg-Add-Port-Module-To-local-DataBase-Register.patch.
+- commit a1f7333
+- vduse: Introduce VDUSE - vDPA Device in Userspace
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 0310e1b
+- vdpa/mlx5: Add support for control VQ and MAC setting
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-mlx5-Replace-struct-mlx5_core_mkey-by-u32-key.patch.
+- commit df0ceb2
+- i40e: Fix incorrect address type for IPv6 flow rules
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbe: stop resetting SYSTIME in ixgbe_ptp_start_cyclecounter
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5: Unlock on error in mlx5_sriov_enable() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix use after free in mlx5e_fs_init() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Use _safe() iterator in
+  mlx5e_tls_priv_tx_list_cleanup() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: unlock on error path in
+  esw_vfs_changed_event_handler() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix wrong tc flag used when set hw-tc-offload off
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Add missing policer validation (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix wrong application of the LRO state
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Avoid false positive lockdep warning by adding
+  lock_class_key (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Fix cmd error logging for manage pages cmd
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Disable irq when locking lag_lock (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Eswitch, Fix forwarding decision to uplink
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, fix logic over MLX5_LAG_FLAG_NDEVS_READY
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Properly disable vlan strip on non-UL reps
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use the proper number of ports (jsc#PED-1552).
+- igb: Add lock to avoid data race (jsc#PED-370).
+- net/mlx5e: Allocate flow steering storage during uplink
+  initialization (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix tunnel checksum offload with fragmented traffic
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- iavf: Fix deadlock in initialization (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix reset error handling (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix NULL pointer dereference in iavf_get_link_ksettings
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix adminq error handling (jsc#PED-835).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix possible uninitialized return value
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: uAPI to suspend the device (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: introduce SUSPEND backend feature bit
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Add suspend operation (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: Call ida_simple_remove() when failed (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: support userspace to query features and MQ of a
+  management device (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support different address spaces for control and data
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Implement susupend virtqueue callback (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: ifcvf: Fix spelling mistake in comments (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Use eth_broadcast_addr() to assign broadcast address
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlx5: do not use RT_TOS for IPv6 flowlabel (jsc#PED-1549).
+- bnxt_en: Remove duplicated include bnxt_devlink.c
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Add missing check for return value in get namespace
+  flow (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Rename the mkey cache variables and functions
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Store in the cache mkeys instead of mrs
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Store the number of in_use cache mkeys instead of
+  total_mrs (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Replace cache list with Xarray (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Replace ent->lock with xa_lock (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Expose steering anchor to userspace (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Refactor get flow table function (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: fs, allow flow table creation with a UID
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, expose flow table ID to users (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Expose the ability to point to any UID from shared
+  UID (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Add a umr recovery flow (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5e: xsk: Discard unaligned XSK frames on striding RQ
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Fix 'tc qdisc show' listing too many queues (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix max_rate limiting (jsc#PED-835).
+- net/mlx5: Fix driver use of uninitialized timeout
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix SMFS steering info dump format (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Adjust log_max_qp to be 18 at most (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Modify slow path rules to go to slow fdb
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix calculations related to max MPWQE size
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: xsk: Account for XSK RQ UMRs when calculating ICOSQ
+  size (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix the value of MLX5E_MAX_RQ_NUM_MTTS
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Fix post_act to not match on in_port metadata
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported
+  TLS cipher/version (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igb: convert .adjfreq to .adjfine (jsc#PED-370).
+- ixgbe: convert .adjfreq to .adjfine (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e: convert .adjfreq to .adjfine (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: use mul_u64_u64_div_u64 for PTP frequency calculation
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- net: devlink: convert reload command to take implicit
+  devlink->lock (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move mlx5e_init_l2_addr to en_main (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Split en_fs ndo's and move to en_main (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Separate mlx5e_set_rx_mode_work and move caller to
+  en_main (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add mdev to flow_steering struct (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Report flow steering errors with mdev err report API
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Convert mlx5e_flow_steering member of mlx5e_priv
+  to pointer (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allocate VLAN and TC for featured profiles only
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Make mlx5e_tc_table private (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Convert mlx5e_tc_table member of mlx5e_flow_steering
+  to pointer (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Support tc action api for police (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Separate get/update/replace meter functions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add red and green counters for metering
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Allocate post meter ft per rule (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for flow metering ASO (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: Hold the instance lock in health callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lock mlx5 devlink health recovery callback
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx4: Lock mlx4 devlink reload callback (jsc#PED-1548).
+- net/mlx4: Use devl_ API for devlink region create / destroy
+  (jsc#PED-1548).
+- net/mlx5: Lock mlx5 devlink reload callbacks (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Move fw reset unload to mlx5_fw_reset_complete_reload
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: remove region snapshots list dependency on
+  devlink->lock (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: remove region snapshot ID tracking dependency
+  on devlink->lock (jsc#PED-1549).
+- bnxt_en: implement callbacks for devlink selftests
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: introduce framework for selftests (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Dynamically re-size TX recycling pool
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Recycle objects of device-offloaded TLS TX
+  connections (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Take stats out of OOO handler (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Introduce TLS-specific create TIS
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: remove redundant net_eq() check from
+  sb_pool_get_dumpit() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: introduce nested devlink entity for line card
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: move net check into
+  devlinks_xa_for_each_registered_get() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: make sure that devlink_try_get() works with
+  valid pointer during xarray iteration (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Check for duplicate TC flower filter before parsing
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: Refactor tc mqprio checks (jsc#PED-372).
+- mlxsw: core: Fix use-after-free calling devl_unlock() in
+  mlxsw_core_bus_device_unregister() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Remove warning of ignore_flow_level support for
+  non PF (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add resiliency for PTP TX port timestamp
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Expose ts_cqe_metadata_size2wqe_counter
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, move htb functions to a new file (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, change functions name to follow convention
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, remove priv from htb function calls
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, hide and dynamically allocate mlx5e_htb
+  structure (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, move stats and max_sqs to priv (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, move section comment to the right place
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, move ids to selq_params struct (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, reduce visibility of htb functions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix mqprio_rl handling on devlink reload
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Report header-data split state through ethtool
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igc: Remove forced_speed_duplex value (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove MSI-X PBA Clear register (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Lift TAPRIO schedule restriction (jsc#PED-375).
+- net: devlink: remove unused locked functions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: convert driver to use unlocked devlink API during
+  init/fini (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: add unlocked variants of
+  devlink_region_create/destroy() functions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: convert driver to use unlocked devlink API during
+  init/fini (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: add unlocked variants of devlink_dpipe*()
+  functions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: add unlocked variants of devlink_sb*() functions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: add unlocked variants of devlink_resource*()
+  functions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: add unlocked variants of devling_trap*() functions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: avoid false DEADLOCK warning reported by lockdep
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove the duplicating check for striding RQ when
+  enabling LRO (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move the LRO-XSK check to mlx5e_fix_features
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Extend flower police validation (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: configure meter in flow action (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Removed useless code in function (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, implement QinQ support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, implement infrastructure for VLAN protocol
+  change (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, extract VLAN push/pop actions creation
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, rename filter fg to vlan_filter
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, refactor groups sizes and indices
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: debugfs, Add num of in-use FW command interface slots
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Expose vnic diagnostic counters for eswitch managed
+  vports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use software VHCA id when it's supported
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce ifc bits for using software vhca id
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: fix return statement in devlink_port_new_notify()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: fix a typo in function name
+  devlink_port_new_notifiy() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: make devlink_dpipe_headers_register() return void
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: use helpers to work with devlink->lock mutex
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: devlink: fix unlocked vs locked functions descriptions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igb: add xdp frags support to ndo_xdp_xmit (jsc#PED-370).
+- devlink: Hold the instance lock in port_new / port_del callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove devl_unlock from mlx5_devlink_eswitch_mode_set
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use devl_ API in mlx5e_devlink_port_register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: Remove unused functions
+  devlink_rate_leaf_create/destroy (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use devl_ API in mlx5_esw_devlink_sf_port_register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use devl_ API in
+  mlx5_esw_offloads_devlink_port_register (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: Remove unused function devlink_rate_nodes_destroy
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use devl_ API for rate nodes destroy (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove devl_unlock from
+  mlx5_eswtich_mode_callback_enter (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fix 32bit build (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Support offloading police action (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add flow_action to parse state (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add post meter table for flow metering
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add generic macros to use metadata register mapping
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Get or put meter by the index of tc police action
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add support to modify hardware flow meter parameters
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Prepare for flow meter offload if hardware supports
+  it (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Implement interfaces to control ASO SQ and CQ
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add support to create SQ and CQ for ASO
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch: Change eswitch mode only via devlink command
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Remove dependency between sriov and eswitch
+  mode (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Introduce flag to indicate if fdb table
+  is created (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Introduce flag to indicate if vport acl
+  namespace is created (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: delete dead code in mlx5_esw_unlock() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Delete ipsec_fs header file as not used
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- intel/ixgbevf:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-373).
+- intel/igc:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-375).
+- intel/igbvf:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-370).
+- intel/igb:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-370).
+- intel/iavf:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-835).
+- intel/i40e:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbe: drop unexpected word 'for' in comments (jsc#PED-373).
+- igb: remove unexpected word "the" (jsc#PED-370).
+- ixgbe: remove unexpected word "the" (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e: read the XDP program once per NAPI (jsc#PED-372).
+- intel/i40e: delete if NULL check before dev_kfree_skb
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before free_irq()
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add support for ethtool -s <interface> speed <speed in Mb>
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- mlxsw: Add a resource describing number of RIFs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Keep track of number of allocated RIFs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e: add xdp frags support to ndo_xdp_xmit (jsc#PED-372).
+- net/mlx5: Add bits and fields to support enhanced CQE
+  compression (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove not used MLX5_CAP_BITS_RW_MASK (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: group fdb cleanup to single function (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add support EXECUTE_ASO action for flow entry
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add HW definitions of vport debug counters
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add IFC bits and enums for flow meter (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Support handling of modify-header pattern ICM area
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: Manage ICM of type modify-header pattern
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce header-modify-pattern ICM properties
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- drivers/net/ethernet/intel: fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbe: Fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-373).
+- igb: Remove duplicate defines (jsc#PED-370).
+- drivers, ixgbe: export vf statistics (jsc#PED-373).
+- devlink: adopt u64_stats_t (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Add waiting for response from PF in set mac (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: Add VF VLAN pruning (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix interface init with MSI interrupts (no MSI-X)
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- iavf: Fix missing state logs (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Disallow changing rx/tx-frames and rx/tx-frames-irq
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix VLAN_V2 addition/rejection (jsc#PED-835).
+- ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs
+  to zero (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e: Fix erroneous adapter reinitialization during recovery
+  process (jsc#PED-372).
+- igc: Reinstate IGC_REMOVED logic and implement it properly
+  (jsc#PED-375).
+- net/mlx5e: Ring the TX doorbell on DMA errors (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix capability check for updating vnic env counters
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT: Use own workqueue instead of mlx5e priv
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, correct get the port select mode str
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix enabling sriov while tc nic rules are offloaded
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in RX
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in TX
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, decouple FDB selection and shared FDB
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: TC, allow offload from uplink to other PF's VF
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e: Fix VF's MAC Address change on VM (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics (jsc#PED-372).
+- vhost-vdpa: call vhost_vdpa_cleanup during the release
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Initialize CVQ vringh only once (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Update Control VQ callback information
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- iavf: Fix issue with MAC address of VF shown as zero
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix calculating the number of queue pairs (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix adding ADQ filter to TC0 (jsc#PED-372).
+- vdpa: make get_vq_group and set_group_asid optional
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: clean up indenting in handle_ctrl_vlan()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: fix error code for deleting vlan (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix syntax errors in comments (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, fail conflicting actions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Rearm the FW tracer after each tracer event
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, pair only capable devices (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT: Fix cleanup of CT before cleanup of TC ct rules
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Revert "net/mlx5e: Allow relaxed ordering over VFs"
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- mellanox: mlx5: avoid uninitialized variable warning with gcc-12
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Use helper for safer setting of driver_override
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- driver: platform: Add helper for safer setting of
+  driver_override (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: ifcvf: set pci driver data in probe (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Add RX MAC VLAN filter support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove flow counter from steering (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: return -EFAULT on copy_to_user() failure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: fix uninitialized config_vector warning
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/vp_vdpa : add vdpa tool support in vp_vdpa (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: support ASID based IOTLB API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: introduce uAPI to set group ASID (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: uAPI to get virtqueue group id (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: introduce uAPI to get the number of address spaces
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: introduce uAPI to get the number of virtqueue groups
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: introduce asid based IOTLB (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost: support ASID in IOTLB API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost_iotlb: split out IOTLB initialization (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: introduce config operations for associating ASID to a
+  virtqueue group (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: multiple address spaces support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: introduce virtqueue groups (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: switch to use vhost-vdpa specific IOTLB
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: passing iotlb to IOMMU mapping helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost: move the backend feature bits to vhost_types.h
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Use readers/writers semaphore instead of mutex
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Add support for reading descriptor statistics
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/vdpa: Use readers/writers semaphore instead of cf_mutex
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Add support for querying vendor statistics (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Fix mlx5_get_next_dev() peer device matching
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: correct ECE offset in query qp output (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Disable softirq in mlx5e_activate_rq to avoid race
+  condition (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Fix header-rewrite re-use for tupels
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC NIC mode, fix tc chains miss table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Don't use already freed action pointer (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Expose mlx5_sriov_blocking_notifier_register /
+  unregister APIs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Remove duplicate pointer assignment in
+  mlx5_ib_alloc_implicit_mr() (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Clean UMR QP type flow from mlx5_ib_post_send()
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use mlx5_umr_post_send_wait() to update xlt
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use mlx5_umr_post_send_wait() to update MR pas
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Move creation and free of translation tables to umr.c
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use mlx5_umr_post_send_wait() to rereg pd access
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use mlx5_umr_post_send_wait() to revoke MRs
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_umr_post_send_wait() (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Expose wqe posting helpers outside of wr.c
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Simplify get_umr_update_access_mask() (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Move mkey ctrl segment logic to umr.c (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Move umr checks to umr.h (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Move init and cleanup of UMR to umr.c (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix flow steering egress flow (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fix multiple definitions of mlx5_lag_mpesw_init /
+  mlx5_lag_mpesw_cleanup (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Support multiport eswitch mode (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused argument (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, refactor lag state machine (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add XDP SQs to uplink representors steering tables
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Correct the calculation of max channels for rep
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT: Add ct driver counters (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allow relaxed ordering over VFs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Support partial GSO for tunnels over vlans
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Improve ethtool rxnfc callback structure in
+  IPoIB (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allocate virtually contiguous memory for reps
+  structures (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allocate virtually contiguous memory for VLANs list
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate virtually contiguous memory in pci_irq.c
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate virtually contiguous memory in vport.c
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Inline db alloc API function (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add last command failure syndrome to debugfs
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: sparse: error: context imbalance in
+  'mlx5_vf_get_core_dev' (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe: add xdp frags support to ndo_xdp_xmit (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5e: Use XFRM state direction instead of flags
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe: propagate XFRM offload state direction instead of flags
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- xfrm: store and rely on direction to construct offload flags
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- xfrm: rename xfrm_state_offload struct to allow reuse
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- xfrm: delete not used number of external headers (jsc#PED-373).
+- xfrm: free not used XFRM_ESP_NO_TRAILER flag (jsc#PED-373).
+- igc: Change type of the 'igc_check_downshift' method
+  (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove unused phy_type enum (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove igc_set_spd_dplx method (jsc#PED-375).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, add debugfs to query hardware lag state
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, use buckets in hash mode (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, refactor dmesg print (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Support devices with more than 2 ports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, use actual number of lag ports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, use hash when in roce lag on 4 ports
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, support single FDB only on 2 ports
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, store number of ports inside lag object
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, filter non compatible devices (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, use lag lock (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, move E-Switch prerequisite check into lag code
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: devcom only supports 2 ports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, expose number of lag ports (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: Increase FW pre-init timeout for health recovery
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add exit route when waiting for FW (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igb: Convert kmap() to kmap_local_page() (jsc#PED-370).
+- ixgbe: Fix module_param allow_unsupported_sfp type
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5: Allow future addition of IPsec object modifiers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Don't perform lookup after already known sec_path
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Cleanup XFRM attributes struct (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove not-supported ICV length (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify IPsec capabilities logic (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Don't advertise IPsec netdev support for non-IPsec
+  device (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Make sure that no dangling IPsec FS pointers exist
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Clean IPsec FS add/delete rules (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify HW context interfaces by using SA entry
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove indirections from esp functions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Merge various control path IPsec headers into one file
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove useless validity check (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Store IPsec ESN update work in XFRM state
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Reduce useless indirection in IPsec FS add/delete
+  flows (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Don't hide fallback to software IPsec in FS code
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Check IPsec TX flow steering namespace in advance
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify IPsec flow steering init/cleanup functions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, an FTE should have no dests when deleted
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, call the deletion function of the node
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, delete the FTE when there are no rules attached
+  to it (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, do proper bookkeeping for forward destinations
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, add unused destination type (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, jump to exit point and don't fall through
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, refactor software deletion rule (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: fs, split software and IFC flow destination
+  definitions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, set proper dest type (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove unused mlx5e_dcbnl_build_rep_netdev function
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Drop error CQE handling from the XSK RX handler
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Print initializing field in case of timeout
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Delete redundant default assignment of runtime
+  devlink params (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove useless kfree (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: use kvfree() for kvzalloc() in
+  mlx5_ct_fs_smfs_matcher_create (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e, xsk: Get rid of redundant 'fallthrough' (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbe, xsk: Get rid of redundant 'fallthrough' (jsc#PED-373).
+- mlx5, xsk: Diversify return values from xsk_wakeup call paths
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe, xsk: Diversify return values from xsk_wakeup call paths
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e, xsk: Diversify return values from xsk_wakeup call paths
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbe, xsk: Terminate Rx side of NAPI when XSK Rx queue gets
+  full (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e, xsk: Terminate Rx side of NAPI when XSK Rx queue gets full
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbe, xsk: Decorate IXGBE_XDP_REDIR with likely()
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- ipv6: Use ipv6_only_sock() helper in condition (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce port mapping change event processing
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Narrow the critical section of devl_lock during ports
+  creation/removal (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add Ports Mapping Event Configuration Register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Allocate port mapping array of structs instead
+  of pointers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: add port to line card relationship set (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: implement line card active state (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: implement line card provisioning (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: add support to create line card and expose to user
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e: Add Ethernet Connection X722 for 10GbE SFP+ support
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add vsi.tx_restart to i40e ethtool stats (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add tx_stopped stat (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add support for MPLS + TSO (jsc#PED-372).
