·<--[sOF]                                                           [FOs]-->·
                                 $    __     ._
                           _  . ____ _\  ____ (    .
                           /  _\\  /_____\  //_  _/
                         \_ _/       _ _       \_
                       #  __)    . _((-))_ .     )_  __
                         _\       )) - - ((       /_
                       - )     .   \  ^  /         (  #
     ____              . \  ____\-_/ '-  \_-/____  /.         _________
     ¾¾¾¾               \ \ )   ~_\`--^--'/_~  .(  \ )       ½¾¾¾   ¾¾¾½
     ¾¾¾¾                 _/   _(-- ·   · --)_  \\_/_        ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
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     ¾¾¾¾               _//   ) \__ -___- __/ (    \_        ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ¾¾¾¾               )_  _/  (_/--)·(--\_)  \_  _(        ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ¾¾¾¾               \    / _/     _     \_ \    /        ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ¾¾¾¾               ((__)) \     _)_     / ((__))        ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ¾¾¾¾   ____            ~__/___  /-\  ___\__~            ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾             ) .   \(   )/   . (             ¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾
     ½¾¾¾___¾¾¾½ .O. .w.    /  (\  _\   /_  /)  \    .p. .R. ½¾¾¾___¾¾¾½
                           (_   ~ _\_   _/_ ~   _)
                           _/.---(_)(   )(_)---.\_
                         -))      _\     /_      ((-
                          /_______((     ))_______\
        <-|::::::          l o s   p r o f i l o s
          ::::::|          until' the year two gee

