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         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
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         /|\ [ 27-Jul-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
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    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |

                         / \
                 .----'                      __
                 `----÷----( bBS^fUKKAz! )-÷-\/--- --  -    -


               i T ' S   t i M E   2   d O   i T   > A G A ¡ N ! <

                        o N L y   o N E   c H A N G e ;

                       l E t S   m A k E   i T   e V E N

                           c   O   O   L   E   r

                          h   E   A   V   i   E   r

                                  a  N  d

                            b   E   T   T   E   r

                              t H i S   t i M E

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                  \/ :    .·___/¯___/--. __ ¬\___  /  \/
                     :  ¬  ·._/__`     ¦ \' _/    /¯¯T
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              t h E   a S C 2   p R O f E S S O r   n O : 1 ,

                c H R i S T i A n   b A P t i Z E d   a S :

  |  `-------------------------------------------------------------------.
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  |  |st!   |       /     /        /    _______    /      /         /    |
  |  |___________________________________//________ ________________ _   |
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               _ .__  ___  . _        _\      .__ _ ._ _  _
              (_)|-    | ¡-|(/_  (\_)(/_\/\/  |- (_)| (_ (/_

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        :     .-----------------------\/-.                               ...
        :.....|.....                     |         ..........    .....   :.:
        _.____|____:___: · d z a i n · __|_______  :........:    :   :
         |         · __|___________   /          \ .......... ___:..::
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       dto/e^d|.   :........            .|         :......:::  :   \__________\
              |::.. .      :      . ...::|                     :
              `------------:-------------'                     :

    a n d   y o u   t h o u g h t   g o d s   d i d n ' t   e x i s t   ?

        __   .      __   _          _                         .   _
       ( -. (  \_/ (_/_ (_     \_/ (_) (_)    /\ (_ (_    )--) ) (_
        ¯¯'             __)     /            /¯ \                __)

                \_____  _____     \  .   \
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                     ·  t  H  i  R  d    e  D  i  T  i  O  n  ·

