Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

                          Definitions of Managed Objects
                          for Threshold Crossing Alerts
                                    SNMPv2 MIB
                     (See bellcore-tcav1.mib for SNMPv1 MIB)

                                  December 1993
                                   Version 1.0

                             Tracy A. Brown (editor)
                           Bell Communications Research
                             331 Newman Springs Road
                               Red Bank, NJ  07701


          1.  Status of this Memo

          This document is a private extension to the SNMP MIB.
          Distribution of this memo is unlimited.  Please send comments
          to the editor.

          2.  Abstract

          This memo defines a private portion of the Management
          Information Base (MIB) for use with network management
          protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.  In particular, it
          defines objects for managing Threshold Crossing Alert
          information for managed interfaces. An interface can for
          example be an SMDS Subscriber-Network Interface or Inter-
          Carrier Interface (SNI/ICI), Frame Relay User-Network
          Interface or Inter-Carrier Interface (UNI/ICI), or ATM-based
          CRS User-Network Interface or Inter-Carrier Interface

          This memo does not specify a standard for the Internet

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          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          3.  The Network Management Framework

          The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework consists of four major
          components.  They are:

           o    RFC 1442 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
                describing and naming objects for the purpose of

           o    RFC 1213 defines MIB-II, the core set of managed objects
                for the Internet suite of protocols.

           o    RFC 1445 which defines the administrative and other
                architectural aspects of the framework.

           o    RFC 1448 which defines the protocol used for network
                access to managed objects.

          The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the
          purpose of experimentation and evaluation.

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          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          4.  Object Definitions

          Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store,
          termed the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the
          MIB are defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation
          One (ASN.1) defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object
          object type is named by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an
          administratively assigned name.  The object type together with
          an object instance serves to uniquely identify a specific
          instantiation of the object.  For human convenience, we often
          use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to refer to the
          object type.

          5.  Overview

          These objects are used in the context of a SNMP-based Customer
          Network Management (CNM) service and Exchange Access
          Operations Management (XA-OM) that can be provided by networks
          supporting SMDS, Frame Relay Service, and Cell Relay Service.
          See references [5] - [8].

          This MIB provides Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) information
          to a CNM or XA-OM subscriber.  A Threshold Crossing Alert is a
          message that is sent from a switching system to an OS (e.g.,
          SNMP agent) whenever a counter value crosses a predefined
          threshold.  The switching system collects information over a
          15-minute interval, and the threshold value is an absolute
          value for the counter over that 15-minute interval.
          Therefore, each counter value can only cross a threshold once
          over a 15-minute period.  This MIB represents what TCAs have
          been received for each interface sublayer.  An interface
          sublayer can be the protocol sublayers of an SMDS Subscriber-
          Network Interface or Inter-Carrier Interface (SNI/ICI), Frame
          Relay User-Network Interface or Inter-Carrier Interface
          (UNI/ICI), or ATM-based CRS User-Network Interface or Inter-
          Carrier Interface (UNI/ICI).  See References [5] - [8] for the
          definitions of the protocol sublayers for each service
          interface.  Capturing TCA information in this MIB is
          necessary, because many Fast Packet Switching Systems are not
          capable of meeting the data currency objective of 180 seconds
          as described in the Bellcore Technical Advisories/References.
          However, the Switching Systems are capable of alerting the
          SNMP agent when a counter value exceeds a predefined threshold
          via the TCA mechanism.  These TCAs can be translated into SNMP
          objects that can be provided to the CNM or XA-OM subscriber.

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          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          Therefore, even though CNM or XA-OM subscribers do not have
          access to current counter values, they will have access to
          information regarding what counters have crossed a threshold
          within a 15-minute interval.  Therefore, threshold crossing
          information provides these subscribers with a timely fault
          detection/isolation capability.  A CNM subscriber may use this
          information for multiple network management functions and

          There are two mechanisms in which a CNM and XA-OM subscriber
          receives TCA information.  One mechanism is by polling the
          objects defined in this TCA MIB (primarily the tcaCounts
          object), and the other is by being asynchronously alerted of a
          TCA via an SNMP trap message called the fyiTrap. See Reference
          [10] for a description of the fyiTrap.  However, to control
          the potential flood of traps being sent to a CNM and XA-OM
          subscriber, some TCA information may not cause a trap to be
          automatically generated.  See the tcaTrapEnabler object.  This
          object is read-write.  However, initially the object has a
          minimum access of read-only.  It is envisioned that in the
          future, the CNM and XA-OM subscriber may change the value of
          the tcaTrapEnabler, thus requesting what TCAs should generate

          The counters being thresholded are defined in the following
          Bellcore documents:

          --  TR-TSV-001062, SMDS CNM Service

          --  TA-NWT-001371, Frame Relay PVC CNM Service

          --  TA-NWT-001117, CNM Service for Exchange PVC Cell Relay Service

          --  TA-TSV-001237, SMDS XA-OM Service

          --  TA-NWT-001430, Frame Relay PVC XA-OM Service

          Each document will also specify a default value for the
          tcaTrapEnabler object for each counter.

