Akan SpellChecking Dictionary
Release: 0.1

1. Copyright
2. Installation and Setup
3. Contributing

1. Copyright
This package is released under GPL.
Copyright (C) 2006 Ghanathink Foundation

2. Installation and Setup

For automatic installation, please follow this URL

If the Akan spellchecker is not available online then
download the offline package from http://kasa.ghanathink.org/

Manual Installation
For instructions on how to install the Akan dictionary please visit the
following URL

Spellchecker Selection
From OpenOffice Writer's main menu, select
Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages

Under Default language for documents, Select Akan from the language list.

3. Contributing
If you find errors in the spellchecker or would like to contribute new words
to the spellchecker or if you would like to extend the affix file then contact
Paa Kwesi<imbeah@ghanathink.org>