___(\·----------------------- ---- --- -- - - - \) IN A WORLD OF DREAMS - IN A WORLD OF PASSION THIS FILE DECIDED TO PASS ONE OF THE LAST AND REAL BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS IN CENTRAL EUROPE THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE - FAITH! (\ ___ - - --- --- ------- ----------------------·\) .--- - -. _ ___ _ | | _ ___ _ _ __//// +++ : ·?!?· | +++ ////__ _ | .--:. `-- -|--´|_ `--|´ | ¯¯[] _ (_)._________ . __| _\ _____ . _ _____ _____ _________ __\ | /___) /_____ ____(_) o ___) _ /_ _______) _ /_ ___\ / ___\ . _ _ (_ _\ _/______\ _.__/ _ _.__/ _____\ \ __|______\_____`-'____ \____._ _\|________\___\|__________\ . /____\ __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_ _______________ __ o ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.-- This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet [STAFF] Behemoth ÷ Boheme ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Red Demon [STAFF] _ __ __ _ /_______________________________________________________________________\ e^d-que.txt was uploaded by cg at 20:32 on 27 Aug 1998 [design] <- extra . ......:.. __ :. : ½½ ..................... :::...: :.. __ :__________________ : :::: ...: ........ ½½ _:\ ._ / :...........: ____ :.................... __ : |/ /_____________. / \ _________________ :.. .......... ½½ : //________/__ _ |/ \.\ _ ____/_. :.: _____. : ½½ _:_ / /_ _/ |___/\___| // .\ _ |__ .\ | :.... :/_________________\____.\ | :: | _/_____|__/ ___/__|___ |_____:_ : _:__ / /| _| :: |_ /____)) |_ \__ : _/ |\ : :::: : : //______________\ : :::: : /_____| /______// . \_________:_ :: :: /________\ __ ..: .: ½½ : : ½½ : . ½½ . __ ½½ . __ __________. _____________ ½½ ___ _______/ _____ |/ .______. /___________ _______________/ // ______| \ __| |___________ /__ \ ________________/ | \_/__| / _/ / / \ \ ____ \ | \ | \ _/. /__/ \ \ \ \ \_____|________\ |_ \__ | ______\ \_______\ \___\ cG|___| \_______\ \_____| \ .____ \___\ .____ .____ ______ ._______ ____| \______ ____| \_________ ____| \/ \| / / | \ \|_______/ | \ /____/ | \ \ / / | \ \ / | \ / | \ | \ /_ /______|_______\__\ \_____|_______\__ /______|_______\__ \___/ eD\________\ /_____/ _. \_____\ __ _ ____ ------. \| _ .\ ( .-. | | | | Shit, now we are so very fucking drunk and cool, | | |-.| a study | me and fatal has been out all night fucking sluts | (|.|.| ) in fuzzy | and taking various drugs.. YEAHH!! We were NOT | `-^-'| | forced to write such a cool intro to make this a | | c |\ LOGIC | SERIOUS collection. We just had to spend MONTHS | | ¬ | \ | in urban-jungle-trainingcamp. More drugs, booze & | `----'\ __________| chicks in such quantities you'd probably stand )____ __ \__ \ there gasping if I ever told you. Now, after 2 .____. \__________\ years of haresis and knirch, we needed something | __ | new, crazy and astonishing to do. And, a serious ||._|| cooperation was the answer. Ok enuff explaining, |||7|| need to get my cool status back with some ganstah |||||| talk and too many abrevations, so jo bettah wasch |||||| ja faze punkhazsxx.. No jo bettah lissn to Fatal |||||| bitchn ya asZz yeah fatal.. / cyberabnormalcool |||||| |||||| hi. bye. / Die unbessigte Sonnegott. |||!|| |||_|| Dis was our gezt, yeah now leetofatal ||___| | What's the point of intros and attitude texts ?!! | I've been away too long to be botherd with this | crap.. ok, that took 5 minutes to write. so what? | i suck and you know it... boom boom boom.. tlalal | like my dear mother once told my father when they | discussed my future: | | nothing but a lazy, foul mouth, good for nothing, | little prick hoodlum, and the world would be best | rid of him. | | That's cool, didnt know i had so much good | qualitys in me. I won't write anything more. blip | | / Good for nothing little prick hoodlum Fatal | | Eurhhhh.. Ok