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        \  ¬\/   /  .---.           /\ __ ____  ____
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          l____!    ¯   | ¬\\\//\/     \\// \    T ¯¯  (e)D¡T¡ON III   |
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            |       ¯¯        l____\  (_)|     \         - ¯ ¯ ¯ -     |
            `--( xCz )-----.   .---------l______\----------------------'
                           |   l____
                                   l__                                      ¡
                                     | your favorite guru is back for the   |
        _                            | third time! didn't I told ya that    |
       (y)-.                         | i wasn't another lazy, dumb asc2-    |
        ¯.-'                         | student? nope, here is the principal |
         ¦  _                        | of asc2, your own leetle professor   |
         `-(u)-.                     | in the subject, ready to provide you |
            ¯  ¦                     | with even more high-class asc2!      |
             .-'_                    |                                      |
             `-(m)---.               | this time in this compendium formed  |
                ¯ .--'               | as a non-ordinary asc2-collection    |
                  ¦ _                | simply named like the sound you'll   |
                  `(m)--.            | bark up from your throat when you    |
                    ¯.--'            | suprised and euphoric find that this |
                  .--'  _            | file have been ul:ed to your private |
                  `----(y)--.        | favorite support bbs. and what will  |
                     .-.¯.--'        | that sound b like? gnnnh?            |
                     ¦ `-' _         |                    umpfh?            |
                     `----(!)        |                    arrgh?            |
                           ¯         |                    chunk?            |
                                     |                    wroal?            |
                                     | no way butt-munch, of coz it'll be   |
                                     | exactly like this! yummy!            |
                                     |                    yummy!            |
                                     |                    yummy!            |
  _   _    _   ___    __  _     _    |                    yummy!            |
 ·¾· ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾. ¾¾¾¾`¾¾. .¾¾'   |                    yummy!            |
  _  ¾¾¾¾.¾¾¾   `¾¾¾ ¾¾   `¾¾.¾¾'    | so, way mon! lets go on, shall we?   |
 ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾`¾¾¾¾   .¾¾¾ ¾¾¯   `¾¾¾'     |                                      |
 ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ `¾¾¾.¾¾¾¾¾' ¾¾¾¾¾.¾¾`¾¾.    |                       / $LAß\dZA¡N   |
 ¾¾¾                     .¾¾' `¾¾.   l______________________________________!
       |     i n d e x     | xCz
_ _____!¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯!_____ __ _
\\\__                         __//_///                     _  ___
    |                         |                 _æøæ,_  ¸æ¤³°¤¤4Øæ,
    | xOR.................... | 1             ,Ø° __¬¶_æ³       ¬VØø
    | dZAiN.................. | 2          __æV  Ø°4, Ø'  ___     0Ø
    | dELiGhT................ | 3        _ØØØØ#  #_,²J¹  æ°"°4,   IØ
    | dESOtO................. | 4       ÁØ""ØØØþ_____ØL  #__,ع   ØØ
    | tEStURE................ | 5      JØF  Øس°°0ØØØØØ_  ¬~~    JØ#
    | mULTiJUNiORs........... | 6      ØØ1  ¶Ø_  ,Ø°¤ØØØØæ______øØØØ,
    | rOYAL.................. | 7      #Ø1   °#ØØ#   ØØØØØØØØØØØد¬ØQ
    | v-cUt.................. | 8      ¬ØN     `¢Ø&æØØØØØØØØØØØØ`  ØW
    | iNtERChANGe............ | 9       ¤Øb       °¢ØØØØØØØØØس   JØØ
    | pHROPhETs hOLd......... | o        `Øæ         ¬`°°°°"    _dØØ@
    | sERPENt hiLL........... | 1         ¬¢Ø_               __øØØØØ
    | tHREACh................ | 2           0Ø       ¸___,øøØØØØØس
    | mF!.................... | 3           VØL_   _øØØØØØØØØØØز  xCz
    | i, mE & mYSELf......... | 4           ¬ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØؤ³°
    | sLAb................... | 5            ¬ØØØØØØØ°
    | iNVASiOn............... | 6              °^°°¯
    | eXtCEZEt............... | 7
    | 'nUFf!................. | 8
    |                         |

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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 1          rEQUEStEd bY: xOr/amriotz  T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Xor        pHUNkY sOUNd: gRRRHGMm!    |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 2          rEQUEStEd bY: xClUZiWe     T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Dza¡n      pHUNkY sOUNd: wHAKkA!      |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

                            ·          ·
                ·           _\_        _\_
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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 3          rEQUEStEd bY: agressor     T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Delight    pHUNkY sOUNd: uMMhYmM.     |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

             ·                                           ·        ·
  _ __ _______\_ _         ·        ·         ·         _:_____ _/_      ·
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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 4          rEQUEStEd bY: Desoto/splat T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Desoto     pHUNkY sOUNd: ePPGhhF...   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

  _ __ _______\_ _         ·            ·       ·             ·
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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 5          rEQUEStEd bY: cYbERHAMSTa  T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Testure    pHUNkY sOUNd: tJUPPgHf.    |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 6          rEQUEStEd bY: technoman    T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: MultiJun.  pHUNkY sOUNd: rAAWHl!      |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

         /\   _/
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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 7          rEQUEStEd bY: c¡truz       T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Royal      pHUNkY sOUNd: gOgOgOOh!    |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 8          rEQUEStEd bY: V-cUT        T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: V-Cut      pHUNkY sOUNd: aSSSWiiPE!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 9          rEQUEStEd bY: pRiNCiP      T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Int.Change pHUNkY sOUNd: iHHiEEShC!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 1o         rEQUEStEd bY: [-nERo-]     T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Phro. Hold pHUNkY sOUNd: fALLOs!      |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 11         rEQUEStEd bY: eZCo         T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Ser. Hill  pHUNkY sOUNd: wHYY¥YSh!    |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :
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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 12         rEQUEStEd bY: tREACH       T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Treach     pHUNkY sOUNd: sLAAAAAAb!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 13         rEQUEStEd bY: xCz          T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: mF!        pHUNkY sOUNd: iKLUSCHiVe!  |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
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 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 14         rEQUEStEd bY:              T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: I, Me & My pHUNkY sOUNd: iMPHQNCoOl!  |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

