... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > t H E y A R D 2k11 < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________ /\ ____ _______ _ \\ /____// \ ._\ // _ _ //\ \\. _/ // \ \\ // //\ //\ //_/ \___ / \ \____\ // //_/ //_/ |____/\__\____\z!o \/ add here some funny text to make the people drunk by just watching another new ascii-colly /\ released in the glorious year o'2011 / \\ below:date and filename /. \\______\_ 04/01/11 GIN-puss.txt __ \\___________\\______________________\\/. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ^ | `-- we atleast were indeed drunk at ( THIS IS NOT AN ASCII COLLECTION TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! ) ( THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. NOW GO AWAY! ) ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_ / ( / _(_ / ( / (_ _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\_| _\ \_ \_\_| _\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ _|/ |/ /_ _|/ |/ /_ /\ Ż___/ Ż___/ Ż_ / \/\ Ż_ / \/\ / / \ \___ /\___ /\__| /\ \ \__| /\ \ \_/| / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\ \__\/_/|_/\ \__\_/||_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ \/__/ |_/ \/__/ |_/ ŚŚ_ ___ __ ___ ŚŚ /Ż_(_ / _(_ / ( / (___ /ŻŻ(_ _\ \_ \_\ \ \_\ | _\ __ /_ _\ __ \ / |/ /_ |\ /_ _|__/_ |/ __ \_ |/ /_ /\ Ż_ / ŻŻ / \| / / |/ / Ż / \ \__| /\___ /\___ /\_/| /__/\__| / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\_/||_/__/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ pASSed oUT thRoUgh ŚŚ ŚŚ eeRiKiN kUlMa ŚŚ ŚŚ GIN wHQ oR soMEthGIN ŚŚ :: :: :`-----------------------------': : : . .řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř. . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř : řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř : řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř . :__ řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř __: _/_/\' `ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ' `/\_\_ :\_\/ ___ `řŘŘŘř' ___ \/_/: : :| / (_ řŘŘŘř / (_ |: : : :| _\ __ \řŘŘŘř_\ __ \ |: : : :| / |/_/şŘŘŘ/ |/ /_ |: : : :| \ /_ /ŘŘŘ\ / / |: : : :| \___ /řŘŘŘř\_/| / |: : Ś :| |_/ řŘŘŘř |_/ |: Ś Ś Ś| řŘŘŘř |Ś Ś Ś Ś| GIN řŘŘŘř iS |Ś Ś Ś Ś| bACK řŘŘŘř aND |Ś Ś Ś Ś| yOU řŘŘŘř cAN't |Ś Ś Ś Ś| tOUCh řŘŘŘř thIS |Ś Ś Ś Ś| řŘŘŘř |Ś Ś Ś Ś| 'caUSe řŘŘŘř iT'S |Ś Ś Ś Ś| řŘŘŘř |Ś Ś Ś Ś| ___ řŘŘŘř ___ |Ś Ś Ś Ś| / _(_ řŘŘŘř / (_ |Ś Ś Ś Ś| _\ |/ \ řŘŘŘř _\ __ \ |Ś Ś Ś Ś| / __ /_ řŘŘŘř / |/ /_ |Ś Ś Ś Ś| /\ \| / řŘŘŘř /\___/ / |Ś Ś Ś Ś`---\ \__\ /--řŘŘŘř-\/__/| /----'Ś Ś Ś `-----\/_/|_/---řŘŘŘř--___||_/_-----' Ś `----------/|_/----řŘŘŘř-/| |_/ |--------' _| _\ __ \ řŘŘŘř || | |_ _/ | / |/ /_ řŘŘŘř ||hammer| | \_ | | /\ Ż / řŘŘŘř || time | | | /\ | | \ \__| / řŘŘŘř || | | | /\ / \| | \/_/|_/ `ŘŘŘ' || ___ | | |/ \ /\ | | /|_/___ \|_/ (_|_ | | /\ \ \ | | _\ __ /_ _\ __ /_ | | / / f\ \ | | / |/ __ \_ / |/ __ \_ | | / /f u\ \| | /\ / |/ / /\ / |/ / | |/ /u c\ | |\ \ \_/| /__/ \ \_/| /__/ /| | /c k\| | \ \/_||_/__/ \/_||_/__/ / | |/k G| | \___ /|_/___ ________ /|_/_ __/ | |G I| | _\ __ /_ _\ __ \ | |I N| | ___ / |/ __ \_ ___ / |/ /_ __ | |N | |/__ /\ / |/ /___ /\ Ż___/___\| | u/| | \ \_/| /__/ \ \___ / | |\u G/ | | \/_||_/__/ \/_/|_/ | | \G l/ | | /|_/_ |_/ | | \l y/ | | _\ __ \ | | \y / /| `-----/ |/ /_---------------------' |\ \ d/\ / | /\ Ż___/ | \ /\d G\ \/ | .