Packages changed: MicroOS-release (20240619 -> 20240620) accountsservice docker-buildx (0.15.0 -> 0.15.1) gdm gnome-settings-daemon libproxy-backend (0.5.6 -> 0.5.7) libproxy-client (0.5.6 -> 0.5.7) msgraph (0.2.2 -> 0.2.3) polkit-default-privs (1550+20240522.4ba9229 -> 1550+20240620.095c860) python-SQLAlchemy (2.0.28 -> 2.0.31) === Details === ==== MicroOS-release ==== Version update (20240619 -> 20240620) Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd - automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen ==== accountsservice ==== Subpackages: libaccountsservice0 typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0 - Update accountsservice-sysconfig.patch: work with SELinux policy (bsc#1222978). ==== docker-buildx ==== Version update (0.15.0 -> 0.15.1) - Update to version 0.15.1: * build: update lint fallback image to dockerfile 1.8.1 * vendor: update buildkit v0.14.1 * Add comment to document the purpose behind the non-standard handling of the error * update the lint subrequest call to error when a build error was encountered during linting * Dockerfile: update docker engine to 26.1.4 * remove use of deprecated containerd/containerd/errdefs ==== gdm ==== Subpackages: gdm-schema gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0 - Update gdm-sysconfig-settings.patch: work with SELinux policy (bsc#1222978). ==== gnome-settings-daemon ==== - Add 0001-usb-protection-Treat-hubs-and-HID-devices-like-any-o.patch: usb-protection: Treat hubs and HID devices like any other USB gadget(glgo#GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon#780, bsc#1226423). ==== libproxy-backend ==== Version update (0.5.6 -> 0.5.7) - Update to version 0.5.7: + Handle empty ignore settings. ==== libproxy-client ==== Version update (0.5.6 -> 0.5.7) - Update to version 0.5.7: + Handle empty ignore settings. ==== msgraph ==== Version update (0.2.2 -> 0.2.3) - Update to version 0.2.3: + Fix memory leaks. + Fix logger level warning. ==== polkit-default-privs ==== Version update (1550+20240522.4ba9229 -> 1550+20240620.095c860) - Update to version 1550+20240620.095c860: * profiles: add powerdevil conservation mode actions (bsc#1226424) - Update to version 1550+20240619.190ee11: * profiles: whitelist drkonqi6 (bsc#1220190) - Update to version 1550+20240613.b3a8db7: * whitelist new systemd methods (bsc#1225317) ==== python-SQLAlchemy ==== Version update (2.0.28 -> 2.0.31) - update to 2.0.31 * - Python 3.13 support