...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix   /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti   \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
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                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
 > t H E  y A R D  2k11 < _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611 |_

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 //_/  \___     / \    \____\ // //_/ //_/
          |____/\__\____\z!o \/
 add here
  some funny text to make the people drunk
  by just watching another new ascii-colly
   /\ released in the glorious year o'2011
  / \\        below:date and filename
 /.  \\______\_ 04/01/11 GIN-puss.txt __

                    `-- we atleast were indeed drunk at


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                     ::                             ::
                     :                               :
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     .                                                               .
     .  n  e                      __   __                      e  n  .
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     t  r  I                ____\  '   `  /____                I  r  t
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     _  h  b                       :   :                       b  h  _
                              .____|   |____.
     e  o  z               ___|             |___               z  o  e
                           \  | sweet       |  /
     o  e  r                \ | talkGIN     | /                r  e  o
                             \| by          |/
     t  I  .                 /| pope,       |\                 .  I  t
           .                / | malloc,     | \                .
     X  .  .               /__| acherNar,   |__\   guest ascii .  .  X
        .  o                 || & zefyros   ||     by yop      o  .
     .  .  o             ____|| aNd         ||____        ^    o  .  .
     .  o  0             \\  \| also        |/  //        |    0  o  .
     .  o  0             _/_ /| ASSGIN      |\ _\_        :    0  o  .
     o  0  1             \_//`| made by     |'\\_/        .    1  0  o
     o  0  1             _//_\| zefyros     |/_\\_ <---.       1  0  o
     1  0  0            //_   |             |   _\\    |       0  0  1
     1  0  0           _/ /   |____     ____|   \ \_   |  .    0  0  1
     0  1  0          _/      `___ |   |  __'      \_  |__.    0  1  0
     0  1  1          \    __  `$' :   : `$'  __    /     |    1  1  0
     0  0  1         //  _/  `--- _|   |_ ---'  \_  \\         1  0  0
     0  0  0         \\   \       /     \       /   //  id by  0  0  0
     1  0  0          \\\  \     /       \     /  ///   zito   0  0  1
     1  0  0           \\\ /    /         \    \ ///           0  0  1
     0  1  o            \\___ _/           \_ ___//            o  1  0
     0  1  o              //  :-----. .-----:  \\              o  1  0
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     o  .  .                 |\ ||||||||||| /|                 .  .  o
     o  .                    |/ ||||||||||| \|                    .  o
     .  .                 ___|\_`---------'_/|___                 .  .
     .         ___________\\\\\`-----------'/////___________         .
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           |       ||                                 ||       |
           |       ||                                 ||       |
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         /   __   /  /   /                    \    |_|  |_|    /
        /    //  /  /   /ŘŘŘŘŘř.               \_            _/ -{ I need to
       /   _//  / _/   /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř.            /    ______    \    catch that
      /\   \/  /  \   /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřŘř          /    <------>    \   silver
      \ \___  /\___  /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřŘ.       /      \ __ /      \  bullet!}
       \/_/|_/\/_/|_/ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřř      /_______ \__/ _______\
          |_/   ř|_/ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř             \  `'  /
                ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ              \    /
                řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘąąąŘŘŘŘŘŘř___    ___     \  /
                řřŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ/  (ąąąŘŘř/  (_  /  (_     \/
                `ŘřŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ_\ __  (ąąą\ __ \_\ _  \
                  řŘřŘŘŘŘ/   |/ __ \_  |/ /_  |\_/_
                   `řŘŘŘ/    /  |/  / __   /   Ż  /
                      `/    /   /  /  //  /___   /
                      /   _/   /  / _//  / _//  /
                     /\   \   /  /  \/  /  \/  /
                     \ \_/|  /__/\___  /\___  /
                         |_/       |_/    |_/

                       December 17th 2010...

                         zefyros grabbing the keys..

