-- Package: xfce4-notes-plugin-0.9.7-i386-1vl4.tgz -- Description: plug-in (a.k.a. "goodie") for xfce4 desktop environment it provides sticky notes for your desktop. You can create, show/hide the notes, edit the titlebar, change the notes background color. -- md5sum: 06f238460fa5224e12fdf06d9bc2ace9 -- Package known to work on VectorLinux versions: 4.0 Download Edition -- Package built using: export CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mcpu=i686" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/xfce4/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/opt/xfce4 make checkinstall -- Dependencies: XFCE4 -- Dependants: -- Modificatons: None -- Notes: <<<< --- -- - - - - - - -- --- >>>> -- Original package: Nov 26, 2003 - UKBill - xfce4-notes-plugin-0.9.7-i386-1vl4.tgz -- ChangeLog: