NOTE: This list was created on Mon Jul  6 11:35:11 EDT 1998
Some files may have been added or deleted since that date.
See SimTel/msdos/filedocs/upload.inf for uploading information.

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

Directory SimTel/msdos/starter/
 Filename   Type Length   Date   Description
00-files.doc  B    9293  950624  All about file types in the SimTel archives   B    6798  921207  V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
arce41a.doc   B   11829  921207  V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs
bin2as.mac    B    2324  830813  Convert binary files to ASCII for modem xfer
convert.bas   B    9469  830303  Ascii - binary (and reverse) file conversion
crc.doc       B    3589  860705  Documentation for CRC67.EXE
crc67.exe     B    3328  860705  Produce list of file names and CRC for each
delbr11.exe   B   11776  860910  Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64)
delbr11a.c    B    7002  860910  Source for DELBR11A.EXE (see DELBR11A.BUG)
license.gnu   B   12488  901120  The GNU general license, version 1.0
ludef5.doc    B   16209  861109  Official LU (LBR) file definitions    B    2988  860428  Extract files from .LBR
lue220.doc    B    4693  870625  Documentation for LUE220.COM   B    2176  860201  File unsqueezer, used with SQPC
nusq110.doc   B   19138  860901  Documentation for NUSQ110.COM
pk361.exe     B  119598  880801  Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61
quickref.lst  B   11277  951123  Quick reference list of SimTel directories
sharewre.txt  B    1626  890523  Explains how ShareWare works (must read!)
sqdate.doc    B   10070  860215  Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc.
sqpc129.doc   B    3974  860901  Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility   B    2944  860201  File SQueeze utility (compresses files)
squeeze.txt   B   12014  850824  Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program
tarread.exe   B   14928  870820  Read Unix TAR files on a PC
transgid.txt  B   27095  900423  Short guide to networking & file transmission
unz512x.exe   B  148162  940910  Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: Free zipfile extractor
uudecode.bas  B    5567  940820  Creates small and very fast UUdecode program
uudecode.c    B    5349  910418  C source for uudecoder  B    1158  910312  Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
uudecode.dbg  B    4069  910312  DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM
uudecode.doc  B    1963  920806  Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM
uudecode.pas  B    5716  861213  Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
uudecode.tp5  B    5373  900509  Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
uuencode.bas  B    4896  941005  Creates small and very fast UUencode program
uuencode.c    B    4212  910306  C source for uuencoder  B     997  941005  Convert binary files to ASCII
uuencode.pas  B    4956  861213  Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal)
uuencode.tp5  B    5300  900509  Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
xxdecode.bas  B    4363  940820  Creates small and very fast XXdecode program  B     851  930612  Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary
xxdecode.doc  B    1963  921022  Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS
xxdecode.txt  B   17713  891128  Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode
xxencode.bas  B    4766  940820  Creates small and very fast XXencode program
xxinstal.bat  B   87461  900316  BAT file to bootstrap XXENCODE/XXDECODE,w/Csrc