______ ____ __ __ _____ ___________ _____ .\\_ / _//_| | |\\_ |\\_ / _//. _//_ | 7 /. _) | \_/ | | | 7 /.\__ | _) | | _ | 7 | | | j | _ | 7 | 7 | l__| |______l__| |_____l__| |_____l______j . l__j l__j l__j _ _ : `| (_)(_)`| : WHODINI (REMORSE1981/WU-TRANK) | / (_) | : . : · "I'M THE ONE" · : :...........................................: · · i i | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: : :: :· __ _ . :: _ _( __________ __________ :: ····· ········ ······ ··· _( __ Y __ )_ ···· ······ ····· ···· ··· . _\ (__\\ //__) _ /_ /rMRs\ : : _________\\\ V ////_______ . . ._) wH0\___ . . . ___/ (_. : : | ......../ | | | \........ | . : | `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾/ | | | \¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' | : · | `¾¾¾¾/____|___|___|____\¾¾¾¾' | · : |_ `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' _| . . :/ `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' \: : : /____________ . `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' . __________\ . ·.. .... .... ..... ....../_i _ `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' _ i_\... ..... ..... ..... .....: | `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' | | `¾¾¾' | | ` | |remorse productions| | ninety-seven! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | __ __)!__ ·___ ___· __!(__ :_\ \\ / hI M/\RK! \ // /_: | \\/ \ \// | | ·\ /· | | | | | | · . | | _____________________ | | ~!½¾¾¾DCLXVI¾¾¾¾½!~. | | · `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' | | | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | | | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | | | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ! | | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ i | | ! ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ . | | : ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ · · · ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ I bet mR! wishes he could ·············································· afford another... ______, ····· wH0.______. ____________°¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _____ .______ ____\ | ________| |_\\_._ / | \| \__\\__. | \\_ | | |/ / ø¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | \ \ / | | / j | _/ ø¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_ \_______/ | _|/rMRs\ ·_·_//_____________l_________\ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ /_____\·····/____________\!······ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾, . : · ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | · | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ! ! ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ : : ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ . _ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _ · _______\ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ /_______ _) _ _ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _ _ (_ , ! _ _) ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ (_ _ ! , !ø. · ø¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ø · .ø! !½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½! !¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¼¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾! !¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¼¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾! !¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¼¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾! !¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¼¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¾¾¼¼¼¼¾¼¼¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾! !½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½! !²~ . _ __ ³¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾³ __ _ . ~³! ' |__ /_ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _\ __! ' /_______ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _______\ . ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ . | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | · ¾°________°¾¾¾¾ | ,ø¾ \ _ / ¾¾¾¾ø, · . ~~~~~ \ // ~~~~~~~~ __ /\ _____ ______ \ /________ ____ /\ __ : _________\ !__) \\ (___) \\// (____) // (__! /__:________ .__) \ / : (__. | . : | |__________| _______ ______ . | _________ _________ ._\ // /_. ________ -sg/jA! : | \ __/__\_ /__|___ _________ __|__\ /________ ___________ _______ _\ \ /_ _ / _ /_ _ /_ /.\ _ / /. \ /\ / (/ /_ (/ / \) / | / /_ | /-----/\_____\---/_______/----------\------------\--------:---/______/--------: . |__ __| . . : /_____//_____\ . . | . . | :.. ... ....| . | _| : . | \| : · · · | · · ································\············· |_ W H O D I N I |\ |/ _ | . / _(_) | /| __ _(_)_ __ | . . !__ _____ \( \ (_) )/ ____ __| . | · /__) /___)\ .