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   (__)      /\   ·                  ·            _ /__       _ /___/_______/
   / ¬\    _/ _\   \_         ·       \_           /  /   _____/   /______/
  /    \  (_) ¬\\  /\________/_      _/\    ____  /  /___/____/__ /  ¬\ T
 /__  __\_/_____\\/_ \______/__     (_)_\   \  ¬\/  /___/___/   ¬\  ___\'
  `----' \       \/   \___/   ¬\_ & /  ¬\\  /\__  _/_____¬\    ___\--'
          ·      _l____\    ___(_) /_____\\/_ \l__!     '_/-----'  \
                  : `--------'            \/   \ `-------' $LAß     ·
                  .                        l____\_ _

  ________                     __
 / ______¬\_.--------._________\/___________________________          _____
 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 15         rEQUEStEd bY: sLABBiEr     T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Slab       pHUNkY sOUNd: tUDdiLOUE!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

                                                 \_ _
                                                 /\ __
          __ _______             ·         ·    /  \\/         ·
          \//___ __¬\_________ _/_______ _/___ / __ \___________\_ _
           (____¯____) ________/__       /__\//  `/  \__________ \
            T`°/ \°'T____________¬\     /  ¬\/   /    \      `/  /__
           _l_(_ _)_l_         /   \   /     \  /      \______)  \\/
          l_¯ ¯`-'¯ ¯_j__________ _/__________\/        \______ _/_
           `---------'            /           /          \ __   /
                                 ·        _ _/____________\\/  ·
                                            /              \ $LAß
                                           /                ·
  ________                     __
 / ______¬\_.--------._________\/___________________________          _____
 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 16         rEQUEStEd bY: mFM          T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Invasion   pHUNkY sOUNd: dFLUMkZkA!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

        ·                           \_          ·
        _\_____    ·            ____/\_________/_      ·          ·
          \___/_____\_ __ ___  /   /  \ ______/_____ _/____________\_ __
          /  ¬\  __  \  ¬Y  ¬\/   / __ \_______¬\____/   __ ¬\  __  \  ¬¡
         /     \   \  \  |       /  `/  \    /   \  ¬\   `/   \   \  \  |
        /       \   \    |      /   /    \        \   \        \   \    |
       /_       _\_ _\   |_____/___/      \_______/   _\_ ___ _/____\   |
        `-------' \   \__!_ _     /        \   `------' \     / $LAß_\__!
                   ·     :       /          \            ·   ·        \
                         .  _ __/____________\ _                       ·
                               /              \
                              /                ·

  ________                     __
 / ______¬\_.--------._________\/___________________________          _____
 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 17         rEQUEStEd bY: dZA¡NEr      T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: Extcezet   pHUNkY sOUNd: wHAKKADiA!   |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