                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| It's a quarter to eigth and I   ||
               //|| just got my first beer.         ||
               \\||                                 ||
                \|| Still waiting for the other     ||
                 || GIN dudes to come around.       ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || Unfortunately I forgot my Flash ||
                 || drive at home so all the        ||
                 || chit-chat has to be pasted      ||
                 || later to the actual colly       ||
                 || of somekind                     ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || I might aswell start off with   ||
                 || some shoutouts                  ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || 4pLaY:                          ||
                 || Thanks for all the support man. ||
                 || mayski:                         ||
                 || Nice beats!                     ||
                 || ansichrist:                     ||
                 || Let's see if we manage to get   || <- surprise, surprise..
                 || to pacifico tonight.            ||    we didn't.
                 || malodix:                        ||
                 || You should write more rhymes ;) ||
                 || truck:                          ||
                 || where's your colly man? :)      ||
                 || H7 & T-101:                     ||
                 || Can't wait to get on the        ||
                 || Stream bus again.               ||
                 || zeus:                           || <- se-retro came the
                 || no colly in december yet ;)     ||    next day
                 || zito:                           ||
                 || thanks for the diz.             ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||          .. .. ..               ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || Ah cool, Achernar just          ||
                 || walked in. Eisa, voisa...       ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || There's Pope and malloc too...  ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || Missing in action Kod,          ||
                 || halides and Oltzu,              ||
                 || greez to you.                   ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||   ..  ... .                     ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || Passing the keys to Pope,       ||
                 || go write something...           ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\// /
                                                     \/  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ||
               //|| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ||
               \\|| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ||
                \|| ooooooooooooooooze. also: zoooo ||
                 || ooooooooooooooooomings to teh   ||
                 || walls.                          ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 ||  ...to mallocrator...           ||
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\// /
                                                     \/  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| Ho! It's my 23rd birthday today ||
               //|| - a good time to sip some gin   ||
               \\|| n' beer discussing about        ||
                \|| cybernetic miscarriage.         ||
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                        loading random keyboard
                           exchanges...                  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| Suddenly malloc turn into       ||
               //|| ache... and wild gin appears    ||
               \\|| and then there was greatness    ||
                \|| all around us! - achernator     ||
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\// /
                                                     \/  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| Walking down the street         ||
               //|| smoking indoors sipping on      ||
               \\|| gin and ASSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID ||
                \|| -Snoop Dogg                     ||
                 ||    (Misquoted by Poperator)     ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || Also: miscabbage, misgabber,    ||
                 || midcarriage, HALLUSINOIVA       ||
                 || HUARRRRRRRRRRA                  ||
                 ||                                 ||
                 || mispeedcore -poop               ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\// /
                                                     \/  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| Also I fix3z that:              ||
               //|| HALLUSINOIVA NAMIBIALAINEN      ||
               \\|| NEEKERI HUORRRRRRRRRAAAAA       ||
                \|| - ach                           ||
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\// /
                                                     \/  /
                 __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 ||/                                |\/
                /|| Nigger Space Whore              ||
               //|| - zefyros                       ||
               \\||                                 ||
                \|| How cosmic                      ||
                 || -- Pope                         ||   /
                 ||                                 ||   /
                 :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: /
                 |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
                 |  I fix... cosmic popeda
                    Through angles of space hoes     :   <- time for
                 :  - ach                                   the speed of light
                    greetings to swedish restaurant
                 :  workers union -zfr               :
                    i have fetish for particles
                    - malloc
                    time now 21:45                   :

                    Dick Rangerous aka malloc on fire
                    Dick on fire aka malloc Rangerous

                    23 Sexual Healing, yeaaaaah babyyyyyy - zfr

                          this is not a cock party - ach


         ____                 ____
         \\  \               /  //
         _/_ /__  _______  __\ _\_
         \_//`_ \/_     _\/ _'\\_/             ___  /\   ___
         _//_\|\\//     \\//|/_\\_            /  (_('`) /  (_
        //_                     _\\          _\ __ \::__\ __ \
       _/ /    ____     ____    \ \_        /   |/_/_  \  |/ /_
      _/       ___ |   |  __       \_      /    /_  /  /  /   /
      \    __  `$' :   : `$'  __    /      \   /   /  /  /   /
     //  _/  `--- _|   |_ ---'  \_  \\      \___  /__/\_/|  /
     \\   \       /     \       /   //         |_/       |_/
      \\\  \     /       \     /  /// __/_____________________ /_______
       \\\ /    /         \    \ /// ___ \  ___    ___    ___ \  ___  / ___
        \\___ _/           \_ ___// /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_
          //  :-----. .-----:  \\  _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _  \
          \\  `.___.' `.___.'  // /   |/_/_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |\_/_
           \\_______|_|_______// /    /_  /  /_  /  /___/  /___/  /   /___Ż  /
             |\ ||||||||||| /|   \   /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /__/   /  /   /
             |/ ||||||||||| \|    \___  /\__|  /\__   /\___  /   |  /\___  /
          ___|\_`---------'_/|___    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/ _
       ___\\\\\`-----------'/////___ __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
         \__\\\\___________////__/   |\//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \\//
           \_\_\\         //_/_/     ||/                                |\/
               //         \\        /|| australian drug foundation,     ||
               \\         //       //|| accession, resistance, cubicle, ||
                \\       //        \\|| fixture, traction, hedelmae     ||
                 \\     //          \`|_________________________________|'
                  \\   //                `---------------------------'
                   \\_//              \
                  __`ą'__               \
                 |   ||  |
                 | __||  |
                 |__|||  |