   "  w  E::::K::E  e  P     p  L  A  n  E  t  S    I  n    O  R  b  I  T  "
        . .......
        . :::::::  ..
       .: :::::::  : ...         _                             _ :
   .......:::::::..  : :.. .  ·<-/-----------------------------/_|__
. .: .    ....... :..: .        /                                |
     _\___:__   :__   .:     ___|__ .. and after three days,     |
  .____\     \ /   \_   .____\     \                             |
  |     \     \    _/___|     \     \  he rose from his grave .. |
  |     /     /    \    \     /     /                            /
__|___ /     /___________\__ /_____/ ---------------------------/|--->·
  |    \_____\ _: rDm                                            ·       .
  ·       :   \ : ______   ___        _   ______  r E D   d E M O N  _____\ _
  .. .    :  .__:_\     \ /   \_   .__\\ /     /_______________._____\     \
  : ..... :  |     \     \    _/___|    /     //              /|     \\     \
  :.: ..: :  |     /     /    \    \    \     \                |      /     /
      :   |  |___ /_____/___________\____\     \ ______________|____ /     /
      :   |__._.:   ... .                /_____/                    _\_____\
    . :.............:                                                 \
    :.    :::::::                                                      ·
       -[ the saga continues where i left you, back in lp!-str1.txt ]-
          :::::::          A paper dated 31 december  1997 glided  over the
          :::::::          empty  roads of  San Rio, just like  a forgotten
          :::::::          dream.Once you experience the dream, and it will
          :::::::          fill you with joy or fear, but  soon as you wake
          :::::::          up, it's all  part of  a life  never lived. That
          :::::::          paper only lives one day.Then, and only then, on
          :::::::          that single day, the paper holds interests. That
          :::::::          paper holds a value, but when a new  dawn rises,
          :::::::          and a new paper  leaves the presses, the old one
          :::::::          isn't worth the shit  on the cerbs. Just for one
          :::::::          day, for  the unmeasurable  moment in  infinity,
          :::::::          that paper goes from riches to rags.From life to
          :::::::          death. Like a  condom, which  is  the vital  key
          :::::::          between life and death. Life is the crime, a new
          :::::::          baby is born, death is the penalty, Aids is your
          :::::::          executioner. For those  brief moments  of inter-
          :::::::          course, a thin layer of latex is what forms your
          :::::::          barrier  against  the  Grim  Reaper. Isn't  that
          :::::::          ironic, the  only thing  that keeps us, mankind,
          :::::::          in  existence, our  way of reproduction, is also
          :::::::          the way for us to kill ourselves.As we travel to
          :::::::          great  hights in our sexual  joys, we  knowingly
          :::::::          choose between life and death.
          :::::::          As that  paper crosses  the pavement,  having no
          :::::::          control of where it  shall travel  to, it enters
          :::::::          an alley. And as the wind gusts  on, lifting  up
          :::::::          the  paper one  last time before dropping  it in
          :::::::          its final resting place, a dark puddle of mud, a
          :::::::          hand  from the  shadow grabs the  paper swiftly,
          :::::::          like an eagle picking up his prey from the water
          :::::::          The man, still  living in a state of  relaxation
          :::::::          caused  by the great  portion of thc and alcohol
          :::::::          still in his  blood, he takes a quick  glance at
          :::::::          the writings, and mumbles:
      " damn .. still no bloody snow in the Rockies "
          :::::::          And for just another  glimps of time,  the paper
          :::::::          had  meaning again  to that man who  now  slowly
          :::::::          planted  one hand on the concreet. Trying to get
          :::::::          on his feet, but his body thinks otherwise.A few
          :::::::          seconds  pass  while  the figure  in  the  alley
          :::::::          stands shacking on his legs. Almost falling over
          :::::::          like an antilope making his first steps.He moves
          :::::::          himself  with the last  strengths in  his  body,
          .......          towards an old chinese restaurant.The sign above
          :::::::          the door which the man enters, spells:
          .......                                     .
..........:::::::...      ..                         //\   ·
:         .._.__   :  .... :                       __/  \__:
:..  :    :     |  :..:  :                        .\      /|__ _
  : _|____:     : ..     :                        |        |
  .  |     |   /\ ··  . .:           .__ ______   |  ______|
     |    _|__/  \____ ___/\ ______  |   \     \.____\     \ __________
 ..  |    \          /      \     /  |    \     \     \     \     _   /.
  :  |     \        /|            \  |    /     /     /     /     /    |
     |_____/        \|_____/\______\ |   /_____/|___ /     //__________|__
  ......  /____/\____\     ... .     |_____|  rDm |  \_____\           |
  :  ..:  :     :          :                      |        .           ·
  .  :    |_....:     e N T:E R P R I C E s   _ __|_      _|
     :..................   :                      |/_    _\
          :::::::      :...: .                    /  \  /
          .......           .:                   /:   \//
          :::::::                               · .    ·
          .......          Walking across the  room, his body starts working
          :::::::          more  properly. Getting used to  the room turning
          :::::::          around  it. After  pulling the leve  next to  the
          :::::::          Peking Duck  cabinet,  the man slides  through  a
          :::::::          hidden door, right next to the golden lion statue
          :::::::          A servant who sees him, quickly aproaches to help
          :::::::          the  man into the elevator. And as the lift makes
          :::::::          its way to  the sixth  floor, the servant speaks:
      " mR. Demon, a happy new year to you. "
 rDm  " yah, thanks, same to you.. here's a grand, go spend it on level
        two.But first bring my bong, fully loaded, to my suite. "
      " And what do you wish it to be loaded with, sir? "
 rDm  " fuck, serve me anything, bammer, blow, bomb, brown, bud, buddha,
        cannabis, cheeba, chronic, dank, doubage, ganja, grass, green,
        groove weed, hash, herb, ill, Indo, iszm, Lebanon, Mary Jane , pot,
        sess, shake, skunk, stress, tabacci, Thai, wacky... any type o'shit "
      " certainly sir "
 rDm  " thanks Gaybird .. or whateva the hell your name was .. "
 gay? " Jay sir.. Jaybird, the tag says Jaybird "
          :::::::          And  as the doors  opened on  the sixth  floor, a
          :::::::          single word ran through my mind;
 rDm  " back "
          :::::::       ..
 .........:::::::....... :
 : ..   ._____ _____   :  .. .
 : ··  _|     |     |  :..:  ___
 :...  \      |     |.      /   \_       s t r i k e   t h r e e
    :   \     |     /_____ /    _/____      the final chapter
   .:   |     |    /     //     \     \           _.
   :... |_____|____\     \_____________\          \|
      :    ______  /_____/ _  ______.__ ______ ._____     ______   ___
      .   /     /______.___\\/     /|   \     \|     |____\     \ /   \_
         /     /|      |           \|    \     \     |     \     \    _/___
         \            _|            \    /     /     |     /     /    \    \
          \___________\|_____\/_____/   /_____/|_____|___ /     /___________\
            ._____                  |_____|               \_____\
      ______|     |_   ______ ._____       ______ ___  rDm       _______
     /     _/      /___\     \|     |____ /     //   \_         /     _/
.____\     \|     /     \     \     |    /     //    _/____.____\     \
|    \\     \     |     /     /     |    \     \     \     |    \\     \
|___________/_____|___ /     /|_____|_____\     \__________|___________/
               ._____  \_____\  _________ /_____/
                     ______     \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾ ________         __
                     \¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____  ¾¾
                      ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾     .
                      ¾¾¾¾¾___  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾_    .
                      ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾  ..:   ..
                      ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾           ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾  :..... :
                                       .......      ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾       :
             -[ t h e   u m p i r e   s:t r i:k e s   b a c k ]-  :: :
                                  . ...:     : ::    ................:
                                           . :.......: .    :::::::
                                           :.         .:    :::::::
        The alien ressurection of master Luke,              :::::::
        together with low profile as the force              :::::::
        for him to command. This time  i'm not              :::::::
        just a  player in this  game, hell no,              :::::::