I think I have to go consult Fatal a | bit cause he didn't quite understand my idea of | a fucking cool and very serious introtext. Even | disturbed MY order.. lemme see.. need to get | back to dah RHythTHhm, and yEAHHH.. there WE havE | iT.. fucking COOol And lEEt and admireable again. | orso.. | | Hm, before we go on stealing Style-ideas, I'd | . better be finnishing this text.. here and NOW. cG | | | /___ __\ ......... ......... __ _____:_ __:: ::__ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ __:: ::__ _:_____ __ _((_____:_))_:: ::__\\\_(·)_//_::/e^d\::_\\_(·)_///__:: ::_((_:_____))_ _ : ::.... ::.............::.. ..::.............:: ....:: : _ ¼ _ ·:. __ _ :: :.: :: _ __ .:· _ ¼ ¼ ¼ _ ::(__))_ ..:...::.....::...:.. _((__):: _ ¼ ¼ .--¼-¼-¼---------------' : ' __::_____::__ ` : `---------------¼-¼-¼--. _| ¼ ¼ ¯ .) _ _ (. ¯ ¼ ¼ |_ _\ .¼_ _ _| (_) |_ _ _¼. /_ `- `-)_ _ _ | _ _ _(-' -' \\\_|_/// _ ___________ | _______ _ _ _______\\\____ /_____|____________\____ ///_______ _ _ __|_____\ | ¯ ___/ /_____|__ _ \\\\ | | | | //// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | ' | | | ` | | | l | l g®m/e^D'96 _ __________ _____________|____ __________ _ \/ (_____/ | (______________) \/ « e^d » | i n t h e | y e a r o f _ | _ __| 19|98 |__ /|_ ¯ _|\ __.(( e p s i l o n d e s . g n p r e s e n t s )).__ |_ l _| /_________________._ _._________________\ :( are.you.a.understand.sie.on'er? ): .: :. AND THE CLOUDS WERE :¦| EVIL |¦: ______/ ____ _ / // )_ // //_ /_ ¬|. ) /__/ / / _______) //___ / ) __ -------- eyy datss rite, . (_______ ___) Im no nice boyh ° \\_ | _// ! × × ° /_/\\ ° | ...... | × // \\_ `-| . |-' // \_\ | öO | Y \\ | -- | ---._ as if I would care? Y | | ___`.__.'___ \ / | mr. evil | | | . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Head :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Mjolnir / Head :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: #include <betterartist.h> ascii ripoff(ascii logoin, ascii logoOUT){ ____________________ / / the bonk in your _______/ .__________. /_______________________________________ ___ \ ._______| | __________ ___________ ________________ %%%%%%| | |/ _/%%%/ \%|/ /%%%%%%% %%%%%%| . _/¯¯|/ \| /%%¯\P/¯% %%%%%%| | / | | /%%%A%X%B% %%%%%%|_______| .__ /________ ____________/%%%%_/|\_% %%%%%%%%%%%%cG|__________|%%\_________|%%%%%%%\_________\eD%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /__________ __________________________________________ _ \_______________\ } . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: SCUMBAGS (skumpåse?) :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Wraith / sepe :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: ____. .............. .____ .................\...| .:......: :......:. |.../.............. ::::: _\ .|: :..: u m b a : :|. /_ ::::: ........ /_____ | : c .......... g : | ...::... ::::: i ..... / /.|: : s ..: :.. s : :|. _::_ ::::: n ELEF ::::: / /_ |. :......#: _____. :#......: .| _\::/_ ::::: t ANT- ::::: / _//___ _____________./ _|______ .__ _____\::/__________. e -MOS :'___/____ _ // _ /| \. \| //_ \\// | / _ _// / /_______/_| : \. \ \/ . :| o / \\__________ \ |__ |\ __| \ _ o ..:| r /_________\ /_____________\/___________\|_____|\ //_______| k /\ .... :. . ..: .. \ /O ..... a ______________ / \ : :.:. ....: :. ....: /_____ \ / ::::: _________ //__ / \ ______ : .: . :.. ___:_ / / oRM?\/ ::::: v //______ / \ ____((: .. :. :))___ / /_ /_ ::::: a .______. / \ _ ____:_______ :. / _//____ /_\ ::::: r | _ _|______/_ \._\\\__ / __/____ _ _/ ::::: a | \\_ / /\ \ /_______/-/ _ _// \. ::::: |_ / / /__\ \___ \_ / \\________| : ::::: ser /_____ /_ //_________\ /_________/________\ ..... : ::::: iös /________\ / ::::: mask? : ::::: __ __ / /____________________________________::::: . . ...: :::::__\ /_______/ :::::............::::: . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: ScumBags :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Wraith / LSD :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: __________ __________ .______ _______ \ /______/ / _____| \______ / / \ _/./ | \ \ / / \___ __ | | \ \ \ /_________/ \_______|______|_________\__\ /_____\ \__/ ___________________ __________ ___________ .___/ / \/ ____/_\___ /_______ | . / | \ \ / / | | \_____ \__ \ |___ / |____________\ cG\________\ \__/_______| /________/ . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Aerosouls :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Hash / Aerosouls / etc :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: ._____________________ | /. |__________ ._________|___ ____________ |\ _. \| _ /____________ ________ _/ ._ / __|_\____\|_ | //_____/.\ ._ .// _ \. |/_______/_ _________ _\ _ ____// |_ __)_|__| |/_____|_ / _|______ \./ _ \. /______\\ /___ \ \____\ /_________\ // _|_ / _| fTL| \_______\ /__________\ '--------/_______\ /_________\. | |eD ._____\ | | | | \\ | ___| |____________/_ ¼ ¼ ¼ .___|_ \\ _| | | //___¼_¼_¼_¼_¼_¼_¼_____| /______\____\ ___| |________ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ | |_______ | | _//_______¼___¼___¼___¼_____|_ |\ \. | | / ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ___/_____________| | | ¼ ¼ ¼ _/ ._ / | | _\ |/_______/_ | :| ._/_______ \. | .:: | // _| |_ .::. '--------/_______\ /__ _ _ . ...:::: . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Liquid Swords :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Crane / SOS :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: _. .____ _. ______/_|__________ _____| \ _/_| __________ / / | ___ \/ | \| |/ / / / | \ \ \ | \ | | / /_ /____|\_____\ \__\____|_______\__|________/ cG\____/ \__\ _________ ___________ \ /_________ /\|________________________________________\____ /_____ \ \/ \ / \ _ / / / \___ \ \ \ ._ / | /__ / /_______/\_____/\_________\___________\___|/______\_________/eD/_______/ . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Sect :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Some1 in Sect (fungus?) :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: .......... ..:::::::::··:::. . .::::::::· .:· ::· . :::::::::: ·::::·__________ _____________ _____|_ _ :::::::::. .\( ._ /_\ ._ .) |_ ·:::::::::.| |/______/ |/ /| ____/__ ··::::::. ___//__ _ _/_______/_| \-------. ... ·::::: |\ \\ \ \|_ \_ |eD fTL:::..::::·___________\----\_________\/____/------' ··:::·· . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Areosouls :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Hash / Ihavenoclue :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: ________. _________ _____________________.¾¾ / |/ _// / |¾¾ ./ | /. ._ / |%½¾¾¾¾o |__________|_________|____|/______\_________| ¼¼ _______ ½½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¼¼ _______/___._________. __½½_. ½½_¼¼__. _______ / /____|_ |/ |¾¾¾¾__½ |/ /______ /__ / | | \ |__ / /__________/_________|______|_______\______\/__________/ ½½ ¼¼ cG½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½ . . . /\ . :....... ______ / \ ______ .......: .¾. :: : .\ \ / \ / /. : :: .¾. _:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\ \/ \/ //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_ ¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\ /\ // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾ :¾: : ......... . :: :.| \\ //\\ // |.: :: . .......... : :¾: :¾: : : : | :: | \\ // \\ // | :: | : : : :¾: `¾' :.. |: | :: |____\\ //____\\ //____| :: | :| ...: `¾' . : |: | :: \/ \/ :: | :| : . : : :.|..:: ::..