+- net/mlx5: Remove not-implemented IPsec capabilities
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove ipsec_ops function table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Move IPsec file to relevant directory (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove not-needed IPsec config (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Align flow steering allocation namespace to common
+  style (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Unify device IPsec capabilities check (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove useless IPsec device checks (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove ipsec vs. ipsec offload file separation
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Drop crypto flow steering API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Delete never supported IPsec flow action
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: Remove FPGA ipsec specific statistics (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove XFRM no_trailer flag (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove not-used IDA field from IPsec struct
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Delete metadata handling logic (jsc#PED-1549).
+- IB/mlx5: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the
+  constant (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Cleanup kTLS function names and their exposure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove tls vs. ktls separation as it is the same
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove indirection in TLS build (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Reliably return TLS device capabilities
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT: Fix setting flow_source for smfs ct tuples
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT: Fix support for GRE tuples (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Wrap mlx5e_trap_napi_poll into rcu_read_lock
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Ignore modify TTL on RX if device doesn't support
+  it (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Initialize flow steering during driver probe
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix missing flow_source when creating
+  multi-destination FW table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Use consistent RQT size (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Avoid checking offload capability in post_parse
+  action (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, fix decap fallback to uplink when int port not
+  supported (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Fix ct_clear overwriting ct action metadata
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Don't match double-vlan packets if cvlan is not set
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/sched: flower: fix parsing of ethertype following VLAN
+  header (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: mlx5: synchronize driver status with CVQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: mlx5: prevent cvq work from hogging CPU (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Avoid processing works if workqueue was destroyed
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost: handle error while adding split ranges to iotlb
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: support exposing the count of vqs to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: change the type of nvqs to u32 (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: support exposing the config size to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: re-create forwarding rules after mac modified
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add support for configuring max device MTU
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: implement shared IRQ feature (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: implement device MSIX vector allocator
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: make use of virtio pci modern IO helpers in ifcvf
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Reorder calls to pcie_relaxed_ordering_enabled()
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Store ndescs instead of the translation table size
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Merge similar flows of allocating MR from the cache
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Remove redundant work in struct mlx5_cache_ent
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Delete useless module.h include (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Delete get_num_static_uars function (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix build warning, detected write beyond size of
+  field (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: veth: Account total xdp_frame len running ndo_xdp_xmit
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- devlink: hold the instance lock during eswitch_mode callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: replace vfs_lock with devlink instance lock
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: replace port_list_lock with devlink instance lock
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: HTB, remove unused function declaration
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Statify function mlx5_cmd_trigger_completions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove MLX5E_XDP_TX_DS_COUNT (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Permit XDP with non-linear legacy RQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Support multi buffer XDP_TX (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Unindent the else-block in mlx5e_xmit_xdp_buff
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Implement sending multi buffer XDP frames
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Don't prefill WQEs in XDP SQ in the multi buffer mode
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove assignment of on XDP TX
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move mlx5e_xdpi_fifo_push out of xmit_xdp_frame
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Store DMA address inside struct page (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add XDP multi buffer support to the non-linear
+  legacy RQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use page-sized fragments with XDP multi buffer
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use fragments of the same size in non-linear legacy
+  RQ with XDP (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Prepare non-linear legacy RQ for XDP multi buffer
+  support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- xfrm: delete duplicated functions that calls same
+  xfrm_api_check() (jsc#PED-373).
+- igb: zero hwtstamp by default (jsc#PED-370).
+- i40e: little endian only valid checksums (jsc#PED-372).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused fill page array API function
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused exported contiguous coherent buffer
+  allocation API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Remove extra rhashtable remove on tuple entries
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove hw_ste from mlx5dr_ste to reduce memory
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove 4 members from mlx5dr_ste_htbl to reduce
+  memory (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove num_of_entries byte_size from struct
+  mlx5_dr_icm_chunk (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove icm_addr from mlx5dr_icm_chunk to reduce
+  memory (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove mr_addr rkey from struct mlx5dr_icm_chunk
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Adjust structure member to reduce memory hole
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Drop cqe_bcnt32 from mlx5e_skb_from_cqe_mpwrq_linear
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Drop the len output parameter from mlx5e_xdp_handle
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: RX, Test the XDP program existence out of the handler
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Build SKB in place over the first fragment in
+  non-linear legacy RQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add headroom only to the first fragment in legacy RQ
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Validate MTU when building non-linear legacy RQ
+  fragments info (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: MPLSoUDP encap, support action vlan pop_eth
+  explicitly (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: MPLSoUDP decap, use vlan push_eth instead of pedit
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/sched: add vlan push_eth and pop_eth action to the hardware
+  IR (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: pass devlink_port to port_split / port_unsplit
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-1549).
+- devlink: hold the instance lock in port_split / port_unsplit
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-1549).
+- eth: mlxsw: switch to explicit locking for port registration
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- eth: nfp: replace driver's "pf" lock with devlink instance lock
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- eth: nfp: wrap locking assertions in helpers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Support GRE conntrack offload (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix use-after-free in mlx5e_stats_grp_sw_update_stats
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove overzealous validations in netlink EEPROM
+  query (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Parse module mapping using mlx5_ifc (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Query the maximum MCIA register read size from
+  firmware (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Create smfs dr matchers dynamically
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Add software steering ct flow steering provider
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add smfs lib to export direct steering API to CT
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add helper to get backing dr table from a mlx5
+  flow table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Introduce a platform for multiple flow steering
+  providers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Node-aware allocation for the doorbell pgdir
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Node-aware allocation for UAR (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Node-aware allocation for the EQs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Node-aware allocation for the EQ table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Node-aware allocation for the IRQ table
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Delete useless module.h include (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for ConnectX-7 steering
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Refactor ste_ctx handling for STE v0/1
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Rename action modify fields to reflect naming
+  in HW spec (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix handling of different actions on the same
+  STE in STEv1 (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove unneeded comments (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for matching on Internet Header Length
+  (IHL) (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Align mlx5dv_dr API vport action with FW behavior
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add debugfs counters for page commands failures
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add pages debugfs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Move debugfs entries to separate struct
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Change release_all_pages cap bit location
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant error on reclaim pages
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant error on give pages (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant notify fail on give pages
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add command failures data to debugfs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Fix use after free in
+  mlx5e_clone_flow_attr_for_post_act() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlx5: add support for page_pool_get_stats (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Remove non-inclusive language (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix incorrect use of assigning iavf_status to int
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: stop leaking iavf_status as "errno" values (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: remove redundant ret variable (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Add usage of new virtchnl format to set default MAC
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: refactor processing of VLAN V2 capability message
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Add support for 50G/100G in AIM algorithm (jsc#PED-835).
+- net/mlx5: Add clarification on sync reset failure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add reset_state field to MFRL register (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use new command interface API (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: cmdif, Refactor error handling and reporting of
+  async commands (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Use mlx5_cmd_do() in core create_{cq,dct}
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: cmdif, Add new api for command execution
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: cmdif, cmd_check refactoring (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: cmdif, Return value improvements (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, offload active-backup drops to hardware
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, record inactive state of bond device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, don't use magic numbers for ports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, use local variable already defined to access
+  E-Switch (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, add drop rule support to ingress ACL
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, remove special uplink ingress ACL handling
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, reserve and use same uplink metadata across
+  ports (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add ability to insert to specific flow group
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlx5: remove unused static inlines (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: reject offload for all drivers with invalid
+  police parameters (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: flow_offload: add tc police action parameters
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: add support to offload police action from flower table
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: add process to get action stats from hardware
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: add hash table to store meter table (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: add support to offload tc action to hardware
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: refactor policer config to support ingress/egress meter
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe: Remove non-inclusive language (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbevf: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Allow sample action with CT (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Make post_act parse CT and sample actions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Clean redundant counter flag from tc action
+  parsers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use multi table support for CT and sample actions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Create new flow attr for multi table actions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add post act offload/unoffload API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Pass actions param to actions_match_supported()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Move flow hashtable to be per rep (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add support for tx_port_ts in switchdev
+  mode (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add PTP counters for uplink representor
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: RX, Restrict bulk size for small Striding RQs
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Default to Striding RQ when not conflicting with
+  CQE compression (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Generalize packet merge error message (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add support for using xdp->data_meta (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix spelling mistake "supoported" -> "supported"
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Optimize the common case condition in
+  mlx5e_select_queue (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Optimize modulo in mlx5e_select_queue (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Optimize mlx5e_select_queue (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move repeating code that gets TC prio into a function
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use select queue parameters to sync with control flow
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move mlx5e_select_queue to en/selq.c (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Introduce select queue parameters (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Sync txq2sq updates with mlx5e_xmit for HTB queues
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use a barrier after updating txq2sq (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Disable TX queues before registering the netdev
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Cleanup of start/stop all queues (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use FW limitation for max MPW WQEBBs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Read max WQEBBs on the SQ from firmware
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove unused tstamp SQ field (jsc#PED-1549).
+- i40e: xsk: Move tmp desc array from driver to pool
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add a stat for tracking busy rx pages (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add a stat for tracking pages waived (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add a stat tracking new RX page allocations (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Aggregate and export RX page reuse stat (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Remove rx page reuse double count (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Fix race condition while adding/deleting MAC/VLAN filters
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add new version of i40e_aq_add_macvlan function
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add new versions of send ASQ command functions
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Add sending commands in atomic context (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Remove unused RX realloc stat (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Disable hw-tc-offload feature on driver load
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Guard against invalid local ports
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: VLAN push on RX, pop on TX (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce software defined steering capabilities
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused TIR modify bitmask enums (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT, Remove redundant flow args from tc ct calls
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Store mapped tunnel id on flow attr
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Test CT and SAMPLE on flow attr (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor eswitch attr flags to just attr flags
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: CT, Don't set flow flag CT for ct clear flow
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Hold sample_attr on stack instead of pointer
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Reject rules with multiple CT actions
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Refactor mlx5e_tc_add_flow_mod_hdr() to get
+  flow attr (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Pass attr to tc_act can_offload() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Split pedit offloads verify from
+  alloc_tc_pedit_action() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Move pedit_headers_action to parse_attr
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move counter creation call to
+  alloc_flow_attr_counter() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Pass attr arg for attaching/detaching encaps
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move code chunk setting encap dests into its own
+  function (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igbvf: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration (jsc#PED-370).
+- igc: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration (jsc#PED-375).
+- iavf: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- ixgbevf: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbe: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- bpf: add frags support to the bpf_xdp_adjust_tail() API
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- bpf: introduce bpf_xdp_get_buff_len helper (jsc#PED-373).
+- xdp: add frags support to xdp_return_{buff/frame} (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5: Add migration commands definitions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce migration bits and structures
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Expose APIs to get/put the mlx5 core device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- PCI/IOV: Add pci_iov_get_pf_drvdata() to allow VF reaching
+  the drvdata of a PF (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Reuse exported virtfn index function call
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- PCI/IOV: Add pci_iov_vf_id() to get VF index (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Fix adopting new combined setting (jsc#PED-835).
+- vdpa: fix use-after-free on vp_vdpa_remove (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: add validation for VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET
+  command (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: should verify CTRL_VQ feature exists for MQ
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: factor out vdpa_set_features_unlocked for vdpa internal
+  use (jsc#PED-1549).
+- xfrm: enforce validity of offload input flags (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix VF min/max rate parameters interchange mistake
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix MPLSoUDP encap to use MPLS action information
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add feature check for set fec counters
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Skip redundant ct clear actions (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Update log_max_qp value to be 17 at most
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net_sched: add __rcu annotation to netdev->qdisc (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix tracking of current number of VQs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix is_index_valid() to refer to features
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Protect vdpa reset with cf_mutex (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Avoid taking cf_mutex lock on get status (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Report max device capabilities (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Support reporting max device capabilities (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Restore cur_num_vqs in case of failure in
+  change_num_qps() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Add support for returning device configuration information
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support configuring max data virtqueue
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix config_attr_mask assignment (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Allow to configure max data virtqueues (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Read device configuration only if FEATURES_OK
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Sync calls set/get config/status with cf_mutex
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Distribute RX virtqueues in RQT object
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Provide interface to read driver features (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix wrong configuration of virtio_version_1_0
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Mark vdpa_config_ops.get_vq_notification as optional
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Avoid duplicate call to vp_vdpa get_status (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5_vdpa: Offer VIRTIO_NET_F_MTU when setting MTU
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: add driver_override support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- docs: document sysfs ABI for vDPA bus (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ifcvf/vDPA: fix misuse virtio-net device config size for blk
+  dev (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Print wc status on CQE error and dump needed
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Use memset_after() to zero struct mlx5_ib_mr
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: Use irq_set_affinity_and_hint() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbe: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-373).
+- i40e: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-372).
+- iavf: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-835).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Use auxiliary_device driver data helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use auxiliary_device driver data helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use auxiliary_device driver data helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net: openvswitch: Fix ct_state nat flags for conns arriving
+  from tc (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix build error in fec_set_block_stats()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: remove an unneeded variable (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: remove variables set but not used (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Remove non-inclusive language (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Update FW API version (jsc#PED-372).
+- i40e: Minimize amount of busy-waiting during AQ send
+  (jsc#PED-372).
+- net/mlx5e: Add recovery flow in case of error CQE
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Remove redundant error logging (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor set_pflag_cqe_based_moder (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move HW-GRO and CQE compression check to fix features
+  flow (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix feature check per profile (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Unblock setting vid 0 for VF in case PF isn't
+  eswitch manager (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Expose FEC counters via ethtool (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Update log_max_qp value to FW max capability
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: SF, Use all available cpu for setting cpu affinity
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce API for bulk request and release of IRQs
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Split irq_pool_affinity logic to new file
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Move affinity assignment into irq_request
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce control IRQ request API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: mlx5e_hv_vhca_stats_create return type to void
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Extend to support Spectrum-4 ASIC
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_bloom_filter: Add support for Spectrum-4
+  calculation (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Add operations structure for bloom filter calculation
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_bloom_filter: Rename Spectrum-2 specific
+  objects for future use (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_bloom_filter: Make
+  mlxsw_sp_acl_bf_key_encode() more flexible (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_bloom_filter: Reorder functions to make
+  the code more aesthetic (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Introduce flex key elements for Spectrum-4
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Rename virtual router flex key element (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: fixup build after bpf header changes (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Set flow source hint from provided tuple device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- xsk: Wipe out dead zero_copy_allocator declarations
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5: Set SMFS as a default steering mode if device supports
+  it (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Ignore modify TTL if device doesn't support it
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Improve steering for empty or RX/TX-only matchers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for matching on
+  geneve_tlv_option_0_exist field (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Support matching on tunnel headers 0 and 1
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add misc5 to match_param structs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Add misc5 flow table match parameters (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Warn on failure to destroy objects due to refcount
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for UPLINK destination type
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add support for dumping steering info
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add missing reserved fields to dr_match_param
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Add check for flex parser ID value (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Rename list field in matcher struct to list_node
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove unused struct member in matcher
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix lower case macro prefix "mlx5_" to "MLX5_"
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix error flow in creating matcher (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igb: support EXTTS on 82580/i354/i350 (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: support PEROUT on 82580/i354/i350 (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: move PEROUT and EXTTS isr logic to separate functions
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: move SDP config initialization to separate function
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- ixgbevf: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbe: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-373).
+- igc: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-375).
+- igb: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-370).
+- iavf: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-835).
+- i40e: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-372).
+- net/mlx5e: Take packet_merge params directly from the RX res
+  struct (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allocate per-channel stats dynamically at first usage
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use dynamic per-channel allocations in stats
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Allow profile-specific limitation on max num of
+  channels (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Save memory by using dynamic allocation in netdev
+  priv (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add profile indications for PTP and QOS HTB features
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Use bitmap field for profile features (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Remove the repeated declaration (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Let user configure max_macs generic param
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Let user configure event_eq_size param (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Let user configure io_eq_size param (jsc#PED-1549).
+- igbvf: Refactor trace (jsc#PED-370).
+- igb: remove never changed variable `ret_val' (jsc#PED-370).
+- igc: Remove obsolete define (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove obsolete mask (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove obsolete nvm type (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove unused phy type (jsc#PED-375).
+- igc: Remove unused _I_PHY_ID define (jsc#PED-375).
+- net/sched: use min() macro instead of doing it manually
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: add reoffload process to update hw_count
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: sched: save full flags for tc action (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: add process to update action stats from hardware
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: add skip_hw and skip_sw to control if offload
+  the action (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: allow user to offload tc action to net device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: add ops to tc_action_ops for flow action setup
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: rename offload functions with offload instead
+  of flow (jsc#PED-1549).
+- flow_offload: add index to flow_action_entry structure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Restrict maximum VLAN filters for
+- iavf: Add support VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 during netdev
+  config (jsc#PED-835).
+- virtchnl: Add support for new VLAN capabilities (jsc#PED-835).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce log_max_current_uc_list_wr_supported bit
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Add support to multiple priorities for FDB rules
+  (jsc#PED-1552).
+- net/mlx5: Create more priorities for FDB bypass namespace
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor mlx5_get_flow_namespace (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Separate FDB namespace (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move goto action checks into tc_action goto post
+  parse op (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move vlan action chunk into tc action vlan post
+  parse op (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add post_parse() op to tc action infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Move sample attr allocation to tc_action sample
+  parse op (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC action parsing loop (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add redirect ingress to tc action infra
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add sample and ptype to tc_action infra
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add ct to tc action infra (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add mirred/redirect to tc action infra
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add mpls push/pop to tc action infra (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add vlan push/pop/mangle to tc action infra
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add pedit to tc action infra (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add csum to tc action infra (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add tunnel encap/decap to tc action infra
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add goto to tc action infra (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Add tc action infrastructure (jsc#PED-1549).
+- xfrm: add net device refcount tracker to struct
+  xfrm_state_offload (jsc#PED-373).
+- net/mlx5: Dynamically resize flow counters query buffer
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Set flow attr ip_version earlier (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Move common flow_action checks into function
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant actions arg from vlan push/pop funcs
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant actions arg from
+  validate_goto_chain() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Remove redundant action stack var (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Hide function mlx5e_num_channels_changed
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, clean MLX5E_MAX_KLM_PER_WQE macro
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Print more info on pci error handlers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: SF, silence an uninitialized variable warning
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error return code in esw_qos_create()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlx5: fix mlx5i_grp_sw_update_stats() stack usage
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlx5: fix psample_sample_packet link error (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Use u16 for local_port field instead of u8
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Adjust PPCNT register to support local port 255
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Increase 'port_num' field in PMTDB register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Align existing registers to use extended local_port
+  field (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: item: Add support for local_port field in a split form
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- iavf: Fix displaying queue statistics shown by ethtool
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Refactor string format to avoid static analysis warnings
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Refactor text of informational message (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Fix static code analysis warning (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Refactor iavf_mac_filter struct memory usage
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Enable setting RSS hash key (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: return errno code instead of status code (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Log info when VF is entering and leaving Allmulti mode
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- iavf: Add change MTU message (jsc#PED-835).