     ·        __ /      /
     _\_______\//      /   ·                                            ·
       \     ¬\/      /___/_         ·          ·        ·         __ _/_
__ _____\            /   /________ _/________ _/______ _/_________/   /__
\// __  /_          /  ____/__ ____/__   __   /______  /_   __   /_ ____/__
 /  \' / ¬\         \   \    ¬\ \    ¬\  \'  / ¬\  '  / ¬\  \'  / ¬\ \    ¬\
/ ____/    \         \         \       \ ___/    \   /    \ ___/    \       \
\_ _________\ /\      \______ _/________\_ _______\_ ______\_ _______\____ _/
 \    /      //\\_ ____\      /          \         \        \         $LAß //\
  ·  /      / ¯¯ \           ·            ·         ·        ·            · ¯¯
 _ _/______/      ·
  ________                     __
 / ______¬\_.--------._________\/___________________________          _____
 \ C.)C·) / | yUMMy! |         \/                          `-( $LAß )-'___/
 /__(,,)__\ l_ ______! lOGO nMMr: 18         rEQUEStEd bY: sLABBiESt    T
 \_\____/_/   \/       lOGO sAYs: 'Nuff!     pHUNkY sOUNd: tHiEANd!     |
  l_`--'_l_______________________________________________________ ____ _¦__ _
   `----'                                                               :

                    ·                  ·         ·               ·
            __.______\ _         .___ _:_      _ _\_____________/_
            \/|    _  \_____.____|     |___________\______     /
              |    ¬\  \   ¬|   ¬|     |  _______/_______/    /
              |      \  \   |    ¯     |  ____/   ____/______/
              l_______\  \  |__________!___T_ _____T_________\ _
                       \____!_ _           :           $LAß   \
                            :              .                   ·

                     y o u   h a v e   o b s e r v e d

                                   t h e

       .         .          .
      /l___   _ _:_________/l______
     _\___ \_   _l__._  \_\__ __   \
   __\____  /  /    l/  _/   \//    \
  /     '   \_/     /    \_  _/      \
 /__________ /_____/______/__ _/\_ __/         /\
          .\/        .        /  \     __     /  \      .        /\
   ©nUp! /l_____   _/l____  _/    \___/__\___/    \_  _/l____  _/  \
       __\_____/.__\ __   \ \_____\___ ______/_____/__\ __   \_\ __ \ _ ____
      /   .__/--'   \//    \j      ¡/ \/   \j      |   \//    \ \/ \ \    _/
    _/    l/        _/      \      l_       \_     l_    \     \    \     |
    \_______ _ _/\  _ _ ____/_______/________/______/__________/____|\____|_
                  \/                                                      :
                                        t H i R d     e D i T i O n

                                 f r o m

 _ __/\_____________/\______ _ __ __/\______________/\____________
 ____      _________       / ___ __________       _________       \
  __\_____      \_/       /_______/       ¬       /       ¬     __/
 /       /       /       /       /       /       /       /       \ -sLAb!
/_______        /_______        /_______/       /_______         /_
_ ____________ /______________ /______________ /_______________ /_/
-bIS!        \/              \/              \/               \/

      a n d   y o u   t h o u g h t   g o d s   d i d n ' t   e x i s t ?

              w h i c h   w a s   g i v e n   t o   y o u

                  w i t h   t h e   f o l l o w i n g

             a m i e x p r e s s   a d v e r t i s m e n t

  .-( dZAiN aSC2! )-. ______________  .--.
.-'       .......   `/             ¬\-'  `-.
`--.  ..:::::::::::./  yUMMY! $LAß!  \     |
 .-'  l_____·______!\_ ______________/    .'
 ¦   C·_¬(.)_(·)¯_/  / /     _  _ .  ·tHE·`.
 `-. T |  ¯ ,)¯ _ \  \/   \/(/ (_ ¦  ·3Rd· |
.--' | `-^----^-' /   __  /  ¯¯__).  ·fRO· |
| .-.l___________/  .-\/--.    .---. $LAß! |
`-' `-.-------------' xCz `----'   `-------'

                      _                              _
          _ __ ____  /`------------------------------'\  ____ __ _
          \\\_\\__ \/  iF U LiKE tHE aSC2 uSEd aBOVe,  \/ __//_///
                 \__\  tHEN pLEASE rEAd tHiS cAREfUL.  /__/

 just felt that i had to say something. well, if you like my style,
 then dont! because it's acctually totally made by xcluziwe/dzain, so like
 him instead! sorry, but this little 'fake' was made because that we
 should introduce me, and i wasn't 'dry enough behind my ears' yet, so
 xcluziwe and I thought it was a good idea to combine his new style with
 the fact that I was about to be introduced, so could xcluziwe check out
 what the audience thought about his new works too. so, the style is his,
 but just to show you all how i draw myself, check this out!

