Ellhniko Oracle Database HOWTO
  Paul Haigh, paul@nailed.demon.co.uk
  v1.0, 10 Martioy 1998

  Enas odhgos gia thn egkatastash kai ru8mish toy Oracle Database Server
  se ena susthma Linux

  Table of Contents

  1. Eisagwgh

     1.1 Istoria Ana8ewrhsewn
     1.2 Pneymatika Dikaiwmata
     1.3 Disclaimer
     1.4 Skopos aytou toy HOWTO
     1.5 Apaithseis
     1.6 Mellontikes Beltiwseis

  2. Egkatastash toy logismikou ths Oracle

     2.1 Proetoimasia toy Server
        2.1.1 Dhmioyrgia enos xrhsth Oracle
     2.2 Egkatastash apo CDROM
     2.3 Ergasies meta thn Egkatastash
        2.3.1 Ergasies gia ton Root
        2.3.2 Ergasies gia ton Oracle
        2.3.3 Pragmata poy mporeite na apomakrunete:

  3. Dhmioyrgia mias Bashs Dedomenwn

     3.1 Dhmioyrgia toy Arxeioy Arxikopoihshs
     3.2 Dhmioyrghste to Script Egkatastashs Bashs Dedomenwn
     3.3 Ektelesh toy Script Egkatastashs Bashs Dedomenwn
     3.4 Ekkinhsh ths Bashs Dedomenwn
     3.5 Stamatwntas thn Bash Dedomenwn
     3.6 Dhmioyrgia enos Proka8orismenoy Xrhsth (Default User)

  4. Ry8miste to SQL*Net toy Server

     4.1 (TT
     4.2 (TT
     4.3 (TT
     4.4 Ekkinhsh kai Termatismos twn Listeners

  5. Ry8miseis Pelath (Client)

     5.1 Pelates Windows
     5.2 Pelates Unix

  6. Aytomato Anebasma (Startup) kai Katebasma (Shutdown)

     6.1 (TT
     6.2 (TT

  7. Alla pragmatakia

     7.1 Intelligent Agent

  8. Eyxaristies / Anagnwriseis

  9. Peri ths Ellhnikhs Metafrashs


  1.  Eisagwgh

  1.1.  Istoria Ana8ewrhsewn

  ·  v0.1 - 21 Febroyarioy 1998 - Paul Haigh - Arxikh Ekdosh

  ·  v0.2 - 01 Martioy 1998 - Paul Haigh - Proste8hkan sxolia gia ta

  ·  v1.0 - 10 Martioy 1998 - Paul Haigh - Dhmosieysh toy sto LDP

  1.2.  Pneymatika Dikaiwmata

  Oracle Database HOWTO copyright (c) 1998, Paul Haigh.

  Opws ola ta keimena Linux HOWTO, mporei na epanaparax8ei kai
  dianemh8ei oloklhro h meros toy, se ka8e meso, fysiko h hlektroniko,
  oso ayth h shmeiwsh peri pneymatikhs idiokthsias diathreitai se ola ta

  H emporikh anadianomh epitrepetai kai en8arrunetai. Parola ayta, o
  syggrafeas 8a h8ele na eidopoih8ei gia tetoies dianomes. Mporeite na
  metafrasete ayto to HOWTO se ka8e glwssa, me thn proupo8esh pws
  afhnete ayth th dhlwsh peri pneymatikhs idiokthsias akeraih kai pws 8a
  pros8esete mia shmeiwsh poy na dhlwnei ton metafrasth toy keimenoy.

  1.3.  Disclaimer

  Enw prospa8hsa na symperilabw thn pio swsth kai prosfath plhroforia
  poy htan dia8esimh se mena, den mporw na eggyh8w pws h xrhsh twn
  plhroforiwn aytou toy keimenoy, den 8a katalhjei se apwleia dedomenwn
  h ejoplismou. DEN PAREXW KAMIA EGGYHSH gia tis plhrofories toy HOWTO
  kai den mporw na 8ewrh8w nomika ypeu8ynos gia o,ti synepeies aporreoyn
  apo thn xrhsh twn plhroforias se ayto to HOWTO.