+- igc: enable XDP metadata in driver (jsc#PED-375).
+- devlink: Simplify devlink resources unregister call
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove deadcode in
+  mlxsw_sp_rif_mac_profile_find (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: dsa: felix: restrict psfp rules on ingress port
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: dsa: felix: use vcap policer to set flow meter for psfp
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: mscc: ocelot: use index to set vcap policer (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: dsa: felix: add stream gate settings for psfp
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: dsa: felix: support psfp filter on vsc9959 (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: mscc: ocelot: add gate and police action offload to PSFP
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: mscc: ocelot: set vcap IS2 chain to goto PSFP chain
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- ixgbevf: Add support for new mailbox communication between PF
+  and VF (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbevf: Mailbox improvements (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbevf: Add legacy suffix to old API mailbox functions
+  (jsc#PED-373).
+- ixgbevf: Improve error handling in mailbox (jsc#PED-373).
+- stmmac: fix build due to brainos in trans_start changes
+  (jsc#PED-370).
+- net: annotate accesses to queue->trans_start (jsc#PED-370).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Create QoS on demand (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Enable vport QoS on demand (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, move offloads mode callbacks to offloads
+  file (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Reuse mlx5_eswitch_set_vport_mac
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Remove vport enabled check (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Specify out ifindex when looking up decap route
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Move comment about mod header flag to correct
+  place (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Move kfree() calls after destroying all resources
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, Destroy nic flow counter if exists
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: TC, using swap() instead of tmp variable
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: CT: Allow static allocation of mod headers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor mod header management API (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Avoid printing health buffer when firmware is
+  unavailable (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5: Fix format-security build warnings (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/mlx5e: Support ethtool cq mode (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: openvswitch: Fix matching zone id for invalid conns
+  arriving from tc (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/sched: flow_dissector: Fix matching on zone id for invalid
+  conns (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Consolidate MAC profiles when possible
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: clean irqs before reseting vdpa device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Forward only packets with allowed MAC address
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support configuration of MAC (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix clearing of VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC feature bit
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Enable user to set mac and mtu of vdpa device
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Use kernel coding style for structure comments
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Introduce query of device config layout (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Introduce and use vdpa device get, set config helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Propagate link status from device to vdpa driver
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Rename control VQ workqueue to vdpa wq
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove mtu field from vdpa net device (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: add new attribute VDPA_ATTR_DEV_MIN_VQ_SIZE
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: min vq num of vdpa device cannot be greater than max vq
+  num (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: add new callback get_vq_num_min in vdpa_config_ops
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vp_vdpa: add vq irq offloading support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: fix typo (jsc#PED-1549).
+- cls_flower: Fix inability to match GRE/IPIP packets
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: fix uninit value in nsim_drv_configure_vfs()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: rename 'driver' entry points (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: move max vf config to dev (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: move details of vf config to dev (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: move vfconfig to nsim_dev (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: take rtnl_lock when assigning num_vfs (jsc#PED-1549).
+- virtchnl: Use the BIT() macro for capability/offload flags
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- virtchnl: Remove unused VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_RSVD define
+  (jsc#PED-835).
+- netdevsim: remove max_vfs dentry (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Expose RIF MAC profiles to devlink
+  resource (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add RIF MAC profiles support
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Propagate extack further (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: resources: Add resource identifier for RIF MAC profiles
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add MAC profile ID field to RITR register
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Use 'bitmap_zalloc()' when applicable
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net: mscc: ocelot: support egress VLAN rewriting via VCAP ES0
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- xsk: Optimize for aligned case (jsc#PED-1549).
+- virtio_net: introduce TX timeout watchdog (jsc#PED-370).
+- mlxsw: Make PMAOS pack function more generic (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add fields to PMAOS register (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: Track per-module port status (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Do not return an error in
+  mlxsw_sp_port_module_unmap() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Do not return an error in ndo_stop()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: core_env: Convert 'module_info_lock' to a mutex
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: core_env: Defer handling of module temperature warning
+  events (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: reg: Remove PMTM register (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Move port SWID set before core port init
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Move port module mapping before core port init
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Bump minimum FW version to xx.2008.3326
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vduse: Fix race condition between resetting and irq injecting
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vduse: Disallow injecting interrupt before DRIVER_OK is set
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost_vdpa: unset vq irq before freeing irq (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: potential uninitialized return in vhost_vdpa_va_map()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Avoid executing set_vq_ready() if device is reset
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Clear ready indication for control VQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vduse: Cleanup the old kernel states after reset failure
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vduse: missing error code in vduse_init() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- Documentation: Add documentation for VDUSE (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vduse: Implement an MMU-based software IOTLB (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Support transferring virtual addressing during DMA mapping
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: factor out vhost_vdpa_pa_map() and vhost_vdpa_pa_unmap()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Add an opaque pointer for vdpa_config_ops.dma_map()
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-iotlb: Add an opaque pointer for vhost IOTLB
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vhost-vdpa: Handle the failure of vdpa_reset() (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Add reset callback in vdpa_config_ops (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Fix some coding style issues (jsc#PED-1549).
+- file: Export receive_fd() to modules (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa: Make use of PFN_PHYS/PFN_UP/PFN_DOWN helper macro
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Add multiqueue support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Ensure valid indices are provided (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Decouple virtqueue callback from struct
+  mlx5_vdpa_virtqueue (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: function prototype modifications in preparation to
+  control VQ (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove redundant header file inclusion
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: enable multiqueue and control vq (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: detect and use the onboard number of queues directly
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: implement management netlink framework for ifcvf
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- vDPA/ifcvf: introduce get_dev_type() which returns virtio dev id
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- mlxsw: spectrum: Add infrastructure for parsing configuration
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/sched: store the last executed chain also for clsact egress
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-tc: add flow stats updates for ct (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-ct: add offload calls to the nfp (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-ct: add flow_pay to the offload table
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-ct: add actions into flow_pay for offload
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-ct: compile match sections of flow_payload
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower-ct: calculate required key_layers (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower: refactor action offload code slightly
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower: refactor match functions to take flow_rule as input
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- nfp: flower: make the match compilation functions reusable
+  (jsc#PED-1549).
+- netdevsim: Add multi-queue support (jsc#PED-1549).
+- net/sched: Remove unnecessary if statement (jsc#PED-1549).
+- bpf: Add function for XDP meta data length check (jsc#PED-373).
+- commit 820516d
+- ethernet: sparx5: use eth_hw_addr_gen() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: sxgbe: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit efcaf78
+- ethernet: ibmveth: use ether_addr_to_u64() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit 62557e1
+- intersil: remove obsolete prism54 wireless driver
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: removed prism64
+- commit 2e3787e
+- staging: rtl8188eu fix fallout of constifying dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit 388ba9a
+- sfc: siena: Fix Kconfig dependencies (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: Addedd sfc-siena
+- commit d576f42
+- net: add net device refcount tracker infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 62b348b
+- of: net: move of_net under net/ (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 04e77fb
+- net: annotate accesses to dev->gso_max_segs (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Refresh patches.suse/octeontx2-pf-Add-TC-feature-for-VFs.patch.
+- commit 37035f5
+- usb: gadget: u_ether: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/usb-gadget-u_ether-fix-regression-in-setting-fixed-M.patch.
+- commit 219037e
+- device property: move mac addr helpers to eth.c (jsc#PED-1565).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/device-property-Add-fwnode_irq_get_byname.patch.
+- commit c05663b
+- sfc: implement ethtool get/set RX ring size for EF100 reps
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: use a dynamic m-port for representor RX and set it promisc
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: move table locking into filter_table_{probe,remove}
+  methods (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: insert default MAE rules to connect VFs to representors
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: receive packets from EF100 VFs into representors
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: check ef100 RX packets are from the wire (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: determine wire m-port at EF100 PF probe time
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: ef100 representor RX top half (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: ef100 representor RX NAPI poll (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: plumb ef100 representor stats (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/falcon: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: attach/detach EF100 representors along with their owning PF
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: hook up ef100 representor TX (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: support passing a representor to the EF100 TX path
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: determine representee m-port for EF100 representors
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: phys port/switch identification for ef100 reps
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: add basic ethtool ops to ef100 reps (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: add skeleton ef100 VF representors (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: detect ef100 MAE admin privilege/capability at probe time
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: update EF100 register descriptions (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: update MCDI protocol headers (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: falcon: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Separate netdev probe/remove from PCI probe/remove
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: make drivers set the TSO limit not the GSO limit
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bpf: Let bpf_warn_invalid_xdp_action() report more info
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bpf: Do not WARN in bpf_warn_invalid_xdp_action()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: usb: ax88179_178a: add TSO feature (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bpf, devmap: Exclude XDP broadcast to master device
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bpf: devmap: Implement devmap prog execution for generic XDP
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bpf: cpumap: Implement generic cpumap (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bitops: Add non-atomic bitops for pointers (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: core: Split out code to run generic XDP prog
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit 86a0101
+- ethernet: netsec: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit de114d2
+- net: fec_mpc52xx: don't discard const from netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: fec: use eth_hw_addr_gen() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: ocelot: use eth_hw_addr_gen() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: enetc: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit 7d923f4
+- ethernet: via-velocity: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: via-rhine: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: ec_bhf: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit fba8780
+- RDMA/cxgb4: fix accept failure due to increased
+  cpl_t5_pass_accept_rpl size (jsc#PED-1508).
+- RDMA/siw: Fix duplicated reported IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY
+  event (jsc#PED-1503).
+- RDMA/qedr: Fix potential memory leak in __qedr_alloc_mr()
+  (jsc#PED-1529).
+- RDMA: remove useless condition in siw_create_cq()
+  (jsc#PED-1503).
+- e1000e: convert .adjfreq to .adjfine (jsc#PED-837).
+- e1000e: remove unnecessary range check in e1000e_phc_adjfreq
+  (jsc#PED-837).
+- net/mlx4: Use devl_ API for devlink port register / unregister
+  (jsc#PED-1548).
+- qlogic: qed: fix clang -Wformat warnings (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed: Use bitmap_empty() (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps (jsc#PED-1526).
+- cxgb4: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps (jsc#PED-1506).
+- qlogic/qed: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1526).
+- cxgb4: Fix typo in string (jsc#PED-1506).
+- intel/e1000e:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-837).
+- intel: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-837).
+- sfc: replace function name in string with __func__
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Unsplit literal string (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Move EF100 efx_nic_type structs to the end of the file
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Separate efx_nic memory from net_device memory
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Encapsulate access to netdev_priv() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Change BUG_ON to WARN_ON and recovery code (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Remove netdev init from efx_init_struct (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Add a PROBED state for EF100 VDPA use (jsc#PED-1565).
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc:falcon: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: siena: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Fix typo in comments (jsc#PED-1506).
+- cxgb4vf: remove unexpected word "the" (jsc#PED-1506).
+- sfc/siena: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1565).
+- tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl knobs related to SYN option
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_ecn (jsc#PED-1506).
+- RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting QP timeout attribute (jsc#PED-1529).
+- net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query
+  failure (jsc#PED-1548).
+- qed: replace bitmap_weight with bitmap_empty in qed_roce_stop()
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed: rework qed_rdma_bmap_free() (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net: mellanox: fix open-coded for_each_set_bit() (jsc#PED-1548).
+- sfc/siena: fix wrong tx channel offset with
+  efx_separate_tx_channels (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: fix considering that all channels have TX queues
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: fix wrong tx channel offset with efx_separate_tx_channels
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: fix considering that all channels have TX queues
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Avoid flush_scheduled_work() usage (jsc#PED-1547).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before
+  free_irq() (jsc#PED-1529).
+- RDMA/siw: Enable siw on tunnel devices (jsc#PED-1503).
+- qed: fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net: qed: fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc/siena: Remove duplicate check on segments (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: siena: Have a unique wrapper ifndef for efx channels header
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: qede: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before
+  free_irq() (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before free_irq()
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc/siena: Reinstate SRIOV init/fini function calls
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Make PTP and reset support specific for Siena
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Make MCDI logging support specific for Siena
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- siena: Make HWMON support specific for Siena (jsc#PED-1565).
+- siena: Make SRIOV support specific for Siena (jsc#PED-1565).
+- siena: Make MTD support specific for Siena (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Add a basic Siena module (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Inline functions in sriov.h to avoid conflicts with
+  sfc (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Rename functions in nic_common.h to avoid conflicts
+  with sfc (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Rename functions in mcdi headers to avoid conflicts
+  with sfc (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Rename peripheral functions to avoid conflicts with
+  sfc (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Rename RX/TX functions to avoid conflicts with sfc
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Rename functions in efx headers to avoid conflicts
+  with sfc (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc/siena: Remove build references to missing functionality
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Copy shared files needed for Siena (part 2) (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Copy shared files needed for Siena (part 1) (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Move Siena specific files (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: don't allow user space to lift the device limits
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: add netif_inherit_tso_max() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Copy a subset of mcdi_pcol.h to siena (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Disable Siena support (jsc#PED-1565).
+- netdev: reshuffle netif_napi_add() APIs to allow dropping weight
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qede: Reduce verbosity of ptp tx timestamp (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc: add EF100 VF support via a write to sriov_numvfs
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed: Remove IP services API (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc: Remove global definition of efx_reset_type_names
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Remove duplicate definition of efx_xmit_done
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: efx_default_channel_type APIs can be static (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Fix spelling mistake "writting" -> "writing"
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: ef10: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: use hardware tx timestamps for more than PTP
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed: remove an unneed NULL check on list iterator
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc: Stop using iommu_present() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: chelsio: cxgb4: Avoid potential negative array offset
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- sfc: Avoid NULL pointer dereference on systems without numa
+  awareness (jsc#PED-1565).
+- RDMA/mlx4: remove redundant assignment to variable nreq
+  (jsc#PED-1547).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Delete useless module.h include (jsc#PED-1547).
+- qed: remove unnecessary memset in qed_init_fw_funcs
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net/mlx4_en: use kzalloc (jsc#PED-1548).
+- net/mlx4: Delete useless moduleparam include (jsc#PED-1548).
+- e1000e: Print PHY register address when MDI read/write fails
+  (jsc#PED-837).
+- sfc: set affinity hints in local NUMA node only (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: default config to 1 channel/core in local NUMA node only
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed: prevent a fw assert during device shutdown (jsc#PED-1526).
+- sfc: The size of the RX recycle ring should be more flexible
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed: use msleep() in qed_mcp_cmd() and add qed_mcp_cmd_nosleep()
+  for udelay (jsc#PED-1526).
+- e1000e: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-837).
+- sfc: extend the locking on mcdi->seqno (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: broadcom/sb1250-mac: don't write directly to
+  netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- amd: declance: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sysctl: move some boundary constants from sysctl.c to
+  sysctl_vals (jsc#PED-1506).
+- RDMA/siw: make use of the helper function kthread_run_on_cpu()
+  (jsc#PED-1503).
+- kthread: add the helper function kthread_run_on_cpu()
+  (jsc#PED-1503).
+- RDMA/mad: Delete duplicated init_query_mad functions
+  (jsc#PED-1547).
+- iw_cxgb4: Use memset_startat() for cpl_t5_pass_accept_rpl
+  (jsc#PED-1508).
+- RDMA/siw: Use max() instead of doing it manually (jsc#PED-1503).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Use bitmap_alloc() when applicable (jsc#PED-1547).
+- RDMA/siw: Use helper function to set sys_image_guid
+  (jsc#PED-1503).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Use non-atomic bitmap functions when possible
+  (jsc#PED-1508).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Use bitmap_set() when applicable (jsc#PED-1508).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Use bitmap_zalloc() when applicable (jsc#PED-1508).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Use helper function to set GUIDs (jsc#PED-1508).
+- net/mlx4: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-1548).
+- cxgb4vf: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- cxgb4: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- gro: add ability to control gro max packet size (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed: Use dma_set_mask_and_coherent() and simplify code
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net: Don't include filter.h from net/sock.h (jsc#PED-1548).
+- net: linkwatch: add net device refcount tracker (jsc#PED-1565).
+- lib: add reference counting tracking infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- qed*: esl priv flag support through ethtool (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed*: enhance tx timeout debug info (jsc#PED-1526).
+- qed: Enhance rammod debug prints to provide pretty details
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- cxgb4: allow reading unrecognized port module eeprom
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- qed: Use the bitmap API to simplify some functions
+  (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net: annotate accesses to dev->gso_max_size (jsc#PED-1565).
+- dev_addr: add a modification check (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: unexport dev_addr_init() & dev_addr_flush() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: constify netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- cxgb4: Use struct_group() for memcpy() region (jsc#PED-1506).
+- smc9194: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- amd: a2065/ariadne: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- amd: ni65: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- amd: lance: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ipw2200: constify address in ipw_send_adapter_address
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- mlxsw: constify address in mlxsw_sp_port_dev_addr_set
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: gro: populate net/core/gro.c (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: gro: move skb_gro_receive into net/core/gro.c
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: gro: move skb_gro_receive_list to udp_offload.c
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- tools: sync uapi/linux/if_link.h header (jsc#PED-1565).
+- r8169: fix incorrect mac address assignment (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: use eth_hw_addr_set() in orphan drivers (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: rtl: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: unisys: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: rtl8712: prepare for const netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: qlge: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: use eth_hw_addr_set() for dev->addr_len cases
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: use eth_hw_addr_set() instead of ether_addr_copy()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- RDMA/qed: Use helper function to set GUIDs (jsc#PED-1526).
+- net: sgi-xp: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: virtio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- mpt fusion: use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- media: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: thunderbolt: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- staging: use of_get_ethdev_address() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net/mlx5e: don't write directly to netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bluetooth: use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- bluetooth: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- fddi: defza: add missing pointer type cast (jsc#PED-1565).
+- usbb: catc: use correct API for MAC addresses (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: atm: use address setting helpers (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: drivers: get ready for const netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: caif: get ready for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: hsr: get ready for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: bonding: constify and use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: rtnetlink: use __dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: core: constify mac addrs in selftests (jsc#PED-1565).