          When the service is defined, this MIB may also be used for
          XA-OM service for Exchange Access PVC Cell Relay Service.

          To obtain Bellcore documents, contact:

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                               [Page 4]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

                       Customer Service
                       8 Corporate Place - Rm. 3C-183
                       Piscataway, NJ 08854-4156
                       1 (800) 521-CORE
                       (908) 699-5800 (For Foreign Calls)
          See bellcore-tcav1.mib for the SNMPv1 equivalent of this
          SNMPv2 MIB.

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                               [Page 5]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          6.  Object Definitions


             Counter32, Integer32,
             enterprises                              FROM SNMPv2-SMI
             DisplayString, TimeStamp                 FROM SNMPv2-TC

            bellcore         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 148 }
            requirements     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bellcore 1 }

            tcaMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
               LAST-UPDATED "9312101200Z"
               ORGANIZATION "Bellcore"
                     "   Tracy A. Brown
                         331 Newman Springs Rd.
                         Red Bank, NJ 07701 USA

                         Tel: 1-908-758-2107
                         Fax: 1-908-758-4177
                        "The MIB module to describe generic objects for
                        Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs) for CNM
                        and XA-OM for
                        SMDS, Frame Relay Service,
                        and Cell Relay Service."
              ::= { requirements 5 }

              tcaObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcaMIB 1 }

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          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          -- The Threshold Crossing Alert Group

          tcaTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcaEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  current
                      "The Threshold Crossing Alert table."
              ::= { tcaObjects 1 }

          tcaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  TcaEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  current
                      "An entry in the Threshold Crossing Alert table."
              INDEX   { tcaIfIndex, tcaIndex }
              ::= { tcaTable 1 }

          TcaEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,

          tcaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  current

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                      "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
                      ifIndex value for this interface sublayer
              ::= { tcaEntry 1 }

          tcaIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is used as one of the
                      indices for this table.  It is a unique identifier
                      for this row in the table for this interface
                      (ifIndex).  The value of this object can be from 1
                      to N, where N is the number of potential TCAs for
                      this interface sublayer (ifEntry)."
              ::= { tcaEntry 2 }

          tcaObject OBJECT-TYPE
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is the OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                      of the counter object being thresholded.  The
                      counter objects being thresholded are defined in
                      other MIB Modules."
              ::= { tcaEntry 3 }

          tcaObjectDesc OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  DisplayString
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is a description of the
                      counter object being thresholded.  For example,
                      DS1 Coding Violations."
              ::= { tcaEntry 4 }

          tcaThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current

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                      "The value of this object is the threshold value
                      of the counter object being thresholded."
              ::= { tcaEntry 5 }

          tcaSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER  {
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is the sample type of
                      the counter object being thresholded from the
                      perspective of the CNM or XA-OM customer.  All
                      counters are thresholded over a 15-minute
                      interval.  However, over this 15-minute interval
                      the threshold value may be an absolute value
                      (e.g., used for interval counters) or a delta
                      value (e.g., used for continuous counters).  The
                      intervals are measured locally at the agent, and
                      are not visible to the manager. At the agent's
                      local interval boundary, all threshold crossing
                      measurements are reset to zero.  (A counter value
                      may cross the predefined threshold and a TCA is
                      sent only once within a 15-minute interval.)"
              ::= { tcaEntry 6 }

          tcaCounts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is the number of times
                      the threshold was crossed for this counter object,
                      since sysUpTime was initialized or restarted.
                      This counter is a continuous counter.  It should
                      be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of
                      Counter, that it does not have a defined initial
                      value.  However, it is recommended that this
                      object be initialized to zero."
              ::= { tcaEntry 7 }

          tcaTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  TimeStamp

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              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS  current
                      "The value of this object is equal to the value of
                      MIB-II's sysUpTime object at which last (latest)
                      threshold was crossed for this counter object.
                      The value of this object is set to zero at
              ::= { tcaEntry 8 }

