___(\·----------------------- ----  ---  --   -     -        - 


                     THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE - FAITH!       (\ ___
          -      -    ---  --- ------- ----------------------·\)

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    (_)._________                      .
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___\   .      _      _      (_ _\ _/______\   _.__/     _   _.__/       _____\
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/____\  __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_     _______________  __  o 
  ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.--

 This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet

     [STAFF]   Behemoth ÷ Boheme ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷  Red Demon   [STAFF]
_ __                                                                       __ _

         e^d-que.txt was uploaded by cg at 20:32 on 27 Aug 1998
[design] <- extra            .

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   \   .____           \___\     .____                   .____  ______ ._______
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.\                                                   (  .-.  |   |           |
|  Shit, now we are so very fucking drunk and cool,  |  | |-.|     a study   |
   me and fatal has been out all night fucking sluts | (|.|.| )    in fuzzy  |
   and taking various drugs.. YEAHH!! We were NOT    |  `-^-'|               |
   forced to write such a cool intro to make this a  |  | c  |\    LOGIC     |
   SERIOUS collection. We just had to spend MONTHS   |  |  ¬ | \             |
   in urban-jungle-trainingcamp. More drugs, booze & |  `----'\    __________|
   chicks in such quantities you'd probably stand    )____ __      \__ \
   there gasping if I ever told you. Now, after 2     .____. \__________\
   years of haresis and knirch, we needed something   | __ |
   new, crazy and astonishing to do. And, a serious   ||._||
   cooperation was the answer. Ok enuff explaining,   |||7||
   need to get my cool status back with some ganstah  ||||||
   talk and too many abrevations, so jo bettah wasch  ||||||
   ja faze punkhazsxx.. No jo bettah lissn to Fatal   ||||||
   bitchn ya asZz yeah fatal..   / cyberabnormalcool  ||||||
   hi. bye. / Die unbessigte Sonnegott.               |||!||
   Dis was our gezt, yeah now leetofatal              ||___|
   What's the point of intros and attitude texts ?!!  |
   I've been away too long to be botherd with this    |
   crap.. ok, that took 5 minutes to write. so what?  |
   i suck and you know it... boom boom boom.. tlalal  |
   like my dear mother once told my father when they  |
   discussed my future:                               |
   nothing but a lazy, foul mouth, good for nothing,  |
   little prick hoodlum, and the world would be best  |
   rid of him.                                        |
   That's cool, didnt know i had so much good         |
   qualitys in me. I won't write anything more. blip  |
       / Good for nothing little prick hoodlum Fatal  |
   Eurhhhh.. Ok I think I have to go consult Fatal a  |
   bit cause he didn't quite understand my idea of    |
   a fucking cool and very serious introtext. Even    |
   disturbed MY order..  lemme see.. need to get      |
   back to dah RHythTHhm, and yEAHHH.. there WE havE  |
   iT.. fucking COOol And lEEt and admireable again.  |
   orso..                                             |
   Hm, before we go on stealing Style-ideas, I'd      |
.  better be finnishing this text.. here and NOW. cG  |
|                                                     |
/___                                                __\

             .........                                   .........
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                           l           |             l       g®m/e^D'96
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                           i n   t h e | y e a r   o f
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__.(( e  p  s  i  l  o  n     d  e  s  .  g  n     p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s )).__
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   /_________________._                                 _._________________\
                     :( are.you.a.understand.sie.on'er? ):
                    .:                                   :.

