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'@@@@@b ,@@@@@@` V*@P@@@@b*W2WW@,g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@! !@@@@@b W@@@@@! !@M@@@W '~TXVY@@@@@@@@@@@@Af~V**M@P@[ !@@@@@i @@@@@P 8K@@@@ *T8W_~@@@@@@!@@*~ ~Vf V@@@@W i@@@@A ,@@@[V` A*@~@sW@@@*\A M@@@@ @@@@@! !@A*L_m,s '`g@@@@@bmA '@@@@i ]@@@@@ g@WYf~~MW[ ]@@@W@@@@W Y@@@W d@@@@[ ' ~Ym. @@@@@@@@f !@@@@i @@@@@` ,@! d@@@@f` M@@@b @@@@@ W!_m@@@A` .----------------------. ]@@@@. ______/_ dtW@@@@f : e.F.F.E.C.T. : !@@@@[ __.\ /___ ______/_ iW*@@@@@ : m.A.D. : @@@@[ \____________\ /_______ iA Y@@@[ : m.O.[l].E.N, : @@@@b |_____ Ź\ ______/___________/_ : sTOER & nUTTELOOS : Y@@@@ sCf/______\_____/ Ź\ ______/\ `----------------------' K@@@! .------------------/______\______ _/ \-----------------------------. @@@@@ : /_______\ >> +31-[0]30-6067278 << : @@@@ : tHIS aREA'S fASTEST ___________ ___________ ______/_ : .!@@@ : pC sCENE cONFERENCE! / __ Ź\_________ Ź\\ __/_____ : @@@@' : /_____________\______ \______ Ź\_______:____/_ : aMI ^ aSCII ^ /X /______\______ \ ______/\ : rEQ ^ sFX ^ gFX ^ mORE /______\______ _/ \ `------------------------------------------------------------------/_______\ Y@@@@@. i@@@@A` V@@@@W. ............................ i@@@@A V@@@@W. : pARTY sTUFF 2X : ,@@@@A V@@@@W. : cEWL hARDCORE mODULES 2X : ,@@@@f '@@@@@. : cEWL aSCII pACKS 2X : ,@@@@f 'M@@@@s : oWN gROUP sTUFF 3X : g@@@A` 'M@@@W `............................' ,W@@@f VM@@Ws g@@@A` V@@@@s ,g@@@A` VM@@@m_ ,m@@@A` 'V*@@@m_. ,gW@@*f` '~V*@Ws. _m@**~~ /\ /__\ Ż||Ż .--------------------. l`---' adds above please! | ŻŻŻŻT | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . /\: /__!__ _ ____________ _ __ _______ / Ą\ \ / __ ___ Ź\___________/ ' \______ _\ / \ \_______ / _ \_____ĄŹ \ / \ \ ______/__ Ź\ \ Ź\ \ / / /__________\___\ \___/__\ \ / _ _ ____/ $LAß \ \ \ / \____\ \/ a n d y o u t h o u g h t g o d s d i d n ' t x i s t ! ? /\ / \ ________________ / \ /Ż /\ / \ / they do, and / // \ / one of them / // $LAß \ / presents: / // \ /_______________/ // $LAßߥER \ \_______________\// \ __ / $LAßߥEST! \ __ \// \\/ / \ / \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻTŻŻŻ -÷(95.o4.28)÷- `------. Ś aLMOSt rELEASEd .---' oN tHe 1sT oF | mAY, bUT nO wAY! .--^--. i'M gONNa pARTy |$LAß!| tHEn! tHATs iT! `-----' . _____________ /\: / __________/_________ / _!__ _ __ ____\____________ Ź\ / / Ą\__________________ __ _ _ / // / \ /ŻŻŻT/ : \________ ___//_/// ///_//______________________/ / Ś \ Ź\ ŻT T `------------'. \ _ ) Ś Ś /::::... \ Ź \ | : /::::::::::....\ T \ | ˇ :. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ_ ____/ | : :::. T Ś Ś :::::. xCz 'g5! Ś_____: _ _ __|__ _____________________________________:__ _ : `--' `--. Ś `--' `---' slab,slabbier,slabbiest is my first tribute to the world of asç2. it's a small collection of some logos draw just because of the fact that everyone else draws them! hehe, everyone hopes that the big names would use just their logos hah? well, i don't hope, i DEMAND you included persons/groups in here to use my stuff! DEMAND, ok? DEMAND!! haha, and now then, who am i? i'm $LAß! and this is the comparation of my name, slab,slabbier,slabbiest! so, be a slab and watch my art! and u! if u damn even think about resign/remove my art with yar ugly handle, think twice or suffer! that the rule of today! ... Ś $LAß - 95! .------------------------------' dZAiN: Ś (slab) .-------------. `--. . |xClUZiWeˇ$LAß| _ _:_______:_ _ `-------------' | | wANNA jOiN? tRY tO! hAHa! | index | |_______| ._________________________________________________________________________. | | | ...............................................................prestige | | ................................................................artcore | | ....................................................mul7ijuniors jungle | | ....................................................................xcz | | ....................................................................m7j | | ...................................................................tyko | | ...................................................................fury | | ................................................................request | | ...............................................................mortuary | | ................................................................arclite | |_________________________________________________________________________| ' ` ________ \ Ź\______________________________________ _________________ \ \___ Ź\_______/___ _____/___________/_! ____/________/___ /_______/ \ \____/ Ź\________Ź\ Ź\ Ź\ \ Ź\____/ Ź\ / \ / / \ ' \ \ \ \___ \ \ / \ _ ____\ \____________\________/___/ \____\ ˇ__________\ / ˇ \ \ / ˇ \ $LAß ˇ \__\ ˇ ˇ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ prestige __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' __ /\ __________ _______ ________ \// \ _ ____/ ____ /_ __/ _ Ź\ _ ____/ ______/____ __ / \ __ Ź\ ŹT \ /____/__ ` \ __ Ź\ _______/ Ź\\/ / _ \ / / | \// Ź\ \ / / \ \ / / \_ \ \ | / \ \ \ \ \ /____/\ __) \__l______________\______/__\ \______________\ \ \ \__\ __ \__\ __ $LAß \____\ \/ \/ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ artcore __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' _/\ ___________ _______ ____ _____________/\ _ ____________________ | \\ /\_ I _/ Ą__Ą_______Ą___/--\ __ I _/ \\__ ___/ ˇ ` . ) ___/__ l___\\// ______| ` !____!______!______/______l___\\ ____!_____/ _ \----- / \/---' `-----' \_! `---\_\ŻŻŻŻŻ _____________/\ __________ ________ .--\ __ I _/ \\__` __/ Ą_ ____Ą l_______l_________\\ \_ T ` Ą __/__ \_TŻŻŻ`-'----'-----'$LAß ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ mul7ijuniors jungle __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' /\ ____ __________ //\\ __ ____ / /_ ___\_______ /_ // \\ \/ \ Ź\/ / ___/__ / Ź\/__ \\ /\ /\ / \ / Ź\ / \\/ \\//\\__ __ _ __//\\ / \ / \ \ \/ \___ __ _ _ (__/ \\/_____/\ \__________\_______\ \\// \\ \ \ $LAß // \/ \\__\ \ __ ____// `---\_____\\/-----' ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ xcz __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' _ ___ .-..-. /\ \ __(___).-. | |`-'/\ __ /\___________\___\ \| | | | / \\\/// \______________Ą /`-' | | / \\// \__!.------.\ /.--. `-'`--+--\/-----' `------' \/ `+-' $LAß ! m u l t i j u n i o r s ! _ __:_________________________! . ˇ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ m7j __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' _ _ _ _ ______/\ /\___ _________ _ _ \____\_\/_/ Źl/ / ˇ Ź\ !__ l__l___, \_____/ \__\$LAß ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ tyko __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' ___ ____ _ _ _ ________ ______\ Ź\/ / ______/ I Ź\___ \_ _/ ___/_______/ / /___!$LAß - --' - --\ \ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ fury __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' _______ __ _______ __________ _ _ ______/______/___\/______/ I Ź\_________/_________/_____________ _ ___ Ź\ __/ Ź\/ _ Ź\ \_______/_____________Ź\________/ \ \ \ ` \ \ __/ Ź\ ' \ Ź\ / /___________\___ __/________/___________\__________/ \ _ ___\ \$LAß \_ \ \ ˇ \ \ ˇ ˇ ˇ \ ˇ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ request __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' /\ /\ _//\\ //\\ /\ ___ / ) \\ __ /\ __________//__\\____ ___//\\______\ Ź\/ / \\ \///\\ / _ Ź\_____Ź\______/I Ź\ ŻŻ Ź\____ \_ _/ // // /\\/\ ` \ / / Ź| \ Ź \ / /' | // // / \/\\_____/___\ \__!________/ T___/__\ \___! // //_/ \\ // \ \ \\// `--' \\ \ \ // // \\ // \_\ \/ \\ \_\ // Ż \\// $LAß \\ // \/ \\ // \\ // \\// \/ ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ mortuary __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' __ /\ \// \ ____ ____ ________ / \_______/ _/_____!____Ą____/_______/___ / _ \_____Ź\ / Ź\ _/__ Ź\______/ __/ Ź\ __ / Ź\ \ / /______\ \ Ź\__\ Ź|_____________\\/ /______\ \__\ \ _ __ ______\_ __!$LAß \ \ \_\ \___\ a R c L i T e ! ____ __ __ ____ \_ \_/\----\/----------------------------------------------\/----/\_/ _/ T __ $LAߡ$LAßߥERˇ$LAßߥESt! ÷ arclite __ T `----\/----------------------------------------------------------\/----' _ __ _______________ __ ___________ my stuff: _ _ ________ /________\/Ą _ Ź\_ ŹĄ _ ___ ____\ /__Ź\_ _/__Ś Ź | l_ __ 1. dZAiN-yA.tXt \/ ' / | Ź\ T | ,\\/ 2. ?xXx?