
       \  |  /
        \   /           ________ ______ ______
         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
-  - -----+----------------\  \  \      \  \__/_-------------------------.
         /|\ [ 01-Sep-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
   )   _  \)  \  \)  _  \)  \)   __\)   _ \   )  _  \)   _ \) ___/_)  _  \
   \   \__/\   \  \   \  \   \   \__\   \  \  \   \  \   \  \____  \  \__/_
    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |

|________  ______/\_______   ___/\__________
|  _____ \_\__  / ____/  /__/__/ ____/ ____/
:  /     /    _/  /__/  /  /  // /  / __/_ :
  /__/  /__/__/____ /____ /__/. /_ /____ / |
Sk¡n/___ /        \/    \/  /___ /     \/  |
|------\/---> P r e s e n t s <\/----------|
| Heaven&Hell,or the End of a Young Life.--'
       Green Eyed Monster /ArcLite!     o

         Dedicated to my Friend: NiGht AsSASsiN (You're the Best!)

 .   ..tHE aNSI pSYCHOs aRE BACK wITH:     .           .
 :  _________  ____________ ___________ ___|_ _________|___________________
 | /    .    \|     _     /    .      /    |_______    |_     __    _     /
 |/     |_    \     /   _/     |_____/     |     _/    |/     |/    _)___/
_/      _/     \_   \    \_    |     \_    |     \_   _/     _/     |    \_
\_______l_______/   |\____/___________/___________/   \______\____________/
 `----------- l_____; -------------------------\_______|--------------sc--->                         

            another -monsta! collection called:  heaven & hell.

                                  .                   .
                                  |\                  |\ 
                                  | \_                | \_ 
            _____   _____   _____ |   |_______  _____ |   |_____
          _/     \_/  _  \_/  ._/_|   _/   __/_/  ._/_|   _/  _/_
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   _|__|   |   |   |____  \_
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |___|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   .----- |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ------.
   |      ¯\_____/¯\_____/|   |___|___|\_____/|   |___|___|\_____/¯       |
   |                      |___|÷e÷            |___|                       |
   |                                                                      |
   |  o1. Anthrox       o2. Censor        o3. Cream         o4. Elitendo  |
   |  o5. Magic         o6. Napalm        o7. Nightfall     o8. Paradox   |
   |  o9. Premiere      1o. Prestige      11. SkidRow       12. Smile     |
   |  13. Sneakers                        r1. Sunflex       r2. Mirage    |
   |                                                                      |
   `----------------------------------------------------( Heaven&Hell )---'

    .                                           .
o1--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Anthrox (atx)
    ·                                           ·

        ___ ___  ______|_ |__ _____ _____ __/---/
     ·// __\   \| \_   _| |  |  _  \  _  \ /  _/
    ///  _/ \ \ \  |   |     |  / _/_ /  / \  \_
    //___\   \_\___|___|__|  |__\___/___/  /____|

    .                                           .
o2--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Censor (cen)
    ·                                           ·
      ______ _________  __  ____ _____ _____
      \  __/_   ___/  \|  |/ __/_ __  \ __  \
      /  /   |  _/_| \ \  |\___  \ /  /  / _/_
      \______|_____|  \___|___/__/___/|__\___/

    .                                           .
o3--|-------------------------------------------|-----> C.r.e.a.m. (cre)
    ·                                           ·
      ______ _____ _________  __  __
      \  __/_ __  \  ___/ __\/  \/  \ Prestige
      /  /   | / _/_ _/_  _/ \  \/   \ Console
      \______|_\___/____|_\   \_||    \_ Division

    .                                           .
o4--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Elitendo (/)
    ·                                           ·
      ________   _______ _______  __ ____ _____
      \  ___/ |_(___   _| ___/  \|  |___ \ __  \
     //  _/_  /  / |   |  _/_| \ \  |  /  \ /  //
    \\\_____|___/  |___|_____|  \___|_____/___///

