The Gathering 2001 - Hamar, Norway - 11.04.2001 > 15.04.2001
Everything on this list is downloadable from!


Best Regards,
Democrew @ The Gathering 2001.


Place	Points	Title					Credit 

1 	1485 	robotnik's dream 			Tom Idland 
2 	 829 	The Welcome Party 			Fredrik Arntzen 
3 	 503 	The Cookie 				Mr. Sanders 
4 	 387 	Dual Fual 				Quazim 
5 	 314 	fallen one 				euqahuba 
6 	 264 	Wasssup video remix 			R.E.V 
7 	 188 	A Demoreel 				Knut Arne Lindeland 
8 	 169 	TG01 					Pipe TCO, LS & x-reflex 
9 	 164 	Red Bull -Ikke så sterk dah..... 	mayhew og Zilo 
10 	 105 	Teenage zombies from mars 		|wez| 
11 	 103 	Sol shampo reklamefilm 			Feral Wild 
12 	  92 	The City 				MorrowLand (Ronny Andre Reierstad) 
13 	  85 	Cinema at the moon 			Norwegian Intelligence 
14 	  73 	earth-rumLe 				xrf 

Amiga Demo

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1  	 638 	POWERGOD 				Spaceballs 
2 	 502 	Showtime 				Ephidrena 
3 	 285 	Darker 					FurryBoys 
4 	 255 	FreedomArms 				Void 
5 	 249 	rabb-it 				squirrelz 

64K Intro

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 758 	mx.9kru 				Nocturnal 
2 	 725 	A-Ha Remix 				Strife of Apathy 
3 	 670 	[choke] 				Spaceballs 
4 	 341 	Pentagram 				Korp and Xor 
5 	  27 	CrappyShit 				TQC 

4k Intro

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 773 	BadAss 5000 				Spaceballs 
2 	 604 	p0rn 4kb 				DJ p0rn 
3 	 539 	GlowFlow 				FurryBoys 
4 	 439 	spinner 				squirrelz 
5 	 340 	FreeBSD Rocks My World 			CCOU 

Fast Intro

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	1265 	There wasn't time....			Sesse (and friends) 
2 	1049 	fu blir gal 				Bamboosh 
3 	 975 	Kakefisk Ultra 				Kakefisk 

WiLD Demo

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 871 	En dag i en datanerds liv 		Rustfritt Crew 
2 	 844 	Søster, StoreSøster, Bror, Mor, Pappa..	kvasigen 
3 	 793 	Familie Trøbbel 			Everyfuckingday crew 
4 	 755 	still under control 			kooma 
5 	 508 	Kick ass! 				Hissig Film Productions 
6 	 116 	Futuredome video 31.03.2001 		SuBLooP 

Flash Demo

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	1242 	Fiskeslo				Fuglemat & lug00ber 
2 	1066 	Gakk 					KjeX & OmniEspen 
3 	1030 	Ingos Dj-guide 
4 	 853 	Klippe Klipp 				LobSTer 
5 	 848 	dreamhouse 				nelius/DraftingZup 
6 	 122 	WyMeN Flash - Pre TG compo 		LooP 
7 	  60 	l33t h4x00r 				Phoenix Crew /cypher/ 

PC Demo

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 538 	Triple Five Tsunami 			Fadeout 
2 	 516 	3pm.lived (pRot3kt0r) 			Nocturnal 
3 	 333 	Jabberwocky 				PlayPsy Co 
4 	 291 	a digital Odyssey 			digitalAngels 
5 	 263 	Omble Amble 				Bamboosh 
6 	 243 	$tiNg$s33lD 				kvasigen 
7 	 185 	FlowerPower 				The HullkortMasters 
8 	 184 	Chillout2001 invite 2.0 		Chillout Compo Crew 

Pixeled GFX

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 856 	Warrior Babe 				Inferno / Haujobb 
2 	 687 	Lightning Enchanted TG 2001 		Holters 
3 	 673 	Sword of illumination 			wynlen 
4 	 286 	No more CS 				|ReMaRk| / Scum of Goma 
5 	 269 	thom b. johansen på ferde på hamar 	arne 
6 	 261 	what frogs do in the summertime 	RaGgSoKk 
7 	 229 	Wicked Flaw of The firm 		Firm 
8 	 220 	Democrews wicked reality 		Democrew 
9 	 209 	loveboat2000 				superpop 
10 	 195 	Before the Phoenix 			LSR 
11 	 182 	Nierna of Seventh Circle 		ApraXaz 
12 	 172 	Tit Glance 2001 			Silent Crew 
13 	 163 	Paint rules! 				Chain 
14 	 151 	Daniel Hilsen 				No one 
15 	 146 	Candy 					Crizp 
16 	 125 	The beginning is the end is the..	Ech0 
17 	 110 	Ravenous 				Renate #Barnehagen 
18 	  78 	Princess Freak 				Shagma 


Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	1334 	Sunrise Chill 				LittleElk 
2 	1059 	A Cyberspace Oddessey 			Servants of Twilight 
3 	 896 	kaktuskaffesangen 			kaktuskaffe 
4 	 788 	The Land of fantazy 			PyroZane 
5 	 755 	ctrl+alt+del 				Athr0x of BHP 
6 	 749 	Fyfasan så trøtt jeg er! 		TrAFo 
7 	 705 	Neurotrancer 				TitanStar of the Moondreamers 
8 	 585 	Anti Terrorisem 			Unier 
9 	 420 	Ein full modul 				Loop 
10 	 318 	20 min. smack track 			Dj Offset of #smiley 
11 	 317 	dadviyadifuygaiuygoiy 			theo 
12 	 239 	A Precios Moment 			Zionic 

Rendered GFX

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 893 	"Pirates" 				Dr_3D 
2 	 505 	Moment of Silence 			Denis Alekseev 
3 	 496 	Hayabusa 1300R 				Quazim 
4 	 383 	Amphobic 				Erik Bergfald 
5 	 349 	One Must Fall 2097 			Skylight 
6 	 319 	Mushroom Dreamhouse 			Hurreman 
7 	 222 	IWC watch 				#asker 
8 	 213 	Wåter 					3DSMAX 4 
9 	 185 	The Kromoman 				Henning "VacO" Risvik 
10 	 163 	Life of Condom 				#asker 
11 	 157 	Feral Wild 				Paranoid 
12 	 156 	KoRnZiLo i solnedgang 			Zilo of Evil Beavers 
13 	 147 	Sunrise 				Maetzii 
14 	 126 	From illusion to art 			TheeDroid 
15 	 117 	7 minute Sunset 			Thumaz 
16 	 111 	Five					Five Huyderman 
17 	 108 	Dreamnation 				Chain 
18 	 105 	The Island 				Juksefantomet 
19 	 100 	Egg 					Dilfe 
20 	  44 	Faceman 				Bushhack 

Tracked Music

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 716 	Kamelene til Tg2001 			Kaktuskaffe vs The Wacko 
2 	 602 	The Outer Limits 			PyroZane 
3 	 319 	TG Rave 2001 				Unier 
4 	 293 	Love me 				disc0duck 
5 	 247 	"Loud Music & Girls" 			dent/nocturnal 
6 	 236 	Moments 				Athr0x of BHP 
7 	 227 	Existence (Compo Edit) 			BaSSMaSTeR 
8 	 221 	Stalefish 				g00ber 
9 	 196 	floatation 				vision 
10 	 195 	Blue Light deSilva 			Servants of Twilight 
11 	 188 	That Special Song 			Tomma 
12 	 184 	Triport 				TitanStar/Moondreamers 
13 	 179 	show me 				edzes & dj baze 
14 	 156 	Pinpoint 5 				dexter 
15 	 145 	Glorified Basement 			OmS & thriD 
16 	 127 	Illumination 				Paladin and RZA 
17 	  93 	Raging Monolith 			LittleElk 

MP3 Music

Place 	Points 	Title 					Credit 

1 	 581 	Goblin Construction 			G0NZO 
2 	 559 	Snøstorm 				Psychofreud 
3 	 530 	Du you remember 			Flipside 
4 	 529 	sint kvinne, skrapende monokel 		Snask 
5 	 446 	Sit luecat lux 				OptimizE 
6 	 412 	bonito 					g00ber 
7 	 283 	sunset					vision 
8 	 276 	KabbeFettets Sang 			KabbeFett 
9 	 272 	Sunday Flowers 				Tristram/Anomaly 
10 	 244 	Down 2 Earth Matrix System, Alienatio.. Chick^ and #itwt
11 	 236 	Supernova 				Starscream 
12 	 235 	Night In Oslo 				Digital Design Enabled 
13 	 234 	The Gold Wing 				MorrowLand (Ronny Andre Reierstad) 
14 	 225 	Dreams of Reality 			Moondreamers 
15 	 221 	Unconscious Mindflow (rough cut relea..	Cherox / Nocturnal 
16 	 206 	Ambient Monotony Flaw of The firm 	Firm 
17 	 185 	Organ Donation (follow me to surgery) 	AssMaster 
18 	 178 	Infinite Phantasy Real_Time		Psycow, Jakoppp 
19 	 174 	Ray of sunshine 			Starfish 
20 	 115 	Springtime 				Joachim Mortensen 

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