\ /. /(___\ (__\ · | | \ | \/ | / | | \| |/ | | . _ __| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | iiii iiiiiiiiiiiii | | iiiiiiiiiiiii | | the wu-trank counter-strike.. iiiiiiiiiiiii | | iiiiiiiii ____|_____| the rumours were true, while the rest of trank combined iiiiiii ._\ . | forces with the artists of ACiD, the inner core of trank iiiiiii | | | (the 'wu-trank') were sharpening their sticks and getting iiiiiii | | | ready for the war. Mark Ryder made a spark, the flames iiiiiii |_____| | were lit, and now its time for someone to burn. And what iiiiiii...... l_____j a suprise, here comes Whodini with the flamethrower. Now iiiiiiiii ____| | is the time of truth. There will be no more neutral, no iiiiiii ._\\__. wH0| more switching sides, and no more bullshit. Grab a flag, iiiiiii | | | take a side, and be ready. Mark Ryder has his 'Artbomb', iiiiiii | j | and Whodini has the trained killers of the 'wu'. You may iiiiiii l___________j think you are special Mr. Ryder, but when it all drops iiiiiii ._\\___ / you are going to find that you and I have a lot more in iiiiiii | __/| common then either of us find comfortable. I am known as iiiiiii | | | one of the biggest assholes in the PC scene, and you have iiiiiii |_____| | proven that you are a pretty big asshole yourself. Unfor iiiiiii.. ____l_____j tunately, competition has brought us to opposite sides so iiiiiii ._\\__. | get ready for the ASCII counter-strike! Whodini (WU) iiiiiii | | | iiii iiiiiii | j | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l j ________________________________________________________________|_ _ | ._\ __ _ · _| | __\ \· | ..................... _.................... ..................... | ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: | ©hP! ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: | __ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: ·_/\\/ __/\_____::::::__/\_: : ____.:::::__/\____::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: .\ ).\__ __//__.:.\ _/___ .\ |/\__:\ ____/::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: | · .| \ / |:| ____/_| | /. ___)_______.: ::::::::::::::::::::: | || Y |:| | | _ | | |:................ . | || | |:| | | | | | |: ..................... | || | |:| | | | | | |: ::::::::::::::::::::: | || | |:| | | | | | |_ __:___::::::::::::::: | ||____| |:|___. |____| |___. _/__/___//:::::::::::::: `----' ::::| |:::::`-----': ::`----':::| |: ::::::::::::::::::::: · ::::`-------':::::::: : : :::::::::::`---------': ::::::::::::::::::::: / ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: __//\ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: \_/ · ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: _ _/\_ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: . / ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::: _ _/ `::::::::::::::::::::_: : ::::::::::::::::::::' :_::::::::::::::::::::' \\_\______________________________________________________________. · | | :::::::::::: · I'M THE ONE · :::::::::::: . whodini/wu-trank/remorse1981 . :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ..................................................................:::::::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::.................. .......... : . ....:::::::::::: · . .....::::::::::::::::::::: . .................... . ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::::::::::::::::::::' ```::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::' ...::.. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::' ..:::::::::. `::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::' .::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::. ``::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. :::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::©hP! ____. :::::::::: .____ ::: ____. ::: __________ ________. ________.____._____ _\ |__.____ ____| /_ : _\ |_____\____ /_\___ .|_\___ .| | / | | | _/_ | .| : | _____/_ | _/_ | :| | :| | _/_ | | | .| | _|___|_ | .| _ .| _ :| | :| _ .| | | | :| | \_____/ | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | .| | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| |________ :|_____ :| |_____ :|____| :|____| :|____| :|____| :| ========|____|====|____|========|____|====|____|====|____|====|____|====|____| ....... .. ...... .. .. .. .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ``:::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'' ``:::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::' ```::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::' `::.:.. :::::::::::::::' · . : .::::::::' ..::::'' . . :' . . : · " wu-trank clan ain't nothing ta fuck with! " · : : :........................................................ :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ___. ___ . / :::::::::::: __ _\ | __ _ __ _/_ __ .__ (___'_/_.__ ·|( __ ___________:::::::::::: 7 (____,(__)/__)/ )(_,(_/_| ',_ / (_,| '|| \(_/_ :::::::::::7 |_ )_/ / :::::::::'_| :/.. wU-TRANK COUNTER-STRIKE (1997) · "I'M THE ONE" COLLECTION ...:::::::::.\: /::__________________________________________________________________________\ :: :: »>> MARK RYDER "PRETTY BIG ASSHOLE" <<« :: :: This is the second time (first was m's-evil.txt) that mark ryder has bad- :: mouthed my group and I. First time, I let it slide, hoping that maybe this :: whole thing would blow over. But here it comes again. Marky Ryder and the :: Funky Bunch talks a little more trash. I'm not the type to turn down some :: friendly (although this doesn't seem too friendly) competition, so these :: are my thoughts on the situation. ::............................................................................ »>> MARKY RYDER AND THE FUNKY BUNCH <<« :: :: After m's-evil.txt was released, I noticed a big change in how I was :: treated by other amiga artists. Before I was just treated as a nobody, :: but as soon as Mark Ryder said someone from my group ripped styles, I :: was all of a sudden a ripper. People had never seen or heard me were :: turning against me. These little band-waggon sluts had never even seen :: a colly by me, but since they suck hard on Marky Ryder's dick, they have :: to make it publicly known. Well, I hope the faggots LIKE sucking on :: Marky, because I sure as hell won't let them suck on me. :: ............................................................................:: :: »>> FACE THE FACTS MARKY RYDER <<« :: :: You call me a 'dim-witted' because you can't prove that my artists :: ripped? Before you go around calling people ignorant bastards, maybe :: you should take a step back at who is doing all the talking here. No one :: has ever stepped up to me and told me that I'm "Ripping them Off." And as :: you will see from all of my collies, its pretty evident that I'm a totally :: original artist. ::............................................................................ »>> WU-TRANK STILL GETTING MORE RESPECT <<« :: :: Marky Ryder, I am awaiting the first issue of Artbomb. I have been :: assured by some of your friends that it will be very biased. I took the :: time out to fill out a vote sheet, and e-mail it to you personally. :: While I seriously doubt anyone from Trank or Remorse will be getting any :: votes in Artbomb, I could care less. In the PC scene I was voted #1 :: ami-style artist. Hiro Protagonist and Omicron were rank two and three, :: respectively. As a matter of fact, the current members of Remorse!Ascii :: SWEPT the ami-style and newschool-style ASCII awards in "Awards '96", :: the annual PC voting system. So while I may not be doing too hot in the :: amiga scene, the group and I are very well respected in the PC scene. :: The fact that we are webbing out into the amiga scene just shows that we :: are a group ready to take on new challenges and new assholes like you. :: ............................................................................:: :: :: NOTE: The name of this colly has nothing to do with Marky Ryder and :: his Funky Bunch. I just like the song. If you can find any :: Descendents albums in your neck of the woods, I'd suggest :: picking one up (Get their newest, "Everything Sucks", if you :: can). You pure tekno-heads won't like it, its pure punk rock. ::........................................................ :::: . · I'M THE ONE · :::: . |wH0 THE DESCENDENTS :::: ______|_ | :::: | _/ | I'm the one :::: | 7 | I've been here for you all along :::: | | | I'm the one :::: |_____________| Who's shoulder you've been crying on :::: | ____//_. :::: | _) | Nice guys finish last :::: | 7 | No one knows as good as me :::: |_ | | We're just good friends :::: /____________| And you come to me for sympathy :::: \ ___//_. You tell me that I'm not your type :::: ._\____ | But still you call me late at night :::: | 7 | Everytime he picks a fight :::: | | | After all he's said and he's done :::: |_____________| :::: | ____//_. I'm the one :::: | 7 | I've been here for you all along :::: | | | I'm the one :::: |_ | | Who's shoulder you've been cryin' on :::: ./____________| :::: | ____//_. He's a total dick :::: | _) | That's the truth and you know I'm right :::: | 7 | From everything you say :::: |_ | | There's no way he'll ever do you right :::: /____________| You love a mean who treats you wrong :::: ._\ ._ | You think you'll change him :::: | 7/ | But you're wrong :::: | / | He'll use you then he'll say so long :::: |______| | After all he's said and all he's done :::: | | :::: ______|_ | I'm the one :::: | _/ | I've been here for you all along :::: | 7 | I'm the one :::: | | | Who's shoulder you've been cryin' on :::: |_____________| :::: | ____//_. I'm the one who wants you more than anything :::: | _) | You don't feel the same way :::: | 7 | You made it clear to me :::: |_ | | But I'll stand my ground and maybe :::: /____________| You'll hear what I've been sayin' :::: ._\ ._ | After all I've said and all I've done :::: | 7/ | :::: | / | I'm the one :::: |______| | I've been here for you all along :::: ______|______| I'm the one :::: | |_____ Who's shoulder you've been cryin' on :::: | ____//_. I'm the one :::: | 7 | I've been here for you all along :::: |_ | | I'm the one :::: /____________| Who's shoulder you've been cryin' on :::: \ ____//_. I'm the one :::: ._\_____ | :::: | 7 | .......................................................:::: | | | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /rMRs\|_____________| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::................ :: :: ..........................:: : :.................... .........: :.. : : . · _____ ¦________________ _____\ /________ | (_______________ _ _____________ \ ___|_ ____ /___| _ __________ _______ _ ____.________ / | | ¦ \ _______. \// _/_______. / / | | | \) | \ __/ | / / |cG|___|______\ |_ _________\_____)________|_____.______\ \ |_____________ \________\ _________________. \ /_______. \eD |____________\ |_________________\ | . . 