F O R E V E R   Q U A T T R O   P A R T Y
 14.-16. march 2003 / Trencin / Slovakia

C64 MUSIC (19 entries)

Mouth In the Foot / CreaMD / DMagic (431) 
Summer Memories / Factor 6 / Anubis / Role / PHT (380) 
Danger Cable / PCH / Unreal (351) 
Ins’t It Simple? / Sidder / Multistyle labs. / Role (341) 
Echoes of Storm / Orcan / React (340) 
Gunjah / Smalltown Boy / Multistyle labs. (328) 
Ladislav / Sad / Padua (305) 
Drinking / Richard Bayliss / TND / Civitas (280) 
Let the Beat Conrol Your Body / Intensity / Onslaught / Cosine (278) 
Xtrafroccs / Vincenzo (275)
Moonwalking Space Dog / Luca / Fire (275) 
14 Towers / DaFunk / Tempest / Onslaught 272) 
Bruth-Lan-Dan / Wotnau / DMagic (266)
Melo Jessy / GH / Toondichters (266) 
Pre kamošov / Dalezy / Creators (226) 
Psychopathis Wannabe Trance / Mankeli / Deep Presence (214) 
12 Bars / ABD / Damage (213) 
Starbuck's Death / Pater Pi (206) 
Source / Ed / Wrath Designs (193) 

C64 GRAPHICS (7 entries)

Nothing Personal / Jailbird / Booze Design (463) 
Why / Leon / Singular (394) 
Machina / Joe / Wrath Designs(382) 
One Eyed / Oxidy / Wrath Designs (354) 
Bad Day / Sad / Padua (328) 
But I Don’t Smoke / Exile / Anubis (272) 
Vindicator / Ceti / Anubis (243)

C64 INTRO (1 entry)

1k intro by Lord Hypnos / Padua

C64 DEMO (2 entries)

Water	  / Nightlord	/ Aesrude (384) 
Ditherer  / Richard	/ Civitas (139)

MIXED REALTIME COMPO (3 C64 entries of 5 total)

PCH Real	(Music) / PCH / Unreal (287) 
Teplaky		(Intro) / Lord Hypnos / Padua (246) 
?		(Music) / TDM (240) - speccy prod.
The Calculation (GFX)	/ Bugjam / Role (223) 
Kalkus		(Intro) / Factor6 / Anubis / Role / PHT	(163) - speccy prod.


Heartfixer / Bubis & Luca	 (Commodore Plus/4 demo)

SEAL (Shot’em All) / Raster /CPU (16 players game for ATARI)
				 using 16 joysticks adapter) 

Atari + Electric Guitar 	 (live performance by Jookie)

River racers / Richard Bayliss	 (2 player game for C64)


C64 Footbal team starring Elban and PCH 
won 10:1 to Atari team in footbal compo outside
the partyplace. Congratulation guys! ;-)

Details of C64 section organisation:

MUSIC compo: 1 cover and 1 sample remix 
were rejected. Also second compo tune 
by SAD couldn't compete according to new
rules. Musics were played anonymously, 
only name of the music was announced. All 
musics were played on NEW sid, sorry goes
to ABD for not playing his one on OLD one.

GFX compo: No scrolling graphics were 
allowed. All pictures were show in two 
rounds. First time they were displayed for
a long time, in the second round only few

INTRO compo wasn't opened due to only one

WILD compo: Due to problems with videoplayer
The winning Plus/4 demo called Heartfixer 
couldn't be shown on big screen. The music 
was played separatedly from C64 machine 
(you can find it on the relese disk between 
the bonus files) The demo will be released
at c64.sk separatedly from the rest of 

River racers were played by Wotnau 
and CreaMD Players were quite lousy and 
didn't get very far in the track ;-)

Reiter's sample - "Weekend" didn't get into
the wild-compo as I couldn't run it on 
my C64. After entering $d400 as value for
first SID it crashed even when I was able
to run it in emulator before ;-(. 
My apologies to Reiter.

NEW C64 GAMES show: 4 games were presented.

First was Metal Warrior 4 by CovertBitops
the already released preview was shown plus
the exlusive preview of the latest game 
development - gameintro. 

Second game was Team Patrol by Protovision
, great 2-4 player game with excellent 
sounds and exhausting playability ;-) 

Latest Pac It development was presented 3rd. 
Pac It is a 4 player pacman clone by 
Protovision coded by Jak-T-Rip of Dmagic.

Fourth was preview of game called WORMS 
which is being developed by SOCI/Singular.

GameShow was performed by CreaMD, Jak-T-Rip 
and MacGyver.

Demoshow was performed by MacGyver/DMagic

Votes were counted by Wotnau/DMagic

This result text was written by CreaMD/DMagic

Thanx to all who supported this party, 
see you next year!

Forever Party is held annually in the 
middle of the march in Trencin / Slovakia

It's homepage is : www.forever.sk

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org