
                         ú úùþùdŽùC™dERZùCšNtùþùú ú

          þ ™NE ™f dŽ biGGESt dEM™ ŽNd C™diNG b™ŽRdS iN EšR™PE þ
               þ SšPP™RtiNG ŽMiGŽ/PC/C64 SCENE Stšff ™NlY þ
                þ ™VER 9ooo dEM™S fR™M 1978 t™ dŽ NEWESt þ
                 þ diSkMŽGZ þ EMšlŽt™RZ ŽNd EMšS™ftWŽRE þ
                         þ ™VER 6ooo S™šRCEC™dES þ
                           þ GR™šPS ŽRE WElC™ME þ
                               þ N™ RŽti™Z þ
                                þ 23 GiGZ þ

                  þú56koúšSRúúúúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þú56koúšSRúúúúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þúŽCtiVEúiSdNúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þúŽCtiVEúiSdNúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ

                         úù SYSdšdE : PigPen^oCCult ùú
                      úù tEMP™RŽRY G™d : Jigga^oCCult ùú


Sorry, but I _have_ to attend military services on 1rst of Sept. 1998,
and this board will be back online when I finnished as soon as possible!


                         [iN] [SCENE] [i] [tRUSt]

* Version 1.0     20.07.1998      pehu  *


Version 1.0	20.07.1998	pehu

The tradition continues. ASSEMBLY is once again held on the second
weekend of August. The party starts on Friday 7th of August at 10.00
and ends Sunday 9th of August at 20.00.

Sunshine is always guaranteed during ASSEMBLYs in Finland. The last
time it rained during ASSEMBLY was in '93, so you needen't worry about
the weather. In '97 the temperatures averaged at +20-24 centigrade 
celsius and the only place which wasn't sunny was the inside of the 
party hall =)

The Helsinki Fair Centre ("Messukeskus") houses once again
ASSEMBLY. For the fourth consecutive time the expo hall will be
attacked by over 3000 hackers from every corner of the world.


	Party place

The Fair Centre is located in Pasila, about 5 km from the center of
Helsinki. The location is easily accessible by train, by bus, by tram 
and of course by taxi and car.

Public transportation information is available from the Helsinki City 
web page at http://www.hel.fi
The party place is the B4 hall of the Helsinki Fair Centre. The expo 
hall's area is over 4000 square meters. The hall will house 1500 
computer places.

All computer places come with three electricity plugs (total capacity
of apprx. 300 W). The computer place is 1m wide and 80 cm deep.

	Audio & Video

The main hall will once again feature a (too) powerful sound system.
We will have (wow) stereo output and kicking base at 10 000 watts of
pure sound power.

The big screen is over 6 meters wide and and supports the 640x480
resolution. Definitely the way to see the demos.

	Party Network

The kick ass network is once again at ASSEMBLY. Net connection will
be offered at all of the computer places (ethernet with twisted pair
and coaxial cable (recommended)). Voting and party information will
be available in the party intranet.

We will also provide extremely good service to people not able to come
to ASM. Stream webTV broadcasts will cover all competitions!

In addition to the cool webTV we will also have a reporter team working
on a ASM eZINE published at the website. So you can expect very good
coverage of all events.

The IRC channels (#asm98, #assembly98) will also be active. Check
out the IRC crews website for more info.

	Food, security, luggage, etc

The party place is the biggest fair centre in Finland. It will feature 
24h food service (yes, we have Coke!), 24h security personnel, 24h
professional electrician, 24h luggage preservation service and 
cleaning personnel. Also 24h help desk with friendly personnel will be 
available to help you out with any problems you might encounter.

Plenty of toilets and some showers will be available. Cool party 
T-shirts will be sold for low price.


We got the biggest parking lot in Helsinki City. The parking will cost
around 60 FIM for the whole weekend.


The ticket price is 240 FIM. If you reserve a computer place in
advance, an additional 20 FIM is charged. These reservations
can only be done via web at address http://www.assembly.org.
Advance ticket sales end on Monday 27th of July (international)
and on Thursday 30th of July (Finnish).

A group discount of 10% with purchase of 10 or more tickets in
*advance*. We will ship the tickets to one address only.

Only tickets for the whole weekend are for sale. There will be no one
day tickets nor reductions for girls, space aliens or rock stars 
(except if you happen to be Bono from U2!).

Tickets will also be available from the door at the party place.


Note, that this is a preliminary schedule - times and events might 
still change. Latest info in the website www.assembly.org.