+- zd1201: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wl3501_cs: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ray_cs: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wilc1000: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- hostap: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ipw2200: prepare for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- airo: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- brcmfmac: prepare for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- atmel: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wil6210: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ath6kl: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wireless: use eth_hw_addr_set() for dev->addr_len cases
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wireless: use eth_hw_addr_set() instead of ether_addr_copy()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wireless: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- cfg80211: prepare for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- mac80211: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- wireless: mac80211_hwsim: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: sb1000,rionet: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: plip: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: fjes: constify and use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- fddi: skfp: constify and use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- fddi: defxx,defza: use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: usb: don't write directly to netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: qmi_wwan: use dev_addr_mod() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- usb: smsc: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: xen: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- batman-adv: use eth_hw_addr_set() instead of ether_addr_copy()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- mac802154: use dev_addr_set() - manual (jsc#PED-1565).
+- mac802154: use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- batman-adv: prepare for const netdev->dev_addr (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: tlan: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: tehuti: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: stmmac: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: mlxsw: use eth_hw_addr_gen() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: prestera: use eth_hw_addr_gen() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: add a helper for assigning port addresses
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: smsc: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: smc91x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: sis190: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: rocker: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: r8169: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: netxen: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: sky2/skge: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: mv643xx: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: use eth_hw_addr_set() in unmaintained drivers
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: ixgb: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: enic: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: bcmgenet: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: aquantia: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: amd: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: alteon: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: adaptec: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: remove random_ether_addr() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: replace netdev->dev_addr 16bit writes (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: replace netdev->dev_addr assignment loops
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: manually convert memcpy(dev_addr,..., sizeof(addr))
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: make use of eth_hw_addr_random() where appropriate
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: make eth_hw_addr_random() use dev_addr_set()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: remove single-byte netdev->dev_addr writes (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ip: use dev_addr_set() in tunnels (jsc#PED-1565).
+- hamradio: use dev_addr_set() for setting device address
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- netdevice: demote the type of some dev_addr_set() helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ipv6: constify dev_addr passing (jsc#PED-1565).
+- llc/snap: constify dev_addr passing (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: tulip: avoid duplicate variable name on sparc
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- tulip: fix setting device address from rom (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: sun: add missing semicolon, fix build (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: use dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: sun: remove direct netdev->dev_addr writes
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: tulip: remove direct netdev->dev_addr writes
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: forcedeth: remove direct netdev->dev_addr writes
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: use platform_get_ethdev_address() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- eth: platform: add a helper for loading netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: use device_get_ethdev_address() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- eth: fwnode: add a helper for loading netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- eth: fwnode: remove the addr len from mac helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- eth: fwnode: change the return type of mac address helpers
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: use of_get_ethdev_address() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- of: net: add a helper for loading netdev->dev_addr
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: usb: use eth_hw_addr_set() for dev->addr_len cases
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: use eth_hw_addr_set() - casts (jsc#PED-1565).
+- fddi: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- ethernet: s2io: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: usb: use eth_hw_addr_set() instead of ether_addr_copy()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() instead of ether_addr_copy()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: usb: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net:dev: Change napi_gro_complete return type to void
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- string.h: Introduce memset_startat() for wiping trailing
+  members and padding (jsc#PED-1508).
+- string.h: Introduce memset_after() for wiping trailing
+  members/padding (jsc#PED-1508).
+- lib: Introduce CONFIG_MEMCPY_KUNIT_TEST (jsc#PED-1508).
+- skb_expand_head() adjust skb->truesize incorrectly
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- etherdevice: use __dev_addr_set() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: dev_addr_list: handle first address in __hw_addr_add_ex
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- cxgb4: Use pci_vpd_find_id_string() to find VPD ID string
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- PCI/VPD: Add pci_vpd_find_id_string() (jsc#PED-1506).
+- PCI/VPD: Include post-processing in pci_vpd_find_tag()
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- PCI/VPD: Stop exporting pci_vpd_find_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- PCI/VPD: Stop exporting pci_vpd_find_tag() (jsc#PED-1506).
+- scsi: cxlflash: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1506).
+- sfc: falcon: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: falcon: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sfc: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net-next: When a bond have a massive amount of VLANs with
+  IPv6 addresses, performance of changing link state, attaching
+  a VRF, changing an IPv6 address, etc. go down dramtically
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: fix GRO skb truesize update (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: add netif_set_real_num_queues() for device reconfig
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: add extack arg for link ops (jsc#PED-1565).
+- move netdev_boot_setup into Space.c (jsc#PED-1565).
+- drivers/net/usb: Remove all strcpy() uses (jsc#PED-1565).
+- skbuff: introduce skb_expand_head() (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sk_buff: avoid potentially clearing 'slow_gro' field
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- skbuff: allow 'slow_gro' for skb carring sock reference
+  (jsc#PED-1565).
+- net: optimize GRO for the common case (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sk_buff: track extension status in slow_gro (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sk_buff: track dst status in slow_gro (jsc#PED-1565).
+- sk_buff: introduce 'slow_gro' flags (jsc#PED-1565).
+- commit 407836b
+- ACPI: scan: Introduce acpi_fetch_acpi_dev() (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit b412683
+- usb: xhci-mtk: Use struct_size() helper in create_sch_ep()
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 9da5b62
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback
+  configuration (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit ece14b2
+- PM: sleep: Add device name to suspend_report_result()
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 7dc852b
+- USB: core: Update kerneldoc for usb_get_dev() and usb_get_intf()
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit fb5f494
+- usb: remove Link Powermanagement (LPM) disable before port reset
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 4ce8161
+- USB: usbfs: Use a spinlock instead of atomic accesses to tally
+  used memory (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit a94fca8
+- USB: ACPI: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 37182c2
+- usb: core: Bail out when port is stuck in reset loop
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 656550a
+- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Make VBUS supply completely optional
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit fa1ce11
+- usb: ulpi: Add debugfs support (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit d397b49
+- component: Add common helper for compare/release functions
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 2986bd9
+- acpi: Export acpi_bus_type (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 7c22384
+- component: Replace most references to 'master' with 'aggregate
+  device' (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 9131eb9
+- drivers/base/component.c: remove superfluous header files from
+  component.c (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit ab1424f
+- blacklist.conf: remove kABI entries for SP5
+  SP5 may break the kABI. Hence the patches that did not go
+  into SP4 for kABI reasons should go into SP5, unless other reasons
+  for blocking them exist. Removing the entries to trigger
+  a reevaluation
+- commit 8607b86
+- acpi: Store CRC-32 hash of the _PLD in struct acpi_device
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 817d17e
+- usb: typec: port-mapper: Convert to the component framework
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- Refresh patches.suse/typeC-Add-kABI-placeholders.patch.
+- commit ee7ecd6
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Expose number of alternate modes in partner
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 2bab2dd
+- usb: typec: tipd: Fix initialization sequence for cd321x
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit c7460c1
+- usb: typec: tipd: Fix typo in cd321x_switch_power_state
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 11f03ee
+- usb: typec: tipd: Enable event interrupts by default
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit cba4c03
+- usb: typec: tipd: Remove FIXME about testing with I2C_FUNC_I2C
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit a81811f
+- usb: typec: tipd: Switch CD321X power state to S0 (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 2cbb386
+- usb: typec: tipd: Add support for Apple CD321X (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 31d2bf2
+- usb: typec: tipd: Add short-circuit for no irqs (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit e9cc528
+- usb: typec: tipd: Split interrupt handler (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 5143aea
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-don-t-unconditionally-copy_from_user-a-struct-if.patch.
+  Added missing chenge from merge commit (bsc#1203479)
+- commit 2a4b363
+- powerpc/doc: Fix htmldocs errors (git-fixes).
+- commit c32a50b
+- efi: do not automatically generate secret key (jsc#PED-1444).
+- commit 4a26ca3
+- dmaengine: idxd: fix retry value to be constant for duration
+  of function call (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: match type for retries var in idxd_enqcmds()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ad373ba
+- dmaengine: idxd: change MSIX allocation based on per wq
+  activation (jsc#PED-664).
+- dmaengine: idxd: fix descriptor flushing locking (jsc#PED-664).
+- dmaengine: idxd: embed irq_entry in idxd_wq struct
+  (jsc#PED-664).
+- commit d9570b4
+- Update patch referece for IDXD fix (jsc#PED-729)
+- commit 0666616
+- dmaengine: idxd: add knob for enqcmds retries (jsc#PED-755).
+- commit b9e7fd2
+- dmaengine: idxd: update IAA definitions for user header
+  (jsc#PED-763).
+- commit 966fd07
+- dmaengine: idxd: handle interrupt handle revoked event
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/dmaengine-idxd-set-defaults-for-wq-configs.patch.
+- commit b8b62ed
+- dmaengine: idxd: handle invalid interrupt handle descriptors
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit 4d43b5f
+- dmaengine: idxd: create locked version of idxd_quiesce() call
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit 84c33cd
+- dmaengine: idxd: add helper for per interrupt handle drain
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit 7f570d2
+- dmaengine: idxd: move interrupt handle assignment (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit c11ff86
+- dmaengine: idxd: int handle management refactoring
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit a2ea081
+- dmaengine: idxd: rework descriptor free path on failure
+  (jsc#PED-682).
+- commit 10afe67
+- dmaengine: idxd: set defaults for wq configs (jsc#PED-688).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/dmaengine-idxd-fix-wq-settings-post-wq-disable.patch.
+- commit d90c3a3
+- PCI: Disable MSI for Tegra234 Root Ports (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Correct misspelled words (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prefer 'unsigned int' over bare 'unsigned' (git-fixes).
+- commit 2fdd511
+- PCI/ASPM: Make Intel DG2 L1 acceptable latency unlimited
+  (jsc#PED-387).
+- commit 7d30fcd
+- net: dsa: mt7530: 1G can also support 1000BASE-X link mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cdb75aa
+- igb: skip phy status check where unavailable (git-fixes).
+- commit a3b27da
+- ice: fix possible under reporting of ethtool Tx and Rx
+  statistics (git-fixes).
+- commit c2f52c2
+- ice: fix crash when writing timestamp on RX rings (git-fixes).
+- commit fb0a1aa
+- net/mlx5: Drain fw_reset when removing device (git-fixes).
+- commit 97a86a6
+- net/mlx5e: Remove HW-GRO from reported features (git-fixes).
+- commit 4a77968
+- net/mlx5e: Properly block HW GRO when XDP is enabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f953f8f
+- net/mlx5e: Properly block LRO when XDP is enabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 6b1fa7c
+- net/mlx5e: Block rx-gro-hw feature in switchdev mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a1cfc32
+- net/qla3xxx: Fix a test in ql_reset_work() (git-fixes).
+- commit 52c2fa5
+- net: systemport: Fix an error handling path in
+  bcm_sysport_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit b45f6dc
+- net: macb: Increment rx bd head after allocating skb and buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 41b13b2
+- net: ipa: get rid of a duplicate initialization (git-fixes).
+- commit a69d7cd
+- net: ipa: record proper RX transaction count (git-fixes).
+- commit 0de4988
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Fix Wake-on-LAN with mac_link_down()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cf3c3f2
+- net: ethernet: mediatek: ppe: fix wrong size passed to memset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f134be1
+- ice: Fix race during aux device (un)plugging (git-fixes).
+- commit 4278261
+- net: mscc: ocelot: avoid corrupting hardware counters when
+  moving VCAP filters (git-fixes).
+- commit ca8eb08
+- net: mscc: ocelot: restrict tc-trap actions to VCAP IS2 lookup 0
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d224ca3
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix VCAP IS2 filters matching on both lookups
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 95340f0
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix last VCAP IS1/IS2 filter persisting in
+  hardware when deleted (git-fixes).
+- commit bda7960
+- net: emaclite: Add error handling for of_address_to_resource()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a361614
+- net: cpsw: add missing of_node_put() in cpsw_probe_dt()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 014fc77
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: add missing of_node_put() in
+  sun8i_dwmac_register_mdio_mux() (git-fixes).
+- commit 72dc370
+- net: dsa: mt7530: add missing of_node_put() in mt7530_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1fa6443
+- net: mdio: Fix ENOMEM return value in BCM6368 mux bus controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f4b10fd
+- net: fec: add missing of_node_put() in fec_enet_init_stop_mode()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d689b8
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Don't set GSWIP_MII_CFG_RMII_CLK
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cda6d8f
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix port_hidden_wait to account for
+  port_base_addr (git-fixes).
+- commit fc0f29e
+- net: bcmgenet: hide status block before TX timestamping
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7471b10
+- net: stmmac: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic() in atomic state
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 77bb15d
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix broken IP multicast flooding (git-fixes).
+- commit 9360c59
+- net: bcmgenet: Revert "Use stronger register read/writes to
+  assure ordering" (git-fixes).
+- commit 2e1c776
+- net: ftgmac100: access hardware register after clock ready
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6f339f4
+- s390/boot: fix absolute zero lowcore corruption on boot
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 673e9bc
+- ppc64/kdump: Limit kdump base to 512MB (bsc#1203410 ltc#199904).
+- commit 04343f5
+- Update patches.suse/SUNRPC-Prevent-immediate-close-reconnect.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1203338).
+- commit 1a26f26
+- net: ethernet: stmmac: fix altr_tse_pcs function when using
+  a fixed-link (git-fixes).
+- commit 6e948de
+- net: dsa: felix: suppress -EPROBE_DEFER errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 6052c6d
+- mlxsw: i2c: Fix initialization error flow (git-fixes).
+- commit b1671b5
+- net: ethernet: mv643xx: Fix over zealous checking
+  of_get_mac_address() (git-fixes).
+- commit d6232d0
+- ice: Do not skip not enabled queues in ice_vc_dis_qs_msg
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5811714
+- dpaa2-ptp: Fix refcount leak in dpaa2_ptp_probe (git-fixes).
+- commit 20972b2
+- net: stmmac: Fix unset max_speed difference between DT and
+  non-DT platforms (git-fixes).
+- commit 21d6298
+- vrf: fix packet sniffing for traffic originating from ip tunnels
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 656f34a
+- net: hns3: fix the concurrency between functions reading debugfs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b62a96b
+- net: sparx5: uses, depends on BRIDGE or !BRIDGE (git-fixes).
+- commit 91c7940
+- net: dsa: bcm_sf2_cfp: fix an incorrect NULL check on list
+  iterator (git-fixes).
+- commit 587d5e0
+- net: sparx5: depends on PTP_1588_CLOCK_OPTIONAL (git-fixes).
+- commit e5cbf9e
+- blacklist.conf: update blacklist
+- commit b64ff66
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Better fix for missing unplug events issue
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 23c30d4
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Read the PDOs in separate work (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 120360c
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Check the partner alt modes always if there
+  is PD contract (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 109aef2
+- usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Reduce the command completion timeout
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 6c0912c
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Add polling mechanism for partner tasks like
+  alt mode checking (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 9e46ec7
+- usb: typec: tcpci: Fix spelling mistake "resolbed" -> "resolved"
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit fbac539
+- usb: typec: tipd: Add an additional overflow check (git-fixes).
+- commit b1f97fa
+- usb: typec: tipd: Don't read/write more bytes than required
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e669366
+- Update patch references for ALSA fixes (jsc#PED-652 jsc#PED-720)
+- commit 3c5b516
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: pci-tgl: add RPL-P support (jsc#PED-720).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: pci-tgl: add ADL-PS support (jsc#PED-720).
+- commit 012fcdf
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Add RaptorLake PCI IDs
+  (jsc#PED-720).
+- commit ae48fdf
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: pci-tgl: add RPL-S support (jsc#PED-652).
+- commit c23d1e1
+- ALSA: control: Use deferred fasync helper (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: timer: Use deferred fasync helper (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: core: Add async signal helpers (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: jack: Access input_dev under mutex (git-fixes).
+- commit d1a09af
+- Enable the build of nvidia-wmi-ec-backlight module (jsc#PED-1164)
+- commit f9ebde3
+- platform/x86: Rename wmaa-backlight-wmi to
+  nvidia-wmi-ec-backlight (jsc#PED-1164).
+- platform/x86: Remove "WMAA" from identifier names in
+  wmaa-backlight-wmi.c (jsc#PED-1164).
+- platform/x86: Add driver for ACPI WMAA EC-based backlight
+  control (jsc#PED-1164).
+- commit 1975b25
+- blacklist.conf: Drop kABI-related ALSA entries from SP4
+- commit cb39f3b
+- usb: Link the ports to the connectors they are attached to
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit fe04d18
+- usb: core: Export usb_device_match_id (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit aa72be2
+- usb: hub: make wait_for_connected() take an int instead of a
+  pointer to int (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit d7280d6
+- usb: chipidea: tegra: Add runtime PM and OPP support
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 3f3ba93
+- soc/tegra: Add devm_tegra_core_dev_init_opp_table_common()
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 7ad426c
+- Update DRM UDL patches from upstreamed patches (bsc#1195917)
+  Dropped:
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-udl-Restore-display-mode-on-resume.patch
+- commit eab8d35
+- ice: Allow operation with reduced device MSI-X (bsc#1201987).
+- commit adb8f10
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Use QoS credits from the userspace
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Add VAS migration handler (jsc#PED-542).
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-mobility-wait-for-memory-transfer-to-complet.patch
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-mobility-set-NMI-watchdog-factor-dur.patch
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Modify reconfig open/close functions for
+  migration (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Define global hv_cop_caps struct
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Add 'update_total_credits' entry for QoS
+  capabilities (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: sysfs interface to export capabilities
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Reopen windows with DLPAR core add
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Close windows with DLPAR core removal
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/vas: Map paste address only if window is active
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/vas: Return paste instruction failure if no active
+  window (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/vas: Add paste address mmap fault handler (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Save PID in pseries_vas_window struct
+  (jsc#PED-542).
+- powerpc/pseries/vas: Use common names in VAS capability
+  structure (jsc#PED-542).
+- commit b24c3ed
+- watchdog/pseries-wdt: initial support for H_WATCHDOG-based
+  watchdog timers (jsc#PED-549).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: Add pseries-wdt
+- powerpc/pseries: register pseries-wdt device with platform bus
+  (jsc#PED-549).
+- powerpc/pseries: add FW_FEATURE_WATCHDOG flag (jsc#PED-549).
+- powerpc/pseries: hvcall.h: add H_WATCHDOG opcode, H_NOOP return
+  code (jsc#PED-549).
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix numa FORM2 parsing fallback code
+  (jsc#PED-551).
+- powerpc/pseries: rename numa_dist_table to form2_distances
+  (jsc#PED-551).
+- powerpc/pseries: Add support for FORM2 associativity
+  (jsc#PED-551).
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-Interface-to-represent-PAPR-firmware.patch
+- powerpc/pseries: Add a helper for form1 cpu distance
+  (jsc#PED-551).
+- powerpc/pseries: Consolidate different NUMA distance update
+  code paths (jsc#PED-551).
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch
+- commit 1708bfe
+- usb: hub: avoid warm port reset during USB3 disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8af7b8e
+- usb: core: hcd: change sizeof(vaddr) to sizeof(unsigned long)
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 1523b0b
+- scsi: ipr: Fix missing/incorrect resource cleanup in error case
+  (jsc#PED-548).
