@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ +---( rmrs!ascii )----------------------+ _________ _________ _______ _ __|_ __, ///__ _!__\ _, /______ _ ) )__/ //__ _______/ //__ _ ___( ( jH|_____R ((_____),_____| A' +-------- |____/ -presents!- |____/ ----+ ./_ _\. L//_ tryptical + a colly by asp@rmrs _\\I |_//_________________________________\\_| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ a S P H I X I A ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ___\___ (____\ ___(_________\ _/____ ___ ___\ (__ ___ ___\___ (___ _\ ,_ _ _,_____ _ __, _ ,___ _ _(___)\ `_ /___(___)\_ ,_ /_ as(___________________ _________,/______,______, \__________,__________) \_____\ \_____\ a. . K. . A. . _________ j . h A L E _________ ____________________\ \__ ___ __ __ ___ __/ /____________________ _\ _ __) ) ))(( ( (__ _ _ /__ __ ______ _______ _______ _________ __________ ((_(_____((___) _]__________________[__ (__\__ (__) \(___/_____ [_ ___ _ ___ _/\_ ___ _] | _// | _/ _____| _|_|_ _ | \ / \ |__| | \ \_ _|_ _(_))____| _\/_ _ _________ _ _,________ _\_ jH!/__________\\_/ |__________________|[ /_______\\ |_________/ " tHA rUFFnECKUH cHILD wIT tHAT dEVIANT sTYLE ! " .. in association with .. .. r e m o r s e ! a s c i i .. ,_ __||_ | `;|) ___)\/(___ / ,--' \(< -- >)/' / _`(ųų)/ ~) /' /|-' / /_/ (*) \' // \ ,_`/ __------__ \ / /\\'_/ _ (_'/ ,--~/\~--, / / ~`/ | \ , /\ , ( ~-<__>-~ ) `' / | `\ (\~-< >-~/) /_ __ _\ ,- |- _____ `\ _\_\ )( /_/_ __\_/()\_/__ _-`--__ (,-~~ ~~-' \_\_/()\_/_/ \\/\_)__\/__(_/\/ / [_______\`(___________] )__ __( --- _)[@][@] _ ----Ö _________ ____ ____.________ _____ ·----- ) ))(@\/@)(( (( \_ _: :_ _/ __| __ _):_ \/ | __ _)| __)____ ( _/ \__ ) `\( ,, )/' \\ \_ __ \/ _ \_ _______ \_ `\( ,, )/' ---- _/ __ \_ -----Ó ---r[_____|--m|_____|--r[_____[- s[_____/ ―-- _/ \_ jh- [(VV)] \ () / `-\/-' recall your style, its filled wit defects.. `-\/-' you rejects cant even comprehend the reflex.. my team sets standards in this industry, rhyme is tha ministry.. even when im dead an gone' niggas still remember me.. .. p r e s e n t s .. _____ _____ _____ _| |______________ ______________ ____ |_ |_______________ | | |_ ____,____ _ _|_____| _____ _ |_ |___ | ___ ______, |___|_ |____ _|_ | ___ _ ____ | _|_| __| __ ____|_|_ |_ | __,_____ ' | _ |________| |___| \ |___, ___ ______| | ________ | | | _ _,_______] -------------,\|______ _| | |___| |_______| jH|______| |___| | ,------ .TRYPTICAL. +----- |________| ---------------------------------, |___| | _ +-------+ _ | ...youaskcaniripitconstantly?mentally?definatelytodaadefofme,trustme... | |_ .niggacanttouchmeifhesnuftme,sobustme,yougonnahaveto,cuzimmablastyou. _| \_\_________________________________________________________________________/_/ _---. _-------_ ___--~ , | _/_ _ __ \_ ( __--~|__| \ ___\ /___ / ) | _-<. ( 0/ \0 ) ,>---______ ( \ | /`--_\_/_--' \ ~~~~~----, _\_\___ : \ .-~ ~- ] (----( __) _) |__ | . | \-___ |----\((___-' /_------_ : ( \ ~~--_ | \ \ (/_ __ \`-_ `. : \ \ ~-_(, _\ ) ((__|__)_) _) ų ` \_-, _)_ ` \ ( ( ~~-_ _'~ | | | .