                |                   |
                |                   | you have come for knowledge.
                | nEurodAncer /     | there will be pain.
                |            / 1oo% | you have come for joy.
                |___________________| there will be knowledge.
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   :
                |.                 __.
                |:           ____ |  |    ____
                ||          |  _ \|  |__._\ _/
                |:          |__/  |  _  |  __>
                |.             |  |  /  |  \  |
                :              |__|__)  |\____|        __
               ___   ___   _ __ ____ |  |    ____ ____ \  .____
              .\_ \./  /_.) )  |\ _/_|  |__|/ _  |  _ \.\_|\ _/_:
              |    |\__  |___  |  \  |  _  |  /  |__/  |  |  \  |
              | \__|  /  |  /  |     |  /  |     |  |  |  |     |
              |__| |____/|____/Ž\____|__\__|____/nD |__|__|\____|
       ____  ____   ____\  .____  _____ ____   ____ __ __ __  ____ ____
      .\_  \ \_  \  \_ / \_:  _ \ \  _/|   /  / _  |  \  \  |_\ _/ \_  \
      |  _ <.  _ <./ _  |  |  /  |   _/| _/__.  /  |   \  \ |  __>.  _ <.
      |  /  | /   |  /  |  | /   |  |  | \   |     |  _/ _/ |  \  | /   |
      |_____|_\___|____/|__|_\___|__|  |_____|____/'\_______|\____|_\___|
                :                   :
                |   <the ascii part of my "full moon" works>
                |                   :
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                :                   |
      Yello. This is the promised ascii part of the work released in our
     "Full Moon" ISO/IBM package - due to capital lazyness it took longer
    than expected to bundle up this piece of cake, but here it is, finally.
                :                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                :                   |
                .                   |
                .     /\            .                 /\
                     /  \      /\                    /  \
                    /    \  /\/  \  /\      /\  /\/\/    \  /\
             /\/\/\/      \/  \  / /  \    /  \/  \/      \/  \
_ ________/\/  \/  \       \  /\/\/    \/\/    \  /       /    \/\/\/\_______ _
          \/\  /    \       \/  \/     /  \     \/\      /      \/  \/\
             \/\    /       /    \     \  /     /  \     \      /\  /\/
                \  /       /\    /\    /\/\    /\  /\    /\    /  \/
                 \/\      /  \  /  \  /\/  \  /  \/  \  /  \  /\  /
                  \/\    /    \/    \/      \/        \/\  /\/  \/
                     \  /                                \/

                 This collection lacks any so called "design"
              (or shows it in a form that makes everyone shudder)
                        This collection lacks an index
             This collection lacks the real ascii spirit (define!)
                 This collection's sole purpose is to release
                    the shown ascii art <?> to the public.
            Thats what it looks like if an ignorant bastard like me
                        is trying to make ascii art. :)

                                 I understand.

                    <click above to confirm the aforesaid>
                   <stupiiiid, did you really click now?!?>


                      /\                              /\
                     /  \      /\                    /  \
                    /    \  /\/  \  /\      /\  /\/\/    \  /\
             /\/\/\/      \/  \  / /  \    /  \/  \/      \/  \
_ ________/\/  \/  \       \  /\/\/    \/\/    \  /       /    \/\/\/\_______ _
          \/\  /    \       \/  \/     /  \     \/\      /      \/  \/\
             \/\    /       /    \     \  /     /  \     \      /\  /\/
                \  /       /\    /\    /\/\    /\  /\    /\    /  \/
                 \/\      /  \  /  \  /\/  \  /  \/  \  /  \  /\  /
                . \/\    /    \/    \/      \/        \/\  /\/  \/
                :    \  /           .                    \/
                |     \/            :
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                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                :                   |
      Obwohl der bestaendige Schatten unabwendbaren Todes ueber jedem Tag
     aufragen mag, koennen die Freuden des lebens so schoen und tief sein,
             dass das staunende Herz beinah' zu schlagen aufhoert.
                :                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |
                |                   |

____________________________________miscellaneous respects & requests__.-/\-.__
                       ___. ___   ___  \ | _.
                      _\  |/  /_./ _/_._\|_\|
        _____ _     _/ _  |\__  |  \  |  |  |
    .   \           |  \  |  /  |     |  |  | iSsue #xx
   _:____\          |_    |     |\____|__|  |
    :     ·         ` \__/'\___/`        |__|                        :
    :                                  __:                           :
    :           ___    ___   __ .____ |  |_  __.  .____              :
    :         _/ _/_. _\  |__\ \| _  \|  _/_|  |_ | _  \_      ·_____:_
    `         |  \  |/ _  |  __/| \  /|  \  |  _/_| \  /|       \    :
              |     |  \  |  \  |  \/ |     |  \  |  \/ |  _ ____\   '
              |_    |_    |     |\____|\____|     |\____|
                \___| \__/|\____|nD         `\____|

