        _ __.____\/________________________________________________.
            |    \/                                                |
      ___   |   ____      __      ___ __      ___ __      ______   |________
    ./  /___| ./   /___  / _\__   \_ \\/___   \_ \\/___ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
    l______  \|  _/    \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \|  \  __/
        /_____l________  /______l____\  /___l____\  /___l_________l___\_____
            |                                                      |_
            |__ __ _   honey world headquarter · amiga&fun         |/
            ._//_             a 2 node elite system                /
            |                                                     ·|
            |       distler/hny · darkside/ryl · diz'nee/hny       |
            |     black panther/hny · qen/hny · mr.nielsen/led     |
           _|                                                      |
           \|                node#1: +46-8-6230196          _ __ __|
            \                node#2: +46-8-6231366             _\\_.
             · - ------------------------------------------ -      |
            :       _ _   ·amiga·ascii·olden goldies·   /\         |
            :. · _ /___________________________________//\\________|__ _
                \\//                                   ·  \__ _

- -- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                            f i n a l   i m p a c t

           'one of the ascii scene's problems is that we're too kind
                           - we accept to much shit'
                                                        mark ryder/mo'soul
                          + 4 6 - 5 4 - 1 5 9 - 7 7 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- -

  ... ... ..............                             ..................
  :.: :.: :            :...·F·A·S·T..E·N·O·U·G·H·....:                :
  ... ....:       _____________________________________________    ...:
  :.: :        __/    ______/____/  __    \   ________/  __    \   :
  ....:        \     ____/ /    /    /    /____     \     /    /   :
  :            /    /     /    /    /____/    /     /____/    /    :
  :           /    /     /    /    /    /          /    /    /     :...
  :          /____/^k!d^/____/____/    /__________/    /____/         :
  : __________________________________________________________________:___
  : \    _____/_____   \______    \   __    \    _    \   ______/   __    \
  : /    \    \    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /   \     \    /    /
  :/     /    /   /    /    /    /____/    /   _     /    /     /___/    /
  /     /    /   /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /     /   /    /
 /__________/________/____/____/    /____/____/____/__________/   /____/
 .:.....                                                              :
 :     :............  .. . .                       .  . ..  ..........:
                            :::'                               `:::
   .---[ +46(o)59o136o2 ]---:'     bREEZE - u-MAN - Sprocket     `:-----.
   |                        :      Cyberia - KIDney               :     |
   |   wE fUKK dA sYSTEM!   :.....................................:     |
   |                        :                                     :     |
   `---[ +46(o)59o136o2 ]---:       aM¡GA ^ pC ^ uFo ^ rAVE       :-----'
                            :                                     :
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZRead This If You Have Seen The Files From
The Party IT-WO'95 B'coz Lots Of You Have
Missunderstood ALOT!

     This is just a explinagen... Some of you have probobly seen the
    file from IT-WO'95 wich WaterFalls (WFS) released. Now i have heard
     that all of you think that we supposed to mean that this was our

                      BUT IT'S *NOT* THAT LIKE THAT!!

   We just wanted to be first with something in our lives! So we made a
   file_id.diz and sent the files to some of the swedish boards. So just
        because of this we have lost hybriz, silversurfer and drh!
     silversurfer was my cossy before all this happend but when he saw
     this he left my board, probobly because he thought that we meant
     the files to be our own productions, but we just presented them!
             Hope that all of ya have got this straight know!

     My board isn't WFS WHQ any more coz i have left WFS my self know!
       Coz the only thing we did was a whole bunch of ASC² collys...