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Australian Drug Foundation    \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___
         /  (_  /  (_  /  (_
        _\ __ \_\___ \_\ __ \
       /   |/ /_  |/ /_  |/_/_
      /\   Ż   /  /   /  Ż___/
      \ \__|  /\___  /\  |__/
       \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\ \_|zfr
          |_/    |_/  \/_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Accession                     \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___  ___  ___    ___
         /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_(__||/  (_  /  (_
        _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _  \_\ _  \____\ __ \_\ __ \
       /   |/ /_  |/_/_  |/_/_  |/ /_  |\_/_  |\_/_  \  |/ /_  |/ /_
      /\   Ż   /  /   /  /   /  Ż___/___Ż  /___Ż  /  /  Ż   /  /   /
      \ \__|  /\___  /\___  /\___  /\___  /\___  /__/\___  /\_/|  /
          |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/       |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Resistance                    \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___  ___  ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___
         /  (_  /  (_  /  (_(__||/  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_
        _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _  \____\ _  \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \
       /   |/ /_  |/ /_  |\_/_  \  |\_/_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/_/_  |/ /_
      /\   /_  /  Ż___/___Ż  /  /___Ż  /__/   /  Ż   /  /   /  /   /  Ż___/
      \ \__|  /\___  /\___  /__/\___  /__/|  /\__|  /\_/|  /\___  /\___  /
       \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/__/\/_/|_/   ||_/\/_/|_/\_/||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/
          |_/    |_/    |_/       |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Cubicle                       \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___  ___  ___    __     ___
         /  (_  / _(_  /  (_(__||/  (_  / (    /  (_
        _\ __ \_\ \  \_\ __ \____\ __ \_\ |   _\ __ \
       /   |/_/_  |\ /_  |/ /_  \  |/_/_ _|__/_  |/ /_
      /\   /   /  ŻŻ  /  /_  /  /  /   / \|   /  Ż___/
      \ \___  /\___  /\__|/ /__/\___  /\___  /\___  /
          |_/    |_/    |_/       |_/    |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Fixture                       \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___  ___  ___    ___    ___    ___    ___
         /  (_(__||/ _(_  /  (_  / _(_  /  (_  /  (_
        _\ __ \____\ |/ \_\ __ \_\ \  \_\ __ \_\ __ \
       /   |/_/_  \ ___ /_  |/ /_  |\ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_
      /\   Ż___/  /  |/  /__/   /  ŻŻ  /  /_  /  Ż___/
      \ \  |__/__/\__|  /__/|  /\___  /\__|  /\___  /
       \ \_| /__/\/_/|_/   ||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/
        \/_/        |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Traction                      \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___    ___    ___  ___  ___    ___
         /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_(__||/  (_  /  (_
        _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \____\ __ \_\ __ \
       /   |/ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/_/_  |/ /_  \  |/ /_  |/ /_
      /\___/   /  /_  /  Ż   /  /   /__/   /  /  Ż   /  /   /
      \/__/|  /\__|  /\__|  /\___  /__/|  /__/\___  /\_/|  /
          ||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/   ||_/__/\/_/|_/\_/||_/
          |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/       |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        Hedelmae                      \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
          ___    ___    ___    ___    __     ___       ___    ___
         / _(_  /  (_  /  (_  /  (_  / (    /  (___   /  (_  /  (_
        _\ |/ \_\ __ \_\___ \_\ __ \_\ |   _\ __  (___\ __ \_\ __ \
       /  __  /_  |/ /_  |/ /_  |/ /_ _|__/_  |/ __ \_  |/ /_  |/ /_
      /\  \|   /  Ż___/  /   /  Ż___/ \|   /  /  |/  /  Ż   /  Ż___/
      \ \__\  /\___  /\___  /\___  /\___  /\_/|  /__/\__|  /\___  /
          |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/    |_/       |_/zfr |_/

