Begin3 Title: bcc - Bruce's C compiler Version: 0.16.10a Entered-date: 2017-04-16 Description: Simple C compiler that produces 8086 assembler for tiny/small models. Keywords: K&R,C89,C,compiler Author: Bruce Evans, Robert de Bath Maintained-by: Alternate-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: GNU General Public License, Version 2 Defunct-Original-Site: Summary: Bruce's C compiler is a simple C compiler that produces 8086 assembler for tiny/small models. Modified-date: 2025-01-01.0 Group: devel CRC: 49684754 MD5: a07196cc7fd289a5f1bccabc3442c75c SHA: ca30e42a0f16b53135dbbb32761e7dbfaad010059e7000d5b159de699afccb1d End