  1.4.  Skopos aytou toy HOWTO

  Se ayto to HOWTO 8a epixeirhsw na kalucw ta 8emata ths egkatastashs
  kai ths basikhs diaxeirishs mias Bashs Dedomenwn Oracle poy trexei se
  mia mhxanh Linux. Sygkekrimena, 8a kalucw thn egkatastash toy Oracle
  server, th ru8mish toy SQL*Net kai toy client.

  Ayto to keimeno den apotelei ena eis ba8os egxeiridio ths xrhshs kai
  diaxeirishs mias B.D. Oracle, kai an ayto caxnete yparxoyn yperoxa
  biblia gia ayta ta 8emata poy exoyn ekdo8ei apo thn O'Reilly kai

  Den prokeitai na kalucw thn anaptyjh programmatwn se Oracle katw apo
  UNIX.  An ayto einai apolutws anagkaio gia esas, 8a sas proteina na
  agorasete to SCO Developement System ths SCO (me ton OpenServer 5.x),
  poy moy eipan pws mporei na apokth8ei sthn polu logikh timh twn US
  $19, apo thn www.sco.com.

  1.5.  Apaithseis

  Ypo8etw pws exete kapoia stoixeia poy 8a xreiasteite gia na
  akoloy8hsete ayto to HOWTO.
  ·  Oracle Server CD gia ton  SCO Openserver (Version

        Prepei na einai mia nomimh kopia. Na 8ymaste pws h Oracle einai
        mia kerdoskopikh epixeirhsh kai xrewnei gia ta proionta ths. An
        8elete mia dwrean SQL symbath bash dedomenwn xrhsimopoihste thn
        PostgresSQL h kapoia paromoia.

        Einai epishs dynaton na egkatasthsete thn oracle,
        xrhsimopoiwntas mia adeia dokimastikhs xrhshs / ajiologhshs 60
        hmerwn, apo arxeio poy mporeite na katebasete apo to tar web
        site ths Oracle.  Proswpika den to exw dokimasei kai einai
        plhrws anepikurwto.

  ·  Ena Linux Server

        Den 8a to diabazate ayto, ean den eixate. Swsta;

  ·  Pyrhna 2.0.30+

        Den mporw na eggyh8w pws aytes oi odhgies 8a einai akribeis gia
        opoiondhpote allo pyrhna.  (oxi oti eggywmai kai gia ton 2.0.30

  ·  iBCS

        Einai polu shmantiko na to exete egkatasthsei kai na doyleuete
        me thn teleytaia dynath ekdosh toy gia thn platforma sas.
        (Xrhsimopoiw to iBCS-2.0-10.i386.rpm gia Redhat Linux).

  ·  Megalo xwro sto disko

        600 Mb+ einai ena logiko poso.  Einai dynato na egkatasthsete
        kai me ligotero alla 8a xreiastei na kanete kapoies 8ysies, kai
        den moy aresei pote na arxizw etsi. Parola ayta, 8a prospa8hsw
        na ypodeijw ta shmeia ekeina sta opoia mporei na eley8erw8ei

  ·  32Mb+ Ram

        3erw pws akougetai mallon polu, eidikotera gia ta metra toy
        Linux, alla na 8ymaste pws h Oracle einai ena sun8eto kommati
        logismikou.  Den 8a eixate tis idies epifylajeis ean eixate SCO!

        Den isxyrizomai pws h Oracle den doyleuei me ligotero, apla lew
        pws ean einai ligotero apo oti h Oracle synista kai den 8a to

  ·  ¢adeies apo thn Oracle

        3erw pws to exw hdh anaferei, alla 8elw na eimai jeka8aros pws
        ayto to 8ema einai shmantiko.  Xrhsh logismikou ths Oracle xwris
        adeia einai paranomh.