`----~~~~ `-___-'---~ \ | | ____ _______________________________ | | | (____)_))___________ _________)_))__ ___________ ( \ ___|_ _\___________| _\\_______ _)_/ _ \___ ) ) ______________ ___________ _ _ ______ _ _\| |_ ____ | ( _______________ |______| \_jH|______|___________________/ \_/ ---------------- |________| --------------------------------------------------- okay, what used to be asphixia, is now justin hale.. learn it, practice it, re- member it, speak it.. it isnt too hard to remember.. out wit the old, in wit t- he new ;) anyways.. on we go.. aight.. this is how it is.. i know most of you are used ta seein pics from me, but im too lazy for em anymore ;) so im doin an oldschool colly.. i havent rea- lly fucked wit oldschool to much lately, but my techs are still there.. some of it is old stuff i threw in there because i liked it, so some of ya might see some repeats.. oh well fuckit ;) if you wanna contact me for an ascii, email me on druid@clark.net, and make sure you put my nick in the title.. anyways.. im out.. enjoy ;) --( jHALE / rMRS )------------------------------------------------------------- ..my style is all that, an a big bag a chips.. ..wit the dip, fuck all that sensuous shit.. ..tha astronomical is comin thru like the flu, bombin you.. ,--{_}------------------{_}-. _ #01deephase ............._| -----------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ | \|/ ` +------------------ (___ ( ,_________)- - (d33ph4s3) /\- - -------------0 ___(__ ,____) _`_~~~`-____) ______ ___________ ___________ __________ ,:||:, | | __,_____ )_\ _________\\\ _________\\û_____ ) ! @0 ! ,(~)) | \/ Ž __) | __) | \/ | ( () ) /'/`--' | | _ | _ | _______/ __`--',-~\/ | | `---·______/ `---·______/ Ó---·______/`---/ _/~ ` _--'( Y ) ________ ___ _______ __________ _______ __________ _/\/' `\ ~~~ _____ )\ û \\\ ____ )_\ ____Ž))___\ ________\ (_//_________\ | Ŧ/ |: | | _\/ |____ | __) \ `| ~T~ |' | _______/| _ | \_ | _ | _ | /__ | ___\_ `---/ `---š______/`---·______/`---·______/`---·______Ŧ: o-(___\_/(___)/--+--_\|/_----------------------------------------------_\|/_--+ -/\-------------------`--------------------------------------------------`as/\, ***-*****d***R***O***P*******a*******g***E***M******o***N*******e***M******-*** . . . . . : s o u n d : _ | | _ _/ ~--___| o f |___--~ \_ \__ ` ' __| ~~-_ s i l e n c e _-~~ `-_ _-' `. .' ____ . . ____ )\ _/___]_____ _____[___\_ /( / `\ \___ \__ _ __ _ __/ ___/ /' \ /\ / . `\ / __//_/_/ \_\_\\_ _ \,/'. \ /\ jh____/\/ \/ , \ / ____ \ / \/ \/\______ ~~~~~~~\/\ / \ _) _\ ( (_((__)_) ) /_ (_ / \ /\/~~~~~~~ \ /' \ ( ) / `\ / \/' \ _ ____\__\_\\//_/__/_____ _ / `\/ \_______/ \_______/ /|\ ,--{_}------------------{_}-. | _ #02sos .................._| -----------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ ..yOU cANT hACK tHA tACTICS.. oF a sEMI-aUTOMATIC fULL rAP fANATIC.. ___}-----------------------{_}--------. ,------------- | #03&04&05arresteddevelopement2 .... | -------------, \ `----{~}------------{~~}-----------{~}' / \_ _/ \|/ \|/ ` ` ______ --(isyadowntagopoundfopound..toetatoerowforowroundforound)------- _\\___ )_ as- ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___________ _____\ ,____/ \_ _\\__ \_\\__ )__\\__ )__\\ ___)__\\ ___)\\_ ___) __)__\\_ )________/ \ __ \ __ \ __ \ ____\____ / \ ____\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \ /____\ \___\ \___\ \____ \____ \____/____ \______ \_ _\\_ \____\\ _\____/ \ \____\\ _\____/ \ \____\\_ ) \____/ \____/ \ \ \ ____\ \ \ ____\ \____\_ \ \ `_____/___\ m\ n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \_ \ \ e/ t/ /_____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____/____ \_ -------- \____/ - \____/ - \____/ - \____/ - \____/ - \____/ ------ \____/ ---- / ARRESTED DEVLOPMENT 2 / 410(XXX)XXXX / HPAVC & TEXTS / OP : SYSTEM OP / / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,,,'' ' ., ..''' ::,, .:' . : :: :: ; . , :; :: : : :: :' , ,:'''''' `` .. .,` ------^aRRESTEDdEVELOPMENT#2^------ . ,' : : . : . :. 