ham :           Ham and other radio related programs
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the ham directory
10fot04.zip     Global FOT Frequency Maps for shortwave radio (AVI)
10muf04.zip     Global MUF Frequency Maps for shortwave radio (AVI)
cmwt10.zip      Tells the time anywhere in the world, Tomas Martin
coil01.zip      Electrical inductance calculator w/C src, S.Moshier
contest.zip     PC-Ham contest logging program v3.42
cp222c.zip      Code Practice utility v2.22c
dxcc125.zip     Multilingual DXCC list and database by OH2BU + OH2DN, v1.25
dxtraker.zip    DX Tracker v1.0; (un)worked country statistics package
earthw35.zip    EarthWatch timezone map by Larry Nagy
frglod10.zip    YEASU FRG-100 channel data loader
geocity1.zip    Cities lat/long for GeoClock world map
geocity2.zip    More cities lat/long for GeoClock world map
geocitys.zip    World cities lat/long for GeoClock world map
geoclk75.zip    GeoClock sunlight clock for MS-DOS, Joe Ahlgren, excellent
geomap1a.zip    Maps for GeoClock world map program
geomno44.zip    GeoClock v4.41; for CGA/HGC etc.
geoxtr75.zip    Alternative maps for the GeoClock world map program
geozones.zip    More time zones data for the GeoClock world map program
hamcom30.zip    Reception + transmission of radio teletype + CW, v3.0
jpedx10.zip     Calculate distance and bearing to radio stations, J.Perkiomaki
jvfax601.zip    Reception + transmission of FAX + SSTV by DK8JV, v6.0(1)
maps3-5.zip     Additional maps for GeoClock world map
mpp110a.zip     Morse Practice Program by W3IMA (D.McManus)
mscode32.zip    Morse code made easy v3.2: Tutorial + drills, A. Saucci
pctrk31.zip     PC-Track 3D Satellite Orbit Visualization Package, T.Johnson
pktmon12.zip    Amateur Packet Radio decoding program v1.20 (HF/VHF)
radio11.zip     Information on Finland + Nordic countries on shortwave
simptr21.zip    Generic TNC comm program (packet, amtor,rtty,etc), J.Lynck
splog32.zip     Amateur Radio LogBook Database Program
timezon3.zip    A gif picture of the timezones, C.LaFave
wu120exe.zip    Whats-Up v1.20; OSCAR telemetry analysis package
wxfax2_0.zip    Weather facsimile database program, v2.0
yagimax.zip     YAGIMAX2; yagi antenna design program
yodademo.zip    YODA; simulation of Dipole Radiation (demo)