|.: : : : : ____ | :: Logo: Wallstreet :: | ____ : : __:_____ : _\ (_| :: For: Crocodile :: |_) /_ : ______:__ : /-:-' ._ | :: . ___ ___ . :: | _. `-:-\ : __:_ __ :½ | ::. |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/| .:: | ½: __ _:__ :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|. `------------------' .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\ : /_:½_|----' |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::| `----|_½:_\ :½.. : `---' |_\ ..::.. /_| `---' : ..½: '..: : _ . ·· . _ : :..` :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....: "` `. .....::..... .' '" :..: :: :..: :: :: . ...:.....................:... . :::' `::: .___|______._:__ __:_.__ _ /_____ _ _:_.__ |:::| ' : (( w a l l s t r e e t )) : ` _)//(__ //((_:_:_// _ ___|:::|___ ______ ________________._____. : ._____. /_// : .__: \_\_ `---' / _/ \ _ /| | : | | / :__. | (:_____ / / \ __\______\__ _ | |____|_ |_______ _____:) | | .:\_ // /_ \ __// _|_ |\ \ |\ \\ _/:. | |_:_ /_//_______/ \________\________\______\`/____________\___________\\_\ _:_| :// |::/___ _ . . \\: ..: ________|:::| : ____________:__________ :.. ./ _ /.|____. : ./ ._ ._ /____. |_ /_____/:| |___:_ .____ _____|__ |/_______ |/______/ |___ _ ___/______ \. __//__|_ //_ / ___/___/ ___/__|__ _ __//____ \_ /_ _|_ |\ /_ ./_____/_ |\ \__ |\ _// |\ _ /_ /_____________\./____________\__| /__________\/_________\_______/_____\ |:::| . . _. |:::|________: SysOp: Slutty Quaker :_______________________\| |:::| : SysPw: MaleLoveIsNice : | `---' : vill inte skriva just nu : : : . .oO. . _____________ . (__) . :_ __ __ _____: : .\_ __ / .______._ .:. @@ .:. : : :_\\_)(_//____:: :: __| /______/_______|_ _ |/____:__@@__:____:_:_:_:_:_:____||_______:' `:__ ___))____ ____)) | . . . :.:.|.:.: . '` :¼¼¼¼: ____ \/ \ \,_ /________:@@:______._:_|_:_._.____.._______:¼¼¼¼:__ /_____ \_____\------' :.:@@:.: : : : : : :__ _||_ _____:. .: fTL\________\eD .:@@:. ' : : ` :_//_)(_\\____:: :: |' `| : : : `:@@:' .. .. .. :: .. _.::._ /_::_\ :: \\-'`-// : \ / : ::.. : :: n \/ k :: : ..:: .:: :: f :: u : : e :: r :: ::. _.._::___::_______ : : : : ________::___::_.._ :: :: ::.. : ....:: v t ::.... : ..:: :: :: :.:: :: :. o :: :: g .: :: ::.: ::..::: : : :::..:: : : .. .. footnote blah blah: .................: :...................................... .: .: cG :.This "Collection" was actually created quite some time ago, but as :. .: fatal went inactive it was forgotten. However, we found it and decided .: :.to put it all togethere despite the age of certain logos. *ahum* :. .: Today, Cybergod has left the ascii scene and fatal is still INACTIVE :) .: :. . . . Fatal: Hey, I'm not THAT inactive, I actually looked thru cg's hd to find some . . logos to put in the collection, isn't that SOMETHING? and come to think .. ..of it, I actually did some design. Hey, don't fall out the chair. Doh! :. .: .: :. :. .: .: :. :. .: .: :. :. .: .: :. :. .: .: :. . . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _. ___ __ __ ___ ._ ._\:::))_/__/.ePSILON dESIGN.\__\_((:::/_. .|..: :..|. :| - q u i t e u n u s u a l - |: :.. __________ _ ...... ______. ..: .: _\ _ ____//__ ____:__\ |_ :. |_ / //_ /_ : _\ _/ _| '/____/_______\ \ __.__/_____\____\` :. -\-------\ .: cG uND :::.......................: 98/08/28 fATAL @END_FILE_ID.DIZ . . . . ..:..:. .: :. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .: :. .: ::: . . . . . ::: :. .. .: :. :: _______ . _______ :: .: : :. .: : _/""""""( -+- )""""""\_ : :. .: .: :. _: _ __:__ _ _ _ __:__ _ :_ .: :. :. .: __\_.-\\_|_//-./ \.-\\_|_//-._/__ :. .: .: :. _\ | : _ _| _ |_ _ : _| /_ .: :. :. .: /____|_ / _|/ \|_ \ _|____\ :. .: .: :. .-/____/__\ /__\____\-. .: :. :. .: ) .\ /. 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[::::] :. .: [::::] [::::] . . [::::] [::::] : : [::::] [eOF!] : Release Date: 1998/08/28 - Original Size: 40.000 bytes : [eOF!] [::::] .. .. 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