        i'm also the man in black behind plate              :::::::
        callin' my own shots. So i'm water and              :::::::
        fire, judge and jury, god and also the              :::::::
        demon.But i'm even more then that, i'm              :::::::
        the creator here aswell, so i hold the              :::::::
        balance which  controls good  and evil              :::::::
        Remember this when you're having a bad              :::::::
        day, it's just me playing with you. So              :::::::
        in this  game you're  a player aswell,              :::::::
        in you're own littl' league that is...              :::::::
                         Matt a.k.a. Red Demon              :::::::
                              :                       ...   :::::::   ..
                             _|_____        . ...  .: : :...:::::::... :
                              |     |           :.....:           .. :...
                ' c a u s e   |    _|_______________.____/\ ______··    :
           ·                  |     |              /|      \     / .....:
  ..     ..:  w e   d o n ' t |     |_         _    |            \ :...
  : .... :....                |_____|/______________|_____/\______\ _ :
  · :  :.....: .   P L A Y !                   _. ._____           \/ .
 .__:______    _\______            ._________  \| |     |  ___ rDm
 |   \     \.____\     \ __________|   _     \ ___|     | /   \_
 |    \     \     \     \         /|   /_____/    |     |/    _/       _
 |    /     /     /     /      _   |     _ .      |     /              \\->·
 |   /_____/|___ /     //__________|     \ |______|___ /________________\
 |_____|  .      \_____\ _  .....  |_____|        |
    .     . ::          \   :   :                 ·
    :.....:.....:.....   ·  :  d:a   s m o k a ' s   c h o i c e
          :::::::  . :......:   :    .. .
          :::::::  :.           :....:
          :::::::                             _________
          :::::::         _________        __ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
          :::::::         \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾
          :::::::        _¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ___
          :::::::     ·<-\¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾/->·
          :::::::  ..     ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
        . :::::::  · ...  ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
       .: :::::::    : :... .       ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
 :: :.....:::::::....:  _____.      ¾¾¾¾¾    . s T R I K E   t H R E E
....:  ______   ___   _|     | ______        _\______       ______
: .____\     \ /   \_ \      |/     /_____.____\     \._____\     \  .
: |     \     \    _/__|_    /     /|     |     \     \     \\     \ . ::
. |     /     /    \     \   \            |     /     /      /     / :....
  |___ /     /____________\__|\___________|___ /     /|______\_____\   ..:
       \_____\ rDm                     . ...   \_____\ _    .       :: :
                                           : :.    .. \ ....:..........: .
                                           :.......:   ·    :::::::     .:
                                           ·                :::::::
        The solid steel doors, made to withhold even the    :::::::
        heaviest gunfire, spread open like the legs of a    :::::::
        hooker,  leading  you  to her pussy. And  behind    :::::::
        those doors everything was warm.I felt home, the    :::::::
        place where you  lay your head,  after  so  much    :::::::
        travelling.'Cause travelling is what i had done.    :::::::
        I've seen the corners of the world, seen all the    :::::::
        seven  seas,  but  now  i  had  returned. When i    :::::::
        entered, i saw Triv and Axeblade in the  mirror.    :::::::
        They were in the  hot springs tub, together with    :::::::
        some fine chica's, and  my loaded bong  was next    :::::::
        to  the  champagne cooler. I crossed  the lobby,    :::::::
        towards the  steamy bathroom, as  a slurpy sound    :::::::
        grew stronger.It was hard to clearify the sound,    :::::::
        was  it the  movement  of lips on  dicks, or the    :::::::
        buppling of the  water in my bong.The mysts grew    :::::::
        more thick as i walked on ...                       :::::::
  t^  " aahh, yeah baby, giv' it to ma.. nice and sweet "   :::::::
        <shshshsssllurpp.. shlurp..>                        :::::::
        Since the myst was making it hard for me to see,    :::::::
        i presumed  Trivialos was  talking to one of his    :::::::
        bitches. So it came as a big suprice, when i was    :::::::
        standing toe-touching the tub,  seeying  Trivial    :::::::
        with  his arms  around the bong, holding it like    :::::::
        a newborn baby. Still the slurping sound touched    :::::::
        my earlobes.On the other end of the tub Axeblade    :::::::
        was  sitting, legs wide, as a  head went  up and    :::::::
        down  in de water, like a pump draining  the oil    :::::::
        from this earth.                                    :::::::
  t^  " hey Red Demonskio! what the fuck!, wassup man?!?    :::::::
 rDm  " yo ma man, what the fuck is it your doin' man?      :::::::
        you didn't loose your interest for women since i    :::::::
        left rite? whatchu holding ma bong for man? "       :::::::
  t^  " i still love my women, i'm holding mary jane rite   :::::::
        now, hahae "                                        :::::::
  aB! " .. get lost bitch .. Yah, Red, long time no see!    :::::::
        how was your trip? "                                :::::::
 rDm  " bad man .. imma never take those bad pills again,   :::::::
        i found myself in the gutter this mornin' after     :::::::
        that shit .. "                                      :::::::
  aB! " nay man.. your snowboard trip around the globe "    :::::::
 rDm  " word, that shit was the bomb man .. tons a snow,    :::::::
        and i ain't talkin' no coke here, you know what'm   :::::::
        sayin' .. i got all the riches in live.. all b's    :::::::
        beats, beaches, bitches, boarding, booze, babes,    :::::::
        you name it man.. "                                 :::::::
  t^  " get your ass in the tub man .. here take your bong  :::::::
        too, imma take a break now .. <slam> "              :::::::
        Those were Trivs last words, as his head fell on    :::::::
        some bitches shoulder.I could use a decent bath,    :::::::
        for i  had been laying in  the dirt for a couple    :::::::
        of hours  this morning. Stepping  into  the  hot    :::::::
        water,  those mememories  faded, like  the  dirt    :::::::
        slipping of my skin. I grabbed my bong to take a    :::::::
        few  hits.. puff.. puffff..  puffffff..  it only    :::::::
        took three  strikes to put  me next to Triv,  on    ::::::|
        the other shoulder.                       ..        :::::::
                                             ..... ·     :: ::::::|
                    _.                       :   :    ..... ::::::| ..
                    \|                       .   :....:       :::::
     · ::       ._____      lets take a     ._____    _____ .. ::::
 ..  :..   _____|_    |  ___                |     |_ /     \ ·   .
 : ....:  /     _/    | /   \_  short  _____|_     //       \    :...
...: .____\     \     |/    _/____    /     _/    /     _    \  ....:
:    |    \\     \ ___|     \     \___\     \     |_____/_____\ : ..
:..  |___________/   /_____________\  \\     \ ___|   .....     : ··
  : :.    .                      |___________/        : . :.....: .
  :.......:........ s I E S T A  ...           . .....: :.       .:
      ... ::::::| :..............: :  .. .            ·
        : ::::::|                  :..:
          ::::::|  logo   say what now?
          :::::::   ool - Trivialo
          ::::::|   oo2 - Bustin' Loose
          :::::::   oo3 - He always follows me
          :::::::   oo4 - Man is darker then his shadow
          :::::::   oo5 - DeathStar
          :::::::   oo6 - Dark Flash
          :::::::   oo7 - Mark Ryder
          :::::::   oo8 - Aalto
          :::::::   oo9 - Coffee Break
          :::::::   olo - Inhale
          |::::::   oll - No Future
          :::::::   o12 - Ansi
        . |::::::
          | ool     _________
          :     .  _\¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____
                :.. ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾            .. :...
          .       : ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾      ...... : :  :......
              ... : ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ .:... :...:     ...: ::
 .         . .: : : ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  .. :    ...  . :........   ..
_|_____   .     :.:    _.     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾  _. :....: · _|_____ .. :... :
 |     |_ _\______     \|  ______        \|    _____  |     | :....: rDm
 |      /___\     \._____ /     /_____._____  /     \ |     |___________
 |     /     \     \     /     /|     |     |/       \|     |           /.
 |     |     /     /     \           _|     |    _    \    _|_       _   |
 |_____|___ /     /|_____|\__________\|_____|____\_____\    |/___________|_
    ....    \_____\ _  .....                          |_____|_           ·
       :.....  ... \   :   : .  e L   t R I V I A L O       |
          ..:  : :  ·  :   : :.     ....... .               ·
         .:....: : ::  :   :........:.
          ·      :.....: .          ·