-?×.tXt __ ____________/ ` ___\_| Ś_____/ T `---------' `----' T$LAß `--------( was here 95! )----' said, told and heard in the 1995's... seems to be a wonderful year, dont u think? well, even more wonderful for some few, coz they are about to be greeted! plebs: where are you? i really miss your tips for pc games! no fanatic playing anymore? cutter/znake: my little matie! playing piano and i the drums! xcluziwe: i really do have u to thank for this colly, it's acctually 1o*1o% xCz ware (well, 9*9%, the greets are mine) if anyone asks, just testing some new styles, but dont tell anyone! crady: lucky me, having yar family (mob hah?) as teachers! wiiie! gĺrn' staff: i kinda love ya for letting me use yar nice drums when i make all my ordinary noice! ummm, kisses to all najz girls at the local hang-out-for-cool's place! and now some group opinions: pro^arts: nice group, lots of members, nother europe friendship! you are cool! and some really awesome releases! art^core: the legendary staff! theese artist are handpicked by the best, so they oughta be something special, and some of them really are! you live up to yar name! keep on doing that! you are cool! arclite: dead 'til recently? four releases in a row, the first for mounths! well, nice to see that this old kick-ass-staff is online again! neutron: umm, gravedancer is cool, really, you are good! and finally the amiga/pc opinons: amiga: long file-scans containing 99% of SMALL utulities (40% worth a leech, 35% of the leeched stuff is crap) and no games at all. pc: long file-scans containing 99% of games, not that many, but THAT fucking big! 12+ disks! in HD, umm, well, cd-rips and music-patchs might be cool, if u own a deka in hd-space! do u? didn't think so! well, so who cares leeching it? ... traders! but do they play the games then? nop, they dont have time/hd-space. so finally: both scenes kinda suck. we'll hope that the amiga-scene will survive with escom behind the wheel.. or will it? well, one kind of future is ahead of us, anyway.. now, here is mr.fileid: @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _ ____ /\ ________ /\ _ __ _ Ź\_______/ \______\ // \ \ \____ /__ \___!Ź \ // \ $LAß \ \ __/ Ź\ \ Ź\ \ \ // $LAß \ __ aSÇ2 / /________\ \_/__\ // ---- \\/ _ _ _____/ \__\ \// $LAßßEr! \ _ and u thought _ / $LAßߥESt! \ (_) gods dĄdn't exĄst? (_) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ bye mr.fileid! see ya in next leech! .----------------------------. thats it, small and `----------------------------' effective! only 17ooo bytes! .----------------------------. aint it amazing what | name: dZAiN-yA.tXt | they could do with `----------------------------' technics today? $LAß / dZAĄN .----------------------. .----' adds beneath please! | _|TŻŻŻT | \ŻŻ/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \/ [][ˇTˇRˇYˇˇTˇHˇIˇSˇˇOˇNˇEˇˇFˇRˇEˇAˇKˇSˇ][] . . .| [ T ˇ H ˇ E O ˇ A ˇ s ˇ E ] `--------------.|| |___ __________||`-------------..-----------------------------------------. |`---------.| | || dlt | | || | || ----------------------------------------' | || | _______|| ---------------------------------------' `----------'`-| / |`---------/-----------------------------'(__ .------`---.--------' / / / .---------.| l | (________/__________________ / / | || _ .--|-----------------------------------.| _/ / | l || | | | uPLOADER: aSCII |||/ / `---------'| | | | lOCATiON: [!- hEAVEN -!] ||| _________/__ `-| `--|------------------------------------'|____________/ `--------' `-----------' ťˇ eFFECT eQUAL hQ ^ mO[l]EN, WhQ ^ sTOER & nUTTELOOS eUROPEAN hQ ˇŤ ťˇ tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ˇŤ ťˇ eUROPE'S bIGGEST sTRIPPED aSCII aND /X cONFERENCE ˇŤ ťˇ aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ˇŤ ťˇ aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ˇŤ ťˇ +31-[0}-306067278 ˇŤ [][ˇTˇRˇYˇˇTˇHˇIˇSˇˇOˇNˇEˇˇFˇRˇEˇAˇKˇSˇ][]