    .                                           .
o5--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Magic (magic)
    ·                                           ·
        __  __  ____  _________  ____
     _//  \/  \/ ___\/  __(_  _)) __/_
     _/   \/   \  _/ \  \__ |  |  /   |   # xX
    |_____||    \_\   \_____|  |______|

    .                                           .
o6--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Napalm (npm)
    ·                                           ·
        ___  __ ___ __________ ___  __  __
       __  \|  | __\   __  /__\   |/__\/  \
        | \ \  | _/ \  /__/ _/ \  /  /\/   \
        |  \___|_\   \__|/__\   \___/_||    \

    .                                           .
o7--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Nightfall (n!)
    ·                                           ·

    ___  __ __ ____ __| _|____ ______ ___ ___
    _  \|  |_ )) _/_  | \_   _| ___/_\   |___|___
    | \ \  |  |  \_ |    |   |  _/ _/ \  /  //  /
    |  \___|  |_____| |__|___|__|__\   \___/___/

    .                                           .
o8--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Paradox (pdx)
    ·                                           ·

      _________ ______  ___ _____ _____ __/---/
      _  __  /_\  __  \/ __\ ___ \ __  \ /  _/
      |  /__/_/ \  / _/_ _/ \  /  \ /  / \  \_
      |___|__\   \_\___/_\   \____/___/  /____|

    .                                           .
o9--|-------------------------------------------|------> Premiere (pr)
    ·                                           ·
    ____________ _______  __ _ __________ ______
    _  __  / _  \  ___/ \/ (\_)) ___/ _  \  ___/
    |  /__/  / _/_ _//  \/ | \| __/_| / _/_ _/_
    |___| |__\___/______|| |__\_____|_\___/____|

   .                                            .
1o-|--------------------------------------------|-----> Prestige (psg)
   ·                                            ·
    ____________ ___________________ _____ _____
   _   __  / _  \ ____/  __/__   _/_)) __/. ___/
    |. /__/  / _/_ _/_\___   \   |  /  \_ | _/_
    :|__| |__\___/_______/___/___|  |_____|____|

    .                                           .
11--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Skid Row (sr)
    ·                                           ·
      _____ ___ /_____ ____  ______ _\-_--| ____
    //  __/_   /   /__)___ \_   _  \ _  \ ||   /
    .\___   \ \   /   |  /  \|  / _/_/  / /\  //
    |___/___/__\___|  |_____/|__\___/__/__/\_///

    .                                           .
12--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Smile (s!)
    ·                                           ·
       _______ ___  ___ _____ ___  _ _________
      /   ___/_   \/   \___ _)   |_____  ____/
      \____    \  \/    \    |   /    /  __/__
          /____/__||   |_\___|_______/________|

    .                                           .
13--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Sneakers (snk)
    ·                                           ·
     _______  __ _______ ___ /___________  ____
    /  __/_ \|  | ___/__\   /  / ___/ _  \/ __/_
    \___   \ \  | _/_ _/ \ \  /  _/_| / _/\___  \
       /___/\___|____|\   \_\__|____|_\______/__/

    .           Requested Special's!            .
r1--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Sunflex
    ·                                           ·

     _ _______  __ __  __ ______  _________/---/
     //  __/_ \|  |  \|  |  ___/|_)_ __\  /  _/
     _\___   \ |  |   \  |  _/  /  / _//  \  \_
     \   /___/____|  \___|__|_____/_____| /____|
        >>> Special for GOLDMAN/Sunflex! <<<

    .                                           .
r2--|-------------------------------------------|-----> Mirage
    ·                                           ·
        __  __ ____ ______  _____ ______ _______
       /  \/  \__ _)  __  \/  __ \   __/_   ___/
     _/   \/   \   |   / _/_  _/  \  \__ |  _/__
    |_____||  |_\__|___\___/__\    \_____|______|
         >>> Special for jAKE /Mirage! <<<

