Akan SpellChecking Dictionary Release: 0.1 ------------------------------ 1. Copyright 2. Installation and Setup 3. Contributing 1. Copyright ============ This package is released under GPL. Copyright (C) 2006 Ghanathink Foundation 2. Installation and Setup ========================= Automated --------- For automatic installation, please follow this URL http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/auto_instal.html If the Akan spellchecker is not available online then download the offline package from http://kasa.ghanathink.org/ Manual Installation ------------- For instructions on how to install the Akan dictionary please visit the following URL http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/manual_instal.html Spellchecker Selection ---------------------- From OpenOffice Writer's main menu, select Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages Under Default language for documents, Select Akan from the language list. 3. Contributing =============== If you find errors in the spellchecker or would like to contribute new words to the spellchecker or if you would like to extend the affix file then contact Paa Kwesi<imbeah@ghanathink.org>