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' ---------0- - :,; ,' `;;' _____________________________________________________________________________ '_ _________ _________ __________ _________ ________ ______ _ __________` \_\____ (_\\___· (\_û___· (\\\ ______(_\\ ____(__\\ ((___\_û\ ______(_ \ __Ŧ / __ / __ / ___/ /________ / _____/_ ___/ / / \__ \ | _\ | _\ _ \_ _/ \ û _\ _ / _| \/ _| \/ _| \/ _Ž \/ |_ \/ | \/ _| aS____\ __\ __\ __\ ____ ___ _ __\ \_______/ \_______/ \_____ _____ ____/ \_______/ \_______/ \____D __)___ \_ d e v e l \o _____p e m e n t ,________________________________ / | ~\_ ______________________________, [_ `_____/ \___| /gOD/bLESS/a/cHILD/tHAT/cAN/hOLD/hIS/oWN//iTS/jUST/mE/mYSELF/aND/mY/mICROPHONE/ _,--{_}------------------{_}-. +---------------(_ #06picfrom"flop"ansi ...._| | `--------------{~}--------{_ | \|/ ` , ų , , ,$ü$, ,',g$$$g,` ,$b ,$' `$g , , $ $$ü$,`$,`$b ,ü `$,$' `$$, ,$$g $g, ,$, ,g,`$,`$,`$, $$ ü `$$b ,$$'`$$, , ,$$ü$, ,$'ü, `$$,`$g$$$$$ ü' `$g$$' `$$$, ,$' ,$$' $$$, g$' `üü `ü$$$$ü `$ü `$$$$, ,$$' ,,$$$' `ü$g g$$' , gg , ` `$$$'d$$' $$$$$ü `$g$$' ,g$b,,,,$$$$$$g, `$$g$$' ü"" Pü ,$'$$$$$$$$$$$g$$$$, `$$$' ,$',$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$, `$' ,$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$, ,$$$$',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$, $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, $$$$$$$ ,g, """ ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$A$P ü$$$$$ü ,, gg$$$$üü$, `Pü''' ' ``""üü$$ ,ggg, , ,, ,,,g $$$h,""" ü , `,g$$$$$$$$$gg, ` ,$$$$$$$ `""üüüüü'' $$$$$,"ü$$$$$$' üü $$$$$$g `üüüü' ü$$$$$ü , ü$$ggggg ,,, , , , ,, `,, """ ,g$$$$$, g,,, , , ""üünn$$$$$$$üü' ^ ^ ^ aight, so this joints old.. fuck it, i like it.. its stayin ;) ,--{_}------------------{_}-. _ #07aenima................_| -----------------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ /' / |/_ ' _/~~~~~\_ .. . //___ ___\\ (<(___)^(___)>) . . .......... . ` ``` .. (_ \_/ _) . ,.. . . . .. ... _ \ ,-. / --__ ....ųųųų ųų ų _ __________. . . ._______ _/ `/ /'_/ ~\_ ...... . . (_________. . )_ ' _ _--_/ ~ `\ \ __ (____ ._)_ \( _ ) \ ` .'`. ) ____) / \/ \ ,' `, ((~ .' /' \ |.____,| _)_ / / ' | _| `\ < -'--_/ _____ (_) (__) .~ \) ~. __---~~~ |ų__ (_/ ; ; | () ____ ____ ____ ' _____ ____ ___-'____ _ _\_ \_ _\ \_ _\ \_ \___/_ _,-\ \_ _\_ \_ _ _/ \ / _ / / _, /_ / __ / /_ / / . / / _ / / \_ \_/ / /\ \ / _____//_ /\ \__ \ \ / /\/\ \ / /\ \ \_/ __/ _/__\ _/ /__\ / \ / \ \ / \ _/ _/__\ \ jha! \\______ ~ ___ ~ \/ /~ \_/~ _ _/ /~ ___ ~ \_ ~~~--_ / ~~~--_ / ~~--_ /~~--_ / ~~--_ / ~~~--_ / `' `' `' `' `' `' ---------- a -------- e ------- n -------- i -------- m ------- a ------------- ---------- s -------- i ------- l -------- v -------- e ------- r ------------- * anybody can use this shit if they want.. just dont change it ;) ---+ | \|/ ______ ' ______û |___________________________________ _ _____________________ __ | _ ________, _______, _ _, |____(____)Ŧ _______, Ž______ | | _ ______ _û _ û _ __ ______ _______ |_ | _:_ Ž _:_ _: | _:_ | _:_ _:_ | _:_ û _| --- Ŧ_____/ - \_____/ - \_____/ `----Ž____/ \_____/jH\___/ \_____/ - \_____/ -- .------------------------------.-----------------------------.