dirutil :       Directory listing and maintenance related utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the dirutil directory
1dirv2r0.zip    OneDIR Pro Color DIR, many opts, Win95 LFNs, R.Proft
3ctrl70.zip     CONTROL 3 directory manager for three directories
acd305.zip      ChDir FAST; more features than LCD/NCD, A.Merckens
adir02b.zip     User customizable dir program. MSDos/Win95.
attrc101.zip    Small free ATTRIB replacement, C. Dye
automen6.zip    Automenu v6.0; change dirs + executer files
bookmk22.zip    Bookmark directory paths in Dos for fast access v2.2
bscat260.zip    BRiNDYS Drive, longfilenames, file format (+150) describer
ca.zip          Change file attributes
ccd20.zip       CCD v2.0 enhanced cd (good)
cdh50.zip       Change Directory with History utility, D.Kruger
cdir130.zip     Change directory
cf606.zip       CMFiler 6.06 DOS File Manager, C.Martin
cmcd10.zip      Hard drive navigator and directory changer, T. Martin
cmcn21.zip      Directory navigator and management tool, T. Martin
cmtd-d19.zip    Commented directories
coldir01.zip    4DOS-like colored DIR by M.Nieminen
csap423.zip     Sort and pack directories (w C)
ctree181.zip    CompTree directory contents comparison, fw, A.Hoiberg
d.zip           D v0.97b; directory utility (good)
daag303.zip     Disk-at-a-Glance dir info + change dir. Nagware.
dbldr138.zip    Double Directory management by George Tylutki
dc11.zip        Peter Esherick's version of Directory Control (w bug)
dcom344.zip     Directory Commander v3.44, DAC Micro Systems
ddir.zip        Double dir (fixed for DOS v4.x)
delbng12.zip    DEL! doesn't generate error messages nor ask for confirmation.
deldir11.zip    Recursive delete of entire subdirectories, Shiraz Kanga
delen103.zip    Enhanced DELete with many options and improvements, V.Kolhinen
delex1.zip      The Deletion Exception by Reed Mangino
demak12.zip     Description maker for desktop tools (like TFM, Icaro), M.Vazio
df461b.zip      Directory Freedom, Y2K fixed, freeware, G.Haff, good
dfs097.zip      Delete,find,cal size of files/directory tree, D.Vasaru
di20.zip        dir + del replacements v2.0
dirdat24.zip    Dir_Date - Change directory time + date, S.Carter
dirdf122.zip    Commandline utility to compare directory contents
dirdir22.zip    A Directory Summarization Program, tree + stats
dire30.zip      Dire v3.0; (replace dir) (good)
directr5.zip    Hard Disk Director from Canyon Software, SW
dired306.zip    DIREDIT Directory Editor by P.R. Fletcher
dirhide1.zip    Hide a directory, "a historical curiosity"
dirm.zip        Dirm v1.0 Fast! (dir)
dirnfo11.zip    Directory information utility, M.Lensink
dirs.zip        Directory Size Information v2.09
dirsiz29.zip    Tree of directories with sizes, WIN95 name support, S.Carter
dirutils.zip    cn, l, priv
diskl310.zip    Directory List/Label Producer-39 Formats, J.Bauernschub
disp104.zip     DIS Plus, manage files and directories, D.Moon (slight nag)
dl100.zip       A DOS file listing program, freeware, J.McNamara
dlxdr280.zip    DIR w/Sort Ffind Hidden Wasted ZIP Hebrew 3Col, O.Souroujon
dosms122.zip    DOS Master v1.22 file/disk manager
drun203.zip     Directory Runner, fast directory changer, M.T.Flack
ds421b.zip      Directory Scanner + disk/file manager, nagware, N.Martino
eddy8h.zip      Full-screen EDit DirectorY, J.Scofield, nag, good
edir137.zip     Improved dir command by M. van den Broek
em80.zip        Easy menu - Secure HD system, J. Turnbull
f-link.zip      F-Link; Linkfile v1.7 (w C)
f32as.zip       VM/CMS style directory and filemanager, J.Galanes
f405.zip        PC DOS FILER v4.05; file mngmt
fd100.zip       FancyDir with nnansi, by Jay Han
fhd210.zip      Multiple Argument File and Program Manager, A.Andel
filev011.zip    Full featured and GUI based file management program.
fman401.zip     File-Man PC disk file management (former superdir)
free11.zip      Reports free diskspace and memory v1.1 (+ it's FREE!)
frntnd41.zip    Frontend v4.1 file menu
fsiztl13.zip    List files/directories in descending order by size, T.Lund
ft.zip          File type usage (good)
gd350.zip       Goto Dir - Quickly move to another directory
gdir.zip        Graphics Directory by H.R. Frazer
global.zip      The predecessor of sweep (no documents)
go_3_0.zip      Go to directories and files v3.0 Richard Larkin
godir10.zip     Browses disk for a specified directory
gx_ps101.zip    An alternative CD command accepting abbreviations, T.Campbell
hfm404nl.zip    Filemanager + archive shell, compares 2 directory lists
hog2.zip        Pie chart of directory usage, by Jay Wherley
hotdir75.zip    HotDIR Plus, color sorted directory utility, R.Woeger
icaro101.zip    Desktop and File Management Tool, extensive, M.Vazio
icartut1.zip    Tutorial/Demo of Icaro, the Desktop for DOS, M.Vazio
idos262.zip     Interface for DOS with menus and selections, J-T Calvet
jkcd.zip        JKCD - directory changer v1.0
jsdown2.zip     Intelligent substitute for CD
kd10.zip        Recursive directory/file removing utility, R.Spangaro
l.zip           Directory lister with many options, from COS Inc.
l11_rb.zip      Display information about files and directories, R.Breuer
lc10.zip        Lc v1.0; list directory and files in columns
lcd_40b.zip     Led's Change Directory fast by Keith Ledbetter.
ldir46.zip      Display files in one or all directories of a disk V.Buerg
lfnbat24.zip    Restores Windows 95 long filenames, S.Carter
lfnsrt12.zip    Directory sorter for DOS/Win95 disks, Duncan Murdoch
lildir1.zip     Little directory command with many options, S.Peters
ls.zip          List file directories with many many options
lsupdate.zip    ls list directory
masdir54.zip    Master Directory sort System Rel. 5.4.
mdel13.zip      Multiple-argument file deletion with exclusion, J.Savage
mdir_v10.zip    Fast color coded sorted directory lister, M.Pierce
mt220.zip       Enhanced CD replacement - partial paths, previous dirs.
ndelv00.zip     NDEL v0.0 (!) 'all but the ones mentioned'
ndir181.zip     Color directory lister, Daniel D. Miller
newchdir.zip    Enhanced CD command (allows abbreviations)
pattr15.zip     File attributes in many ways from Patri-Soft
pav_dd02.zip    Re-invention of the wheel. Replacement for dir.
pdel44.zip      Selective delete files and directories, from Patri-Soft
pfm.zip         File mngmt system v2.27
pg16.zip        Selective copy, move, delete, browse, a tweak, G.Karnik
pock51.zip      PocketD+ award-winning DOS Army Knife, J.Rollason
protect.zip     Prot.exe v1.50; change file attrs using menu
puff305d.zip    Directory and file browser
pup330.zip      Paul's Utility program v3.30
purge102.zip    Purge v1.02 files of same contents/name
pushpop.zip     A cumbersome push/pop-directory, P.Barker
q_20.zip        Quicker alternative to MS-DOS CD command, M.Page
qcdjc12.zip     Quick change directory, J.Ulysse
qdel033.zip     Kill directory tree FAST, statistics, by K.Budych
qfilr32b.zip    Quick-Filer, file maintenance utility, K.Flee
rcd24.zip       Ray's change directory, R.Tassle
rcdir901.zip    DIR using colors according to filetype, R.Crause
rdf.zip         Remove files and directory
rfm310.zip      Rob's mouse driven File Manager, reqs VGA, R.Helmond
rm-t130.zip     Removes protected files including directories
rm210_as.zip    File and directory removal utility, A.Slagsvold
rooter20.zip    Show directory disk usages, Patric Taylor
rwfman13.zip    A compact PC/AT DOS File Manager, R. Wells
sattrib.zip     Modify attributes incl. hidden, system + subdirs v1.3
sd.zip          Select directory using menu v2.8. Goes well with MAKEMENU
sd62.zip        Directory listerv
sdc1_1.zip      A generalized directory changer, annoying delay, C.Junge
sdn06.zip       Simple directory navigator (req's treeinfo.ncd)
secret3.zip     A hidden directory system with special md, rd, cd.
smap200.zip     A tree-like Disk Space Mapping Program, freeware, B.Smith
ssv-10.zip      Super Searcher file finder, C.Davis
stripped.zip    Search for files damaged by TDSTRIP (TD)
sts_320.zip     Stereo shell v3.20 directory manager (good)
stuff2.zip      Stuff v2.0 generates pathnames; file finder for Zoo
supdir11.zip    SuperDIR Directory List Program, S.Spielbusch
sutil282.zip    SupremeUtility; file copies, moves etc on one command line
swear1.zip      Four powerful utility prgs for files/dirs, S.Testa
tdel268.zip     A freeware replacement for the DEL command, T. Chitin
tdir92.zip      TreeDir jump to directories from a menu (w asm), freeware
tfm220us.zip    The file manager v2.2
tppdr101.zip    A non-TSR, non-file reliant push/pop program, K.Lim
tree_11.zip     TreeSize directory space / percentage lister
treesz02.zip    TreeSZ02 graphically displays the directory (good)
trim_3_0.zip    Trim a directory tree, be careful, dangerous!
tsds13.zip      Interactive and command-line directory sorter, T.Sankey
v1v200.zip      SVGA/4DOS/Zips/Colour/Programmable File Manager, N.Faulks
vcd10.zip       A visual change directory prg v1.0
vdir13.zip      Vdir v1.3 directory viewer, V.Bergh
vf1_3.zip       Change to any directory, relies on a dat file, G.Bjoerneseth
wcd310bs.zip    Change directory, DOS, Unix, w/C src, GNU, E.Waterlander
werdir.zip      Color coded [Wersting] D[ir], freeware, M.Beck
what214.zip     Add documentary to directory v2.14
with10.zip      With v1.0; choose files to use
wpr027.zip      Wpr - secure recursive dir deleter, T.Kong
wrd60.zip       The Worlock Remove Directory v6.0
xdir303d.zip    Xdir v3.03 replacement for Dos Dir (odd datestamp is OK)
xrd30.zip       Extended RD, removes also subdirs and files, V.Kolhinen
ycom10.zip      Use your English commands to run applications, ISAAC YAO
zap33.zip       Zap! v3.3 (improved Directory Control) (good)
zd.zip          Zap Directory v3.1 remove directories
zdir20.zip      ZanyDIR colorful directory display
zeroin25.zip    A CHDIR shortcut with Windows 95 LFN support, S.Carter
                Also see /pc/ts/tsutle23.zip for recursive delete + remove