00 Art Packs » Rad Man « : 15 Mr. Self Destruct » MSD « 01 Dieznyik » Dieznyik « : 16 Necromancer Sig » Necromancer « 02 Everything Sucks » Descendents « : 17 Nine Inch Nails » Omicron « 03 Intro » Fahrenheit « : 18 Omicron » Omicron « 04 Fractal » Fractal « : 19 Rad Man » Rad Man « 05 Gozz » Gozz « : 1A Remorse!Ascii » Anyone « 06 Haji » Haji « : 1B Remore » Anyone « 07 Hard Target » Biztro « : 1C Style 2 Death » Anyone « 08 Hiro Sig » Hiro Protagonist « : 1D Sex Pistols » Sex Pistols « 09 Hiro » Hiro Protagonist « : 1E Shithead » Anyone « 0A Hiro-P » Hiro Protagonist « : 1F Whodini Sig » Whodini « 0B Happy Land » No Clue « : 20 Terra Cotta » Necromancer « 0C Ides of March » Nuremberg « : 21 Trance Form » Ramirez « 0D ITMOM cut-piece #1 » Hiro « : 22 Whodini's » Whodini « 0E ITMOM cut-piece #2 » Hiro « : 23 Wu-Trank » Anyone « 0F Jeapordy » Mark Ryder « : 24 Pagan Love (w/ Cain) » No Clue « 10 Jedi Arts » Shock G « : 11 Land of Rape and Honey » Rattle « ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 12 Mark Ryder » Mark Ryder « ::::::::::: 13 Messiah » The Messiah « ::::::::::: 14 Miasma » Miasma « ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: .___. .... :\ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ . \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> ARTPACKS - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> RAD MAN \ · _ _ _ _ / ///\\\ \ / ///\\\ \ / \\ _ _________ _______. _ ________/ \\ .______ _ ._______ _ / .\ ._\\\__ / __ |-\\\_ / .\ | ___///--| ___///--+ ___ / \ | _/____/_ \--+ /____/ \| \ |____ | /_. /________\+----\ /______\ |______\ /________\___ |/__________| | \ // : `------'wH0/rMRs\ | ._ _\ ./_ (_ | /___________ \ \\\/// / ______:)_____________________________________________| . . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> DIEZNYIK - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> DIEZNYIK \ · ' ' / ' / ' . / _ / / _ / . |_____ / // ______ / // ' | |_____)_ ____/ ./ \ \/ / / ' ______|_ _ | / _ _/ / \ \\ __/__ _______ / / \ _/// |_____/. \\\_____/. _ _____\____\__\ \ _)______)_ / / .\__________| |__________|_\\\___ / \ Y / /____ / _ / |wH0/rMRs\ | ___/. \__ __/____/ Y // |_ __ |___________| /_____\ . _ _/. __ /____________ _\/___ _ ____ |_____/_____| /. /____ _\/\ /_ ____ _ /\_\ / | \/ /____ _ _/ / /__________ . | _ _\/_/ /_______________________| . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> E.S. (EVERYTHING SUCKS) - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> *NONE* \ · _ _ ___________________ // / ____/// ___ ///_______________ _ / ///_ / //// /// / / / / / __///______ _ .____________ / / / _/ _ _ /// / | // / / \ //// / | / /________________/.___\______ _ //_______. | _/ | /// // | | \___________________________| / / | | /________________________/ | |_ | /_________________________________ eVERYTHING sUX _| (__)___________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> INTRO - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> FAHRENHEIT \ · .:iIIIi:, ___ _ _______ `iIIIIIi' \ __ _ _ ___________\___ / ......... \\.__________ _ ._\\\__._ /_/ :iiii:________\| /// /_ _____|__ _ |/ / :iiii:\ \| / ._\\\_ ///___________/ _ :::::::::::: :iiiii:\ \\ /___ | /_ _/__ /\\\ \ :::::::::::: :iiiiii:\ \______/ /_|_____/ / _ / \ ::::::::::::.`:::iiii:\_____| . .__/__ /_____/ / ///____\ :::::::::::::::.`:::i: _ __ _ | | \ wH0/rMRs\ ::::::::::::::::::.`:: \ \\\ |___________\ _ _... :::::::::::::::::::: : ... _\ _ _ _ ::/:::: :::::::::::::::::::: : ::: (__))) ) // /:: :::::::::::::::::::: . :::........... ... .. //. :' /_ _ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> FRACTAL - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> FRACTAL \ · .......................... :::::::::: .:::::::' :::::::::: .::::::::' ________________________________________________ :::::::::: ..::::::::' /___ _ ::::::::::.... _ _________ /\ wH0/rMRs\ .______ /\ ._________ ::::::::::::::_\\\_ / / \\ ._______ _ | /___ / \\| / :::::::::: | _/ _/__/ .\| ____///__| .___/_ / .\ //__. :::::::::: | \ / \ \ | | \/ \ ./ | :::::::::: |_____\ // \__________|___________\ \________| \ ./__________\ /__________\ ___________________ \ / ___________________________________ \/ /___ _ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> GOZZ - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> GOZZ \ · _ .:iIIIIIIIIIIIi:. _ ______________ // / _ ________________ :iIIIIIi iiiii: .__\\\__._ __ / _ _ __ .__\\\_ / __ iIIIIi .......... | |/ // | ________/. (_ iiiiii iIiiii;:'. | _ _/____________|___________________| ! :iiiii.. i: ,: |_________:__\\\_ :/ .. | `:iiiiii...:...,' | ________/. :: | |___________________| :: | | :: | . ... :: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :: | ._ :: :: _| /________________________________________ ::::::::::::::::::::::::: _\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HAJI - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> HAJI \ · __/\ _ ._____. \ \\\ \ _ ____.--- - ___ | | __________ / \\ _________ _____ _______ __.-------.__ ._\ | _ _|___________/ .\ _________(_____)\_____/. /_. | | \\\_ ./ _\/. | | . | | | |____ / // / //// ______| | | hAJI/remOrse | | '---------/___ `---------' | | | |_ wH0/rMRs\ `--------' | | _| _ /____ _______/\ _ ______ | | ____________\ \\ \ _ __`----------------------' \/// | : `---- - : . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HARD TARGET - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> BIZTRO \ · _ _ ._____. / ///\\\ \ | | / \ ._____. | | / \\ _ ___________ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _|_____________/ .\ ._\\\___ /// / | | (_ | \\\_ / \| _/ _/______________|_ _ | ! |_____/___________/ \_____\ \ _/// | | . /____________\ \ \_________________| | | \________\ | | | | | | _ _ | | ._____ / ///\\\ \ ._____ | | | /___ / \\ _ _________ _________ _ _ _________| /___ !