                             ______   .
                     ___     \    /  -|
                   _/ _/__    \  / |  |_   ____:____   ___
                   |  \  |_____\/___  _/__/    |    \./  /_.
                   |           /\  /  \  |  \  | /   |\__  |
              1oo% |     ·    /nD\/      |     | \__/|  /  |
_ _________________`\____|\  /_____`\____|____/|  |__|     |_________________ _
                         ' \/            `     |  ·  |____/'

            _______ |     |       ______     ______     _______   _________
      ______\___  Ž\|     |      _\____ \_.__\____ \_. _\  ___/ ._\ __     |
      \        /    |    _|____./Ŋ  __   Ž|Ŋ     /  Ž|/   ___/__|   \______|
       \      /     |    \    Ž|     /    |     /    |    \     |      \
        \     \____/|_    \    |    /     |    /     |_         |_      \
         \    nD      \________|---/_____/Ž---/_____/Ž \_______/Ŋ \______\
           \                    _____.      (·
            \          ______  |     |        _______.  ______    _________
             \         \__  Ž\_|     |    .___\      |__\____ \_._\ __    Ŋ|
      phd ghq \          __  _/|    _|____|Ŋ   \     |Ŋ     /  Ž|   \______|
      mono ghq \         \    \|    \    Ŋ|     \    |     /    |      \
 back2basix ghq \     _        |_    \    |_         |    /     |_      \
 interactive ghq \.---\_______/Ž \________| \_______/Ž---/_____/Ŋ \______\

         ._____                   __.             ._____             __.
    ____ |    /  ____. ___ .____ |  |_        ___ |    /  ____. ___ |  |_
   |  _ \|   /   \__ |_\_ \| _  \|  _/_     ._\_ \|   / ._\   |_\_ \|  _/_.
   | /   | _/__./    |  /  | \  /|  \  |    |  / <| _/__|  \  |  /  |  \  |
   | \___| \   |  /  | /   |  \/ |     |    |  \  | \   |     | /   |     |
___|   \nD\____|_/   |-\___|\____|____/'____|     |\____|\____|-\___|____/'____
   |___/        /___/      '                |____/'

   ___    ___. ____.____     ____  ____:_____.   ___   ____  ____|    /  ___
  /  /_. _\  |_\   | _  \  ./    |_\   | _   |  /  /_./    |_\   |   /  /  /_.
 _\__  |/ _  |  \  | \  /. |  \  |  \  | \___| _\__  |  \  |  \  | _/__.\__  |
 |  /  |  \  |    /|  \/ | |     |     |   \   |  /  |     |     | \   |  /  |
=|     |_    |___/ `\____|=|____/'\____|____\==|     |\___/'\____|__   |     |=
 |____/` \__/'nD                               |____/'           '  \__|____/'

           ___     ____.
          /  //__  \   |_      ________       _____.____  ___  _____
 .      ._\____  \ _\  _//____\\ ___  / _____\\__ Ž|    //   //    /     .
·ũ----- |     /   \    \      |  \   /__\       /  |    /    /    / -----ũ·
 :      |___       \_____     |___\     Ž\_________|_____________/       :
 :          \_______\    \____|nD  \______\                              :
 :                    ____.                          ___                 :
 :                   |    |  ________  ___________. /  //__              :
 :             ______|__  |_\\___    \/   _____   |_\____  \             :
 :             \       // |     /     \       /   |     /   \            :
 :              \       __|\__________/\_____/    |___       \           :
 :               \_____/                 //______/`   \_______\          :
 :                                                                       :
 :                                                                       :
 `                                                                       '

                  |  |_   ____.____ _ __ _ ___ .____   ___
                  |  _/_./    |    \\\\//// _/_|    \./  /_
                  |  \  |  \  | /   |    |  \  | /   |\__  |
         1oo% =T= |     |     | \___| __ |     | \___|  /  | by Anti-g
_ _:______________`\____|____/|   \ __\/_`\____|   \_|____/'_______________:_ _
   |                    `     |___/            |___/                       |
   | tHis nOde's CPS rEcord by...                                          |
   | nEurodAncer  ... aChieving 4638 cps @ 33600 bps, U/L'ing abc-defg.txt |
   | Baby-Boo     ... achiEviNg 3329 cps @ 26400 bps, D/L'ing zyx-ponm.zip |
   | syStem wiDe CPS reCord by...                                          |
   | gnom!        ... aChieving 7549 cps @ 64000 bps, U/L'ing dum-fuck.rar |
   | puck         ... acHiEving 7387 cps @ 64000 bps, D/L'ing wet-clit.lzx |
   :                                                                       :

