Reliable Server Pools BOF (rserpool)

Friday, December 15 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Lyndon Ong (
        Maureen Stillman (


Reliable application service is critical to many different 
applications. Examples include call control, mobility location 
registers, and e-commerce websites. Reliability can be implemented 
using an application server pool, where multiple hosts support a 
single application with redundancy and/or load sharing.

Existing server pooling mechanisms are typically proprietary and 
designed for specific applications.  As a result they cannot be 
extended to heterogeneous environments and new applications.

The Reliable Server Pooling effort will focus on standardizing a 
generalized mechanism to provide a client with reliable service(s) 
provided by an application server pool.  The objective is to cleanly 
separate the application from the reliability mechanism and allow 
different types of applications to use a common reliability framework 
and protocols.

Reading Material:


 - Introduction (5 min.)
   Lyndon Ong

 - Presentation of Requirements (20 minutes)
   Speaker: Michael Tuexen

 - Discussion of Requirements (20 minutes)

 - Presentation of Architecture based on Scenarios (40 minutes)
   Examples to be presented are:
   - FTP: Randy Stewart
   - E-commerce: Michael Tuexen
   - Telephony: Lyndon Ong
   - IP Radio Access Networks (RAN): John Loughney

 - Discussion of Architecture (30 minutes)

 - Review Charter (5 min.)
   Maureen Stillman

 - General Discussion (20 min.)
 - Wrap up (5 min.)