  1.6.  Mellontikes Beltiwseis

  Aytoi einai oi tomeis toy Oracle server poy den kaluptontai se ayto to
  HOWTO.  Parola ayta, an o xronos to epitrecei, 8a epixeirhsw na toys
  balw se epomenes ekdoseis toy HOWTO.

  ·  Anaptyjh programmatwn Oracle Pro* xrhsimopoiwntas biblio8hkes ths

  ·  Egkatastash diaforetikwn ekdosewn toy Oracle server.

  ·  Egkatastash toy Oracle Web Server.

  ·  Pws na kanete relink ton Pyrhna ths Oracle.

  2.  Egkatastash toy logismikou ths Oracle

  2.1.  Proetoimasia toy Server

  2.1.1.  Dhmioyrgia enos xrhsth Oracle

  Opws einai logiko xreiazomaste enan xrhsth na krataei thn bash
  dedomenwn ths Oracle.  Mia poy den epi8ymoume na kanoyme relink ton
  pyrhna ths Oracle (perissotera gia ayto argotera) 8a prepei na
  apodextoume tis proka8orismenes parametroys ths Oracle gia to onoma
  toy xrhsth kai to onoma toy group.  Aytes symperilambanoyn ton xrhsth
  ORACLE kai to group DBA.

  1. Synde8eite ws Root

  2. Dhmioyrgeiste to xrhsth oracle kai to group dba.

       $ groupadd dba
       $ useradd  oracle

  3. Bebaiw8eite pws ena home directory dhmioyrgeitai gia ton xrhsth

       $ mkdir /home/oracle
       $ mkdir /home/oracle/ (Version of Oracle)
       $ chown -R oracle.dba /home/oracle

  2.2.  Egkatastash apo CDROM

  Dystyxws o Oracle Installer apo to diskaki toy SCO den 8a doylecei.
  Mporei na antimetwpisete plh8wra problhmatwn, apo core dumps mexri
  kremasma.  San apotelesma, xreiazetai na antigracoyme ta arxeia apo to
  CDROM xeirwnaktika kai na ta aposympiesoyme:

  (Bebaiw8eite pws to CDROM einai prosarthmeno (mounted) sto susthma).

  1. Synde8eite san Oracle

  2. Allajte directory se /home/oracle/

  3. Antigracte ola ta arxeia egkatastashs apo to CDROM

       $ cp -a /mnt/cdrom/* .

  4. Aposympieste ola ta arxeia ths Oracle apo to CDROM.

       $ find . -name *_ -exec ~/ {} \;

  2.3.  Ergasies meta thn Egkatastash

  2.3.1.  Ergasies gia ton Root

  Pros8este tis epomenes grammes sto /etc/profile h sto .profile gia
  ka8e xrhsth poy prokeitai na xrhsimopoihsei thn Oracle.

       # Oracle Specific

       # Alter path for Oracle

  Epishs xreiazetai na allajoyme ton idiokthth kai ta pronomia xrhshs
  ths boh8htikhs efarmoghs ths Oracle ulimit increase.

       $ chown root.root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/osh
       $ chmod u+s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/osh

  2.3.2.  Ergasies gia ton Oracle

  Allajte ta pronomia xrhshs twn arxeiwn ths Oracle gia na ejasfalisete
  thn swsth leitoyrgia.

       $ chmod +x $ORACLE_HOME/bin/*
       $ chmod u+s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle

  Ta ergaleia ths Oracle apaitoun ta mhnumata na kratountai sto
  directory$ORACLE_HOME/tool_name/mesg.  Etsi, metakinhste ta arxeia msb
  apo ta directories msg_ship sta directories mesg .

       $ mv $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/mesg/.
       $ mv $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/.
       $ mv $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/mesg/.