_ _ ________________________. _ _____________________ _ _ 
   _ _________ ¬\_          |
     |   /___/___/____      | Heaven & Hell:
     |  / \__  _____ ¬\_    |
     | /   /   /   /___/_  _| Produced, Programmed by:
     |/   /   /  ___/__  \/¬\_  __ _
     /____  _/   /   /  __   ///                      tha Monsta! /arclite.
     |  /__(/   /   /   /   / Recorded & Mixed at:
     |     /____  _/   /   /|
     |        /__(/   /   / |                    Maximum Rock'n Roll¤, Ger.
     |           /___/  _/  | Support:
     !______________/  (_)__|       Wu-Tang Clan        (Enter The Wu-Tang)
     :              \  /kRm         Ol'Dirty Bastard     (The Return to...)
     ·               \/             The Method Man                  (Tical)
                                    Shyheim        (a/k/a The Rugged Child)
     ¤ The Hit Factory!             Channel Life                  (Mad-Izm)
                                    FunkMaster Flex   (Nuthin' but Flavour)
                                    Gravediggaz            (6 feet deep EP)
                                    Shaq O'Neal/The RZA+Meth      (No Hook)
                                    Reakwon                 (Heaven & Hell)

                     Greetings to Jesus Christ and GOD.

             Bloody Kisses to Sonja, Demi, Juliette and Steffi

        Bloody Greetings to Exocet, RedSkin, Shapechanger and Karma

    Special Greetings to those who kicked My Ass Again and Again. Thanx

     To those Who are NOT mentioned here: I NEVER forget You! One Love

   I would like to THANK those who did their Best on a small BBS which is
   located somewhere in Germany.   I apprecite it and I will NEVER forget
   S          o           m          e          o           n           e

                                   _ ___      __      ___ _
     sEx , mUrDer ... aRt!             /____ /\_\ ____\
        _____             _________         _____                _________|_
     ___\   o\   /\______/· ______/___     /_____\______/\______/·   ____/|
    /   /\   \\_/___  _ //  /____/   /____/       \ _      o _ //   ____/
 _|/___________\  |/  //________/   /    /_________\/       \\/_______ /
  |          /____/   /        /_______ /          /__________\ Sk¡n \/
                  \___\               \/                             /___ _

 (  eXoCet  -+-  g.E.m.  -+-  kArMa  -+-  sY-KlOnE  -+-  DaNzIg  -+-  dHm  )

 ( Death Row .................. World! Hq ............. +1-United-Badlands )

 ( The Mansion ................ Europe Hq ............. +44-Rainy-Kingdom! )

 ( The White Room ............. Sweden Hq ............. +46-IceCold-Sweden )

 ( The Watch Tower ............ Norway Hq ............. +47-Windy-Norway!! )

 (    And Don't forget to Call My Friend's "No Vegetables" - ArtCore Hq    )

                 _  Green Eyed Monsta of Arclite (c)1995  :                 
            _   (_)                                   _ __|__ _             
           (_)    ________________                /\      |\                
             _   /\_______________\______________/ /\    /:/\               
_ _________ (_) / /o              /______________\/  \  / / o\ ___________ _
               / //    __________/______         /    \/ /   \\             
            : / /.     \/       /.     /________/   .  \/     .\   _        
        _ __|/ /       /       //     _____/__\/     \          \ (_)       
            |\/______________ /      /        /_______\  /_______\    _     
            :               \/______________ /         \/  Sk¡n  _   (_)    
                                           \/                   (_)         

                                                          Org.Length: 13.ooo

       \  |  /
        \   /           ________ ______ ______
         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
-  - -----+----------------\  \  \      \  \__/_-------------------------.
         /|\ [ 01-Sep-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
   )   _  \)  \  \)  _  \)  \)   __\)   _ \   )  _  \)   _ \) ___/_)  _  \
   \   \__/\   \  \   \  \   \   \__\   \  \  \   \  \   \  \____  \  \__/_
    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |
[][·aLL tHE hARD oNES dIED ^ aND tHE cEWL oNE sURVIVED·][]

                                                          ·: pUNICA oASE! :·