----\ \___ /-------------------------' \/ /G I\/ | | \/_/|_/ \/I N | | /|_/_ N | | _\ __ \ , | | / |/ /_ , | `----/\ Ż_ /---------------- -- - --. , | \ \__| / | , `--------\/_/|_/------------ -- - - ---. : |_/ | . t . . t d e . e d r a __ __ __ __ a r o e /_/\ __ _ | | _ __ /\_\ e o p r \_\/\/\_\ ____\ ' ` /____ /_/\/\/_/ r p p s \ \/_/ - \__ .presentGIN __/ - \_\/ / s p i , _\ \ _/ \_ / /_ , i n /\_\ \__- `---------------' -__/ /_/\ n g t \/_/\/_/\ : : /\_\/\_\/ t g m e \_\/ _| |_ \/_/ e m a o a a o a h u r ___ ___ ___ r u h t s / (_ / _(_ / (_ s t e t , _\ __ \_\ |/ \_\ __ \ , t e a a ______ / |/ /_ __ /_ |/ /_ ______ a a r \ /\___/ / \| / Ż___/ / r s 0 \ \/__/| /\__\ /\___ / the / 0 s 1 \ ||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ / 1 1 0 |\ posse|_/ |_/ |_/ /| 0 1 1 0 | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 1 0 0 1 |/ (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ 1 0 0 0 0 1 _\___ \_\ __ \_\ _ \_\ _ \_\ __ \ 1 0 0 0 0 0 / |/ /_ |/ /_ |\_/_ |\_/_ |/ /_ 0 0 0 1 0 0 /\ Ż___/ Ż /___Ż /___Ż / Ż___/ 0 0 1 1 1 0 \ \ |__/\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ / 0 1 1 0 1 0 \ \_| \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ 0 1 0 0 0 1 \/_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ 1 0 0 0 0 1 ___ ___ ___ 1 0 0 1 0 o | / (_ / _(_ / (_ cut | o 0 1 1 0 o | _\ __ \_\ \ \_\ __ \ | o 0 1 0 o . | / |/_/_ |\ /_ |/ /_ | . o 0 0 o . | /\ / / ŻŻ /__/ / | . o 0 o . . | \ \___ /\___ /__/| / | . . o o . `--- \/_/|_/\/_/|_/ ||_/------' . o . . e |_/ |_/ |_/ e . . . . . n e __ __ e n . _ | | _ t r I ____\ ' ` /____ I r t \__ featurGIN __/ G N t _/ \_ t N G `---------------' _ h b : : b h _ .____| |____. e o z ___| |___ z o e \ | sweet | / o e r \ | talkGIN | / r e o \| by |/ t I . /| pope, |\ . I t . / | malloc, | \ . X . . /__| acherNar, |__\ guest ascii . . X . o || & zefyros || by yop o . . . o ____|| aNd ||____ ^ o . . . o 0 \\ \| also |/ // | 0 o . . o 0 _/_ /| ASSGIN |\ _\_ : 0 o . o 0 1 \_//`| made by |'\\_/ . 1 0 o o 0 1 _//_\| zefyros |/_\\_ <---. 1 0 o 1 0 0 //_ | | _\\ | 0 0 1 1 0 0 _/ / |____ ____| \ \_ | . 0 0 1 0 1 0 _/ `___ | | __' \_ |__. 0 1 0 0 1 1 \ __ `$' : : `$' __ / | 1 1 0 0 0 1 // _/ `--- _| |_ ---' \_ \\ 1 0 0 0 0 0 \\ \ / \ / // id by 0 0 0 1 0 0 \\\ \ / \ / /// zito 0 0 1 1 0 0 \\\ / / \ \ /// 0 0 1 0 1 o \\___ _/ \_ ___// o 1 0 0 1 o // :-----. .-----: \\ o 1 0 1 o . \\ `.___.' `.___.' // . o 1 0 o . \\_______|_|_______// . o 0 o . . |\ ||||||||||| /| . . o o . |/ ||||||||||| \| . o . . ___|\_`---------'_/|___ . . . ___________\\\\\`-----------'/////___________ . . /\-- \__\\\\___________////__/ --/\ . // \_\_\\ //_/_/ \\ _// // \\ \\_ \_ \\ // _/ / \\ // \ // __ \\ // __ \\ // \\ \\ // // \\ \\ \\ \\_// // // / / __`ą'__ \ \ \_ / | || | \ _/ |\________/ | __|| | \________/| | ||_ |__||| | || | | ||| || | | ||| || | | ||| || | | || || | | || || | | || _|| | | || ||| | | || ||| | | || ||| | | ||_________________________________|| | > <7 / | | \ 7> < \ |_ / | | \ _| / || | | | || / | | \ || | | | || ||_|_|_| || / | | \ || |_|_|_|| \_| || / | | \ || |_/ |_||-' `-` `-||_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | |__| `--' | `--' , : , : : : : . | : . || : || : __ :| || || `' || __ /\_ || ___\ /__ `' \ / /__ __\ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ \/ ___ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (;::| / (_ / (_ _\___ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\___ \_\___ \:| _\ __ \_\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/_/_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /;|/ |/ /_ |/_/_ / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / _/ / _/ // _/ / _/ / /\ \ / \ / \ / \___/ \___//\ \ / \_ / \ \___ /\__| /\___ /\ |__/\ |__/:\ \_/| /\__ / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\ \_| \ \_| Ś::\_/||_/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ \/_/ \/_/ |_/ |_/ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ _____ ___ / (_ / _(_ / ( / ( |::/ (;:::::/ (_ _\ __ \_\ \ \_\ | _\ | _\ __ \:| _\ _ \ / |/_/_ |\ /_ _|__/_ _|__/_ |/ /;|/ |\_/_ / __ / /Ż / \| / \| / /___// Ż / / // / / / / / / / / //\____ / / _// / _/ / _/ / _/ / _/ // _// / /\ \/ / \ / \ / \ / \ //\ \/ / \ \___ /\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ /:\ \___ / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/Ś::\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ `::::'|_/ __ ___ ___ :. .: / (::::Ś / _(_ / (_ ______ _\ |::::| _\ \_ \_\ __ \ ŚąąąąŚ / _|;___|/ |/ /_ |/ /_ |Ś::Ś| / \| // __ / /___/ |Ś::Ś| / / // // / / / |Ś::Ś| / _/ // _// / _/ / `ŚŚŚŚ /\ \ //\ \/ / \ / `' \ \___ /:\ \__| /\___ / /\ \/_/|_/Ś::\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ / \ ___ ___ / \ / (_ / (_ _______/ \_______ _\ __ \_\ __ \ \\\\/ _ _ \//// / |/_/_ |/ /_ \ \_ |o| |o| _/ / / __ / / / \ |_| |_| / / // / / /ŘŘŘŘŘř. \_ _/ -{ I need to / _// / _/ /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř. / ______ \ catch that /\ \/ / \ /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřŘř / <------> \ silver \ \___ /\___ /ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřŘ. / \ __ / \ bullet!} \/_/|_/\/_/|_/ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘřř /_______ \__/ _______\ |_/ ř|_/ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘř \ `' / ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ \ / řŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘąąąŘŘŘŘŘŘř___ ___ \ / řřŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ/ (ąąąŘŘř/ (_ / (_ \/ `ŘřŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ_\ __ (ąąą\ __ \_\ _ \ řŘřŘŘŘŘ/ |/ __ \_ |/ /_ |\_/_ `řŘŘŘ/ / |/ / __ / Ż / `/ / / / // /___ / / _/ / / _// / _// / /\ \ / / \/ / \/ / \ \_/| /__/\___ /\___ / \_/||_/__/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ December 17th 2010... zefyros grabbing the keys.. __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| It's a quarter to eigth and I || //|| just got my first beer. || \\|| || \|| Still waiting for the other || || GIN dudes to come around. || || || || Unfortunately I forgot my Flash || || drive at home so all the || || chit-chat has to be pasted || || later to the actual colly || || of somekind || || || || I might aswell start off with || || some shoutouts || || || || 4pLaY: || || Thanks for all the support man. || || mayski: || || Nice beats! || || ansichrist: || || Let's see if we manage to get || <- surprise, surprise.. || to pacifico tonight. || we didn't. || malodix: || || You should write more rhymes ;) || || truck: || || where's your colly man? :) || || H7 & T-101: || || Can't wait to get on the || || Stream bus again. || || zeus: || <- se-retro came the || no colly in december yet ;) || next day || zito: || || thanks for the diz. || || || || || || .. .. .. || || || || || || Ah cool, Achernar just || || walked in. Eisa, voisa... || || || || There's Pope and malloc too... || || || || Missing in action Kod, || || halides and Oltzu, || || greez to you. || || || || .. ... . || || || || Passing the keys to Pope, || || go write something... || || || || || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// / \/ / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo || //|| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo || \\|| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo || \|| ooooooooooooooooze. also: zoooo || || ooooooooooooooooomings to teh || || walls. || || || || ...to mallocrator... || || || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// / \/ / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| Ho! It's my 23rd birthday today || //|| - a good time to sip some gin || \\|| n' beer discussing about || \|| cybernetic miscarriage. || || || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// \/ loading random keyboard