Message Organization (morg)

 Last Modified: 2010-03-25

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Randall Gellens  <>
     Timo Sirainen  <>
     Barry Leiba  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Alexey Melnikov  <>
     Peter Saint-Andre  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Alexey Melnikov  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The IETF Message Organization extensions Working Group will work on IMAP
extensions that improve clients' ability to find messages or groups of
messages in an IMAP mailstore. As a secondary goal, the WG will design
its extensions so as to minimize client/server round trips and bandwidth

In particular the Working Group is chartered to finalize and publish the
following IMAP extensions as proposed standards:

(a) A SORT extension specifying new sort criteria for header fields
containing email addresses. This extension will be based on

(b) A SEARCH extension specifying new search criteria for header fields
containing email addresses.

(c) A LIST extension for returning STATUS information in LIST responses.
This extension will be based on

(d) An extension that formalizes a way to return message counters by
message context using STATUS and SEARCH commands.

(e) An extension that specifies Internet-search-engine-like searching.
Such searches would be more flexible (and less formally defined) than
substring-based searches, and may return their results in a significant
order. They may include "relevance" scores or similar information that
could be useful to the user.

(f) New collation algorithms such as "ignore whitespace" and "numeric,
ignoring punctuation". The WG group will determine which collations are
needed, taking into consideration the needs of the protocols that use
the collation framework.

(g) An extension that allows searching for messages within a message
thread. This extension will be based on

(h) An extension that allows searching of multiple mailboxes at the same
time (based on draft-melnikov-imapext-multimailbox-search-03.txt), or of
multiple mailbox views. The WG will determine which approach (mailboxes
or views) is more suitable as part of its work.

Additional documents may be added this list, but only via a charter
revision. There must also be demonstrable willingness in the IMAP
development community to actually implement a given extension before it
can be added to this charter.

Revising or replacing the base IMAP4rev1 specification (RFC 3501) is out
of the scope of this WG. This WG will ensure that all extensions it
proposes take into account any existing problems in the base
specification of IMAP, and do not make them worse nor make the problems
harder to address in the future.

 Goals and Milestones:


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Jan 2009 Jun 2010   <draft-ietf-morg-multimailbox-search-03.txt>
                IMAP4 Multimailbox SEARCH Extension 

Jan 2009 Jul 2010   <draft-ietf-morg-inthread-01.txt>
                The IMAP SEARCH=INTHREAD and THREAD=REFS Extensions 

Apr 2009 Jan 2010   <draft-ietf-morg-fuzzy-search-02.txt>
                IMAP4 Extension for Fuzzy Search 

Jan 2010 Jun 2010   <draft-ietf-morg-list-specialuse-02.txt>
                IMAP LIST extension for special-use mailboxes 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC5819 PS   Mar 2010    IMAP4 Extension for returning STATUS information in 
                       extended LIST 

RFC5957 PS   Jul 2010    Display-Based Address Sorting for the IMAP4 SORT 