Win95ColorButton Component v1.11 for Borland Delphi

Copyright © 1996, 1997 InforTech, Inc.
All rights reserved.

  Steven Martins

	E-Mail: infortech@reedcs.com

	Home Page: http://infortech.reedcs.com


  The Win95ColorButton custom control is a Button that was designed 
  specifically for selecting colors.
  The outfit is exactly the same as the color button in Windows 95 
  (see "Display Options" in the Windows Control Panel).
  It provides a simple, yet powerfull way to select colors, without 
  taking to much screen space and allowing the user to know exactly 
  what color is currently selected.

  This component is being distributed as Shareware.  
  This Shareware version will only work while Delphi IDE is running.


  The file INSTALL.WRI contains information on how to install the 
  Win95ColorButton component.

  Complete documentation of the component can be found in W95COLOR.HLP file.

  Please refer to the REGISTER.WRI file for information on register 
  this component.