 10:00	Doors open
 14:00	Sign-up for the outdoor compos
 16:00	Outdoor compos
 19:00	C64 competition deadline
 22:00	Compo deadline for all compos
 23:00	C64 compos begin


 01:00	C64 compos end
 12:00	Graphics compo
 13:00	Music compo
 14:00	Raytrace compo
 15:00	PC 4k intro compo
 16:00	Amiga 64k intro compo
 17:30	PC 64k intro compo
 19:30	Java demo compo
 21:30  Windows demo compo
 23:30	Wild demo compo


 07:00	Amiga demo compo
 09:30	Animation compo
 11:00	PC demo compo
 14:00	Vote counting ends
 15:00	Prize ceremony   
 20:00	Doors close - ASSEMBLY '98 is over


Here's a list of bustrips that we know are arranged. If you 
are organizing a bus trip, email us your information and we'll 
include your trip on the list (assembly@assembly.org).


Organizer	Xerez
Dates		Departure 5.8, Arrival back 10.8
>From where?	Copenhagen, Denmark
Price		1200 dkr
More info	http://www.downstairs.dk/asmbus/ 
Finland, Oulu

Organizer	Drysoft
Dates		Departure the night before ASSEMBLY
>From where?	Oulu
Price		250 FIM
More info:	http://ksilta.edu.ouka.fi/asmbus/ 


Specified demo competition rules will follow in chapter 7.
These are the really general rules applied to different
competition machine classes.


- you have to be present at the party place to take part in any 
  competition (excluding the Java competition)
- only contributions delivered before the deadline will participate 
  in the competitions
- a jury of known scene people will select max. 15 entries to be 
  shown on the big screen in each category
- the entries may not contain any copyrighted material. If you are
  dumb enough to rip graphics from Quake we won't be dumb enough to
  show it on the screen. 
- all entries will be distributed immediately after ASSEMBLY. If you
  wish to release a bugfixed version, submit that to the info crew 
  before the end of the party
- the organizers reserve the right to publish all entries on a
  compilation CD-ROM
- the organizers reserve the right to disqualify a production 
  containing explicit sexual, racist or disturbing material. 
  (or if you make fun of the organizers =). 


- The name of any file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO
  special or "SuP3r k3wl" characters are allowed)
- The maximum length of the file name is 8+3 characters
- The production must NOT save anything on the hard disk / disk.

	Music players

There are few module players that work properly in the Windows DOS
Box. For example MIDAS (from version 0.7), USMP (Useless Module
Player, available from Hornet) and Oranges IMS, which was used in the
Secref life of Mr. Black. 


 DEMO, 64k INTRO & 4k INTRO 

     -Pentium 233 mhz (MMX) with 32 MB of RAM 
     -MS-DOS 7.0 
     -The competition machine will be booted up with HIMEM and
     -EMM386, so make sure your productions runs with them 
     -2 MB PCI SVGA graphics card (a S3 964 accelerated card) 
     -Gravis UltraSound with 1 MB of on board memory and / or
      Sound Blaster AWE 32 with max. 2 MB of on board memory 
     -550 kb of free base memory 
     -Highest allowed screen resolution is 640 x 480 
     -All productions have to support 256 color mode but can also
      use any high color use ( we will use the best possible mode
      when showing the productions) 
     -All productions have to run inside Windows '95/98 DOS box. We
      will test all entries and disqualify those that don't comply. 


     -Pentium 233 mhz (MMX) with 32 MB of RAM 
     -Windows 95/98 (if it is released in time =)) 
     -Direct X 5.0 
     -Matrox Millenium with 4 MB of on board memory 
     -3DFX Voodoo (version 1 or 2) w/ 4mb of on board memory 

 GENERAL RULES (demo, 64k & 4k intro)

     -The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC. 
     -PC demos and intros have to check for sound card enviroment
      variables. If found they must be used! The formats of the
      enviromental variables are: 
      GUS: ULTRASND=220,1,1,11,7 (address, dma, dma, gus irq, 
      SB: BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1 (a=address, i=irq, d=dma) 
     -If the enviromental variables are found, your production has to
      use them and should not show the usual setup screen. This will
      eliminate a great deal of hassle during the competitions and it
      will also be user friendly (wow..). 
     -The DOS4GW.EXE is located in the path, so you don't have to
      include it with your production. 
     -If you use SVGA modes, be sure that your production uses the
      standard VESA modes. VESA support will be supplied by using
      the latest version of Screen Doctor. 

