This dictionary was based on the en_GB Myspell dictionary which in turn was initially based on a subset of the original English wordlist created by Kevin Atkinson for Pspell and Aspell and thus is covered by his original LGPL licence. The credit for this en_AU dictionary goes to: Kelvin Eldridge (maintainer) Jean Hollis Weber David Wilson - Words incorrect in Australian English removed - a list from the previously removed words with corrected spelling was added - a list of major rivers was added - a list of place names was added - a list of Australian mammals was added - a list of Aboriginal/Koori words commonly used was added A total of 119,267 words are now recognized by the dictionary. Of course, special thanks go to the editors of the en_GB dictionary (David Bartlett, Brian Kelk and Andrew Brown) which provided the starting point for this dictionary. The affix file is currently a duplicate of the en_AU.aff created completely from scratch by David Bartlett and Andrew Brown, based on the published rules for MySpell and is also provided under the LGPL. If you find omissions or bugs or have new words to add to the dictionary, please contact the en_AU maintainer at: "Kelvin" <>