						//bREEZE / SüG RøR
  ... ... ..............                             ..................
  :.: :.: :            :...·F·A·S·T..E·N·O·U·G·H·....:                :
  ... ....:       _____________________________________________    ...:
  :.: :        __/    ______/____/  __    \   ________/  __    \   :
  ....:        \     ____/ /    /    /    /____     \     /    /   :
  :            /    /     /    /    /____/    /     /____/    /    :
  :           /    /     /    /    /    /          /    /    /     :...
  :          /____/^k!d^/____/____/    /__________/    /____/         :
  : __________________________________________________________________:___
  : \    _____/_____   \______    \   __    \    _    \   ______/   __    \
  : /    \    \    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /   \     \    /    /
  :/     /    /   /    /    /    /____/    /   _     /    /     /___/    /
  /     /    /   /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /     /   /    /
 /__________/________/____/____/    /____/____/____/__________/   /____/
 .:.....                                                              :
 :     :............  .. . .                       .  . ..  ..........:
                            :::'                               `:::
   .---[ +46(o)59o136o2 ]---:'     bREEZE - u-MAN - Sprocket     `:-----.
   |                        :      Cyberia - KIDney               :     |
   |   wE fUKK dA sYSTEM!   :.....................................:     |
   |                        :                                     :     |
   `---[ +46(o)59o136o2 ]---:       aM¡GA ^ pC ^ uFo ^ rAVE       :-----'
                            :                                     :
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

                    _______ ____   _____    _____    ____
                   /   ___/(_   )_/  .  \__/  .  \__/   /__
             _____/   _   \__  ¬\__  |   \__ _|   \__   /  \_____
          .((_____     \____/    __  |    __ \__   __ _/    _____)).
                \       |         /  ¦     /  ¦     /        /
       .-------> \____  ¦ _ _____/   :____/___:____/___     / <--------.
       |            \___:.    .:_____:.              \_____/           |
       |                                                               |
       |            jEWELS hEADQUARTER · G-fORCE PaRTY ZoNE            |
       |             tRiSTAR & rED sECTOR rECORDZ iNFOBAHR             |
       | u-MAN/cRX · nIKE/cRX · cORE/LMb · dEFECT/iNS · mARK rYDER/m'S |
       |           sYS/hLM · sHADE/tRSI · fURY/pSG · mODE/hLG          |
       :      ____   ___ ___    _____    _____    _____    _____       ¦
       ·     (_   )_/   V   \__/  .  \__/  .  \__/  .  \__/  .  \      :
        _____/   ¬\__  _:_   \__  |   \__ _|   \__  |__/\__  |   \_____
     .((_____      __  \ /    __  _    __ \__   __  |    __  ¦    _____)).
       .   \        /   V      /   \____/  |     /  :     /__:     /
       :    \______/    ¦_____/______:     ¦____/___     / ¦  ____/    .
       ¦         .:_____:.          .:_____:-911  \_____/ .:___/       :
       |                                                               ¦
       |  +46-54-159771 - uS rOBOTiCS 336OO cOURiER! - aMiGA 4OOO/O3O  |

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

  ._ _____.)      |___________ ________ .______._____________ _______.______.
  |     __¦_______|_          \_    _  \|      |   _._      / \      ¦      |
  |      __________/   dLT     /    \\  \      |    ¦/_____/__ \_____|_     |
                   __..____                          ____..__
                <÷>\_||___/     CALL OUR BOARDS:     \___||_/<÷>
   {-> thE sLammer ......... worLd hEadqUarter . +46-8-623o196 . distLer <-}
   {-> thE sLammer ......... worLd hEadqUarter . +46-8-6231366 . distLer <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o32o5418 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o32o8453 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o3271427 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> finaL impacT . sCandinavian hEadqUarter . +46-54-159771 ... u-Man <-}
   {-> maXimum anarchY ... sWedish hEadqUarter . +46-47-622oo3 ..... zIz <-}
   {-> bumbLe bee Land . nOrwegian hEadqUarter . +47-66-794789 .. baffLe <-}
   {-> raveLand ........... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-7128-3511 ..... h2o <-}
   {-> apocaLypse noW ..... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-9723-84o2 sTYLeWars <-}
   {-> apocaLypse noW ..... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-9723-84o5 sTYLeWars <-}
   {-> sHininG cHroMe ... ausTrian hEadqUarter . +43-662453364 .. psYcho <-}