                             _ ___                      oo2
                  ______     \¾¾¾¾      _______
                  \¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾   _________   _/\_
                   ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾_____ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  \\__/________
   b U S T I N '   ¾¾¾¾¾___  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ___  ¾¾¾¾/ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
      .            ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     \¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
._____|_ l O O S e ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾           ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
|     |           _               _ /______  ___  ¾¾¾¾¾  .. ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾__
|     |__________ /___________     /     _/ /   \_  ..... · ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾
|     |         //.          /.____\     \ /    _/____  :...... rDm
|     |_      _   |_      _   |    \\     \     \     \     ..:  ..
|_____|/__________|/__________|___________/____________\    :.... :
                              |              ........... ::     :
                              ·       . ...  : ..    . :........:
                                          :..:       :.

       oo3  ..        ....:
     .      : ..................|_
     .        :        ._____   :  .......... ::
     :  ..... :        |     |  :  :  ___   :......
     :..:   · :......  |     |. :..: /   \_    .. :
....................:. |     /_____ /    _/____ · :
:           .       ·  |    /     //     \     \  ·
:.....      :  ._____  |____\     \_____________\ .
  ...:_ _____  |     |      /_____/ _____      ______       _ /______
  :  | /     \ |     |____/\ _____ /     \    /     /_       /     _/
  :   /       \|     |      \    //       \ ._\     \\\_ ____\     \
  :  /    _    \     |           \    _    \|  \_____\  |    \\     \
  : /_____/_____\ ___|_____/\_____\ __/_____\     ______|___________/_
 .:............        _____                |_____\                /
  ·_________  :... .   ¾¾¾¾¾               _________  rDm        _______
  _\¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ _________ ¾¾¾¾¾     _____     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____      ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
   ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾   __ ¾¾¾¾¾_____  ·
   ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ___  ¾¾¾¾/  :
   ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾  :
   ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾           ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾  :
             ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾           ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ...       ¾¾¾¾¾_¾_¾¾       ......:
                        .   _  ______   ___  :...............         : ..
                      __|___\\/     /  /   \_    ...   .....: .       : ··
                        |           \ /    _/____      :     ··  _|...:
   - h e   a l w a y s  |       /    \     \     \  f o:l l o w s : m e -
                        |_____\/_____/____________\   _:..........:

         ...... ..  .        ..
      .. : .................. :
  .   :..: :....            :
 .|............:  ________  :   .......                   oo4
  : .. _________  \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾ :...:     :        _/\_
  : ·· \¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ________  :...     \__/
  :..  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    :  _____
    :  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    : _\¾¾¾¾  _______
  . :  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    .  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
  . :  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾           ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾       ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾_____
  : :.....     ¾¾           ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾_      ¾¾¾¾¾ ___  ¾¾¾¾/
  :..  ..:                                  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾
       :   m a n   i s   d a r k e r              ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾     .
     ______   _____       ______        ______ ___           _____\ _
.____\     \ /     \ .____\     \.____ /     //   \_    .____\     \
|     \     \       \|     \     \    /     //    _/____|     \     \
|     /     /   _    \     /     /    \     \     \     \     /     /
|___ /_____/____\_____\__ /     /|_____\     \___________\__ /     /
                          \_____\      /_____/              _\_____\
                        _________                             \
    _________        __ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  ________     _____       _/\_  rDm
    \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾  \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  \\__/ _______
    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ___ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _____ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
    ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾/ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾_\¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾_____
    ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ___  ¾¾¾¾/
    ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾            ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾_   ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾
              ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾                         ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾
              ¾¾¾¾¾                                       ¾¾¾¾¾     ..    ·
              ._____    t h e n   h i s   s h a d o w               : ....:
        ______|     |     _____        ______                         :.....|
       /     _/     |.   /     \  .____\     \ ______________.____/\ _____  :
  .____\     \|     /___/_      \ |     \     \             /|      \    /  :
  |    \\     \    /     /  _    \|     /     /          _   |           \  :
__|___________/____\     \__\_____|___ /_____//______________|_____/\_____\ :
  |                /_____/                                        ....      :
  ·                                                       _|. .   : .:......:
                                                           :......:_ ·

   _|......... :
    : ..  ...:     ........:.
    : ··  :........:       :            ._____._____
  . :       ______   ___   :     _____  |     |_    |      oo5
 .. :  .____\     \ /   \_ :... /     \ |      /    |.
  : :  |     \     \    _/____ /       \|     /     /_____
    :  |     /     /    \     \    _    \     |    /     /
    :  |___ /_____/____________\___/_____\____|____\     \         ·
    :....   ..                          _________  /_____/         :   ..
     .. :   · .... .          _______   \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ________     . ..:... :
     ·· :.....:_             ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾ ________  :
              |   d E A T H  ¾¾¾¾¾_____ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾ _¾¾ :....|_
                             ___  ¾¾¾¾/ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾   .. :
                   s T A R   ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ rDm ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾   ·· :
                             ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾ .... .    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾_  ...:
                                  ......:       .....       ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾  :
                              . ..:     :    .: :   :...................:.
                                       _:.......:                       ·

