+---( rmrs!ascii )----------------------+
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) )__/ //__      _______/ //__   _ ___( (
  jH|_____R    ((_____),_____|     A'  
+-------- |____/ -presents!- |____/ ----+
./_                                   _\.
L//_ tryptical + a colly by asp@rmrs _\\I


                           a  S  P  H  I  X  I  A

        ______    ______         ______            _______          ______
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  as(___________________  _________,/______,______,   \__________,__________)
                       \_____\                   \_____\

                             a. .    K. .    A. .

                     _________ j  .  h  A  L  E _________
 ____________________\      \__ ___ __  __ ___ __/      /____________________
_\                         _ __)   ) ))(( (   (__ _  _                      /__

     __ ______    _______                  _______  _________  __________
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  \_  _|_     _(_))____|       _\/_     _ _________ _       _,________      _\_
jH!/__________\\_/     |__________________|[        /_______\\      |_________/

              " tHA rUFFnECKUH cHILD wIT tHAT dEVIANT sTYLE ! "

                          .. in association with ..

                      ..  r e m o r s e ! a s c i i  ..

                                               | `;|)
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                                   \(< -- >)/' /
                                    _`(ųų)/   ~)
                                  /'  /|-'    /
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    ,--~/\~--,              / / ~`/   |      \                    ,   /\   ,
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   \_ _:  :_ _/    __|  __   _):_  \/    |  __   _)| __)____     (  _/  \__ )
    `\( ,, )/'     \\   \_    __   \/    _  \_    _______   \_    `\( ,, )/'
---- _/ __ \_ -----Ó ---r[_____|--m|_____|--r[_____[- s[_____/ ―-- _/    \_ jh-
      [(VV)]                                                        \ () /
      `-\/-'        recall your style, its filled wit defects..     `-\/-'
                   you rejects cant even comprehend the reflex..         
         my team sets standards in this industry, rhyme is tha ministry..
               even when im dead an gone' niggas still remember me..


                           ..  p r e s e n t s  ..

 _____                                         _____                  _____
_|   |______________     ______________ ____   |_  |_______________   |   |
|_  ____,____  _  _|_____| _____   _   |_  |___ |  ___  ______,   |___|_  |____
_|_  |   ___   _   ____  |  _|_| __|   __ ____|_|_  |_  |  __,_____   '   |   _
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-------------,\|______  _|   | |___|   |_______|   jH|______| |___|   | ,------
 .TRYPTICAL. +----- |________| ---------------------------------, |___| |
_                                                               +-------+     _
|   ...youaskcaniripitconstantly?mentally?definatelytodaadefofme,trustme...   |
|_   .niggacanttouchmeifhesnuftme,sobustme,yougonnahaveto,cuzimmablastyou.   _|

                        _-------_                         ___--~ ,  |
                      _/_ _   __ \_                      (  __--~|__|
                      \ ___\ /___ /                       ) |       
                   _-<. ( 0/ \0 ) ,>---______             ( \ 
                  |   /`--_\_/_--' \         ~~~~~----,   _\_\___ 
                 :    \   .-~ ~-    ]                (----( __) _)
                |__   |   .         |   \-___        |----\((___-'           
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                   (       ~~-_      _'~   |                | |
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   (____)_))___________     _________)_))__  ___________    ( \
___|_    _\___________|    _\\_______    _)_/      _    \___ ) ) ______________ 
___________      _    _ ______      _    _\|       |_  ____ | ( _______________
          |______|       \_jH|______|___________________/   \_/ 
---------------- |________| ---------------------------------------------------
okay, what used to be asphixia, is now justin hale.. learn it, practice it, re-
member it, speak it.. it isnt too hard to remember.. out wit the old, in wit t-
he new ;) anyways.. on we go..

aight.. this is how it is.. i know most of you are used ta seein pics from me,
but im too lazy for em anymore ;) so im doin an oldschool colly.. i havent rea-
lly fucked wit oldschool to much lately, but my techs are still there.. some of
it is old stuff i threw in there because i liked it, so some of ya might see    
some repeats.. oh well fuckit ;) if you wanna contact me for an ascii, email me
on druid@clark.net, and make sure you put my nick in the title.. anyways.. im
out.. enjoy ;)

--( jHALE / rMRS )-------------------------------------------------------------

                  ..my style is all that, an a big bag a chips..

                   ..wit the dip, fuck all that sensuous shit..

           ..tha astronomical is comin thru like the flu, bombin you..

_ #01deephase ............._| -----------+
`--------------{~}--------{_             | 

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,--{_}------------------{_}-.            | 
_ #02sos .................._| -----------+ 




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                                 +---------------(_ #06picfrom"flop"ansi ...._|
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     ,$$' $$$,     g$'     `üü `ü$$$$ü                    `$ü      `$$$$, ,$$'
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                              `üüüü' ü$$$$$ü    ,  ü$$ggggg ,,,
                                ,  ,    , ,,  `,,     """ ,g$$$$$, g,,, ,  ,

   ^  ^  ^ aight, so this joints old.. fuck it, i like it.. its stayin ;)

_ #07aenima................_| -----------------+
`--------------{~}--------{_                  /'