                       AND THE CLOUDS WERE :¦| EVIL |¦:

                                ______/  ____
                           _  /      //      )_
                          // //_     /_ ¬|.    )
                         /__/  /      /  _______)
                             //___   /   ) __ -------- eyy datss rite,
                              .  (_______ ___)         Im no nice boyh
                              °      \\_
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                              ×  °  /_/\\ °   | ...... |
                                 × //   \\_   `-|  . |-'
                                  //     \_\    | öO |
                                  Y        \\   | -- | ---._ as if I would care?
                                            Y   |    |
                                             \          /
                                             | mr. evil |
                                             |          |

                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\        /\        // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾
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 :¾: : :       : |  ::    |   \\    //  \\    //   |    ::  | :        : : :¾:
 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Head                     ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Mjolnir / Head           ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

#include <betterartist.h>
ascii ripoff(ascii logoin, ascii logoOUT){

           /                   / the bonk in your
   _______/   .__________.    /_______________________________________ ___
   \  ._______|          | __________    ___________    ________________
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   /__________                __________________________________________ _


                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
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 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: SCUMBAGS (skumpåse?)     ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Wraith / sepe            ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

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ANT- ::::: /    _//___ _____________./    _|______ .__ _____\::/__________. e
-MOS :'___/____ _    //   _        /|     \.      \| //_    \\//          |
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                    /\     .... :.       . ..: ..          \    /O    ..... a
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  /_____      /_  //_________\ /_________/________\  .....          : ::::: iös
      /________\ /                                   ::::: mask?    : :::::  __
__        /     /____________________________________:::::  .  . ...: :::::__\
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                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\        /\        // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾
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 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: ScumBags                 ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Wraith / LSD             ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

          __________       __________      .______           _______
          \        /______/         / _____|      \______   /      /
           \                      _/./     |       \     \ /      /
            \___          __        |      |        \     \       \
               /_________/  \_______|______|_________\__\    /_____\
                 ___________________  __________ ___________
            .___/        /          \/     ____/_\___      /_______
            |     .     /     |      \     \        /             /
            |     |     \_____        \__   \       |___         /
            |____________\  cG\________\ \__/_______|  /________/

                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
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 :¾: : ......... .  ::  :.|  \\      //\\      //  |.:  ::  . .......... : :¾:
 :¾: : :       : |  ::    |   \\    //  \\    //   |    ::  | :        : : :¾:
 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Aerosouls                ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Hash / Aerosouls / etc   ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

   |                    /.
   |__________ ._________|___                        ____________
   |\     _.  \|    _       /____________ ________ _/ ._        /
 __|_\____\|_  |    //_____/.\  ._     .//   _    \.  |/_______/_   _________
_\    _ ____// |_    __)_|__|   |/_____|_    /    _|______       \./    _    \.
/______\\       /___ \       \____\     /_________\      //      _|_    /    _|
fTL|     \_______\ /__________\                 '--------/_______\ /_________\.
   |                     |eD                                    ._____\       |
   |                     |                                      |     \\      |
___|                     |____________/_    ¼   ¼   ¼       .___|_     \\    _|
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   |                     |       /        ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼   ___/_____________|
   |                     |                  ¼   ¼   ¼   _/ ._        /
   |                     |                             _\  |/_______/_
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   |                   .::                           |        //      _|
   |_                 .::.                           '--------/_______\
    /__ _  _    . ...::::

                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\        /\        // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾
 :¾: : ......... .  ::  :.|  \\      //\\      //  |.:  ::  . .......... : :¾:
 :¾: : :       : |  ::    |   \\    //  \\    //   |    ::  | :        : : :¾:
 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Liquid Swords            ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Crane / SOS              ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

                       _.                 .____     _.
                ______/_|__________  _____|    \  _/_| __________
               /     /  |     ___  \/     |     \|   |/         /
              /     /   |     \  \  \     |      \   |    |    /
             /_    /____|\_____\  \__\____|_______\__|________/
             cG\____/           \__\
_________                                                      ___________
\       /_________  /\|________________________________________\____     /_____
 \                \/  \       /          \      _       /          /          /
  \___                        \    \      \    ._      /    |     /__        /

                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\        /\        // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾
 :¾: : ......... .  ::  :.|  \\      //\\      //  |.:  ::  . .......... : :¾:
 :¾: : :       : |  ::    |   \\    //  \\    //   |    ::  | :        : : :¾:
 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Sect                     ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Some1 in Sect (fungus?)  ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
              :½.. :     `---' |_\  ..::..  /_| `---'     : ..½:
              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

