Begin3 Title: Uptime (Chamorro) Version: 2.40 Entered-date: 2017-07-05 Modified-date: 2017-07-05.1 Description: Reports uptime, even inside DOSEmu. Similar to UNIX "uptime". Summary: UPTIME is a 16 bit DOS utility that display system uptime by automatically detecting when it was firstly by automatically detecting when it was firstly booted. It replicates *NIX uptime, one of the basic UNIX commands which allows you to quickly confirm how long your system has been up and running since it was last rebooted or powered on. Keywords: uptime Author: Javier Gutierrez Chamorro Maintained-by: Javier Gutierrez Chamorro Primary-site: Platforms: DOS, FreeDOS Copying-policy: GNU Lesser General Public License Group: unix MD5: 6a0fe4057834472ca19c944907555db6 SHA: 6287fef93b717a056c41b67870c65a3e7d8cf4e0f22261ad393120e061b1b285 End