 GENERAL RULES (Windows demo)

     -The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC. 
     -You have to use Windows 95 sound interface to actually play the
      music, so no direct fiddling around with the hardware. 
     -We will run Windows in 640 x 480 x 24 bit mode. The
      productions will be shown in full screen mode but a windowed
      mode support is a definite bonus! 


We will use the same projector as in ASSEMBLY '97. Last year no
problems were encountered with the converter.

However you should note that the picture produced by a video projector
is not as good as a monitor picture. The video projector does not show
pale colors well and in some cases can even lose them completely.
Also the contrast can be different. These are common problems with all
video projectors and simply can't be corrected. Please try to 
understand these restrictions.               


     -2 mb chip memory 


     -2 mb chip memory 
     -16 mb fast memory 
     -a 68060 turbo card 
     -Delfina soundcard 
     -Picasso IV graphics card (with CGX IV and P96 software) 


- The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing the left 
- The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. 
  NO special or "¦uP3r½ k3wl" characters are allowed).
- The maximum length of the file names is 8+3 characters
- The production must NOT save anything on the hard disk / disk.


     -a standard C64 
     -original 1541 floppy drive 
     -Action Replay MK6 cartridge 
     -Please note that this is preliminary info on the compo machine. 


- Only one contribution from each group/artist is accepted for each
  competition series.
- Contributions must be 100% finished before the deadline, because
  we will copy and spread all of them at the party. This is just to 
  avoid final versions being released months or possibly even years
  after the party.
- The deadlines aren't too flexible so please deliver your 
  contributions in time (Read: Early enough) to avoid hassle.
- Your contribution disks won't be returned (Doing so would cause 
  an enormous hassle, just use your imagination and guess why!).

- The name of the file(s) have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard = 
  no special characters are allowed! 
- The maximum length of the file names is 8 + 3 (the MS-DOS standard
  file format)

- The name of the file(s) have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard = 
  no special characters are allowed! 
- The maximum length of the file names is 8 + 3 (the MS-DOS standard
  file format)
- We will display the patterns of the tune on the screen while 
  playing it



- Maximum size in executable form is 6144 kb (6 MB)
- Maximum showing time is 8 minutes, the demo itself can be longer
- Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb
- All entries have to work inside a Windows 95/98 DOS box
- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA
  modes up to 640*480 are accepted
- You are free to use any number of colors but the demo has to work
  also with only 256 colors
- Pure animation files are not accepted
- Also executables only including an animation and an animation player
  will not be accepted, this is not an animation competition
- Gravis Ultrasound (max. 1mb) and SB PRO/SB 16/SB AWE32 
  (max.2mb) support required. The demo has to have also a 
  "no sound" option


- Maximum file size is 6 megabytes.
- Maximum showing time is 5 minutes, the demo itself can be longer
- The demo has to run on a machine with 16MB of physical memory
  and 20MB of swap space, but can use all memory available in larger
- The demo must use and comply to Direct X 3.0 or Direct X 5.0
- The music system must support and use either DirectSound or the
  standard Win32 audio functions, direct hardware access it not allowed.
  We will use a well established sound card for sound output (SB Awe
  32, Gravis UltraSound Max or some other). Make sure that your sound
  routines support also wave table cards with only 512 kb on board
- The demo can support 3D graphics cards by either direct support, with
  OpenGL or thru DirectX. The competition machine will house a 3D card
  based on the 3D FX Voodoo chip (version 1 or 2). 
- The maximum screen size of the is 640 x 480. You are free to use up
  to 24 bit colors but the demo must work also in 256 color mode. You
  can support other screen modes too, but the production will be run in
  640 x 480 resolution in 24 bit color mode
- We will display all demos in full screen mode. A windowed version is
  definitely a bonus. 
- Demos must not modify the Windows registry
- Pure animation files are not accepted
- Also executables only including an animation and an animation player
  will not be accepted, this is not an animation competition


- Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb (65536 bytes)
- Maximum showing time is 5 minutes
- Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb
- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA
  modes up to 640*480 are accepted
- You are free to use any number of colors but the demo has to work
  also with only 256 colors
- Pure animation files are not accepted
- on the release version Gravis Ultrasound (max. 1mb) and SB PRO/SB
  16/SB AWE32 (max. 2mb) support required. This version can be over
  65536 bytes long. Also a no sound option is required.
- All release versions have to work inside a Windows 95/98 DOS box
- on the competition version either Gravis Ultrasound or SB PRO/SB
  16/SB AWE32 support required
- the competition version doesn't have to work inside a Windows '95/98
  DOS box.
- In PC 64kb intro competition two versions of the intro can be
  submitted. The competing version which is under 65536 bytes long and
  supports either GUS or SB and doesn't have to work inside Win '95/98
  DOS box. The release version has to support both and run under Win
  '95/98 DOS box. Release version can be over 65536 bytes long.
  Competing 64kb intro cannot be in any case longer than 65536 bytes.
  Both release and competition version has to be submitted to the
  organizers before the deadline. 