             ..:::::::::··:::.                             .
            .::::::::· .:· ::·                             .
            :::::::::: ·::::·__________ _____________ _____|_ _
             :::::::::.  .\( ._       /_\  ._        .)    |_
              ·:::::::::.|   |/______/     |/       /|  ____/__
                  ··::::::.   ___//__ _   _/_______/_|   \-------.
                  ... ·::::: |\      \\   \         \|_   \_     |eD

                 .                                          .
                 .                    /\                    .
                 :.......  ______    /  \    ______  .......:
 .¾.                ::  : .\     \  /    \  /     /. :  ::                 .¾.
_:¾:_:______________::__:_|\\     \/      \/     //|_:__::_______________:_:¾:_
¾:¾:¾:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾::¾¾:¾| \\        /\        // |¾:¾¾::¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:¾:¾:¾
 :¾: : ......... .  ::  :.|  \\      //\\      //  |.:  ::  . .......... : :¾:
 :¾: : :       : |  ::    |   \\    //  \\    //   |    ::  | :        : : :¾:
 `¾'   :..    |: |  ::    |____\\  //____\\  //____|    ::  | :|    ...:   `¾'
  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Areosouls                ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Hash / Ihavenoclue       ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
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              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

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                 .                                          .
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  .      :    |: |  ::           \/        \/           ::  | :|    :       .
  :      :     :.|..::                                  ::..|.:     :       :
  :      :  ____ |  ::   Logo: Wallstreet               ::  | ____  :       :
__:_____ : _\  (_|  ::    For: Crocodile                ::  |_)  /_ : ______:__
  :    /-:-'  ._ |  ::   .  ___                ___  .   ::  | _.  `-:-\     :
__:_      __  :½ |  ::.  |\/ ./ Quite Unusual! \. \/|  .::  | ½:  __       _:__
  :/______\|_ :½ | .::___|.  `------------------'  .|___::. | ½: _|/_______\
  :         /_:½_|----'  |::._ . _____::_____ . _.::|  `----|_½:_\
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              '..: :       _ .        ··        . _       : :..`
                   :....:. ((:Corroded..Disorder:)) .:....:
                       "`    `.  .....::.....  .'    '"
                              :..:    ::    :..:

                .        ...:.....................:...
                .        :::'                     `:::
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            |:::|      ' : (( w a l l s t r e e t )) : ` _)//(__  //((_:_:_//
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            |:::|        .                           .                       _.
            |:::|________: SysOp: Slutty Quaker      :_______________________\|
            |:::|        : SysPw: MaleLoveIsNice     :                        |
            `---'        : vill inte skriva just nu  :
                         :                           :

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footnote blah blah: .................:  :......................................
.: cG :.This "Collection" was actually created quite some time ago, but as
 :.  .: fatal went inactive it was forgotten. However, we found it and decided
.:    :.to put it all togethere despite the age of certain logos. *ahum*
 :.  .: Today, Cybergod has left the ascii scene and fatal is still INACTIVE :)
.:    :.
 .    .
 Fatal: Hey, I'm not THAT inactive, I actually looked thru cg's hd to find some
 .    . logos to put in the collection, isn't that SOMETHING? and come to think
..    ..of it, I actually did some design. Hey, don't fall out the chair. Doh!
 :.  .:
.:    :.
 :.  .:
.:    :.
 :.  .:
.:    :.
 :.  .:
.:    :.
 :.  .:
.:    :.
 .    .

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 [eOF!] :   Release Date: 1998/08/28 - Original Size: 40.000 bytes    : [eOF!]
 [::::] ..                                                           .. [::::]
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/____\  __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_     _______________  __  o 
  ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.--

 This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet

     [STAFF]   Behemoth ÷ Boheme ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷  Red Demon   [STAFF]
_ __                                                                       __ _

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                    _ __//// +++ kWIK·E·mART +++ ////__ _ 
                                  |    .--:.
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               /                                           \
              ·/(_____ sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY! _____)\·
             /                                               \
                          fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS             
             \   _____                               _____   /
              ·\(      sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY!      )/·
               \                                           /