Reported by Bob Stewart/Xyplex


The Character MIB Working Group held its fourth meeting at the IETF
meeting in St.  Louis.  Attendance is falling off a bit as we near
completion, but we had representatives of several terminal server
companies and other interested parties.  Overall, the meeting showed
good consensus and resulted in the completion of the business at hand.
As a result, following edits based on the meeting and a final
implementation report, we are ready to submit our documents to become
proposed standards.

The following meeting Agenda was presented informally on the Character
MIB Working Group mailing list before the meeting.


   o Discuss the drafts as distributed via the mailing list.

      -  Character MIB
      -  RS-232-like MIB
      -  Parallel-printer-like MIB

   o Discuss implementations.
   o Recommend drafts for advancement to proposed standard.

The group pointed out minor editorial errors in all three documents.

We discussed the necessity of common values for types of hardware flow
control and decided to let simple practicality win over architectural
purity, adding values for CTS/RTS and DTR/DSR to the Character MIB flow
control types.

After considerable discussion about including flow-control characters in
the Character MIB's port character counts, we decided to leave them
included but qualify the counts to be ``detected'' characters.

We discussed and approved the overall changes adding a synchronous group
to the RS-232 MIB. We decided to differentiate between frames
short-terminated due to aborts and those interrupted by modem signal



We discussed the implementation and operational cost of signal change
counts in the RS-232 and Parallel MIBs and decided to leave them in
pending an implementation report.

We agreed that all objects with ``Err'' in the name should have ``Errs''

The only implementation in progress is being done by Xyplex for
inclusion in a product this year.  It is near completion and will
provide the first implementation test.

Pending satisfactory edits and the completed implementation, the group
agreed to recommend all three documents for advancement as proposed


Charles Bazaar 
Christopher Bucci
Shawn Gallagher
Tom Grant      
Frank Kastenholz
Kenneth Key              key@cs.utk.gdy
Jim Kinder     
David Perkins            dave\
Dean Throop    