- Maximum size in executable form is 4096 bytes
- Maximum showing time is 3 minutes
- Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb
- All entries have to work inside a Windows 95/98 DOS box
- NO MUSIC or other sound is allowed (this is because this a coders'
  competition, not musicians')
- 100% VGA register level and SVGA compatible graphics modes up to
  640x480 are accepted.
- Only one intro by one coder
- You must submit two versions: a compo version and a release
- The compo version may not display the name of the author or his


- Maximum size in executable form is 6144 kb (6 MB)
- Must be harddisk installable
- Maximum running length is 8 minutes, the demo itself can be longer


- Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb (65536 bytes)
- Maximum showing time is 5 minutes
- Must be hard disk installable


- Each demo will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes
- Coding your demos in such a manner that pressing space is not
  required is highly recommended. If, however, your demo should require
  any user interaction, we want a person from the contributing group to
  run the demo. After all, there's no way we could possibly know which
  effects the coder would like to be shown a bit longer than the others...
- At least one person must be present from the contributing group (If 
  it's not a group-release (Which is extremely unlikely), then the 
  coder must be present him/herself)


- The tune must be an executable file
- Only your imagination's the limit; samples are of course accepted
- Each tune will be played for max. 3 minutes (This doesn't mean you'd
  have to cut the tune at 3:00 sharp, though! Even if your tune won't
  be played for more than three minutes at the party, people will 
  play it longer at home)
- Please try to give your tune some (sensible) name to avoid too 
  many "un-named" tunes competing
- The artist must be present at the party


- The picture must be an executable file
- ALL graphic formats are accepted
- Only the picture must be seen on the screen; no scrollers or other
  moving things are allowed. Background music's acceptable (Not
  recommended, though), but during the competition no-one will hear it,
  as the audio equipment will be turned off.
- Please try to give your picture some (sensible) name to avoid too
  many "un-named" pictures competing
- The artist must be present at the party


- Maximum amount of channels is 32 
- Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb in a playable format 
  (including all samples, pattern data, etc.) 
- Maximum running length is 3 minutes 
- FastTracker 2 modules (.XM) with up to 32 channels 
- Scream Tracker 3 modules (.S3M) with up to 32 channels 
- Impulse Tracker (IT) modules. All Impulse Tracker modules MUST be
  saved in the IT2XX format and thus not be packed. Songs  
  will be replayed with the SB16 MMX driver 
- Basic Protracker modules (.MOD) with 4 channels, also extended
  PT-like formats with up to 32 channels are supported (no 
  executables, no renamed, no powerpacked) 
- All songs will be played with PC compatible player using a
  Soundblaster AWE 64 
- Only one song by one musician


- The maximum running length is 2 minutes
- The frame rate of the animation has to be 15 pics/sec 
- Animation format will be AVI (Intel Indeo 4 or 5) with sound track
- The sound track should be 22 kHz, 16 bit 
- The maximum resolution is 320x200
- The animation must be delivered on a CD-ROM/CD-R. No hard disks,
  ZIP disks or floppy disks. The CD-R will not be returned.


- The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480 
- The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 24 bit 
- The palette is the standard 24 bit true color palette
- Pictures will be shown on PC with ACDSee (or some other good
  picture viewer) 
- Pictures will have to be in standard TGA, LBM or IFF format
- Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified 
- We will show the resolution (e.g. 640x480x256c) of the picture on 
  the screen
- We will have jury of established graphicians disqualifing copied
  pictures. Do NOT copy original work of art.
- You must submit at least three versions of the unfinished picture that
  show that the process of creating the picture
- In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which
  doesn't have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big
- Only one picture by one graphics artist 


- The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480
- The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 24bit 
- The palette is the standard 24 bit true color palette
- Pictures will be shown on PC with ACDSee 
- Pictures have to be in JPG or TARGA format.
- We will have jury of established graphicians disqualifing copied
  pictures. Do NOT copy original work of art.
- You must submit atleast three versions of the unfinished picture that
  show that the process of creating the picture
- In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which
  doesn't have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big
- Only one picture by one graphics artist


