c-lang :        Material for C and C++ programmers
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the c-lang directory
actlib17.zip    General purpose libs w/source for C/C++
amisl092.zip    Reference implementation v0.92 of AMIS v3.5
anumr4.zip      Turbo C numerical analysis library
b2obj11b.zip    A binary image to .OBJ file converter
bchelp10.zip    Borland (Turbo) C(++) help items
bestl231.zip    Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)
bfast11.zip     bFast v1.1 C++ class library for Btrieve
bltc121.zip     Bullet for DOS C/C++ dBASE .DBF/b-tree toolkit
bplus11a.zip    A b-tree indexing file module for C
c-lesson.zip    A complete course for you to learn the C language, C.Sawtell
c-profil.sha    C profiler source
c-winsrc.zip    Free windowing system in C
cbase102.zip    cbase - The C Database file mgmt library v1.0.2
cc01.zip        Old C programming source snippets from an unkown source 1/4
cc02.zip        Old C programming source snippets from an unkown source 2/4
cc03.zip        Old C programming source snippets from an unkown source 3/4
cc04.zip        Old C programming source snippets from an unkown source 4/4
ccdl130.zip     32-bit C compiler for 386+ and m68k processors, D. Lindauer
ccl110je.zip    Coroutine class library for Borland C++ (with source)
cfog102.zip     C source code obfuscator, Nag
cguide3.zip     The IBM PC programmer's guide to C, Matthew Probert
clp_v10.zip     A 'C' command line processor
cpar01.zip      C Source Code Parallelizer for MS-DOS, W.Ware
cprof.zip       C profiler (with Turbo C support)
crcloc24.zip    CRC security utility for C/C++ and GNU C progs, J.Thorpe
crono10.zip     Track the execution time of Dos commands or work sessions
cscop120.zip    C source code analysis utility, Nag
cslib220.zip    C++ dbase system for Borland C compilers, T.P.van den bout
ctask22d.zip    A multitasking kernel in C w/ASM + C source
ctools10.zip    Ctools; how to implement generic linked list routines
cu21.zip        Listing of PC C/C++ Shareware Programs, Eric Engelmann
cv21.zip        Directory of PC C/C++ Tool Producers, Eric Engelmann
cxt235.zip      C exploration tools, Src Code Analysis, HTML output
devdrv.zip      Microsoft C device driver shell (w source)
devlist.zip     Block device list/device list (disks) (w C)
dpmifi.zip      Unofficial patch of DPMILOAD.EXE (Borland C++ v3.0)
emil.zip        Extended memory interface library for C
emsif24a.zip    Version-independent C interface to LIM EMS, J.Birdsall
expr11.zip      An expression library v1.1 for Turbo C
fds_c_09.zip    C programming examples from Mexico for Turbo C 2.0
flilib.zip      Turbo C + MS C library for .fli animation
fortfy22.zip    Fortified memory allocation shell for C + C++, S.Bullen
gtcmous1.zip    Graphics mouse cursor in VGA text mode
hparse21.zip    FAST interpreter of mathematical functions for C, H.Helfgott
indexe.zip      C pgm beautifier
isc366.zip      Interrupt Service Class for C++ (w source)
lpc052.zip      LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code generator v0.52 in C
lzpip104.zip    Access compressed/deflated files, library w/C src, T.Shaporev
matrx042.zip    Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers (w C), P.Ko
memman2c.zip    EMS/XMS/Virtual Flat Memory for C/C++, B. Taylor
mgl11.zip       MegaGraph Graphics Library for SuperVGA's, K.Bennett