  Dhmioyrgeiste ta akoloy8a directories an den yparxoyn:

       $ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log
       $ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit
       $ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/network/log

  2.3.3.  Pragmata poy mporeite na apomakrunete:

  Ta parakatw directories mporoun na apomakryn8oun me asfaleia:

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon2/

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/md/

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/mlx/

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/

  ·  $ORACLE_HOME/slax/

  3.  Dhmioyrgia mias Bashs Dedomenwn

  Twra, o Oracle server einai egkatesthmenos kai xreiazetai na
  dhmioyrghsoyme mia bash dedomenwn gia na elegjoyme thn egkatastash.

  3.1.  Dhmioyrgia toy Arxeioy Arxikopoihshs

  Antigracte to arxeio $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora sto
       $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
       $ cp init.ora initorcl.ora

  Tropopoihste to, pros8etontas tis akoloy8es grammes:

       db_name = orcl

  3.2.  Dhmioyrghste to Script Egkatastashs Bashs Dedomenwn

  Dhmioyrghste ena arxeio script poy na legetai makedb.sql sto
  $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory:

       connect internal
       startup nomount
       set echo on
       spool makedb.log
       create database orcl
               maxinstances 1
               maxlogfiles  8
               datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_syst_01.dbf' size 40M reuse
                       '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_01.dbf' size 1M reuse,
                       '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_02.dbf' size 1M reuse,
                       '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_03.dbf' size 1M reuse;
       create tablespace rollback
               datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_roll_01.dbf' size 8.5M reuse;
       create tablespace temporary
               datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_temp_01.dbf' size 5M reuse
       create tablespace users
               datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_user_01.dbf' size 10M reuse;
       create rollback segment r1 tablespace rollback
               storage ( optimal 5M );
       alter rollback segment r1 online;
       connect system/manager
       connect internal
       connect system/manager
       spool off

  3.3.  Ektelesh toy Script Egkatastashs Bashs Dedomenwn

  Arxiste to svrmgrl kai trejte to script:

       $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
       $ svrmgrl

       Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

       Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.

       Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
       PL/SQL Release - Production

       SVRMGR> connect internal
       SVRMGR> startup nomount
       ORACLE instance started.
       Total System Global Area       4313312 bytes
       Fixed Size                       41876 bytes
       Variable Size                  4140364 bytes
       Database Buffers                122880 bytes
       Redo Buffers                      8192 bytes
       SVRMGR> @makedb
       <polla mhnumata>
       SVRMGR> exit
       Server Manager complete.

  3.4.  Ekkinhsh ths Bashs Dedomenwn

  Arxika, xreiazetai na shkwsoyme thn bash dedomenwn me to xeri (8a to
  aytomatopoihsoyme sth synexeia).  Gia na arxisoyme mia bash dedomenwn
  Oracle xreiazetai na dwsoyme thn entolh startup afou synde8oume mazi
  ths eswterika:

  $ svrmgrl

  Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.

  Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
  PL/SQL Release - Production

  SVRMGR> connect internal
  SVRMGR> startup
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area       4313316 bytes
  Fixed Size                       41876 bytes
  Variable Size                  4140368 bytes
  Database Buffers                122880 bytes
  Redo Buffers                      8192 bytes
  Database mounted.
  Database opened.
  SVRMGR> exit
  Server Manager complete.

  3.5.  Stamatwntas thn Bash Dedomenwn

  Ajizei na anafer8ei pws h epanekkinhsh enos Linux server xwris prwta
  to katebasma (shutting down) ths bashs dedomenwn ths Oracle, exei ena
  megalo kindyno na diabrwsei (corrupt) th bash dedomenwn.

  Etsi, prin dwsoyme thn entolh toy Linux shutdown,einai syneto na
  katebasoyme th bash dedomenwn:

       $ svrmgrl

       Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

       Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.

       Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
       PL/SQL Release - Production

       SVRMGR> connect internal
       SVRMGR> shutdown
       Database closed.
       Database dismounted.
       ORACLE instance shut down.
       SVRMGR> exit
       Server Manager complete.

