Removed rpms

Added rpms

Package Source Changes

+- Edit qtstyleplugins-fix-deprecations.patch to use the older more
+  reliable method for progress bar orientation (boo#1202611)
-- Update to v2.1.0
-  * fix race condition for import of modules using apipkg.initpkg
-    in Python 3.3+ by updating existing modules in-place rather
-    than replacing in sys.modules with an apipkg.ApiModule
-    instances. This race condition exists for import statements
-    (and __import__) in Python 3.3+ where sys.modules is checked
-    before obtaining an import lock, and for
-    importlib.import_module in Python 3.11+ for the same reason.
-- Release 2.0.1
-  * fix race conditions for attribute creation
-- Release 2.0.0
-  * also transfer __spec__ attribute
-  * make py.test hack more specific to avoid hiding real errors
-  * switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
-  * modernize package build
-  * reformat code with black
-- Drop pytest4.patch
-- The now broken apicycle requires apipkg to be importable from
-  elsewhere -- use src dir.
-- Split package into multibuild, to avoid apipkg -> pytest -> py ->
-  apipkg cycle.
-- refresh pytest4.patch for pytest5
-- Add patch to fix build with pytest newer than 4:
-  * pytest4.patch
-- update to 1.5
-- fixed dependencies
-  * switch to setuptools_scm
-  * avoid dict iteration (fixes issue on python3)
-  * preserve __package__ - ths gets us better pep 302 compliance