         File: mimeswitch_02.zip
       Author: Raphael MOLL (raphael.moll@inforoute.cgs.fr)
      Release: 0.2 (hack, June 20, 1997)
Compatibility: AA-DR9
     Location: contrib/Tracker/add-ons
  Description: Set MIME type of file to default types
        Notes: Resets the MIME type of common files to a common
        	   value. Default rules for conversion is governed by
        	   a mimeswitch.rc file in /boot or /boot/system/settings.
        	   By default, it resets .c, .h, .cpp & .hxx to text/x-mw-source,
        	   .txt and .text to text/plain & .html or .html to text/html.
        	   You can easily modify these rules.