mgld11.zip      MegaGraph Graphics Library Demo
mgld3d01.zip    MegaGraph Graphics Library 3D Extensions Demo, K.Bennet
milli.zip       Millisecond resolution timer (w C)
mkutil20.zip    SciTech Software Makefile utilities, K.Bennet
mmouse15.zip    Mouse driver for Microsoft mice v1.5 (for .BGI)
mou105.zip      Turbo C, MSC and Turbo Pascal 6.0 source mouse routines
mouclib6.zip    Mouselib 6th release for TC2.0, TC++, BC++
moush101.zip    Mouse driver routines for Turbo C/C++ (.OBJ), M.Chen
mtl11.zip       MegaToolbox (console, events, mouse, sysinfo), K.Bennet
mtl110je.zip    DOS multithreading library for Borland C++ (w source)
mvis01.zip      MegaVision C++ AF GUI for the MGL w/src,  K.Bennet
netcl16.zip     Netware C library v1.6
pcc12c.zip      Personal C Compiler PCC v2.1c (fully functional)
pcsound.zip     Soundplay functions C source (.OBJ)
pmlite10.zip    DOS Extender indep. Protected Mode Programming API
pmw122.zip      PMODE/W v1.22 - DOS Extender For Watcom C/C++, C.Scheffold
prf.zip         Profiler: find where your program is spending time (MSC)
proto217.zip    ANSI C,C++ prototype extractor from SOLUCORP, Shareware
qic02ctl.zip    QIC-02 streamer control lib. (C src), T.Shaporev
rgbedit.zip     RGBEDIT v1.0 create custom palette defs for C
romize.zip      Writing ROMable code in Turbo C
sbprog10.zip    Soundblaster programming routines (C++ src)
serus221.zip    Serious v2.21; serial comm device driver (w C)
setlink.zip     Make up for make's lack of output redirection (TC)
shroud.zip      Ansi-conforming C language source code shrouder
simc100.zip     C/C++ function library for discrete simulation
spwno413.zip    Disk/XMS Swapping replacement for spawn(), w/C, R.Brown
tc-tsr10.zip    TSR-related programs written in Turbo C
tc2pat2.zip     Borland's Turbo C v2.0 patches
tcppt1.zip      Turbo C++ Patch
tcres201.zip    Memory resident library v2.01
tctimer.zip     Timing of events for Turbo C
tech01.zip      Techniques C++ Class Library w/src, K.Bennet
tgasave.zip     C-functions to save Truecolor Targa files, S.Huseby
thread.zip      An On-Line C Help File, Fran Horvath
tptc17sc.zip    Turbo Pascal to C translator (source)
tptc17tc.zip    TP to C transl. (test cases)
tptcexe.zip     TP to C transl. (exe + doc)
tptcinfo.zip    TP to C transl. (info)
tptcsup.zip     TP to C transl. (support files)
tsr100je.zip    TSR class library for Borland C++ (with source)
tsrfil10.zip    Base source code in Borland C for dos tsrs, S.Hall
tst10.zip       TSR demo; spawn+graphics save functions (C)
typesc10.zip    Reuseable software components support for C++
viewcmos.zip    C code for reading contents of Cmos setup registers
vm10_arh.zip    VGA/SVGA graphics mode mouse cursors library, (w C src)
wflilb24.zip    FLI/FLC play library for Watcom C++ 10.0, I.Bosticky
wgt45.zip       WordUp Graphics Toolkit 4.5 for Borland/Turbo C
wgt51a.zip      WordUp Graphics Toolkit 5.1 for Watcom C/C++ (1/3)
wgt51b.zip      WordUp Graphics Toolkit 5.1 for Watcom C/C++ (2/3)
wgt51c.zip      WordUp Graphics Toolkit 5.1 for Watcom C/C++ (3/3)
wgt5doc.zip     WordUp Graphics Toolkit 5.1 for Watcom C/C++ documents
xms200je.zip    XMS/UMB/HMA/XMSarray classes for Borland C++
xmslb17.zip     Allow Turbo C programs to access XMS functions v1.7
xyz_20.zip      C++ 3D Graphics Class Library, N.Centanni
ztimer20.zip    Microsecond Resolution Zen Timer library, K.Bennett