+- scsi: ipr: Use kobj_to_dev() (jsc#PED-548).
+- scsi: ipr: Directly return instead of using local ret variable
+  (jsc#PED-548).
+- commit 1d92f11
+- usb: core: Fix file path that does not exist (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit f9f0a5e
+- USB: common: debug: add needed kernel.h include (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 944eff7
+- xhci: use max() to make code cleaner (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit a9fbbb5
+- usb: xhci-mtk: fix random remote wakeup (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 6629649
+- usb: xhci-mtk: remove unnecessary error check (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit b17a19c
+- usb: xhci-mtk: fix list_del warning when enable list debug
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 90a533c
+- usb: xhci-mtk: enable wake-up interrupt after runtime_suspend
+  called (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 293016f
+- PM / wakeirq: support enabling wake-up irq after runtime_suspend
+  called (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit c727a40
+- usb: xhci: Use to_pci_driver() instead of pci_dev->driver
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 541116e
+- usb: core: config: Change sizeof(struct ...) to
+  sizeof(*...) (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 249a144
+- usb: core: hcd: fix messages in usb_hcd_request_irqs()
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 6d29347
+- usb: core: hcd: Modularize HCD stop configuration in
+  usb_stop_hcd() (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit dfccab2
+- usb: xhci-mtk: use xhci_dbg() to print log (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit e7dd0f8
+- usb: xhci-mtk: allow bandwidth table rollover (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 11e08d1
+- usb: xhci-mtk: Do not use xhci's virt_dev in drop_endpoint
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 8d6c90e
+- usb: xhci-mtk: modify the SOF/ITP interval for mt8195
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit da8bc69
+- usb: xhci-mtk: add a member of num_esit (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 4745d08
+- usb: xhci-mtk: check boundary before check tt (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 5bf9b17
+- usb: xhci-mtk: update fs bus bandwidth by bw_budget_table
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 2035273
+- usb: xhci-mtk: support option to disable usb2 ports
+  (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 21ff31f
+- crypto: arm64/gcm - Select AEAD for GHASH_ARM64_CE (git-fixes)
+- commit 49a8536
+- arm64: select TRACE_IRQFLAGS_NMI_SUPPORT (git-fixes)
+- commit 8e1f358
+- arm64: errata: Add Cortex-A510 to the repeat tlbi list (git-fixes)
+  Enable this errata fix configuration option to arm64/default.
+- commit c8ec028
+- Revert "arm64: Mitigate MTE issues with str{n}cmp()" (git-fixes)
+- commit 3916261
+- arm64: lib: Import latest version of Arm Optimized Routines' strcmp (git-fixes)
+- commit 0ad904d
+- tty: drop put_tty_driver (jsc#PED-531).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ipack-ipoctal-fix-stack-information-leak.patch.
+- commit 512f7d8
+- tracing: hold caller_addr to hardirq_{enable,disable}_ip
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ec23c84
+- ftrace: Fix NULL pointer dereference in is_ftrace_trampoline
+  when ftrace is dead (git-fixes).
+- commit 4b6dc41
+- usb: renesas-xhci: Remove renesas_xhci_pci_exit() (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 5a90fd4
+- btrfs: fix space cache corruption and potential double
+  allocations (bsc#1203361).
+- commit 0479f45
+- btrfs: fix relocation crash due to premature return from
+  btrfs_commit_transaction() (bsc#1203360).
+- commit 5ceb88f
+- usb: xhci-renesas: Minor coding style cleanup (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 229132e
+- KVM: x86: do not report a vCPU as preempted outside instruction
+  boundaries (bsc#1203066 CVE-2022-39189).
+- commit c89b7e4
+- blacklist.conf: add 3 commits for git-fixes not needed
+- commit 6f1ca85
+- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow RULE_ID to refer to another
+  chain (CVE-2022-2586 bsc#1202095).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow CHAIN_ID to refer to another
+  table (CVE-2022-2586 bsc#1202095).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another
+  table (CVE-2022-2586 bsc#1202095).
+- commit 42bb8dc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dccp-don-t-duplicate-ccid-when-cloning-dccp-sock.patch
+  references (add CVE-2020-16119 bsc#1177471).
+- commit 7d3c30f
+- Update message from free_area_init (bsc#1203101)
+  Refreshed:
+  patches.suse/0002-mm-handle-uninitialized-numa-nodes-gracefully.patch
+- commit 58d8d59
+- blacklist.conf: unwanted s390 commits
+- commit 7773032
+- watchdog: wdat_wdt: Set the min and max timeout values properly
+  (bsc#1194023).
+- commit d609cb4
+- kbuild: disable header exports for UML in a straightforward way
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: i2c: i2c-topology: fix incorrect heading (git-fixes).
+- commit 96f4a7a
+- hwmon: (mr75203) enable polling for all VM channels (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (mr75203) fix multi-channel voltage reading (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (mr75203) fix voltage equation for negative source input
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (mr75203) update pvt->v_num and vm_num to the actual
+  number of used sensors (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (mr75203) fix VM sensor allocation when "intel,vm-map"
+  not defined (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: hwmon: (mr75203) fix "intel,vm-map" property to
+  be optional (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (tps23861) fix byte order in resistance register
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4be15df
+- ALSA: emu10k1: Fix out of bounds access in
+  snd_emu10k1_pcm_channel_alloc() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix an out-of-bounds bug in
+  __snd_usb_parse_audio_interface() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/tegra: Align BDL entry to 4KB boundary (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix race at SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: aloop: Fix random zeros in capture data when using
+  jiffies timer (git-fixes).
+- commit e787e77
+- ASoC: qcom: sm8250: add missing module owner (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/sigmatel: Fix unused variable warning for beep power
+  change (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Split endpoint setups for hw_params and prepare
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Register card again for iface over
+  delayed_register option (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Inform the delayed registration more properly
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit fdc009b
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 9769cb9
+- bnxt_en: add dynamic debug support for HWRM messages
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/bnxt_en-Increase-firmware-message-response-DMA-wait-.patch.
+- commit 9044955
+- RDMA: Constify netdev->dev_addr accesses (jsc#PED-1494).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Use-helper-function-to-set-GUIDs.patch.
+- commit d62d7be
+- bnxt_en: fix LRO/GRO_HW features in ndo_fix_features callback
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: fix NQ resource accounting during vf creation on
+  57500 chips (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: set missing reload flag in devlink features
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Use PAGE_SIZE to init buffer when multi buffer XDP
+  is not in use (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: Fix typo in comments (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_refclk_read() (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Fix and simplify XDP transmit path (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: fix livepatch query (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_reinit_after_abort() code path (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: reclaim max resources if sriov enable fails
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- eth: bnxt: make ulp_id unsigned to make GCC 12 happy
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: parse and report result field when NVRAM package
+  install fails (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Enable packet timestamping for all RX packets
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Configure ptp filters during bnxt open (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Update firmware interface to (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: XDP multibuffer enablement (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: support transmit and free of aggregation buffers
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: adding bnxt_xdp_build_skb to build skb from multibuffer
+  xdp_buff (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: add page_pool support for aggregation ring when using xdp
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: change receive ring space parameters (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: set xdp_buff pfmemalloc flag if needed (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: adding bnxt_rx_agg_pages_xdp for aggregated xdp
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: rename bnxt_rx_pages to bnxt_rx_agg_pages_skb
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: refactor bnxt_rx_pages operate on skb_shared_info
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: add flag to denote that an xdp program is currently
+  attached (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: refactor bnxt_rx_xdp to separate
+  xdp_init_buff/xdp_prepare_buff (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Initiallize bp->ptp_lock first before using it
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: add explicitly locked flavor of the rate node APIs
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: use the devlink instance lock to protect sriov
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: expose instance locking and add locked port registering
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: revert hastily merged uAPI aberrations (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: add an nvm test for hw diagnose (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: implement hw health reporter (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Properly report no pause support on some cards
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: introduce initial link state of unknown (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: parse result field when NVRAM package install fails
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: add more error checks to HWRM_NVM_INSTALL_UPDATE
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: refactor error handling of HWRM_NVM_INSTALL_UPDATE
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt: report header-data split state (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: add header/data split indication (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Handle async event when the PHC is updated in RTC mode
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Implement .adjtime() for PTP RTC mode (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Add driver support to use Real Time Counter for PTP
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: PTP: Refactor PTP initialization functions
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Update firmware interface to (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bpf: introduce BPF_F_XDP_HAS_FRAGS flag in prog_flags loading
+  the ebpf program (jsc#PED-1495).
+- net: xdp: add xdp_update_skb_shared_info utility routine
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- xdp: introduce flags field in xdp_buff/xdp_frame (jsc#PED-1495).
+- net: skbuff: add size metadata to skb_shared_info for xdp
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix endianness warning for req.pkey
+  (jsc#PED-1494).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Use bitmap_zalloc() when applicable
+  (jsc#PED-1494).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove dynamic pkey table (jsc#PED-1494).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unneeded variable (jsc#PED-1494).
+- bnxt_en: improve firmware timeout messaging (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: improve VF error messages when PF is unavailable
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Use page frag RX buffers for better software GRO
+  performance (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: convert to xdp_do_flush (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Support CQE coalescing mode in ethtool (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Support configurable CQE coalescing mode
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: enable interrupt sampling on 5750X for DIM
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Log error report for dropped doorbell (jsc#PED-1495).
+- bnxt_en: Add event handler for PAUSE Storm event (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: Add new "event_eq_size" generic device param
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: Add new "io_eq_size" generic device param
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- flow_offload: reject to offload tc actions in offload drivers
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: Remove misleading internal_flags from health reporter
+  dump (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: fix flexible_array.cocci warning (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: don't drop the rtnl_lock half way thru the ioctl
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: expose get/put functions (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: handle info/flash data copying outside rtnl_lock
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: push the rtnl_lock into dev_ethtool() (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: make all symbols GPL-only (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: Simplify internal devlink params implementation
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- devlink: Clean not-executed param notifications (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: ioctl: Use array_size() helper in copy_{from,to}_user()
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: prevent endless loop if eeprom size is smaller than
+  announced (jsc#PED-1495).
+- ethtool: runtime-resume netdev parent before ethtool ioctl ops
+  (jsc#PED-1495).
+- commit 5128686
+- s390: fix double free of GS and RI CBs on fork() failure
+  (bsc#1203197 LTC#199895).
+- commit a3c49e0
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-qcom-ethqos: Enable RGMII functional clock
+  on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit 196b9a7
+- net: stmmac: dwmac-qcom-ethqos: add platform level clocks
+  management (git-fixes).
+- commit 9419c89
+- net: axienet: fix RX ring refill allocation failure handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4644276
+- bnx2x: fix built-in kernel driver load failure (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c90c2b
+- net: stmmac: only enable DMA interrupts when ready (git-fixes).
+- commit 8b7732b
+- net: stmmac: perserve TX and RX coalesce value during XDP setup
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ef4525
+- net: stmmac: enhance XDP ZC driver level switching performance
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b61dc1
+- bnx2x: fix driver load from initrd (git-fixes).
+- commit 922bb4e
+- Update metadata references
+- commit b8d9524
+- regulator: core: Clean up on enable failure (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlegacy: 4965: corrected fix for potential off-by-one
+  overflow in il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd() (git-fixes).
+- vt: Clear selection before changing the font (git-fixes).
+- clk: bcm: rpi: Prevent out-of-bounds access (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix inconsistent sd3_bus_mode at UHS-I SD voltage
+  switch failure (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915: Skip wm/ddb readout for disabled pipes (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/glk: ECS Liva Q2 needs GLK HDMI port timing quirk
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: cp210x: add Decagon UCA device id (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion MV32-WA/WB
+  RmNet mode (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Omron CS1W-CIF31 device id
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Quectel EM060K modem (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add support for OPPO R11 diag port
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mceusb: Use new usb_control_msg_*() routines (git-fixes).
+- USB: cdc-acm: Add Icom PMR F3400 support (0c26:0020)
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci-mtk: relax TT periodic bandwidth allocation
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: pci: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Add new ACPI ID for Meteor Lake
+  IOM device (git-fixes).
+- usb-storage: Add ignore-residue quirk for NXP PN7462AU
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix UAF in ieee80211_scan_rx() (git-fixes).
+- clk: bcm: rpi: Use correct order for the parameters of
+  devm_kcalloc() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d6d69c
+- bnx2x: Fix comment typo (jsc#PED-535).
+- cnic: Use the bitmap API to allocate bitmaps (jsc#PED-1516).
+- bnx2x: Fix spelling mistake "regiser" -> "register"
+  (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the
+  constant (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: truncate value to original sizing (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: use correct format characters (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member
+  (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: fix built-in kernel driver load failure (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2: Fix an error message (jsc#PED-1187).
+- bnx2x: fix driver load from initrd (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-535).
+- bna: Simplify DMA setting (jsc#PED-1521).
+- net: bna: Update supported link modes (jsc#PED-1521).
+- bnx2x: constify static inline stub for dev_addr (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2x: Use struct_group() for memcpy() region (jsc#PED-535).
+- net: move gro definitions to include/net/gro.h (jsc#PED-535).
+- bnx2: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1187).
+- bnx2: Replace open-coded version with swab32s() (jsc#PED-1187).
+- commit 9e44625
+- tty: remove CMSPAR ifdefs (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit 8886a3f
+- net: dsa: microchip: fix bridging with more than two member
+  ports (git-fixes).
+- commit f2a5e08
+- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 577992b
+- ice: Fix KASAN error in LAG NETDEV_UNREGISTER handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit f16c949
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix all IP traffic getting trapped to CPU
+  with PTP over IP (git-fixes).
+- commit 391f1b3
+- net: axienet: reset core on initialization prior to MDIO access
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-axienet-setup-mdio-unconditionally.patch.
+- commit afb1beb
+- usb: Prepare cleanup of powerpc's asm/prom.h (jsc#PED-531).
+- commit b5dac6b
+- net: mscc: ocelot: fix missing unlock on error in
+  ocelot_hwstamp_set() (git-fixes).
+- commit c38c182
+- blacklist.conf: update blacklist
+- commit 9d146c4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/watchqueue-make-sure-to-serialize-wqueue-defunct-pro.patch
+  (git-fixes, CVE-2022-1882, bsc#1199904).
+- add references to CVE-2022-1882, bsc#1199904
+- commit b499e0d
+- PCI: VMD: ACPI: Make ACPI companion lookup work for VMD bus
+  (jsc#PED-633).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/PCI-ACPI-Check-parent-pointer-in-acpi_pci_find_compa.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/PCI-vmd-Assign-VMD-IRQ-domain-before-enumeration.patch.
+- x86: link vdso and boot with -z noexecstack
+  - -no-warn-rwx-segments (bsc#1203200).
+- Makefile: link with -z noexecstack --no-warn-rwx-segments
+  (bsc#1203200).
+- commit ee065ad
+- Update config files (change CONFIG_SUSE_PATCHLEVEL to 5).
+- commit f931313
+- intel_idle: Add a new flag to initialize the AMX state
+  (jsc#PED-681).
+- x86/fpu: Add a helper to prepare AMX state for low-power CPU
+  idle (jsc#PED-681).
+- platform/x86: intel/pmc: Add Alder Lake N support to PMC core
+  driver (jsc#PED-692).
+- platform/x86/intel: pmc: Support Intel Raptorlake P
+  (jsc#PED-667).
+- x86/cpu: Add new Alderlake and Raptorlake CPU model numbers
+  (jsc#PED-743).
+- PCI: vmd: Add DID 8086:A77F for all Intel Raptor Lake SKU's
+  (jsc#PED-633).
+- PCI: vmd: Honor ACPI _OSC on PCIe features (jsc#PED-633).
+- PCI: vmd: Clean up domain before enumeration (jsc#PED-633).
+- x86/cpu: Drop spurious underscore from RAPTOR_LAKE #define
+  (jsc#PED-690).
+- x86/cpu: Add Raptor Lake to Intel family (jsc#PED-690).
+- commit 2f2c9c2
+- compat: make linux/compat.h available everywhere (jsc#PED-1492).
+- commit 82594a3
+- dev_ioctl: pass SIOCDEVPRIVATE data separately (jsc#PED-1492).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-don-t-unconditionally-copy_from_user-a-struct-if.patch.
+- commit 220a22b
+- net: socket: rework compat_ifreq_ioctl() (jsc#PED-1492).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-don-t-unconditionally-copy_from_user-a-struct-if.patch.
+- commit 9e52d0a
+- net: socket: simplify dev_ifconf handling (jsc#PED-1492).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-don-t-unconditionally-copy_from_user-a-struct-if.patch.
+- commit 7ce1665
+- tg3: Disable tg3 device on system reboot to avoid triggering
+  AER (jsc#PED-1492).
+- tg3: Remove redundant assignments (jsc#PED-1492).
+- ethernet: Remove redundant statement (jsc#PED-1492).
+- ethernet: tg3: remove direct netdev->dev_addr writes
+  (jsc#PED-1492).
+- net: tg3: fix redundant check of true expression (jsc#PED-1492).
+- net: tg3: fix obsolete check of !err (jsc#PED-1492).
+- tg3: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()
+  (jsc#PED-1492).
+- tg3: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()
+  (jsc#PED-1492).
+- tg3: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#PED-1492).
+- dev_ioctl: split out ndo_eth_ioctl (jsc#PED-1492).
+- cxgb3: use ndo_siocdevprivate (jsc#PED-1492).
+- qeth: use ndo_siocdevprivate (jsc#PED-1492).
+- hamachi: use ndo_siocdevprivate (jsc#PED-1492).
+- bonding: use siocdevprivate (jsc#PED-1492).
+- net: split out SIOCDEVPRIVATE handling from dev_ioctl
+  (jsc#PED-1492).
+- net: socket: remove register_gifconf (jsc#PED-1492).
+- net: socket: rework SIOC?IFMAP ioctls (jsc#PED-1492).
+- commit 9963a02
+- sched/core: Use try_cmpxchg in set_nr_{and_not,if}_polling
+  (bnc#1202494 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Decay task PELT values during wakeup migration
+  (bnc#1202494 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Provide u64 read for 32-bits arch helper
+  (bnc#1202494 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Introduce SIS_UTIL to search idle CPU based on
+  sum of util_avg (jsc#PED-1213).
+- sched/numa: Fix boot crash on arm64 systems (jsc#PED-827).
+- sched/numa: Avoid migrating task to CPU-less node (jsc#PED-827).
+- sched/numa: Fix NUMA topology for systems with CPU-less nodes
+  (jsc#PED-827).