                     _______  ____________    ______     __                  .
                 __ /_     ¬\/_ ¬\ _     ¬\  /_    ¬\   /_¬\ __
   .------------=\///       //   /\\       \//  __   \ //   \\/=-----.
   ¦              /  ______/    / /        /    /    //      \       ¦
   `------------=/        \    / /  __    /         / \      /=------'
_ __ ________ ___\______  /   / /   /         __  _/   \    /______ __ _
         __ //               /_/ ___          /    \    \__//__
         \///           /         /    /           /    / ¬\\\/
  _ __ ___//___________/\________/____/\__________/$LAß \__//____ __ _

 that's my own style and that is what you should like if you are a true
 slabbier^fan with feeling for the right stuff! so if you like the style
 used in this small collection better, then contact xcluziwe (xCz) for
 further information. i know that this aint important, because xcluziwe
 and I live next to eachother and spend alot of time together so we
 really don't bother small incidents like this one, and we hope you
 wont either! thanx for paying attention to this information.

                                                          / x^$ · dZA¡N

          i t ' s  a l l   h e r e   a n d   g i v e n   t o   y o u

              f r o m   t h e   n e w  g a n g   o f   g o d s ,

          p r o f e s s o r s   a n d   g u r u s   o f   a s c 1 + 1

               w h o   t h o u g h t   i t   w a s   s m a r t

                    t o   c a l l   t h e m s e l f   a s

                |              d  z  a  i  n                ||
   ____________/\__________________/\________________________!____  ____/\
  /        _     \_________       /        _     \____  ____/     \|      \
 /       __/      \       _______/       ___)      \  \/  /        \       \
 \                /      /       \        |        /\    /      \          /
  \____________  /________________\_______|_______/  \  /_______|\________/
               \/                                     \/[V-c!]
     d Z A ¡ N  ||_                                          |  d Z A ¡ N

_________ ___ __ _                                          _ __ ___ __________
        //  // ///-----.                              .-----\\\ \\  \\
       //  // ///      ¦  g E T T i N g  c L O S E r  ¦      \\\ \\  \\
______//__//_///-------'                              `-------\\\ \\__\\_______

                                            /              ¬\
                                  ._____.  / u dont want it  \
                                  (_____) /  2 end? then      \
                                  l(°\°)! \  read it all over /
                                  / .¯ _j /  again, nutty!   /
        _____________________  /\ \____/  \/\_______________/
       /                    ¬\/ /  `--'xCz
      /  or you could always   /
      \  request some new art..\ ____
       \_______________________//   ¬¡
                                ¯¯T  |
                                  |  |
                                 _!  l_
                                 \   ./
                                  \ _!_ _

 __                                                                      __

   rEACh mE aT:    _  .                __  .__
                  (__ l__ /\ /\/\ /\/\(_/_ |
                 ____)   /¯ \    \    \    `             +46(8)sLAbiShERE!

                  _    __ ____     |_  __  _   __
                 ( \/ (__) |  /\   l_)(_/_( \/(_/_
                           ` /¯ \                        +46(8)sLAbiShERE!

                 . _   ____ __  .__ _        _   __  __
                 |( \/  |  (_/_ |  (__(--)/\( \/( -.(_/_
                 `      `       `        /¯ \    ¯¯|     +46(8)sLAbiShERE!