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     __/  _/__\  _/   /__\      /  \    /  \   \   /    \  _/  _/__\   \ jha!
    \\______   ~    ___   ~   \/  /~    \_/~   _ _/    /~     ___   ~   \_
            ~~~--_  /  ~~~--_  /  ~~--_  /~~--_  /     ~~--_  /  ~~~--_  /
                  `'         `'        `'      `'           `'         `'
---------- a -------- e ------- n -------- i -------- m ------- a -------------
---------- s -------- i ------- l -------- v -------- e ------- r -------------

  * anybody can use this shit if they want.. just dont change it ;) ---+
       ______                                                          '
 ______û    |___________________________________  _ _____________________
 __    |    _ ________,  _______,    _   _,    |____(____)Ŧ _______,    Ž______
  |    |  _ ______       _û          _         û   _  __ ______         _______
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--- Ŧ_____/ - \_____/ - \_____/ `----Ž____/ \_____/jH\___/ \_____/ - \_____/ --
| user name / alias           _| user location / affil      _| user status    |

      ,--{_}------------------{_}-.            | 
      _ #08userlist ............._| -----------+ 

  ..  f E E L  t H A  h I G H  t H A T  y A  g E T  f R O M  t H A  l Y E  ..

     ..  i F  y A  f E E L  i T  r A I S E  y A  ' l  i N  t H A  s K Y  ..

_ #09omicron .............._| -----------+ 
`--------------{~}--------{_             | 


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      (|   |    '|  \_/~   |    |   |    '|   |     |   |    '|   |   |)_     

_ #10e.w.s. ..............._| -----------+ 
`--------------{~}--------{_             | 

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      .  e  m  p  t  y         w  a  s  t  e  d         s  o  u  l  s  .


                                  +--------------(_ #11asp .................._|
                                /'                `--------------{~}--------{_

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  `$$$$b `$$  `$b, `Y$$$' `$ $'    "ü$$$P"
   `$$$$$%:`$ n$$$$ggggggg,`$'     d$$$'  "i remain calm, lyricly i got da bom"
-`ü$ggggggggg$gggg, - "ü$' $`$ -- d$$$'----------------------------------------
   `$$$bü""  ,$ n$$$, ,$'.$' `$ ,d$$$'
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    -d$$$üdP"""""nnnnnnnn,,,..   "
      `ü$P'           ``""g$$$$$,

              +---------(_ #12modemland ............_|---------+
              `\         `--------------{~}--------{_         /'
                `\|                                        |/' 
                ~~'                                        `~~

_______  ..modemland..13066524359..  _______      _______            _______
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(,(,(,(_\_______\_\_/) ____),),),) _______________________________________(jH),

         ^   ^   ^   ^   ^             
      radioactive squirrel ;)          


_ #13scientificalmadness .._|-------------+
`--------------{~}--------{_              |

                          _ ______\ _/~\_ /______ _
     ___ _      _________[[_[ ______(o_o)______ ]_]]__________     __ ___
____/ _(_((_____\ ____________\_  _ `-0-' _  _/____________  /_____))_)_ \
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                             +-------------------{_ #15southcentral ........._|
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..bRING iT oN iF yOU tHINK yOU cAN hANG , aN iF nOT tHEN lET mE dO mY tHING!..

               +--------{_ #16doh .................._|--------+
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 . . w H A T  y A  g O N N A  d O  w H E N  i T S  a L L  u P  t A  y O U . .

 g O N N A  b E  y O U R  o W N  m A N  o R  r U N  b E H I N D  y A  c R E W

_ #17darkwave ............._|---------------+
`--------------{~}--------{_               /

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      _____)       \_  _____)       \_  _____)       \_  _____)       \_
   __(    __        /_(     _        /_(     -       _/_(   //_      __/
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   __(     |        /_(     _        /_(    _|        /_(   \\(________/
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wAVE\/ //_________/         |______/         |______/         |________// /\jHA

                                    +------------{_ #18drugconf .............._|
                                    |             `--------------{~}--------{_

-==============================================================|  \./  |======-
                                                        ,        |\./|        ,
                  .. drug information/file/msg conf ..  \~-|__   |\./|   __|-~/
       _________                                         \__,|\_ |\./| _/|,__/
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 (______________))_)____]   [ [[_______________))_______    __] |=============-

/.. .    . ...tOSS mE tHA fIFTH, sO i cAN bLESS tHA gOD wIT gIFT... .    . ..\

 !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b b,  
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 ü$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P'  ü  ' 
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 )__jh!ü$$$$$$P',.g$$$P'___: | |__________/\_______  _______________(____) ) ;_ 
(_       `üYP',P $$$$P'                        \____/
  ~~~(__    ,$P `"üü"  
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    ~~~),$$$P    aight this is the end of my ever so small an fukt up colly.. 
       .'=,"   i didnt do alot of the ascii's that were requested because i 
       `~'    got a but behind in my work ;) so if ya dont see your ascii in
            here look for it in upcoming releases from me.. as for my greets,
imma send a big up to everyone in remorse, all the 410 peeps tryin to keep it
real, even though 410 is gettin worse everyday.. axb, gravedancer, druid, fk,
and everyone else i forgot.. if your one of those nosey people and ya wanna
know what i listened to when i did this colly, imma tell ya.. my musical ins-
priation came from all sorts of fuckin albums.. az, jeru, jayz, wu, a+, ogc,
mobb, keith murray, redman, highlanders, fugees, tribe, roots and about 100
others ;) anyways.. im out..

___)\//  jUSTIN hALE ; oNE tIME fOR tHA mIND  \\/(_____________________________