     /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \  /
        end of logos - go away        \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
    |  thanks to the 4th wine can, the game is lost. over and out. - malloc
    |  Sorry about the nth wine can -PopsQ
    |  Sorry about the fucking everything... like im not fgucking yes...
    |  thanks for fucking with malloc at everynight!   - ach
    |  betoni, pope loves it - zfr
    |  pope fucks betony hard as rigor mortis - zfr
    |  yes - anonymous
    |  no - pope                       :
    |                                  |
    |  people getting drunk 23:20      | <- and this txt is getting boring...
    |                                  |
    |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__  |
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \ |/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
    |  our friend tube joined 23:30
    |  And we are wested as is our friend tube -ach
    |  So we are getting more drinks
    |  by6y7hyyb -tube                 :
    |                                  |
    |  not dead yet - malloc, 23:38    |
    |                                  |
    |  (almost there 23:56)            |
    |                                  |
    |                                  |
    |                                  :
    |  Fuckgreetings to Tzar Khan Super Warrior
    |  -pope
    |                                  :
    |  Do you ever feel like the walls are melting
    |  and your toaster will eat you
    |  -pope                           |
    |                                  |
    |  k-man 4evah!                    |
    |                                  |
    |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__  |
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \ |/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
    | kerran perseeseen, kerran Oulujokeen - the girl with a svea cap
    | fuki, fuki, five dollar - random street woman
    | what is happening - zfr          :
    | tussit, tissit, tussut - drunken masters
    |     YES, YES, YES - james vitun brown
    |                                  :
    | mofos left 0:30                  |
    |                                  |
    |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__  |
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \ |/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
    |                                  |
    | we're left with pope             :
    | (oh shit - pope)
    | (fuckings to lame student parties - zfr)
    | i just died in your arms tonight - greetings from the radio to the faders
    | fuckings to faders and OltzU, work is no excuse. booze the casbah and
    | greetings to JORI/Latvia. np8d might be kida rulez, but one shouldn't
    | ignpore boozing duties. Also: Trippy soundtrack bearing strongish
    | resemblance to the house of the rising sun. Fuckgins to people who fail
    | at card payment in bars. Besides gin, whiskey is kinda nice. Although
    | Laphroaig, Oban and Talisker rock the casbah, Jim Beam is acceptable,
    | if on need. - pööp
    |                                  |
    |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__  |
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \ |/
      AMIGA MODE ENGAGED              \/
   _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
    |                                  |
    | suddenly, polishness!?           |
    |                                  |
    | wtf, is it already 9 o'clock     |
    |                                  |
    | wtf absinthe - pope              :
    | ...somebody wakes with an axe in his head...
    | - random dude at eeriGIN kulma
    |                                  :
    |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__  |
   \//    \/     \/     \/     \/    \ |/

       stomp, stomp, stomp

       The rest is unwritten history of soberness in the bars of Sinking Hell

                         :::::::::::: ::::
                         :::::::::::: ::::
                         :::::::::::: ...............
                   ____  ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::  ____
       _ __ ______\\     ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::     //______ __ _
        .______          `::::'`:::::   :::'`::::'`:::
  _    _|    _/__/\ ____/\ ___/\ _____/\ __/\ ___/\  ____/\ _ ______ ____ _/\
.(_)_.  \    | _ //__    \\ __ \\ __   \\   \\ __ \\   .__ \       / ___/__ \\
|    |_ \    |  \/   \|    \ / _/__'____/|    \ / _/__ __/  \_ ___/ __)__ /   \
|___ '/_|\___|_______/_____/_\__  /_|   ______/_\__  /_|___  /_| _ ___  /_____/
    \/                   .......\/...   ...........\/.     \/     yop \/
          _ __ ____      ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::      ____ __ _
                  //_._  ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::  _._\\
                     |   ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::   |
                     :   ::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::   :
                     .   `:::::::::::...:::::::::::::'   .

                     .                                   .
                     :    G - I N C O R P O R A T E D    :
                     |                                   |
                     |      malloc zefyros pope kod      |
                     |      achernar halides oltzu       |
                     |                                   |
                     :                                   :
                     .                                   .

    _________________________________________                             ˇ
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
   |                                      /____ /                         |
 __|__/\____                             /    //   ˇ 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 1 ˇ  |
\\_|_    __/_.     __/\____        _____ˇ__  //    ____   _______         |\___
   |/    \   |____(_  ____/____    \      /__/_____\_  \__\_    / ________|   /
   /     /   |    _/  _)       )____\    /   (     _    /  _  _/_(       _   /
  /    _/    _    \   |       (      \_     _|     |   /   |      \      |  //
 (_____\_____|     \___       |           __\_______.__\___|      /_________\
   |                                   /                                  |
   | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES    /.  =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT       |
   |                              .                                       |
   '-Ť< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611+ >ť-'
            -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-