  ._____                 ._____
  |     |                |     |_
  |     |.    ___________|      /
  |     /_____\          |     /
  |    /     //       _  |     |
  |____\     \__________/|_____| ..........
..     /_____/ _________      . .:______  :     ........
: .....        \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _ ___    \¾¾¾¾¾  : :.  :      :..
  :   :.. .    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  :.....:...|_   :
  :            ¾¾¾¾¾  ·  ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾___         :    .
  :.........|_ ¾¾¾¾¾  :. ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    ....: rDm
       .....:  ¾¾¾¾¾ ..: ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ :: :.....................:.
       :             :   ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾  ._____    _.  :               ... :  ...
     . :.............:_             |     |_  \|  .  _  ______   ___  :..: :
     :.   :::::::    |              |      /_____.___\\/     /  /   \_     :
          :::::::     b a c k       |     /      |           \ /    _/____ :.
          :::::::                   |     |      |       /    \     \     \
          :::::::      t o   t h e  |_____|______|_____\/_____/____________\
          :::::::    s c e n e  ..
          :::::::          my legs  and body felt  completely  warm, but my
          :::::::          head felt like  stuck to a  piece of gum, when i
          :::::::          woke up. I was still in the hot  tub, we left it
          :::::::          on so it must have  been bubblin'  for like  six
          :::::::          hours. The body  attached to the shoulder i fell
          :::::::          asleep on, was still  in a state of dreams. Triv
          :::::::          on the other hand was already awake, and i heard
          :::::::          the slurpy noise again.
  t^  " i didn't wake you man, 'cos .. <sshhllurp>, i didn't now what you
        had done, like say the last couple months .. <puffff>
        so tell me man.. what *is* it you've been doin' all that time "
          :::::::          So i  started my story, from  the very first day
          :::::::          that i left Amsterdam, 'bout the stewardesses in
          :::::::          the bird, who  stopt serving me  vodka (so i was
          :::::::          forced to get it  myself). About my work  on the
          :::::::          tabaccofarms ( and the  whole lotta  smokin'  we
          :::::::          did), the  nice  hotel in Toronto, the  night it
          :::::::          rained  like hell  in Niagara,  my tour in  NYC,
          :::::::          where i met some phunky  peeps.I continued about
          :::::::          my  trip to Chicago, where i flew  my own plane,
          :::::::          and  where i  met Jonas. The roadtrip to Minnea-
          :::::::          polis,  Swift  Current  (where  our  fuckin' van
          :::::::          broke down), and to Calgary (beers for 25 cents)
          :::::::          After  that  it was  Banff, to  do some  serious
          :::::::          snowboarding in even more  serious  ice, and  my
          :::::::          final resting place  Vancouver, where the lovely
          :::::::          chicks  live (hi  Colombe, Christine, Nicole and
          :::::::          Stef).By the time i came to the end of my story,
          :::::::          the bathroom was crowded. Stratos came strolling
          :::::::          in together with some  chica, and Blade  thought
          :::::::          it was  time for him to  take yet another  bath.
          :::::::          After sitting inside for so long, we all decided
          :::::::          we might  aswell take a ride.No GT's or beamers,
          :::::::          we  took a simple Dodge van,  so the  cops won't
          :::::::          suspect shit. Them gettobirds are  always on our
          :::::::          ass.On our way that shit went a littl' somethin'
          :::::::          like this:
  st! " pass the bong man, pass that bong, let me get on this mission like
        Indiana Jones .. "
  rDm " na man.. see, i'm on a mission nigga's say is impossible, but when
        i swing my swords they're all choppable.I'd be the bodydropper, the
        hearbeatstopper .. so watch you're yourself, cos although nigga's
        me be behind ya, don't mean they got your back .. "
   t^ " hey yo blade, where the fuck is it we're goin?!? "
  aB! " fuck i dunno man, but what the fuck is that light above us man, noway
        the getto bird is on us man .. i ain't driving this stinking van for
        no reason! "
  st! " hell yeah, what the fucks that shit man .. think the pigs peeped us
        man?.. damn, gotto be cos Misfit is still laying low, them bitches
        must think we got that nigga here .. like we's stoopid or sumthin "
          :::::::          As we  all looked at the  bright light up in the
          :::::::          sky, we felt the car suddenly started to move in
          :::::::          the vertical direction.
  aB! " fucksake, where fuckin' flying .. this ain't no Will-Smith-im-just-
        cruisin'-kinda-car .. "
  t^  " hell, you think the cops got new tech? "
  rDm " whateva it is, i won't Scotty to beam this baby down! "
  t^  " yo deee, what the fuck did you put in that bong man? .. "
  rDm " shit i dunno man, i didn't load that shit, it was that slave, that
        Gaybird type-o'guy.. "
  t^  " Gaybird?.. the only male slave we have is James.. fuck, you should've
        known not to trust a butler, who's name isn't James "
          :::::::          We kept argueing about  names of butlers, untill
          :::::::          we we're swallowed  by what  we thought  was the
          :::::::          gettobird. But noway the  pigs owned a heli this
          :::::::          size, so it had to be something else. The answer
          :::::::          was  pretty clear, when a  blue eyed, grey faced
          :::::::          "man"  opened the door to our van. Definetly not
          :::::::          human.                 Oyeah, Triv passed out ..
  rDm " where the hell did Spock came from?!?.. imma take my .45 and put a
        cap in his ass "
  aB! " my call .. (as he grabbed his .38)
      " GKs'oGh NarUmjA`di "
  st! " whats mR. Klingon all stressed up 'bout ? "
      " GhjaRikamE SalaMi CaraMbaRes .. <click>
        sorry humans, i forgot to turn on my Acme (tm) Universal Translator
        like i said, your puny little handguns do not server any purpose
        here. You are currently in a Metrical A-directional Forcefield.
        Your firearms will not work in here "
  rDm " whats your name, bubba? "
      " you can call me FOO, i'm here do disgust with you a trade "
  st! " i say we take this Foo peep on with the fists! "
  rDm " lets here what he has got to say, speak your mind FOOl "
  FOO " i heard that .. first, let me take you to our meeting lounge "
          :::::::          FOO let the way through a long hall.There was no
          :::::::          need to walk, 'cause we were all on one of those
          :::::::          Magic Carpet (tm) thingies (ya know, them moving
          :::::::          sidewalks  you see in the airport,  the ones you
          :::::::          always break your neck on once you step off.. ).
          :::::::          It was a  good thing they had those Magic Carpet
          :::::::          Rides (tm), now we didn't have to carry Trivial.
          :::::::          After he bumped his head a  couple of times when
          :::::::          we crossed an Acme (tm) FOO - Replicator (not to
          :::::::          confuse with Star Trek's Food - Replicators), he