          tcaTrapEnabler OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER  {
              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
              STATUS  current
                      "Indicates whether fyiTraps should be generated
                      for this threshold crossing count (tcaObject).
                      The physical layer counters' and gauges' (e.g.,
                      DS1, DS3, SONET, and PLCP) TCAs should have a
                      default value of disabled(2).  The SMDS service
                      violations and higher layer protocol violations
                      counters' TCAs should have a default value of
                      enabled(1).  A fyiTrap, when generated, shall have
                      the following varBind list: tcaObject,
                      tcaObjectDesc, tcaThreshold, and tcaTimeStamp."
              ::= { tcaEntry 9 }

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 10]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          -- Conformance Information

          tcaConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcaMIB 2 }

          tcaGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcaConformance 1 }
          tcaCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcaConformance 2 }

          -- Compliance Statements

          tcaCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
                STATUS  current
                  "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities
                  which support Threshold Crossing Alert Information.
                  This MIB module will be used primarily for SMDS,
                  Frame Relay Service, and Cell Relay CNM and XA-OM Services."

                MODULE -- this module
                    MANDATORY-GROUPS { tcaGroup }

                    OBJECT  tcaTrapEnabler
                    MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                        "Write access is not required."
               ::= { tcaCompliances 1 }

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          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          -- Units of Conformance

          tcaGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
                OBJECTS { tcaObject, tcaObjectDesc,
                          tcaThreshold, tcaSampleType, tcaCounts,
                          tcaTimeStamp, tcaTrapEnabler }
                STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      to Threshold Crossing Alert Information."
                ::= { tcaGroups 1 }


          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 12]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          7.  Acknowledgments

          This document was produced by the Bellcore CNM/XA-OM Team:

          Masuma Ahmed, Ted Brunner, Tracy Brown, Chuck Davin, Taso
          Devetzis, Thom Farese, Shannon Hansen, Alan Hermelee, Sherri
          Hiller, Deirdre Kostick, Dave Piscitello, Rich Reimer, Cathy
          So, and Kaj Tesink.

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 13]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          8.  References
          [1]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
               "Structure of Management Information for version 2 of the
               Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1442, SNMP
               Research, Inc., Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting,
               Inc., Carnegie Mellon University, April 1993.

          [2]  Galvin, J., and K. McCloghrie, "Administrative Model for
               version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
               (SNMPv2)", RFC 1445, Trusted Information Systems, Hughes LAN
               Systems, April 1993.

          [3]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
               "Protocol Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network
               Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1448, SNMP Research, Inc.,
               Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie
               Mellon University, April 1993.

          [4]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
               Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets - MIB-II", RFC
               1213, Hughes LAN Systems, Performance Systems International,
               March 1991.

          [5]  Generic Requirements For Phase 1
               SMDS Customer Network Management Service,
               Bellcore TR-TSV-001062, Issue 1, March 1993, and Supplement 1,
               December 1993.

          [6]  Generic Requirements for Phase 1 Frame Relay PVC
               Customer Network Management Service, Bellcore TA-NWT-001371,
               Issue 1, September 1993.

          [7]  Generic Requirements for Exchange PVC CRS Customer Network
               Management Service, Bellcore
               TA-NWT-001117, Issue 1, September 1993.

          [8]  SMDS Generic Requirements for Initial
               Operations Management Capabilities in Support of
               Exchange Access and Intercompany Service Arrangements,
               Bellcore TA-TSV-001237, Issue 1, June 1993.

          [8]  Generic Requirements for Initial Frame Relay PVC
               Exchange Access Operations Management
               (XA-OM) Service, Bellcore TA-NWT-001430, Issue 1,
               to be published.

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 14]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          [10] Definition of the Enterprise-specific fyiTrap (SNMPv1), Kaj Tesink (editor),
               Bellcore Enterprise-specific MIB (posted on as
               Version 1.0, December 1993.

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 15]

          Bellcore       Threshold Crossing Alert Objects  December 1993

          Table of Contents

          1 Status of this Memo ...................................    1
          2 Abstract ..............................................    1
          3 The Network Management Framework ......................    2
          4 Object Definitions ....................................    3
          5 Overview ..............................................    3
          6 Object Definitions ....................................    6
          6.1 The Threshold Crossing Alert Group Group ............    7
          6.2 Conformance Information .............................   11
          7 Acknowledgments .......................................   13
          8 References ............................................   14

          Tracy A. Brown (editor)                              [Page 16]