------------------------- strip all above ------------------------------------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _____. __________. __________. __ _____ / |_/ __ |_/ __ | \// / | || / || / | / / | || || | / /__ |____/¯|__________/¯|__________/¯ \___/ \/ .-----------------------------------------. : 1oo% Anscii Design : : -* T h E S W e E T C O U r S E *- : : Ascii-Donations/-Requests By Miracle : `-----------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ....... _ : : _ _______/ \ : : ___/ \ \ /_ : __:___ __\ _/_ \______/ \: \__ \/ ____/_ / / \ \ / . / /\ / ---------------------/______/|---/_____/--\_______/-------------------- _ ________: :_ _ _ ___/ \ \ : ___/ \ ___/ \ _______/ \ / __/______\ :__\ _/_ __\ _/_ __\ / __\___ \ : ____/_/ ____/_/ \______/ / / /\ \ \ \ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ \ \____ / \__/\___/: \___:___/ \_______/ \______\ _ \___/ : : _ _ ___/ \ _______ /:\____: _____ ___/ \ ___/ \ _/ ___/____/ _ \____\ :___\ \_ / __/_____\ _/_ / \ / \ : \_ / _\___ ____/_ \ \ : / \/ / \ \ \ /\ /\ : / /\ / ----\_______/--\_______/--\_______/:---/ /\___ /--\_______/--- : :nD \_____/ \___/ : : :.....: . .. ............................................. ___ : /\ \: / \__\ \ / / \/__/: ....... : : : : :.....:...........: : : I love these dots! :).......:...... ............ .....................:......: : : : : : : : : :....................: : : : : : : : ......:..........: :.......: : : : : : : : : : : _____ __ : \ // ...................\/......................................:........... \// ... : : : : : Hey.. ! Welcome to this little addendum called "The Sweet Course" ! In this : : piece of art (hopefully, hehe) I included ASCIIs, that were not ready to be : : released in the last 1oo%-ANSCII Big Pack "Full Moon" (released about half : : a year ago ;]) I think that should be enough introduction for I guess the : : reason why you look at collections are not the texts but the ASCII-pieces. : : : : Ehrmm.. just one thing to say: If you write me (for requests or for any : : other reason) write to the following address (not to the older one): : : : : <miracle@p-lost.franken.de> : : .. : : >o@< Miracle/1oo% : : \/ : :..........jl..................................../\...........................: Coming up in no strict order.. .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o1 \\ read> CrenShAw .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ____________ __________ _________ ___ _\ / _ / _ / \_____ ........................ | |_____/ /____/ /_____/ _\ \_ _ : |__________________|___________________\_____//// _____________ -=------------------------------------------------- -- - \ / : ________ _____ _______________\ / :..................... / ____/___ | _ /\ / _ _\___ \ _ _ _/ \ /mrc \\\\____________/____|_______|_______/\ \ /1oo% - -- ---------------------------------------\___/---=- .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o2 \\ read> MRP .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: . ___ - M R P - ............... . _/ _ \ ______________ __________ ....:.. : .... | \ \/ _ _ / __ / :...: : :.:..: | \ / |____/ /_____/ . :..... |_____\/_______| |_______|mrc .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o3 \\ read> SavE Our SouLs .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ____________ \ / ______ _________\ /____________ / __/_____ _ \ / _ / . ... ........ _\___ \ _ \ / /_____/_ ...... |____________/_____|_______ /______________/ : <-------------------------- \/ ---------------> : _______ : ________________| /_____________ : _\ _ | / _ / : .................. | | | \ /_____/ .... . : : |________________________________| : : <----------------------------------> . .. .......: : _______ : ______ _______________| /_________ _______ : / __/_____ _ | / /____/ __/______ : _\___ \ | | \ / \___ \mrc/. : |____________/_________________________________________________/1oo%: : <----------------------------------------------------------------> . :..... ... . .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o4 \\ read> TRue RomaNce .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ___ ______ _| |_____ _________ ___| /____________ ................ \_ _ / _ / | / _ / : | /___/ /____/ | \ /_____/_ : [tRUE rOMANCE] |_____|________\ _________________________/ [x! gERMAN hQ] : : : mASTERmiNDs: kOSjER D · fsHARP 7 · sTEEL · dEStiNY . rUNNiNG witH /X 4.12 oN 4 nODES · bOTH diGitAL aND iSDN . ___ ·]- aMiGA · cONSOLE · cOMMODORE 64 · aMieX -[· : ___________ _______/ _ \ ________________ ___________ ___________ : _\ _ / _ \ \/ _ _ \______/ / _ / : | /____/ | \ / _ _\ |_____/ /_____/_ .. |______\ ________________\/_______|_________\____________________________/mrc .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o5 \\ read> XcluZiwe .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: . .... ....... ................................ _______ : _____ ______ _____________ ______ | / : _\ | | / /_______| / : ·X C L U Z I W E · | _ -. |_____/ / | \ : |_____| |__________________________________\__ :............. `------' __\_____________ : . .. ................:........ . . \ / :... . . : _______........_____\ /____________ : _____\__ /: : /\ / _ / : \ ___/_: : _/ \ / /______/_ : \__________:......:_____/\ \ _______________/ : \___/mrc/1oo% :................ . .. . .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o6 \\ read> KeKs DesIgn .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ _________ _\ / / _ /_\ / // ____/____ _ __ ..... | / / /_____/ / /_\___ / \_@::::: |____\ \ ________________\____\ _____________ _ \_._ ;.\:: \____\ / _/:: . . . . _(___. |:: . - k E K s d E S i G n - .. .. . 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O . o . _______ ___ \ .. . o . o O . : / / \ _______\ |_____ ________ _: :_____ _________ __________ __| / / \ \/ _ \| / ___/__\_ _ / _ / _ / | / / \ / \ \___ \| /___/ /_____/ /_____/ | / /_______\/_________ _______________/|_____| _________________|_______ : _/mrc (==============>/____\<===========================================>/___._\<==) \ . .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> o9 \\ read> VErbal VeRbatiM .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ______ _______/ . ... ................... \ _______ : \ ___________ ___________ \________________________ : \ _ / _ / _ _ /______ : \ /______/ /____/ / _ / : \ __________________| ____________________|_________________ _ : \ / : \/ · v e r B a l v e R b a t I m · :.. . . ______ _______ mrc/ \ _____ ____ ...... ___ 1oo% \ __________ __________ \___________ _| |______: :_/ \ __ __ \ _ / _ / _ _ \_ _ /: : \ \/ \ /_____/ /____/ / _ /____/ : : \ / \ ________________| ______________|__________________: :______\/____ _ \ / : \/ :...... . .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 1o \\ read> DiGital DungeONs .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: __.. : ____ _____/ : :__________ ....._| |______ _______________ _\ _ . . _______ \_ _ / _ /____ | / : \ | : /____/ _ / \_ |_________.. :___ |.. :________________|________________/mrc : : `------' : : : -digiTal- < <--<------ : : ----------------------------------------------->--> > ___ .. .. -duNgeoNs- _____/ .....: :____ _____________________ __________ _______ _\ _ : : : \____/ ______ _ / _ \____/ ___/__ | / : : : _\ \ | /____/ | _\ \___ \ |_________:. .:_____\_______ |_______________________\_____________/ :.......: `-----' .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 11 \\ read> PaRAdise LoSt .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: .... . . .... ....................... . ____ :.::::::::::::::::::::::::: ___________ _______________ _____________/ |_____ _____ _______________ _\ __ / _ _ / _ _ | / __/_____ _ / | /____/ _ /_____/ _ / | \__ \ /_____/_ |______|______|________| ______|_______________|_______________ /__________/ <----------------------. . . .. .................... - ----------' . . .:..:.::::::: ____ ::::: - -- -------. _______ ___________ _____ _| |______ .----------------' _\ /____/ _ / __/______\_ _ / `-------. | / | \__ \ /____/. .-----------' mrc|___________________________________/_______| ..: `-------------------------------------------------> . .. . .........::: . :.. .. ::.:::::: .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 12 \\ read> AuRora BOrealis .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: . . ........ . .......... .. . ___________: : :____________ ___________________ _________ . _\ _ : : : _ / _ _ / _ /_ . | _ : : /_____/ | /_____/ _ | : |_____|_____`.........'