- the maximum size of the production (including all graphics, sound
  files, class files, html files) is 4096 kb (unpacked)
- maximum showing time is 5 minutes (the demo itself can be longer)
- the demo can be an applet or an application
- maximum screen size is 640x480
- maximum number of colours is 24 bit
- the demo will be run inside the best viewer available at the party 
  time (Navigator, Explorer, AppletViewer)
- if you demo is an applet, you must supply a HTML page and the
  necessary files in which to run the applet
- the HTML pages maximum width is 700 pixels, max height is 560
- you may not open any network connections from the applet (the
  compo machine won't be connected to Internet)
- the java code has to comply to the API versio 1.1.6 (official
- you may use JAR / ZIP archives
- there can be only one actual applet/application, but it can use 
  several class files. 

	Special rules

- you don't need to be present at the party place to take part in the
  Java demo competition. The competition will be international.
- all productions that are submitted in before hand have to be emailed
  to ASSEMBLY Organizing to the address java.compo@assembly.org.
  The files have to be ZIPped into single archive that is included with the
- Compress all files into a single ZIP archive
- Remember to include a text file with your FULL contact info so that 
  we can pay your prize. We need at least your full name, full 
  address, email address, phone number.
- Send the file as an email attachment (MIME encoding). No uuencoded
- last date for sending a production will be 3.8.1998 at 00:00 am
- Delivery of the products via email to java.compo@assembly.org.


- The productions can be anything from computer generated
  animations, demos on ancient or exotic computers to plain video art.
  The only requirement is that the productions are cool.
- Maximum showing time is 5 minutes, the production itself can NOT be
- The production has to be delivered on a SVHS or VHS cassette
  (european PAL format). The cassette will not be returned
- No copyrighted material or material that violates Finnish or
  international laws is allowed in the production


The total value of all the prizes in US dollars will be over US $30000
(not including software). The actual prizes may be software, hardware
or pure cash. This depends on our sponsors. Please check the price
lists from the web at http://www.assembly.org/prizes.htm (lynx

The prizes are converted to USD, but the actual payment is done
by FIM (to avoid the hassle with course changes in FIM->USD).

All damages to the Fair centre, other surroundings and other damages
caused by party visitors will be REDUCED from the prizes before any
prizes are paid. This is because of previous trouble with people
breaking up places, furniture and spraying the walls and thus causing
damage of many thousand dollars. Unfortunately this has happened
every year... :(

All prizes will be paid at the party place.

We will try to give cash prizes in the PC and Amiga demo competitions.
The prizes in the other competitions may be more or less various
hardware and software. All the cash prizes will be paid in Finnish

Please also note, that the prize paid in this competition is income
where you propably have to pay taxes. Assembly Organizing is not
liable to pay any taxes or any other costs that may follow by
receiving any prize. The prizes are not given by lottery but with
an honest voting of the productions. If any legal tax authority
requests a full list of prizes paid, Assembly Organizing will
give it to them.


ASSEMBLY would not be possible without the support of our partners
and sponsors. All of these companies are forerunners in their industry,
much in the same way as ASSEMBLY is in the demo scene parties. 


Sonera is a leading edge telecommunications operator. Sonera
provides the high quality and high bandwidth ATM links for the
ASSEMBLY's Internet connection. Sonera has been an ASSEMBLY
partner for over four years.

Toptronics is one of the leading Finnish computer accessory retailers.
A long standing partner of ASSEMBLY (since 1992!) Toptronics once
again promotes its excellent principals such as Iomega, Creative Labs
and Dynalink.
Sun Microsystems is world famous for its high performance servers.
These servers are also behind ASSEMBLY's IP based services, which
have to handle the load of thousands of simultaneous users. Sun's
servers are the right choice for such a heavy duty job. Sun has been an
ASSEMBLY partner for two years.

Silicon Graphics is renowned for its contributions to the computer
generated imagery (CGI) industry. By partnering with ASSEMBLY,
Silicon Graphics inspires the young computer artists to further their
skills. Silicon Graphics has been an ASSEMBLY partner for two years.


Santa Monica Software provides a key element in the ASSEMBLY's
local party network. By supplying high end Cisco routers and switches
and hubs, Santa Monica Software ensures the high availability and
performance of the ASSEMBLY partynet. Santa Monica Software has
been an ASSEMBLY sponsor since 1996.