_ | .___/_ / .\__\\\__ / _______///____\\\_ / .___/_ )__ _ _ | | \ \ _/ /_ \____ / /______/. | \ |__________\ \___\ \___________/______________|__________\ /__________\ \_______\wH0/rMRs\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HIRO SIG - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> HIRO PROTAGONIST \ · . . | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ | _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ /................. | \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / : |_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ : \_______\ ...........................: . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HIRO - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> HIRO PROTAGONIST \ · ___________________ _ _/ _ _ \_ \ \\\ /(___ ___)\ /wH0/rMRs\ \ \ \./ / /_ \ \___°|°___/ /// / .\_ /~\ _/. __________ |__ _ _ _ _ _ __| ____________ . \ )!-|-|-|-|-|-|-!( / ._\··· | . ·············· /_________________\ ·························/_. : | | ___________________ : . | | ._\\_______ ///- . : | __|_____________ | _________ /_ : . | \_.___ _ ///- | \_.___ _ / . : __| T / //_____________| T / //_____________. : . \ | / ./____________\ | / ./_\\___._ | . : \ |/ / |\ |/ / |/ | : . \______/ / | \______/ /. / | . : /________/· | /________/ | /| | : ._ | _| | | _| _. /···················· |_____________\ ················· |______________\ ···\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HIRO-P - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> HIRO PROTAGONIST \ · . _ . | __________________________ .___\ | | wH0/rMRs\ /____________________________________ | | | _________ _ _________ _ ___________ _ __________ /_. | | _ _|_____\_ _____/.__\\\__ /_\\\_._ /___ ._\\\_ / | | | \\\_ / | _/ _/_. |/ /___/ | /______/ | | |_____/_____/________|_____\ |__________/ | | | | \______| | | . | . | . A while back Hiro did a special ASCII dedicated to me in . his Respect colly, and I never payed him back the favor. So right now I just want everyone to know that Hiro was the most influencial member in Trank, and was greatly responsible for the vast improvement that the oldschool ASCII scene over the last couple of years. Without Hiro Protagonist, the oldschool ascii scene would still be doing crappy no-style logos. Big thanks to Hiro P and the whole ModemLand crowd, for being the friendliest bunch of locals I've ever met. And an extra big thanks to . . Hiro for being the man I respect most in the PC ascii scene. | |___ _| /_________________________________________________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> HAPPY LAND - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> NO CLUE \ · _____. __ _ __________ _ __________ ______ / _ __|________/ _\___\\\_ /_\\\_ /___ / / _ / \\\_._ / \\ /______/ /______/ Y / ///_______|/ / .\______| /________| \__ __/ . /_____/ \ . /_______\ . | /__________\ | __ ________ . | | . | / _\_______ | _ / | | | .xXXXXx. | | / \\ \| // | | | XXX XXX | |/ .\ \ \ _/______|_ _ | |_ XX Oo XX | / \____\_____\ __/// | _,_____ _`(__,_)'____ | /__________\ \____________| (_)______ \/ _ \ | | _/- _,____|/ / | | \___(_)_______/ | : | . : . . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> IDES OF MARCH - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> NUREMBERG \ · . _________ | . ______ ____ _ .\_______/. | |_____/ /_/ _///_ ________________________________ | _|_____|_ _ | _ _/ /_\___ \_ /_ | \ _/// | \\\_____/. / /......... ............ | |_________\__________|_____ |__________/.::: ::::: ::::: :::::: | . \____| .:::: ::::: ::::'.:::::' | | wH0/rMRs\ ::::: ::::: ::::... | | ::::: ::::: ::::::: | | `::::::::::' ::::: | | . | | _______ _ ________ ________| . | _| ._____ / /__ ___\\\__ / ._____/|_ _|_______ | \_ | \/ / _\ _/ /_ | / \_ /___________________| |_____\/_____/ \\_____\ \ _______/_____/_____/ /_______\ \______\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS HEADER #1 - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> HIRO PROTAGONIST \ · . + ____| + | . _________ . ____________________ . _______wH0/rMRs\___ ._\ | |____| | o.__ _._|__ __ _ _ _ _._|__ _ .__ /_. | | | | | ' || ) | | )(_/_ ( ' )(.)(_) | | ) (_)|- | | | | | | |_ _ _ __. __|.__ __ __ __ | | | | | | /______________ _ ( ' )(__|(__|| )(_/__) '__) ' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _|_ | ! _| __| |__________|________\ ______________________________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS HEADER #2 - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> HIRO PROTAGONIST \ · _________ ___ ____. _________________ ____________________________________ ._\\_._ / | |_\\_._ /\ __//_. /_. _| 7/ _/. \_/ | 7/ _/._\__. | ''in the mouth of madness'' | _ _ | | | _ | | | | | ! | | | ! | | |_ tItle: | | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | ! | fOr: _| |____| |____| |____| |_________j __________________________________\ l____j l____j l____jwH0/rMRs\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> JEAPORDY ASCII - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> MARK RYDER \ · And the question is: Who cares? ... ::: ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... ::: ::: ... :::.::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :.. ::: ::: `:::' ::: :::.::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ... ::: ::: ::: ::: _______________ _( ), ______________ ___________ (_ I DO! I DO! _) _\ not me. _\ (_ )_ (_______________)_ \_____________\ (_ No one. )_ (_) (_ (___________) ,|,,,,/,, .o xoxoxox / _________ ___ .