exchanges... / / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| Suddenly malloc turn into || //|| ache... and wild gin appears || \\|| and then there was greatness || \|| all around us! - achernator || || || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// / \/ / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| Walking down the street || //|| smoking indoors sipping on || \\|| gin and ASSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID || \|| -Snoop Dogg || || (Misquoted by Poperator) || || || || Also: miscabbage, misgabber, || || midcarriage, HALLUSINOIVA || || HUARRRRRRRRRRA || || || || mispeedcore -poop || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// / \/ / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| Also I fix3z that: || //|| HALLUSINOIVA NAMIBIALAINEN || \\|| NEEKERI HUORRRRRRRRRAAAAA || \|| - ach || || || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// / \/ / __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// ||/ |\/ /|| Nigger Space Whore || //|| - zefyros || \\|| || \|| How cosmic || || -- Pope || / || || / :: /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__:: / |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// \/ | I fix... cosmic popeda Through angles of space hoes : <- time for : - ach the speed of light greetings to swedish restaurant : workers union -zfr : i have fetish for particles - malloc : time now 21:45 : Dick Rangerous aka malloc on fire Dick on fire aka malloc Rangerous 23 Sexual Healing, yeaaaaah babyyyyyy - zfr this is not a cock party - ach *stomp*stomp*stomp* ____ ____ \\ \ / // _/_ /__ _______ __\ _\_ \_//`_ \/_ _\/ _'\\_/ ___ /\ ___ _//_\|\\// \\//|/_\\_ / (_('`) / (_ //_ _\\ _\ __ \::__\ __ \ _/ / ____ ____ \ \_ / |/_/_ \ |/ /_ _/ ___ | | __ \_ / /_ / / / / \ __ `$' : : `$' __ / \ / / / / / // _/ `--- _| |_ ---' \_ \\ \___ /__/\_/| / \\ \ / \ / // |_/ |_/ \\\ \ / \ / /// __/_____________________ /_______ \\\ / / \ \ /// ___ \ ___ ___ ___ \ ___ / ___ \\___ _/ \_ ___// / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ // :-----. .-----: \\ _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _ \ \\ `.___.' `.___.' // / |/_/_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |\_/_ \\_______|_|_______// / /_ / /_ / /___/ /___/ / /___Ż / |\ ||||||||||| /| \ / / / / / / / /__/ / / / |/ ||||||||||| \| \___ /\__| /\__ /\___ / | /\___ / ___|\_`---------'_/|___ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ _ ___\\\\\`-----------'/////___ __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \__\\\\___________////__/ |\// \/ \/ \/ \/ \\// \_\_\\ //_/_/ ||/ |\/ // \\ /|| australian drug foundation, || \\ // //|| accession, resistance, cubicle, || \\ // \\|| fixture, traction, hedelmae || \\ // \`|_________________________________|' \\ // `---------------------------' \\_// \ __`ą'__ \ | || | | __|| | |__||| | /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Australian Drug Foundation \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_ _\ __ \_\___ \_\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/ /_ |/_/_ /\ Ż / / / Ż___/ \ \__| /\___ /\ |__/ \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\ \_|zfr |_/ |_/ \/_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Accession \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_(__||/ (_ / (_ _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _ \_\ _ \____\ __ \_\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/_/_ |/_/_ |/ /_ |\_/_ |\_/_ \ |/ /_ |/ /_ /\ Ż / / / / / Ż___/___Ż /___Ż / / Ż / / / \ \__| /\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ /__/\___ /\_/| / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/__/\/_/|_/\_/||_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Resistance \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_(__||/ (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ _ \____\ _ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/ /_ |\_/_ \ |\_/_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/_/_ |/ /_ /\ /_ / Ż___/___Ż / /___Ż /__/ / Ż / / / / / Ż___/ \ \__| /\___ /\___ /__/\___ /__/| /\__| /\_/| /\___ /\___ / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/__/\/_/|_/ ||_/\/_/|_/\_/||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Cubicle \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ / (_ / _(_ / (_(__||/ (_ / ( / (_ _\ __ \_\ \ \_\ __ \____\ __ \_\ | _\ __ \ / |/_/_ |\ /_ |/ /_ \ |/_/_ _|__/_ |/ /_ /\ / / ŻŻ / /_ / / / / \| / Ż___/ \ \___ /\___ /\__|/ /__/\___ /\___ /\___ / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/__/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Fixture \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / (_(__||/ _(_ / (_ / _(_ / (_ / (_ _\ __ \____\ |/ \_\ __ \_\ \ \_\ __ \_\ __ \ / |/_/_ \ ___ /_ |/ /_ |\ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ /\ Ż___/ / |/ /__/ / ŻŻ / /_ / Ż___/ \ \ |__/__/\__| /__/| /\___ /\__| /\___ / \ \_| /__/\/_/|_/ ||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ \/_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Traction \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / (_(__||/ (_ / (_ _\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \_\ __ \____\ __ \_\ __ \ / |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/_/_ |/ /_ \ |/ /_ |/ /_ /\___/ / /_ / Ż / / /__/ / / Ż / / / \/__/| /\__| /\__| /\___ /__/| /__/\___ /\_/| / ||_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ ||_/__/\/_/|_/\_/||_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / Hedelmae \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ / _(_ / (_ / (_ / (_ / ( / (___ / (_ / (_ _\ |/ \_\ __ \_\___ \_\ __ \_\ | _\ __ (___\ __ \_\ __ \ / __ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ |/ /_ _|__/_ |/ __ \_ |/ /_ |/ /_ /\ \| / Ż___/ / / Ż___/ \| / / |/ / Ż / Ż___/ \ \__\ /\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ /\_/| /__/\__| /\___ / \/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/\_/||_/__/\/_/|_/\/_/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/ |_/zfr |_/ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / end of logos - go away \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | thanks to the 4th wine can, the game is lost. over and out. - malloc | Sorry about the nth wine can -PopsQ | Sorry about the fucking everything... like im not fgucking yes... | thanks for fucking with malloc at everynight! - ach | | betoni, pope loves it - zfr | pope fucks betony hard as rigor mortis - zfr | yes - anonymous | no - pope : | | | people getting drunk 23:20 | <- and this txt is getting boring... | | |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ | \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |/ \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | our friend tube joined 23:30 | And we are wested as is our friend tube -ach | So we are getting more drinks | by6y7hyyb -tube : | | | not dead yet - malloc, 23:38 | | | | (almost there 23:56) | | | | | | : | | Fuckgreetings to Tzar Khan Super Warrior | -pope | : | | Do you ever feel like the walls are melting | and your toaster will eat you | -pope | | | | k-man 4evah! | | | |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ | \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |/ \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | kerran perseeseen, kerran Oulujokeen - the girl with a svea cap | fuki, fuki, five dollar - random street woman | | what is happening - zfr : | | tussit, tissit, tussut - drunken masters | YES, YES, YES - james vitun brown | | : | mofos left 0:30 | | | |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ | \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |/ \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | | we're left with pope : | (oh shit - pope) | (fuckings to lame student parties - zfr) | | i just died in your arms tonight - greetings from the radio to the faders | | fuckings to faders and OltzU, work is no excuse. booze the casbah and | greetings to JORI/Latvia. np8d might be kida rulez, but one shouldn't | ignpore boozing duties. Also: Trippy soundtrack bearing strongish | resemblance to the house of the rising sun. Fuckgins to people who fail | at card payment in bars. Besides gin, whiskey is kinda nice. Although | Laphroaig, Oban and Talisker rock the casbah, Jim Beam is acceptable, | if on need. - pööp | | |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ | \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |/ AMIGA MODE ENGAGED \/ _ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ / \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | | suddenly, polishness!? | | | | wtf, is it already 9 o'clock | | | | wtf absinthe - pope : | | ...somebody wakes with an axe in his head... | - random dude at eeriGIN kulma | : |/\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\__ | \// \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |/ \/ stomp, stomp, stomp The rest is unwritten history of soberness in the bars of Sinking Hell .... :::: ............:::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ............... ____ :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ____ _ __ ______\\ :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: //______ __ _ .______ `::::'`::::: :::'`::::'`::: _ _| _/__/\ ____/\ ___/\ _____/\ __/\ ___/\ ____/\ _ ______ ____ _/\ .(_)_. \ | _ //__ \\ __ \\ __ \\ \\ __ \\ .__ \ / ___/__ \\ | |_ \ | \/ \| \ / _/__'____/| \ / _/__ __/ \_ ___/ __)__ / \ |___ '/_|\___|_______/_____/_\__ /_| ______/_\__ /_|___ /_| _ ___ /_____/ \/ .......\/... ...........\/. \/ yop \/ _ __ ____ :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ____ __ _ //_._ :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: _._\\ | :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: | : :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: : . `:::::::::::...:::::::::::::' . . . : G - I N C O R P O R A T E D : | | | malloc zefyros pope kod | | achernar halides oltzu | | | : : . . _________________________________________ ˇ ( / t H E y A R D : ::| .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_ | /____ / | __|__/\____ / // ˇ 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 1 ˇ | \\_|_ __/_. __/\____ _____ˇ__ // ____ _______ |\___ |/ \ |____(_ ____/____ \ /__/_____\_ \__\_ / ________| / / / | _/ _) )____\ / ( _ / _ _/_( _ / / _/ _ \ | ( \_ _| | / | \ | // (_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\ [==|=========|______\=\_______|_________/_/================|________\dVN==|===] | / | | aMIGA/aSCII/cLASSIC aMIGA gAMES // nINTENDO64/gAMEcUBE/wII cONSOLES | | sONY pLAYsTATION cONSOLES ˇ// sEGA dREAMcAST & sATURN cONSOLES | | gAMEbOY/sGB/gAMEgEAR/wONDERsWAN / nEOgEOpOCKET/gBC/gBA/nINTENDO DS | | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES /. =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT | | aPPLE mACINTOSH - tYPO/fONTS // 0dAY gRAPHICS/aUDIO aPPS & gAMES | | gRAFFITI/dESIGN eBOOK/xVID / cLASSIC pC gAMES - gSM/pDA/pHONE | | aUDIO pRODUCTIONS sAMPLES / dAYdREAm/lINUX dEVELOPMENT/dOORS | | . | '-Ť< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611+ >ť-' -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-