----------------. | user name / alias _| user location / affil _| user status | `-----------------------------\//---------------------------\//---------------' . /|\ ,--{_}------------------{_}-. | _ #08userlist ............._| -----------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ .. f E E L t H A h I G H t H A T y A g E T f R O M t H A l Y E .. .. i F y A f E E L i T r A I S E y A ' l i N t H A s K Y .. ,--{_}------------------{_}-. _ #09omicron .............._| -----------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ | \|/ ' ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `' ,, `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ,%. %%%% `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::'' ,:;%%%'::%%:%, ``::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::;' ,::"%;;%,%`::%% :%%,. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::;' ,::'%;; %%%'%%`::%%.`::%,. `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::' ,::',;;',%%' `%.``::%.``::%,. ``:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::' ,::',;;',%%%' %%. ``:%..``::%%,. `:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::' ,::',;;',%%%Ļ' ,%. `%%%. ``:%..`::%%%%,.. `::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::' ,:::';;',%%%%' .%%%%%$b. `%%%%.. ``:%..::%%%%%%,. `::::::::::: ::::::::::' ,::: ;;',%%%%' ,%%%%%$$$$$$. `%%%%%%.. ``:%%.`:%%%%%%%,. `:::::::: ::::::::' ,::: %;;,%%%%% %%%%%%$$$$$$$$,. `%%%%%%%%. `::%% :%%%%%%%%,. `::::: ::::::' ,:::% %;',%%%%% "%%%%%$$$$$$$$$$, , ``%%%%%%%, ::%%%;%%%%%%%%%%, `::: ::::: ,:::% ;%: %%%%%% ;;,.`%%$$$$$$$$'.%. 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' `üY$$$$Pü' ` . "" ``.. ų ų . o m i c r o n . . . _ ______ _ ______ ____ ______ _ _ ______ _ _______ _ ______ . : : .________ /______, _/____/_\ ______________ /_________ /________ /____; | |_____ | _ __ | _'_ _'_ [ __ _ _'_ | _ __ | _____| (| | '| \_/~ | | | '| | | | '| | |)_ `----,____/----[____/----'----,____/----[____/----,____/----[____/ ----no.omicronisnotabitch.atleastidontthink;).anyways,itsjustapic;).imout.----- ,--{_}------------------{_}-. _ #10e.w.s. ..............._| -----------+ `--------------{~}--------{_ | \|/ ' ______________________________________/\______________________________________ \_ __________________ _____________ _____________ __________________ _/ /_ (_ _________ _\\ \________ \\// ________/ //_ _________ _) _\ /_ _) _)______( (________ __)_ _\/_ _(__ ________) )______(_ (_ _\ _ __ _\ ___/\_ ____ _ ____\\\___ || ___///____ _ ____ _/\_ _ /_ __ _ \ \\_\___ ____ _____(_(_____ __\_ _)(_ _/_ _____)_)_____ _________/_// / __ _ \ ______// _____ )___/ __/\__ \___( _____ \\______ / _ __ /_ _ _\ _\/ ______ \_ )___ ____// \\____ ___( _/ ______ \/_ /_ _ _\ )____\ \\_\___________/jH\\/________ ________\//rM\___________/_// /____( `\/' . e m p t y w a s t e d s o u l s . _,--{_}------------------{_}-. +--------------(_ #11asp .................._| /' `--------------{~}--------{_ |/' '~~ , ,- _,d$$P" , d$' .$$P ,P d$ $$ $. Y, .,,n$$$ $$ $$$ $'d $Pün,. , `$$$$b `$$ `$b, `Y$$$' `$ $' "ü$$$P" `$$$$$%:`$ n$$$$ggggggg,`$' d$$$' "i remain calm, lyricly i got da bom" -`ü$ggggggggg$gggg, - "ü$' $`$ -- d$$$'---------------------------------------- `$$$bü"" ,$ n$$$, ,$'.$' `$ ,d$$$' `$$$b ,$`$,`ü$$b)'d$' `$,ü$$' `$$$b ,$ ` `$$' `' `$$$' a/s/p/h/i/x/i/a/ @/ r/e/m/o/r/s/e/ -d$$$üdP"""""nnnnnnnn,,,.. 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