                  ________     ______      _______:  _______
                 |       //_._\\__   \_.___\      |_\\  ___/
      .   __     |______/   |    /   _/:    \     |    ___)__.           .
     -ũ---\/----      /     |   /     \           |    \     | ----------ũ-
      :              /      |   \      \          | _        |           :
      :             /_______|----\      \ _______/Ž-\________|           :
      :                           \______\nD                             :
      :                                                                  :
   _______     _______   ___  ___    ______      _____    ______      _______
 ._\___   \_._\\  _  /_._\  \/  /_._\\__   \_.__\\___ \_._\  __//__._\\  ___/
 |    /   _/:     /    :    __    |    __    |      /   |    \     |    ___)__.
 |   /     \           |     /    |     /    |     /    |          |    \     |
 |   \      \          |    /     |    /     |    /     | _        | _        |
 Ž----\      \ _______/Ž---/______|---/_____/Ž---/_____/Ž-\________|-\________|

             :____    _:_____             __:_    ___._
        _ ___|   / ___ |    /  ____.  __  \ | ___    :______ _
       \\\\  |  /./ _/_|   / ._\   |__\ \._\|_\  \   | __  ////
           \     |  \  | _/__|  \  |  __/|  |  \  \  | \  /.
           /    \:     | \   |     |  \  |  |  /  /  |  \/ |
__________/  |   \    _|__   |\____|     |__|\_______|    _|_________
         /___|    \__/ `  \__|      \____|           `\__/ '
             |     \nD


      Die Zukunft bleibt ungewiss, und so soll es sein, denn sie ist die
   Leinwand, auf die wir unsere Sehnsuechte schreiben. Und so wird es sein,
    dass jeder Mensch seiner eigenen, loeeren Leinwand gegenuebersteht. Wir
       besitzen nur diesen Moment, indem wir uns selbst fortgesetzt der
        opferbereiten Gegenwart widmen, die wir teilen und erschaffen.

  ___   ____. ___  \ | ___  ____   ___   ___
._\_ \._\   |/  /_ _\|_\_ \|    \ /  /_ /  /_   word processing, databases,
|  / <|  \  |\__  |  |  /  | \  /.\__  |\__  |  address managers, phonebooks,
|  \  |     |  /  |  | /   |  \/ |  /  |  /  |  reminder... that sorta thing.
|     |\____|     |__|-\___|\____|     |     |_________________________________
|____/'     |____/nD             |____/|____/'


      :_____                   __:
  ___ |    /  ____  ___   ___  \ | ___         ___ .____   ______   ____. ___
./ _/_|   /   \_ /./ _/_./ _/_._\|/ _/_.     ._\_ \| _  \._\_  _ \./    |/ _/_.
|  \  | _/__./ _  |\__  |\__  |  |  \  |     |  /  | \  /|  /  /  |  \  |\__  |
|     | \   |  /  |  /  |  /  |  |     |     |     |  \/ | /  /   |     |  /  |
|     |____/|_/   |     |     |__|     |_____|     |\____|-\__\   |____/|     |
`\____|nD     \__/|____/|____/'  `\____|     |____/'     '     \__|     |____/'

                                   __.              ._____
  ___ .____   ______   ______     |  |_ .____ .____ |    /  ___
./ _/_|    \._\_    \._\_    \.   | __/_|    \|    \|   /  /  /_.
|  \  |  /  |  /  /  |  /  /  |   | \   |  /  |  /  | _/__.\__  |
|     |     | /  /   | /  /   |   |  \  |     |     | \   |  /  |
|     |\____|-\__\___|-\__\___|___`\____|\____|\____|____/|     |______________
`\____|nD                               '     '           |____/'