          :::::::          came  by. Through  semi-transparent  windows  we
          :::::::          could see other  aliens  working  in their  high
          :::::::          tech rooms. In one  of those  chambers, i saw 1o
          :::::::          FOO's watching teevee, and i wondered ..
  rDm " what is it you guys are doin' in there? "
  FOO " we are studying normal social behavior of the human species "
  rDm " ahh, so you DO have camera's on earth, watchin' our asses 24/7! "
  FOO " no, we got Ricky Lake reruns "
  rDm " doh! "
          .......          We  entered  a  great hall,  which  served  as a
          :::::::          meeting hall. Since we were the only once there,
          :::::::          and  we had already met, the  hall didn't  serve
          :::::::          much of a purpose. FOO started talking to us but
          :::::::          i wasn't really listening.I keept looking around
          :::::::          still  wondering  if this  was not  yet  another
          :::::::          hallucination  of my  twisted mind. As i glanced
          :::::::          around the room, and look at the semitransparent
          :::::::          windows, my eyes met with another pair. Just for
          :::::::          a split second i could have sworn i saw Behemoth
          :::::::          walking in one of the hallways.
  FOO " .. so our offer to you is, supreme Alien Technology.Which will put you
        on top of the ascii biz "
   t^ " no fuckin' way we're making a deal with you, i made a pact with the
        devil, and already is one deal to many "
  st! " yah, we don't need no Alien Tech to help our asses, we's on top of
        everybody .. specially females "
  FOO " i was afraid you might react like this.Those Ricky reruns paid off
        in the long run.Therefor we imprisoned one of your members.Misfit
        is currently held in one of our torture chambers "
  rDm " i know Misfit, no torture is too hard for him, he won't budge "
  FOO " we are making him watch Pioneer Design collections, day in day out,
        week in week out.. "
  rDm " damn, no mortal man can withstand that, we gotto do sumthin' "
          :::::::          My  mind  started  running  like Carl  Lewis, my
          :::::::          braincells "twistin and turning" like the Chilli
          :::::::          Peppers. And  then an  image came to me, a  sign
          :::::::          saying  "keep out". So it was  definetly a place
          :::::::          for us to visit. Now to let the rest of the crew
          :::::::          know i had a plan.. well, sort of ..
  rDm " when i raise my trigger finger .. "
   t^ " all you nigga's hit the decks! "
          :::::::          With a  fast right hand, one  you certainly  did
          :::::::          not expect from Triv, he knocked down the alien.
          :::::::          Then we had to act fast, 2fast actually, because
          :::::::          we already heard a noise of an alarm  in the far
          :::::::          distance.Stratos pulled out his swiss army knife
          :::::::          and cut of the head of FOO, while Triv undressed
          :::::::          After  the brains  were sucked  out of the  head
          :::::::          (and after i  swallowed them, i was in  need  of
          :::::::          some  fresh  cells)  Triv  fitted  on for  size.
          :::::::          Perfect fit (wadda ya expect, it had a  tag; one
          :::::::          size  fits all.. ).Then we swiftly moved back to
          :::::::          the FOO - Replicator,  where  Triv  stepped  in,
          :::::::          only  his head sticking out.Another slurpy noise
          :::::::          was heard, this  time it was the machine placing
          :::::::          Trivial in a new body. As he stepped  out of the
          :::::::          apparatus a group of FOO-likes  came rushing in.
 FOO1 " is their a problem here? "
  t^ (now in disguse as FOO) " nope officer.. i mean, no, no problem here,
        this human here just passed out, and we must take him with us "
 FOO1 " ahh, he's hit the bong one to many times .. haha "
  t^  " well actually .. "
          :::::::          We  immediatly grabbed Triv and  walked on,  not
          :::::::          wanting  him to  start a  discussion on the fact
          :::::::          that  you  can never  hit a  bong to long. So we
          :::::::          walked  down the corridor, when  all of a sudden
          :::::::          we saw Ramon standing puffing a big owl.
  st! " yo Ramones, wassup man! "
  rN! " hey yo, im just chillin' here man.. <pufff>, here Red hold my shit
        for a sec man "
  st! " how the hell did you end up here? "
  rN! " man, i was just mindin' ma own biz, workin' on my shrooms, when
        suddenly this big-'o-ass light was above me. I thought, damn, i
        can grow some serious weed underneath that lamp!
        Then i was beamed up, and i met up with some peep named DOO.
        Well, i passed him the spliff, and he was out after one suck...
        so i had to roll another one 'cause that DOOd was droolin' all
        over it .. then you guys were standing next to me, like you're
        doin' rite at this very moment "
  st! " well, we gotto find Misfit, and blow this popsticklejoint "
  rN! " what JOINT!? .. ahh. .oh yeah "
          :::::::          We  continued our  way passing all  the windows,
          :::::::          now  running  on the Magic  Carpet Ride (tm). We
          :::::::          just kept  running as fast as  our  legs  could,
          :::::::          faster and faster, pushing harder and harder. We
          :::::::          were so  focused on getting to Misfit, we didn't
          :::::::          notice we were on the wrong Ride, walkin against
          :::::::          the grain. Finally when another human  passed us
          :::::::          by, slowly walking with all  ease, we found  out
          :::::::          we  had  to switch lanes. That  human,  which we
          :::::::          didn't give any attention to, was actually Mogue
          :::::::          Everybody knows his  style was  extratorestrial,
          |::::::          no  wonder he's  walking around here. As we were
          :::::::          desperatly searching for Misfit, my mind started
          |::::::          to drift ...
           ..      .:.........|_
      _|... :       : ..      :
       :  :.........: ··      : .. .
       :      ______   _____  :.:  ______        ______     oo6
       : .____\     \ /     \ .____\     \.____ /     /
     . : |     \     \       \|     \     \    /     /  .............|_
     . : |     /     /   _    \     /     /    \     \  :     ..     :
     : : |___ /_____/____\_____\__ /     /|_____\     \ :..... :     :
     · :                   _____   \_____\      /_____/    ..:   __  :
       :....:.   _________ ¾¾¾¾¾     ________         rDm _____  ¾¾  :
          ..:   _\¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾  _______   ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :
          :      ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :
         _:... . ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾_____ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :
          |      ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ___  ¾¾¾¾/ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾  :
                 ¾¾¾¾¾               ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  :
                        d A R K       . .....  ¾¾¾__¾¾¾¾¾   ......   :
                                            :               :    :...:
                            f L A S H      _:...............:  :.

