HelpPC 2.10      Quick Reference Utility      Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

	This file exists to provide you with more information about
	HelpPC.  I hope it helps with the decision of whether to download
	HELPPC.   Below you will find a description of the included
	utilities and a	list of about 100 of the 1300 topics included in
	the HelpPC databases.	I think you will find the download of the
	program worth your while if you're a serious PC programmer or
	support professional.
	HelpPC 2.10 is a shareware program designed for the intermediate
	to advanced PC programmer who knows what he's doing, but just
	can't remember specific information necessary to program advanced
	features of the PC or PS/2.  This utility is comprised of a
	collection of information found in manufacturer technical reference
	manuals, various commercial books, technical topics discussed on
	CompuServe's technical forums, public domain articles and my own
	snooping, all organized in a single database.  The help topics
	include BIOS interrupts, DOS interrupts and functions, EMS and
	Mouse functions, BIOS and DOS data structures, diagnostic codes,
	DOS commands, 80x86 assembler instructions, C functions and
	various hardware port addresses and register specifications.
	The main program is a quick reference utility that allows quick
	viewing of the help database from the DOS command line.  The
	program, which is approximately 10K in size, is written in C
	with a little assembler sprinkled in for speed/size optimization.
	A 43 and 50 line mode is supported for those that like to squint.
	A TSR version is included that has several enhancements over
	the command line version, including dual monitor support and
	context sensitive help, (if you place your cursor on a text
	string within an editor and hotkey into the TSR, HelpPC pops
	up and presents information on the topic).   These utilities
	can be run on a floppy system, but a hard disk system is
	Also included are two command files INDEXHLP.COM and BUILD.BAT.
	INDEXHLP.COM is the file index utility that allows you to use
	your own data files with HelpPC.   Usage is very simple; you
	just include the files you plan to index on the command line.
	Issuing the INDEXHLP command gives instructions on usage.
	BUILD.BAT is a batch file provided to simplify using INDEXHLP;
	It indexes the default databases in the distribution and allows
	you to specify your own	additional databases.  BUILD without
	parameters indexes the default databases.  If any file names
	are supplied, they are also indexed.  Default databases can
	be easily removed by creating a new, modified BUILD.BAT file, 
	re-indexing, and removing the unwanted database text file from 
	the help directory.
	                                                Have fun!
	                                                Dave Jurgens
	                                                CIS: 70004,30     
  HelpPC 2.10      Quick Reference Utility      Copyright 1991 David Jurgens
	Here's a list of some of the topics included in HelpPC, which is
	less than 1/13 of the topics actually included in the databases:
	 6845 Crt Controller specs (CRTC)
	 765 Floppy Disk Controller specs (FDC)
	 8042 AT keyboard controller specs
	 8086 CPU Flags format
	 8250 through 16550 UART specs.
	 8253/8254 Programmable Interval Timer specs (PIT)
	 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller specs (PIC)
	 8272 PS/2 keyboard controller specs
	 ANSI cursor control codes
	 ASCII, Extended ASCII and EBCDIC character tables
	 Assembler directives (MASM)
	 Assembler options (MASM)
	 BIOS break and Ctrl-C handlers
	 BIOS data area layout
	 BIOS interrupt descriptions
	 BIOS parameter block
	 Batch File Commands
	 Batch Control Block formats (BCB)
	 Boot diagnostic codes
	 Boot sector format
	 Byte ordering
	 C - ANSI C functions
	 C - MS C functions, including graphics, _dos_* and _bios_* functions.
	 C - Turbo C functions
	 C operator precedence tables
	 CMOS RAM & Real Time Clock specs (RTC)
	 Capacitor values
	 Code page tables and country info
	 Cold and warm bootstrap behavior
	 Color attribute table
	 Critical error handler information
	 dBASE file formats
	 DOS INDOS critical section flag
	 DOS INVARS internal variables
	 DOS error codes
	 DOS interrupt descriptions
	 DOS service descriptions
	 DOS versions table
	 Data ranges
	 Detecting PC capabilities and installed equipment/software
	 Device attributes
	 Device command codes
	 Device header
	 Device request header
	 Device status
	 Directory format
	 Disk Base Table (DBT)
	 Disk Partition Table
	 Disk Transfer Area  (DTA)
	 Disk drive specs
	 Diskette status data
	 Drive Parameter Table (DPT)
	 EMS services
	 EXE file header format
  HelpPC 2.10      Quick Reference Utility      Copyright 1991 David Jurgens
	 Effective Address calculations
	 Epson printer codes
	 Extended BIOS Data Area (EBDA)
	 Extended errors returned by INT 21,59
	 Extended FCB (XFCB)
	 File Allocation Table
	 File Attributes
	 File Control Block (FCB)
	 Floating Point formats
	 Floppy disk formats
	 Game port specs
	 Global Descriptor Tables (GDT)
	 Hardware port address tables
	 Hayes modem commands and data formats
	 HP Laserjet commands
	 IOCTL functions
	 Intel 8088/286/386 instruction set indexed by instruction
	 Interrupt tables, standard and undocumented
	 IRQ assignments
	 Keyboard commands for the AT
	 Keyboard flags
	 Keyboard Make/Break codes
	 Keyboard Scan Code tables for INT 16h, bioskey() and _bios_keybrd()
	 Machine Status Word  (MSW)
	 Machine identification byte tables
	 Media descriptor byte
	 Memory Control Block (MCB)
	 Memory model descriptions
	 Microsoft C error messages
	 Microsoft C options
	 Mouse services
	 Parallel port
	 printf specifiers
	 Program Segment Prefix (PSP)
	 RS232 pinouts and meanings
	 Resistor values
	 scanf specifiers
	 System File Table (SFT)
	 Undocumented interrupts, functions and tables
	 Video data tables