gifaster :      Astronomy gifs of asteroids and comets
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the gifaster directory
9810w.gif       Serendipitous asteroid finds, 5-Mar-98, Hubble
castalia.gif    Radar data based computer images of the asteroid Castalia
comet460.gif    A nice comet image, Comet Kohoutek 1973
dru38.gif       Hale Bopp, 20-Mar-97, Tele 300mm, Col Druscie Obs., A.Dimai
gaspra.gif      About 18km of asteroid 951 Gaspra Oct 29, 1991
gaspra5.gif     Asteroid Gaspra compared with Phobos and Deimos
halebopp.gif    Comet Hale-Bopp ejects material, 5-Oct-95, Hubble
hb9596.gif      Eight Hubble images of comet Hale-Bopp 26-Sep-95 to 23-Sep-96
hyakutak.gif    Comet Hyakutake by Hubble 27-Mar-96, H.Weaver and NASA
ida.gif         Asteroid Ida image by Galileo spacecraft
idamnclr.gif    Galileo probe color image of asteroid Ida and moon
idamoon.gif     Asteroid 243 Ida with a moon by Galileo spacecraft
idamoon2.gif    Blurred closeup of asteroid Ida's 1.5 km moon
lane8.gif       Comet Hyakutake by David Lane, 25-Mar-96
presspho.gif    Press release of Hale-Bopp, Isaac Newton Telescopes
vesta24.gif     A 24-image Hubble series of rotation of asteroid Vesta
vestamet.gif    A laboratory photo of a fragment of meteorite Vesta
west.gif        Comet West showing a distinct tail against stars
west2.gif       Comet West above the horizon, a beautiful photo