         oo7       : ..................|_
                     :...              :..........
           .:...........:   ________          .. :
            :    _________  \¾¾¾¾ -¾¾ ________ · :  ... .
      _|....:    \¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾ _¾¾  :..:  __
       :    ..:  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _____  ¾¾
     · :         ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
     : :         ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾_
       : ::      ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾_          ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾
       :...........      ¾¾¾                    ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ rDm .
           ______ :  ______        ______   ___ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ _____\ _
      .____\     \. /     /_  .____\     \ /   \_     .____\     \  .... .
      |     \     \_\     \\\_|     \     \    _/____ |     \     \ :
      |     /     /  \_____\  |     /     /    \     \|     /     / :..
      |___ /     /|     ______|___ /_____/____________\___ /     /    :
           \_____\|_____\                              ..._\_____\    :
                       .........|_ m A R K   r Y D E R : :..\.........:_
                       :        :......................:              |
                       :.. .

        ..      :: ....|_                                         oo8
        : .........:   : ..... .  ._____._____            _|......
          |      _____ :.: _____  |     |     |_ rDm   . ..:     : ...
          :...  /     \   /     \ |     |      /________________ :.: :
           ..: /       \ /       \|     |     /                /.    |
              /    _    \    _    \     |     |_            _   | ...:
             /_____/_____\___/_____\____|_____|/________________| : ..
                                                     ........     : ··
                                   a A L T O  . ...  |      :.....:_
                                                  :..:            |

                oo9                    _________
         ________            _________ \¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ _________       :...|_
         ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _________ \¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _________ :
         ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ :
         ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ :.
         ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ___
         ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾               ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾/-->·
         ._____    ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾        take a break ..        ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
         |     |          ______   ___         _____    rDm   ______/_
         |    _|____ .____\     \ /   \_      /     \  .____ /     /
      .. |    \     \|     \     \    _/____ /       \ |    /     /
       : |     \     \     /     /    \     \    _    \|    \     \
       : |_____/     /___ /     /____________\___/_____\_____\     \
      _|....  /_____/     \_____\                          _ /_____/
       |   ·                                                /

     ..........|_                  ..
     :         :      ............. :                 olo
     :.... _.  :      :           :
..    ...: \|  :......:   ._____  :  _|.. .     ._____
: ....: ._____     ______ |     | :...:  _____  |     |  ___  . .....|_
  :     |     |____\     \|     |.      /     \ |     | /   \_     ..:
  :  ·  |     |    \\     \     /_____ /       \|     |/    _/____ :....
 _:..:  |     |     /     /    /     //    _    \     |     \     \    :
  |     |_____|___ /     /|____\     \ ____/_____\____|____________\   :
             rDm   \_____\     /_____/                   .........  .: :
                               .........  i N H A L E !  :       :.....:.
                               :       :.................:_            ·
                               .                         |

          oll                   . ..... |    .. :
                            ________  :.:    ·· :      ..
         ·    w A C K       \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ _________ |  .... :
         :....              ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ :..:  :
   ..        : s T Y L E S  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾       :
   : ........|              ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾   ....:
...  :      e Q U A L S     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾  _:........
: :..: ._________         ._____      ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾   | rDm   :.......:.
: ..   |   _     \ __     |     |_ _____          ______   ___    :
| ··   |   /_____/  /_____|      /     /_____.____\     \ /   \_  .
:      |     /     /|     |     /     /|     |     \     \    _/____
:....  |     \           _|     \           _|     /     /    \     \
    :  |_____|\__________\|_____|\__________\|___ /     /____________\
    :        .......                              \_____\
   _:........:     :        - n o   f u t u r e -
    |              :............. ..  .