  3.6.  Dhmioyrgia enos Proka8orismenoy Xrhsth (Default User)

  H bash dedomenwn, opws dhmioyrgh8hke, exei dyo eidikous xrhstes poy
  dhmioyrgountai aytomata. Aytoi einai:

       Username                Password

       SYSTEM                  MANAGER
       SYS                     change_on_install

  Aytoi oi xrhstes typika xrhsimopoiountai gia na kratan tis plhrofories
  toy data dictionary information gia th bash dedomenwn.  Einai kalh
  idea na allajoyme ta passwords apo ta proka8orismena oso pio grhgora

  Ayto mporei na kator8w8ei me:

       sqlplus system/manager

       SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Feb 21 12:43:33 1998

       Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1996.  All rights reserved.

       Connected to:
       Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release

       SQL> alter user system identified by <newpassword>;

       User altered.

       SQL> alter user sys identified by <newpassword>;

       User altered.

       SQL> exit;
       Disconnected from Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
       PL/SQL Release - Production

  Mia poy o xrhsths system/manager einai paromoios me to na
  xrhsimopoieis root se mia mhxanh UNIX, xreiazetai na dhmioyrghsoyme
  ena xrhsth me ligoteres dynatothtes na blacei to susthma.  (8ymh8eite
  na shkwsete thn bash dedomenwn prin epixeirhsete na dhmioyrghsete ena

  Synde8eite sto SQL*Plus kai dhmioyrghste ena xrhsth:

  $ sqlplus system/manager

  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Feb 21 12:43:33 1998

  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1996.  All rights reserved.

  Connected to:
  Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
  PL/SQL Release - Production

  SQL> create user <user> identified by <psw>
    2  default tablespace users
    3  temporary tablespace temp;

  User created.

  SQL> grant connect, resource to <user>

  Grant succeeded.

  SQL> exit
  Disconnected from Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
  PL/SQL Release - Production

  Twra poy exete ena neo xrhsth sto susthma, mporeite na paijete me to
  neo susthma.  Gia na synde8eite me thn bash dedomenwn ths Oracle:

       $ sqlplus <user>/<password>

  Ean ayto oloklhrwnetai xwris mhnumata la8oys exete mia bash Oracle poy
  doyleuei.  An den 8elete na syndeeste sth bash ayth apo poy8ena plhn
  aytou toy Server, tote h doyleia teleiwse, apolauste thn!

  An, parola ayta, opws kai oi perissoteroi an8rwpoi 8elete na ry8misete
  to logismiko diktuwshs, wste na mporeite na syndeeste kai apo alles
  mhxanes, synexiste to diabasma.

  4.  Ry8miste to SQL*Net toy Server

  Ola ayta ta arxeia ry8mizoyn to logismiko diktuwshs ths Oracle
  (SQL*Net, twra Net8 for Oracle8).  Ayta ta arxeia 8a prepei na exoyn
  hdh dhmioyrgh8ei sto server sto $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

  4.1.  tnsnames.ora

  To arxeio TNSNAMES.ORA anagnwrizei tis dia8esimes yphresies ths
  mhxanhs.  Sto stigmiotypo (instance) mas 8a perigracoyme oles tis
  baseis dedomenwn poy o server exei proskollhmenes.  Gia ka8e ena
  stigmiotypo ths Bashs Dedomenwn (database instance) toy server sas,
  pros8este ena tmhma san to parakatw:

  orcl.world =
          (ADDRESS =
            (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
            (PROTOCOL = TCP)
            (Host = <INSERT HOST NAME OF SERVER HERE> )
            (Port = 1521)
          (ADDRESS =
            (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
            (PROTOCOL = TCP)
            (Host = <INSERT HOST NAME OF SERVER HERE> )
            (Port = 1526)

  4.2.  listener.ora

  To arxeio listener.ora periexei tis perigrafes twn yphresiwn mas poy
  alles mhxanes epitrepetai na synde8oun me aytes, ka8ws kai opoiadhpote
  ru8mish poy apaiteitai apo ton listener toy server.