+- commit 2f3bfae
+- USB: HCD: Fix URB giveback issue in tasklet function
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 12ef886
+- ethtool: extend ringparam setting/getting API with rx_buf_len
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-ibmvnic-Add-ethtool-private-flag-for-driver-d.patch.
+- commit ee8f1a8
+- ethernet/emulex:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-1497).
+- eth: benet: remove a copy of the NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT define
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- be2net: Use irq_update_affinity_hint() (jsc#PED-1497).
+- genirq: Provide new interfaces for affinity hints
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- be2net: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- ethtool: add support to set/get rx buf len via ethtool
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- ethernet: constify references to netdev->dev_addr in drivers
+  (jsc#PED-1497).
+- commit bb6401d
+- Update Yousaf's e-mail
+- commit bde91a1
+- rpm/ 15.4 -> 15.5
+- commit 11c86df
+- README.BRANCH: Update it with new co-maintainer and fix typo
+  Replace SLE15-SP4 for SLE15-SP5 and add Yousaf Kaukab as a
+  co-maintainer.
+- commit 2f7c5b6
+- Delete patches.kabi/* workarounds
+- commit 6b96c7b
+- Delete patches.suse/revert-btrfs-props-change-how-empty-value-is-interpr.patch.
+  Align btrfs property compression to upstream behaviour (JSC#PED-1711)
+- commit 2670de5
+- README.BRANCH: Switch SLE15-SP5 maintainer to Oscar Salvador
+- commit ad4c348
+- Drop SLE15-SP4 kABI workaround patches
+  patches.kabi/kABI-fix-removal-of-iscsi_destroy_conn.patch is still kept as
+  the build breaks otherwise
+- commit 492e2dd
+- Drop SLE15-SP4 kernel symbols
+- commit 0837ac5
+- supported.conf Add TDA4VM-SK modules (jsc#PED-1379)
+- commit 890c2be
+- config/arm64: Add support for TDA4VM-SK machine (jsc#PED-1379)
+- commit e6bb890
+- Fix CVE-2021-23177, extracting a symlink with ACLs modifies ACLs of target
+  (CVE-2021-23177, bsc#1192425)
+  * CVE-2021-23177.patch
+- update to 2.5.5:
+  * Fix a crash in the logging code
+  * Upgrade autoconf
+- update to 2.5.4:
+  * Fix some minor build annoyances
+- Update to 2.5.3:
+  * Add a timeout for writing to a SOCKS5 proxy.
+  * Add workaround for a problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH on newer systems.
+- qemu-disable-fdpassing-test.patch: remove
+-Update to 2.5.2:
+  * Bump LT version to C8/A8/R2
+  * include libassuan.pc in the spec file
-- update to 2.1.2:
-  * Added support for ppc64le.
-- update to 2.1.1
-  * no changes on the GNU/Linux platform
-- includes changes from 2.1.0:
-  * Support for the nPth library.
-  * Add assuan_check_version and two version macros.
-  * Interface changes relative to the 2.0.3 release:
-    ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH       NEW macro.
-    __assuan_read            NEW (private).
-    __assuan_write           NEW (private).
-    __assuan_recvmsg         NEW (private).
-    __assuan_sendmsg         NEW (private).
-    __assuan_waitpid         NEW (private).
-    ASSUAN_VERSION           NEW macro.
-    assuan_check_version     NEW.
-- add tarball signature and keyring
-- run unit tests during build
-- libgpg-error requirement is >= 1.8
-- build with LFS support in 32bit archs to be consistent
-  with the rest of the system, no good will come when LFS
-  enabled callers talk to non-LFS libraries.
-- license update: GPL-3.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
-- update to Libassuan 2.0.3
-  - Make assuan_get_pid work correctly for pipe server.
-  - Interface changes relative to the 2.0.2 release:
-- own aclocal directory
-- Remove Requires/BuildRequires on libpth, this package
-  no longer uses this library.
-- update to libassuan-2.0.2
-  - A new flag may now be used to convey comments via
-  assuan_transact.
-  - A new flag value may now be used to disable logging.
-  - The gpgcedev.c driver now provides a log device.
-  - It is now possible to overwrite socket and connect functions in
-  struct assuan_system_hooks.
-  - Interface changes relative to the 2.0.1 release:
-  assuan_system_hooks_t    CHANGED: Added socket and connect members.
-  assuan_register_pre_cmd_notify  NEW.
-- use spec-cleaner
-- Use %_smp_mflags
-- update to libassuan-2.0.1
-  * Input and output notification handler can now really access the
-  parsed fd as stated in the manual.
-  * Cleaned up the logging.
-  * Interface changes relative to the 2.0.0 release:
-  assuan_free               NEW
-  _assuan_w32ce_create_pipe NEW
-- fixed deps
-  o libgpg-error-devel >= 1.4
-- fix deps for pth
-  pth < 1120 >= libpth-devel
-- sort TAGS
-- add baselibs.conf (needed for libgpgme)
-- update to libassuan-2.0.0
-  * Now using libtool and builds a DSO.
-  * Lots of interface cleanups.
-  * Pth support has changed. This now follows the same style as
-  libgcrypt by setting system hook callbacks.
-- split package to libassuan0 and libassuan-devel
-- change BuildRequires: (pth-devel -> libpth-devel)
-- BuildRequires: pth-devel
+- FIPS: Get most of the entropy from rndjent_poll [bsc#1202117]
+  * Add libgcrypt-FIPS-rndjent_poll.patch
+- FIPS: Check keylength in gcry_fips_indicator_kdf() [bsc#1190700]
+  * Consider approved keylength greater or equal to 112 bits.
+  * Add libgcrypt-FIPS-kdf-leylength.patch
+- FIPS: Zeroize buffer and digest in check_binary_integrity()
+  * Add libgcrypt-FIPS-Zeroize-hmac.patch [bsc#1191020]
+- FIPS: gpg/gpg2 gets out of core handler in FIPS mode while
+  typing Tab key to Auto-Completion. [bsc#1182983]
+  * Add libgcrypt-out-of-core-handler.patch
+- FIPS: Port libgcrypt to use jitterentropy [bsc#1202117, jsc#SLE-24941]
+  * Enable the jitter based entropy generator by default in random.conf
+  - Add libgcrypt-jitterentropy-3.3.0.patch
+  * Update the internal jitterentropy to version 3.4.0
+  - Add libgcrypt-jitterentropy-3.4.0.patch
+- fix CVE-2021-46828: libtirpc: DoS vulnerability with lots of
+  connections (bsc#1201680)
+  - add 0001-Fix-DoS-vulnerability-in-libtirpc.patch
+- lvmlockd is not supporting sanlock (bsc#1203482)
+  - set 1 for _supportsanlock in lvm2.spec for enabling sanlock.
+- Upgrade lvm2 from LVM2.2.03.05 to LVM2.2.03.16 (bsc#1201616)
+  - device-mapper version upgrade to 1.02.185 (bsc#1199074)
+- Drop patches that have been merged into upstream
+  - bug-1122666_devices-drop-open-error-message.patch
+  - bug-1150021_01-scanning-open-devs-rw-when-rescanning-for-write.patch
+  - bug-1149408_Fix-rounding-writes-up-to-sector-size.patch
+  - bug-1149408_vgcreate-vgextend-restrict-PVs-with-mixed-block-size.patch
+  - bug-1152378-md-component-detection-for-differing-PV-and-device-s.patch
+  - bug-1152378-pvscan-fix-PV-online-when-device-has-a-different-siz.patch
+  - jcs-SLE5498_pvscan-allow-use-of-noudevsync-option.patch
+  - bug-1154655_udev-remove-unsupported-OPTIONS-event_timeout-rule.patch
+  - bug-1158628_01-tests-replaces-grep-q-usage.patch
+  - bug-1158628_02-tests-fix-ra-checking.patch
+  - bug-1158628_03-tests-simplify-some-var-settings.patch
+  - bug-1158628_04-pvmove-correcting-read_ahead-setting.patch
+  - bug-1158628_05-activation-add-synchronization-point.patch
+  - bug-1158628_06-pvmove-add-missing-synchronization.patch
+  - bug-1158628_07-activation-extend-handling-of-pending_delete.patch
+  - bug-1158628_08-lv_manip-add-synchronizations.patch
+  - bug-1158628_09-lvconvert-improve-validation-thin-and-cache-pool-con.patch
+  - bug-1158628_10-thin-activate-layer-pool-aas-read-only-LV.patch
+  - bug-1158628_11-tests-mdadm-stop-in-test-cleanup.patch
+  - bug-1158628_12-test-increase-size-of-raid10-LV-allowing-tests-to-su.patch
+  - bug-1158628_13-lvconvert-fix-return-value-when-zeroing-fails.patch
+  - bug-1158628_14-tests-add-extra-settle.patch
+  - bug-1158628_15-test-Fix-handling-leftovers-from-previous-tests.patch
+  - bug-1158861_01-config-remove-filter-typo.patch
+  - bug-1158861_02-config-Fix-default-option-which-makes-no-sense.patch
+  - bug-1158861_03-vgchange-don-t-fail-monitor-command-if-vg-is-exporte.patch
+  - bug-1158861_04-fix-duplicate-pv-size-check.patch
+  - bug-1158861_05-hints-fix-copy-of-filter.patch
+  - bug-1158861_06-fix-segfault-for-invalid-characters-in-vg-name.patch
+  - bug-1158861_07-vgck-let-updatemetadata-repair-mismatched-metadata.patch
+  - bug-1158861_08-hints-fix-mem-leaking-buffers.patch
+  - bug-1158861_09-pvcreate-pvremove-fix-reacquiring-global-lock-after.patch
+  - bug-1150021_02-bcache-add-bcache_abort.patch
+  - bug-1150021_03-label-Use-bcache_abort_fd-to-ensure-blocks-are-no-lo.patch
+  - bug-1150021_04-bcache-add-unit-test.patch
+  - bug-1150021_05-bcache-bcache_invalidate_fd-only-remove-prefixes-on.patch
+  - bug-1150021_06-fix-dev_unset_last_byte-after-write-error.patch
+  - bug-1157736-add-suggestion-message-for-mirror-LVs.patch
+  - bug-1171907-lvremove-remove-attached-cachevol-with-removed-LV.patch
+  - bug-1172566_cachevol-use-cachepool-code-for-metadata-size.patch
+  - bug-1175110_dmeventd-avoid-bail-out-preventing-repair-in-raid-pl.patch
+  - bug-1177734_raid-no-wiping-when-zeroing-raid-metadata-device.patch
+  - bug-1181319_01-Revert-lvmlockd-use-commonly-used-define-NOTIFYDBUS_.patch
+  - bug-1181319_02-lvmlockctl-ensure-result-value-is-always-defined.patch
+  - bug-1181319_03-lvmlockctl-use-inline-initilizers.patch
+  - bug-1181319_04-lvmlockd-replace-lock-adopt-info-source.patch
+  - bug-1181319_05-cov-check-sscanf-result.patch
+  - bug-1178680_add-metadata-based-autoactivation-property-for-VG-an.patch
+  - bug-1185190_01-pvscan-support-disabled-event_activation.patch
+  - bug-1185190_02-config-improve-description-for-event_activation.patch
+  - bug-1191019_vgextend-check-missing-device-during-block-size-chec.patch
+  - bug-1183905_lvconvert-allow-stripes-stripesize-in-mirror-convers.patch
+  - bug-1195231-udev-create-symlinks-and-watch-even-in-suspended-sta.patch
+  - bug-1202011_vgchange-monitor-don-t-use-udev-info.patch
+  - bug-1193181_vgimportclone_on_hardware_snapshot_does_not_work.patch
+  - bug-1179691_config-set-external_device_info_source-none.patch
+- Update patch
+  - fate-309425_display-dm-name-for-lv-name.patch
+  - bug-1184687_Add-nolvm-for-kernel-cmdline.patch
+- replace exist patch with fixed bug patches
+  - (remove) fate-31841_fsadm-add-support-for-btrfs.patch
+  - (add) fate-31841-01_fsadm-add-support-to-resize-check-btrfs-filesystem.patch
+  - (add) fate-31841-02_man-add-support-for-btrfs.patch
+  - (add) fate-31841-03_tests-new-test-suite-of-fsadm-for-btrfs.patch
+- Add upstream patch
+  - 0001-devices-file-move-clean-up-after-command-is-run.patch
+  - 0002-devices-file-fail-if-devicesfile-filename-doesn-t-ex.patch
+  - 0003-filter-mpath-handle-other-wwid-types-in-blacklist.patch
+  - 0004-filter-mpath-get-wwids-from-sysfs-vpd_pg83.patch
+  - 0005-pvdisplay-restore-reportformat-option.patch
+  - 0006-exit-with-error-when-devicesfile-name-doesn-t-exist.patch
+  - 0007-report-fix-pe_start-column-type-from-NUM-to-SIZ.patch
+  - 0008-_vg_read_raw_area-fix-segfault-caused-by-using-null-.patch
+  - 0009-mm-remove-libaio-from-being-skipped.patch
+  - 0010-dmsetup-check-also-for-ouf-of-range-value.patch
+  - 0011-devices-drop-double-from-sysfs-path.patch
+  - 0012-devices-file-fix-pvcreate-uuid-matching-pvid-entry-w.patch
+  - 0013-vgimportdevices-change-result-when-devices-are-not-a.patch
+  - 0014-vgimportdevices-fix-locking-when-creating-devices-fi.patch
+- update lvm2.spec
+  - indent some lines for easy read
+  - add new binraries: lvmdevices lvm_import_vdo vgimportdevices dmfilemapd
+  - remove config item '--enable-cmirrord', which was obsoleted.
+  - remove config item '--enable-realtime', which became default setting.
+  - add config item "--with-cluster=internal" for cluster test
+  - add config item "--enable-dmfilemapd" for new daemon dmfilemapd
+  - add new man: lvmautoactivation.7 lvmdevices.8 lvm_import_vdo.8 dmfilemapd.8
+  - remove lvm2-activation-generator & lvm2-activation-generator.8
+  - remove lvm2-pvscan@.service
+  - replace 69-dm-lvm-metad.rules with 69-dm-lvm.rules
+  - change %post behaviour, only do deleting job for non-link folder (bsc#1198523)
+- lvm.conf
+  - follow upstream style, comment out default value (bsc#1179739)
+- imsm: support for third Sata controller (bsc#1201297)
+  0122-imsm-support-for-third-Sata-controller.patch
+- mdadm: enable Intel Alderlake RSTe configuration (bsc#1201297)
+  1005-mdadm-enable-Intel-Alderlake-RSTe-configuration.patch
+- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#139
+- fix sysconfig parsing (bsc#1198828)
+- 0.939
+- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#138
+- grub2/install: reset error code when passing through recover code
+  (bsc#1198197)
+- 0.938
+  * chkstat: also consider group controlled paths (bsc#1203018, CVE-2022-31252)
+- Update to version 20201225:
+- Update to v2.1.0
+  * fix race condition for import of modules using apipkg.initpkg
+    in Python 3.3+ by updating existing modules in-place rather
+    than replacing in sys.modules with an apipkg.ApiModule
+    instances. This race condition exists for import statements
+    (and __import__) in Python 3.3+ where sys.modules is checked
+    before obtaining an import lock, and for
+    importlib.import_module in Python 3.11+ for the same reason.
+- Release 2.0.1
+  * fix race conditions for attribute creation
+- Release 2.0.0
+  * also transfer __spec__ attribute
+  * make py.test hack more specific to avoid hiding real errors
+  * switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
+  * modernize package build
+  * reformat code with black
+- Drop pytest4.patch
+- The now broken apicycle requires apipkg to be importable from
+  elsewhere -- use src dir.
+- Split package into multibuild, to avoid apipkg -> pytest -> py ->
+  apipkg cycle.
+- refresh pytest4.patch for pytest5
+- Add patch to fix build with pytest newer than 4:
+  * pytest4.patch
+- update to 1.5
+- fixed dependencies
+  * switch to setuptools_scm
+  * avoid dict iteration (fixes issue on python3)
+  * preserve __package__ - ths gets us better pep 302 compliance
+- Add patch CVE-2021-28861-double-slash-path.patch:
+  * http.server: Fix an open redirection vulnerability in the HTTP server
+    when an URI path starts with //. (bsc#1202624, CVE-2021-28861)
-- Improve the output of, by including the list of
-  repos to which we have downstream patches.
-- Fix bsc#1197084 and bsc#1199924
+- Runs of the test-suite seem much more stable now, in this version
+  of QEMU. (bsc#1203610) We are also fine re-enabling running them
+  in parallel.
+- Switch QEMU Linux user to emulate the same CPU as the one of the
+  host by default. This is a bit conrtoversial and tricky, when
+  thinking about system emulation/virtualization. But for linux-user,
+  it should be just fine. (bsc#1203684)
+  * Patches added:
+  linux-user-use-max-as-default-CPU-model-.patch
+- Be less verbose when packaging documentation. In fact, with just
+  a couple of (minor) re-arrangements, we can get rid of having to
+  list all the files all the time
+- Package /etc/qemu/bridge.conf as '%config(noreplace). Next step
+  will probably be to move it to /usr/etc/qemu (bsc#1201944)
+- Switch to %autosetup for all products (this required some changes
+  in
+- Run check-qtest sequentially, as it's more reliable, when in OBS
+- Build with libbpf, fdt and capstone support
+- Drop the patch adding our support document, and deal with that
+  in the spec file directly
+  * Patches dropped:
+  doc-add-our-support-doc-to-the-main-proj.patch
+- Updated to latest upstream version 7.1
+  *
+  Be sure to also check the following pages:
+  *
+  *
+  Some notable changes:
+  * [x86] Support for architectural LBRs on KVM virtual machines
+  * [x86] The libopcode-based disassembler has been removed. Use
+    Capstone instead
+  * [LoongArch] Add initial support for the LoongArch64 architecture.
+  * [ARM] The emulated SMMUv3 now advertises support for SMMUv3.2-BBML2
+  * [ARM] The xlnx-zynqmp SoC model now implements the 4 TTC timers
+  * [ARM] The versal machine now models the Cortex-R5s in the Real-Time
+    Processing Unit (RPU) subsystem
+  * [ARM] The virt board now supports emulation of the GICv4.0
+  * [ARM] New emulated CPU types: Cortex-A76, Neoverse-N1
+  * [HPPA] Fix serial port pass-through from host to guest
+  * [HPPA] Lots of general code improvements and tidy-ups
+  * [RISC-V] RISC-V
+  * [RISC-V] Add support for privileged spec version 1.12.0
+  * [RISC-V] Use privileged spec version 1.12.0 for virt machine by default
+  * [RISC-V] Allow software access to MIP SEIP
+  * [RISC-V] Add initial support for the Sdtrig extension
+  * [RISC-V] Optimisations and improvements for the vector extension
+  * [VFIO] Experimental support for exposing emulated PCI devices over the
+    new vfio-user protocol (a vfio-user client is not yet available
+    in QEMU, though)
+  * [QMP] The on-cbw-error option for copy-before-write filter, to specify
+    behavior on CBW (copy before write) operation failure.