Data Fellows is a leading data security company with a full range of
products with such outstanding brands as F-Secure SSH and F-Secure
AntiVirus. Data Fellows provides its award-winning antivirus software 
to all of the participants of the event and its products protect the 
security of the core of party network. Data Fellows is a long standing 
sponsor of ASSEMBLY since 1993.

Laatumikro is renowned Finnish computer retailer. Laatumikro's
quality computers are used throughout the ASSEMBLY '98 organization
and all PC, Graphics and Musics competitions are run on these

Mikro-Bitti and its web companion MB Net are the leading Finnish
computer magazine for the young computer enthusiasts. There isn't a
single young Finnish computer hacker who hasn't read Mikro-Bitti.
Mikro-Bitti has been an ASSEMBLY sponsor since 1995.

Amigator is the sponsor of Amiga demo competition at ASSEMBLY '98. 
Amigator is supplier of high quality and leading Amiga components.

	10. Contact Addresses

Snail mail

	Assembly Organizing
	Malminkaari 9 C
	00700 Helsinki


	+358 9 4780 8470 (09:00-17:00 EET weekdays)

        +358 9 4780 8478


This text is as final as possible. Asm Org reserves rights to
changes without prior notice. 

This product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance
to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Void
where prohibited. Some assembly required. List each check separately
by bank number. Batteries not included. Contents may settle
during shipment. Use only as directed. No other warranty expressed
or implied. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy
equipment. Postage will be paid by addressee. Subject to CAB 
approval. This is not an offer to sell securities. Apply only to 
affected area. May be too intense for some viewers. Do not stamp. 
Use other side for additional listings. For recreational use only. Do not
disturb. All models over 18 years of age. If condition persists, consult 
your physician. No user-serviceable parts inside. Freshest if
eaten before date on carton. Subject to change without notice. 
Times approximate. Simulated picture. No postage necessary if 
mailed in the United States. Please remain seated until the ride
has come to a complete stop. Breaking seal constitutes acceptance of
agreement. For off-road use only. As seen on TV. One size fits all. 
Many suitcases look alike. Contains a substantial amount of
non-tobacco ingredients. Colors may, in time, fade. We have sent 
the forms which seem right for you. Slippery when wet. For office
use only. Not affiliated with the American Red Cross. Drop in any
mailbox. Edited for television. Keep cool; process promptly. Post
office will not deliver without postage. List was current at time
of printing. Return to sender, no forwarding order on file, unable
to forward. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or 
consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure to
perform. At participating locations only. Not the Beatles. Penalty 
for private use. See label for sequence. Substantial penalty for 
early withdrawal. Do not write below this line. Falling rock. Lost
ticket pays maximum rate. Your canceled check is your receipt. Add
toner. Place stamp here. Avoid contact with skin. Sanitized for your
protection. Be sure each item is properly endorsed. Sign here
without admitting guilt. Slightly higher west of the Mississippi.
Employees and their families are not eligible. Beware of dog.
Contestants have been briefed on some questions before the show. 
Limited time offer, call now to ensure prompt delivery. You must
be present to win. No passes accepted for this engagement. No 
purchase necessary. Processed at location stamped in code at top
of carton. Shading within a garment may occur. Use only in a 
well-ventilated are. Keep away from fire or flames. Replace with
same type. Approved for veterans. Booths for two or more. Check 
here if tax deductible. Some equipment shown is optional. Price 
does not include taxes. No Canadian coins. Not recommended for 
children. Prerecorded for this time zone. Reproduction strictly
prohibited. No solicitors. No alcohol, dogs or horses. No anchovies
unless otherwise specified. Restaurant package, not for resale. 
List at least two alternate dates. First pull up, then pull down. 
Call toll free number before digging. Driver does not carry cash. 
Some of the trademarks mentioned in this product appear for 
identification purposes only. Objects in mirror may be closer 
than they appear. Record additional transactions on back of 
previous stub. Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T. Do not 
fold, spindle or mutilate. No transfers issued until the bus comes
to a complete stop. Package sold by weight, not volume. 
Your mileage may vary. 

This supersedes all previous notices. 

(C) Assembly Organizing 1998

               /                                           \
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             /                                               \
                          fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS             
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              ·\(      sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY!      )/·
               \                                           /

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
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 |     |    :    |    .___/|    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |
 |     |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         |     |
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 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |    :  :    |  |
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 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-44730311               +49-(0)30-44730312          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]

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