_______\ __________________\ _______|_____|mrc : : . ___ . ... .............................. ........: . | \____________________ _________ ___________ : : _____ : | _ _ _ / _ / _ /__: :/ __/_____ : | / | /____/ /____/ _ / : :\____ \ : |___________________\ ________________|__________:. . :___________/ :..................................... .. . . :...... . . .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 13 \\ read> THe CrYpt .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ____ _| |_____ ___ ________________ \_ _ / | _ / ......... | /___/ _ /_____/___ ........... ..: |______| ______|_________________/ :... : _______ : : : / ____ : : ____________ ___________ __| /__________ |______ : ...: _\ / _ / | / __ / _ / :... :.... | |_____/ /_____/ | / /_____/ /____/ .....: |__________________\ ______ __/_______| mrc _____| /_____\ .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 14 \\ read> Ill ComMunicatIon .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: ........_______ ______ : : /____/ /_______ _ - I l L - . .. ................. : : / / //// : :......:_______________________//// - C o m M u n i c A t i o n - . . . . ___ ___ ....... : : ____________ _________/ _ \ _____/ \ _____: :...... . : _ _\ / _ \ \/ _ \ \/ _ : : : ___ : \\\\ |_____/ | \ / \ / : : __/ : \\\\__________________________\/__________\/ `...........' . : /_________ _ _ . : : . ___ : _____ .......___________ _______ _| |______ ......___________ . _\ \_____: : / _ \ _ /. : _ \_______ _ | _\ : : |____/ _ /____/ : : | _\ /// |______\____:.....:_______________|___________ mrc :.....:____________\____/// .... ... ...... ..... .... .... ..: : ....... . . __ _________ :______________:_________________:________ _____: _:__ ___ __ \ \\ \\ :\ \\ \\: \\ \\ \\ \ \\ no> 15 \\ read> DaN's HouSe .\\ \\ \: \\ \\ \\ /_//________//_______________________________://_______//_____/:___//__//_// : : ........ :..:... . ... ...: ...... ... ..... : : :..: ....: . . .......... w e l C o m e i N .......... . . ___ _ _____/ |___________ //_____ _\ _ _ \______/ __/______ _____________ _________ ____ ___ __ | / _ _\ \__ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ |______________|_______\_________________//____________//________//___//__//_// mrc ____ ____: |________...... _____ _ ____________ ___ _____ ___________ \ | ! _ : :...../ __/_______ _ / // // // // _ | : : :\__ \ /_____/__ \\__\\____\\__________\\____|_____________: :_____________/___________/ `:.......:' .... : : ...............:..: . ......... it's all over now, my baby blue! :) : : : : : : ......... .. . :.I wish.all.of.you.a:merry christmas.and.a.happy new year! :.........: (Release Date: Dec., 24th, 1997) GREETINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- L.o.g. · Skull · TigerEnte · Qwert · Kosjer D · vOUCK! (tnx for the ascii!) Seek · Seppz · Hardball · and so on, sorry if I forgot YOU :) and of course to all my pals in 1oo% and the whole CoCoNet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- signing off... _ /_______________ / /_| /| |¯ ________ | | _____ / / ___ : _______ ______ ______ ___ _____ _ \ _\// /__\_/__ ___\ /__\ / \ / /____ _\ __/_____ /__\ \/ /_ /_ /_____/ / /_ _/_ \ /_ _/ / _ /________\ ______\ _____\ _________\ _____\ _______\ ____________\ m i R A C L E / 1 o o % : : \| __|_ _\ ______________\ |.vK^aLT \ CONTACT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUS Verbal Verbatim (Veg) +61-7-3396-4054 [v.34] <sgamble@verbal.apana.org.au> GER Aurora Borealis (Neurodancer) +49-8621-64260 [v.34+/x.75] <neurodancer@timewarp.insider.org> Dan's House (Count Dan) +49-341-6882350 [v.34] Digital Dungeons (Fate) +49-6192-910718 [v.34+] <fate@iname.com> Paradise Lost (Devil) +49-9131-66661 [v.34] <devil@p-lost.franken.de> The Crypt (Hellhound) +49-6102-328626 [v.34] +49-6102-328726 [v.34+] +49-6102-733403 [x.75] USA: Ill Communication (Adolescent) +1-310-329-2283 [v.34+] <add@pacbell.net> +1-310-329-2591 [v.34+] WWW: http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~mics/1oo FREQ: Request "1oo" at Aurora Borealis for a listing of freq'able files. Do NOT add our addresses to any mailing list without express written permission. Unsolicited commercial email will be proofread at our consulting rate of $75/hour, 4 hour minimum. - b a r i n g a n y s e n s e - ------------------------------- strip all below ------------------------------