+  * [QMP] The cbw-timeout option for copy-before-write filter, to specify
+    timeout for CBW operation.
+  * [QMP] New commands query-stats and query-stats-schema to retrieve
+    statistics from various QEMU subsystems (right now only from
+    KVM).
+  * [QMP] The PanicAction can now be configured to report an exit-failure
+    (useful for automated testing)
+  * [Networking] QEMU can be compiled with the system slirp library even
+    when using CFI. This requires libslirp 4.7.
+  * [Migration] Support for zero-copy-send on Linux, which reduces CPU
+    usage on the source host. Note that locked memory is needed
+    to support this
+  Revert-tests-qtest-enable-more-vhost-use.patch
+  meson-remove-pkgversion-from-CONFIG_STAM.patch
+  * Patches dropped:
+  AIO-Reduce-number-of-threads-for-32bit-h.patch
+  Makefile-Don-t-check-pc-bios-as-pre-requ.patch
+  Revert-8dcb404bff6d9147765d7dd3e9c849337.patch
+  Revert-qht-constify-qht_statistics_init.patch
+  XXX-dont-dump-core-on-sigabort.patch
+  acpi_piix4-Fix-migration-from-SLE11-SP2.patch
+  configure-only-populate-roms-if-softmmu.patch
+  configure-remove-pkgversion-from-CONFIG_.patch
+  coroutine-ucontext-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATI.patch
+  coroutine-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATIC_CO_TLS.patch
+  coroutine-win32-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATIC_C.patch
+  hw-usb-hcd-ehci-fix-writeback-order.patch
+  i8254-Fix-migration-from-SLE11-SP2.patch
+  intc-exynos4210_gic-replace-snprintf-wit.patch
+  modules-generates-per-target-modinfo.patch
+  modules-introduces-module_kconfig-direct.patch
+  pc-bios-s390-ccw-net-avoid-warning-about.patch
+  qemu-cvs-gettimeofday.patch
+  qemu-cvs-ioctl_debug.patch
+  qemu-cvs-ioctl_nodirection.patch
+  qht-Revert-some-constification-in-qht.c.patch
+  qom-handle-case-of-chardev-spice-module-.patch
+  scsi-lsi53c895a-fix-use-after-free-in-ls.patch
+  scsi-lsi53c895a-really-fix-use-after-fre.patch
+  softmmu-Always-initialize-xlat-in-addres.patch
+  sphinx-change-default-language-to-en.patch
+  test-add-mapping-from-arch-of-i686-to-qe.patch
+  tests-Fix-block-tests-to-be-compatible-w.patch
+  tests-qtest-Move-the-fuzz-tests-to-x86-o.patch
+  usb-Help-compiler-out-to-avoid-a-warning.patch
+- pcre-devel-static is only needed when building against
+  glib2 < 2.73. After that, glib2 was migrated to pcre2.
+- Substantial rework of the spec file:
+  * the 'make check' testsuite now runs in the %check section of
+    the main package, not in a subpackage
+  * switched from %setup to %autosetup
+  * rearranged the content in order to minimize the use of %if,
+    %ifarch, etc
+- Properly fix bsc#1198038, CVE-2022-0216
+  * Patches added:
+  scsi-lsi53c895a-really-fix-use-after-fre.patch
+  tests-qtest-Move-the-fuzz-tests-to-x86-o.patch
+- Make temp dir (for configurable
+- Added new subpackages (audio-dbus, ui-dbus)
+- bsc#1199018 was never fixed in Factory's QEMU 6.2. It is
+  now (since the patches are already in SeaBIOS 1.16.0)
+- Some tests are having issues when run in OBS. They seem to be
+  due to race conditions, triggered by resource constraints of
+  OBS workers. Let's disable them for now, while looking for a fix
+- Update to v7.0.0 (bsc#1201307). For full release notes, see:
+  *
+  Be sure to also check the following pages:
+  *
+  *
+  Some notable changes:
+  * [ARM] The virt board has gained a new control knob to disable passing a RNG seed in the DTB (dtb-kaslr-seed)
+  * [ARM] The AST2600 SoC now supports a dummy version of the i3c device
+  * [ARM] The virt board can now run guests with KVM on hosts with restricted IPA ranges
+  * [ARM] The virt board now supports virtio-mem-pci
+  * [ARM] The virt board now supports specifying the guest CPU topology
+  * [ARM] On the virt board, we now enable PAuth when using KVM or hvf and the host CPU supports it
+  * [RISC-V] Add support for ratified 1.0 Vector extension
+  * [RISC-V] Support for the Zve64f and Zve32f extensions
+  * [RISC-V] Drop support for draft 0.7.1 Vector extension
+  * [RISC-V] Support Zfhmin and Zfh extensions
+  * [RISC-V] RISC-V KVM support
+  * [RISC-V] Mark Hypervisor extension as non experimental
+  * [RISC-V] Enable Hypervisor extension by default
+  * [x86] Support for Intel AMX.
+  * [PCI/PCIe] Q35: fix PCIe device becoming disabled after migration when ACPI based PCI hotplug is used (6b0969f1ec)
+  * [PCI/PCIe] initial bits of SR/IOV support (250346169)
+  * [PCI/PCIe] arm/virt: fixed PXB interrupt routing (e609301b45)
+  * [PCI/PCIe] arm/virt: support for virtio-mem-pci (b1b87327a9)
+  * [virtiofs] Fix for CVE-2022-0358 - behaviour with supplementary groups and SGID directories
+  * [virtiofs] Improved security label support
+  * [virtiofs] The virtiofsd in qemu is now starting to be deprecated; please start using and contributing to Rust virtiofsd
+  * Patches dropped:
+  acpi-validate-hotplug-selector-on-access.patch
+  block-backend-Retain-permissions-after-m.patch
+  block-qdict-Fix-Werror-maybe-uninitializ.patch
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
+  display-qxl-render-fix-race-condition-in.patch
+  doc-Add-the-SGX-numa-description.patch
+  hw-i386-amd_iommu-Fix-maybe-uninitialize.patch
+  hw-intc-exynos4210_gic-provide-more-room.patch
+  hw-nvme-fix-CVE-2021-3929.patch
+  hw-nvram-at24-return-0xff-if-1-byte-addr.patch
+  iotest-065-explicit-compression-type.patch
+  iotest-214-explicit-compression-type.patch
+  iotest-302-use-img_info_log-helper.patch
+  iotest-303-explicit-compression-type.patch
+  iotest-39-use-_qcow2_dump_header.patch
+  iotests-60-more-accurate-set-dirty-bit-i.patch
+  iotests-bash-tests-filter-compression-ty.patch
+  iotests-common.rc-introduce-_qcow2_dump_.patch
+  iotests-declare-lack-of-support-for-comp.patch
+  iotests-drop-qemu_img_verbose-helper.patch
+  iotests-massive-use-_qcow2_dump_header.patch
+  iotests-MRCE-Write-data-to-source.patch
+  iotests-specify-some-unsupported_imgopts.patch
+  meson-build-all-modules-by-default.patch
+  numa-Enable-numa-for-SGX-EPC-sections.patch
+  numa-Support-SGX-numa-in-the-monitor-and.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-__del__-method-to-legacy.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-_session_guard.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-SocketAddrT-to-package-r.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-socket-bind-step-to-lega.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-start_server-and-accept-.patch
+  python-aqmp-copy-type-definitions-from-q.patch
+  python-aqmp-drop-_bind_hack.patch
+  python-aqmp-fix-docstring-typo.patch
+  python-aqmp-Fix-negotiation-with-pre-oob.patch
+  python-aqmp-fix-race-condition-in-legacy.patch
+  Python-aqmp-fix-type-definitions-for-myp.patch
+  python-aqmp-handle-asyncio.TimeoutError-.patch
+  python-aqmp-refactor-_do_accept-into-two.patch
+  python-aqmp-remove-_new_session-and-_est.patch
+  python-aqmp-rename-accept-to-start_serve.patch
+  python-aqmp-rename-AQMPError-to-QMPError.patch
+  python-aqmp-split-_client_connected_cb-o.patch
+  python-aqmp-squelch-pylint-warning-for-t.patch
+  python-aqmp-stop-the-server-during-disco.patch
+  python-introduce-qmp-shell-wrap-convenie.patch
+  python-machine-raise-VMLaunchFailure-exc.patch
+  python-move-qmp-shell-under-the-AQMP-pac.patch
+  python-move-qmp-utilities-to-python-qemu.patch
+  python-qmp-switch-qmp-shell-to-AQMP.patch
+  python-support-recording-QMP-session-to-.patch
+  python-upgrade-mypy-to-0.780.patch
+  qcow2-simple-case-support-for-downgradin.patch
+  tests-qemu-iotests-040-Skip-TestCommitWi.patch
+  tests-qemu-iotests-Fix-051-for-binaries-.patch
+  tests-qemu-iotests-testrunner-Quote-case.patch
+  tools-virtiofsd-Add-rseq-syscall-to-the-.patch
+  ui-cursor-fix-integer-overflow-in-cursor.patch
+  vhost-vsock-detach-the-virqueue-element-.patch
+  virtiofsd-Drop-membership-of-all-supplem.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-map-leaking-on-error-duri.patch
+  Disable-some-tests-that-have-problems-in.patch
+  * Patches added:
+  intc-exynos4210_gic-replace-snprintf-wit.patch
+  Revert-8dcb404bff6d9147765d7dd3e9c849337.patch
+- Fix bsc#1197084
+  * Patches added:
+  hostmem-default-the-amount-of-prealloc-t.patch
-- Fix bsc#1198712, CVE-2022-26354
-- Fix bsc#1198711, CVE-2022-26353
+- backport patches for having coroutine work well when LTO is used
-  vhost-vsock-detach-the-virqueue-element-.patch
-  virtio-net-fix-map-leaking-on-error-duri.patch
+  coroutine-ucontext-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATI.patch
+  coroutine-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATIC_CO_TLS.patch
+  coroutine-win32-use-QEMU_DEFINE_STATIC_C.patch
-- Fix bsc#1198037, CVE-2021-4207
-- Fix bsc#1198035, CVE-2021-4206
+- seabios: drop patch that changes python in python2.
+  Just go to python3 directly.
+  * Patches dropped:
+  seabios-use-python2-explicitly-as-needed.patch
+- Fix the following bugs:
+  - bsc#1198037, CVE-2021-4207
+  - bsc#1198038, CVE-2022-0216
+  - bsc#1201367, CVE-2022-35414
+  - bsc#1198035, CVE-2021-4206
+  - bsc#1198712, CVE-2022-26354
+  - bsc#1198711, CVE-2022-26353
+  scsi-lsi53c895a-fix-use-after-free-in-ls.patch
+  softmmu-Always-initialize-xlat-in-addres.patch
+  vhost-vsock-detach-the-virqueue-element-.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-map-leaking-on-error-duri.patch
+- Fix usb ehci boot failure (bsc#1192115)
+  * Patches added:
+  hw-usb-hcd-ehci-fix-writeback-order.patch
+- Fix bugs boo#1200557 and boo#1199924
+- Now that boo#1199924 is fixed, re-enable FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+  * Patches added:
+  pci-fix-overflow-in-snprintf-string-form.patch
+  sphinx-change-default-language-to-en.patch
+- It has been observed that building QEMU with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
+  causes problem (see bsc#1199924). Force it to =2 for now, while
+  we investigate the issue.
-- Backport SeaBIOS patches for fixing bsc#1199018
-  * Patches added:
-  pci-let-firmware-reserve-IO-for-pcie-pci.patch
-  pci-reserve-resources-for-pcie-pci-bridg.patch
+- Filter out rpmlint error that is valid for qemu, but will
+  have its badness increased in the future.
+- Backport aqmp patches from upstream which can fix iotest issues
+  * Patches added:
+  python-aqmp-add-__del__-method-to-legacy.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-_session_guard.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-SocketAddrT-to-package-r.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-socket-bind-step-to-lega.patch
+  python-aqmp-add-start_server-and-accept-.patch
+  python-aqmp-copy-type-definitions-from-q.patch
+  python-aqmp-drop-_bind_hack.patch
+  python-aqmp-fix-docstring-typo.patch
+  python-aqmp-Fix-negotiation-with-pre-oob.patch
+  python-aqmp-fix-race-condition-in-legacy.patch
+  Python-aqmp-fix-type-definitions-for-myp.patch
+  python-aqmp-handle-asyncio.TimeoutError-.patch
+  python-aqmp-refactor-_do_accept-into-two.patch
+  python-aqmp-remove-_new_session-and-_est.patch
+  python-aqmp-rename-accept-to-start_serve.patch
+  python-aqmp-rename-AQMPError-to-QMPError.patch
+  python-aqmp-split-_client_connected_cb-o.patch
+  python-aqmp-squelch-pylint-warning-for-t.patch
+  python-aqmp-stop-the-server-during-disco.patch
+  python-introduce-qmp-shell-wrap-convenie.patch
+  python-machine-raise-VMLaunchFailure-exc.patch
+  python-move-qmp-shell-under-the-AQMP-pac.patch
+  python-move-qmp-utilities-to-python-qemu.patch
+  python-qmp-switch-qmp-shell-to-AQMP.patch
+  python-support-recording-QMP-session-to-.patch
+  python-upgrade-mypy-to-0.780.patch
+- Drop the patches which are workaround to fix iotest issues
+  * Patches dropped:
+  Revert-python-iotests-replace-qmp-with-a.patch
+  Revert-python-machine-add-instance-disam.patch
+  Revert-python-machine-add-sock_dir-prope.patch
+  Revert-python-machine-handle-fast-QEMU-t.patch
+  Revert-python-machine-move-more-variable.patch
+  Revert-python-machine-remove-_remove_mon.patch
+- update to 3.39.3:
+  * Use a statement journal on DML statement affecting two or more
+    database rows if the statement makes use of a SQL functions
+    that might abort.
+  * Use a mutex to protect the PRAGMA temp_store_directory and
+    PRAGMA data_store_directory statements, even though they are
+    decremented and documented as not being threadsafe.
+- update to 3.39.2:
+  * Fix a performance regression in the query planner associated
+    with rearranging the order of FROM clause terms in the
+    presences of a LEFT JOIN.
+  * Apply fixes for CVE-2022-35737, Chromium bugs 1343348 and
+    1345947, forum post 3607259d3c, and other minor problems
+    discovered by internal testing. [boo#1201783]
+- update to 3.39.1:
+  * Fix an incorrect result from a query that uses a view that
+    contains a compound SELECT in which only one arm contains a
+    RIGHT JOIN and where the view is not the first FROM clause term
+    of the query that contains the view
+  * Fix a long-standing problem with ALTER TABLE RENAME that can
+    only arise if the sqlite3_limit(SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH) is set
+    to a very small value.
+  * Fix a long-standing problem in FTS3 that can only arise when
+    compiled with the SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS compile-time
+    option.
+  * Fix the initial-prefix optimization for the REGEXP extension so
+    that it works correctly even if the prefix contains characters
+    that require a 3-byte UTF8 encoding.
+  * Enhance the sqlite_stmt virtual table so that it buffers all of
+    its output.
+- update to 3.39.0:
+  * Add (long overdue) support for RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOIN
+  * Add new binary comparison operators IS NOT DISTINCT FROM and
+    IS DISTINCT FROM that are equivalent to IS and IS NOT,
+    respective, for compatibility with PostgreSQL and SQL standards
+  * Add a new return code (value "3") from the sqlite3_vtab_distinct()
+    interface that indicates a query that has both DISTINCT and
+    ORDER BY clauses
+  * Added the sqlite3_db_name() interface
+  * The unix os interface resolves all symbolic links in database
+    filenames to create a canonical name for the database before
+    the file is opened
+  * Defer materializing views until the materialization is actually
+    needed, thus avoiding unnecessary work if the materialization
+    turns out to never be used
+  * The HAVING clause of a SELECT statement is now allowed on any
+    aggregate query, even queries that do not have a GROUP BY
+    clause
+  * Many microoptimizations collectively reduce CPU cycles by about
+    2.3%.
+- drop sqlite-src-3380100-atof1.patch, included upstream
+- add sqlite-src-3390000-func7-pg-181.patch to skip float precision
+  related test failures on 32 bit
+- update to 3.38.5:
+  * Fix a blunder in the CLI of the 3.38.4 release
+- includes changes from 3.38.4:
+  * fix a byte-code problem in the Bloom filter pull-down
+    optimization added by release 3.38.0 in which an error in the
+    byte code causes the byte code engine to enter an infinite loop
+    when the pull-down optimization encounters a NULL key
+- update to 3.38.3:
+  * Fix a case of the query planner be overly aggressive with
+    optimizing automatic-index and Bloom-filter construction,
+    using inappropriate ON clause terms to restrict the size of the
+    automatic-index or Bloom filter, and resulting in missing rows
+    in the output.
+  * Other minor patches. See the timeline for details.
+- update to 3.38.2:
+  * Fix a problem with the Bloom filter optimization that might
+    cause an incorrect answer when doing a LEFT JOIN with a WHERE
+    clause constraint that says that one of the columns on the
+    right table of the LEFT JOIN is NULL.
+  * Other minor patches.
+- Remove obsolete configure flags
+- Package the Tcl bindings here again so that we only ship one copy
+  of SQLite (bsc#1195773).
+- update to 3.38.1:
+  * Fix problems with the new Bloom filter optimization that might
+    cause some obscure queries to get an incorrect answer.
+  * Fix the localtime modifier of the date and time functions so
+    that it preserves fractional seconds.
+  * Fix the sqlite_offset SQL function so that it works correctly
+    even in corner cases such as when the argument is a virtual
+    column or the column of a view.
+  * Fix row value IN operator constraints on virtual tables so that
+    they work correctly even if the virtual table implementation
+    relies on bytecode to filter rows that do not satisfy the
+    constraint.
+  * Other minor fixes to assert() statements, test cases, and
+    documentation. See the source code timeline for details.
+- add upstream patch to run atof1 tests only on x86_64
+  sqlite-src-3380100-atof1.patch
+- update to 3.38.0
+  * Add the -> and ->> operators for easier processing of JSON
+  * The JSON functions are now built-ins
+  * Enhancements to date and time functions
+  * Rename the printf() SQL function to format() for better
+    compatibility, with alias for backwards compatibility.
+  * Add the sqlite3_error_offset() interface for helping localize
+    an SQL error to a specific character in the input SQL text
+  * Enhance the interface to virtual tables
+  * CLI columnar output modes are enhanced to correctly handle tabs
+    and newlines embedded in text, and add options like "--wrap N",
+    "--wordwrap on", and "--quote" to the columnar output modes.