 ____   ____.____   ____.____ ._\   |____  ____   ___
.\   \. \_  |    \. \_  |    \|  \  |    \|    \ /  /_   gonna make you and
| \_  |/    |__/  |/    |__/  |\__  | /   | \  /_\__  |  your programs see,
|     |  /  | /   |  /  | /   |  /  | \___|  \/ |  /  |  hear and feel...
|____/|_/   | \___|_/   | \___|____/|  |nD`\____|     |________________________
       /___/'      /___/'           |__|        |____/

 _____ \ |____   ____.
.\ __/._\|\__ \_/    |  mailer, tosser, reader,
|   _>|  |  /  |  \  |  tick & hatch programs
|   \ |  |     |     |  and all related tools.
|   / |__|____/|____/'_________________________________________________________

       __._____           \    /        __.         ___
  ____ \ |    / ____       \  /    ___  \ | ___ .__/  /
 _\  _|_\|   / |    \  _____\/___._\  \._\|/  /_| /  /   backup, restore, rdb,
|   __|  | _/__| \  /.      /\  /|  \  |  |\__  |  _ \   directorymanager, all
|   \ |  | \_  |  \/ |·    /  \/ |     |  |  /  | /   \  that kind of things.
|    \|__|_____|_____|_\  /______|____/|__|     |_\    \_______________________
|_____\nD               \/             `  |____/'  \___/

                         __.   __.
  __    ___   ____.____ |  |   \ | ___   ___
./ /__._\_ \  \_  |    \|  |_ ._\|/  /_./  /_  painting programs, fx software,
|     |  _ < /    | /   |  _ \|  |  /  |\__  | converter, viewers, render soft,
|  /  | /   \  /  | \___|  /  |  |     |  /  | fractal exploration and so on...
|_/   |_\    \/   |  |nD|_/   |__|\____|     |_________________________________
  \___|  \___/___/|__|    \___|        |____/

 __.      __.                           __.
 \ | ___ |  |_ .____   ___   ___ .____ |  |_
._\|_\_ \|  _/_|    \:_\_ \._\_ \|    \|  _/_. email, www-browser, tcp/ip,
|  |  /  |  \  | \  /|  _ /|  /  | \  /|  \  | ftp-, irc-clients, robots,
|  | /   |     |  \/ | /  \| /   |  \/ |     | html editors, etc.
|__|-\___|\____|\____|_\   \-\___|\____|\____|_________________________________

             __                        .__
  ___  ____ |  |_    ______. ____._____|  |__
._\_ \| _  \|  _/_._/  /   |/    | _   |  / /
|  /  | \  /|  \  | \  \   |  \  | \___| /  \
| /   |  \/ |     |  \  \  |     |   \ | \   \

       __.      __
 ____  \ | ___ |  |_   ____. ___  ____   __
|    \ _\|/ _/_|  _/_._\   |_\  \|    \ / /__.
| /   |  |  \  |  \  |  \  |  _ <| \  /.\__  |
| \___|  |     |     |     |  /  |  \/ |  /  |
|  |nD|__|_____|_____|\____|_/   |\____|     |_________________________________
|__|                         \___|     |____/

       ____. ___  ____  \ | ___  ____
     ./    |_\_ \|   / ._\|_\_ \|    \  ------------------------------\\------.
.--- |  /  |  /  | _/__|  |  /  | \  /_                                       |
|    !     | /   | \   |  | /   |  \/ |                                       |
|    l____/`-\___l_____|__|-\___|\____|                                       |
|             ___   ____. ___   ____ ____   ___  ____   ___   ___  ____       |
|           ./ _/_./    |_\_ \._\ _/|    \|_\_ \|    \._\_ \./ _/_|    \      |
|           |  \  |  /  |  /  |  __>| \  /!  _ <! \  /!  /  |  \  | \  /.     |
`--//------ |     !     | /   |  |nD!  \/ | /   \  \/ | /   |     |  \/ | ----'
            `\____l____/`-\___l__|  `\____|_\    \____|-\___|\____|\____|

   __.                            ._____
  |  |__  ____.____     ____.____ |    /  ____. ____.____  ____   ___   ___
  | ___/_/    |    \. ._\   |    \|   / ./    | \_  |\   \|    \._\_ \ /  /_.
  | \   |  \  | /   | |  \  | /   | _/__|  \  |/    | \_  | \  /|  _ <_\__  |
  |  \  |     | \___| |     | \___| \   |     |  /  |     |  \/ | /   \  /  |

                             ____. ____|  |_  ____
  is it frEedom to choOse  ._\   |/    |  _/_| _  \
  whAt is nOt a chOice?    |  \  |  \  |  \  | \  /.
                           |    /|     |     |  \/ |  yOur vOte coUnts!
_ _________________________|___/ |____/'\____|\____|nD_______________________ _


          Whatever you feel is truth - is yours and your experience.
                 Which is constantly changing, flowing towards
       nothing or everything to nothing or everything instantly forever.
                             And that's beautiful.
                        Which to me is good right now.

                  <someone I can't remember on goa@party.net>


                      __.            __
  ___   ______   ___  \ |____   ___ |  |_
  \_ \._\_    \._\_ \._\|    \._\_ \|  _/_
./    |  /  /  |  / <|  | \  /|  /  |  \  |  lean back, let if flow, relax
|  /  | /  /   |     |  |  \/ | /   |     |  lay down ...and chill to the max.
|_/   |-\__\___|     |__|\____|_\___|\____|___________________________________
 /___/nD       |____/

             _____       __.             _____       __
  ___   ___ /  _  \ ____|  |__      ___ /  _  \ ____|  |_
._\_ \ _\  \  /   / \_  |  / /    ._\_ \  /   / \_  |  _/_.  drum'n bass, dub,
|  / <|  _ /  \  /_/    |  _ \    |  / <  \  /_/    |  \  |  breakbeat, triphop
|     | /  \   \/ `  /  | /   \   |        \/ `  /  |     |  and jungle modz.
|     |_\   \_______/   |_\    \__|     \_______/   |\____|____________________
|____/'  \__/nD    /___/   \___/  |____/'      /___/'     '

     ........:   :
     :       :...:               __.
     :     ___ : ____. ____.    |  |_   ____  ____. ___   ___  ____
     :   ./ _/_:/    | \_  |    |  _/_./    | \_  |_\_ \./ _/_| _  \
     :...|  \  |  \  |/    | ...|  \  |  \__|/    |  /  |  \  | \  /.
         |  /  |     |  /  | :  |     |  |  |  /  | /   |     |  \/ |
_ _______|_/   |____/|_/   | :  `\____|__|  |_/   |_\___|_____|\____|________ _
           \___|nD     \__/' :      :..       \__/'
                             :......: :
  p s y c h e d e l i a           :...:

        __.         __.                     .____              __.
       |  |_ .____ |  |__   ___   ____.____ |   /   ____. ___  \ | ____.
       |  _/_|    \|  / / ._\_ \./    |    \|  /_ ./    |_\_ \ _\| \_  |
       |  \  | \  /|  _ \ |  /  |  \  | /   |  _ \|  \  |  / <|  |/ _  |
       |     |  \/ | /   \| /   |     | \___|  /  |     |     |  |  /  |
_______`\____|\____|_\    \_\   |____/|   \_|_/   |____/|     |__|_/   |_______
             '        \___/  \__|     |____\nD\___|     |____/     \__/'


                       greetings to all the ones I know:

                      may green be the grass you walk on
                         may blue be the sky above you
                    may pure be the joy that surrounds you
                     may true be the heart that loves you


AUS	Verbal Verbatim (Zerox)			     +61-7-3396-4054 [v.34]

GER	Aurora Borealis (Neurodancer)         +49-8621-64260 [v.34+ & x.75]

	Dan's House (Count Dan)			     +49-341-6882350 [v.34]

	Digital Dungeons (Fate)			    +49-6192-910718 [v.34+]

	Paradise Lost (Devil)			      +49-9131-66661 [v.34]

	The Crypt (Hellhound)			    +49-6102-787975 [v.34+]
                                                     +49-6102-254196 [x.75]

USA:	Ill Communication (Adolescent)		    +1-310-329-2283 [v.34+]
						    +1-310-329-2591 [v.34+]

WWW:	http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~mics/1oo
	http://cnetbbs.home.ml.org (IBrowse: http://home.ml.org/cnetbbs)

FREQ:   Request "1oo" at Aurora Borealis for a listing of freq'able files.


       Lebe, wie du, wenn du stirbst, wuenschen wirst, gelebt zu haben.

  _____.  __________.  __________. __ _____
 /     |_/    __    |_/    __    | \//    /
 |     ||      /    ||      /    |  /    /
 |     ||           ||           | /    /__
 |____/Ŋ|__________/Ŋ|__________/Ŋ \___/ \/
- --------------------------------------- -
             1oo% anScii dEsign
  the psychotic brainflower by nEurodAncer
      aScii rEquest/rEspect/dOnations
- --------------------------------------- -