-\__ __/-. |__ __| _\___wU__/_ (___) | (_o)-(_o) | \_,Y,_/ \/|__ __|\/ _ `-( _ _ _ )-' (_ ,_, _) (_ ^_ ) __(_) __`|_|_|'__ __(_____)__ ___,`-\\'_(__) _(_ ,_____,__)_ _(__,_____,__)_ _\__,___`__/___ __\ M. Ryder /_._\ xCluziwe /_._\ Whodini /__ | \___________/ | \___________/ | \___________/ | | : | : | : | | . //-410$ | . //1500$ | . //12340401$ | |_ | | _| _ _ __ /_________________|_________________|_________________\ /_____________________ _ _ WHODINI WINS FINAL JEAPORDY, AND IS OUR CHAMPION FOR THE YEAR. . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> JEDI ARTS - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> SHOCK G \ · . . _ ________. _ ________ | |__________ .____\\\_______|-///_ /_______|_ _ |\________/. _ __ | \ | /_____/.\ _/// | | _ _____________ /__ _ |______________|___________| \___________|__________| /_. . _ _ _ __ | | - --\\JEDi ARTS\\-- - ._____ /_ _ ____ _ | | _ ________. _ ________| /___ _/ _///_ : |_ .____\\\___ |---\\\_ /| .___/_._\___ \_ __ /______________ _ | _ | _/ _/_|_ | \ / / /__ _ |________/_____|_____\ /_________\_________/ \ // \ ./ \ / wH0/rMRs\ \/ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> LAND OF RAPE AND HONEY - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> RATTLE \ · . .__ '| __, ,___ ___|_ ___ _|_ ' _ | (__| | / \__| \__) | . . . \ _________ _______. .______ . _____________ _ ._\__ /_\__ |_ _______|_ ___/__. _ ________________ ._\ __ _ | / _/. / |\\\_ _ _) | _ __ /_. | _ _\ |___\_________\____. /_____/________|_ /_ _ | | |_____\ //.____ _ | | | \______\\ | | Land of Rape 'N' Honey ___. |____\\ / | | _____ \__| \___/ | ______ _ __________ _ ._______ \ \______ | | _/____\\\_._ /// | ____/__\ \ / wH0/rMRs\ _| | \ / |/ /___ __| _) ____ /___/_ _______________________\ |____/ ________. \___\ ________| /_____\ /_ /_____/ |_____\\ /_ / \____/// . . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> MARK RYDER - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> MARK RYDER \ · ___ _ _ ___ _ \ \/(_._)\/ /// / ___\ / | \ /___ ..................... _! /___°|°___\ !_ : _\ // /.!.\ \\ /__. : \ \\\___ ±-±-±-±-± ___/ | : `-----------' | : ____. _ ________ _ _________ |________ _ ____ _ _______. / _|_\\\_ |_\\\__ /_____| /// /________ .__\ \ \\\ |/ \ 7_ | _/ _/__ |_ _/__ /_. | . \_____\/_____\_____/_____|____\ /____ / / | | : .\_____/ /_______//rMRs\ | | : | | | :...............................|.............................. | | _____ _ | : | | _ ____________. / /// /_____|_______ _ _ _________ _ : | | ._\\\__ / |/ _/____(_ _ | _ _///._\\\__ /// / : | |_ | _/ _/\__ _\ _/// | _) / _/ _/__ : _| /_______ |____\ //_____\ \__________|_________/____\ / _________\ \_____/wH0 | \_____/ . |.............................: . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> MESSIAH - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> THE MESSIAH \ · /\ __ ________ ________ _____ _ _____ _ _______ / \\ . | ._______\// _ /_ _/ / _/ _///_ _/ _///_ _____/./ .\| _ _|_________ | \/ // \\\____/._\_ /_\_ /_ / \ \\\_ / |_______\/______/__________|_________/__________///_____/________\___/_______/ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> MIASMA - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> MIASMA \ · ________________________________ ._\ /_. | | | ____ _ | | _/ _///_ | _______ ________ _ ________._\___ \_ | _ ________. \ \ ______.\______/._\\\__ | / _/_____ | ._\\\__ | \ \\/ / | _ |__________\ \ ____|__ _ | \ \/ /___ : /_____| \ \/ /___/_____| \ /_____/ \_____.____/ \ \/ / \_____\wH0/rMRs\ . \ /_____/ | \_____\ | __ . |_ /__ _ _| /________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> MSD (MR. SELF DESTRUCT) - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> MSD \ · .___________________________________ |wH0/rMRs\ / _ . _ _____________ _ ____ _ / \ \\ \ . / /// /// / _/ _///_ /_________ \ | __ _ ___________ / /______\___ \_ \ | | \ \\\ \/ / / _ _/______________\_ _ | | \_________\/___________/_____________\_\\\ _/// | |_ . \____________________| /_. ___________________| . . . . | _ ___ ___ ___ ____ .___ | _____ ____|.___ ____|_ ___ ____ _|_ | \\\ ' // '. ,___\ '|__/_|_\- ' \___||__/____\ | / '(___))__ ' | | \ _| \_________________________________________________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> NECROMANCER SIG - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> NECROMANCER \ · _._ .__ _ _._ | _ _ _|_/// / |wH0 _ __ | // _ __ | ____ ) |.___ ___ ,___ ____ ____ ___ ___.____ ) | ___ .___ ,___ \ )___||__/_(__ ') __'(____)\ ' )/___|\ )___|(__ '|__/_) __'_ _ _\ _ _) _\ _ _\ _ _) \\ \ _\ \\\ \ \\\ \ . . . . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> NINE INCH NAILES - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> OMICRON \ · HEAD LIKE A HOLE / BLACK AS YOUR SOUL ___________ _ //\_____________________________ _ I'D RATHER DIE _) \\\\// /// / THEN GIVE YOU MY GLOCK! \/ / -wU-tRANK sW0RdZ .__________________ .__________________ | _ / | _ / ______________ | // ______________ | // \ \ | // \ \ | // \ \ \ | ./_________\_ \ \ | ./ \ \ \| /___________\. \ \| / \ \ \ / . \ \ \ / \ \ \ / | |\ \ \ / \ \__________/ : | \ \__________/ \___________\ . . | \___________\ | | | | |___________________| /wH0 | / .