+  * Query planner enhancements using a Bloom filter to speed up
+    large analytic queries, and a balanced merge tree to evaluate
+    UNION or UNION ALL compound SELECT statements that have an
+    ORDER BY clause.
+  * The ALTER TABLE statement is changed to silently ignores
+    entries in the sqlite_schema table that do not parse when
+    PRAGMA writable_schema=ON
+- update to 3.37.2:
+  * Fix a bug introduced in version 3.35.0 (2021-03-12) that can
+    cause database corruption if a SAVEPOINT is rolled back while
+    in PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY mode, and other changes are made,
+    and then the outer transaction commits
+  * Fix a long-standing problem with ON DELETE CASCADE and ON
+    UPDATE CASCADE in which a cache of the bytecode used to
+    implement the cascading change was not being reset following a
+    local DDL change
+- update to 3.37.1:
+  * Fix a bug introduced by the UPSERT enhancements of version
+    3.35.0 that can cause incorrect byte-code to be generated for
+    some obscure but valid SQL, possibly resulting in a NULL-
+    pointer dereference.
+  * Fix an OOB read that can occur in FTS5 when reading corrupt
+    database files.
+  * Improved robustness of the --safe option in the CLI.
+  * Other minor fixes to assert() statements and test cases.
+- SQLite3 3.37.0:
+  * STRICT tables provide a prescriptive style of data type
+    management, for developers who prefer that kind of thing.
+  * When adding columns that contain a CHECK constraint or a
+    generated column containing a NOT NULL constraint, the
+    ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN now checks new constraints against
+    preexisting rows in the database and will only proceed if no
+    constraints are violated.
+  * Added the PRAGMA table_list statement.
+  * Add the .connection command, allowing the CLI to keep multiple
+    database connections open at the same time.
+  * Add the --safe command-line option that disables dot-commands
+    and SQL statements that might cause side-effects that extend
+    beyond the single database file named on the command-line.
+  * CLI: Performance improvements when reading SQL statements that
+    span many lines.
+  * Added the sqlite3_autovacuum_pages() interface.
+  * The sqlite3_deserialize() does not and has never worked
+    for the TEMP database. That limitation is now noted in the
+    documentation.
+  * The query planner now omits ORDER BY clauses on subqueries and
+    views if removing those clauses does not change the semantics
+    of the query.
+  * The generate_series table-valued function extension is modified
+    so that the first parameter ("START") is now required. This is
+    done as a way to demonstrate how to write table-valued
+    functions with required parameters. The legacy behavior is
+    available using the -DZERO_ARGUMENT_GENERATE_SERIES
+    compile-time option.
+  * Added new sqlite3_changes64() and sqlite3_total_changes64()
+    interfaces.
+  * Added the SQLITE_OPEN_EXRESCODE flag option to sqlite3_open_v2().
+  * Use less memory to hold the database schema.
+  * bsc#1189802, CVE-2021-36690: Fix an issue with the SQLite Expert
+    extension when a column has no collating sequence.
+- Modified sudo-sudoers.patch
+  * bsc#1177578
+  * Removed redundant and confusing 'secure_path' settings in
+    sudo-sudoers file.
+- Update to 1.9.11p3:
+  * Changes in Sudo 1.9.11
+  * Fixed a crash in the Python module with Python 3.9.10 on some systems.
+    Additionally, make check now passes for Python 3.9.10.
+  * Error messages sent via email now include more details, including the file
+    name and the line number and column of the error. Multiple errors are sent in
+    a single message. Previously, only the first error was included.
+  * Fixed logging of parse errors in JSON format. Previously, the JSON logger would
+    not write entries unless the command and runuser were set. These may not be
+    known at the time a parse error is encountered.
+  * Fixed a potential crash parsing sudoers lines larger than twice the value of
+    LINE_MAX on systems that lack the getdelim() function.
+  * The tests run by make check now unset the LANGUAGE environment variable.
+    Otherwise, localization strings will not match if LANGUAGE is set to a
+    non-English locale. Bug #1025.
+  * The “starttime” test now passed when run under Debian faketime. Bug #1026.
+  * The Kerberos authentication module now honors the custom password prompt if one
+    has been specified.
+  * The embedded copy of zlib has been updated to version 1.2.12.
+  * Updated the version of libtool used by sudo to version 2.4.7.
+  * Sudo now defines _TIME_BITS to 64 on systems that define __TIMESIZE in the
+    header files (currently only GNU libc). This is required to allow the use of
+    64-bit time values on some 32-bit systems.
+  * Sudo’s intercept and log_subcmds options no longer force the command to run in
+    its own pseudo-terminal. It is now also possible to intercept the system(3) function.
+  * Fixed a bug in sudo_logsrvd when run in store-first relay mode where the commit
+    point messages sent by the server were incorrect if the command was suspended
+    or received a window size change event.
+  * Fixed a potential crash in sudo_logsrvd when the tls_dhparams configuration
+    setting was used.
+  * The intercept and log_subcmds functionality can now use ptrace(2) on Linux
+    systems that support seccomp(2) filtering. This has the advantage of working
+    for both static and dynamic binaries and can work with sudo’s SELinux RBAC mode.
+    The following architectures are currently supported: i386, x86_64, aarch64, arm,
+    mips (log_subcmds only), powerpc, riscv, and s390x. The default is to use
+    ptrace(2) where possible; the new intercept_type sudoers setting can be used
+    to explicitly set the type.
+  * New Georgian translation from
+  * Fixed creating packages on CentOS Stream.
+  * Fixed a bug in the intercept and log_subcmds support where the execve(2)
+    wrapper was using the current environment instead of the passed environment
+    pointer. Bug #1030.
+  * Added AppArmor integration for Linux. A sudoers rule can now specify an
+    APPARMOR_PROFILE option to run a command confined by the named AppArmor profile.
+  * Fixed parsing of the server_log setting in sudo_logsrvd.conf. Non-paths were
+    being treated as paths and an actual path was treated as an error.
+  * Changes in Sudo 1.9.11p1:
+  * Correctly handle EAGAIN in the I/O read/right events. This fixes a hang seen on
+    some systems when piping a large amount of data through sudo, such as via rsync.
+    Bug #963.
+  * Changes to avoid implementation or unspecified behavior when bit shifting signed
+    values in the protobuf library.
+  * Fixed a compilation error on Linux/aarch64.
+  * Fixed the configure check for seccomp(2) support on Linux.
+  * Corrected the EBNF specification for tags in the sudoers manual page.
+    GitHub issue #153.
+  * Changes in Sudo 1.9.11p2:
+  * Fixed a compilation error on Linux/x86_64 with the x32 ABI.
+  * Fixed a regression introduced in 1.9.11p1 that caused a warning when logging to
+    sudo_logsrvd if the command returned no output.
+  * Changes in Sudo 1.9.11p3:
+  * Fixed “connection reset” errors on AIX when running shell scripts with the intercept
+    or log_subcmds sudoers options enabled. Bug #1034.
+  * Fixed very slow execution of shell scripts when the intercept or log_subcmds sudoers
+    options are set on systems that enable Nagle’s algorithm on the loopback device,
+    such as AIX. Bug #1034.
+  * Modified sudo-sudoers.patch
+- Added sudo-1.9.10-update_sudouser_to_utf8.patch
+  * [bsc#1197998]
+  * Enable sudouser LDAP schema to use UTF-8 encodings.
+  * Sourced from
+  * Credit to William Brown,
+- Use %_pam_vendordir macro
+- Fix errors around (fixes building on SLE12 SP5 again)
+- update to 1.9.10:
+  * Added new log_passwords and passprompt_regex sudoers options. If
+    log_passwords is disabled, sudo will attempt to prevent passwords from being
+    logged. If sudo detects any of the regular expressions in the passprompt_regex
+    list in the terminal output, sudo will log ‘*’ characters instead of the
+    terminal input until a newline or carriage return is found in the input or an
+    output character is received.
+  * Added new log_passwords and passprompt_regex settings to sudo_logsrvd that
+    operate like the sudoers options when logging terminal input.
+  * Fixed several few bugs in the cvtsudoers utility when merging multiple sudoers
+    sources.
+  * Fixed a bug in sudo_logsrvd parsing the sudo_logsrvd.conf file, where the
+    retry_interval in the [relay] section was not being recognized.
+  * Restored the pre-1.9.9 behavior of not performing authentication when sudo’s -n
+    option is specified. A new noninteractive_auth sudoers option has been added to
+    enable PAM authentication in non-interactive mode. GitHub issue #131.
+  * On systems with /proc, if the /proc/self/stat (Linux) or /proc/pid/psinfo
+    (other systems) file is missing or invalid, sudo will now check file
+    descriptors 0-2 to determine the user’s terminal. Bug #1020.
+  * Fixed a compilation problem on Debian kFreeBSD. Bug #1021.
+  * Fixed a crash in sudo_logsrvd when running in relay mode if an alert message is
+    received.
+  * Fixed an issue that resulting in “problem with defaults entries” email to be
+    sent if a user ran sudo when the sudoers entry in the nsswitch.conf file
+    includes “sss” but no sudo provider is configured in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
+  * Updated the warning displayed when the invoking user is not allowed to run
+    sudo. If sudo has been configured to send mail on failed attempts (see the
+    mail_* flags in sudoers), it will now print “This incident has been reported to
+    the administrator.” If the mailto or mailerpath sudoers settings are disabled,
+    the message will not be printed and no mail will be sent.
+  * Fixed a bug where the user-specified command timeout was not being honored if
+    the sudoers rule did not also specify a timeout.
+  * Added support for using POSIX extended regular expressions in sudoers rules. A
+    command and/or arguments in sudoers are treated as a regular expression if they
+    start with a ‘^’ character and end with a ‘$’. The command and arguments are
+    matched separately, either one (or both) may be a regular expression.
+  * A user may now only run sudo -U otheruser -l if they have a “sudo ALL”
+    privilege where the RunAs user contains either root or otheruser. Previously,
+    having “sudo ALL” was sufficient, regardless of the RunAs user. GitHub issue
+    [#134].
+  * The sudo lecture is now displayed immediately before the password prompt. As a
+    result, sudo will no longer display the lecture unless the user needs to enter
+    a password. Authentication methods that don’t interact with the user via a
+    terminal do not trigger the lecture.
+  * Sudo now uses its own closefrom() emulation on Linux systems. The glibc version
+    may not work in a chroot jail where /proc is not available. If close_range(2)
+    is present, it will be used in preference to /proc/self/fd.
+- drop sudo-1.9.9-honor-T_opt.patch , feature-upstream-restrict-sudo-U-other-l.patch
+  (upstream)
+- Fix CVE-2022-0530, SIGSEGV during the conversion of an utf-8 string
+  to a local string (CVE-2022-0530, bsc#1196177)
+  * CVE-2022-0530.patch
+- Fix CVE-2022-0529, Heap out-of-bound writes and reads during
+  conversion of wide string to local string (CVE-2022-0529, bsc#1196180)
+  * CVE-2022-0529.patch
-- fix defaultattr for old distros
-- split the rcc dependency into a spec file of it's own, we don't
-  need that complexity during build causing cycles like this:
-    unzip -> librcc -> libproxy -> libXau -> xorg-x11-proto-devel -> docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-- Cleanup spec file
-- Add Source URL, see
-- Don't call isprint (bnc#620483).
-- remove use of __DATE__ from correct file
-- Sync our compile time flags with Debian except Acorn stuff, this enables
-  UTF-8, saves an unrelated warning about lchmod being not implemented.
-- Enable make check
-- use dlopen for librcc0. A direct requires causes lots of other
-  packages to get installed such as aspell which bloats a minimal
-  install.
-- Do not include build host specific info like build dates In
-  binaries.
-- Doing open(O_WRONLY) and then fdopen("w+") will now fail with
-  "Invalid Argument" whereas former glibcs would succeed. So now
-  do open(O_RDWR).
-- Print error message when open(2) fails.
-- Add debugging traces in open_outfile.
-- Update to 6.0:
-  * Support PKWARE ZIP64 extensions, allowing Zip archives and Zip archive
-    entries larger than 4 GiBytes and more than 65536 entries within a
-    single Zip archive.  This support is currently only available for Unix,
-    OpenVMS and Win32/Win64.
-  * Support for bzip2 compression method.
-  * Support for UTF-8 encoded entry names, both through PKWARE's "General
-    Purpose Flags Bit 11" indicator and Info-ZIP's new "up" unicode path
-    extra field.  (Currently, on Windows the UTF-8 handling is limited to
-    the character subset contained in the configured non-unicode "system
-    code page".)
-  * Fixed "Time of Creation/Time of Use" vulnerability when setting
-    attributes of extracted files, for Unix and Unix-like ports.
-  * Fixed memory leak when processing invalid deflated data.
-  * Fixed long-standing bug in unshrink (partial_clear), added boundary
-    checks against invalid compressed data.
-  * On Unix, keep inherited SGID attribute bit for extracted directories
-    unless restoration of owner/group id or SUID/SGID/Tacky attributes was
-    requested.
-  * On Unix, allow extracted filenames to contain embedded control
-    characters when explicitly requested by specifying the new command line
-    option "-^".
-  * On Unix, support restoration of symbolic link attributes.
-  * On Unix, support restoration of 32-bit UID/GID data using the new "ux"
-    IZUNIX3 extra field introduced with Zip 3.0.
-  * Support symbolic links zipped up on VMS.
-  * New -D option to suppress restoration of timestamps for extracted
-    directory entries (on those ports that support setting of directory
-    timestamps).  By specifying "-DD", this new option also allows to
-    suppress timestamp restoration for ALL extracted files on all UnZip
-    ports which support restoration of timestamps.  On VMS, the default
-    behaviour is now to skip restoration of directory timestamps; here,
-    "--D" restores ALL timestamps, "-D" restores none.
-  * On OS/2, Win32, and Unix, the (previously optional) feature UNIXBACKUP
-    to allow saving backup copies of overwritten files on extraction is now
-    enabled by default.
-- Use librcc to convert russian/slavic file names (bnc#540598).
-- enable parallel building
+- Update to version 2.37.4 (PED-1869):
+  * Fix security issue in chsh(1) and chfn(8) (CVE-2022-0563).
+    SUSE is not affected (bsc#1196241).
+  * CVE-2021-3996 (bsc#1194976, obsoletes
+    util-linux-libmount-fix-deleted-suffix-CVE-2021-3996.patch)
+    Improper UID check in libmount allows an unprivileged user to unmount FUSE
+    filesystems of users with similar UID.
+  * CVE-2021-3995 (bsc#1194976, obsoletes
+    util-linux-libmount-check-fuse-umount-CVE-2021-3995.patch)
+    This issue is related to parsing the /proc/self/mountinfo file allows an
+    unprivileged user to unmount other user's filesystems that are either
+    world-writable themselves or mounted in a world-writable directory.
+- linux-fs.patch: Fix conflict between <linux/fs.h> and <sys/mount.h>
+- libuuid improvements (bsc#1201959, PED-1150):
+  * libuuid: Fix range when parsing UUIDs
+    (util-linux-libuuid-uuid_parse-overrun.patch).
+  * Improve cache handling for short running applications-increment
+    the cache size over runtime
+    (util-linux-libuuid-improve-cache-handling.patch).
+  * Implement continuous clock handling for time based UUIDs
+    (util-linux-libuuid-continuous-clock-handling.patch).
+  * Check clock value from clock file to provide seamless libuuid
+    update (util-linux-libuuid-check-clock-value.patch).
+- Update to version 2.37.4 (PED-1869):
+  * Fix security issue in chsh(1) and chfn(8) (CVE-2022-0563).
+    SUSE is not affected (bsc#1196241).
+  * CVE-2021-3996 (bsc#1194976, obsoletes
+    util-linux-libmount-fix-deleted-suffix-CVE-2021-3996.patch)
+    Improper UID check in libmount allows an unprivileged user to unmount FUSE
+    filesystems of users with similar UID.
+  * CVE-2021-3995 (bsc#1194976, obsoletes
+    util-linux-libmount-check-fuse-umount-CVE-2021-3995.patch)
+    This issue is related to parsing the /proc/self/mountinfo file allows an
+    unprivileged user to unmount other user's filesystems that are either
+    world-writable themselves or mounted in a world-writable directory.
+- linux-fs.patch: Fix conflict between <linux/fs.h> and <sys/mount.h>
+- libuuid improvements (bsc#1201959, PED-1150):
+  * libuuid: Fix range when parsing UUIDs
+    (util-linux-libuuid-uuid_parse-overrun.patch).
+  * Improve cache handling for short running applications-increment
+    the cache size over runtime
+    (util-linux-libuuid-improve-cache-handling.patch).
+  * Implement continuous clock handling for time based UUIDs
+    (util-linux-libuuid-continuous-clock-handling.patch).
+  * Check clock value from clock file to provide seamless libuuid
+    update (util-linux-libuuid-check-clock-value.patch).
+- Update to version 2.36.8 (boo#1203530):
+  + Fix jumpy elements when scrolling GitLab and other web sites.
+  + Fix WebKitWebView:web-process-terminated signal not being
+    emitted for the first web view when sandboxing is enabled.
+  + Fix hang when opening HTML <select> elements in GTK4 builds.
+  + Fix kinetic scrolling with elements that use overflow
+    scrolling.
+  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
+  + Security fixes: CVE-2022-32886, CVE-2022-32912.
+- add Yast::ReducedRecorder for Cheetah to filter out certain streams to
+  be able to not log sensitive information (bsc#1201962)
+- 4.5.16
+- Better detection of YaST2 Journal (related to bsc#1199840).
+- 4.5.15
+- write stage1 location on transactional systems (bsc#1128853)
+- 4.5.6
+- bsc#1203418
+  - added default proposal for hidden timeout
+- 4.5.5
+- replace .process agent with running Execute to respect changed
+  root (bsc#1128853)
+- drop spec dependencies on open-iscsi and iscsiuio as it is needed
+  only on target system. This allows container size reduction
+  (bsc#1128853)
+- 4.5.5
+- Fix Internal Error with systemd-251 again, the last change
+  uncovered another case (bsc#1203956).
+- 4.5.3
+- Localize date range in Change Filter dialog (B S Srinidhi,
+  bsc#1081459)
+- 4.5.2
+- Fixed issue when writing the NetworkManager config without a
+  gateway (bsc#1203866)
+- 4.5.8
+- Skip to write and update netconfig configuration when netconfig
+  executable does not exist (bsc#1198066, bsc#1202748)
+- 4.5.1
+- Dropped support for profiler / Y2PROFILER env var (bsc#1189647)
+- 4.5.3
+- Decouple user interface logic from the probing process
+  (related to gh#yast/d-installer#247).
+- 4.5.9