                                                uSiNG: [%]÷( $LAß! )÷[%]

                                                wHY mAkE iT eASY? :)
 __                                                                      __

 _______________________________________________________________________ _/_ _
 mA¡N aZK¡ bY: ...................... $LAß/dZA¡N
 gUESt aZK¡ bY: ..................... (iN oRdEr oF aPPERANCe - sEE b^LOW)
 pROdUCEd fOR: ...................... dZA¡N
 rELEASEd aT: ....................... o5.3o (eUROPEAn) - 1995. - 22.oO.Oo
 nAME: .............................. dZAiN-yM.tXt
 s¡ZE: .............................. 47oOo (gETTiNg 1k biGGEr tHAn eVER :)
 L¡NEs: ............................. 993
 eD¡TOr: ............................ cYGNUSEd 3.o (3.1+ rEALLy sUCKs)
 pROdUCE t¡ME: ...................... 5 dAYs
 aLL $LAß pROdUCT¡ONs: .............. dZAiN-yA.tXt (95.o4.28 - 18.oO.Oo)
                                      dZAiN-2!.tXt (95.o5.o8 - 18.oO.Oo)
                                      dZAiN-yM.tXt (95.o5.3o - 22.oO.Oo)
 _______________________________________________________________________ _\_ _

         _________ _____ ___ _________\  \____ ____ _______
     .-/\\_____   ¡     T   ¡   -  \  _\  \_ _¡_ _/ \_____ \-------.
     | ¯¯    l____!-----l___!---l___\__\___\__!___\   / ___/_ __   |
     |                                               /_______\\/   |
     |   i n   o r d e r  o f  a p p e a r e n c e :               |
     |                                                             |
      b-coz: ........................ xClUZiWe
      slab: ......................... stRAtOS
      dzain: ........................ dESOTO
      3rd edition: .................. viEt cONg
      yummy: ........................ xClUZiWe
      index: ........................ xClUZiWe
      black frog: ................... xClUZiWe
      slab: ......................... bISCROK
      3rd edition: .................. nUp
      file_id: ...................... xClUZiWe
      dzain: ........................ V-cUT
      4th edition: .................. uMAn
     |                                                      __     |

       ·            ·          ·    ·           ·           ·            ·
  _ ____\_ ________/________ _/______\_ _____ _/_________ _/____________/_
    ____ \________/__________/_______ \_______/___________/____________/
      `\  \____/    ¬\________¬\  `/  /____/    ¬\ \        ¬\   T
       /  /           \     /   \ /__/            \           \  |
  _ ___\  \____________\_ ______/ ¦_ ______________\_ _________\ ¦
        \  \$LAß        \    `----'                 \        `---:- -
         \  \            ·                           ·           .
          \__\_ _         fUtURE iS tODAY. sO i fORGOt
              \           tHEM >tOTALLY< iNACtiVE aZKI
               ·          aRtiSTS aND iNCLUDEd tHEESe,  sORRy, bUt wHY gREEt
                          aWESOMe, aND >aCtiVE< gURUS!  pEOPLe  wHO  qUiTTEd
                                        ¯¯¯¯¯¯          dRAWiNg  aSC2   mORE
      pERhAPs tHE oLd oNEs                              tHAN  2  yEARs  aGO?
      wAS  gOOd tHEn,  bUt                                       ¯¯¯¯¯
      wE  liVE tODAy aNd I  I wOULdN't sAY  tHAt oLd
      pREfER  tHE  aSC2 oF  sTYLERs wAs bAd, bUt tHe
      tHE    lAtE    '90s!  aSC2 sCENe aCCTUALLy hAS  aNd wHY bOtHEr  tO hOPe
             ¯¯¯¯           iMPROVEd aNd wHAt wE sEE  tHAt tHEy'LL  sEE  yOUR
                            tOdAY iS fAR bETTEr tHAN  gREEtS?  iF  yOU  gREEt
                            oLD   89/9o/g1/92-wORkS.  aCtiVE   aRtiSTs    yOU
                            ¯¯¯                       kNOw  tHEY'LL  rEAd iT!
      sO,  yOU  wHO  sHOULd
      fEEL aPPRiCiAtEd aRE:

 terminal silence -÷- your wild!-collection was the most advanced azki i've
                      ever seen. this is what askii is all about. and the
                      may-issue was good too, but why so small?
 grimlock         -÷- two extremly good coolections recently, and your men
                      are almost in the same class as xcz's, really awesome!
 fatal            -÷- active now hah? good ascii!
 desoto           -÷- improvements on your dot-askii, you still are the best
                      dots-artist, no doubt about it.
 stash            -÷- nice ascii, with a very own 'tag'.
 zorro            -÷- digital grafitti, as far as i've only seen top ascii.
 mephisto         -÷- you and zorro really are great artists.
 crusader         -÷- nice ascii, you sure know how
 nup!             -÷- nice ascii, various styles refreshes the collections.
 chromebasher     -÷- good ascii, like the weirda design on the collections.
 biscrok          -÷- nice ascii, your style is really smooth and nice.
 treach           -÷- really awesome ascii! maybe the most appreciated
                      right now? good anyhow!
 karma            -÷- nice ascii, with an attitude, or message, really nice.
 snuffy           -÷- nice ascii, you and ts could do heavenly ascii together.
 mogue            -÷- here is one active azki-guru. always here for us.
                      too bad you left the scene, but you sure did leave some
                      nice memories for us to look at for the future.
 stezotehic       -÷- always welldone works and nice design.
 stylez           -÷- new or? anyway, you recently gave me the most positive
                      view of the future of ascii, awesome work!
 gozz             -÷- your new style is much better than the old one.
 zeus             -÷- i hate to say it, but your old style was way better.
 dual             -÷- your first collection showed that you are talented.
 czar             -÷- cool! two really awesome new collections, and your
                      style is defintly great!

 diFFERENt  tHiNGS   aRE:

 harpoon, juan, skize, tbm, gravedancer, v-cut.

                               tHESE miGHt  nOT bE aLL tHE  aCtiVE aRtiSTs
                               oF tODAY, bUT tHEY sTANd fOR wHAt I cONSiDEr
                               iS bEiNG >gOOD< >aCTiVE< aNd >oF tOdAY<.

                               wATCh oUt! tHiS LiSt wiLL fOR sURe bE uP-
                               dATEd aS sOON aS tHEm gOOd aRTiSTs sHOw
                               uP oNCe aGAiN. kEEP oN dRAWiNg!

                                                          / dZA¡N'g5! (x^$)

                         _   __  __           .
                        (__ (_/_(_/_  \_//\   |(\_) .
                        ___)           /  ¯\        ·

                               - f O u R T h -
    ________    _______   ___    _______ _____    ________      ._________
.__/  __   /_._/  _._  \_(___)__/   _   \_.___)__/   _._  \_____|        /
|    _____/  |     |/   \_     \_   /     |     \_   \|    \_   \       /
|     \      |     /     /      /  /______|      /    \     / uMn\aC!  /

                         __      ___   _   __  __
                        (__)(__) |    (__ (__)(__)(\_)
                              . ___       _  __  __
                       _  /\/ | |  (--)  /| (/_)(/_) o/
                        \/                |          /°
                              __                 ___
                         (\_)(_/_\/\  _   /\ (\_))__)
                                    \/   / ¯\
                                (__)\/\  _(\_)
                             _  ___     .    __  .
                            (__ |   \_/ l__ (_/_ |
                            ___)     /           .

                 .----÷----( bBS^fUKKAz! )-÷-\/--- --  -    -
                           \ /


       \  |  /
        \   /           ________ ______ ______
         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
-  - -----+----------------\  \  \      \  \__/_-------------------------.
         /|\ [ 27-Jul-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
   )   _  \)  \  \)  _  \)  \)   __\)   _ \   )  _  \)   _ \) ___/_)  _  \
   \   \__/\   \  \   \  \   \   \__\   \  \  \   \  \   \  \____  \  \__/_
    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]