  Periexei tmhma gia to onoma kai th dieu8ynsh toy listener, tis baseis
  dedomenwn poy ejyphretountai apo ton listener, ka8ws kai parametroys

  Na ena paradeigma:

  # Name of listener and addresses to listen on
          ( ADDRESS_LIST =
                  (ADDRESS =
                          (HOST=<INSERT HOST>)
                  (ADDRESS =

  # List of services served by this listener

  # Start of configuration parameters.
  TRACE_FILE_LISTENER = "listener"
  LOG_FILE_LISTENER = "listener"
  DBA_GROUP = dba

  4.3.  sqlnet.ora

  To arxeio sqlnet.ora periexei ry8miseis gia enan sygkekrimeno kombo
  toy diktuoy.  Ayto einai anejarthto toy ari8mou twn basewn h toy
  ari8mou twn listeners.  To pio shmantiko pragma sto arxeio ayto einai
  h metablhth ry8misewn Dead Connection Timeout.

  H Dead connection timeout elegxei ka8e eiserxomenh diergasia (process)
  pros ena stigmiotypo mias bashs dedomenwn kai bebaiwnei pws to meros
  toy pelath (client) antapokrinetai akoma.  An o pelaths (anejarthtws
  tupoy) den antapokrinetai tote h Oracle server shadow process
  skotwnetai (kill).

  Ayto einai polu xrhsimo Ean exete pollous pelates poy kanoyn prosbash
  sth bash dedomenwn, eidika se fash anaptyjhs opoy aytoi oi pelates
  einai pi8ano na apotygxanoyn na bgoyn omala (exit cleanly) apo thn
  B.D. ths Oracle.

  Parakatw einai ena antigrafo toy arxeioy moy sqlnet.ora gia na

  sqlnet.expire_time = 30         # The number of seconds between client checks.
  names.default_domain = world
  name.default_zone = world

  4.4.  Ekkinhsh kai Termatismos twn Listeners

  Twra poy oi ry8miseis twn listeners kai toy SQL*Net oloklhrw8hkan,
  mporoume na epixeirhsoyme na synde8oume sth bash, xrhsimopoiwntas to
  logismiko diktuwshs.  (Prin, syndeomastan me apey8eias sundesh sth
  bash, enw edw prosomoiwnoyme mia sundesh apo mia apomakrysmenh mhxanh

  Gia na arxisoyme ton listener me tis parapanw ry8miseis:

       $ lsnrctl

       LSNRCTL for SCO System V/386: Version - Production on 23-FEB-98 20:38:25

       Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994.  All rights reserved.

       Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

       LSNRCTL> start
       Starting /home/oracle/ please wait...

       TNSLSNR for SCO System V/386: Version - Production
       System parameter file is /home/oracle/
       Log messages written to /home/oracle/
       Listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=6)(HOST=
       Listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(DEV=10)(KEY=700))

       Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=magic.com)(PORT=1521)(COMMUNITY=UK_SUP_TCPIP))
       STATUS of the LISTENER
       Alias                     LISTENER
       Version                   TNSLSNR for SCO System V/386: Version - Production
       Start Date                23-FEB-98 20:38:50
       Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
       Trace Level               off
       Security                  OFF
       SNMP                      ON
       Listener Parameter File   /home/oracle/
       Listener Log File         /home/oracle/
       Services Summary...
         orcl          has 1 service handler(s)
       The command completed successfully
       LSNRCTL> exit

  Gia na termatisoyme toys listeners:

  $ lsnrctl

  LSNRCTL for SCO System V/386: Version - Production on 23-FEB-98 20:43:20

  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994.  All rights reserved.

  Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

  LSNRCTL> stop
  Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=magic.com)(PORT=1521)(COMMUNITY=UK_SUP_TCPIP))
  The command completed successfully
  LSNRCTL> exit

  An exete mia sthsei ena DNS poy den epistrefei th dieu8ynsh IP gia to
  hostname poy dhlwsate, h enarjh kai o termatismos toy listener mporei
  na parei kapoia wra (2-3 lepta. ejartwmeno apo thn timh metablhths toy
  xronoy lhjhs toy DNS).  An ayto symbainei, mhn anhsyxeite, exete

  5.  Ry8miseis Pelath (Client)

  5.1.  Pelates Windows

  H ru8mish toy SQL*Net se PC xrhsimopoiwntas tis nees ekdoseis toy
  logismikou Oracle Client einai polu eukolh.  O kaluteros (kai
  eykoloteros) tropos na epiteyx8ei mia plhrws leitoyrgikh egkatastash
  enos pelath, einai na xrhsimopoih8ei to ergaleio SQL*Net Easy
  Configuration poy parexetai apo thn Oracle.

  To ergaleio ayto exei ena interface aytomatopoihmenoy programmatos
  (wizard) gia na sas perasei apo thn egkatastash twn arxeiwn
  tnsnames.ora kai sqlnet.ora.

  Dialejte "Add Database Alias" kai balte ena onoma gia to ceydwnymo
  (alias) ths bashs otan erwth8eite when prompted.  Ayto to ceydwnymo
  einai to onoma me to opoio 8a anafereste sto stigmiotypo ths bashs,
  kai san tetoio 8a prepei na einai idio me to onoma toy stigmiotypoy
  (orcl sthn periptwsh mas).

  Dwste to  TCP/IP ws prwtokollo, kai otan erwth8eite, dwste to hostname
  ths mhxanhs poy filojenei th B.D. kai to onoma toy stigmiotypoy ths
  bashs dedomenwn.

  Ayto htan.

  Parola ayta, an den exete to ergaleio SQL*Net Easy Configuration mhn
  anhsyxeite.  Mporeite apla na dhmioyrghsete ta arxeia tnsnames.ora kai
  sqlnet.ora files sto $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory toy pelath,
  akribws opws einai sto server.  Ayto 8a sas parexei ena ceydwnymo idio
  me to onoma ston server (poy etsi kai alliws apotelei panta mia kalh

  5.2.  Pelates Unix

  Oi pelates UNIX den einai polu diaforetikoi apo toys pelates windows.
  An exete to Network Manager ths Oracle tote xrhsimopoihste to me ton
  idio tropo opws parapanw.  An oxi, pali mporeite na xrhsimopoihsete
  apla ta idia arxeia ry8misewn toy server sto
  $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

  6.  Aytomato Anebasma (Startup) kai Katebasma (Shutdown)

  6.1.  dbstart  & dbstop

  To aytomato anebasma (Startup) kai katebasma (Shutdown) ths bashs
  dedomenwn Oracle mporei na epiteyx8ei (sthn me ta arxeia
  dbstart kaidbshut, poy kai ta dyo parexontai apo thn Oracle.  Ayta ta
  arxeia basizontai sthn uparjh toy arxeioy /etc/oratab gia na doylecoyn
  (an kai allazontas ta arxeia dbshut kai dbstart ayto mporei na

  To format toy arxeioy /etc/oratab einai ws akolou8ws:


  Ena paradeigma:


  6.2.  init.d  & rc.d

  Gia na ekkinhsete kai stamathsete th bash dedomenwn otan to mhxanhma
  anebainei kai katebainei mporeite na allajete tis roytines ekkinhshs
  ths Linux mhxanhs sas.  Einai arketa eukolo, an kai 8a h8ela na
  shmeiwsw edw, pws mporei na diaferei analoga me thn ekdosh Linux
  (slackware, debian, redhat, etc).  8a deijw paradeigmata poy doyleuoyn
  gia to Redhat Linux 5.0.  Gia na ta tropopoihsete analoga, gia th
  dikia sas ekdosh toy Linux, diabaste thn tekmhriwsh toy Linux sas.
  (Parolo poy 8a prepei na stekei gia ka8e UNIX tupoy Sys V).