                       _|...   ..
               ..       :  :... :             ol2        _.
               : .......:     :  ... .                   \|
                 :..   _____  :..: ______       _______ ____.
            . ...  :  /     \ .____\     \ rDm /     _/     |
               _:..: /       \|    \\     \____\     \|     |
          ·     |   /    _    \     /     /    \\     \     |
          :...     /_____/_____\__ /     /|___________/_____|
       ......:          ... .      \_____\
       :..............  :                    a  N  S  I
          :::::::    :..:
          :::::::          The  sudden  impact  with  the ground,  when  we
          :::::::          stepped of the Magic Carpet (tm) took me back to
          :::::::          the realm of reality. As i turned my head, still
          :::::::          laying on the floor, i saw my  clan looking down
          :::::::          on me, it reminded me of my younger days.I never
          :::::::          was a tall kid, and peeps always pushed me down,
          :::::::          but as many  times they  held me  down, i always
          :::::::          got up,  can nobody hold me down. A hand reached
          :::::::          out to me, and i got up.
  t^  " damn, we ain't neva gonna find Mis in this maze.Lets split up,
        and see if just one of us can find him "
  rDm " yah, and then what? .. then that person would be lookin' fo
        three others, which will take him three times as long "
  st! " deee's rite ya'll, we gotta stick together.
        Heyo Ramones, what ya'll be doin' there man "
  rN! " what? .. i can't hear ya man, there's someone screaming like a
        newborn fuckin' baby man!
        Yo, check this man, its Misman, he's in here bein' forced to look at
        some real ugly shit man .. damn, is that .. no it can't be ..
        damn, thats Pioneer Design. No wonder he's cryin' his head off "
  rDm " lets get him the hell outta that room, and found ourselves a way
        home, back to San Rio, back to ma ladies "
          :::::::          The  room was deserted, except for Misfit  and a
          :::::::          screen  showing  horrid pictures  of  ascii. The
          :::::::          reason the  room was  empty, was that  even  the
          :::::::          aliens couldn't withstand such visual vandalisme
          :::::::          When  Misfit was  destrapped  from the chair, we
          :::::::          headed back to the docking bay, where our trusty
          :::::::          Dodge was stilled parked.
  -M- " hey, ain't we gonna do one of those Star Wars scenes, where I fight
        Darth, as you leave with the van? Just like Obi Wan ya know "
   t^ " no, 'cause Obi died in that scene man "
  -M- " true, but he lived on in Luke's mind though "
          :::::::          This clearly shows that the effects of the ascii
          :::::::          terrorisme  on  Misfits brain. So may  this be a
          :::::::          warning to all you kids out there! We all hopped
          :::::::          in the van, eager to leave this shithole.Problem
          :::::::          was we had to make a 7oo meter fall ..
  rN! " no problemo man, this van's got pneumatics and hydrolics like crazy,
        that'll take care of the shock "
  st! " yeah, we'd be landing g-stylish.. ain't nuttin but a g-thang baby! "
          :::::::          And  so it happend, although  the landing  was a
          :::::::          bit harder  then  expected, we  all made  in one
          :::::::          piece. We cruised of smoothly like  nothing ever
          :::::::          happened.On to yet another fine mess ..
          :::::::          pS. maybe you missed 2orro in the ep, but theres
          :::::::          a perfectly  sane reason  for that, he  couldn't
          :::::::          make it cos he was feading the ducks in the pond
          :::::::          of the mental institution.
          :::::::                                     Matt a.k.a. red demon
       ...:::::::.............                 : ........|_
      _:....  ._____._____   : _|........        :       :
       |   :  |     |_    |  :  :  ___  : is this:really :...
           :  |      /    |. :..: /   \_:........:          :
           .  |     /     /_____ /    _/____   the end? ..  : ·
              |     |    /     //     \     \       ........: :
              |_____|____\     \_____________\      :... .  __
                ..       /_____/ _________     rDm   _______¾¾
         . ..... :               \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ________  \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
      _|.......:    only time    ¾¾¾¾¾- ¾¾ \¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
       :   ...                   ¾¾¾¾¾  __ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
      .:.............  can tell  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
       ·  :::::::   |.....       ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾__¾¾
          :::::::      ..: ::   .... .     ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾
          :::::::    . :........:_                ¾¾
          :::::::    :.         |
          :::::::                 ...
   ..     :::::::    _|............ ·
   : .....:::::::.....: ________  : ..... .
     :       _________  \¾¾¾¾ _¾¾ : : .                       _
     :.....  \¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ :.:-|-----------------------/.
.:........:_ ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾     | contact me at the      |
 :        |  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ __  | following email adress |
 .           ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾ ¾¾  : Matt@Freemail.nl       |
             ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾_          ._____  - --  ---------------|-->·     .
.__ ______           ¾¾¾    ______|     |_  _  ______   _____  rDm   _____\ _
|   \     \ __________     /     _/      /__\\/     /  /     \  .____\     \
|    \     \         /.____\     \|     /           \ /       \ |    \\     \
|    /     /      _   |    \\     \     |       /    \    _    \|     /     /
|   /_____//__________|___________/_____|_____\/_____/____/_____\_____\_____\
|_____|                      ..    .........                       ........ .
                        . ... : the:postman:always rings twice ..  |....
                            :      :       :...........................: .
                            :......:_                       :::::::     .:
                                   |                        :::::::
                                            _|.... ..       :::::::
            :                                :   : : .......:::::::...
          __|_________                       :   :...: ._____    ....:_
            |   _     \ ______   ___ . ...   :   ______|     |   :   |  ..
            |   /_____/_\     \ /   \_   |...:  /     _/     |.  :...... :
            |     _      \     \    _/____ .____\     \|     /_____    :
            |     \      /     /    \     \|    \\     \    /     /    .
            |_____|____ /     /____________\___________/____\     \
          ______   ___  \_____\                             /_____/_
 .   .____\     \ /   \_    .____/\ _____                        /
     |    \\     \    _/____|      \    /  f R E S H   n E W    ·
 :   |     /     /    \     \           \
 :   |___ /     /____________\____/\_____\  y E A R   t O   a L L ' Y A
 :       /_____/           ______      ___         _____     _\______
 :  ..|_        rDm       /     /_    /   \_      /     \ .____\     \
 :  : :...............  ._\     \\\_ /    _/____ /       \|     \     \
_:..: ..  :::::::  ..|  |  \_____\  |     \     \    _    \     /     /
 |    ··  :::::::  :    |     ______|____________\___/_____\__ /     /
          :::::::  |    |_____\  .... .                        \_____\ _
          ::::::: .:........     :                                    \
          :::::::  ·       :.....: .
          :::::::                 .:
          :::::::  i would like to take this oppertunity to thank all my
          :::::::  peeps in the low pro clan, for keeping shit real in the
          :::::::  period i wasn't there.Best of all to you in the new year!
          :::::::        ...|_                      .
          :::::::        :  :... .                 /\\   _
     _|...:::::::........:                      __/  \__ /
. ... :   ___________________________________. .\      //.
    :.: ._\                                  | |         |
 .____  |    lOW pRO hISTORY .____           | | aRTISTs |
 |  _ | |     . _ _________ _|  _ |_         | ·_________·
 |  /_|___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .____ ___
 |    _  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|   /   /_
 |_   /     _       _'---     _         _   /     _   _     _    _  /_
  /--(_____(/------(/____(---(/--)_____(/----:-:-(/---(____(/____\   (
    rDm .                                    | |         .   /_______/
        | lP!-dEDi.tXT     'bRING dA pAIN'   | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-sPiN.tXT  'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-fORU.tXT  'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-hAtE.tXT        'H A T E'      | | rAMoNe  |_ .
        | lP!-bOMb.tXT    'bOMb thE sYsTeM'  | | Misfit  |//
        | lP!-LpdS.tXT   'La Pusta deL SoL'  | | rAMoNe  /
        | lP!Plain.Lha         'Plain'       | |  ZorrO /|
        | lP!-uZI.txt         'DriveBy'      | |  ALL!   |
        | lP!-lET.tXt      'Low end theory'  | | rN!-aB! |
        | lP!-iNDI.tXT      'iNDIVIDUaRT'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-hO!.tXT      'Unnamed Fukkup'  | | tRIViAL |
        | lP!-rESP.tXT   'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-fATS.tXT   'For all that Shit' | | Misfit  |
        | lP!-oOC!.tXT     ' Out of Cans'    | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-n4L!.tXT     'Niggaz 4 Life'   | | rAMONe  |
        | lP!-iNSU.tXT       'Inner Sun'     | |  zEUS   |
        | lP!-fS.tXT       'First Strike'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-2xWP.tXT     'Devil Made It'   | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-bbS.tXT  'bUCKEt·bONg·sHAbANg' | ! tRiViAL |
        | lP!-sTR2.tXT      ' Strike Two '   | | rED dEE |
        : lP!-sCT1.TXT 'sCANDiNAViAN tOUR!'  | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-sOA1.LHA ' sTATE oF aRt #1 '   | : tRiViAL |
        | lP!-hSOC.tXT  ' hIGHER sTATE oF..' | | tRiViAL |
        : lP-sKOOL.tXT 'sKOOLofHArdKnoCKz..' | | rAMOna! :
        | lP!-dSK.tXT  ' tHE lONE dERANGEr ' : | tRiViAL |
        : lP!-dMUB.tXT ' dIZ ME uP biTcH!.'  | | triViaL :
        | lP!-sTR3.tXT' tHE uMPIRE sTRIKES ' | | rED dEE |.
      __|____________________________________: :_________/
        |                                               /

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 l     o     W |_      /    |_     _/     \.
 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:
 :  REaDers Digestable Food               :
 :  Strike Three - Red's Return - Checkit :

s  t  r  i  k  e    t  h  r  e  e   -   a  n  d    y  o  u  '  r  e    o  u  t

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