___ ' ___. |_____________ _ /\___________/ | / I \ | \\\ //\ /_ _\ \// / \ / . . . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> OMICRON - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> OMICRON \ · ___________________ \ __\\___________ / \\ ____ _ ____ // ___________ _\(_/__)-(__/_)/_ (¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾) \ /_:_\ / _____ / __________ \ _(¾¾¾¾¾) ······························ \__________\ \\_/ (¾) ·························· ___ _____________ ___________________ \ \_³____ _________ _________ ___ _ /_ ,_\\__ | | |_____/ __//_._\(&)_ /_\\__ |_\ _ | _\ _ /____ | | | \_// | | | | _ _/| | | | | ____\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ __ /_ | j | | | | j | | | j | | | _\ __ /___ l_________l____| |_____j_________j____| |_________j____| | ___\ l____jwH0/rMRs\ l____j l____j . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> RAD MAN - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> RAD MAN \ · _ _____________ /\\\____________________ _ __________. .__________________ ._) \/ \\\\ _ | | (__. | _ ______________. \\ | | | _ ________ _____\\\_______ | \\ | | .___\\\_ / \ _ | \. | -* RaD Man *- | | _/ _/___\____________/______|___________\_ _ | | | \ _ /_ _\ _/// | .____________ |______\ //// / \ \\\_________________| | _ / . \ // ______ | // | \ ./ \ _ /_____________ _ | // | \ / \ /// _ /// / _ ___________ | ./ . | \/__________\// // \ \\\ \| / | | _\ \/ ./ _ __________\__ \ \ / | |_ wH0/rMRs\\\________\/___________/______\\\_______ |______\______/ _| )_____________________________ _\ _ | _______________( \\\\________________/_____| . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> REMORSE!ASCII - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> ANYONE \ · .p8888p. _______________________________________________________. 888 888 | 88 oo 88 ___ | ______`(_ - )'_____ /__ _ | ._\ \ `--' /_ | | . \\// .: / | | :. \/ .\ .| _ ____________ ___ __ __ __ ,___ ___ |_ \ \|____________| | ._.__\\\_ /(__/_( ' )(__)| '(__/_ /_ _ \ __\ ___(__)____|__| | __ _/__ __ / (__) ; (__) | \ \ / \ ____ __ ' ' / | /_ " |_______\ \ \_ \ __) '(__'/ /_ / .\ |\ / \___________/ \ \ /// \ || ./ / \ . \______/______/ __ _ _ / \ _ (______\ (_____) ) / ///____________\\\ \ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> REMORE (FORGOT THE S) - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> ANYONE =) \ · ........ _ _________ _______ _____:::: :::: _ _________ ________ .___\\\__ /_____/ / / /: :::.__\\\__ /____/ / | _/ _/__ _/ /_______ / /:: :::| _/ _/__ _/ / | \ \ \______/. \/ /::: :::| \ \\_______/. |_______\ \________|_______\/______/::::..:::|______\ \________| ---------\________\------------------------wH0/rMRs\--------\________\--------- . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> STYLE 2 DEATH - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> ANYONE \ · .__ _____ ........ |_/ ____ _ ____ _____ / /____ _____:::: :::: _/ _///_ /___\ Y / / .____/ /:::: :::: ._\___ \_ .__/_\__ __/ /__|_ _/ ...:::::: :::: | / / | \/ \ / |\\\____/. ....:::: |__________/ ________\ _____\_______|________| :::: ...... :::: :::: -* style2death *- ::::..:::: ._____. _____ ._____ ._____. .__ | |____/ /_ _______| /__ | | |_/ _ ______|_ _ |_ _/ /_\\\_ | .__/_ | _ _|________ _ \\\ _/// |\\\____/. __ | | \ \\\__ /// wH0/rMRs\ \__________| _______|_____/____|_________\_____|/_____/ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> SEX PISTOLS - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> *NONE* \ · _____ _ ________ .________ _____ / /// / \ __//_| __//_\ Y / ._\___ | _) |\_ _ _/| _____________________________________________ | | | | | | | /_. _ | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | _ | l_________j_________j____| | | . wH0/rMRs\ l____j | | | | | | | | ________ ______ ________ _____. ________.____. ________ | ._\\__ |\____/.\ __//_. ___\ |_\\__ | | \ __//_. | | _/ | |_\___ |_\\__ | | | | ._\___ | | | \_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | |___ | | _ | | | | | ! | ! | ! | | \| ! | _________| l____j l______j_________j_________j_________j_________7_________j . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> SHITHEAD - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> ANYONE \ · _ ___ ________ . ____ _____ /_ _ . ._________ ________ . \ __//_. |wH0 (____) /__ . | | ___// _\\___ | | . ._\___ | _|____| _| __/__| _|____| __)__| _/ |____|_ | | 7 _| \_ | _ 7 | \_ _| 7 | 7 _| _/ | | | _ 7 | | | | 7 _ | | | _ 7 | _| | | | _| | | _| | | | _| | | | |_ _ | | | _ | j _ | | | _ j | j _ l_________j____| |____j_________|____| |_________j_________l_________j l____j _ ____________ l____j/rMRs\ /________ _ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> WHODINI SIG - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> WHODINI \ · _ __ .|___ __ ___|o.___ o <=====================//----- - - (__,__|| //__\\__||| /(__ _ whodini@epit.netset.com _ Finger for PGP Key <=======================================================//--------- - - . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> TERRA COTTA - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> NECROMANCER \ · /\ ._____ _____________________________/\ _ ___ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ | /___ _ _______ \/// / \\ (_ | .___/_ _ ________--\\\_ / _ _______/ .\ ! | | \-///_ / _/ /__-\\\_ / \ | |__________\ /_____/.____\ / _/ /__________\ | . |___________| \ //____\ / | | \ ./ \ //wH0/rMRs\ | /\ | TERRA COTTA \/ \ ./._____ | / \ | _______ _ \/ | /___ / \\ | | ____///_. _ _________|_ .___/_._____ / .\ !_ | \ |-\\\_._ / | \ /___/ \ )_____ _ /\___ _ |__________| |/ /__________\ .___/__________\ \\\/ |___________/ | | \ |__________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> TRANCE FORM - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> RAMIREZ \ · ._____ _________ ________. ________.________ ________ | /___ ._\\__ /_\\___ _ |_\ . | ._//_| __//_. ______________ | ._//_| . _/| _/// | | | | | _) | \ /_. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ l | | | j | | | j | j _| | /________j____| |_________|____| |_________|________\ | . l____j l____j | | | | | | | | | · ________ ________. _____________ ____. | ._\\ |_\\_. |_\\__ / Y | | | __ | | | . _/| \_/ | | | __)__j | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | j | | | | | _| |____| |_________|____| |____| _| __________________________________\ l____j |___\wH0/rMRs\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> WHODINI'S - -----\----------------------REQUESTED-BY--> WHODINI \ · _____ _____ _______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _ ___ _ ____\ \ _/______\__ _\__\__ _\ ____/.__\ \ ____/./_/ _///_ +-- / /\ \ \_ / // \ _/// \ | \ \ |_\__ \ ---+ | \____/\____/___/___/________/\________/_____|___\____/_____|_________/ | | | | | | | | | | | |_ _| /___________________________________________________________________________\ . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - -----\-----ASCII--> WU-TRANK - -----\----------------------GIFT-FOR--> ANYONE \ · `###@. `###@. .####@' `###@. .####@' ####@' `####@. `@'.####@' ####@' `#####. .@. .####@' ####@' ·:::::::::::::::::::.`####@.####@.####@'.i@. :: .###@' .:::::::::::::::::· ::::::: wH0/rMRs\ `####@' `####@' `###@. .###@' ::::::: ::::::: `@' `@' `###@.###@' ::::::: ::::::: ·::::::::.... .::...::::::... .......:.:::::. ·:::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::. : ::::::: ::::. : ::::::: ::::. : ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::::: :::::.: .......::::: : ::::::: ::::: : ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ....... :::::::.::::::' ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::.::::::' ::::::: ::::. : ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::. : ::::::: ::::: : ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::: : ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: .::::.::::::: .:::: ::::::: .::::.::::::: .:::: ::::::: .:::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::. . .___. .... \ ___. ___________| | .______ _______ _____....______ \_\__|___ /\__ \ / _| |_| _ /__ \ . \___/__ \::| _ /__ /\ / \/ \ \/ \/ \_ / \__/ / / | \ / / \__/ / /_____\___\/ / /_____\___|___\_________\ \_______/_ /_____\_________\ . ..\...../_____\........................... \/ :::: wk!/ja \ : .... \ . ..:...................::::...... . - 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Whodini/Remorse (whodini@acid.org) | | | | colly layout (originally from m's-knok) ................ Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul | | | | "Whodini" logo .......................................... Shock G/Jedi^Arts | | | | "Wu-Trank" and | | "I'm the One" logos .............................. Hiro Protagonist/Remorse | | | | "I'm the One" cut-peice and end logo ..................... Wise-K/Jedi^Arts | | | | "Index" logo ...................................... Cybergod/Epsilon^Design | | | | Editors Used ............................................ Duhdraw for Linux | | Pico v2.9 (Linux) | | | | Inspirational Music ........................ Blondie 'The Best of Blondie' | | The Jam 'In the City' | | Lush 'Split' and 'Spooky' | | KMFDM 'Naive' | | Descendents 'Everything Sucks' | |_ _| !___ _ _________________________________________________ _ ___! (_)\ ___ // \ ___ /(_) \) /___________________________________________________\ (/ ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::: :: : : · . . . . .: :·: :::.: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::................................................... _________. . :::::: :::::: _\________|________:______ /\ ...... :::::: \ / | \_ ____/ \___________ _/_________...... _/__________\_____|___\ / \ / /______/ _ /____ / |_______\ \/ \/ _ / \____/ / : _/________\_____/ /\______________\ : / /_______\-wk!/ja ...... · :::::: __/______________ _/__________ _/_____________ :::::: \/ . \__________/___ \_/ _ /______ :::::: / | \ / / \______/ / :::::: \_________________/_________ /__________\____________________\ :::::: \/ ...... :::::: .....................................................................:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ@ ______ ____ __ __ _____ ___________ _____ .\\_ / _//_| | |\\_ |\\_ / _//. _//_ | 7 /. _) | \_/ | | | 7 /.\__ | _) | | _ | 7 | | | j | _ | 7 | 7 | l__| |______l__| |_____l__| |_____l______j . l__j l__j l__j _ _ : `| (_)(_)`| : WHODINI (REMORSE1981/WU-TRANK) | / (_) | : . : · "I'M THE ONE" · : :...........................................: @END_FILE_ID.DIZ@ . total: 1700 lines, 101 kilobytes, 100650 characters . SAUCE00I'm the One ASCII Collection Whodini ACiD Productions 19970305ʉ�����������������������������������