  Prwta, xreiazetai na dhmioyrghsoyme to script poy 8a trexei tis dbshut
  kai dbstart sto directory /etc/rc.d/init.d.  Dhmioyrghste to akoloy8o
  arxeio ws /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle:

  # /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle
  # Description: Starts and stops the Oracle database and listeners
  # See how we were called.
  case "$1" in
          echo -n "Starting Oracle Databases: "
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Starting Oracle Databases as part of system up." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          su - oracle -c dbstart >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          echo -n "Starting Oracle Listeners: "
          su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start" >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          echo ""
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          touch /var/lock/subsys/oracle
          echo -n "Shutting Down Oracle Listeners: "
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Shutting Down Oracle Databases as part of system down." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop" >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          rm -f /var/lock/subsys/oracle
          echo -n "Shutting Down Oracle Databases: "
          su - oracle -c dbshut >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          echo ""
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          echo -n "Restarting Oracle Databases: "
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Restarting Oracle Databases as part of system up." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          su - oracle -c dbstop >> /var/log/oracle
          su - oracle -c dbstart >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          echo -n "Restarting Oracle Listeners: "
          su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop" >> /var/log/oracle
          su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start" >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "Done."
          echo ""
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
          echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
          touch /var/lock/subsys/oracle
          echo "Usage: oracle {start|stop|restart}"
          exit 1

  Ajizei na elegx8ei pws to arxeio stamataei kai arxizei th bash
  pragmatika swsta, sto susthma sas.  Koitajte to arxeio mhnymatwn (log
  file), /var/log/oracle gia mhnumata la8oys.

  Afou to script ayto doyleuei, xreiazetai na dhmioyrghsoyme symbolikes
  enwseis (symbolic links) start kai kill sta antistoixa runlevel
  directories /etc/rc.d/rcX.d.

  Oi epomenes entoles 8a ejasfalisoyn pws oi baseis dedomenwn 8a aneboyn
  sta runlevels 2,3 and 4:

       $ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S99oracle
       $ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99oracle
       $ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S99oracle

  Gia na stamathsete tis baseis dedomenwn se epanekkinhsh 8a xreiastoume
  ta akoloy8a links:

       $ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01oracle          # Halting
       $ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K01oracle          # Rebooting

  7.  Alla pragmatakia

  7.1.  Intelligent Agent

  An exete anagkh gia ton Oracle Intelligent Agent, brhka pws mporeite
  na ton trejete xwris allages ry8misewn.  Gia na arxisete ton IA

       $ lsnrctl dbsnmp_start

  Gia na stamathsete ton IA dokimaste:

       $ lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop

  Den fainetai na yparxoyn mhnumata poy na deixnoyn thn epityxhmenh h mh
  arxh h termatismo toy intelligent agent.  Parola ayta, o IA apanthse
  ston Enterprise manager sthn pleyra toy client kai etsi mporw na
  ypo8esw pws doyleuei

  8.  Eyxaristies / Anagnwriseis

  To keimeno basisthke se ena keimeno toy Bob Withers, bwit@pobox.com.
  Epipleon plhrofories par8hkan apo keimena poy  grafthkan apo toys
  Georg Rehfeld, rehfeld@wmd.de kai David Mansfield,

  Diabasma kai elegxos toy keimenoy egine apo toys Bob Withers, Mark
  Watling, mwatling@mjw-ltd.demon.co.uk, Peter Sodhi,
  petersodhi@unn.unisys.com kai Greg Hankins,

  Oi eyxaristies moy sthn tromerh yposthrijh apo toys an8rwpoy poy
  anamix8hkan se ayto to keimeno kai sthn ereyna poy egine se ayto
  Eidikes eyxaristies ston Bob Withers kai ton Mark Watling gia ta
  epipleon sxolia kai boh8eia poy proseferan.

  9.  Peri ths Ellhnikhs Metafrashs

  Gia sxolia, parathrhseis, dior8wseis, enhmerwseis peri ths Ellhnikhs
  metafrashs aytou toy HOWTO, steilte email sthn Boula Sanida :
  voulariba@hellug.gr h ston Eyripidh Papakwsta : evris@hellug.gr kai
  enallaktika : ep@rocketmail.com